lOMoARcPSD|12846010 MATH209- Midterm-AND- Solutions FALL-2018-1 Fundamental Mathematics II (Concordia University) StuDocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12846010 Department of Mathematics and Statistics Number Course All Date Examination Pages October 2018 Midterm ‘2 Course Examiner TIME 1 Section(s) 209 Mathematics A. h 30 min Kokotov Special Instructions: 0 Only approved calculators are allowed 1. [12] Find the limits - (B) limx_,1 (C) m m ( A l 11mm—>—1 a: lime—woo 2 +5w+4 “2‘1 5133—100372-Jr25 2. [8] A) Find the coordinates of all of the function the points of the graph yzx4—8x2+l where the tangent line is horizontal. B)At what annual rate of interest compounded contin— uously must money be invested to triple in 7 years? Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12846010 . Find the derivatives of the following functions. DO NOT SIMPLIFY. [12] _ $363.7; (A) 1%1 (B) (22:4 + (C) 111512;) [6] a: . + +1)(—l—£ efi = l,y + : 1 equation of the tangent line at the point to the curve 29023/1 . + 3x3y = 5 Find the value of the differential dy at change in x as 0.3, where [4] y . — 6*") mam Find the (D) (lna: _ .7: a: = 5 with 1 3 =l11($+)+IL'+1 a: [4] A point is moving on the graph .233 + 43/5 = 12. When the point is at (2, 1) its cit—coordinate is decreasing. Does the y—coordinate of the point decrease or increase at that moment? [4] is The total cost in dollars of producing :1: computers = 6000 + 302: — 0.05:1;-2 (A) Find the total cost and the marginal cost at a production level of 100 computers and interpret the C(22) results. (B) Find the average cost and the marginal average cost at a production level of 100 computers and interpret the results. Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12846010 MA TH. 20?. ”mm“ t AAfiW a W ¢a+5¢+4 4094 ¢a+34x~+3x fiw , 39:,” . 40’—>“/ 8 m (40-+9k)(4r+/) (£4’Pv 40..” slim, / - Ma‘J IF ,- 0 __ O ¢+-/ I"‘ 451*. 00411 % If? F15“? wélr’ (Von‘g foal 5f 4"” #91:“/ :—/) WH) 421) fig” WW) 40—9/ 25;” Mal «W 4,../ (aka/Eff“.— w+/)(W+V§) 7“ W 4“”; Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com) 351:3, 2-: :31]; m gflmflwrfi : ’00 lOMoARcPSD|12846010 C; ——‘/—/—/——/ aka-00 5¢3flwoqfl +515 £43 4,—9’00 $4 3 40* 3+§e+_.5.—.5"Z§> or 2 (3+7); '7, £99. r/P 00' 5 ,7 4V- +4?" #3 3L5 + 40.3 _ Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com) 3+o+o jfio+o —0 lOMoARcPSD|12846010 7N 3 =1 m =/5n,,e = @(3) m l/J :./&,3 7 A, /V 0./5€74 w%/£€7%, Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com) 7/1/A/ze = 7/1/ lOMoARcPSD|12846010 Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com) 30/8 7 sflzWa-Mfiw )20/7 lOMoARcPSD|12846010 0’ [7} fiffififl (343 7’ =g0/8(/&u¢—+m) a0 423¢2fl#3é?=5 "/a [3/779 +7W¢Rfl=0 34,1732/ + 440-7“ + 3137’ + 7/? :0 [143(4737’) + 77440] XM3737/ +34k37’; 70”? «- 1‘34”?) 3 4— 6w? .- 7437/ 4’ 4474’ 7””? 3407 +3” & 5’ Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12846010 2?st /ZN(/340-+/) +40' 40—44 %é") 5,3... 34w+/ 34/44 0% = / +W+OW flag/7w, #:5— #503. ”#0) ’AMMLO; (”off—93‘ ‘ 0%: %(5)(03):(34— 3’>(013):O,O€46. 6' />0-3+447fl’-_—-..-/9M 343% $207452 :0 906 706’ "" 207976? ,. ,343221‘5 ad: " (3],) <0 %. 0w 0a? P 0015 Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12846010 7' C(OL‘) ; €000+30W“O'0540- a a A, (000) $5000 +30 Own-0.05000) six/500, 6’00 :- 30, 044k éfélo, 30/0/6013) C/(wo) a “maxim 8 C01,) / 50V? :— ’ /oo ) C( '4 CO?) 56/00) 7 (“(4/9 4a 054/ a , fooo+30xk/ ——-O 00. 5000 +-3o-»0,0540— 4a sm+,30 xoo ’,€ooo , a 40— ,o,05000)/’ i 85:00. ,_ o 405’ " ”10,65”. /00W’;¢ i 3500 /007°’W/;/ WI,W __fl<0‘€5_' Downloaded by Mandy Huang (hahamanb@gmail.com)