Uploaded by Katey Melino

Relationship Reflection Paper

Katey Melino
Matthew Geraths
SOC 339
1 May 2022
Reflection on First Interview
For my first interview I interviewed my roommate Michelle about her boyfriend Louie.
They have been officially dating for a month as of the interview. Since this is a new relationship,
there are defining qualities that are predictable. A major theme I saw in my interview, which is
stereotypical of new relationships, is feeling unsure. While exciting, new relationships can be
nerve-wracking at times. You’re getting to know a new person, even if you had a relationship
with them prior, you are learning about them in a fresh and intimate setting. I witnessed this
theme in Michelle’s answers to questions about love. The two of them have strong feelings for
each other, but how do you know if love is developing in a new relationship? This was hard for
Michelle to answer because she and Louie haven’t entered that stage of their relationship.
Another theme that I witnessed was uniqueness. Michelle emphasized that Louie was different
from the other guys that she dated in the past. When asked “How did you know this is the person
you wanted to be with long term?”, she had countless reasons as to why Louie is different from
the other guys in her dating pool.
Being roommates, Michelle and I exist in the same social location. Dating is a large part
of being in college. Apps like Tinder and Hinge are incredibly popular in the college dating
scene, Michelle and Louie met on Hinge. Michelle’s social location allowed her to consider
someone she met online as a potential boyfriend. This is something that is seen as strange and
invalid in older generations and in different cultures. This also ties in cultural norms, not only of
Portland State University, but of Portland and the United States. Dating apps are less popular in
non-metropolitan areas. Meeting people in person from the internet is more risky in less
populated places. Going on dates in public places in the city feels safer than meeting someone in
a more rural part of Oregon. Also, more conservative cultures don’t think you can develop
meaningful relationships over the internet.
I was happy to talk to Michelle about Louie. Some of the questions were challenging for
her because their relationship is so new, but that’s predictable. I was surprised to hear all the
reasons why Michelle felt close and safe with Louie, it was comforting to hear.