Table of Contents (Click on any highlighted heading to access the related section of the eBook) INTRODUCTION 3 MEAL PLAN RATIONALE 4 - Toal caloric conen - Toal proein conen - Proein qualiy - Proein eeding requency - Exra (carbohydraes & as) BREAKFAST 4 5 6 7 7 10 - Ingrediens Needed - Cooking Insrucon - Addional Noes - Calories & macronuriens - Price o meal SNACK 1 & 2 - Ingrediens needed - Cooking insrucons - Addional noes - Calories & macronuriens - Price o meal PRE-BED SNACK 11 - Ingrediens needed - Cooking insrucons - Addional noes -Calories & macronuriens - Price o meal DINNER - Ingrediens needed - Cooking insrucons - Addional noes - Calories & macronuriens - Price o meal 12 14 - Ingrediens needed - Cooking insrucons - Addional noes - Calories & macronuriens - Price o meal MEAL PLAN FAQS LUNCH 13 - When o ea each meal? - Wha i I gain/lose oo much - Wha i I do no have proein powder? - How o ea on res days? - Wha i ge bored o he meal plan? - Which meals should be pre and pos workou? - How much waer should you drink? - Bes supplemens o ake - Will eang lae a nigh no cause a gain? - Sleep - Wha program o ollow when ollowing his meal plan? 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 FINAL WORDS 21 REFERENCES 22 Email: Website: Instagram: @smurray_32 Facebook: Sco Murray Finess YouTube: hps:// SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 2 INTRODUCTION Beore you begin o read, I would jus like o hank you or even getng his ar in he rs place, by downloading his meal plan and or supporng me by waching he YouTube video and/or ollowing me on my oher social media plaorms. Your suppor really does mean so much, and you know me, I have creaed his meal plan wih one goal in mind, VALUE. Correc, I was no inially planning on creang his documen, however, as YouTube videos say up on a channel or lie, along wih he ac ha his can be a urher add on o my websie, I eel ha his is an unmissable opporuniy, in order o help provide a lo o value o you all, regardless o age, gender and/or economic saus, o help srucure your die accordingly in order o build muscle. No only will his provide you wih he meal plan seen in he video, bu I have also gone ino more deail on he cooking/preparaon mehods, calories and macronuriens, price o ingrediens and more lile scienc ps behind he raonale o he meal plan. Wih his, you hereore have a ull, evidence based, muscle building meal plan o ollow, which you can hen connually reer back o a ANY me during your “ness journey”. So, wihou urher ado, le’s ge sared wih he rs par o his documen, he raonale behind he meal plan layou isel. SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 3 MEAL PLAN RATIONALE Wihou making his overly complicaed, when i comes o eang, o build muscle ssue, here are our MAIN variables o consider: 1. Total caloric content Alhough calorie surpluses are NOT necessary or muscle gain (Donnelly, 1993) i is commonly acceped ha a calorie surplus will creae a more opmal, anabolic environmen or growh along wih aciliang more inense raining in he gym (Helms, 2014, Aragon, 2017). In ac, sudies even show ha he gains you make whils in an energy surplus are ar superior o hose made when in a deci (Pasiakos, 2010), hus making a calorie surplus crucial or maximising your gains. Moving on, based on he lieraure, hose seeking hyperrophy have been shown o require ~43-47kcal/kg (Faber, 1990, Giada, 1996), hus, as you will see, he oal calorie coun o he meal plan below is 2940kcal. This hereore reecs closely wha an average, 70kg “skinny” ahlee would require, based on he above calculaon. SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 4 Tha being said, however, alhough I explain how o calculae your own SPECIFIC energy requiremens in order o gain muscle and/or lose a in boh “Living Lean” and he HyperElie series, undersand ha your own specic calorie requiremens are subjec o so many variables ouside o my conrol (Psoa & Chen, 2013) and, as wih anyhing, i is ineviable ha you will have exreme ouliers who require ar more/less in order o gain muscle mass. However, hopeully he above explains my hough process behind assigning he oal calorie conen o he meal plan. 2. Total protein content While or an average sedenary individual, he recommended daily allowance (RDA) or proein is currenly se a 0.8g/kg (Ryan-Harshman & Aldoori, 2006), as resisance raining “ahlees” (which I presume you are i you are reading his), sudies have shown oal proein requiremens o increase up o 175% or more (Phillips, 2006, Lemon, 1995). Thereore, alhough all hings proein relaed are all oulined in “Living Lean”, all in all, he curren agreemen amongs evidence based proessionals is ha a proein inake o ~2g/kg is sucien in order o allow or adapaons rom raining when a or above mainenance (Phillips 2006, 2011, Philips, 2007). Thereore, as you will see, he oal proein coun o he meal plan below is 210g which, I know is 70g more han wha he above 70kg “skinny male” would require however, le me explain. My main hough process behind his decision is ha, more proein (o a cerain degree) is no going o be in any way derimenal o you, i seeking o gain muscle mass, i anyhing i may bene you in order o ac as a “saey blanke” along wih he urher benes i can provide as oulined in “Living Lean”. Thereore, by having a proein inake o 210g, I am essenally “covering all bases” and making his meal plan ully applicable o an enre range o ahlees, as opposed o having a lower inake and making i less applicable o slighly heavier individuals. SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 5 3. Protein quality No only does he AMOUNT o proein you consume per day maer, however, also he QUALITY o ha proein and is amino acid prole wih a plehora o sudies showing a ~3g serving o he amino acid Leucine o be crucial or successully smulang MPS a each meal (Noron & Wilson, 2009). Alhough all hings proein qualiy relaed are discussed in more deail in “Living Lean”, in case you were no already aware, Leucine rich sources o proein include mea, poulry, sh, eggs, milk, cheese, yogur and o course, proein supplemens (whey/casein/proein blends). Thereore, as you will see, each meal in he meal plan below consiss o he above high biological value proein sources in servings sucien enough o supply he necessary 3g o Leucine, in order o eecvely smulae MPS and hence explaining he raonale behind my ood choices made in he meal plan. SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 6 4. Protein feeding frequency Finally, no only is he qualiy o he proein you consume imporan however, also how you divide and spread ou ha proein hroughou he day wih a plehora o sudies showing ha 3-5, isonirogenous meals consisng o >20g proein, spaced ou a ~3hr inervals are superior or gaining muscle han ewer eeding requencies (Area, 2013, Munser & Saris 2012). Again, alhough, he raonale behind his is covered in exreme deph in my complee guide o “Living Lean”, in shor, his meal requency will allow you o maximise muscle proein synhesis (MPS) (Phillips & Van Loon, 2011) and hus muscle gains which, I am presuming you wan. See THIS video or more inormaon on MPS. Thereore, as you will see, he meal plan below surpasses he above and consiss o 6 meals which can be spread ou a 2.5-3hour inervals, hus ollowing he aoremenoned guidelines and hence explaining he raonale behind ha aspec o he meal plan. 5. Extra (carbohydrates & fats) Noe ha, o course carbohydrae and a (inakes/raos and sources) will also play a role when designing an eecve meal plan or eiher gaining muscle and/or losing a however, ha is WELL beyond he scope o his documen and all covered in exreme deph in my complee guide o “Living Lean”. Noneheless, you can saely be ha I have sll considered hose when designing he meal plan below. So, here you have i, your 4 main variables o consider when designing a muscle building meal plan, now all you have o do is creae i. I canno sress however ha, alhough, above I have given a very brie raonale behind he meal plan below, i you are ruly ineresed in learning more abou everyhing here is o know regarding die, meabolism and much more, along wih he WHY o how you should be setng up your nurion or lean bulking, cutng, reverse dieng and living lean, hen I highly sugges you consider checking “Living Lean” ou. No convinced? Check ou he ree excerp ound HERE. In ac, as you have already gone as ar as supporng me SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 7 by waching he YouTube video, ollowing me on any o my social media plaorms and downloading his FREE meal plan, in order o say hank you or your suppor, i you do decide o inves in “Living Lean”, hen hrough THIS link you will be guided o an exclusive page where you will receive he supplemen eBook on my websie absoluely FREE! Again, his is ye anoher comprehensive 43-page eBook purely on supplemens consisng o 124 SCIENTIFIC REFERENCES o he value o €12.50 FOR FREE. Free guide - hps:// lean-ree-supplemen-guide Noneheless, based on he variables oulined briey above, hopeully you will now undersand why he meal plan below is designed he way i is, as i essenally cks he checklis o he mos imporan dieary variables or hose seeking o gain new muscle mass, o course, all according o he curren available lieraure. So, wihou urher ado, le’s dive ino he meal plan wih meal 1, breakas. SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 8 BREAKFAST VEGETABLE OMELETTE & OATS Calories Proein 539kcal Carbs 32g 60g Fa 19g Ingredients needed: • 80g oats (dry weight) • 2 whole eggs • 1 egg white • 1/4 of a bell pepper • 100g strawberries Omelette cooking instructions: Oats cooking instructions: 1. Whisk ogeher he whole eggs and he egg whie in a 1. Measure ou 80g o oas ino a bowl microwavable jar 2. Add enough waer o ully cover he oas (add 2. Chop he bell pepper ino nely diced chunks more o increase ood volume) 3. Add he bell pepper o he egg mix and sr 3. Place in microwave on ull powder unl ully 4. Microwave he mix on medium power, checking cooked (usually akes 5-6 minues) regularly o avoid hem drying ou (usually akes 2-3 4. While cooking, slice he srawberries minutes) 5. Remove oas rom microwave and add 5. Once cooked, ake he jar ou o he microwave and srawberries on op serve Additonal noes: Additonal noes: I you need more calories and/or have he added income, I you need more calories and/or have he added eel ree o add cheese, mea, sh, more vegeables ec. income hen consider adding sevia or avour drops buer, proein powder, more rui, goodies such as Price: • Oas = €1.00 or 1kg = €0.08 or 80g • Eggs = €2.49 or 10 = €0.75 or 3 • Frui = €2.00 or 400g = €0.50 or 100g • Peppers = €1.49 or 3 = €0.13 or 1/4 SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN or sweeness, cinnamon, cocoa powder, peanu } marshmallows, un sized chocolae bars ec. or cook hem in milk as opposed o waer. Toal = €1.43 10 LUNCH - CHICKEN, RICE & VEGETABLES Calories 588kcal Proein Carbs 48g 72g Fa 12g Ingredients needed: • 1 pack (250g) of microwavable rice of choice • 150g of broccoli • 150g of chicken (uncooked weight) Preparation instructions (per each snack): 1. Hea a seamer o waer unl boiling 2. Chop broccoli ino ores 3. Add broccoli o po and seam as preerred (shorer i you preer crunchy, longer i sof) 4. Prehea a rying pan wih some non-sck cooking spray 5. Cu he chicken ino srips (i no already) 6. Fry chicken in pan, urning hem over hal way hrough unl golden brown each side and whie in he cenre 7. Microwave he minue rice unl ho and serve chicken and broccoli on a plae Additonal noes: I you don’ have a seamer po you can microwave he broccoli. Furhermore, i you need more calories and/or have he added income, eel ree o add in herbs and spices, olive oil, a greaer variey o vegeables, double he serving o rice, use breaded chicken, add cheese/sauces ec. ge invenve. Price: • Rice = €0.59 per pack • Broccoli = €0.89 or 500g = €0.27 or 150g • Chicken = €2.49 or 350g = €1.05 or 150g SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN } Toal = €1.19 11 DINNER - PASTA BOLOGNESE Calories 599kcal Proein 38g Carbs 69g Fa 19g Ingredients needed: • 1 whole pepper • 80g pasta (dry weight) • 125g regular tomato pasta sauce • 125g lean beef mince (uncooked weight) Preparation instructions (per each snack): 1. Boil he pasa in a po, as saed on he packe 2. Chop bell peppers nely 3. While he pasa boils, hea a pan wih non-sck cooking spray 4. Add he bee mince o he pan wih he peppers 5. As i cooks add in he omao sauce and sr 6. Once he mea mix is cooked, le i res as he pasa nishes cooking 7. Drain he pasa and re-add i ino he po which you cooked i in 8. Add he mea mix and mix everyhing ogeher so ha he mix covers all o he pasa. 9. Once i is mixed, pour ino a bowl and serve Additonal noes: I you need more calories and/or have he added income hen consider adding more vegeables such as onions, herbs & spices, op wih cheese or use a higher a conen bee. Also consider using urkey mince or a dieren orm o pase e.g. spaghet i you wan o mix i up. Price: • Peppers = €1.49 or 3 = €0.50c or 1 • Bee = €2.74 or 500g = €0.69c or 125g • Pasa = €0.79c or 500g = €0.13c or 80g • Tomao sauce = €0.53 or 500g = €0.13c or 125g SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN } Toal = €1.45 12 SNACK 1 (POST BREAKFAST) & 2 (POST LUNCH) BAGEL & WHEY Calories 429kcal Proein 34g Carbs 44g Fa 13g Ingredients needed: • 2 whole-wheat bagels • 40g (2x20g) of peanu buter • 2 scoops of a whey protein powder of choice Preparation instructions (per each snack): 1. Slice bagel ino wo 2. Toas or exra crunch 3. Measure ou 20g o peanu buer 4. Spread evenly on he bagels 5. Pu one scoop o whey in a bole and ll wih ~250-500ml o waer Additonal noes: I you need more calories and/or have he added income, eel ree o add jam o he bagel or consume your shake wih milk and turn it into a gainer like this one. Price: • Bagels = €0.89 or 5 = €0.36 or 2 • Peanu buer = €6.29 or 1kg = €0.25 or 40g • Whey proein = €31.99 or 2.5kg = €0.60 or 2 scoops or 50g SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN } Toal = €1.21 ( or he 2 snacks 13 PRE-BED SNACK – “JUNK BOWL” Calories 317kcal Proein Carbs 23g 54g Fa 1g Ingredients needed: • 50g coco pops (or any cereal of choice) • 175g fat free Greek style yogurt • 100g berries of choice Preparation instructions (per each snack): 1. Weigh ou all he ingrediens in a bowl 2. Easy, enjoy! Additonal noes: I you need more calories and/or have he added income hen consider adding sevia or avour drops or sweeness, cinnamon, cocoa powder, peanu buer, proein powder, more rui or cereal, goodies such as marshmallows, un sized chocolae bars ec. or use a higher calorie, avoured yogur alernave. Price: • Cereal = €0.92c or 500g = €0.10 or 50g • Yogur = €1.39 or 350g = €0.70 or 175g • Frui = €2.00 or 400g = €0.50 or 100g SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN } Toal = €1.30 14 MEAL PLAN FAQS When to eat each meal? Alhough I have given a ramework or you o ollow i.e. breakas, snack 1, lunch, snack 2, dinner, pre bed snack, eel ree o swich he meals around o your avour. What if I gain/lose too much weight when following the meal plan? Alhough deails ino how as you should be gaining/losing weigh are all oulined in my complee guide o “Living Lean” and he HyperElie series, i you nd ha you gain oo much weigh when sarng o ollow his meal plan hen his is a sign ha you are in oo large o a surplus and need o reduce he calorie oal o he meal plan. This can be done simply by reducing one (or more) o he serving sizes o a a and/or carbohydrae rich ood a a given meal. Conversely, i you nd ha you lose weigh when sarng o ollow his meal plan hen his is a sign ha you are acually in a deci and you require more calories in order o mainain your weigh, ye alone increase i. This hereore means ha you would need o increase he calorie oal o he meal plan again by simply increasing one (or more) o he serving sizes o a a and/or carbohydrae rich ood a a given meal. I you are looking or an accurae scales o rack your bodyweigh wih over he course o your bulk, check THIS scale ou, i’s wha I personally use and can be bough a a 60% discoun using he code “am” a checkou. What if I do not have access to a protein powder? Tha is ne, i you do no have access o a proein powder in order o have your shake a snack 1 & 2, ry ou THIS recipe insead. How to eat on rest days? Alhough deails ino how o adap your nurion on res days is oulined in my complee guide o “Living Lean” and he HyperElie series, I invie you o wach THIS video or more inormaon on his opic. SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 16 What to do if getting bored of the meal plan? This may become an issue, especially when ollowing he above meal plan or a prolonged period o me and hence I am a rm advocae o exible dieng and racking macros. However, i you do nd ha you are getng bored o he meal plan hen, as menoned in he video, eel ree o keep he “ramework” he same bu subsue he ood choices. For example, bagels can change o oas, wraps, English muns. Rice can change o poaoes, pasa, quinoa. Chicken can change o urkey or pork. Bee mince can change o seak or even sh such as salmon. Peanu buer can change o nus, seeds, avocadoes, whole eggs. Swich he rui in your breakas and pre bed meals. Op or a dieren cereal in he pre bed meal or use cereal insead o oas or your breakas. Use a bi o common sense and he meal plan can easily be manipulaed o keep i “un”. Will his change he macronurien prole o each meal and hus he meal plan as a whole? Yes somemes marginally, and somemes considerably, depending on your subsuon however, or hose who do no wish o rack macros direcly, as long as you keep your poron sizes consisen, i really is no going o be he “be all and end all” o your progress and will be a ar beer die o ollow han one which has no srucure o i a all, as all you have o do i you nd ha you gain/lose oo much weigh is again, aler he PORTION SIZES, no necessarily he FOODS. Which meals should be pre and post workout? Again, pre and pos workou nurien ming is all covered in exreme deph in my complee guide o “Living Lean”, however he ree excerp ound HERE does acually give you an insigh ino pre and pos workou nurion, which you may nd useul o implemen when ollowing he above meal plan. How much water should you drink? Again, opmum hydraon sraegies are all covered in exreme deph in my complee guide o “Living Lean”, however, simply pu, be sure o ge a minimum o 2L per day. SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 17 Best supplements to take if you have the added income? Again, muscle gain and a loss supplemenaon sraegies, opmum dosages and mings are all covered in exreme deph in my complee Supplemen guide however, caeine and creane are wo o several oher supplemens ha are available i you have he exra income when ollowing he above meal plan. Check THIS link for what I feel is the most aordable place o buy any supplemens. For more on creane, check ou THIS video. Will eating late at night not cause fat gain? No, his is an old school myh and in ac, eang a moderae carbohydrae and proein rich meal in he hours beore bed can be highly benecial or muscle gain (and a loss) as I explain in THIS video. Sleep Sleep is one o, i no he mos underraed componens o maximising muscle gain and/or a loss, wih a lack o i signicanly hindering your abiliy o make gains, as oulined in THIS video. Thereore, i you are ruly seeking o maximise your gains when ollowing his meal plan alongside a well-srucured, progressive resisance raining program, I highly advise you sleep a minimum o 6 hours, preerably 8-10. For more inormaon on increasing sleep qualiy, check ou THIS video. What program to follow when following this meal plan? On he opic o raining programs, i you are sruggling o decide which raining program o ollow alongside he above meal plan hen I highly recommend HyperBulk rom my HyperElie series. For hose currenly unaware, boh HyperBulk and HyperShred are no jus “programs”, hey are also your complee “BIBLE” or raining as along wih 3x8 week science-based raining splis o choose rom: •3 day ull body (24 workous) •4 day upper/lower (32 workous) •6 day push/pull/legs (48 workous) SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 18 You also receive a comprehensive program guide conaining exensive answers o FAQs, insruconal videos, ps/cues or each exercise, deailed progression scheme & MORE. Furhermore, boh HyperBulk and HyperShred also conain a unique “package” o 200+ pages o SCIENCE BASED raining conen covering lierally EVERYTHING & equipping you wih an exensive knowledge o exercise science, program design, anaomy and MUCH more consisng o 341 SCIENTIFIC REFERENCES! Wha also makes boh programs unique is ha BOTH programs are also AVAILABLE IN APP FORMAT or you o rack all your lifs & monior progression/volume/inensiy/srengh ec! BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 19 As along wih he programs, you also ge a ully comprehensive DIET “package” caering or 2 dieng approaches o ollow or max muscle gain and/or a loss Flexible diet approach: A deailed guide o racking calories & macros, calculang your specic needs & designing he mos eecve die according o he scienc lieraure or maximising lean muscle gain & a loss Meal plan approach: 3 MORE unique meal plans o ollow or males, emales & vegans along wih again, anoher deailed guide o how o adap he meal plan according o your specic needs or maximising lean muscle gain & a loss. Suiable or ANY experience level & BOTH men AND women! Don’ believe me? Click HERE o have a look a he websie and o download he able o conens o have a look inside or jus wach my laes sory/ YouTube vid ound HERE SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 20 Final words Unorunaely, ha is all he conen I have or you or FREE however, hopeully his gives you a lile insigh as o how much value I like o provide wih and can assure you ha you ge 50x more han ANY o he producs currenly oered online at Noneheless, again, I really do mean i when I say ha I hope his meal plan helps you in srucuring your die and building muscle and would jus like o hank you one more me or supporng me. I genuinely appreciae i so much, hereore, i you have any oher quesons abou he meal plan hen please eel ree o conac me eiher by email or on any o my social media plaorms and I will do my bes o help when/i I can. Sco Email: Website: Instagram: @smurray_32 Facebook: Sco Murray Finess YouTube: hps:// SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 21 References 1. Aragon, A.A., Schoeneld, B.J., Wildman, R., Kleiner, S., VanDusseldorp, T., Taylor, L., Earnes, C.P., Arciero, P.J., Wilborn, C., Kalman, D.S. and Sou, J.R., 2017. Inernaonal sociey o spors nurion posion sand: dies and body composion. Journal o he Inernaonal Sociey o Spors Nurion, 14(1), p.16. 2. Area, J.L., Burke, L.M., Ross, M.L., Camera, D.M., Wes, D.W., Broad, E.M., Jeacocke, N.A., Moore, D.R., Sellingwer, T., Phillips, S.M. and Hawley, J.A., 2013. Timing and disribuon o proein ingeson during prolonged recovery rom resisance exercise alers myobrillar proein synhesis. The Journal o physiology, 591(9), pp.2319-2331. 3. Donnelly, J.E., Sharp, T., Houmard, J., Carlson, M.G., Hill, J.O., Whaley, J.E. and Israel, R.G., 1993. Muscle hyperrophy wih large-scale weigh loss and resisance raining. The American journal o clinical nurion, 58(4), pp.561-565. 4. Faber, M., Spinnler-Benadé, A.J. and Daubizer, A., 1990. Dieary inake, anhropomeric measuremens and plasma lipid levels in hrowing eld ahlees. Inernaonal journal o spors medicine, 11(02), pp.140-145. 5. Giada, F., Zuliani, G., Baldo-Enzi, G., Palmieri, E., Volpao, S., Viale, E., Magnanini, P., Colozzi, A., Vecchie, L. and Fellin, R., 1996. Lipoproein prole, die and body composion in ahlees praccing mixed an anaerobic acvies. The Journal o spors medicine and physical ness, 36(3), pp.211-216. 6. Helms, E.R., Aragon, A.A. and Fischen, P.J., 2014. Evidence-based recommendaons or naural bodybuilding cones preparaon: nurion and supplemenaon. Journal o he Inernaonal Sociey o Spors Nurion, 11(1), p.20. 7. Lemon, P.W., 1995. Do ahlees need more dieary proein and amino acids?. Inernaonal journal o spor nurion, 5(s1), pp.S39-S61. 8. Munsers, M.J. and Saris, W.H., 2012. Eecs o meal requency on meabolic proles and subsrae paroning in lean healhy males. PloS one, 7(6), p.e38632. 9. Noron, L.E., Wilson, G.J., Rupassara, I., Garlick, P.J. and Layman, D.K., 2009. Leucine conens o isonirogenous proein sources predic pos prandial skeleal muscle proein synhesis in ras ed a complee meal. The FASEB Journal, 23(1 Supplemen), pp.227-4. 10. Pasiakos, S.M., Vislocky, L.M., Carbone, J.W., Aleri, N., Konopelski, K., Freake, H.C., Anderson, J.M., Ferrando, A.A., Wole, R.R. and Rodriguez, N.R., 2010. Acue Energy Deprivaon SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 22 Aecs Skeleal Muscle Proein Synhesis and Associaed Inracellular Signaling Proeins in Physically Acve Aduls, 2. The Journal o nurion, 140(4), pp.745-751. 11. Phillips, S.M., 2006. Dieary proein or ahlees: rom requiremens o meabolic advanage. Applied physiology, nurion, and meabolism, 31(6), pp.647-654. 12. Phillips, S.M., 2011. The science o muscle hyperrophy: making dieary proein coun. Proceedings o he Nurion Sociey, 70(1), pp.100-103. 13. Phillips, S.M., Moore, D.R. and Tang, J.E., 2007. A crical examinaon o dieary proein requiremens, benes, and excesses in ahlees. Inernaonal journal o spor nurion and exercise meabolism, 17(s1), pp.S58-S76. 14. Phillips, S.M. and Van Loon, L.J., 2011. Dieary proein or ahlees: rom requiremens o opmum adapaon. Journal o spors sciences, 29(sup1), pp.S29-S38. 15. Psoa, T. and Chen, K.Y., 2013. Measuring energy expendiure in clinical populaons: rewards and challenges. European journal o clinical nurion, 67(5), p.436. 16. Ryan-Harshman, M. and Aldoori, W., 2006. New dieary reerence inakes or macronuriens and bre. Canadian amily physician, 52(2), p.177. Disclaimer Beore sarng his meal plan or ollowing any o he above dieary inormaon, I am assuming ha you are ully healhy boh physically and menally wihou any pre-exisng medical condions. I you do have any pre-exisng medical issues or injuries and/or require some sor o special specic die and/or raining programs hen I highly sugges ha you seek your docor’s advice as o wheher his meal plan is suiable or you. I (Sco Murray) advise ha beore sarng his meal plan, you rsly consul your docor abou doing so and obain he necessary ess/physical examinaons by a licensed physician wih ull permission o proceed. By sartng his meal plan, you are: Accepng ha by doing so, you may aler your healh and body composion as a resul o parcipaon in a die plan, and hus I hereby release mysel (Sco Murray) rom any liabiliy now and in he uure or any injury, including, bu no limied o hear aacks, deah, muscle srains, pulls or ears, broken bones, shin splins, hea exhauson, knee/ shoulder/back/oo injuries and any oher illness, soreness or injury however caused , which may occur during or afer your parcipaon in his meal plan. SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 23 By sartng his meal plan, you are: Accepng ha in regards o your parcipaon in he die plan which I, Sco Murray am oering, you or yoursel, your personal represenaves, adminisraors, heirs and assigns, hereby holds harmless, me (Sco Murray) rom any claims arising rom your parcipaon in his die plan. By sartng his meal plan, you are: Conrming ha you have read, have been hones wih me (Sco Murray) and ully undersand (and agree wih) he above inormaon. Non-reference credis: • hps:// • hps:// • hps:// • hps:// • hps:// • hps:// • hps:// • hps:// • hps:// • Images shared under the Creave Commons Aribuon-Share Alike 4.0 Inernaonal license and/or labelled or reuse under Google’s usage righs ler • hp:// • hps:// SCOTT MURRAY FREE MUSCLE BUILDING MEAL PLAN 24