Uploaded by Robert Patrick Talabis

Spacecraft & Aircraft Sensors and Instrumentation Overview

Spacecraft and Aircraft
Sensors and Instrumentation
Digital Sensor Signal
Instrumentation and Control
Refers to a field of engineering and
technology that involves the
measurement, monitoring, and
regulation of various processes and
systems to ensure their efficient and
safe operation.
Control System
Control System is a system of devices
or processes designed to manage,
regulate, and manipulate the behaviour
of other systems or processes to
achieve desired objectives or maintain
specific conditions.
Open Loop Control System
This is a type of control system where
the control action is executed without
feedback from the output or the actual
system state.
Analog Sensor Signal
This is a type of control system that
uses feedback from the system’s output
or the actual state of the system to
continuously adjust and regulate the
control input in order to maintain or
achieve a desired setpoint or reference
Sensors are devices or instruments that
are designed to detect, measure, or
sense changes in the physical
environment and convert these changes
into electrical, digital, or other
quantifiable signals that can be easily
processes, displayed, or recorded.
This refers to an output signal from a
sensor that represents data in a
continuous and proportional manner,
typically as a continuous voltage,
current, or other analog quantity.
Classification of Sensors
Active Sensor
This is a type of sensor that requires an
external source of energy or power to
operate and generate a response.
Passive Sensors
Closed Loop Control System
This refers to an output signal from a
sensor that is in digital form, meaning it
represents data as discrete values or
binary code.
This is a type of sensor that detects and
measures physical or environmental
properties without requiring an external
power source or active stimulation.
Instead of emitting energy or signals,
passive sensors rely on natural
environmental stimuli, such as light,
heat, or sound, and respond to changes
in these stimuli to provide information
about the parameter being measured.
Process Variables