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ESL Lesson Plan: Travel & Directions

Basic 
Lesson Plan - 1 day
Travel and transport (Ask a direction)
Lesson Objectives
Students, working pairs, will correctly ask direction and
answer questions about the way.
Warm-up and Objective Discussion
In the previous lesson we discussed places for visiting in a foreign country: a museum, a
library, a restaurant, a hotel and a park.
Pictures has been prepared in advance: a museum, a library, a restaurant, a hotel and a park.
Students work in pairs with these pictures. All pairs have pictures and words, which they need
connect with each other.
We repeated the sights that a tourist can visit. Now imagine that we want to visit these new
interesting places. And now the question arises: how to get there? So, we discuss directions,
questions that we can ask to find out the way and the basic concepts related to the topic of
direction. Let`s think what words we can use in our topic?
Objective discussion.
So, in which situations we might need asking the direction? What do you do if you don`t know
where place located? It might be a bit nervous to ask other people especially in a foreign
country, but don`t worry. We will be learning three specific things: request a help, display an
information, closing statements. We will know some new phrases and tomorrow we will check
it working in pairs, we will ask the directions and answer these questions. So, let`s repeat our
specific things for today: request a help, display an information and closing statements.
Instruct and Model
“So, today we are going to learn about directions. Do you like travelling? I like it so much and
I have one funny story about it”. I tell an example about my own experience in a foreign
country, when guide left me alone in one city of Africa. After that, we look at the board. I
prepared a big map of the city, where we live, with main sights on it. Students should work in
pairs or groups and try to find a good way on the map and try to describe it. Then we discuss
I and one of the students play a dialogue about directions (students has a paper with this
dialogue). I prepared some useful phrases for conversation about directions. So, after our
example, students, working in pairs and using my phrases, should create their own dialogue
and play it.
Guided Practice
Every student gets a list with new phrases about directions. They should put them in a right
order and write a dialogue. Then we will check how students understand new vocabulary and
can use it, when we talk about our new theme. Discuss and answer questions.
 R
 W
 L
 S
Independent Practice
After writing a task, which we use for memorize new vocabulary, students have an
independent task. Students, working in pairs, should create their own dialogues about request a
help in direction. When they working in pairs, I will help them, if they need, and will answer
questions. After 15 minutes preparing, students should give a presentation. They should play
their dialogue.
 R
 W
 L
 S
Students, working in pairs, should create their own dialogues about request a help in direction.
When they working in pairs. After 15 minutes preparing, students should give a short
presentation for 2 minutes. They should play their dialogue by roles. Other students should
listen carefully and judgment, I will give my own feedback according to the following criteria:
- understanding instruction;
- grammar errors;
- pronunciation;
- using new words and phrases.