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Traveller Profile V7b partial detailv1

Traveller Profile
Note 1:
Note 2:
Note 3:
(Version 7b)
Upon completion of this Traveller Profile, please forward to Mayflower Corporate Travel Services.
Please provide mandatory information for those fields/headers highlighted in BLUE TEXT.
Your card details will be collected at the time of booking over the phone in compliance with personal data protection.
Mr / Ms / Dr
Name as per Passport:
Given Name:
Company Name:
Business Address:
Traveller Type:
Employee or Non-Employee (Guest / Contractor / HCP, etc)
Job Designation:
Office Phone:
Office Facsimile:
Mobile Number:
(Country Code+Number)
Residence Address:
Secretary / PA / Arranger (Name):
For Management Reporting, please provide the required details for the
Direct Phone:
Mobile No.:
item/s below:
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. (121804-A) is an independently owned and operated entity which is a licensee of American Express Global Business Travel (“GBT”).GBT is a joint
venture that is not wholly-owned by American Express Company or any of its subsidiaries (“American Express”). “American Express Global Business Travel”, “American Express” and the American
Express logo are trademarks of American Express, and are used under limited license.
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Personal Details
Dy / Mo / Year: Ex. 01 / 01 / 2020
Date of Birth:
IC / ID Number:
Passport: This is important for airline ticketing purposes
Dy / Mo / Year
Country of Issue:
Country of Issue:
/ /
Optional: Airline Preferences
Note: If you do not want certain seat number or be
seated near toilet / exit, please advise us at time of
Seating Preferences:
Special Meal Requirements (please specify):
Class of Travel: Company travel policy applies:
Club Membership
Registered Name
Membership Number
Expiry (Dy / Mo / Year)
Optional: Accommodation Preferences
Hotel Name/Group:
Hotel Name/Group:
Club Membership:
Club Membership:
Membership No.
Membership No:
Optional: Car Rental Preferences
Car Company:
Car Company:
Club Membership:
Club Membership:
Membership No.
Membership No:
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. (121804-A) is an independently owned and operated entity which is a licensee of American Express Global Business Travel (“GBT”).GBT is a joint
venture that is not wholly-owned by American Express Company or any of its subsidiaries (“American Express”). “American Express Global Business Travel”, “American Express” and the American
Express logo are trademarks of American Express, and are used under limited license.
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Optional: Family Member Details
Spouse: Name as appeared in Passport (Surname in CAPITAL):
Date of Birth: Dy / Mo / Year
Male / Female
Country of
Dy / Mo / Year
Child 1: Name as appeared in Passport (Surname in CAPITAL):
Date of Birth: Dy / Mo / Year
Male / Female
Country of
Dy / Mo / Year
Child 2: Name as appeared in Passport (Surname in CAPITAL):
Date of Birth: Dy / Mo / Year
Male / Female
Country of
Dy / Mo / Year
Child 3: Name as appeared in Passport (Surname in CAPITAL):
Date of Birth: Dy / Mo / Year
Male / Female
Country of
Dy / Mo / Year
Child 4: Name as appeared in Passport (Surname in CAPITAL):
Date of Birth: Dy / Mo / Year
Male / Female
Country of
Dy / Mo / Year
Child 5: Name as appeared in Passport (Surname in CAPITAL):
Date of Birth: Dy / Mo / Year
Male / Female
Country of
Dy / Mo / Year
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. (121804-A) is an independently owned and operated entity which is a licensee of American Express Global Business Travel (“GBT”).GBT is a joint
venture that is not wholly-owned by American Express Company or any of its subsidiaries (“American Express”). “American Express Global Business Travel”, “American Express” and the American
Express logo are trademarks of American Express, and are used under limited license.
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Terms & Conditions
If you are a customer who has completed and/or signed the Passenger Account Record Form (PAR), these Terms & Conditions apply to all bookings and
transactions you make with Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn Bhd).
You authorise Mayflower Corporate Travel Services to book travel and other services that you request by telephone, fax, e-mail or in person from time to time.
If such services are not paid directly by the company, you agree to pay Mayflower Corporate Travel Services by charging to your card account such services.
Prices are quoted for travel in Malaysian Ringgit, based on foreign exchange rates, fares and taxes that are valid when the quotation is made. Prices may be
raised if there is a change in foreign exchange rates, fares or taxes between the date of quotation and the date when tickets or voucher are issued.
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services acts only as agents for the airline, hotel, car rental or other service providers booked for you. It does not own, manage
or control any travel provider. Any tickets or vouchers are subject to the suppliers' terms and conditions, including but not limited to cancelation or "no-show"
charges. You agree that Mayflower Corporate Travel Services is not responsible for any problems, deficiencies or changes in travel services that cannot be
controlled including without limitations, delays, cancellations, breakdowns or accidents in flights or other services, over bookings by airlines or hotels, changes
in itinerary or operating schedules, or any problem concerning your health, luggage or possessions. You are responsible for safeguarding tickets, vouchers
and identification documents and for complying with all health, customs, and exchange control and other laws of any country you enter or attempt to enter.
Refunds are subject to the conditions and procedures of the airline or other supplier. You will not be credited for any refunds of charges made against your
card until it has been approved and processed by the supplier. Refunds usually take several weeks or months to process and are determined by the airline or
other supplier.
You may be required to sign another authorisation or Personal Account Record form if the card account you have nominated is cancelled or changed for any
reason. If payment via your card account is refused or unavailable for any reason, you agree to pay Mayflower Corporate Travel Services directly on demand
for any services provided at your request or on your behalf that are not paid directly by the company.
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services reserves the right to change these terms & conditions at any time by notifying you in writing. These terms & conditions
do not change or affect any terms & conditions governing the card account you have nominated for payment of travel services.
Unless Mayflower Corporate Travel Services agrees in writing to different payment terms, all travel services must be paid for at the time tickets or other travel
documents are issued.
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services acts only as agents for the suppliers providing transport, accommodation, or other services covered by the enclosed
tickets or other documents ("Tickets"). All Tickets are issued subject to the terms and conditions of the suppliers. The contract between the client and the
airline or other supplier is the only contract governing the transport of other services covered by the enclosed Tickets or other document. By accepting the
Tickets and/or using the services, the clients agree that neither Mayflower Corporate Travel Services nor any of its affiliated companies shall be liable or
responsible for any accident, loss, injury or damage to the clients or their belongings or otherwise which is caused by any transport, accommodation or other
services or which results from anything beyond the control of Mayflower Corporate Travel Services, including, without limitation, equipment breakdown, strikes,
theft, delay or cancellation of or changes to any itinerary or schedule. Please note that all travel documents including passports and visas, as well as compliance
with Customs, medical, exchange control or other governmental regulations, are the responsibility of the client.
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services (independently owned and operated by Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn Bhd) is committed to protect your
privacy by maintaining the integrity of your personal data and making sure it is processed in accordance with the law. In line with the enforcement of the PDPA,
we have prepared a PDPA notice as per “Appendix A” in regards to your consent to the processing of your personal data and sensitive personal data in
accordance with the PDPA notice as per “Appendix A” below.
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn Bhd (“MCTS”) provides this privacy statement to describe how we may collect, use, share, and otherwise process
your personal information, as an employee of one of our corporate clients or other individual to whom we offer or provide our services – travel, meetings and
events, and related products and services -- via our websites, mobile applications, email communications or other
online and offline means.
For more information:
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. (121804-A) is an independently owned and operated entity which is a licensee of American Express Global Business Travel (“GBT”).GBT is a joint
venture that is not wholly-owned by American Express Company or any of its subsidiaries (“American Express”). “American Express Global Business Travel”, “American Express” and the American
Express logo are trademarks of American Express, and are used under limited license.
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The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the “PDPA”), which regulates the processing of personal data in commercial transactions,
applies to Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn Bhd (herein after referred to as “Mayflower”, “our”, “us” or “we”) as a data user. For the purposes of this
written notice, the terms “personal data” and “processing” shall have the same meaning prescribed in the PDPA.
Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (selepas ini disebut sebagai “PDPA”), yang mengawal selia pemprosesan data peribadi untuk tujuan transaksi komersial,
adalah dikenakan terhadap Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn Bhd (selepas ini disebut sebagai “Mayflower”, “kami” atau “kita”) sebagai pengguna data.
Untuk tujuan Notis ini, terma-terma “data peribadi” dan “pemprosesan” akan mempunyai maksud seperti yang ditakrifkan di dalam PDPA.
This written notice (“Notice”) is issued by us and serves to inform you that your personal data is being processed by or on behalf of Mayflower.
Notis bertulis ini (“Notis”) bertujuan untuk memaklumkan kepada anda bahawa data peribadi anda sedang diproses oleh atau bagi pihak Mayflower.
The personal data processed by us may include your name, national registration identity card No. (NRIC no.), contact number, address, occupation,
marital status, email address, bank account details, and any other details that you have provided or may provide us with in the documents as
prescribed in paragraph 4 of this Notice or otherwise as well as all other details relating thereto.
Data peribadi yang diproses oleh kami termasuk nama, nombor kad pengenalan, nombor telefon, alamat, pekerjaan, alamat e-mel, butiran akaun
bank dan sebarang butiran-butiran lain anda, yang diberikan oleh anda dalam dokumen-dokumen yang dinyatakan dalam perenggan 4 Notis ini
atau sebaliknya termasuklah sebarang butiran-butiran lain yang berkaitan denganya.
We are processing your personal data, including any additional information you may subsequently provide, for the following purposes (“Purposes”):
Kami sedang memproses data peribadi anda, termasuk apa-apa maklumat tambahan yang mungkin anda akan memberikan kemudian, bagi tujuan
yang berikut ("Tujuan-tujuan"):
assessing and processing your application in relation to your travel related bookings including, but not limited to, air tickets, hotels, car hires, rails,
ferries, travel insurances, visa applications, ground arrangements and other value added products;
menilai dan memproses permohonan anda berhubung dengan tempahan perjalanan anda yang berkaitan termasuk, tetapi tidak terhad kepada,
tiket penerbangan, hotel, menyewaan kereta, rel, feri, insuran perjalanan, permohonan visa, perancangan darat, dan lain-lain produk nilai tambah;
managing and administering our records in relation to your travel related bookings including, but not limited to, air tickets, hotels, car hires, rails,
ferries, travel insurances, visa applications, ground arrangements and other value added products;
mengurus dan mentadbir rekod-rekod kami berhubung dengan tempahan perjalanan anda yang berkaitan termasuk, tetapi tidak terhad kepada,
tiket penerbangan, hotel, menyewaan kereta, rel, feri, insuran perjalanan, permohonan visa, perancangan darat, dan lain-lain produk nilai tambah;
performing your contract;
melaksanakan kontrak anda;
assisting you in relation to any insurance application;
membantu anda berhubung dengan apa-apa permohonan insuran;
facilitating or enabling any checks that we conduct or by any third party on you from time to time;
memudahkan atau membolehkan sebarang pemeriksaan yang dijalankan oleh kami atau oleh mana-mana pihak ketiga kepada anda dari semasa
ke semasa;
complying with the applicable laws;
mematuhi undang-undang;
assisting any government agencies or bureaus or bodies including for the purposes of police or regulatory investigations;
membantu mana-mana agensi kerajaan atau biro-biro atau badan-badan termasuk bagi tujuan penyiasatan polis atau pengawalseliaan;
contacting you or your tour group members;
menghubungi anda atau ahli kumpulan pelancongan anda;
facilitating your compliance with any laws or regulations applicable to you;
memudahkan pematuhan anda dengan mana-mana undang-undang atau peraturan-peraturan yang berkaitan dengan anda;
responding to your enquiries;
menjawab pertanyaan anda;
conducting our internal activities, internal market surveys and trend analysis; or such other purposes as may be related to the foregoing.
menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti dalaman kami, meninjau pasaran dalaman dan analisis trend, atau apa-apa tujuan-tujuan lain sebagaimana yang
berkaitan kepada perkara di atas.
Your personal data is and will be collected from you and/or from the information you have provided in your emails, all application/registration forms,
any other information that you may provide us from time to time, and third parties such as doctors, banks, insurance companies, etc.
Data peribadi anda akan diambil dari anda dan / atau daripada maklumat yang telah disediakan dalam e-mel anda, semua borang-borang
permohonan / pendaftaran, apa-apa maklumat lain yang anda mungkin berikan kepada kami dari semasa ke semasa, dan pihak ketiga seperti
doktor, bank-bank , syarikat-syarikat insuran dan lain-lain.
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. (121804-A) is an independently owned and operated entity which is a licensee of American Express Global Business Travel (“GBT”).GBT is a joint
venture that is not wholly-owned by American Express Company or any of its subsidiaries (“American Express”). “American Express Global Business Travel”, “American Express” and the American
Express logo are trademarks of American Express, and are used under limited license.
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You may access and request for correction of your personal data and to contact us with any enquiries or complaints in respect of your personal data
as follows:
Anda boleh mengakses dan memohon pembetulan maklumat peribadi anda serta menghubungi kami sebarang pertanyaan atau aduan berkenaan
dengan data peribadi anda seperti berikut:
Designation of the contact person:
(Jawatan Individu Yang Perlu Dihubungi):
Phone number (No. Telefon):
Fax number (No. Faksimili):
E-mail address (Alamat e-mel):
Customer Service
(Khidmat Pelanggan)
In accordance with the PDPA:
Selaras dengan PDPA:
(a) We may charge a prescribed fee for processing your request for access or correction; and
Kami mungkin mengenakan bayaran yang ditetapkan untuk memproses permintaan anda untuk akses atau pembetulan; dan
(b) We may refuse to comply with your request for access or correction to your personal data and if we refuse to comply with such request,
we will inform you of our refusal and reason for our refusal.
Kami boleh enggan mematuhi permintaan anda untuk akses atau pembetulan data peribadi anda dan jika kami enggan mematuhi permintaan
tersebut, kami akan memaklumkan kepada anda tentang keengganan dan sebab keengganan kami.
Your personal data may be disclosed to parties such as but not limited to, banks, auditors, governmental departments and/or agencies, regulatory
and/or statutory bodies, our related corporations and/or members of Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad, Warisan TC Holdings Berhad, APM
Automotive Holdings Berhad and their respective subsidiaries, business partners, service providers and any such third party that you have requested
or authorised us for any of the above Purposes or any other purpose for which your personal data was to be disclosed at the time of its collection
or any other purpose directly related to any of the above Purposes.
Data peribadi anda mungkin dizahirkan kepada pihak seperti tetapi tidak terhad kepada, bank-bank, juruaudit, jabatan-jabatan kerajaan dan / atau
agensi-agensi, badan-badan kawal selia dan / atau berkanun, syarikat-syarikat berkaitan dan / atau anggota-anggota Tan Chong Motor Holdings
Berhad, Warisan TC Holdings Berhad, APM Automotive Holdings Berhad dan anak-anak syarikat mereka, rakan perniagaan, pembekal-pembekal
perkhidmatan dan mana-mana pihak ketiga seperti yang anda telah meminta atau memberi kebenaran kepada kami untuk apa-apa Tujuan-tujuan
di atas atau apa-apa tujuan lain yang dimana data peribadi anda adalah untuk dizahirkan pada masa kutipan atau apa-apa tujuan lain yang berkaitan
secara langsung kepada mana-mana Tujuan-tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas.
If you fail to supply to us the above personal data, we may not be able to process your personal data for any of the above Purposes.
Jika anda gagal untuk memberikan kepada kami data peribadi di atas, kami mungkin tidak boleh memproses data peribadi anda untuk apa-apa
Tujuan-tujuan di atas.
Your personal data may be transferred to a place outside Malaysia.
Data peribadi anda mungkin dipindahkan ke lokasi-lokasi di luar Malaysia.
You are responsible for ensuring that the personal data you provide us is accurate, complete and not misleading and that such personal data is kept
up to date.
Anda bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahawa data peribadi yang anda berikan kami adalah tepat, lengkap dan tidak mengelirukan dan terkini.
We may request your assistance to procure the consent of third parties whose personal data is provided by you to us and you agree to use your
best endeavors to do so.
Kami akan meminta bantuan anda untuk mendapatkan persetujuan pihak ketiga data peribadi yang diberikan oleh anda kepada kami dan anda
bersetuju untuk menggunakan usaha terbaik untuk berbuat demikian.
In the event of any inconsistencies between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this Notice, the English version shall prevail
over the Bahasa Malaysia version.
Sekiranya terdapat percanggahan di antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan versi Bahasa Malaysia Notis ini, maka versi Bahasa Inggeris akan digunakan.
Specific Consent for Direct Marketing / Persetujuan Khusus untuk Pemasaran Terus
In relation to direct marketing, please indicate your preference [ X ] :Berhubungan dengan Pemasaran Terus, sila nyatakan pilihan anda dengan [ X ] :-
☐ YES, I /we expressly agree for you to disclose, share and process my/our personal data with your group of companies and business partners for the
purposes of promoting you, your group of companies and/or your business partners’ products and services.
Ya, saya/kami bersetuju secara nyata kepada anda untuk menzahirkan, berkongsi dan memproses data peribadi saya/kami dengan kumpulan
syarikat anda dan rakan perniagaan untuk tujuan mempromosikan anda, kumpulan syarikat anda dan/atau produk-produk dan
perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan rakan perniagaan anda.
NO, I / we do not agree for you to disclose, share and process my/our personal data with your group of companies and business partners for the
purposes of promoting you, your group of companies and/or your business partners’ products and services.
Tidak, saya/kami tidak bersetuju secara nyata kepada anda untuk menzahirkan, berkongsi dan memproses data peribadi saya/kami dengan
kumpulan syarikat anda dan rakan perniagaan untuk tujuan mempromosikan anda, kumpulan syarikat anda dan/atau produk-produk dan
perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan rakan perniagaan anda.
I hereby confirm receipt of your above Notice Under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and consent to the processing of my personal data in
accordance with your said Notice.
Saya dengan ini mengesahkan penerimaan Notis dibawah Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 dan bersetuju untuk membenarkan data peribadi saya
diproses mengikut Notis ini.
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. (121804-A) is an independently owned and operated entity which is a licensee of American Express Global Business Travel (“GBT”).GBT is a joint
venture that is not wholly-owned by American Express Company or any of its subsidiaries (“American Express”). “American Express Global Business Travel”, “American Express” and the American
Express logo are trademarks of American Express, and are used under limited license.
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I hereby declare the information given by me is true and complete. By signing here, I acknowledge I have read and understood the
Terms & Conditions as highlighted above.
Please print and sign your signature inside the box
Date: Dy / Mo / Year
Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. (121804-A) is an independently owned and operated entity which is a licensee of American Express Global Business Travel (“GBT”).GBT is a joint
venture that is not wholly-owned by American Express Company or any of its subsidiaries (“American Express”). “American Express Global Business Travel”, “American Express” and the American
Express logo are trademarks of American Express, and are used under limited license.
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