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CIS 3500 Computer Networking Syllabus - Baruch College

Welcome to CIS 3500, Computer Networking
Welcome to CIS 3500, Computer Networking.
This course covers a large amount of material, introducing many new terms and concepts. Do
not attempt to memorize the material – the way to do well in this course is to read the
assigned material before class and to use the lecture as an opportunity to clarify any portion of
the material that you had not previously understood.
You will find that I make extensive use of Blackboard. A syllabus has been posted on the
Blackboard site (see Content Areas/Syllabus). Materials for each chapter can be found in
Content Areas/Course Materials/Chapters. Please familiarize yourself with the Blackboard
site and read the syllabus and Chapter One of the text before the first meeting of the course.
I will update the site and these materials as the semester progresses.
During the course, we will be discussing current industry issues, basing our discussions on
articles from The New York Times and other sources. I will email you to let you know when I
have posted new articles or advisories, so please check your email and the Announcements
section of Blackboard on a daily basis. Be sure to look up any words or terms that you come
across and are not familiar with.
Stanley Wine
Adjunct Lecturer
Paul H. Chook Department of Information Systems and Statistics
Baruch College
1 Bernard Baruch Way, B12-210C
New York, NY 10010 (646) 312-3413
Welcome Version 1.0 Spring 2023 12/31/2022