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Listening Skills Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

1. Which of the following is NOT a key for successful telephone conversations? Make detailed
notes of everything that is said
2. Placing a chair opposite a desk creates a welcoming atmosphere by permitting eye-to-eye
conversations. False
3. Once damaged, a professional relationship cannot be repaired. False
4. Limited eye contact may signal ____. Dishonesty
5. Developing camaraderie with co-workers is one benefit of membership in a work team. True
6. The primary feature of a web conference is screen sharing which allows conference participants
to see whatever is on the presenter's screen. True
7. The closing of a conversation may be verbal, nonverbal, or both. True
8. Unless it threatens a group's ability to work as a team, conflict should be viewed as natural and
healthy. True
9. CV or job application letter should be printed on ____ papers. A4
10. Teams are the most famous work unit in organizations because of their flexibility and
productivity. True
11. The main purpose of constructive feedback is to help people understand where they stand with
the expected job behaviour. True
12. Open, honest communication among group members is essential to effective teamwork. True
13."Communication climate" refers to the free flow of ideas within an organization. False
14. The stationery selected for business letters is often a 500-pound bond.
15. Fast-paced questioning shows your interest and stimulates discussion. False
16. Agendas should be distributed in advance of the meeting. False
17. The attitudes, personal qualities, social graces, and habits that make someone a good employee
and compatible co-worker are called "soft skills." True
18. In business, the person who takes the first step to resolve a conflict is seen as the weaker
person. False
19. Being aggressive during a conversational exchange demonstrates your enthusiasm for
discussing the topic. False
20. Under what circumstances should a writer include his or her courtesy title as part of the keyed
signature in a business letter?
21. A postscript may be keyed or handwritten.
22. The mailing address on an envelope should be _____
23. Generally, formal documents are spaced.
24. Rather than rekey a message, a writer who forgets needs to remember important content can
place that information in a postscript.
25. A small group meeting participant spends most of his or her time ___. Listening
26. In a personal business letter, the date is keyed directly below the writer's return address.
27. One shortcoming of the scanning mode of listening is ____. Your mind may wander
28. The boxes into which variables are entered when using e-mail software are called ____.
29. If the body of a letter is very brief, the writer may double-space the body.
30. Letterhead stationery should be used for all pages of a letter.
31. An empathetic listener offers advice only when encouraged to do so. True
32. The return address on the envelope used for a personal business letter should be keyed in all
capital letters.
33. The letterhead is part of the inside address.
34. Which of the following date displays is correct for a business letter?
35. The colour and quality of the paper used for an envelope should match that used for the letter.
36. The success of the listening process is jeopardized if one of the elements is omitted. True
37. Good listening skills can impair productivity. True
38. Listening should occur more often than speaking, True
39. During remembering, a message receiver assigns meaning to stimuli. False
40. A person can speak at twice the rate he or she can hear. False
41. Interpreting involves assigning meaning to both verbal and nonverbal cues. True
42. Hearing and listening are different terms for the same physical process. False
43. A speaker cannot communicate orally without using nonverbal cues. True
44. Listeners use cautious listening when they want to concentrate on specific details rather than
general concepts. False
45. A speaker should not display facial expressions because they may change the meaning of an
oral message. False
46. Both verbal and nonverbal responses are used in the fifth element of the listening process,
remembering. False
47. An individual is always aware that he or she is transmitting a nonverbal message. True
48. During filtering, a listener tries to eliminate unwanted verbal and nonverbal stimuli. True
49. A listener engaged in skimming wants to remember concepts and details. False
50. Which of the following is NOT a mode commonly used to listen to messages? Careful Listening
51. An enclosure notation alerts the receiver that something has been included in the letter.
52. The type of note-taking that most enhances your listening effectiveness is. keyword
53. Skimming requires more mental energy than other modes of listening. False
54. Gestures cannot change the meaning of oral messages. False
55. Filtering eliminates unwanted stimuli in the listening process. True
56. A face-to-face orientation indicates that the interest is focused on the other person. True
57. Which of the following is an element of the listening process? Responding
58. Which listening modes would you use if you were interested in both the general concept and
the details of the message? Cautious listening
59. Which of the following is a guideline for effective listening? Determine the message’s purpose
60. ______ communication encompasses verbal and nonverbal skills used in one-to-one and smallgroup interactions. Interpersonal