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International Student Financial Aid at US Universities

Number of enrolled
Average amount of aid per
Total amount of aid granted
international undergraduates student (college report or RP
to international students
received aid
Financial aid type
Comments from university website
Bates meets 100% of demonstrated financial need for admitted students. As
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need an international student, your financial aid package will consist of scholarship grants
and on-campus employment. Note: financial aid packages for international students
do not include loans
Bates College
Cornell University
Grinnell College
Middlebury College
Stanford University
University of Pennsylvania
Vanderbilt University
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need Vanderbilt will meet 100% of demonstrated financial need for all admitted students.
Amherst College
need-blind, meets FULL demonstrated need
Skidmore College
Skidmore annually gives more than $43 million in financial aid on the basis of
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need demonstrated financial need. The average 2016–17 first-year financial aid package for
international students was $58,000.
Duke University
accept 20- 25 with full aid
Duke University expects to enroll 20 to 25 international students whose
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need full demonstrated need has been met with a university-provided need-based aid
Yale University
need-blind, meets FULL demonstrated need
need-aware meets FULL demonstrated need
…students who are admitted and have applied for financial aid and have
demonstrated financial need will receive a financial aid package that meets 100% of
their demonstrated financial need (Cornell University does not provide
partial financial aid awards)
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need Grinnell employs a need-aware admission policy for international students. ... Grinnell
is committed to meeting 100% of institutionally determined need for
admitted international students within our financial aid budget.
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
Middlebury meets 100% of the demonstrated financial need of any student we admit,
US or international. Middlebury is need-aware in its admission of international
students. International students seeking financial assistance must apply for aid at the
time of applying for admission to Middlebury.
Stanford is committed to meeting demonstrated financial need for all
need-aware meets FULL demonstrated need admitted students (regardless of citizenship) who have requested financial aid during
the application
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need Admitted international students who apply for aid when applying for admission
will receive aid that meets 100 percent of their family's demonstrated need—during
each year of their undergraduate career.
Amherst meets 100% of demonstrated financial need for all international
students who are admitted to the college and apply for need-based financial aid
if you are admitted, Yale will meet 100 percent of your demonstrated financial
need with a combination of tuition grants and term-time employment
Number of enrolled
Average amount of aid per
Total amount of aid granted
international undergraduates student (college report or RP
to international students
received aid
Financial aid type
Comments from university website
Admission to Harvard is need-blind, meaning your financial need will not impede your
need-blind, meets FULL demonstrated need chances of admission
Harvard University
Princeton University
Brown University
Brown meets 100% of a student's demonstrated need, the financial aid award will be
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need equal to the student's need.
Tufts University
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
Brandeis University
Brandeis strives to meet 100% of demonstrated financial need for all admitted
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need students, including international students.
Dartmouth College
Columbia University
Berea College
Barnard College
Bowdoin College
need-blind, meets FULL demonstrated need
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
Princeton meets 100 percent of the financial need ...
Tufts meets 100% of demonstrated financial need for all admitted students. In light
of Tufts' commitment to maintain an internationally diverse community, the University
makes available a limited amount of funding for talented international students
We will meet 100% of the demonstrated need of all admitted financial aid applicants.
While Columbia is need-aware for international students, we admit a large number
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need of international students who apply for and receive a substantial amount
of financial aid. Columbia meets 100% of the demonstrated financial need for
international students admitted as first-years and transfers pursuing their first degree.
free-tuition; housing and meal stipends are
Berea College is the only school in the United States that provides 100% funding to
100% of enrolled international students .
need-sensitive, meets FULL demonstrated
... Barnard meets full demonstrated need for admitted students, the review of
applications for admissions for International Students is need sensitive.
need-aware meets FULL demonstrated need
International students, if admitted to Bowdoin, are considered for Bowdoin
institutional financial aid. International applicants should be advised, however, that
competition for funding is intense as it is limited.
Number of enrolled
Average amount of aid per
Total amount of aid granted
international undergraduates student (college report or RP
to international students
received aid
Financial aid type
Bryn Mawr College
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
California Institute of Technology
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
Carleton College
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
Case Western Reserve University
need based
Claremont McKenna College
Colby College
Colgate University
Connecticut College
Cooper Union for the Advancement
of Science and Art
Franklin and Marshall College
Comments from university website
Bryn Mawr College awards need-based financial aid to international students which
may consist of grants, loans, and campus employment. The College meets the
full demonstrated need for all admitted students
Caltech has need-sensitive admission for international citizens. The total amount
of financial aid funds is limited for these students, and we remain committed
to meeting 100% of the demonstrated need of all admitted students.
Carleton works to meet 100% of every student's demonstrated financial need.
We do accept a few international students every year whose financial need is
met through a combination of grants, scholarships, and loans
Case Western Reserve University offers a limited amount of need-based aid to firstyear and transfer international applicants
CMC is committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated need of all admitted students,
regardless of citizenship. However, as a "need aware" institution, CMC takes into
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
account a student's ability to pay the full-cost of attendance as a part of admission
criteria for applicants that are not U.S. citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents. CMC has
limited financial resources for international students.
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
Colby meets 100 percent of the full demonstrated need of all admitted students, for all
four years, regardless of citizenship—including more than $5.4 million to more than
102 international students in the 2016-2017 academic year
Colgate is committed to meeting 100 percent of the demonstrated financial need of
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need accepted students.
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
50% off the tuition
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
Financial aid for international students. Connecticut College
meets full demonstrated financial need of all applicants regardless of citizenship
As an all honors college, every admitted student receives a half-tuition scholarship
valued at approximately $21,000 per academic year (2017-2018). Students will
automatically be considered for additional merit based scholarship through the
admissions process.
Franklin & Marshall will meet 100% of your demonstrated need for all four years
Number of enrolled
Average amount of aid per
Total amount of aid granted
international undergraduates student (college report or RP
to international students
received aid
Financial aid type
Comments from university website
Currently valued at more than $100,000, the merit-based Olin Tuition
50% off the tuition+ limited additional need- Scholarship benefits all admitted students. Offered for eight semesters of full time
based aid
study and covering half the annual tuition charges, this scholarship recognizes
achievement inside and outside the classroom and represents our confidence in your
ability to succeed in this unique academic environment.
Franklin W. Olin College of
Gettysburg College
Grinnell College
Grinnell is committed to meeting 100% of institutionally determined need for
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need admitted international students within our financial aid budget.
Hamilton College
Hamilton meets the full demonstrated financial need of every admitted international
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need student for all four years.
Harvey Mudd College
We are able to meet 100 percent of a family's demonstrated need for only a handful
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need of international students
Haverford College
Johns Hopkins University
Lafayette College
Lehigh University
Macalester College
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
If admitted, Gettysburg will meet 100% of the students need.
There is limited aid available for international students, making admission for
such students especially competitive; however, we do meet 100% of the demonstrated
need of all admitted students.
The average scholarship is $25,000, but individual amounts can be more or less,
depending on the financial need of the student.
Lafayette meets the full demonstrated financial need of international students through
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need a combination of loan, job, and grant aid
need-based + merit-based
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
Lehigh University awards need-based financial aid to international students.
Competition is very keen and our budget is limited. In evaluating students for aid, we
look at a combination of the student’s academic/extracurricular achievements and the
student/family need for financial assistance. Therefore, our financial aid is a
combination of merit and need-based aid
Approximately two out of three of the international students who enroll at Macalester
receive financial aid awards. We are committed to meeting the full demonstrated
financial need of every student we admit.
Number of enrolled
Average amount of aid per
Total amount of aid granted
international undergraduates student (college report or RP
to international students
received aid
Financial aid type
need-blind, meets FULL demonstrated need
Comments from university website
For undergraduates, we meet your full demonstrated financial need for all four of your
undergraduate years. About 90% of our undergrads receive some type of financial aid,
including scholarships, loans and jobs. All you need to do is apply
Northwestern University
Oberlin College
Pitzer College
…if admitted, the financial aid award will meet the student's full demonstrated need in
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need the form of scholarship assistance and/or institutional work study.
Pomona College
Any admitted student with a demonstrated need will be offered a financial aid package
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need that meets 100 percent of that need
Reed College
Rice University
Rice will meet 100% of demonstrated financial need as determined by university
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need calculations.
Smith College
Smith meets 100 percent of the demonstrated need of all admitted students who
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need apply for financial aid by the published deadlines
St.Olaf College
Swarthmore College
Need-based financial aid is available to international students seeking undergraduate
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need degrees. We guarantee to meet 100% of all admitted first-year students' demonstrated
financial need for all four years. A request for financial aid consideration and the
amount of financial aid you require may be a factor in a final admission decision.
Oberlin provides grants, scholarships, loans, and on-campus employment to enable
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need international students to meet all demonstrated financial need. More than 80 percent
of our international students receive institutional financial aid, with the average aid
package covering about three-quarters of the cost of attendance.
If you apply for need-based aid, meet all published deadlines, and we offer you
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need admission, we are committed to meeting 100% of your demonstrated financial aid.
need-based, meets demonstrated need
Degree-seeking students may apply for international scholarships. While the average
award is half-tuition, last year, scholarships for our international students ranged from
$5,000 to $56,430. Scholarships, on-campus work-study, and loans are awarded to
students who demonstrate academic excellence and financial need
Admission to Swarthmore is need-aware for other international citizens. Regardless of
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need citizenship, if you are accepted to Swarthmore, the College will meet 100 percent of
your demonstrated need with a financial aid award up to—and including—full tuition,
room and board, books, supplies, and transportation
Number of enrolled
Average amount of aid per
Total amount of aid granted
international undergraduates student (college report or RP
to international students
received aid
Financial aid type
Comments from university website
Although the college is not a need-blind institution, it is committed to meeting 100% of
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need the demonstrated financial need of any admitted student.
Trinity College
Union College
Union College meets 100% of the demonstrated financial need for
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need admitted students but is need-aware in the admissions process
University of Chicago
In fact, if you apply for need-based aid, and we offer you admission, we are committed
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need to meeting 100% of your demonstrated financial aid.
University of Notre Dame
if a student applies for financial aid and is admitted, they will receive a financial aid
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need award that will meet their full demonstrated need.
Vassar College
Washington and Lee university
Washington and Lee University provides both need-based and merit-based assistance
to international students in each entering class. Awards range from several thousand
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need
dollars to the full annual cost of attendance.
Wellesley College
Wellesley is committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated need for all admitted
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need international citizens who have applied for financial aid during the admission process.
Williams College
Vassar meets 100% of the full demonstrated need of all admitted
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need students, international or domestic, for all four years.
Williams meets 100 percent of the demonstrated need of every student admitted to
need-based, meets FULL demonstrated need the college. In addition to funding tuition, room, and board, our aid packages
for international students include yearly travel, textbooks, and personal spending
Note: Minerva KGI is another US college providing financial aid to international students but not included on
this list due to different nature of this school
Sources: university websites, CollegeBoard, internationalstudent.com