IS – LM model and Aggregate Demand (AD) in close economy CONTENT v The overview of the model v The balance in good market and IS curve v The balance in monetary market and LM curve v Simultaneous balance in commodity and currency markets v The impact of fiscal policy v The impact of monetary policy 1. OVERVIEW OF THE MODEL v K n o w n a s t h e H i ck s - H a n s e n m o d e l , i t w a s introduced and developed by economists John Hicks (1904-1989) and Alvin Hansen (1887 - 1975) in the 1930s. v Explains Keynes's very famous and influential work "General theory of employment, interest and money". 1. OVERVIEW OF THE MODEL v The economy in IS - LM model include two markets: • The good market is represented through the IS (Investment – Saving) curve. • The money market is represented by the LM curve (Liquidity preference – Money Supply). § Interest rates affect both investment and demand for money => the main linking factor of the components in the IS-LM model. 1. OVERVIEW OF THE MODEL v This model clearly shows how to determine aggregate demand through the interaction between the good and monetary markets. 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE 2.1. The Keynesian cross model 2.2. Interest rate, investment and IS curve 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE 2.1. The Keynesian cross model • The main tool for constructing the IS curve is the Keynesian cross model. • Expected expenditure (planned expenditure) is the amount of money that households, businesses and shareholders plan to spend to buy goods and services. 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE 2.1. The Keynesian cross model The difference between planned expenditure and actual expenditure is the unplanned investment in inventory. hàng bán và hàng dự đoán=> hàng tồn kho + Goods sold < expected: inventory increased + Goods sold > expected: inventory decreased => Actual expenditure is different from expected expenditure. inventory bao gồm : raw mater, semi gì đó, FG 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE 2.1. The Keynesian cross model In a simple closed economy, the total planned expenditure (APE/AE – Aggregate Planned Expenditure) of the economy is equal to: APE = C+ I + G - With: C = C(Y-T) I=� G=� T=� => APE = C (Y- �) + � + � AGGREGATE PLANNED EXPENDITURE APE APE= C(Y – ) + MPC Y The slope of APE curve is MPC + 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE v The economy reaches equilibrium when: Planned expenditure = Actual expenditure APE = Y tổng thu nhập bằng tổng chi tiêu= cân bằng THE KEYNESIAN CROSS MODEL APE Y = APE tổng chi tiêu APE A điểm cân bằng Planned expenditure 450 Y Equilibrium income tổng thu nhập THE KEYNESIAN CROSS MODEL v Government purchases and expenditure multiplier chính phủ gia tăng tổng chi tiêu=> tác động lên tổng sản lượng G => APE curve shift upward => Y rises APE điểm cân bằng 2 delta Y= m x (dt G) B APE= Y APE2 APE1 G A Y G tăng=> APE tăng=> y tăng 45o Y1 Y2 Y THE KEYNESIAN CROSS MODEL v The changing process of income v When Government purchase increases G: - Initial change in Government purchase: G - Thay đổi ban đầu trong nước mua hàng của CP: G - The first change in consumption: MPCx G - The second change in consumption: MPC2 x G - The third change in consumption: - … MPC3 x G MPC=dtC/dtYd => dtC= MPC* dtYd= MPC* dtG THE KEYNESIAN CROSS MODEL v The changing process of income The final increase in income is: Y = (1 + MPC + MPC2 + MPC3 +…)G or (2.1) With: m = Y/G then: (m>1) THE KEYNESIAN CROSS MODEL v The changing process of income • m is called expenditure multiplier of Government • Meaning: it shows how much the output increases when Government expenditure increases extra 1 unit. 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE 2.2. Interate rate, investment and IS curve 2.2.1. Definition - The IS (Investment – Saving) curve is a set of different combinations of interest rates and output at which the goods market is in equilibrium. 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE 2.2. Interate rate, investment and IS curve 2.2.2. How to build IS curve - With initial interate rate r 1 : I = I(r 1 ) => APE 1 => identify E1 (r1, Y1). - With r2: I = I(r2) => APE2 => identify E2 (r2, Y2) - Connect E1 and E2 -> IS curve 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE APE APE1 APE2 I Y ở lãi suất r1 sẽ có lượng đầu tư I1 - mà I trong APE nên sẽ có đường APE1 Y2 lãi suất R1 tăng=> đầu tư giảm xuống I2 => tổng chi tiêu nền kinh tế giảm xuống APE2 => ta có mức sản lượng Y2 và lãi suất R2 sẽ có điểm cân bằng E2 r r2 r1 chi phí tăng lên đầu tư giảm xuống => I2 c r r2 E2 với Y1 và R1 sẽ có điểm giao E1( điểm sản lượng cân bằng) E1 r1 I I2 Y1 I1 I IS Y2 Y1 đường IS( invesmentsaving) thể hiện mối quan hệ giữa lãi xuất (IR) và output Y 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE 2.2. Interate rate, investment and IS curve 2.2.3. Feature - IS curve slopes downward reflecting inverse relationship between interest rate and income. - The slope is negative. 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE 2.2. Interate rate, investment and IS curve 2.2.4. The shift of IS curve When r unchanges, other factors change would shift IS curve. Other factors are: - Increase in household consumption - Increase in private sector’s investment - Increase in Government expenditure on G&S 2. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE GOOD MRKET AND IS CURVE APE E2 APE2 APE1 E1 Y r E1 đường IS dịch chuyển khi sản lượng thay đổi , lãi xuất ko đổi - các yếu tố tác động( C,G,I) E2 r1 IS2 IS1 Y1 Y2 Y= G/ (1-MPC) Y 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE 3.1. Liquidity preference theory 3.2. Interest rate, investment and LM curve 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE 3.1. Liquidity preference theory - The equilibrium condition in the monetary market MS = MD - MS depends on: + M – policy variable determined by CB. + P – exogenous variables in the model - MD (L) epends on r and Y => The monetary market is in equilibrium when: M/P = L(r, Y) 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE r r* MS A L(r,Y) Real money balances 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE 3.2. Interest rate, investment and LM curve 3.2.1. Definition - The LM (Liquidity preference – Money Supply) curve is a set of different combinations of interest rates and output at which the money market is in equilibrium, with the real money supply remaining constant. 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE 3.2. Interest rate, investment and LM curve 3.2.2. How to build LM curve - With Y1, the money market balances at r1 => E1 (r1, Y1) - With Y2, the money market balances at r2 => E2 (r2, Y2) - Connect E1 and E2 -> LM curve. 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE r MS r r2 B r1 A thị trường cân bằng vs mức r1 và Y1 E2 r2 r1 LM E1 L2 L1 L : cầu tiền M/P M/P Y1 Y2 y : thu nhập (a) Real monetary market (b) LM Curve Lm là đường tập hợp điểm cân bằng của thị truòng Y 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE 3.2. Interest rate, investment and LM curve 3.2.3. Feature: - LM curve slopes upward reflecting proportionate relationship between income and interest rate. LM shift khi Y ko đổi 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE 3.2. Interest rate, investment and LM curve 3.2.4. The shift of LM - When Y unchanges, a change in money supply/ money demand would shift LM curve. 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE 3.2. Interest rate, investment and LM curve 3.2.4. The shift of LM curve Ex1: Suppose the Central Bank increases the money supply, under the condition that the price level P remains unchanged, the real money supply will increase. 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE MS1 MS2 MS : đường cung tiền r r r1 r2 LM1 E1 r1 E2 LM2 E1 r2 E2 cung tiền tăng làm cho LM dịch chuyển về phía bên phải L giá ko đổi M/P Y 3. THE EQUILIBRIUM ON THE MONETARY MRKET AND LM CURVE 3.2. Interest rate, investment and LM curve 3.2.5. The shift of LM curve Example 2: Suppose an increase in credit card fraud causes consumers to use cash more often to make transactions. 4. SIMULTANEOUS BALANCE IN GOOD AND MONETARY MARKETS IS: Y = C(Y-T) +I(r) +G LM: M/P = L(r, Y) xác định r khi thoả mãn điều kiện hệ phương trình IS=LM cân bằng khi LM giao IS 5. THE IMPACT OF FISCAL POLICY 5.1. Multiplier effect hiệu ứng cấp số nhân 5.2. Investment crowding out effect hư lấn át đầu tư 5. THE IMPACT OF FISCAL POLICY 5.1. Multiplier effect vC a s e 1 : G o v e r n m e n t e x p e n d i t u r e i n c r e a s e s ( G increases -> APE increases -> IS shift right) tăng chi tiêu kv công=> tăng khoảng dtG r LM B r2 A IS2 r1 IS1 Y Y1 Y2 y tăng gấp m lần dtG 5. THE IMPACT OF FISCAL POLICY 5.1. Multiplier effect v Case 2: decrease T (T -> YD -> C -> IS ) giám nhân nhập tăng thuế thu nhập cá ảnh hưởng Yd( thu khả dụng) tăng => c -> IS tăng LM r B r2 A r1 IS2 IS1 Y1 Y2 Y 5. THE IMPACT OF FISCAL POLICY 5.2. Investment crowding out effect r LM B r2 - thị trường hàng hoá chính phủ tăng mức mua sắm -> dtG tăng-> APE tăng -> IS tăng => shift phải ( hiện tượng cấp số nhân) - thị trường tiền tệ thu nhập tăng lên Y1’ -> câù tiền tăng lên-> lãi xuất tăng lên A r1 IS2 y1 tăng lên y1’ : nhu cầu sử dụng hàng hoá tăng ( trong thị trg hàng hoá), do tác động từ thị trường tiền tệ nên lãi suất sẽ tăng lên=> quay về điểm B y1’ tăng lên y2 gọi là hiện tg lấn át đầu tư IS1 Y1 Y 2 slide cuối trong FF Y’1 Y