The Mayo Clinic STAKEHOLDERS ACTOR What he can do on the Software Created Administrative staff Mention what administrative staff should be able to do using this new initiative. Can have more than 1 point. Doctors Mention what doctors should be able to do using this new initiative. Can have more than 1 point. Nurses Mention what nurses should be able to do using this new initiative. Can have more than 1 point. Senior Management Mention what Senior management should be able to do using this new initiative. Can have more than 1 point. Scope Mention the scope of the system. How this will help respective stakeholder. WORKFLOW OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM Create a pictorial workflow for the proposed system. SCOPE using Use Case Diagram (UML) Create a use case diagram including all the actors and processes for an end to end process of the system. IN SCOPE ● Mention the name of features and what they are used for. You can also mention the system reports generated and what will they be used for. OUT OF SCOPE What are the facilities or features the are out of scope or cannot be implemented at present? You can also mention caveats. ER Diagram for HMS Create an ER Diagram for the system you have designed. Data Flow Diagram for HMS Create a Data Flow diagram for the hospital management system you have designed. Flow chart for patient admission Create a Flow Chart to depict how patient admission will be done. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Write down all the functional requirements for the system. NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Write all the nonfunctional requirements for the system. System Requirement: Usability: Screen Wireframes Create wireframes for every screen that will appear to the users of the system.