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Native American Tribes: Regions & Lifestyles

The Eastern Woodland Area is located from
Canada in the north to the Gulf of Mexico in
the south and from the Atlantic Ocean in the
east to the Mississippi River in the west.
This area contains coasts, rivers, lakes,
mountains, valleys, plateau, and low plains.
The entire region was covered in forests.
The people were divided into 3 groups:
•Algonquian and Great Lake Tribes
•Creek Confederacy
The Algonquian group lived
in the northeast. They were
mostly hunters, but did
some farming. They made
clothes from elk and deer
The Algonquian group
lived in wigwams.
They loved to make dreamcatchers.
The Great Lake Tribes were in the
northeast. They were hunters, farmers, and
ate wild rice. Their clothes were made from
elk and deer hides. The Indians in the
Great Lake region lived in wigwams.
The Iroquois tribes lived in the
northeast. They were hunters and farmers.
Their clothes were made from
deer skin.
The Iroquois lived in longhouses.
The Cherokee and Seminole Indians
belonged to the group called the Creek
Confederacy. They lived in the southeast
and were farmers and hunters.
They lived in homes made
of wood and/or thatch.
Their clothes were made from hides
and plant fibers.
The Southwest region covered the area
which in now Utah and Colorado through
Arizona and New Mexico into parts of
Texas and California. This area
contained steep-walled canyons,
plateaus, and sandy deserts. To the
south were mountains. Four rivers run
through this area: the Rio Grande,
Colorado, Gila, and Salt.
The Pueblos lived in the southwest.
They were farmers growing mostly
They lived in pueblos.
These were a type of
apartment building made
of clay.
Their clothes made from cotton.
The Navajo lived in the southwest. In
the early years they were hunters and
trappers. Later the Navajo became
shepherds and farmers. Their clothes
were made from hides. Later they copied
the clothes of Mexicans.
The Navajo
expert weavers.
Navajo Indians lived in hogans.
The Apache lived in the southwest.
Their clothes were made from
deer hides. Later they copied
the clothes of Mexicans.
They were raiders and hunters.
They lived in a thatched
wickiup. They had one in the
mountains and one in the desert.
The Northwest Coastal Indians lived in
what is now Alaska along the Pacific
Ocean down the coast to Northern
California. This area contains small
islands, deep inlets, and narrow
beaches. Mountains rise to the shore.
Thick forests of spruce, cedar, and fir
cover the land. Many rivers and streams
cross this area.
The Northwest Coastal Indians lived in
the northwest. They were fishermen,
hunters and gathered food from the
The Northwest Indians
lived in plank homes.
They placed totem poles
in front of their
Little clothing was
wore in the summer. In
the winter they made
clothing from fiber,
and skins, and basket
The Far North area is covered with ice
and snow a large part of the year.
The Inuit people(Eskimos)lived in
far north. They made their clothes
from seal and caribou hides.
They were fishermen and hunters.
Inuit people made
igloos when out
hunting. Their more
permanent homes
were built of
stone and earth.
The Plains area reached from the Mississippi
River to the Rocky Mountains and from Canada to
Mexico. It was hotter than 100 degrees in the
summer, and could drop to 40 degrees below zero
with heavy snows in the winter. This region was
so dry that when it rained it often flooded. The
rolling land was covered with grassland and a few
mountains. Few Indians lived on the Great Plains
before white men brought the horse in the 1600’s.
The Plains Indians lived in the middle of
North America.
Their clothes were made
from buffalo hides.
Plains Indians lived in teepees.