Trust in banks and borrower discouragement Ali Recayi OGCEM Málaga 6th July 2023 Co-authored with Ruth Tacneng and Amine Tarazi from Université de Limoges–LAPE Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 1 / 17 Outline General Context Motivation Contributions Empirical Strategy Data and Model Specification Main Result Model Specification Result Robustness Checks Concluding Remarks Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 2 / 17 General Context: The Importance of Reliable Financing for SMEs - SMEs need access to stable funding for growth, expansion, and innovation. - Challenges faced include a lack of reliable financial history and asymmetric information. - Concerns about rejection, high cost of credit, and unfavorable conditions discourage loan applications. Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 3 / 17 General Context: Understanding Borrower Discouragement - Borrower discouragement is a self-rationing mechanism. - High incidence of discouraged borrowers in developed and developing countries. - At least 40% of discouraged borrowers in the UK, Switzerland, and Belgium would have likely obtained a loan if they had applied. Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 4 / 17 Motivation: Trust in Banks and its Impact - Trust in financial institutions affects funding sustainability and productivity. - Distrust can discourage formal household saving behavior, impair bank deposits, and affect the supply of loans. - Lower trust may discourage firms from using formal credit. Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 5 / 17 Motivation: The Role of Interpersonal Trust - Interpersonal trust influences a firm’s expectation of the cost of credit and success of a potential loan application. - It encourages a cooperative attitude and increases contracting efficiency. Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 6 / 17 Contributions - Investigates the role of variations in trust in financial institutions. - Explores the impact of culture or informal institutions on outcomes and behavior. - Addresses potential endogeneity issues using the instrumental variable probit model. - Offers insight into the complementary effects of trust in banks and interpersonal trust. Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 7 / 17 Study Objectives - Examine the influence of trust in banks on borrower discouragement. - Analyze the role of interpersonal trust in the trust-discouragement link. - Study the interaction of both forms of trust in influencing firm financing. - Contribute to the understanding of how culture or informal institutions affect firms’ credit constraints. Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 8 / 17 Empirical Strategy - First, estimate the impact of trust on firms’ likelihood of being discouraged. - Second, test whether there are complementary effects of trust on borrower discouragement. - The paper also uses the Heckman Probit model to deal with plausible sample selection problems. Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 9 / 17 Summary of Key Variables Variable BorrowerDiscouragement TrustinBanks InterpersonalTrust Z Industry dummies Survey year dummies NumSysBankCrisis CreditConstrained Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Description A dummy variable equal to one for discouraged borrowers The proportion of individuals in a country who have confidence in banks The proportion of individuals in a country who indicate most people can be trusted A vector of firm-specific and countryspecific control variables Based on the firm’s ISIC To control for year-specific effects The number of banking crises experienced by a country since 1970 A dummy variable indicating if the firm applied for a loan Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 10 / 17 Model Specification Pr(BorrowerDiscouragement = 1) =Φ[β0 + β1 TrustinBanksj + β2 InterpersonalTrustj + Z + SurveyYeart + Sectork ] Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 11 / 17 Result – Does trust in banks matter in reducing borrower discouragement? Pr (BorrowerDiscouragement=1) TrustinBanks InterpersonalTrust TrustinBanks*InterpersonalTrust Probit IV-Probit 1.636*** 8.416*** -15.52*** 0.870 9.554*** -14.88*** Table: The impact of trust in banks on borrower discouragement, 2015-2019 Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 12 / 17 Result - Transmission channel Pr (BorrowerDiscouragement=1) TrustinBanks InterpersonalTrust (i) Probit (ii) IV-Probit -0.3546*** -0.7468*** -1.2130*** 0.4973 Table: Marginal effects of TrustinBanks and InterpersonalTrust on the probability of borrower discouragement, excluding firms that do not rely on banks to finance their working capital operations Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 13 / 17 Result - Marginal probability effects Percentile Levels P10 P25 P50 P75 P90 Probit IV-Probit 0.2911*** 0.2564*** -0.0691 -0.6903*** -0.9799*** 0.0623 0.0261 -0.2875*** -0.8611*** -1.1838*** Table: Marginal probability effects of TrustinBanks on borrower discouragement (Pr(BorrowerDiscouragement=1)) at different percentile levels of InterpersonalTrust Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 14 / 17 Summary Table: Robustness Checks Robustness Check Subsamples Subsamples according to Firm Size Firms’ Bank Credit Reliance Alternative Estimation Technique: Heckman Probit Subsample p-value Effect of Trust Audited Est. Coefficient -0.052 0.078 Unaudited 0.071 0.042 SMEs -0.039 0.101 Decreases discouragement Increases discouragement Decreases discouragement Non-SMEs -0.027 0.143 - 0.086 0.036 - -0.067 0.022 Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement Decreases discouragement Increases reliance on bank credit Decreases discouragement 6th July 2023 15 / 17 Concluding Remarks - Trust in banks and interpersonal trust are essential for promoting credit access and financial inclusion. - Policymakers can use these insights to design interventions that reduce credit constraints and enhance firms’ access to formal finance. - Strengthening trust in banks and fostering interpersonal trust are vital for building a resilient and inclusive financial ecosystem. Ali Recayi OGCEM (Málaga) Trust in banks and borrower discouragement 6th July 2023 16 / 17 Thank You!