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Improve English & Confidence: Presentation

Agenda for Segment 2
Improving English, Communication & Personality
How to improve English?
Boosting charm and confidence
Live Questions
Module 1
How to improve
Reality Check
You not speaking English
is NOT as big of a problem
as youʼd think
But knowing how to
Write well in English will
always help you.
Before you start speaking well
You should start writing
Try investing in a
Grammar Check
Plugin on PC
And start writing your thoughts
10-15 mins daily
Step #2
Read books aloud
Be in front of a mirror
and see if your
tongue can speak in
a smooth flow
When you practice speech
Grammar and vocabulary
Pace and smoothness
Accent and tonality
You need
at least 50 days
For each of these three components
For grammar/vocabulary
Only writing with a
grammar check +
reading books aloud
15 mins each for 50 days
For pace and smoothness
Practice debating / door
to door or stage speaking
You can practice in-house too
For accent and tonality
Learn from good
speakers and YT videos
There are tons of them
English makes me smarter
English helps me reach more people
My accent matters a lot
What you say matters a lot
Sound smart with heavy words
Clear and easy to listen words
I didnʼt knew
I didnʼt know
Long texts
Short texts
Call to Action
Set a daily time slot to
write and read aloud
From Module 1
Start watching YT Videos
on common grammar err.
Give yourself at least 15
days before you judge.
Module 2
Boosting charm and
In school, most popular kids get so
Because of their good
But this doesnʼt stay for long
In majority cases,
A normal kid stays away
from taking risks
or investing in charisma
But you will always have
More opportunities if you
know how to charm
People around you
Charm is
NOT just about your
There is a lot more to it
Look like George Clooney
Look and feel the best version of yourself
But first, you need
Stable mind and health
Enough income to pay bill + extras
A hard skill that helps businesses
Because without money/health
No amount of good looks
or charm will stay
So please finish the basics first.
The entire society has
stupid standards that are
fueled by social media
It is your choice if you want to play or not
What all did I do?
Finished my degree + got a good job
Kept my expenses low
Start travelling and visiting events
Core Facets:
How you look
What you wear
How you stand
If you think you look good
Then it will be resonated
when you speak live.
But even then, there are some hacks..
A lot of your skin and hair
Depends on genetics and
your lifestyle habits
Habits for better skin
Warm water as I wake up
More vegetables and fruit
Less sugar/spice/chips/biscuits/yolk
You can also try
Replacing towels/pillow covers often
Facewash after gym and before sleeping
Dandruff and oil reducing products
Products that I invest in
Regular scrubbing
Hair Serum (for frizz/dandruff hair)
Clean razors for shave
If you donʼt workout
Your body will keep
looking weaker
I am guilty of this
because I also struggle
working out daily
Invest in clothes that are
Basic and easy to
maintain in general
Most people that youʼd consider
Fancy are actually pretty
broke on the inside.
I always used to stand
In a leaning manner
without taking space
I always used to think
I am way uncooler than
everyone else in room
Earning your own money
Will you give you the
confidence to speak
You should 100% checkout
Charisma on Command
and our Livestream
Call to Action
Inventory of your sleep
and daily water/food
From Module 2
Physical activity / walking
Invest in better skincare,
haircare and clothes
Show of Hands 󰜲
Who has questions?
Consider before
Asking a Question
Your question should end in 60 seconds
Skip objective questions (use AI/Google)