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Side Hustler Checklist: Boost Your Creator Journey

The Side Hustler Checklist
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Hi friends,
With this checklist, you will know the nitty-gritty behind what goes into the making of a
side-hustler and a creator.
Of course, each of these points can have an article of its own, but I’ve tried to add as
many details as possible to give you clarity on the direction of your journey. These
things personally helped me drastically.
And if you don’t know me...I’m Niharikaa! It’s so lovely to meet you :)
In December 2020 I wrote a goal to quit before I turn 25. I started side-hustling in
November 2020 and quit my job in July 2021.
I’m also a 23x top writer on Medium ans LinkedIn Top Voice 2022.
My purpose is to help people live better lives, whether it’s by self-improvement articles
(where everything I write about is tried and tested), ebooks, guides, or courses.
Each quarter, I also conduct my cohort-based course called Summit 21 which gets sold
out every time we launch. If you want to upgrade your digital writing game with friends
from across the world, you will love it.
The Side Hustler Checklist
I hope you enjoy this and I’d love to hear from you once you finish it. Go on, crush it!
Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
PS: If you’re serious about taking your writing to another level, stay tuned with Summit
21. It only happens 4 times a year. Click here to check it out.
A skill to improve/ learn
Learn from
Online courses
A medium for that skill
Choosing one platform
Name that platform:
Choosing one social network (will help build your personal brand)
Name that platform:
The Side Hustler Checklist
Choosing the right platform is important. I had to delete an account with over 11,000
Instagram followers because I wanted to write and not be too visual.
Find Models
(beneficial if you also aspire to be a creator)
Find 3 people who are doing what you want to do
Read about their journeys
What were their failures?
What helped?
What sucked?
How did they combat hard times?
Present strategies
Present routines
Make YOUR routine now
What time works the best?
Late afternoon
Before I sleep
The Side Hustler Checklist
Feel free to break the tasks depending on your convenience. During my 9-5, I worked
1h before work and 1h after work. Right now, I edit in the morning, write in the afternoon
or evening and write ideas before I sleep.
Productivity checklist
Written Goals
Monthly target
Weekly milestones to get closer to the target
Weekly reflection on weekends
How was my week?
What was great?
What didn’t work as planned?
What will I do next week?
Taking out time to learn/ polish the skill
Taking enough rest
Yes or No?
If yes,
Create Upwork profile (or Fiverr)
Prepare a proposal (this video helped me)
Cold DM people on LinkedIn
Pro tip: check out their business, find an issue (e.g. your copywriting can
be better on ‘about me page’) and suggest a solution in the DM - much better
random cold DMs!
The Side Hustler Checklist
No - focussing on just creating
Free and easy
Monetise your newsletter with Swapstack
Use Hypefury affiliate link if you’re a member
Do you use apps that pay you for sign-ups? Use their referral links.
Skillshare if you’re a member.
Medium referral links
Tough ones - work by putting time/money and becoming more credible
If you enrol into a course, hit up the course creator and ask for an affiliate
link. The worst answer is just a no, which isn’t so bad. (My Summit 21 course
members have an option to become affiliates if they enjoyed the course)
Email the cofounder (that's how I got a 20% off on Hypefury membership
without being a member)
Creating Channels
These channels pay you for watching/ reading minutes.
Relevant article: My 5 Income Streams as a Full-Time Creator
Become a Creator
The Side Hustler Checklist
The creator economy is booming! There’s no better time to be a creator. Here’s the path
for the same.
Find/ work on a skill
Showcase that skill on a platform for long
Be consistent (algorithms love consistency)
Engage with others in a similar niche
This will help you:
Create better work (because consistency)
Build an audience (because consistency, again)
Build relationships
Add value and gain credibility
Have more fun!
Learn from others
Building in public = direct feedback
Pro tip: I publish 17-20 articles/ month on Medium, and schedule my tweets at 7-10
tweets/day for the week (takes an hour or two). This has helped me a lot so far!
Realities to form peace with
I will not be obsessed with stats
I will increase my quantity as I improve the quality
Traction takes time, easy 6-12 months. I will work for one year even with zero
money and views.
Instead of whining about my work not getting traction or criticising the platform, I will
find the weak points and work on them.
My first 50 videos/articles will probably be shit, but it’s a learning phase.
The Side Hustler Checklist
I will celebrate wins! Every one follower, client, and $ is a big big deal!
Helpful Reads
How I Have 91,600+ Followers Across Platforms
I Went Viral on LinkedIn With 4.79 Million Views
Be a Thriving Creator With 3 Easy But One Tough Step
Freelancing Tips I Wish Somebody Gave Me When I Started
3 Things Preventing You From Writing Consistently
Successful Side Hustlers Have These 4 Traits
What My 4-Hour Workday Looks Like as a ‘Full-Time’ Writer
Creative Space' - The Sweet Spot Where Ideas Are Brewed and Executed
Learn From Me
Become a consistent writer and grow your online presence with my 3-week
long cohort-based course, Summit 21
Here, I’ll teach you all my tips and tricks.
If you want to become a better writer, ace LinkedIn, Twitter, and/or Medium, and build
an audience while you’re at it - Summit 21 is for you.
Our alumni are super happy, check out what they have to say.
Click Here to enroll in the next available cohort.
If it’s not available anytime soon for you, DM me on Twitter and I’ll make sure to ping
you when we start next.
More Resources
The Side Hustler Checklist
NEW: LinkedIn Ultimate Content Mastery - I will teach you everything that you
need to know about LinkedIn here.
LinkedIn Content Mastery Playbook - Over 200 people in since July 2022 trust
this playbook to be their one-stop guide for LinkedIn.
FREE eBook on Starting a Side Hustle and Making Money Online - Download
💡Fun fact: It has over 2000 downloads so far (Released in September 2021)
A concise guide on Writing Your First eBook effortlessly - Get here
💡Fun fact: my free ebooks have made me $1000+ built an audience.
Medium Guide: Learn how to ace on Medium and make money quicker than I did Get here
💡Fun Fact: I made over $10k in my first year on Medium.
What if spending $19.99 on this makes you $1999 a few months from now?
Article Guide: If you want to write kickass blogs without Medium Hacks - Get here
Stay in Touch
Say hello on Twitter!
Connect with me on LinkedIn (fyi, I’m in the exclusive Creator’s Program that LinkedIn
invited me for!) If you send a request, do put in a note that you’re from here as I have
over 6.5k pending requests :(
The Side Hustler Checklist
Read my stories on Medium - I talk about side hustles, being a creator, and selfimprovement. Not a member? Sign up using my referral link.
Lastly, I also have a weekly newsletter with a family of 2550+ subscribers where I help
them become healthier and happier
The Side Hustler Checklist