THE PAULINIAN IDENTITY C O R E V A L U E S The 5Cs of St. Paul the Apostle 1. CHRIST-CENTEREDNESS Christ is our Lord and Savior; we strive to be like Him in all things, in His obedience, compassion, love and suffering. (Phil 1:21) - Christ is my life. (Gal. 2:20) - It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me. BEHAVIOUR 1.Consciously lives – thinks, speaks, acts – in imitation and obedience of Christ. 2.Strives to grow in the knowledge and practice of the faith. 3.Spends time for reflection and prayer. 4.Attends Mass regularly and participates actively in community prayer and liturgy. BEHAVIOUR 5. Honest and truthful in his/her relationships, ethical and moral in his transactions. The 5Cs of St. Paul the Apostle 2. COMMUNITY-ORIENTEDNESS We live and work with others to build a better world. (Phil. 2:1–4) - Have the same mind as Christ Jesus… Be one in love, one in heart… Nothing is to be done out of jealousy or vanity, instead, out of humility… Everyone should give preference to others, pursuing not selfinterest but that of others… BEHAVIOUR 1.Shows a deep sense of community and social commitment. 2.Takes pride in his identity and heritage as Filipino. 3.Keeps himself informed of social issues & concerns, participate in their critic and solutions. 4.Shares, cooperates, and works well with others. BEHAVIOUR 5. Works for the promotion of life, human rights, unity, justice, peace and environmental care. 6. Keeps a healthy balance between family, career & social responsibilities. The 5Cs of St. Paul the Apostle 3. COMMITMENT TO MISSION spirit of service, sense of mission to spread the good news of Christ (2 Cor. 5:20) - We are ambassadors for Christ… (2 Cor. 4:7) - It is not ourselves we preach but Christ Jesus our Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. BEHAVIOUR 1.Has a sense of purpose and mission in life. 2.Serves freely & generously, without thought of reward or position. 3.Participates in the life and projects of the local Church, esp. what benefits the poor. 4.Initiates worthy projects, works hard and sees projects to their completion. BEHAVIOUR 5. Perseveres despite difficulties and suffering. The 5Cs of St. Paul the Apostle 4. CHARISM developing one’s gifts to the full, to become the best person one can possibly be, to do one’s best in whatever one does – for the good of the community (1 Cor. 12) - There is a variety of gifts, each for a good purpose… (2 Cor.) - I run in order to win… so to obtain the prize which Christ won for me… BEHAVIOUR 1. Aware of/grateful for his/her gifts as a person and respectful of the gifts of others. 2. Exerts effort to come to his/her full potential as a person. 3. Assists in the development & empowerment of others. BEHAVIOUR 4. Shares openly, generously, putting his/her talents at the service of the community. 5. Brings the best of himself/herself in every task, project, endeavor even in small, humble tasks. The 5Cs of St. Paul the Apostle 5. CHARITY loving and serving with the heart of Christ, being brother / sister to all, especially the underprivileged The love of Christ urges us. BEHAVIOUR 1. Shows great sensitivity to the needs & feelings of others. 2. Transcends material giving to sharing God’s love. 3. Relates with all warmly and graciously without bias. 4.Takes time to listen or to reach out to others. BEHAVIOUR 5. Warm, loving and compassionate especially to the poor and the suffering.