Transmission n Compon nent Overrview The e typical Allison A four speed uses u a serries of sha afts to tran nsmit rota ational pow wer. A. The T turbin ne shaft is s at the fro ont of the transmisssion in yellow. 1. Itt transmitss rotationa al power from f the torque t con nverter turbine to th he transm mission gea aring. B. The T groun nd sleeve in white iss often referred to as a the sta ator shaft. 1. The T torque e converte er stator splines s to the groun nd sleeve.. C. The T main shaft in blue b is in the middle e of the tra ansmissio on. 1. Itt transmitss rotationa al power from f the turbine t sh haft to inte ernal comp ponents. D. The T sun gear g shaft in brown is positioned aroun nd the ma ain shaft. 1. Itt transmitss rotationa al power from f the turbine t sh haft to inte ernal comp ponents. E. The T outpu ut shaft is in green at a the rear of the tra ansmissio on. 1. Itt providess transmis ssion outp put to the vehicle's v d drive train n. The e transmisssion's shafts are supported in the hou using by: A. The T front support. s 1. Bolted B to the t transm mission ho ousing and d supportts the turb bine shaft.. B. The T Centrre supportt. C. The T rear cover. c 1. Supports S t outputt shaft. the The e torque converter c is i located at the fro ont of the transmiss t sion. A. It suppliess rotationa al input fro om the engine to th he transmiission turb bine shaftt. The e typical Allison A four speed has h three sets s of pla anetary ge ears. A. The T front, centre an nd rear pla anetary ge ear sets. 1. Some S com mponents are physically attacched to ea ach otherr through the t conne ecting drum. Planetary gear compo onents are e held or input by cllutches. A. The T typica al four spe eed uses five f clutch hes, labelled from the t rear off the transsmission. 1. Clutches C I through 3 are statiionary clu utches. a. They T hold compone ents. 2. Fourth F and d forward clutches are rotatin ng clutche es. a. They T conn nect shafts s to provid de rotational input to t variouss planetaryy gear com mponents.. Con ntrol valve es control clutch ap pplication and relea ase. A. Control C va alves are located l in n the valve e body assembly an nd front support. Torrque Convverter Ope eration The e torque converter c provides p a hydro-m mechanica al coupling g that sup pplies rota ational inpu ut from the engine to the tran nsmission n's gearing g. The e torque converter c has h four main m components: A. The T pump p, stator, turbine and lock-up clutch. The con nverter's pump p is bolted to the convverter covver. A. The pump p rota ates at en ngine speed. 1. As th he pump ro otates, flu uid enters from aro ound the pump hub b. 2. Centrrifugal forrce causess fluid to be throw wn around d the outsside of the e pump and over to o the convverter turbine. 3. Once e the force e reaches a certain point, th he fluid be egins to sp pin the turbine. The con nverter's turbine t is splined to o the tran nsmission turbine sh haft. A. Fluid d from the converter pump strikes the t turbine e's vaness and eventua ally forcess the turbin ne to rotate. l. Since the turbin ne is splin ned to the turbine shaft, the e turbine shaft s rotates and supp plies input to the transmission's ge earing. 2. Fluid exits the turbine near its hub b and flow ws to the stator. s The e stator re edirects flu uid back to o the convverter pum mp. A. When W fluid d from the e turbine hits h the fro ont of the stator bla ades, the stator s lockks aga ainst its on ne-way clu utch. 1. Fluid F leaving the loc cked stato or is directted back to t the pum mp at an accelerate a ed rate, incrreasing to orque. B. As A the turb bine gains s speed, it i directs oil o to the back b side of the sta ator blades, cau using the stator s to "ffreewheel." 1. Fluid F flowing throug gh the free ewheeling g stator is no longerr accelera ated and does d not incrrease torq que. 2. As A turbine speed increases, flow f throu ugh the stator beco omes smoother and d eve entually stops. Vortexx Flow Vortexx flow occu urs when the stator is in th he locked position. A. Fluid is directed from the t pump to the turbine. 1. The e turbine iss still stalled or moving g slowly. B. Fluid exiting the turbin ne strikes the fro ont face off the stato or blades. 1. Thiss locks the e stator. C. The e locked stator s directs fluid back to o the pum mp at an accele erated rate e. 1. This T helpss the pump p increase e torque be b adding an extra "push." Rotaryy Flow Rotaryy flow occurs when the stator is in the frreewheeliing positio on. A. As the t turbine begins to t rotate and itss speed in ncreases, the fluid exiting g the turbin ne strikess the backk of the stator blades. 1. Thiss frees the e one-wayy clutch and allows the stator s to ro otate. 2. The e fluid flow w through the statorr becom mes much smoother and slowly ceases. a. Thiss eliminate es torque increase. Torrque Convverter Ope eration Locck-Up Cluttch Opera ation The e torque converter's c s fluid cou upling will never allo ow turbine e speed to o equal en ngine spe eed. A. Once O rotary flow ha as been achieved and a certain n speed and a range e requirem ments are mett, the torque converter attain ns "lock-up p." 1. This T physical conne ection betw ween the converterr turbine and a pump p allows th he turbine to ro otate at engine spe eed. Lock-up clutch components include: A. The backing plate - located directly in front of the turbine and bolted to the converter front cover. 1. The backing plate always rotates at engine speed. B. A lock-up clutch plate assembly - located next to the backing plate. 1. It's splined directly to the turbine shaft. C. The lock-up clutch piston - located inside the converter front cover. 1. It's splined to the converter front cover and always rotates at engine speed. Hydraulic fluid forced between the front cover and lock-up clutch piston causes the piston to move. A. This "sandwiches" the clutch plate between the piston and backing plate, forcing the clutch plate to rotate at engine speed. 1. Since the clutch plate is splined to the turbine shaft, the transmission's input equals engine RPM. Planetary Ge ears Allisson transm missions use sets of o planeta ary gears to t create a variety of output ratios. A. Understan U nding basic planeta ary gear operation is critical to t understtanding ba asic tran nsmission operating g principle es. B. Planetary P gear sets s consist of o a sun gear, plane etary pinio on gears (held ( by a carrier) and d a ring ge ear. C. Gear G relattionships: 1. When W two gears witth externa al teeth mesh, theirr rotation is opposite each other. a. Example E - the sun gear g and pinion p gea ars. 2. When W a ge ear with external e te eeth mesh hes with a gear with h internal teeth, t the ey rotate in th he same direction. d a. Example E - the pinion gears and a the rin ng gear. D. These T gea ar relation nships pro ovide the basis b for planetary p gear operation. The e Basic law ws Of Pla anetary Ge ear Sets When one planetary componen c nt is held and a anoth her is rotatted, or "in nput," the third mem mber becomes an output me echanism. A. Depending D g on whic ch compon nents are held and input, the e planetarry gear se et can devvelop vario ous outpu ut ratios: . De ecrease output o spe eed. . Inccrease ou utput spee ed. . Prrovide dire ect, 1 to I drive. . Crreate reve erse. B. To T decrea ase speed d: 1. The T ring gear is held and the e sun gearr is rotated d, or "inpu ut." a. The T carrier become es output, rotating at a a slowe er speed th han the su un gear. C. To T increasse speed:: 1. The T ring iss held and d the carrier is input. a. The T sun gear becom mes outpu ut and rota ates faste er than the e carrier. D. In direct drive: d 1. No N compo onents are e held and d two com mponents are a input in the sam me directio on and spe eed. a. The T third member m becomes b o output rotating the same spe eed and direction d a input. as E. To T create reverse: 1. The T carrier is held and a eitherr the sun or o ring gear is inputt. a. Iff the ring gear is input, the sun gear becomes b o output. 1) The T sun gear rotate es the opp posite dire ection, fasster than the ring ge ear. b. Iff the sun gear g is inp put, the ring gear becomes b o output. 1) The T ring gear g rotate es the opp posite dire ection, slo ower than the sun gear. g Clutches Clutches provide the input and holding power plan netary gea ar sets req quire for operation. o . A. Clutches C c be eitther rotatin can ng or stationary. 1. Rotating R c clutches su upply rota ational inp put to othe er shafts or o compon nents. 2. Stationary S y clutches hold com mponents in i place, allowing a o other components to be inpu ut and outtput. B. Clutches C c consist of two interttwined se ets of clutcch plates and a a pistton. 1. Two T kinds of plates are used d - fibre, "ffriction," plates p and steel, "re eaction," plates. p a. Plates P are alternate ed in the clutch c asse embly so that they sandwich h each oth her. C. One O set of clutch plates is sp plined to an a inner componen c nt, the othe er is splined to an oute er component (usually a hou using). D. Even E thou ugh the pla ates are intertwined d, they rotate indep pendentlyy. E. The T clutch h assembly has a piston p and d spring. 1. When W the clutch is applied, a th he piston forces the e intertwin ned platess togetherr as one unitt. the piston 2. When W the clutch is released, r n is return ned by the e spring. F. Iff one of th he compo onents splined to the clutch plates p is stationary, the clutch is a "sta ationary cllutch." G. If I both com mponents s splined to t the cluttch plates are capa able of rota ating, the clutch is a "rrotating clu utch." Transmission n Configuration The e typical fo our speed d on-highw way transm mission uses three e planetaryy gear setts. A. They T are labelled l re ear, Centrre and fro ont from th he back off the transsmission. The e four speed on-hig ghway tran nsmission n uses five e clutchess. A. They T are labelled l 1st through h 4th and forward, from the back b of th he transmission. 1. When W the forward clutch c is applied, it connects c the turbin ne shaft to o the main n shaft. 2. When W 4th clutch is applied, a itt connectss the turbiine shaft to t the sun n gear sha aft. 3. When W 3rd clutch is applied, a itt holds the e sun gea ar shaft sta ationary. 4. When W 2nd d clutch is applied, it i holds the front pla anetary ca arrier. 5. When W 1st clutch is applied, a itt holds the e rear plan netary ring g gear. Varrious planetary gea ar set com mponents are a conne ected via shafts s and d the conn necting drum. Clutches provide rotattional inpu ut and holding powe er to crea ate a varie ety of ratio os. Pow wer Flowss Neu utral When the tra ansmission is in neu utral, the only o clutcch applied is 1st. A. 1st 1 clutch holds the e rear ring gear. B. Since S no other o clutc ches are applied, a n power is no i transmitted throu ugh the tran nsmission gearing (it ( takes tw wo applied d clutchess to transm mit powerr). Firsst Range When the tra ansmission is in firsst range, the 1st and forward clutches are applie ed. A. Clockwise C e rotation from f the turbine t sh haft is dire ected to th he main sh haft throug gh the forw ward clutcch. B. This T powe er is transmitted to the t rear planetary p s gear. sun C. Since S the rear planetary ring g gear is held h by 1st clutch, and a the re ear sun ge ear is inpu ut clockwiise, the re ear carrierr becomess clockwisse output – and it's connecte ed to the outp put shaft. Seccond Rang ge In second s ran nge, forwa ard and2n nd clutche es are app plied. A. The T forwa ard clutch locks the turbine shaft to the e main shaft so they both rottate clocckwise. B. The T Centrre planeta ary ring ge ears spline ed to the main m shafft, so it rottates clocckwise, too.. C. The T front planetary carrier is held by 2nd 2 clutch h. D. The T Centrre carrier is splined d to the rea ar carrier which is splined s to o the outpu ut shaft. T Centrre ring gea ar is inputt at a rate of speed that overrcomes th he carrier, causing E. The the carrier to act as a held mem mber. F. The T resultt is the Ce entre sun gear rotatting in the e opposite e direction n, or countterclocckwise G. Since S the Centre and front sun gears are spline ed to the sun s gear shaft, the front sun n gea ar become es counter-clockwisse input to o the frontt planetaryy. H. The T countter-clockw wise input and the held h carrie er cause a clockwisse output at the fron nt ring gea ar. I. The front riing gear transmits this t clockw wise power through h the conn necting drrum, to the rear carriier, which is splined d to the ou utput shafft. Thirrd Range In th hird range e, the forw ward and 3rd 3 clutch hes are ap pplied. A. Turbine T sh haft powe er is transm mitted thro ough forw ward clutch h to the main m shaft. B. 3rd 3 clutch holds the e sun gear shaft sta ationary. C. The T main shaft is splined to the t Centrre planetary ring ge ear, causin ng it to rottate clocckwise. D. The T Centrre planeta ary sun ge ear is splin ned to the e sun gearr shaft, an nd is held stattionary byy 3rd clutc ch. E. The T resultt is clockw wise outpu ut at the Centre C planetary ca arrier. F. Centre C pla anetary ca arrier transsmits clocckwise rottation thro ough the connecting c g drum, to th he rear ca arrier, which is splin ned to the e output sh haft. Fou urth Range Forw rward and 4th clutches are applied wh hen the tra ansmissio on is in fou urth range e. A. The T main shaft and d turbine shaft s are both b rotatiing clockw wise throu ugh forwarrd clutch. B. 4th 4 clutch transmits s the same e rotating power to the sun gear g shaftt. C. The T Centrre planeta ary ring ge ear and Centre plan netary sun n gear are e both rota ating at the same spe eed. D. This T causes the Ce entre planetary carrrier to rota ate at the same spe eed, too. E. The T Centrre planeta ary carrier is splined d to the co onnecting drum, wh hich transsmits pow wer throug gh the rea ar carrier to t the outp put shaft. Revverse Revverse is th he only "m moving" ge ear that do oesn't req quire forwa ard clutch h. 4th and 1st cluttches are applied. A. Applying A 4 clutch causes th 4th he sun ge ear shaft to rotate clockwise. c B. The T sun gear g shaft splines to o the frontt and Cen ntre sun ge ears, so they are ro otating clocckwise. C. The T Centrre sun gea ar's input speed ovvercomes the carrie er speed, causing th he carrierr to act a as a he eld memb ber. D. This T causes the Ce entre ring gear to ro otate coun nter-clockw wise. E. The T Centrre ring gea ar is splined to the main sha aft, causing it to rota ate counte erclocckwise. F. The T main shaft is also splined to the re ear planettary sun gear g - it ro otates cou unterclocckwise an nd become es the inp put for the rear plan netary. G. 1st 1 clutch holds the e rear ring g gear stattionary, ca ausing the e rear carrrier to beccome outp put - it rottates coun nter-clockw wise, causing the output o sha aft to rotatte counterclocckwise. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Hydraulics The hydraulic system generates, directs and controls the pressure and flow of hydraulic fluid in the transmission. A. Oil is directed through valves, circuits and orifices. B. Pressurized oil controls clutch application, lubrication and cooling. C. On-highway and off-highway systems are configured differently, but operate on the same principles. The hydraulic system is a "closed loop." A. Fluid travel begins in the sump, travels throughout the system to perform various tasks, then returns to the sump to cycle through again. On-Highway Hydraulics Overview On-highway control valves are located in the valve body and front support. Hyd draulic con ntrol overrview A. Hydraulic H flow is initiated by the charg ging pump p, which iss driven byy the torque con nverter pump. 1. Itt always rotates r at engine sp peed. B. Pressure P f flows from m the pum mp to the main m pressure regu ulator. 1. Pressure P f flows through an orrifice to the top of th he valve to t regulate e main pre essure. 2. Main M presssure is dirrected to various v co omponentts. 3. Exhausted E d main pre essure charges the e torque co onverter circuit. c C. Shifting S is primarily controlled d by a series of casscading shift s signal valves and a relay valvves. 1. When W the transmiss sion is rea ady to shifft, the shifft signal valves provvide a ma ain presssure sign nal to theiir correspo onding re elay valvess. D. Governor G and modulator pre essure work togethe er to posittion the sh hift signal valves. pressure is directed to the bottom 1. Governor G b of each e shiftt signal va alve. a. As A output speed inc creases, the govern nor spins faster, inccreasing governor g p pressure. 2. Modulator M pressure e is directe ed to the top t of eacch shift sig gnal valve e. a. Modulator M pressure e increases and deccreases based on throttle t po osition - ass the thro ottle is ope ened, mod dulator prressure de ecreases. pressure starts pusshing the shift signal valve E. As A the veh hicle gains s speed, governor g up against a sp pring pres ssure. 1. Modulator M pressure e acts as an a assist when w the throttle iss depresse ed. F. once o the shift s signa al valve mo oves up, main presssure flow ws to the relay valve e. T pushe es the rela ay valve down, d exh hausting th he applied d clutch and a allowin ng main 1. This presssure into o the onco oming cluttch apply circuit. On-Highway Hydraulics Overview Trimmer valves located in the clutch apply circuit regulate oncoming clutch application. A. Full throttle shifts result in firm clutch apply. B. Partial throttle shifts result in smooth clutch apply. C. Trimmer valves consist of an orificed trimmer at the top, a plug in the middle and a spring and stop at the bottom. 1. As the clutch apply circuit fills, pressure is fed to the top of the trimmer valve. 2. Initially, this forces the trimmer and plug down against spring and fluid pressures. a. This allows clutch apply pressure to exhaust slightly, regulating oncoming clutch application. b. Main pressure flows through the orifice in the trimmer and begins forcing the plug down. c. Once the plug bottoms, pressure forces the trimmer up, blocking the clutch apply circuit's exhaust passage and fully applying the clutch. The amount of fluid pressure under the trimmer plug is controlled by the trimmer regulator. A. Trimmer regulator relies on modulator pressure for positioning. 1. During closed or partial throttle operation, modulator pressure is high and lifts trimmer regulator off its seat. a. This blocks the main pressure feed passage, exhausting the pressure at the bottom of the trimmer valves, resulting in soft, easy shifts. 2. During full or nearly full throttle, the trimmer regulator stays down on its seat. a. This opens the pressure feed to the bottom of the trimmers and results in quick, firm clutch application. Module Review Questions l. What is the torque converter's purpose in a typical Allison transmission? (Check the correct answer: - A. To provide engine oil cooling when the vehicle is at idle. _ B. Transmitting engine rotational power to the transmission gearing. _ C. Providing a mechanical over-speed protection device for both the transmission and the engine. _ D. Restricting the flow of transmission oil to clutches and valves during downshifting or when in neutral. 2.The three primary components of a torque converter are (check the correct answer): - A. The turbine, rotor and Pump. - B. The stator, turbine shaft and input shaft. - C. The pump, stator and turbine. - D. The front support, sun gear shaft and rear bushing' 3. Which of the following best describes the torque converter's operation? (Check the correct answer.): _ A. As the engine spins, the torque converter provides resistance - this resistance builds hydraulic pressure which is directed to the transmission gearing and clutches. _ B. The engine provides input to the torque converter stator which directs fluid to the turbine shaft - once fluid reaches the turbine shaft, it's re-directed to the front pump. _ C. The engine spins, driving the torque converter pump - the pump throws oil against the turbine vanes, which rotates the turbine (which is splined to the turbine shaft). 4. When torque converter turbine speed approaches pump speed (check the correct answer): _ A. Oil flowing to the stator begins striking the opposite sides of the stator vanes, and torque multiplication is stopped and a fluid coupling develops. _ B. The torque converter senses an over-speed condition and immediately sets a trouble code in the Electronic Control's ECU. _ C. Oil flowing to the stator is now allowed to flow to the turbine shaft, itself, and the turbine shaft spins as fluid hits the shaft's splines. 5. The torque converter's lockup clutch (check the correct answer): _ A. Allows the torque converter to attain a one-to-one coupling. _ B. Consists of a piston, clutch plate and cylinder. _ C. Is controlled by a solenoid on the vehicle's engine. _ D. Prevents high stall torque situations from damaging the engine or transmission. 6. Which of the following best describes lockup clutch operation? (Check the correct answer.): - A. As the engine reaches maximum RPM, the lockup clutch is applied, creating a drag to reduce engine RPM and prevent engine damage. - B. Clutch apply pressure compresses the lockup clutch plate between the piston and back plate, locking all three components together. - C. Main pressure fills the lockup clutch apply cylinder - the vanes on the lockup clutch disc spin the disc and lock it to the back plate to create a mechanical connection. 7. The three components of a typical planetary gear set are (check the correct answer): _ A. The front gear, side gears and ring gear. _ B. The input gear, the pinion gears and the planetary gear. _ C. The pinion gear, the carrier gear and the ring gear. - D. The ring gear, pinions held by a carrier, and a sun gear. 8. Which statement best summarizes the Basic Laws of Planetary Gear Sets? (Check the correct answer.): - A. When two components are held, the third component becomes an output unit. - B. Holding one component and providing rotational input to the third unit allows the held unit to begin spinning. - C. When one component is held and another acts as input, the third becomes the output mechanism. - D. Holding two components and providing input to the third allows one of the two held component to act as an output mechanism. 9. Clutches in the typical Allison transmission (check the correct answer): _ A- Are not used because they tend to wear out. _ B. Act to hold components or supply rotational input when required. - C. Can be manually applied by the vehicle operator. - D. Should be replaced every 50,000 miles or within three years, whichever come first. 10. Which of the following best describes power flow through a typical 4 speed transmission when Forward and 1st clutches are applied? (Check the correct answer): _ A. Rotational power is supplied from the turbine shaft, through the Forward clutch and to the sun gear shaft. The sun gear shaft rotates the Centre sun gear clockwise, which turns the Centre ring gear counter-clockwise. This causes the Centre carrier to turn clockwise, transmitting power through the connecting drum to the output shaft. _ B. The turbine shaft spins the main shaft and the sun gear shaft. The front sun gear turns counter-clockwise, causing the front ring gear to turn the connecting drum clockwise. This turns the rear carrier and the output shaft clockwise. _ C. Rotational power from the turbine shaft rotates the main shaft clockwise. This turns the rear sun gear clockwise. The rear ring gear is held by 1st clutch, and the rear carrier becomes output. This clockwise rotation is transmitted to the output shaft. 11. Which of the following best describes power flow through a typical 4 speed when Forward and 3rd clutches are applied? (Check the correct answer): _ A. Rotational power is transmitted from the turbine shaft to the main shaft through the forward clutch. The sun gear shaft is held stationary by the third clutch. The Centre ring gear is spinning clockwise, and the Centre sun gear is held stationary. The Centre carrier provides clockwise rotation to the output shaft through the rear carrier. _ B. The 3rd clutch holds the sun gear shaft stationary, holding the front sun gear stationary. The main shaft receives rotational power from the turbine shaft through the Forward clutch. This spins the rear ring gear clockwise, which forces the front carrier clockwise. The front ring gear provides power to the output shaft through the rear carrier. _ C. The main shaft receives clockwise rotation from the turbine shaft through the Forward clutch. This spins the rear sun gear clockwise. Since the sun gear shaft is held in place by 3rd clutch, the rear ring gear is held stationary. This allows the rear carrier to supply output to the output shaft. 12. What supplies the transmission with oil necessary for operation? (Check the correct answer.): _ A. The torque converter, driven by the engine. - B. The main oil pump assembly, driven by the torque converter. _ C. The front support assembly, which is rotated by the main oil pump drive assembly. _ D. The converter pressure regulator and lockup clutch valves. 13. Governor pressure (check the correct answer): _ A. Is created from main pressure, is based on engine output speed and signals the torque converter when to apply the lockup clutch. - B. Varies with output shaft speed and helps signal the appropriate valves regarding upshifts, downshifts and converter lockup points. _ C. Is based on engine RPM and does not vary much from actual main pressure. 14. Modulator pressure (check the correct answer): - A. Is created by the modulator valve in the engine and controls the movement of mechanical linkages that are usually connected to components in the vehicle's cab. - B. Does not vary once the vehicle is moving and is used to signal valve body components when the vehicle is coming to a stop. - C. Is based on throttle movement and helps the transmission select shift points that are applicable to the driving situation. 15. Which of the following statements about main, governor and modulator pressures is true? (Check the correct answer.): - A. Modulator pressure is high when the throttle is closed (at idle), governor pressure increases as output shaft speed increases, and both pressures are main pressure that has been changed. - B. Modulator pressure is low when the throttle is wide open, governor pressure decreases as output shaft speed increases, and main pressure varies based on modulator and governor pressures. - C. Modulator pressure is high when the throttle is open, governor pressure increases as output shaft speed increases, and main pressure varies based on modulator pressure, but isn't affected by governor pressure. 16. The shift valves in a non-electronically controlled transmission (check the correct answer): - A. Direct governor and modulator pressures to various valves and clutches in the transmission to enable specific gear ranges. - B. Move based on modulator and governor pressures and direct main pressure to the appropriate relay valve. - C. Rely only on main pressure for movement, direct governor pressure to the governor pressure relief valve and feed the modulator valve. 17. Which of the following statements is not true? (Check the false statement.): - A. Full throttle shifts occur later because modulator pressure is low and doesn't help overcome the shift valve's spring pressure. _ B. Downshifts occur more quickly as governor pressure decreases. _ C. High modulator pressure allows earlier shifts. - D. At full throttle, high modulator pressure and governor pressure both act to overcome shift signal spring pressure. 18. Shift relay valves (check the correct answer): - A. Are positioned by main pressure from the shift signal valves and direct main pressure into clutch apply circuits. - B. Act as shock absorbers for the transmission, reducing pressure to the clutch apply circuits during initial application. - C. Direct main pressure to the shift signal valves when the transmission is ready to apply or release a clutch. 19. Trimmer valves (check the correct answer): - A. Direct main pressure to the clutch apply circuits when the transmission is ready for a shift. - B. Prevent harsh shifts by reducing pressure to the clutch apply circuits during initial clutch application. _ C. Move based on modulator and governor pressures, and direct main pressure to the appropriate shift relay valves. ATE EC - CEC C System Overview O Allisson Transsmission Electronic E c Control System S prrovides th he shifting "thought"" process for Allison A tra ansmissio ons. A. Electronic E c Control-e equipped transmisssions use the same e clutching g and plan netary gea ar compon nents as convention c nal transm missions. 1. The T opera ating princ ciples are the same e, but the Electronic E c Control uses u a dig gital elecctronic system to co ontrol the transmission's hyd draulics. circuits 2.The Electro onic Control uses an a electro--hydraulicc valve bo ody – the hydraulic h with hin the ele ectro-hydrraulic valvve body arre controlled by sollenoids. 3. These T sole enoids tak ke the pla ace of conventional shift sign nal valves, and are ultimatelyy swittched "on" and "offf” by signa als from th he Electro onic Contrrol Unit, orr "ECII." The e Electron nic Control needs "ssensing" input. A. Speed S sen nsor inputt replacess governor pressure e. B. Throttle T po osition sensor input replacess modulattor pressu ure. C. ECU E may also rece eive input from temperature sensor s an nd pressure switche es. D. System S m use pu may ush button n or lever shift sele ector. E. System S co ommunica ates throu ugh a serie es of harn nesses. Electronic Control Applications Several Allison transmissions are Electronically Controlled. The following on-highway models are equipped with Electronic Control: . MT(B) 648 . HT(B) 741 . HT(B) 748 . HTG) 755CR . HT(B) 755DR . V73l and VR731 The following off-highway models are equipped with Electronic Control: . CLBT 5962and6062 . DP 8963 . CL(B)T 9681 . CLT 755 and CL(B)T 755 ON HIGHWAY APPLICATIONS CITY DELIVERY RUBBISH REMOVAL OIL DELIVERY SCHOOL BUS TRANSIT MIXER AIRPORT REFUELER TRANSIT BUS OVER THE ROAD TRACTORS INNER-CIW BUS DUMP TBUCK TANK TRANSPORT FIRE AND RESCUE Electronic Control Unit The ECU is an onboard microcomputer. A. The ECU receives information through a wiring harness from a variety of sources. l. The ECU uses this information to determine how and when shifts should occur, B. There are three ECU types: 1. Splash Proof - earliest model, no longer in production. 2. Sealed Standard - replaced the Splash Proof. 3. sealed Plus II - has secondary mode capabilities and includes an additional connector to accommodate a secondary shift selector and additional features. ECU Mounting and Operation Concerns The ECU should be mounted in an area protected from direct exposure to weather, cleaning sprays, high concentrations of dust and sunlight. A. Although the connectors and ECU body are "sealed," mount the unit in an area free from road splash - don't allow the ECU to be immersed in water. B. Mount the ECU in the coolest practical location with good ventilation. C. Bolt the ECU to a metal structure to help dissipate the unit's heat. D. Bolt the ECU securely to the vehicle's cab or chassis - position the connectors "down" whenever possible to avoid direct moisture contact on the connectors. E. Mount the ECU in a position that minimizes operator and technician/service personnel contact - leave clearance to allow ECU connectors to be removed without dismounting the unit. F. Mount as close as possible to the battery power. 1. Long power leads result in voltage drops - keep the power leads short to help the ECU meet voltage requirements. The ECU's main power and ground inputs should be "dedicated" - no other electrical component should share the ECU's power and ground inputs. 3. Voltage requirements vary with transmission temperature – a minimum of 10 volts is required; 16 volts is maximum continuous voltage the system handles; 19 volts is the maximum intermittent voltage the system allows. G. In some situations, ECU power must be supplied by a dual power source (offhighway and emergency vehicle applications, and vehicles equipped with Jacobs engine brakes). 1. An engine or transmission oil pressure switch and the master ignition switch should both supply ECU power. This assures that power is supplied to the ECU under all operating conditions. H. The ECU requires continuous power for storing diagnostic codes and throttle sensor calibration values. l. This memory must be powered with 12 volts even when the engine is shut down and the ignition switch is "off." 2. Without continuous power memory, all diagnostic and throttle sensor information is lost. But all necessary information for system operation is regenerated automatically by the ECU. I. The ECU is a sealed component and is not serviceable in the field. l. PROM removal and replacement is the only field service performed on ECU's. Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) The Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) chip is the ECU's data bank. A. It is programmable for a wide variety of vehicle and equipment applications. 1 . It's the heart of the Electronic Control's flexibility and programmability. B. The PROM is programmed for specific applications, options and characteristics. l. Installing the wrong PROM can alter the Electronic Control's performance. c. The PROM is located inside the ECU and is accessed through a cover in the ECU case. To determine which options are programmed on a specific PROM, access the Electronic Control Inquiry System (ECIS). A. ECIS is a computer program that offers on-line access to ECU and PROM information. Outtput Speed Sensor The e output speed sensor provid des the Ellectronic Control C with output speed info ormation. A. This T replaces the co onvention nal hydrau ulic govern nor system m. B. Speed S sen nsor is loc cated at th he rear off the transsmission. The e output speed sensor has a magneticc pick-up that t "read ds" the mo ovement of o the spe eed senso or gear on the transsmission output o sha aft. A. Output O shaft rotatio on causes the speed sensor gear's tee eth to passs through ha mag gnetic field at the end e of the sensor. B. As A each to ooth pass ses, it crea ates an electrical pu ulse which is directted to the ECU. 1. The T ECU uses u this signal to help control upshiftts, downsshifts and lock-up clutch app plication. C. The T on-hig ghway sp peed sensor uses a 16 tooth gear. D. The T off-hig ghway sp peed sensor uses 39 3 or 4l too oth gears. l. 50 000 and 6000 6 serie es - 39 tee eth. 2. 8000 8 and 9000 series - 41 te eeth. E. Off-highway speed sensors must be adjusted. 1. Align the sensor so it touches one of the trigger wheel's teeth if threaded all the way in. 2.Thread the sensor in until it contacts the trigger wheel tooth, then back it out 3/4 to I turn - be sure you're contacting the tip of the tooth (not between teeth). Throttle Position Sensor The throttle position sensor consists of a pull actuation cable and a linear potentiometer. A. One end of the cable is attached to the engine fuel lever shaft, the other end is attached to the potentiometer inside the sensor's protective housing. B. The sensor's housing has a plug for the wiring harness connector. 1. If the vehicle is equipped with DDEC II, an interface module may be required. a. Two types of DDEC II interface modules are available - minimum interface and maximum interface. c. Throttle movement causes a change in the electronic signal to the ECU the ECU is programmed to recognize the signal as "percent of throttle." 1. When the throttle is wide open, the ECU directs upshifts to occur near the engine governed speed. 2. Part throttle causes upshifts to occur at lower engine speeds. 3. The difference between full throttle and part throttle upshifts is determined by the shift calibration in the PROM. The throttle position sensor indicates throttle position to the ECU. A. The throttle position sensor replaces conventional hydraulic modulator pressure valves and circuits. B. The throttle position sensor is located in the engine compartment. THROTTL T LE P POSITION N S SENSOR R Throttle Position T P S Sensor Operation T senso The or's linearr p potentiom meter c converts t throttle m movemen nt into a v voltage signal to t ECU. the A As the wiper A. movves acrosss the resistive strip p, resistan nce chang ges, varyin ng the voltage the ECU E "cou unts." e throttle position p se ensor produces anywhere frrom 0 to 255 2 countss for the ECU. E The A. Its actual movemen m nt is only a small arrea within those 255 5 counts – 3/4 of an inch. B. The T senso or should be adjustted to stayy within th he service eable area a, out of th he "error zon nes." C. There is no optimum wide open or closed throttle count. l. As long as the counts stay in a safe zone, the sensor works fine. D. The "target zone" is 50 to 200 counts. Throttle Position Sensor Self-Adjustment The throttle position sensor self-adjusts to stay within the normal count area. A. Every time the vehicle is started and the ECU is initialized the sensor is recalibrated. l. The ECU stores the sensor's readings at vehicle shut-down. 2. when the ECU is powered, idle counts are increased by 15 from the previous reading. 3. When the ECU is powered, the wide open throttle counts are decreased by 15 from the previous reading. a. This narrowed count is widened once the operator steps on the throttle - the ECU reads actual sensor travel and continually re-adjusts to the highest and lowest counts. 4. The portion of the sensor's travel that is read by the ECU is small compared to the actual available counts. 5. The sensor generally stays within the error zones and usually does not require adjustment other than initial installation. Throttle Position Sensor initial adjustment Initial throttle position sensor adjustment should "Centre" the sensor between the error zones. Throttle Position Sensor Mounting Proper sensor function and cable longevity require proper cable alignment. A. Do not exceed a 10 degree maximum installed cable angle. l. Avoid excessive cable bends and linkage angles. a. Do not exceed a 6-8 inch bend radius. B. Linkages should move freely without binding or sticking. 1. Be sure the sensor's cable mounting won't interfere with throttle movement. Mount the sensor securely on the chassis near the engine fuel control. A. Avoid mounting to cantilever brackets or thin metal members. B. Add protective shrouding if the sensor is mounted in an area susceptible to operator or technician damage. C. Mount the sensor on a flat surface (within .030") to avoid housing distortion. D. The sensor itself should be mounted above the engine fuel control connection. E. Shield the sensor and any of its components that are within 12 inches of turbochargers, exhaust manifolds or other heat sources. 1. The sensor is designed to withstand250 degree continuous temperatures and 300 degree intermittent heat soaks. Break-over levers are found on both on-highway and off-highway applications. A. The throttle position sensor must read actual fuel shaft movement, not throttle break-over movement. B. If the sensor reads break-over movement, it will read the additional movement as fuel shaft movement and self-adjust incorrectly. Shift Selectors The Electronic Control uses two general types of shifters - push button and lever. A. V-731 applications use a three speed touch pad selector. B. MT and some HT transmissions use the four and five speed push button selectors. 1. The HT also uses the four and five speed lever selectors. C. Off-highway transmissions use lever selectors. Drive by wire when the vehicle is equipped with an electronically controlled DDEC engine the engine TPS will provide the throttle position to the transmission ECU Pussh Button Shift Sele ectors The e push buttton shift selector s h the "D has Do Not Shift" light lo ocated on the shift pad. A. The T light cycles c on and off ass soon ass the syste em is activvated (bulb check) and during "hard"" failure. 1. The T selecttor also ha as a buzzzer that ma ay sound during syystem mallfunction. B. The T selecttor should d be moun nted at no o less than n a 20 deg gree angle from the e horizontal pla ane. Pussh Button Selector Bulb Replacement The e push buttton shift selector s h replacceable bullbs. has A. There T are two types s of push button se electors: 1. The T old styyle had a membran ne switch that was prone to cracking. c 2. The T new style s has a snap do ome switch h for extended servvice life. a. Shift S selecctor covers s are interchangea able. B. To T replace e bulbs: 1. Turn T the power p "off"" to the EC CU and selector. 2. Remove R th he shift se elector mo ounting sccrews and d disconne ect the ele ectrical co onnector at th he base of o the sele ector. 3. Remove R th he screws s retaining g the cove er and disconnect the multi-p pin connecctor. 4. Replace R th he bulbs. a. With W early style sele ectors, the e entire la amp and socket s asssembly is replaced.. b. In n new styyle selecto ors, only th he bulb iss replaced d. Levver Shift Selectors S Levver selecto ors have eight e positions - R,N,D,5,4,3 3,2,1. A. Shift patterns and detent (holding/releasing) mechanisms vary between applications. Lever selectors operate using Hall Effect magnetic switches. A. The switches themselves are not serviceable, but Allison supplies a kit for the selector's mechanical components. Additional Sensing Components Additional components that may provide input to the ECU include the temperature sensor, pressure switches, and vehicle interface. Temperature Sensor The temperature sensor monitors sump oil temperature for the ECU. A. Sensor is located in the valve body wiring harness. l. On-highway is mounted on the solenoid control circuit. 2. Off-highway is mounted in the lock-up valve body. When the oil temperature is too hot or cold, shifting is affected. A. All shifts are blocked when the transmission is below -25 degrees (F). B. Transmission has limited shifting (neutral, 1st, reverse) when it's -25 to +25 degrees F. C. Transmission operation is normal when 25 to 27O degrees (F). D. Above 27O degrees (F), the hot light comes on (if equipped), a trouble code is stored in memory, and top gear is inhibited. 1. Top 2 gears inhibited for off-highway transmissions. 2. Exception to the inhibit rule is special applications (emergency vehicles). Pre essure Sw witches The e on-highw way Electronic Con ntrol uses three pressure swiitches to communic c cate sign nals to the e ECU-rev verse, forw ward, and d oil presssure switches. A. These T are e located on o the ele ectro-hydrraulic valvve body. B. Reverse R a forward pressure switche and es signal the ECU when w the transmisssion is in reve erse or forward. 1. They T can be b either of two styyles and plumb p dire ectly into clutch c app ply circuitss. C. Oil O pressu ure switches signal the ECU when a lo ow lube pressure or o low oil le evel con ndition exists. T are three diffe erent type es of oil pressure sw witches: 1. There a. Lube L pressure switc ch. b. Low L oil levvel pressu ure sensorr. c. Fluidic F oil level l sens sor. 2. The T transm mission will w only be e equipped d with one e of these e switchess. a. The T transm mission as ssembly number n de eterminess the original switch h for the tran nsmission. b. The T parts manual id dentifies th he latest switch s ava ailable forr service. c. The T PROM M and the chosen switch s must be com mpatible. 1) The T PROM M must be e program mmed for the t type of o switch used. u Lub be Pressure Switch The e lube pressure swiitch is con nfigured like the forrward and reverse pressure p s switches. A. The T lube pressure p switch s plu umbs direcctly into th he lubrica ation oil pa assage. B. The T lube pressure p switch s is a normallyy open sw witch. 1. Lube L pressure close es the sw witch. 2. When W lube e pressure e is low, th he switch opens, generating g a trouble e code. Low w Oil Leve el/Pressurre Sensor The e low oil le evel press sure senso or uses a separate housing that bolts to the bo ottom with the valve bod dy. A. An A orifice in the sen nsor's hou using prod duces a pressurized d stream of oil thatt is dire ected to a switch on n the oppo osite side of the housing. B. A bi-metall strip com mpensatess for oil le evel chang ges as the e transmisssion warm ms up. 1. Itt blocks th he flow of pressurizzed oil unttil the oil warms w up. a. This T allowss the oil le evel to rise before a trouble code is ge enerated. 2. As A the tran nsmission n warms, the t bi-mettal strip moves m out of the wa ay. C. The T low oil level pre essure se ensor is no ormally op pen. l. If oil still rea aches the e switch affter transm mission iss warm, th he switch closes, ge enerating a co ode. D. Pressurize P ed oil can only reacch the switch if oil in the pan is too low w. 1. Iff oil level is correct, it blocks the flow of o pressurized oil. Fluiidic Oil Le evel Senso or The e fluidic oil level sen nsor is sim milar to the low oil level pressure senssor, excep pt it does not use the bi-metal b sttrip. A. The T ECU is program mmed to ignore i low w level sig gnals, untiil the temp perature sensor s indicates the oil is warrm. 1. This T elimin nates the need for the t bi-metal strip. B. The T senso or's housin ng producces a presssurized stream s of oil. C. The T fluidicc oil level sensor is a normally closed switch. 1. When W presssurized oil o contactts the pressure swiitch on the e opposite e side of the t hou using, it op pens the switch's s contacts, generating g g a trouble e code. D. Pressurize P ed oil can only reacch the switch if oil in the pan is too low w. 1. Iff oil level is correct, it blocks the flow of o pressurized oil. Harrnesses Elecctrical wirring harne esses are used to connect c th he compon nents of th he Electro onic Con ntrol syste em. Chassis Wiring Harness The chassis harness connects the throttle position sensor, output speed sensor and electro-hydraulic valve body to the ECU. A. Special connectors allow the harness to plug into the respective components, including the bulkhead connector at the transmission, itself. B. The wire numbers within the chassis harness are all 100 series numbers. C. The chassis harness (and all harnesses) should be routed to avoid pinch points and heat generating areas. Cab Wiring Harness The cab harness connects the shift selector and interface items to the ECU. A. The interface connector comes three ways from Allison: 1. Two different types of connectors. 2. Loose wires. B. The wire numbers in the cab harness are all200 series numbers. C. This harness includes Bi-Directional Communication Link (BDCL) wires. 1. BDCL is used for vehicles equipped with DDEC I. a. This allows the Electronic Control and DDEC to communicate. 2. DDEC II uses an interface module instead of BDCL. The diagnostic data link (DDL) connector is part of the cab harness. A. This connector is used to help troubleshoot the Electronic Control. 1. Service personnel can plug a display data line reader into the connector to monitor trouble codes and system operation. B. This connector should be located in a protected area on the vehicle. Secondary Wiring Harness The Sealed Plus II ECU is equipped to handle several additional options. A. The secondary wiring harness connects these optional components to the ECU. B. The secondary wiring harness comes from Allison with an ECU connector on one end and loose wires on the other. C. Some options wired through the secondary harness include: 1. Fire truck special logic. 2. Manual / automatic controls. 3. Range hold features. 4. Lock-up on and off. 5. Dual shift selectors. 6. Dual shift calibrations. 7. Bed hoist interlock. 8. Secondary spare input. 9. Additional special function input options. D. Secondary harness wire numbers are 300 series numbers. Identifying Electronically Controlled Transmissions On--Highway Electronically Controlled Tra ansmissio ons - identifying fea atures : connecto A. Bulkhead B or B. Speed S sen nsor Off--Highway Electronically Controlled Tra ansmissio ons - identifying fea atures: A. Conventio C onal off-hig ghway valve bodiess have few wer pins in the maiin valve body con nnector. B. Electronic E cally contro olled transsmissionss have twiice as ma any pins in n the main n valve bod dy connecctor. 1. Electronica E ally contro olled transsmissionss also havve a smaller, soleno oid-contro olled lockup valve v bod dy. Elecctro-Hydraulic Valv ve Bodies The e electro-h hydraulic valve v bod dy's functio on is to su upply oil pressure p a flow for and f lubrrication, cooling c and clutch application a n. A. An A electro onically co ontrolled trransmission's hydrraulic circu uits and valves are con ntrolled byy a series of solenoids. B. These T solenoids arre activate ed and deactivated by electriical signals generated by the ECU. C. The T valve body also o containss sensing switchess. 1. The T forward pressure switch. 2. Reverse R p pressure switch. s 3. Lube L pressure switc ch. Sole enoids Sole enoids in the electrro-hydraulic valve body b act as a switche es to direcct hydraulic presssure into o specific passagess or to exh haust. A. Each E solenoid is po ositioned on o the vallve body so s that so olenoid pre essure flo ows to its inle et Port. B. The T inlet port p is reg gulated byy check ba all position n. 1. When W the solenoid is "off," th he check ball b is held d down byy a plunge er. a. This T blockks the sole enoid presssure portt, and exh hausts solenoid pre essure located abo ove the ba all. 2. When W the solenoid is "on," th he plungerr moves up, u allowin ng the che eck ball to o move. a. This T blockks the exhaust port and allow ws solenoiid pressurre to passs through. C. Solenoids S s are eithe er bolted or o clamped to the valve v bodyy. 1. Clamped C s solenoids are "sand dwiched" between the valve body and d a mountting plate. 2. Bolted B sole enoids are e secured d to the va alve body with tom--head scre ews. D. The T Electrronic Con ntrol uses two gene eral types of solenoids – latch hing and nonn latcching. Latcching Sole enoids Latcching sole enoids req quire onlyy a short application a n of power to positio on the solenoid. A. When W latcching solenoids are momenta arily energ gized, the ey move one o direction and stayy there un ntil they arre energizzed again. B. Clamp C dow wn latchin ng solenoids are ide entified byy a single e tab at the e solenoid d's base. C. Bolt B down n latching solenoidss have a ta ab Centre ed betwee en the two o bolt hole es. Non n-Latching g Solenoid ds Non n-latching solenoids s require constant power to remain in position. A. When W pow wer is app plied,-the non-latchi n ing soleno oid movess into position and only o stayys there as a long as s it remain ns energizzed. B. Clamp C dow wn non-la atching so olenoids have two ta abs on the eir base. C. Bolt B down n non-latch hing solen noids have e a tab sliightly off-C Centre be etween the e two boltt hole es. Typical On Highway Electro-Hydraulic Valve Body Operation The Electronic Control's components and sensors eliminate the need for conventional hydraulic governor pressure, modulator pressure and selector valves. A. The output speed sensor provides the ECU with output speed information. B. The throttle position sensor provides the ECU with throttle position information. C. Electronic shift selectors provide operator input. Based on these sensors, plus vehicle interface and oil pressure, temperature and level input, the ECU energizes and de-energizes solenoids in the electro-hydraulic valve body. Hydraulic Components A. Latching solenoids replace conventional shift signal valves. 1. They control the position of shift valves. B. Shift valves control the flow of pressure into clutch apply circuits. 1. They can direct pressure into clutch apply circuits and they can exhaust clutch apply circuits. C. The neutral-range valve is controlled by one latching and one non-latching solenoid. 1. This valve controls the transmission's shifts from neutral to range, and from range back to neutral. D. The forward-reverse valve is controlled by a latching solenoid. 1. This valve controls whether the transmission shifts into a forward range or reverse. E. Trimmer valves regulate oncoming clutch application. F. The trimmer regulator valve is controlled by a non-latching solenoid. 1. The trimmer regulator valve controls the pressure under the trimmer valve plug, which regulates trimmer valve operation. G. The lock-up relay valve is controlled by a non-latching solenoid. 1. Depending on solenoid position, this valve exhausts or applies the lock-up clutch apply circuit. H. The solenoid priority valve and direction priority valve ensure steady flow of main pressure regardless of transmission range or activity. Solenoid Designations Each solenoid has a letter designation and receives a constant flow of main pressure. A. In four speed transmissions, solenoids B, C and D are latching and take the place of conventional shift signal valves. 1. Solenoid B controls the 1-2 shift valve. 2. Solenoid C controls the2-3 shift valve. 3. Solenoid D controls the3-4 shift valve. B. In five speed transmissions, solenoids A, B C and D are used. 1. Solenoid A controls the low-l shift valve. 2. Solenoid B controls the 1-2 shift valve. 3. Solenoid C controls the 2-3 shift valve. 4. Solenoid D controls the 3-4 shift valve. C. In three speed models, solenoids C and D are used. 1. Solenoid C controls the l-2 shift valve. 2. Solenoid D controls the2-3 shift valve. D. Solenoid F is latching and provides main pressure feed to the bottom of the forwardreverse valve. E. Solenoid H is non-latching and directs main pressure to the bottom of the neutralrange valve when energized. F. Solenoid J is latching and directs main pressure to the top of the neutral-range valve. G. Solenoid G is non-latching and directs main pressure to the lock-up relay valve when the ECU senses the transmission is ready for lock-up. H. Solenoid S E is non-la atching an nd provide es a feed to the trim mmer regulator valvve to help p con ntrol shift quality. q The e transmisssion shiftts when th he ECU energizes and a de-en nergizes specific s so olenoids. Neu utral Fluid d Flow When the en ngine startts, main pressure p fiills all sole enoid circuits. A. It's then directed through the e solenoid priority valve and cascadess through the t 2-3 shifft valve, th he l-2 shiftt valve an nd into the e 1st clutcch apply circuit. B. Solenoid S J simply directs d ma ain pressu ure to the top t of the e neutral-range valvve. 1. This T keepss the valve position ned down and prevents main n pressure e from enttering the forw ward clutcch apply circuit. C. Since S onlyy first clutc ch is appllied, the trransmission is in ne eutral. Firsst Range When shifting g into firstt range, solenoids F and H become b energized and solen noid J is de-e energized d. A. Pressure P f from solenoid H po ositions the neutral--range valve up, alllowing ma ain presssure to flow f to the e forward-reverse valve. v B. Pressure P f from solenoid F positions the e forward--reverse valve v up, allowing main m presssure to enter e the forward f cllutch apply circuit. 1. The T forward clutch apply a circcuit also directs main pressure to the main m presssure regulator, helping lowe er main prressure once the fo orward clu utch is app plied. C. 1st 1 clutch remains applied a an nd forwarrd clutch becomes b a applied, s shifting the e tran nsmission into first range. Seccond Rang ge Durring secon nd range: A. Solenoid S F stays op pen becau use it's lattching. B. Solenoid S H (non-lattching) co ontinues to o receive positive voltage v an nd also sta ays open. 1. This T keepss forward clutch ap pplied. C. Solenoid S B become es energizzed and directs pre essure to the t top of the 1-2 shift valve,, forccing it dow wn. 1. This T exhau usts 1st clutch and directs main m presssure into the 2nd clu utch applyy circuit. D. Since S 2nd d clutch an nd forward d clutch are a applied d, the tran nsmission attains se econd rang ge. Thirrd Range Durring third range: r A. Solenoid S H remains s energize ed and so olenoid F remains r la atched op pen. 1. This T keepss forward clutch ap pplied. B. Solenoid S B is latche ed open and a still feeds the 1-2 shift va alve. C. Solenoid S C is energ gized and directs pressure to o the top of o the 2-3 shift valvve. 1. This T forcess the valv ve down and allowss 2nd clutcch to exha aust. 2. Main M presssure is no ow directe ed into the e 3rd clutcch apply circuit. D. Since S 3rd and forwa ard clutch hes are ap pplied, the e transmisssion shiftts into thirrd range. Fou urth Range Durring fourth h range: H and F keep forw A. Solenoids S ward clutch applied. B and C keep theiir shift valves down B. Solenoids S n. C. Solenoid S D is energ gized and directs main m presssure to the e bottom of o the 3-4 4 shift valvve, forcing g the valve e up. 1. This T exhau usts 3rd clutch, c butt directs main m presssure into the t 4th clutch apply circuit. D. Since S 4th and forwa ard clutch hes are ap pplied, the e transmisssion shiftts into fourth range. Revverse In re everse, only soleno oid H is en nergized. A. This T positiions the neutral-ran n nge valve "up." 1. In n this possition, main pressurre flows th hrough the e forward-- reverse valve, thrrough the 3-4 shift valvve and into o the 4th clutch c app ply circuit.. B. Main M pressure from m the solen noid priority valve flows f throu ugh the 2-3 shift va alve, the 1-2 shift valvve and into o the 1st clutch c app ply circuit. C. Since S 1st and 4th clutches c are applied d, the tran nsmission attains re everse. The e ECU dettermines how fast some s cluttches apply by energizing so olenoid E. A. This T directts main pressure to o the trimm mer regula ator valve e. 1. This T affectts trimmerr action byy controlling the pre essure un nder the trrimmer plu ug. Locck-Up When the EC CU determ mines the appropria ate conditiions have e been me et, solenoiid G beccomes ene ergized an nd directss main pre essure into o the lockk-up clutch h apply circuit. Elecctrical Faiilure The e system'ss latching and non--latching solenoid s c configurati ion provid des transm mission ope eration during electrical failurre. A. During D ele ectrical failure, latch hing solen noids stayy in positio on. 1. This T locks the trans smission in n range, inhibiting all a shifts. B. Non-latchi N ing soleno oids become imme ediately de e-energize ed, exhau usting main presssure. 1. Solenoid S G (if energ gized) exh hausts the e lock-up clutch. 2. Solenoid S E no longe er directs main presssure to the trimme er regulato or valve. 3. Solenoid S H stops th he flow of main presssure to th he bottom m of the ne eutral-rang ge valve. a. Main M presssure flowing throug gh the valvve keeps it up and continuess to directt main presssure to the forwarrd clutch apply a circu uit. b. As A long ass the engine continu ues running, the ne eutral-rang ge valve stays s up. c. Once O the engine e is shut down n and main pressure flow through the e valve sto ops, the valvve moves down, ex xhausting the forwa ard clutch apply circcuit. d. On O re-starrt, if electrrical failure e still exissts, the lattching sole enoids co ontinue to direct presssure, butt the forward clutch h is no lon nger applie ed, resulting in neu utral. Basic electronic control Controlling Circuits Switches provide a method to start and stop the current flow and control the circuit's operation. A. When "off," current flow cannot continue to the other side of the battery - the circuit has an "open" portion between the positive and negative battery terminals. B. When "on," a "closed" circuit is created - current can flow completely through the circuit from the positive side of the battery, through the switch's conductor, through the other components in the circuit, and back to the negative side of the battery. Switches operate like valves in a hydraulic system. A. If the valve is "on," it directs fluid through the rest of the circuit. B. If the valve is turned "off," it stops the flow of fluid through the system or directs it somewhere else. When an electrical switch creates an open in the circuit, the current flow stops at the switch. A. When the circuit is properly designed, the voltage pressure cannot overcome the open and the pressure stops there. When an electrical switch is closed and completes the circuit, current flows through the entire circuit and provides energy for the circuit's components to use. There are different types of switches. A. Manually operated switches require an operator to physically open or close a circuit. B. Switches controlled by mechanical devices can open or close the circuit. 1. For instance, a mechanical switch can be placed in a hydraulic passage, and when hydraulic pressure is present, the switch can open or close the circuit - this is a hydromechanical switch. C. Switches controlled by other electrical circuits (electro-mechanical switches) are called relays. D. Electronic switches without mechanical function (such as Hall Effect switches) are also utilized. Electro-mechanical switches (relays and solenoids) operate using electromagnets. Con ntrolling Circuits C - Electroma E gnetism Elecctromagnetism is created c wh hen current flows th hrough a coiled con nductor. A. Coiling C a wire w and applying a v voltage to it createss a magne etic field. B. If a conductor (like a solid iro on core) iss added to o the midd dle of the winding, the t mag gnetic field is intens sified. Relays e batteriess and swittches, rela ays can be b placed within an electricall circuit. Like A. Relays R op pen and close circuits based on electriical input - they utilize elecctromagne etism to operate. o B. Relays R are e common nly used to t allow lo ow currentt circuits to t control high curre ent circcuits. 1. Low L curren nt circuits s provide input to th he relay which w open ns or close es the hig gh currentt circcuit. C. Relays R ca an be designed as "normally " open," orr "normallyy closed."" 1. Relay R term minology is s based on o the "de e-energize ed" positio on. a. Iff a relay iss normally y open, it's normallyy open in the de-en nergized position p (n no currentt is flowing through the electro-m magnetic portion p of the t relay). 1) Normally N o open relay ys are ope en until th hey are en nergized - when the ey're enerrgized, theyy create a closed circuit. c 2) Normally N c closed relays are closed until they are e energize ed - when energized, they crea ate an open circuit.. Sole enoids Ano other type e of compo onent foun nd in elecctrical circuits are so olenoids. A. In the Elecctronic Co ontrol, solenoids arre the poin nt where hydraulics h s interface e with elecctronics. 1. Hydraulic H f flow is dirrected by valves - the Electro onic Control's solen noids conttrol the possition of th he appropriate valve es that dirrect fluid flow f through the va alve body. operate using B. Solenoids S u the same ele ectro-magnetic princciples as relays. 1. A winding around a steel core produce es a magn netic field. 2. This T magn netic field actually moves m a componen c nt inside th he soleno oid - the po osition of the compone ent directs s pressure e to the ap ppropriate e locationss. C. The T Electrronic Con ntrol uses two gene eral types of solenoids – latch hing and nonn latcching. 1. When W latching solen noids rece eive powe er they mo ove one direction d a stay th and here until theyy receive another signal. s a. They T latch h into plac ce when th hey receivve a powe er signal and a remain in positiion with hout continuous power. ng soleno 2. Non-latchi N oids require constant power to remain n in positio on. a. When W pow wer is applied, the solenoid s m moves into o position. b. When W pow wer is turned off, the e solenoid d moves back b to itss original position. p D. Regardles R ss of theirr designation, latchiing and no on-latchin ng solenoiids act as electrohyd draulic valvves. 1. They T direcct hydraulic pressurre using th he theory of electro o-magnetiism. Circcuit Checkks To check c voltage, the circuit sho ould be energized. A. Place P a te ester lead on each side s of the e electrica al circuit or o compon nent. B. The T positivve lead frrom the te ester is pla aced on th he positive e side of the t compo onent or circcuit and th he negativ ve lead is placed on n the nega ative side of the com mponent or circuit. C. When W trou ubleshooting the Ellectronic Control, C voltage che ecks are used u for mea asuring vo oltage at various v lo ocations, including ECU E main n power in nput and OEM O wiring and acccessories s. Ressistance becomes b an a important troubleshooting g measure ement, an nd it also is an imp portant facctor for ele ectronic co ontrol ope eration. A. One O way the t Electrronic Conttrol's Elecctronic Control Unit (ECU) monitors cirrcuit stattus is by reading r circuit resisstance. 1. When W the Electronic c Control is not perrforming properly, p y can ch you heck circu uit or com mponent resistance e to see if it is within n design specificati s ons. B. To T check resistance e, use an ohmmete er. 1. A quality digital d volt//ohmmete er allows you y to che eck resisttance and d other keyy circuit con ndition item ms. 2. Always A de e-energize e the circu uit before performin ng resistan nce checkks. Con ntinuity ch hecks are similar to o resistancce checkss, but speccific resisttance readings are not as critical. A. Continuity C y indicates s the presence of a complete e, closed circuit c – th he resista ance of thiss circuit (to o a point) is not imp portant. l. Fo or instancce, if a circ cuit contains a swittch and tw wo relays, and the switch s and d relays are closed, th he circuit is comple ete – continuity exissts. B. Continuity C y and resis stance checks are performed d on de-e energized circuits with w an ohm mmeter. 1. Place P the leads on either e side e of the circuit or co omponent being ch hecked. 2. The T ohmm meter sens ses circuitt condition n/resistan nce - it sen nds a sign nal from one o side of th he ohmme eter, throu ugh the ciircuit, bacck to the other o side of the ohmmeter. C. Continuity C y and resis stance ch hecks are similar, but resistance is nott measure ed by the con ntinuity check - this would req quire a resistance check. c D. Most M digital volt/ohm mmeters let you ch heck resistance and d continuitty. E. Relationsh R hip between continuity and resistance r e: l. If continuityy is present, the ressistance will w be lesss than infiinite, and the circuit is clossed. 2. Iff continuitty is not present, re esistance will w be inffinite - the e circuit is open. Che ecking forr shorts is another electrical e c check - it's just as important i as voltag ge, resiistance an nd continu uity checkks. A. Current, C like fluid in n a hydrau ulic system m, takes th he path of least ressistance. 1. Iff a hydrau ulic hose breaks, b th he pressurrized fluid d comes out o the bre eak in the hose and d inhibits opera ation of hy ydraulic components in the circuit. c 2. For F electricity, if the e conducto or's insula ator breakks and the e conducto or comes in contact with h another conducto or, the elecctricity willl take the e path of le east resistance and d som metimes in nhibit the supply of energy to o components in the circuit. B. When W the conducto or is not in nsulated against a an n alternate e path of current c flo ow, the circcuit is said d to be "sh horted." l. Exxample - If a circuitt had two wires run nning rightt against each e othe er (like a wiring w harness) and d both wire es' insulation broke e at the sa ame spot, the cond ductors wo ould shortt toge ether. 2. This T cause es the currrent to flo ow from one wire diirectly to the t other wire, w bypa assing the rest of the circuit - the resultt is a non--functionin ng circuit.. 3. The T circuitt could en nd up dam maged if th he conducctors aren't designe ed to hand dle the exccessive cu urrent flow w that occu urs due to o the shorrt – the wires could burn, or hopefully, h a fu use will blo ow. C. Once O a sh hort has occurred, o y can use you u the the eories we e've alread dy discusssed to find d out wherre the problem lies - resistan nce and co ontinuity checks c ca an lead uss right to the problem. Troubleshootting – Intrroduction The e Electron nic Control is well-designed, but does encounte er occasional proble ems. The e chance for f Electro onic Control proble ems is incrreased byy the number of ste eps the veh hicle takess before re eaching th he custom mer. A. From F the factory, f th he Electro onic Contrrol goes to o the OEM M for insta allation. B. From F the OEM, O the vehicle iss often se ent to a bo ody specia alist. C. Like L the OEM O and body b speccialist, the e distributo or may ne eed to perrform som me work on the t vehicle before it's i finally forwarded d to the cu ustomer. Eacch of these steps presents a potential problem area. A. Installation n, interfac ce and tecchnician mistakes m o often causse system m trouble. B. The T Electrronic Control will so ometimess record diiagnostic informatio on in the form f of trou uble codess. l. Th hese code es lead te echnicianss to potential proble em areas. Som metimes, problems occur tha at don't se et trouble codes. A. this requirres following the ste eps to isolate mech hanical, hyydraulic or o electrica al problems And d sometim mes, problems occu ur that cau use interm mittent trou uble code es. A. This T requires follow wing the stteps for trroubleshooting code e and non n- code prroblems. Insttallation Checklist C proper Ele ectronic Control com mponent installation n can cau use a varie ety of perfformance Imp problems. Be efore troubleshootin ng, use th he Electronic Contro ol Installa ation checklist to enssure prope er compon nent insta allation. ECU U is moun nted in an area prottected fro om exposu ure to dusst, weathe er, sunlight and clea aning spra ays. ECU U is moun nted securely and in an area a that remains cool and supp plies good air flow. ECU U and con nnectors are a proteccted from road spla ash or othe er sources of moistture. ECU U power leads are kept as short as po ossible, aren't route ed next to o voltage or o amp perage sp pike generators and d are dedicated for the ECU only. to chassiss near the Wirre 201 is securely s grounded g e ECU. Push button shift selector is mounted in an area protected from moisture and high concentrations of sunlight. Push button shift selector is mounted at least 20 degrees from horizontal to allow moisture to drain. Selector is mounted where it will not be immersed in water. "Check transmission" light is mounted so that it is clearly visible in all conditions (sunlight, night, etc.). Throttle position sensor cable and linkage is routed so that no binding occurs during accelerator/sensor operation. Throttle position sensor cable end does not exceed a 10 degree maximum installed angle. Throttle position sensor is reading actual throttle shaft movement, not break over lever movement. Throttle position sensor is mounted flat (within .030") on a solid chassis member near the engine fuel control. Throttle position sensor is protected from excessive heat, moisture and potential operator/technician damage. Throttle position sensor is mounted so that moisture can drain from the sensor's body (body should be mounted above the cable). The DDL connector is mounted in a protected area, preferably in the cab. Wiring harnesses are securely mounted to prevent rubbing, bending, chafing and other harmful movement. The speed sensor pickup is not connected to any devices except the Electronic Control wiring harness. Trouble Code es e Electron nic Control's self-dia agnosis ca apabilitiess help you u locate and repair The problems. A. The T Electrronic Control's ECU U is a miccro-processsor with prep progrrammed operating o limits. 1. Iff the ECU U receives s signals th hat are no ot within programm p med limits, it turns on the "Ch heck Transsmission"" light and a diagno ostic troub ble code iss stored in n memoryy. Trouble code es fall into o one of tw wo catego ories - softt or hard. A. Soft S codess: 1. Cause C the e "Check Transmiss T sion" light to come on. 2. Do D not cau use the EC CU to inhibit transm mission op peration. B. Hard H code es: 1. Cause C the e "Check Transmiss T sion" and "Do Not Shift" S lightts to come e on. 2. Limit L the operation o of o the tran nsmission n, protectin ng it from damage. Rettrieving Trrouble Co odes Witho out Pro-Liink To retrieve trrouble cod des withou ut using diagnostic d c equipme ent: A. Turn T the ig gnition "on n" and sta art the eng gine. B. Run R the engine at id dle with th he shift se elector in neutral. C. Place P and d hold the Electronic Control''s test swiitch in the e "on" position. D. The T "Checck Transm mission" light will fla ash the most imporrtant diagn nostic cod de if one is present. p 1. For F examp ple - Flash h-Pause-F Flash-Flassh-Flash denotes d a Code 13 3. 2. There T mayy be a sec cond code e in memo ory, but it will not fla ash. Diagnostic eq quipment must be used to re etrieve ad dditional co odes. To clear c trouble codes s without using u diag gnostic eq quipment: A. Turn T the vehicle v "offf." B. Place P the test switc ch in the "o on" positio on. C. Be B sure th he vehicle e's brakes are applied. D. Restart R the vehicle.. E. Select S revverse (stay y in reversse for a co ouple of seconds) s t then returrn to neutral. Retrieving trouble codes using the Pro-link To retrieve trouble codes using the Pro-link: A. Connect the diagnostic tool to the Electronic Control's DDL. B. Select the transmission type. C. Press "Function" to enter the Function Selections Menu. D. Scroll until "Diagnostic Codes" appears, then press "Enter." To clear trouble codes using the Pro-link: A. Leave the Pro-link Plugged into the DDL. B. Cycle the ignition switch "off" then back "on." C. Move the shift selector from neutral to reverse, then back to neutral. Troubleshootting Scenario #1 - Troublesh T hooting Co ode 12 Cod de 12 indicates the ECU is re eceiving a low lube e pressure e signal. A. Possible P n non-electr rical cause es include e low oil le evel or low w oil presssure. B. Possible P e electrical causes c include a fa aulty presssure switcch, an ope en or shorrt in the cha assis wirin ng harness s, or an open or short in the transmisssion intern nal wiring harness. Let''s assume e the non--electrical causes have h been n checked d and are okay – the tran nsmission's Electronic Contro ol system m must be checked. Elecctronicallyy Controlle ed transm missions are a equipp ped with one o of thre ee types of o oil presssure switches - lube pressu ure switch h, low oil le evel presssure senssor or fluid dic oil leve el sensor. A. Lube L presssure switc ch is open n when no o pressure e is prese ent and clo osed whe en presssure exissts. l. A trouble code sets when w the vehicle iss running and the circuit c stayys open. B. Low L oil levvel pressu ure sensor is open when no pressure is presen nt, and, be ecause of its design, d re emains op pen when pressure exists. 1. A trouble code c is se et when th he vehicle e runs and d the circu uit closes. C. Fluidic F oil level sensor is norrmally clossed. 1. When W the vehicle ru uns, the sw witch stayys open, and a a code is set when w the switch s closses. Dettermine which w switc ch the tran nsmission n uses (refer to ECIIS). A. For F our sccenario, as ssume a lube l presssure switcch is used d - the circcuit should d be open n whe en the veh hicle is sto opped and d closed when w it's running. r B. The T ECU has set a trouble code, c so it must be reading th he circuit as open. Isolate the prroblem - determine d e if it is insside the tra ansmissio on (interna al wiring or o switch) or outside o the e transmis ssion (cha assis wirin ng harnesss). A. Isolate the e chassis wiring harness by unpluggin ng it from the transm mission, the speed sen nsor, throtttle sensorr and the ECU. B. Check C the e circuit inside the transmissiion and th he chassiss harness for open and sho orts. l. Pe erform sim mple circu uit checks - continuity checkss. 2. Check C the circuit ins side the trransmission with th he vehicle e running. 3. Check C for continuity y between n terminalss H and E on the trransmissio ons bulkh head con nnector. A. If continuitty exists, the circuitt is closed d - the ope en signal must be coming c fro om som mewhere else. e B. If continuitty doesn'tt exist; the e open sig gnal is pro obably com ming from m the interrnal circcuit, eitherr the switc ch or its re elated wiriing harnesss or the wiring w circcuit board d or faulty or damaged d terminals. Notte: The Allison Tran nsmission n Electronic Controll Troublesshooting Manuals M p provide spe ecific information for testing the t switch h (using lig ght air pre essure) an nd tracing an inte ernal wiring harness s/wiring board prob blem. If th he internal circuit is sending a closed signal, s the e problem m probablyy lies in the chassiss wiring harnesss. wires 101 and 122 1 provid de the EC CU with the e sensing g signal, so check thesse wires for f opens and shortts. A. It's difficult to place the volt/o ohm meter connecttors on ea ach end off the wirin ng harness, so you y can in nstall jump per wires while the harness is isolated d. (Examp ple: jum mping term minals H and E on th he transm mission en nd of the chassis c ha arness connects wire es 101 an nd 122 tog gether.) B. Now N deterrmine if th he chassiss harness circuit is open by checking c f continuity for betw ween term minals 2N and 3N on o the EC CU side of the chasssis harnesss. 1. Iff continuitty exists, the t circuitt isn't open, but a short may be presen nt. 2. Iff continuitty does no ot exist, one or both h of the wires w may be open Asssume that we found d an open in the chassis harn ness circu uit - when we checkked term minals 2N and 3N on o the EC CU side of the chasssis harnesss, we did dn't have con ntinuity. A. Isolate and check each e of the e wires in the circuit, starting g with wire e 101. l. Remove the jumper between terminalss H and E and place e it between termin nals E and d L. 2. Assuming we don't have anyy other trouble code A es, wire 10 09 should d be good - it sho ould have continuity y from term minal E to o terminal 2Yon the e other end of the harness. h 3. Place P the jumper j be etween terminals E and L - check c for continuity c y at termin nals 2N and d 2Y at the e ECU end of the chassis c ha arness. a. Iff continuitty exists, wire w 101 is i not ope en. b. Iff continuitty does no ot exist, wire w 101 iss open and d must be e repaired d. Notte: Make sure s the wire w you're e jumping to is good - make sure no other o code es exist thatt might afffect the wire w you're e using to test the trroubled ciircuit. B. Use U the sa ame apprroach to issolate wire e 122. 1. Jump J term minal H to another chassis c ha arness wirre (for thiss scenario o, use wire e 118 term minal F on n the trans smission side s of the e chassis harness)). 2. With W terminals H an nd F jumpe ed, contin nuity shou uld be pressent at terminals 3N and 2P on the t ECU side s of the e chassis harness. a. Iff continuitty exists, wire w 122 is i not ope en. b. Iff continuitty does no ot exist, wire w 122 iss open and d must be e repaired d. Eve en if wire 122 1 and 101 1 are no ot open, th hey mightt be shorte ed to grou und or sho orted to ano other wire in the harness. Ch heck for sh horts to grround by isolating the t appropriate wire e (disconn nect the harness att both end ds). A. Place P one e end of th he tester on o the app plicable te erminal an nd the other end of the testerr on a good grround. l. If continuityy exists, th he wire is shorted to t ground and mustt be repaired. Che ecking wirres for sho orts to oth her harnesss wires requires r to otal wire issolation. A. Unplug U the e harness s at both ends e and remove all a jumperss. B. Place P one e test lead on the ap pplicable terminal and a use th he other le ead to pro obe all othe er termina als. 1. No N continu uity should d exist be etween terrminals un nless the wiring w dia agram calls for two wire es to merg ge somew where in th he harnesss. 2. Iff continuitty exists between b te erminals, the appliccable wire es are sho orted to ea ach other. Thiss problem m must be corrected d for prope er Electro onic Contrrol operatiion. Troubleshootting Scenario #2 -T Troubleshooting Co ode 21 de 21 indicates the ECU is re eceiving an a incorre ect signal from the throttle t po osition Cod sen nsor or its related ciircuits. A. Possible P n non-electr rical cause es include e faulty throttle/thro ottle senso or linkage, imp proper thro ottle sensor installa ation (on break-ove b er lever, ettc.), impro oper throtttle sensorr adju ustment or o a bindin ng throttle sensor ca able. 1. Physically P checking g the throtttle positio on sensor''s mountin ng and me echanical ope eration will identify or o elimina ate these potential p p problem a areas. B. Possible P e electrical causes c include a fa aulty throtttle sensorr, an overr-stroked throttle t sen nsor, or an n open or short in th he chassis harnesss. Let''s assume e the non--electrical causes have h been n checked d and are okay – the tran nsmission's Electronic Contro ol system m must be checked. A. Sometime S es, the thro ottle senssor's self-a adjustmen nt mode will w read an "over-sttroke" con ndition eve en though h the senssor is operrating and d installed properly.. 1. Cycling C the e ignition switch "on" and "offf' severall times willl allow the e sensor to t selfadju ust and co orrect the situation.. 2. Iff the code e still appe ears after clearing it i from the e ECU, the e problem m still exists and you u must con ntinue trou ubleshootting. Isolate the th hrottle sen nsor by dissconnecting the chassis wiring harnesss. A. Verify V thro ottle position sensor operatio on by perfforming re esistance measurem ments. If th he sensor checks okay, o the chassis c ha arness mu ust be che ecked for opens an nd shorts. A. Disconnec D ct the cha assis harness from all compo onents - in ncluding th he ECU, tran nsmission, speed sensor and d throttle sensor. s B. Check C eacch wire in the throtttle sensorr circuit for shorts to o ground. 1. Connect C o end off the teste one er to groun nd and the e other en nd to the appropria a te term minal at th he ECU en nd of the chassis harness. 2. Iff continuitty exists anywhere, a , the wire is shorted d to groun nd and mu ust be rep paired. C. Check C eacch wire in the throtttle sensorr circuit fo or shorts to o other wiires. 1. Connect C o end off the teste one er to the appropriate a e circuit te erminal att the ECU U end of the chassis harness. h 2. Check C for continuity y by placin ng the oth her tester lead on each e termiinal at the e ECU end d of the ha arness. 3. Iff continuitty exists anywhere, a , the wire is shorted d to anoth her wire an nd must be b repa aired.