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100 days of Hard Mode and Semen Retention

100 days of Hard Mode and Semen Retention
To write about my entire journey would require an entire tome. In the interest of my
time and yours, I will make this relatively concise.
Two years. Two damn years.
That’s how long it took me to cut the head off the snake of the vile fapping habit. I am
looking forward to leaving this bullshit behind in 2017.
After 100 days, I have come to the conclusion that NoFap/Semen Retention is a mustdo practice for the modern man.
If you are watching porn, if you are recklessly spilling your seed, you are weakening
yourself - mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
Society will encourage you to dissipate your life force. This is because society offloads
the cost of its self-indulgent perversion onto the individual.
Most people lack the discipline and strength of mind to handle sexual energy and use
it in a productive and healthy manner. They weren't taught how to. This is why society is
sexually backward with more ills than I care to list here.
Many will tell you that NoFap is "broscience" or that it's a waste of time. Well, that is
faulty for the fact that most people have never tried NoFap/sex transmutation for any
length of time successfully.
People cannot talk on what they don't know. I don't need papers, I don't need tests, I
don't need "studies". My subjective experience is enough.
Semen retention gets a bad rep on this subreddit simply because it is misunderstood
and overexaggerated. Semen retention/hard mode doesn't make you Clark Kent.
All it does is make you more of who you already are.
Think of a seed that's put in soil and not exposed to sunlight. That seed will not grow.
Now think of a seed that is put in soil and exposed to sunlight and watered daily. That
seed will turn into a beautiful plant. THAT's semen retention. It turns the acorn into an
There are also certain institutions that have a heavily vested interest in having men
sexually distracted as much as possible. I will not discuss this any further.
How I feel
I have a feeling that is impossible to put into words.
But if I were to sum it up in one word: divine.
My entire body feels “charged up”, like I have been converted from a Duracell battery
into a nuclear power plant with energy that burns night and day.
You can only relate if you have gone this far on NoFap, especially Hard Mode.
I feel like I did when I was a kid. Bold, positive, confident, unapologetic. I was
considered a wunderkind. As I grew, that started to disappear. I now know where it
went. It is a return to form.
This is how a man is supposed to feel.
My only regret is that I wish I had started sooner and not relapsed so much.
The feeling I have is not worth losing on a greedy slut. Only the right girls.
Why 100 Days?
In Eastern Medicine, 100 days is the time that cultivation starts to yield benefits. Energy
starts to rise up from what is called “the root chakra” and nourish the entire body.
According to Ayurveda, a man's life force is in his sperm. It is his essence. When a man
ejaculates, he literally loses life force. You lose life in order to create life. Life is energy.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is merely transferred. This has already been
Most men are not using their energy wisely. They are transferring their energy into a
The modern man is literally dying from illusion. He is trapped in a prison of lust and the
jailer is his mind.
The life force energy inside of you expresses itself as sexual feelings. It wants to
propagate itself and create more life. That is what life does. Life is expansive. A seed
grows into a tree that stretches its limbs as high as possible and its roots as deep as
possible. It celebrates itself.
This may sound like woo-woo, but Western Medicine is not God. It does not know
everything. Compared to what exists in the universe, we know nothing.
Despite their differences, Western Science and Eastern Medicine both agree that
ejaculation has a dampening effect on an organism.
The Reason Why NoFap Works
Your brain and your body's main purpose is to keep you alive. Not keep you happy, not
keep you thriving, but to keep you alive. Even if it operates on a sub-optimal level, it
doesn't matter.
Why do these two forces want to keep you alive?
Simply to pass on your DNA. That is the whole reason why you are here and the reason
why your children will come here. You are nothing more than a vessel for DNA.
Thousands of people in the army may die, but the messenger needs to be kept alive.
When you do not ejaculate for long periods of time, your body re-optimizes itself in
order to help you attract mates. This is part of the reason for the “superpowers” many
people claim.
Testosterone may peak on the 7th day...but your androgen receptors increase over
This converts free testosterone into usable testosterone. Without androgen receptors,
testosterone means nothing.
Orgasm increases prolactin in the entire system, which is an inhibitor of testosterone.
Repeat orgasms put a dampening effect on the entire nervous system leading to
laziness, lethargy, and being lackadaisical.
Main Benefits Received
More (spiritual) awareness - My intuition is more alive than ever. I am more attuned
to vibes. I crave the presence of God.
Denser muscles - My muscles used to be incredibly “soft”. They never had that
“hardness” I wanted. Now my muscles are thicker and more solid. I go to the gym
4x a week. I do the same workouts. Nothing has change in that regard.
Give less of a fuck - I just don't give a fuck. I say what I want when I want. I do what I
want when I want.
Less procrastination - when things need to get done, they get done.
More "fullness" - This is hard to put into words, but I just feel "full" I feel full of life. I
feel as if nothing can be added to me and nothing can be taken away.
Improved physical appearance - Hard to put my finger on this one but something
has changed. I look more “rough” even when I am clean shaven. I also seem to be
"glowing", like I have more life force energy.
Need less sleep - Rested on little sleep compare to before.
No more self-pity - Used to cry myself down constantly. Now I am my biggest
Broke other bad habits - I found it easier to stop doing certain things. I guess
because my self image was that of a “fapper” and when you cut the head off the
snake, the body dies.
Greater concentration - Effortless focus
I could list hundreds of more benefits. Those aren't even the tip of the iceberg.
Supplements I have taken
In order to compensate for the amount of sheer neurochemical and hormonal
devastation that I have done over the years to my body, I take supplements. I will take
most of these for at least another 6 months.
I also believe that the constant ejaculation of seed is why many men feel as if they need
gym supplements. Protein powders...energy drinks...amino acids...”test boosters”...none
of these can hold a candle to semen retention.
Here are the supplements:
Zinc - lost during ejaculation, key synthesizer in testosterone production
Magnesium - also key in testosterone
Multivitamin - for the essential vitamins and nutrients
Neuro Spark - Nootropic to eliminate brain fog and increase mental clarity
Gotu Kola
Turmeric powder - stimulates dopamine
Alkaline Water/Electrolytes
A healthy diet overall - I eat no junk food
“Dopamine Challenge” - a directive I made last year to avoid and limit the things
that cause dopamine spikes.
These are books that helped me on my journey:
The Power Within You
Think and Grow Rich
A New Earth
One last thing:
You need to meditate. Exercise. Do something. You need to circulate this energy inside
of you as it starts to build up. If you don't, you will go mad. Then, you will spill your seed
(i.e. binge), often excessively. The cycle then continues and you’re making a “ah fuck, I
just relapsed” post.
If you believe in a higher power, you must pray. Even if you don't, pray in your own way.
Just ask for help. You will get it.
You can't masturbate. You can't watch porn. You can’t keep resetting your counter. You
can’t fall victim to self doubt and external negativity. You can’t kill time.
You need to break free from this compulsive behavior. You need to respect yourself.
You need to respect your seed. You need to stand up and be a damn man. You need
sexual control. You need to retain and protect your seed at all costs.
If you do not, this world will break you like a wooden pencil and throw you in the
We already have enough wankers in this world who don't respect themselves and feel
the need to take it out on others. Don't be like those assholes.
This is literally the difference between a good life and living death. If you doubt my
words, read the thousands of testimonials on here and Your Brain on Porn.
I am 26 years old. I spent much of my formative years smoking weed, playing video
games, and fapping. I lived in a perpetual abyss of moderate depression, anxiety,
chronic fatigue, and mental quicksand.
I was a 4/10 on the mood scale on a great day.
I lost my youthfulness because of my lack of self-discipline. I could have been
somebody. I could have had a vibrant life. I could have been the light to shine the way. I
was the gifted one. But instead I decided to throw it all off a cliff.
I can only pray that I can generate the energy and resolve to make up for lost time and
salvage my life.
NoFap is not a cure-all. But it's one hell of a kick starter. If you do it right, you trade in
your hoopty for a Porsche 911.
You still have to drive the car to your destination.
If it were easy everyone would do it. You can change at any time, but just realize that the
clock is ticking and you aren't getting any younger.
NoFap is just the beginning. You can’t stay on here forever. You need to graduate.
That’s what you do in school. That’s what you do in NoFap. There are pressing issues
that need your attention and they’re not found on this subreddit.
This will be my final post on the NoFap subreddit.
I think I've said everything that I've needed to say on the subject of NoFap and semen
When you feel down, like you just want to give it all up, like demons are tearing at your
soul - remember this message and remember why you started. You’ll find your second
Thank you all for the support. I cannot express my gratitude.
Cheering you on from afar,
R. Marden