Programming António Carvalho Brito ( Carlos Bragança ( Telmo Matos ( Thiago Sobral ( Assessment components 1st test (40%) – 27/11 2nd test (40%) – 24/01 Moodle quizzes (10%) – 22/01 Web site (10%) – 17/01 António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 2 Algorithm ALGORITHM - EXAMPLES A series of separate steps that following a certain sequence lead to the solution of the problem - Cooking recipe - Route directions - Equipment setup António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 3 Solving a problem PROBLEM ALGORITHM FLOWCHART OR PSEUDOLANGUAGE CONVERT TO CODE COMPUTER António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 4 Algorithm description FLOWCHART INSTRUCTIONS START / END READ ASSIGNMENT PSEUDOLANGUAGE START / END INPUT( ) VARIABLE <- EXPRESSION IF ... THEN DECISION ELSE END IF WRITE LOOP PRINT( ) FOR ... TO END FOR FUNCTION FLOW DIRECTION António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 5 Creating Algorithms - example Given the base and the height calculate the area of a triangle PSEUDOLANGUAGE FLOWCHART START Base, Height START INPUT(Base, Height); Area <- Base * Height / 2; PRINT(Area); END Area = Base * Height / 2 PYTHON Area END António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira # Calculate the area of a triangle base = float(input ("Triangle base:")) height = float(input ("Triangle height:")) area = base * height / 2 print("Area of the triangle = ", area) Programming Pág. 6 Spyder IDE António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 7 Program physical structure A Phyton program is a set of logical lines A logical line is constructed from one or more physical lines A physical line is a sequence of characters terminated by an end-of-line sequence Two or more physical lines may be joined into logical lines using backslash characters (\) A logical line can be blank (contains only spaces, tabs, formfeeds) A comment starts with a hash character (#) and ends at the end of the physical line. Leading whitespaces (spaces and tabs) at the beginning of a logical line are used to compute the indentation level of the line, which in turn is used to determine the grouping of statements António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 8 Numerical and string values Integer (without decimal point - int) ex: -20 +18400 525 (unlimited) Real (with decimal point - float) ex: 85.9 -1.26e10 22.75 (< 1.8e308, 8 bytes) Complex (complex) ex: 1+2j String (str) ex: "OLA" "123.45" 'JOÃO ANTONIO' António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming "ABC123.4 " Pág. 9 Variables Variables are containers for storing values in computer memory Variable names can contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ ) Variable names must start with a letter or the underscore character Variable names are case-sensitive Variables do not need to be declared and are created when values are assigned to it The following keywords are reserved words and cannot be used as identifiers António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira False await else import pass None break except in raise True class finally is return and continue for lambda try as def from nonlocal while assert del global not with async elif if or yield Programming Pág. 10 Operators and arithmetic expressions Operators: - Arithmetic - Relational - Logical - Functions (**, *, /, //, %, +, -) (==, !=, <=, <, >, >=) (not, and, or) (min(), max(), abs(), ...) Arithmetic operators: P R I O R I T Y + António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira OPERATOR OPERATION EXPRESSION ** Exponentiation X ** Y - Unary Minus -X * / Multiplication Division X*Y X/Y // Floor division X // Y % Remainder of the division X % Y + - Addition Subtraction X+Y X-Y Programming Pág. 11 Operators and arithmetic expressions Arithmetic expressions: - Operands - Numerical variables - Numerical constants - Arithmetic operators - Functions - Parentesis P R I O R I T I E S António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira ex: A + B * C / abs(E) * (A - C * (D + F / E ** 3)) 1º 6º 7º 2º 8º 3º 4º 5º 9º 10º Programming Pág. 12 Assignment operator VARIABLE = EXPRESSION Calculates de value of EXPRESSION and stores the result in VARIABLE The VARIABLE type will be the same as the type of EXPRESSION EXPRESSION can be a constant, variable or expression FLOWCHART C=A+B PSEUDOLANGUAGE PYTHON C <- A + B c=a+b Ex: firstname = "Antonio" lastname = "Gomes" name = firstname + lastname h=5 area = 2.33 volume = area * h António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 13 Read / Input VARIABLE = input ("Message") Shows the "Message" and waits for the user input The input value is of type string If VARIABLE should be numeric the input values must be converted to a numerical type using the functions int(), float() or complex() FLOWCHART PSEUDOLANGUAGE A, B INPUT (A, B) Ex: name = input ("Name: ") c = int(input ("c = ")) base = float(input ("base = ")) base = float(input (“altura = ")) António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming PYTHON a = input("a = ") b = input("b = ") Name: Antonio c = 20 base = 30.2 altura = 78.3 Pág. 14 Write / Print print (string expression,…) Prints the string expression The string expression can be a combination of string constants, string variables and numerical constants or variables (converted with the str() function) concatenated with the + operator FLOWCHART A, B Ex: António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira PSEUDOLANGUAGE PRINT (A, B) print (a) print ("a = " + str(a)) print (a, 2*a, 3*a) print ("good", "morning") print ("good-" + "morning") Programming PYTHON print("a = " + str(a) + ", b = " + str(b)) 5 a=5 5 10 15 good morning good-morning Pág. 15 Control structures Control structures are used to control the logical flow of instructions during the execution of a program The following are the basic types of control structures: Sequential - by default the instructions are executed one after another Selection - based on logical decisions enable the execution of 2 or more alternative branches Repetition - based on logical decisions or iterating through values allow the repetition of a block of code multiple times (loop) António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 16 Logical variables and expressions Python has a Boolean data type that is either True or False A variable is of type Boolean if it has assigned a value of True or False Selection and Repetition control structures use the value, True or False, of logical expressions to decide what instructions to execute next António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 17 Relational operators Relational operators are used to compare two values that should be of the same data type (both numerical or both string, …) António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira OPERATOR MEANING OPERATION == EQUAL X == Y != NOT EQUAL X != Y < LESS THAN X<Y > GREATER THAN X>Y <= LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO X <= Y >= GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO X >= Y Programming Pág. 18 Relational operators String comparison Strings are compared character by character until a decision can be made The characters are compared using their Unicode value. Ex: António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Expression Value Expression Value "AA" < "AB" True "AB " > "AB" True "14" > "200" False "2Z" > "AZ" False "a" < "A" False "AB" = "AB" True Programming Pág. 19 Logical Operators Logic operators perform logical operations on logical values (True or False) OPERATOR NOT AND OR António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira OPERATION NEGATION CONJUNCTION DISJUNCTION X Y not X X and Y X or Y False False True False False False True -- False True True False False False True True True -- True True Programming Pág. 20 Computing expressions - priorities Expressions can be formed by: – – – – ARITHMETIC EXPRESSIONS – The result is a numerical value STRING EXPRESSIONS – The result is a string value RELATIONAL OPERATORS – A pair of values (numerical, string, …) can be compared resulting in a logical value LOGICAL OPERATORS – A logical operation can be performed on a pair of logical values (True or False) resulting in a logical value PRIORITIES: 1º - FUNCTIONS 2º - ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS 3º - RELATIONAL OPERATIONS 4º - LOGICAL OPERATIONS Ex: 4º A > B or D < C and A * B / sin(D) <= 10 5º 2º 7º António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira The order of calculation can be changed by the use of parenthesis. In the same circumstances operations are carried out from left to right 1º 3º 6º 8º Programming Pág. 21 Selection structure Executes a block of statements only if the logical expression is True FLOWCHART X – Logical expression PSEUDOLANGUAGE IF X THEN INSTRUCTIONS 1 X Yes PYTHON if X: INSTRUCTIONS 1 END IF No INSTRUCTIONS 1 António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira Programming Pág. 22 Selection structure Executes a block of statements (INSTRUCTIONS 1) if the logical expression is True and another block of statements (INSTRUCTIONS 2) if the logical expression is False FLOWCHART PSEUDOLANGUAGE X – Logical expression IF X THEN INSTRUCTIONS 1 No X Yes ELSE INSTRUCTIONS 2 INSTRUCTIONS 2 António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira INSTRUCTIONS 1 PYTHON if X: INSTRUCTIONS 1 else: INSTRUCTIONS 2 END IF Programming Pág. 23 Selection structure If the conditition (X) is True, executes the block of statements (INSTRUCTIONS 1). If the conditition (X) is False it checks the condition of the next elif block and so on. If the if condition and all the elif conditions are False the block else is executed. PSEUDOLANGUAGE FLOWCHART X, Y – Logical expressions No No Y X Yes IF X THE INSTRUCTIONS 1 Yes ELSEIF Y THEN INSTRUCTIONS 2 INSTRUCTIONS 1 ELSE INSTRUCTIONS 3 INSTRUCTIONS 3 António Carvalho Brito / Carlos Bragança de Oliveira INSTRUCTIONS 2 PYTHON if X: INSTRUCTIONS 1 elif Y: INSTRUCTIONS 2 else: INSTRUCTIONS 3 END IF Programming Pág. 24