1. PROGRAMME : Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) 2. PRESENTED TO : Senate 3. PRESENTED BY : Department of Commerce 4. SUBJECT : Accounting and Finance 5. YEAR / LEVEL OF STUDY : Year 4 /Semester 1 6. MODULE TITLE : Investment Management 7. COURSE CODE : 551MG73 8. DURATION : 15 Weeks per Semester 9. LECTURES HOURS PER WEEK : 3 10. TUTORIAL HOURS PER WEEK : - 11. PRACTICAL HOURS PER WEEK : - 12. STUDENT INDEPENDENT LEARNING HOURS PER WEEK : 3 13. TOTAL MODULE CREDITS : 9 14. PREREQUISITE MODULES : Financial Management; Management Accounting; Cost Accounting; Business Mathematics 15. COREQUISITE MODULES : Nil 16. DELIVERY METHODS 16.1 MODE OF DELIVERY : Face-to-face 16.2 TEACHING METHODS : Lectures, Seminars, Tutorials, etc. 16.3 ASSIGNMENT WEIGHTING : Assignment Continuous Assessment End Semester Examinations 20% 20% 60% 17. AIM(S) OF THE COURSE : The course aims to make the student understand the areas of security analysis and Portfolio Management for making prudent investment decisions. 18. LEARNING OUTCOMES : At the end of the course students will be able to: Explain the basic concept of investment management Demonstrate skills related to analysis of securities Discuss the relevance of portfolio management in stock market. Implement various strategies in portfolio management Evaluate relevance of various categories of mutual funds in context 19. TOPIC OF STUDY : Unit I: Introduction Investment Management Investment management: Nature and scope - Investment avenues - Types of financial assets and real assets - Security return and risk - Systematic and unsystematic risk - Sources of risk Measurement of risk and return - Sources of investment information - Fixed income - Securities – bonds - Preference shares - Sources of risk – Valuation - Duration of bonds - Theory of interest rates - Yield curve - Bond innovations and their valuation. Unit II: Securities Analysis Analysis of variable income securities - Fundamental analysis - Analysis of economy - Industry analysis - Company analysis - Financial and non – financial - Equity valuation models – Options and futures – Forwards – Warrants and their valuations - Technical analysis - Dow’s theory Charts - Efficient market hypothesis and its implications - Tax aspects of investment - Securities Trading procedure. A Critical Survey of software packages for security analysis. Unit III: Portfolio Management Meaning of portfolio management - Portfolio analysis - Why portfolios? Portfolio objectives and Portfolio management process - Selection of securities. Portfolio theory - Markowitz Model - Sharpe’s single index model. Efficient frontier with Lending and borrowing - Optimal portfolio capital Asset pricing model - Arbitrage pricing theory two factor and multi factor models. Unit IV: Portfolio Management Strategies Bond Portfolio Management strategies - Equity portfolio management strategies - Strategies using derivatives - Hedging. Portfolio revision - Rebalancing plans - Portfolio evaluation Sharpe’s index - Treynor’s measure and Jenson’s measure. Unit V: Mutual Funds Mutual funds - Investors life cycle - Personal investment - Personal Finance - Portfolio Management of funds in banks - Insurance companies - Pension funds - International investing - International funds management - Emerging opportunities. A brief survey of software packages for Portfolio Management. 20. PRESCRIBED TEXTS / READINGS: 1. Dr. Avadhani, (2014), Investment Management. Himalaya Publications, Mumbai. 2. Jack Clark Francis, (2011), Investments Analysis and Management. Mc Graw Hill International Edition, Singapore. 3. R.M. Srivatsava, (2010), Management of Indian Financial Institution, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 4. V.K. Bhalla, (2010), Investment Management. Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. 5. Preethi Singh. (2015), Investment Management. Himalaya Publications, Mumbai. 21. RECOMMENDED TEXTS / READINGS: 1. Dr. Rustagi R.P, (2012), Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. 2. Pandian Punithavathy, (2019), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt LTD, New Delhi. 3. Bhalla V.K, Investment Management, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi. 4. Kevin S, (2012), Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, PHI Learning, New Delhi. 5. Bodi, Kane, Markus, Mohanty, (2014) Investments, 8th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi This Course / Module Specification was approved by Senate on