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Intro to Computers: Fundamentals Course Module

Computing Fundamentals
Introduction to Computers
Module 001 Introduction to Computers
At the end of this module you are expected to:
1. Know the evolution of computers and differentiate the improvement of
computer according to its generation;
2. Determine the different developer of computer system during the
evolution phase;
3. Identify the meaning of computer and enumerate the four parts of
computer system;
4. Determine the capabilities, limitations and different uses of computer.
Lesson 1: The evolution of computers
When we say computer it is intended by a person knowledgeable about performing a
basic mathematical calculation with the help of any computing devices.
It was in the year 1930’s when the evolution of the computer started. While the
history of the computer started when the first mechanical adding machine was invented in
The first mechanical adding machine is an abacus. An Abacus or also known as a
calculating frame is a calculating machine capable of performing arithmetic processes. The
logarithm idea was invented by a man called John Napier while the invention of slide rules
was credited to a man called William Oughtred. Today, an abacus is constructed with a bead
that can be slide in a bamboo stick or wires. The person who uses an abacus is called Abacist.
First Generation (Vacuum Tubes) 1939 – 1954
The evolution of computers is divided into five generations. The computers in the first
generation were expensive and bulky. Vacuum tubes was able solve problems using machine
language one at a time. Computers during this phase cannot support multitasking task.
Below are the lists of computers invented during the first generation phase.
Vacuum Tubes
A vacuum tube, or also known as “electron tube”, “thermionic valve”, or “valve” to
amplify, switch, otherwise modify, or develop an electrical signal that controls the
movement of electrons in a low-pressure space.
Course Module
The ABC or also known as Atanasoff Berry Computer in November 1939 was
developed by John V. Atanasoff in 1937called as the first electronic computer.
Z Machine
The Z machine was the first machine capable of accepting binary and floating
numbers and invention of Konrad Zuse in 1941.
The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) is the first general
purpose electronic computer. The ENIAC is capable of storing and saving programs.
This is an invention of Vonn Neumann at the United States (U.S) Army’s Ballistic
Research Laboratory in 1946.
Second Generation (Punched card / transistor) 1954 – 1959
With invention of transistors computers in the third generation became smaller and
Punch Card
A “punch card” or “Hollerith card” or “IBM card”, is a piece of paper that may contain
digital information represented by a hole in a predefined position. Early computing
uses a punch card as a medium of inputs both for computer programs and data.
ERMA or also known as Electronic Recording Machine Accounting is a project of
Stanford Research Institute. The primary function of ERMA is to automate the
bookkeeping process. In 1959 ERMA was delivered to the Bank of Bank of America in
California, a pioneering bank company that uses the ERMA.
Third Generation (Chip / Integrated Circuit (IC)) 1959 – 1971
In the 3rd generations, the semi-conductors increased the efficiency and speed of
computers. Operating systems were developed, monitors and keyboards become popular as
the input and output devices. With this inventions, the scientist has thought of a possible way
on how they could speed up the computer operations as well as offer the computer that not
so bulky. This is the reason why the integrated Circuit or also known as IC has been
Computing Fundamentals
Introduction to Computers
Nowadays, Integrated circuits or IC are used in almost all electronic equipment and have
modernized the world of electronics.
DEC company launch the PDP-8 the first minicomputer in 1968. After launching the
PDP-8, the development of ARPANET began in in the following year 1969 where the
financial backing of the department of defense has started.
Fourth Generation (Microprocessor) 1971-1991
1972, Intel introduced the 8080 microprocessor. A microprocessor primary function is
to integrates all of a central processing unit (CPU) capability on a single integrated circuit or
Fifth Generation (Under the development) 1991 – beyond
Computer system under the fifth generation is going to be based on principles of Artificial
Intelligence and Natural Language recognition.
Lesson 1: What is a computer?
A computer is the Central Processing Unit (also known as CPU) that execute programs
or tasks. The power of the computer depends on its specifications.
A program is a list of instructions predetermined to be followed by a computer. A computer
is designed to carry out instruction written in a simple language called machine language.
Main memory is consists of a sequence of locations. The location in the main memory are
numbered, and this number is called the address. See figure below for reference.
Course Module
Figure 1.0 - Central Processing Unit
Retrieved from: https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/CPU.html
Retrieved: August 13, 2018
Machine language instructions are expressed as binary numbers. A binary number is consist
of two digits, the zeros and ones. So, a machine language instruction is just a sequence of zeros and
ones. Each particular sequence the zeros, and one read some particular instruction according to the
binary number read by the computer.
Data is consists of bits of information, which by themselves may not make sense to a person. A
binary number is made up 0 and 1 only. So, a machine language instruction is just a sequence of
zeros and ones. Each particular sequence encodes some particular instruction.
Four parts of Computer
1. Hardware - The physical parts that make up the computer are called hardware.
The hardware part of a computer is consist of interconnected electronic devices
that are used to control the computer operations like input and output.
2. Software - Software makes the computer perform certain tasks by means of a set
of instruction
3. People – They are the ones who operate a computer, aka users.
4. Data consist of individual facts or bits of information, which by themselves may
not make sense to a person. The computer stores and read all kinds of data and
information whether words, numbers, images or sounds in the form of numbers.
Following instructions from the software and the user, the computer manipulates
data by performing calculations, doing a comparison, or arranging the bits of
information so they make sense to the users.
Capabilities and Limitations of Computer
Capabilities of Computer:
1. The computer has the ability to perform arithmetic operation like: addition,
subtraction, multiplication division, etc. The computer is basically developed to
help solve complicated mathematical formulas using large volumes of data. It can
perform this task at high speed and with great precision.
2. The computer can perform logical operations. Given the correct instruction, it
can determine whether a value (number or an alphabetic character or combination
of both) is greater than, equal to or less than another value. Based on the result of the
comparison it can be instructed to choose among alternative instructions to be
undertaken, which in a way is equivalent to making decision.
3. The computer has the ability to store and retrieve information because a
computer has a storage area called memory. The computer has memory, a storage
area. Data accepted by the computer is kept in this area for processing. The computer
is able to store a large amount of data and, by series of instructions, be able to retrieve
these data many times when needed.
4. The computer has the ability to process information at a very high speed. If
pencil and paper have to be used to process a large volume of data, a lot time is needed
Computing Fundamentals
Introduction to Computers
to finish the task. With computers, whether it is comparing, calculating, or arranging
data, processing time takes only a minutes or even a second.
5. The computer can direct itself in a predetermine manner without human
intervention. When the computer is performing task, it is actually following
instructions laid out in a program. A program contains a set of instructions used by
the computer to perform a specific job.
Limitations of Computer
1. Computers do not think for you.
A computer functions only when it is provided the input information it needs.
Input data provided to the computer has to be precise, objective and correct for it to
produce the required result. Instruction that the computer will have to follow must
be specific, detailed and defined for processing to be correct. If you input the wrong
data, or give a wrong set of instructions to the computer, definitely the computer will
produced the wrong result.
2. The computer cannot correct inaccurate data.
The computer cannot decide whether data is correct or not, unless alternatives
are given in advance in the form instructions. Data must therefore be verified and
corrected before being entered to make sure that what fed to computer is correct.
3. The computer is subject to breakdown.
The computer cannot completely avoid making errors which usually occur
when there is fluctuation in the electric current, when an electrical component or part
is malfunctioning or when the computer is over heated it is the same as other
machines which need constant care and maintenance.
Uses of Computer
The uses of computer classified into six categories:
1. Personal Computing
2. Science and Research
3. Information System / Data Processing
4. Education
5. Medicine
Course Module
6. Artificial Intelligence
A. Personal Computing
The small computer called microcomputer can be controlled by a single
person, thus the term “personal computing”. At home, these computers can be used
for applications like: maintaining up-to-date inventory of household items, storing
names and addresses, creating and monitoring a household budget, keeping an
appointment and social calendar, writing letters, education and entertainment such
as computer games.
In small businesses, computers can be used for word processing, desktop
publishing, electronic spreadsheet, and maintaining databases.
B. Word processing is a software that allows users to enter, store, manipulate and
print text (letters, reports, etc).
C. Desktop publishing is a software that allow users to produce near type-setquality copy of newsletter, advertisements, and other publishing jobs.
D. Electronic spreadsheet is a software that permits users to work with numbers
formatted in lines and columns normally used for accounting jobs.
E. Database permits users to create and maintain several files and extract in an easy
convenient manner.
F. Science and Research
Engineers and scientist use computers as a tool in experimentation and design.
Aerospace engineers use computer to simulate the effects of wind tunnel to analyze
the aerodynamics of an airplane prototype. Chemist use computer graphics to create
three (3) dimensional views of an experiment molecule.
G. Information System / Data processing
Computers are used to support the administrative aspects of an organization,
for example: applications including payroll system, airline reservation system,
grading system and others. They provide for fast data processing requirements and
information needed to make better, more informed decisions by managements.
H. Education
Computers can interact with students to enhance the learning process. With
multidimensional communications using sound, print, graphics and color, the
computer has become a good educational tool in the home, in the classroom and in
business. Computers can help children learn to read and write. Adults can also use
computers to learn about just anything from auto mechanics to zoology.
I. Medicine
Tiny “computer on a chip” are being embedded in artificial hearts and other
organs. Once the organs are implanted in the body, the computer monitors critical
inputs, such as blood pressure and flow, then takes corrective action to ensure
stability of operation in a continuous feedback.
Computing Fundamentals
Introduction to Computers
J. Artificial Intelligence
Today’s computer can imitate many human movements such as reaching,
gasping, calculating, speaking, remembering, comparing numbers and drawings.
Researcher are working to expand these capabilities by developing computers and
programs that can imitate human intelligence. This general area of research is called
artificial intelligence. However, computer can never be capable of simulating the
distinctly human qualities of creativity, humor and emotions.
Lesson 3: Looking inside the computer
4 components of a computer
Input / output devices
The Processor
Processing is the process of converting raw data into useful information.
The Processor and Memory are the parts of the computer that make it possible.
The processor is known as the brain of the computer because, it organizes and carries
out instructions that is sent by the computer or the user.
In most personal computers today, they usually contain one or more
microprocessors. These microprocessors process data and instructions from a user
or a program.
The microprocessor is attached to the motherboard. The Motherboard
connects the processor to other hardware components. The motherboard is
considered a circuit board. Devices-such as video cards, sound cards, disk controller,
and many internal devices are attach to the motherboard.
A processor usually contain a single chip or a set of chips. In some powerful.
The term Central Processing Unit (CPU) refers to a computers processor.
The Memory
When applications are launched, it is loaded into the memory. It is also in the memory
where data executes. Random Access Memory (RAM) is the most common type of
memory and is commonly refer to mean RAM. Data is both written to read from this
The main idea of a RAM is that, the more RAM the computer has, the more it
can do, and the faster it can perform a certain task.
Course Module
Memory is measured by the byte-the amount of memory it takes to store a
single character, such as letter of the alphabet or the numeral. Terms such as kilobyte
(KB), megabyte(MB),gigabyte(BT),and terabyte(TB) to describe the values.
It is the part of the computer where all computer processing takes place. It
consists of three (3) parts.
1. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
The ALU is responsible for all arithmetic operations and logical processes
within a computer.
2. Control Unit
The Control Unit supervises the task of the CPU. It directs and coordinates the
Operation of the entire computer according to the instructions laid out in the
3. Memory
This is the storage which contains the program and data. It is known as the
“primary memory” or “main memory”.
The main memory contains two (2) types of memory:
1. ROM (Read Only Memory)
Programs stored in the RAM cannot be changed nor deleted.
2. RAM (Random Access Memory)
RAM is a non-permanent type of, memory, meaning to say that in case you happen
to turn-off the computer while suing it, all data in RAM will be erased.
Input and Output Devices
Input devices accept data and instructions from the user or from another
computer system. Output devices return processed data to the user or to another
computer system.
Input devices
Popular input devices are keyboard, mouse, trackballs, touchpad, joysticks,
scanner, digital cameras and microphones.
Output Devices
Popular output devices are monitors, printers, and speakers.
A computer storage is designed to hold data permanently. People new to computers
usually confuse storage with memory. There are three major distinctions between
storage and memory.
Computing Fundamentals
Introduction to Computers
1. There is more room in storage than memory.
2. Contents are retained in storage when the computer is turned-off, whereas the
program or the data you put into the memory disappear when you shut down
the computer.
3. Storage is slower compared to memory, but cost a lot cheaper than memory.
There are many types of storage devices including tape drives, optical drives
and removable hard drives. However the most common storage medium is the
magnetic disk.
A disk is a round, flat object that spins around its center. Read/Write heads,
which are similar to the heads of a tape recorder or VCR, are used to read data from
the disk or write data onto the disk.
The device that holds a disk is called disk drives. Some disk are built into the
drive and are not meant to be remove, other kinds of drives enables you to remove
and replace disk.
There is also diskette drive, which allow you to use removable diskettes
(floppy disks).
The hard disk serves as the computers primary filing cabinet it can store for
more data than a diskette can contain.
The CD-ROM drive is another common type of storage device. Compact disk
(CDs) are typr of optical device,
CD-Re-Writable disk, which can be written to a multiple times
Also Digital Video Disk (DVD) are used for home entertainment.
Course Module
References and Supplementary Materials
Books and Journals
1. Denning, Peter J.; Martell, Craig H. (2015). Great principles of computing MIT Press
QA 76 D3483 2015
2. Oleary, Timothy J. (2015). Computing essentials: making IT work for you. QA 76.5 O42
Oleary, Timothy J.; Oleary, Linda I. (2015). Computing essentials 2014 : making it
work for you WLB McGrawhill QA 76 O54 2014
Online Supplementary Reading Materials
1. A brief history od computer;
http://people.bu.edu/baws/brief%20computer%20history.html; August 2, 2018
2. Computer basics; https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/computerbasics/basic-parts-of-acomputer/1/ ; August 3, 2018
3. Central Processing Unit;
ev3.shtml ; August 3, 2016
Online Instructional Videos
1. The components of computer and their function;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC_fOWfmtPA; August 3, 2018
2. Computer hardware and software; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UyJMiYqvs4
; August 3, 2018
3. History and generations of computers;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrUvFJWlYCY; August 3, 2018
4. Generations of computers; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTc4kIVUnoA ;
August 3, 2018
5. The central processing unit; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZGugFqdr60 ;
August 2, 2018