Homework Assignment 8 ITM200 Fundamentals of Programming Information Technology Management Ted Rogers School of Management Ryerson University Submission Policy • Submit through D2L • Submit the following two things o source codes (.py files) and o report (.docx or pdf file) • In the report, you must attach the following screenshots of your work o code o output • Your report should contain your Name and ID • Discuss if you faced any difficulties Problem 1: Score Stats Based on the provided scores.txt file print the following information. o Mode score o Median score o Range of scores 3x20 = 60 points You are not allowed to import any libraries or packages except string. To recall the concept of mode, median, and range see the following tutorial. Problem 2: Dream Car 40 points Write a program that contains a class called Car. o Use __init__() method initialize the following variables/fields within the class. • make • model • year • color o Now create a Car type object called DreamCar. o Within the class Car define a method called info() in order to print your dream car information.