Experiment No. 3 DETERMINATION OF WATER CONTENT, UNIT WEIGHT, VOID RATIO AND DEGREE OF SATURATION OF SOIL 1. Objective(s): To introduce to the student the procedure in determining the weight-volume characteristics of the soil. 2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): The students shall be able to: • connect the relationship of water content, unit weight, void ratio and degree of saturation. • describe methods in determining water content, unit weight, void ratio and degree of saturation. 3. Discussion: The determination of water content, unit weight and void ratio is an important requirement in laboratory tests and is part of the test included in more elaborate tests. Water content is an important measure in the compaction of soil. In order that correct water content is obtained from a soil sample, several samples at different points must be taken. They are then mixed and the water content is then obtained from this soil sample. Various methodologies have been devised to determine the unit weight of the soil in the field such as calibrated bucket method, nuclear method to name a few. For determination of the unit weight in a laboratory setting, paraffin wax can be used in determining the unit weight. The paraffin coating applied on the soil will allow determination of its volume as it is submerged in water. The specific gravity of the solid grains of the soil is an engineering parameter which is dependent on the mineralogy of the soil and the structure of its solid grains. Upon determination of the specific gravity, the void ratio and degree of saturation of the soil can then be determined mathematically. 4. Resources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tin cup Sensitive Balance Oven Pycnometer Bunsen burner Paraffin wax 5. Procedure: Note: For this experiment, coarse-grained soil sample is to be utilized to expedite the oven-drying of the sample. Water Content Determination 1. Weigh a tin cup including its cover; identify the cover and its lid. Determine the weight of the tin cup. 2. Place a representative sample of wet soil in the cup. Determine the weight of wet soul and tin cup. 10 3. Place the sample in the oven for at least 3 hours. 4. When the sample has dried to constant weight, obtain the weight of cup and dry soil 5. Compute the water content. The difference between weight of wet soil plus cup and weight of dry soil plus cup is the weight of water (Ww). Also compute the weight of dry soil (Ws). 6. To determine the water content (). = Ww/Ws x 100 7. Repeat until three (3) trials are achieved. Determine the average moisture content. Unit Weight Determination 1. Trim a sample of soil to about 1 ½ inches diameter and 2 to 3 inches long. Surface should be smooth and rounded. Weigh to up to the nearest 0.1 gram. 2. Cover with a thin coating of paraffin and weigh again. Compute the volume of paraffin from weight of paraffin. The specific gravity of paraffin is about 0.9 3. Immerse the coated sample in water in the graduated cylinder and determine its displacement. The volume of the sample is the volume of the water displaced minus the volume of the paraffin. 4. Compute the unit weight in grams/cu. cm. Calculations: • The volume of the paraffin is equal to the weight of paraffin used to coat sample divided by the density of paraffin. Density of paraffin is 0.90 Wt. of paraffin = Wt. Soil coated with paraffin – wt. of soil uncoated with paraffin • The volume of the paraffin—coated sample is equal to the weight in air minus the weight in water, (express the weight in gm) • Wet density of soil = wt of soil vol of soil g/cc or kg/m Specific Gravity Determination: Calibration of Pycnometer 1. Transfer carefully the 25 gm sample to the calibrated bottle and add distilled water until about ½ full. Care must be exercised so as not to lose any of the soil in the transfer. 2. Expel the entrapped air by boiling gently for at least 10 minutes. Roll the bottle occasionally to facilitate the removal of air. 3. Cool the sample to room temperature or to a temperature within the range of the calibration curve of the bottle used. Determination of Specific Gravity 1. Fill the bottle with distilled water to the calibration mark as discussed in step 2 from calibration of bottle. 2. Dry the outside of the bottle, as in step 3, pycnometer calibration. 3. Weigh the bottle with water and soil, and record as Wb. 11 4. Read and record the temperature of the contents to 0.1 °C, as in step 5, pycnometer calibration. 5. Repeat procedure for at least 3 trials. Note: An alternative heating device that can be used is an electric plate stove with wire gauze. Gs = Gt (Ws) Ws + Wa – Wb Where: Gs – Specific gravity Gt – Specific gravity of distilled water at the temperature when Wb was obtained (refer to Table A) Ws – Weight of oven-dried sample Wa – weight of bottle + water (from calibration curve) Wb – weight of bottle + soil and water Determination of Void Ratio and Degree of Saturation: The void ratio can be determined from the formula shown below: e= wGs (1+w) 1 The degree of saturation can be determined from the formula shown below: S = Gs/e 12 Course: Group No.: Group Leader: Group Members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. Data and Results: Experiment No.: Section: Date Performed: Date Submitted: Instructor: Moisture Content Determination Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Wt of tin cup (Wc) Wt. of tin cup + Wet Soil (Wc+ws) Wt. of tin cup and dry soil (Wc+dc) Wt. of water (Ww) Wt. of dry soil (Wds) Water Content () Average Description Wt. of soil (Ws) Wt. of soil and paraffin (Ws+p) Volume of soil+paraffin (Vs+p) Sample 3 Unit Weight Determination Description Wt. of paraffin (Wp) Volume of paraffin (Vp) Volume of soil (Vs) Unit weight () Description SG of distilled water (Gt) Wt. of oven-dried sample (Ws) Specific Gravity Determination Description Wt. of bottle + water (Wa) Weight of bottle + soil + water (Wb) Specific gravity of soil (Gs) Determination of Void Ratio and Degree of Saturation Void ratio Degree of Saturation 13 7. Conclusion: 8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance): BEGINNER 1 CRITERIA ACCEPTABLE 2 PROFICIENT 3 SCORE I. Laboratory Skills Manipulative Skills Experimental Set-up Process Skills Safety Precautions Members occasionally demonstrate needed skills Members are unable Members are able to to set-up the set-up the materials materials. with supervision. Members Members do not occasionally demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted process skills. process skills. Members do not Members follow follow safety safety precautions precautions. most of the time. Members do not demonstrate needed skills. II. Work Habits Time Members do not Management / finish on time with Conduct of incomplete data. Experiment Members finish on time with incomplete data. Members always demonstrate needed skills. Members are able to setup the material with minimum supervision. Members always demonstrate targeted process skills. Members follow safety precautions at all times. Members finish ahead of time with complete data and time to revise data. 14 Cooperative and Teamwork Members do not know their tasks and have no defined responsibilities. Group conflicts have to be settled by the teacher. Neatness and Orderliness Messy workplace during and after the experiment. Ability to do independent work Members require supervision by the teacher. Other Comments/Observations: Members have defined responsibilities most of the time. Group conflicts are cooperatively managed most of the time. Clean and orderly workplace with occasional mess during and after the experiment. Members require occasional supervision by the teacher. Members are on tasks and have defined responsibilities at all times. Group conflicts are cooperatively managed at all times. Clean and orderly workplace at all times during and after the experiment. Members do not need to be supervised by the teacher. Total Score (𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒) 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 24 × 100 9. Documentation 15