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Wind Turbine Blade Technology Project Report

Design Project 1 – Renewable Technology Challenge
Wind Turbine Blade Technology
ENGINEER 1P13 – Integrated Cornerstone Design Projects in Engineering
Tutorial 01
Team Mon-02
Pusapati Karthik (Pusapatk)
Course Instructors: Dr. McDonald, Dr. Doyle, Dr. Ebrahimi, Dr. Fleisig, Dr. Hassan, Dr. Zurob
1P13 DP-1 Project Report
Design Studio Section T01
Team MON 02
Independent Research Summary
Introduction: Wind Turbines convert kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy.
There are many factors which affect the amount of KE harvested such as location,
Temperature, Terrain, as well as the Earth’s rotation. Wind Turbines in engineering
are classified into two types: Vertical Axis Turbine and Horizontal Axis turbine. Our
focus is on wind farms powering off-grid locations for sustainability which usually
is HAT’s. [1]
Design factors: Many elements of the turbine are engineered to the minute detail to
achieve desired results. The axis of windmill determines whether the blades are
placed upwind/downwind. Factors such as Blade length, the number of blades,
Height of placement, Colour of blades, The material used in spar and prepreg are
altered to achieve desired results such as optimal weight to stiffness ratio, tensile
strength, rotational speed and to withstand against elastic buckling. Individual sheets
are infused together to achieve a blade using modern engineering techniques. The
materials used in the construction of blades are not uniform but follow a hybrid
pattern, specially designed to meet the desired features. Materials such as Epoxyglass is used to increase stiffness and compression strength but is replaced by carbon
fiber in the main spar for better tensile strength, stiffer and lower density than Glass
fiber used in spar cap. Furthermore, Nano engineering techniques improve resistance
and compressive strength and fracture toughness from 30% to 80%. [2][3] The
longest blade is 115.5 m long and is made with such modern engineering techniques.
Blade maintenance is as important as production and is mainly of two types,
preventive and corrective. Main type of damages that occur to these blades are due
to cracks, impact of lighting or bird. [4] Considering the complexity of the project
we will be proceeding with HAT’s and designing hybrid curved blades which are
aerodynamic and resilient, thereby harvesting the maximum energy. [4]
1P13 DP-1 Project Report
Design Studio Section T01
Team MON 02
Reference List
[1] Credible information by Gov of US stored in online webpage
[2] Online directory “Sciencedirect”
[3] Webpage Alternative Energy Tutorials
[4] Materials for Wind Turbine Blades: An Overview noted in National Library of