Uploaded by Benjamin

Squadron TD Guide: Game Strategy & Unit Data

Squadron TD Guide by Zwischenzug (v11.06)
There's a certain magic around fan made games. The most amazing feature is how they are evolving because of co
I've made this with love for the game and what it could be, with the mission to help newer players and show to this very comm
I haven't hidden any formulas or methodologies and I've tried to explain the process behind everything as best as I could. This
Note that the beauty of this game lies around the fact there is no perfect play. It is a game of imperfect information with the e
All of these are merely suggestions and ideas to learn and be inspired.
This guide lacks a placement guide, which is extremely fundamental to this game. We promise to bring you one soon enough,
Inspired by Amy, remember that all of these, are actually unnecessary to play the game on a very high level.
You should always have fun and experiment, otherwise you'll never know the thrill of having a unit survive or leak a
This would have been sufficiently harder without the help from basi, Parasite, Jacubus, Speed, Jasper, Tazdman, S
Most of these have been amended after a talk with FujMs. Interestingly, he is probably the only one who has read a
If a person who reads this much that somebody else wrote about a game can't convince you, I don't know who will.
Oh, and a little note on the title:
A little on how to navigate and general thoughts:
A list with all the waves' raw data and some suggestions on sends for each wave.
A list with all the sends and some commentary when it would be a good idea to use each different send.
All builder details mainly aiming to assess each different passive. THIS NEEDS TO BE UPDATED :) You can go ta
Openings & General Tips
Opening builds for all builders with support towers and general tips from SLUX.
This is probably one of the most important sections of this guide for a new player and a very solid start to excel in this game.
Units Summary (N/A)
This was a summary with unit rankings where I attempt to provide a list with the top 20 towers based on function.
I've deleted this sheet as you can see any rankings you want from the Units Lab.
Units for Data Enthusiasts
If you wanna know something about a unit, this is the sheet. It has all the raw data from the game as well some factors.
This was built upon the work of Dapperdann 11 and Jamato2ve tweeked some formulas and added some more but
Units Lab
This is for the true data geeks. Basically it's a pivot table that you can compare/rank and do a lot of tricks with the units datase
A little on how to use it: Click on the arrow on the bottom right of the "Name" cell, hoose "More Sort Options" and then the fi
I mostly use Descending as I prefer to see the values from the biggest to the smallest. You can even compare other data by re
In this sheet I'm aiming to explain the mechanics of damage and armor type.
Most importantly, I'm trying to calculate a relative strength and weakness based on the total waves in order to make calculati
The infamous mathematical problem of when to do a worker v speed. This includes multiple calculations and methodologies w
I still stand by mine, but I highly suggest checking out the methodologies by basi, Zarbad and Ulto.
An explanation for all upgrades and a suggested route for upgrading.
ey are evolving because of communities.
yers and show to this very community what can be achieved, if only we worked together.
verything as best as I could. This guide is designed so that other players can use this and build on it.
mperfect information with the element of luck.
to bring you one soon enough, but you can get a lot of ideas by watching the tournaments via AmySC2's youtube and twitch channel.
ery high level.
aving a unit survive or leak a Fatty with 1 hp.
, Speed, Jasper, Tazdman, SLUX, Kelson, Dapperdann 11 and Jamato 212.
the only one who has read and will read this guide fully.
ce you, I don't know who will.
Prototype has been saved :
E UPDATED :) You can go take a look but don't get attached.
olid start to excel in this game.
towers based on function.
ame as well some factors.
as and added some more but I have added all calculations on both "True" and "Adjusted" values.
ot of tricks with the units dataset.
re Sort Options" and then the field that you want Descending or Ascending.
even compare other data by readjusting the pivot table.
waves in order to make calculations for each damage/armor type which are used as factors in the Units for Data Enthusiasts.
alculations and methodologies with reference to their work.
ad and Ulto.
ube and twitch channel.
ta Enthusiasts.