Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23 Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23 Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23 Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23 Escola:_________________________________________________________________ Professor(a):_____________________________________________Turma:__________ Aluno(a):________________________________________________Data:___/___/_____ 1) Rewrite the sentences using the personal pronouns. (Reescreva as frases empregando os personal pronouns.) a) Jane is thin. b) The lion is furious. c) Peter and Paul are brothers. d) The car is old. e) Susan and you are rich. f) John and I are dentists. 2) Read the text below: “Washington was born to a moderately prosperous Virginian family of colonial planters and slaveholders. He had early educational opportunities, learned mathematics, and soon launched a successful career as a surveyor which enabled him to make significant land investments. He then became a senior leader of the Virginia militia and played major roles in the French and Indian War. He was appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, leading an allied campaign to victory at the Siege of Yorktown which ended the war. His devotion to Republicanism and revulsion for tyrannical power impelled him to decline further authority after victory, and he resigned as commander-in-chief in 1783.” How many personal pronouns are there in this text? a) 5 b) 6 c) 4 d) 7 e) 8 3) Choose the correct pronouns a) This is Samuel. I go to school with________. ( ) he ( ) him b) ______ are going into town. ( )we ( ) our c) Why are you looking at ______? ()I ( ) me Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23 Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG301 – EM13LGG304 Escola:_________________________________________________________________ Professor(a):_____________________________________________Turma:__________ Aluno(a):________________________________________________Data:___/___/_____ d) _____ goes to the bed at nine o'clock ( ) she ( ) her e) This is Tom's piano. _____ plays it every day. ( ) he ( ) him f) These are my cats. Do you like _____? ( ) They ( ) them g) She told _____ an interesting story. ()I ( ) me 4) Observe as sentenças abaixo: I - My father always was an honest man. II - He built a hospital downtown. III - Today, his hospital is also a university Assinale a alternativa correta: a) O artigo indefinido está sendo usado incorretamente nas três sentenças. b) O artigo indefinido está sendo usado corretamente somete nas sentenças II e III. c) O artigo indefinido está sendo usado corretamente somete nas sentenças I e III. d) O artigo indefinido está sendo usado corretamente somete nas sentenças I e II. e) O uso do artigo indefinido está correto nas três sentenças. 5) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sequência que completa as lacunas a seguir: __________ Indian the ecologist saw, started __________ horrible fire because of __________ ordinary yellow bird __________ flew over his head. a) a; the; a; who b) an; the; a; whose c) the; a; an; which d) the; an; a; whom e) a; an; a; which. Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23 Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG301 – EM13LGG304 Escola:_________________________________________________________________ Professor(a):_____________________________________________Turma:__________ Aluno(a):________________________________________________Data:___/___/_____ 6) Put a, an or some where necessary and choose the correct alternative. I’ve seen __________ good films recently. What’s wrong with you? Have you got _________ headache. _________ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly. I don’t feel very well this morning. I’ve got _______ sore throat. a) a - an - some - a b) some - a - an - a c) a - a - some – an d) some - a - some - a 7) Read the fragment below. Some children is more likely to develop teeth cavities. In the context above there is mistake related to a or an: a) Article. b) Verb. c) Preposition. d) Adverb. 8) Neil Armstrong se tornou o primeiro homem a pisar na Lua em 20 de julho de 1969. Na ocasião, estima-se que 500 milhões de pessoas assistiam e ouviam quando ele disse a famosa frase: “That’s one small step for ___ man, one giant leap for mankind.” Assinale a alternativa que, correta e gramaticalmente, completa a frase dita por Armstrong. a) A. b) An. c) For. d) Não é necessário colocar nenhuma palavra. 9) Articles frequently accompany nouns. Choose the alternative that presents a general and a specific article, respectively. a) the and of. b) the and an. c) a and of. d) a and an. e) a and the. Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23 Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG301 – EM13LGG304 Escola:_________________________________________________________________ Professor(a):_____________________________________________Turma:__________ Aluno(a):________________________________________________Data:___/___/_____ 10) Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price said he was "horrified" at abuse aimed on womenin his party. In the bold item above, there is a mistake related to: a) A preposition. b) An article. c) A verb tense. d) A noun. 11) In the cartoon, the underlined word is a) an adjective. b) a conjunction. c) a verb. d) an adverb. e) a noun. 12) Entre os substantivos seguintes, identifique aquele que forma o plural como POTATO – POTATOES; TOMATO – TOMATOES. a) avocado b) zoo c) shampo d) embryo e) hero Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23 Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG301 – EM13LGG304 Escola:_________________________________________________________________ Professor(a):_____________________________________________Turma:__________ Aluno(a):________________________________________________Data:___/___/_____ 13) The plural form of the word ‘analysis’, is: a) analysies b) analyses c) analyze d) analysi e) analys 14) THESE are THOSE are used as plural form of demonstrative pronouns. Which alternative contains all words in plural form? a) teeth – dice - news b) mailwoman – glasses - means c) zoos – roofes - means d) monarchs – oxen - lice 15) Assinale a alternativa em que todos os substantivos estão corretamente escritos no plural de acordo com as normas da Gramática da Língua Inglesa: a) radios – tomatoes – chiefs – wifes b) mangoes – lice – oxen - bamboos c) wolves – handkerchiefs – mice - buses d) cities – feet – studioes – children Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23 Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG301 – EM13LGG304 Conteúdo licenciado para Silvaneia Maria de Sales Martins - 044.652.936-23