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WorleyParsons CR Guidelines: Prioritizing Activities

Selection and Prioritization of CR activities
Recommended criteria for CR activities has been developed to support decision-making for the prioritization
of CR activities by locations and business lines. The location CR committees (or equivalent) shall annually
plan and review contributions against these criteria as part of the budget planning process, and use it to
prioritize contributions. The CR Planning Checklist (Attachment 1) explains a recommended process for
local CR planning.
Selection criteria where preference should be placed on activities with maximum ‘ticks’ and no ‘crosses’.
 Meets one or more of WorleyParsons global focus themes of our people,
human rights, community, fair operating practices and supply chain,
environment and ethics and transparency, or an ISO26000 corporate social
responsibility defined core subject.
 Voluntary donations, allocation of company funds and hours spent that
directly impacts or benefits communities around the world where
WorleyParsons has a permanent office or project site.
 Has measureable benefits/results and criteria for evaluation and explicit
timeline of commitment
 Has sound financial management beyond WorleyParsons’ giving e.g. triggers
an economically sustainable social investment/solution
 Can serve as a catalyst for support from other corporations and funding
sources e.g. customers, suppliers or industry peer involvement
 Provides opportunity for WorleyParsons employee ‘skilled volunteering’
 Provides opportunity for WorleyParsons customers to be jointly involved
NOT permitted
 Activities with the potential to create a conflict between any of WorleyParsons
stakeholders such as employees, customers, shareholders, government or
local communities
 Religious organizations (e.g., churches or organizations directly tied to a
place of worship)
 Individuals (Note: scholarships funded via educational institutions are
 Political, labour, fraternal organizations or civic clubs and all organizations
which carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation
Organizations located where WorleyParsons does not have offices
 School activities, clubs and events unless it involves science, technology,
engineering, math education or community health
Key considerations that should be taken into account when planning and implementing a CR initiative:
• Be strategic with CR initiatives to achieve maximum extraction of value for WorleyParsons and
recipients, with minimum cost and effort
• Keep administrative and bureaucratic requirements to a minimum
• Ensure the “value’ of CR activities is captured and logged on the internal CR SharePoint site
• Learn and share with other locations
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Attachment 1: Corporate Responsible Criteria table
Clarifications for metrics and referenced terminology in:
Annual Report (Environment, Social and Governance or Corporate Responsibility Section)
Corporate Responsibility Performance Report
Corporate Responsibility Catalogue of Activities (interface for data collection for some CR metrics)
Carbon dioxide emissions
Carbon dioxide emissions equivalent (CO2-e) is the universal unit of measurement
equivalent (CO2-e)
used to express and compare emissions from various greenhouse gases based on
their global warming potential, converted to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide.
The seven key greenhouse gases recognized by the Kyoto Protocol and adopted by
WorleyParsons are:
Carbon Disclosure Project
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC)
Perfluorocarbons (PFC)
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an international not-for-profit organization providing
a global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital
environmental information. WorleyParsons have participated in reporting our
environmental performance to CDP since 2009.
Carbon dioxide emission
WorleyParsons approach to greenhouse gas emissions reporting is consistent with the
reporting requirements set out in the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
(NGER) Act (2007) for our Australia locations and the IPCC Guidelines for National
Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2006) for other locations. The carbon dioxide emissions
factors are derived from the reporting guideline standards. As per accepted practice,
we do not restate previous year emissions based on emission factor updates.
Contributions by operations
Contributions by operations are the total monetary contributions by WorleyParsons
(to Corporate Responsibility
related activities)
offices and business lines towards our people, community and environment. Included
are activities supporting one or more of WorleyParsons global focus themes in our
Corporate Responsibility Policy (our people, human rights, community, fair operating
practices and supply chain, environment and ethics and transparency), or an
ISO26000 corporate social responsibility defined core subject.
Total contributions are measured in Australian Dollars for the reporting period.
Contributions by offices outside of Australia are converted to Australian Dollars using
the average exchange rate during the month that the community initiative was
Note: operational budgets allocated to ongoing programs like general management of
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HSE, People, CR, Assurance and ‘business as usual’ CR associated activities are not
included as contributions by operations
Contributions by personnel
(to Corporate Responsibility
related activities)
Contributions by personnel members are the total monetary contributions towards
community organizations by WorleyParsons employees and contractors, family
members and supply chain partners (customers and suppliers) who are contribution
through WorleyParsons organized fundraising activities. Total contributions are
measured in Australian Dollars for the reporting period. Contributions by employees
outside of Australia are converted to Australian Dollars using the average exchange
rate during the month that the community initiative was undertaken.
At WorleyParsons, diversity is defined by the various ways in which we differ and any
dimension that can be used to distinguish between people or groups.
Our framework for integrating sustainability into our customers’ projects and operation.
That framework assists them in making decisions where trade-offs exist between
technical, social, environmental and financial performance.
Energy consumption
Energy is consumed predominantly to run all our buildings and vehicle fleet. Electricity
and gas consumption is compiled from metering and building data.
Energy intensity
Average rate of energy consumption relative to the intensity of a specific activity. At
WorleyParsons, this is expressed as a ratio of energy consumption per personnel
member (MWh/personnel member).
Enterprise Development
Enterprise development is a WorleyParsons Foundation initiative in providing
contributions to assist in the operations, financial and development of local small
businesses towards long term sustainability.
Employee turnover
Employees who leave WorleyParsons voluntarily or due to dismissal, retirement, or
Employment contract
There are two employment contract categories at WorleyParsons:
Permanent contract: Permanent employee contract for full-time or part-time
work for an indeterminate period.
Employment types
Fixed term or temporary contract: Fixed term employment contract that ends
when a specific time period expires.
There are two employment types at WorleyParsons:
Full time: A ‘full-time employee’ is defined according to local national
legislation and practice regarding working time (e.g. minimum of 30 hours per
Part time: A ‘part-time employee’ is defined as an employee whose working
hours per week, month or year is less than a ‘full-time employee.
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At WorleyParsons, we categorize e-waste as any type of waste from electronic
equipment including computers, monitors, photocopiers, circuit boards, telephones and
fluorescent tubes.
First Aid Case (FAC)
Cases such as visits to a physician or licensed health care professional solely for
observation or counseling; the conduct of diagnostic procedures.
If the injury or illness required only the following types of treatment, consider it first aid:
Using a non-prescription medication at non-prescription strength (for
medications available in both prescription and non-prescription form, a
recommendation by a physician or other licensed health care professional to use a
non-prescription medication at prescription strength is considered medical treatment for
recordkeeping purposes);
Administering tetanus immunizations (other immunizations, such as Hepatitis
B vaccine or rabies vaccine, are considered medical treatment);
Cleaning, flushing or soaking wounds on the surface of the skin;
Using wound coverings such as bandages, Band-Aids™, gauze pads, etc.; or
using butterfly bandages or Steri-Strips™ (other wound closing devices such as
sutures, staples, etc., are considered medical treatment);
Using hot or cold therapy;
Using any non-rigid means of support, such as elastic bandages, wraps, nonrigid back belts, etc. (devices with rigid stays or other systems designed to immobilize
parts of the body are considered medical treatment for recordkeeping purposes);
Using temporary immobilization devices while transporting an accident victim
(e.g., splints, slings, neck collars, back boards, etc.).
Drilling of a fingernail or toenail to relieve pressure, or draining fluid from a
Using eye patches;
Removing foreign bodies from the eye using only irrigation or a cotton swab;
Removing splinters or foreign material from areas other than the eye by
irrigation, tweezers, cotton swabs or other simple means;
Using finger guards;
Using massages (physical therapy or chiropractic treatment are considered
medical treatment for recordkeeping purposes); or
Drinking fluids for relief of heat stress.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is defined as the number of working hours that represents
one full-time employee over a fixed time period.
Greenhouse gas emissions
Average rate of carbon emissions relative to the intensity of a specific activity. At
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WorleyParsons, this is expressed as a ratio of tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per
personnel member (CO2-e/personnel member). This is calculated using our Scope 1
and 2 emissions.
Greenhouse gas emissions
Aggregate total greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) generated by
WorleyParsons activities, expressed in carbon dioxide emissions equivalent (CO 2-e).
Group Leadership Team (GLT)
The Group Leadership Team (GLT) is a team that is established by the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) to provide leadership to the global business of WorleyParsons and to
promote good governance and operational excellence of WorleyParsons.
Global Reporting Initiative
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) promotes the use of sustainability reporting as a way
for organizations to improve their sustainability performance and contribute to
sustainable development. WorleyParsons has adopted GRI Standards Sustainability
Reporting Framework for our corporate responsibility performance reporting.
At WorleyParsons, inclusion is defined as differences within the organization that are
respected, valued and supported, providing each person with the opportunity to fully
participate and to reach his or her own potential.
Improve services are defined as the provision of value-added services via a long-term
contract to support our customers’ business or operation.
Local community
At WorleyParsons, the local community is defined as persons or groups of people living
in areas close to our operations through to isolated settlements in countries in which
we operate.
Local employee
Our people who are either born or who have the legal right to reside indefinitely (e.g.
naturalized citizens, permanent visa holders) in countries which we operate.
Lost Workday Case (LWC)
A recordable injury/illness that results in one or more days away from work at the
direction of a medical professional. WorleyParsons shall begin counting days away on
the day after the injury occurred or the illness began and each calendar day until
released to return to work in some capacity by a medical professional as defined in
OSHA 1904.7(b)(3)(ii). A LWC is a Recordable Case. You must count the number of
calendar days the employee was unable to work as a result of the injury or illness,
regardless of whether or not the employee was scheduled to work on those day(s).
Weekend days, holidays, vacation days or other days off are included in the total
number of days recorded if the employee would not have been able to work on those
days because of a work-related injury or illness (OSHA 1904.7(b)(3)(iv)). These cases
are recordable only if information is received from a physician or other licensed health
care professional indicating that the employee should not have worked, or should have
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performed only restricted work, on these days (OSHA 1904.7(b)(3)(v)).
Lost Workday Case Frequency
Rate (LWCFR)
Lost Workday Case Frequency Rate (LWCFR) is a statistical measure of safety
performance for the reporting period.
LWCFR is calculated as:
LWC Days Severity Rate 
(Total number of days away resulting from LWC )  200,000
hours worked ( for the period )
Our LWCFR is for Category 1 only – personnel working directly for WorleyParsons
(permanent staff, casual staff, contracted staff, secondees and agency personnel).
sustainability issues
In the corporate responsibility context, materiality reflects a measure of the significance
and relevance of sustainability topics to WorleyParsons. WorleyParsons define
material sustainability issues as those that are most important to our business and our
Medical Treatment Case
The management and care of a patient to combat disease or disorder. Medical
treatment does not include:
Visits to a physician or other licensed health care professional solely for
observation or counseling;
The conduct of diagnostic procedures, such as x-rays and blood tests,
including the administration of prescription medications used solely for diagnostic
purposes; e.g. eye drops to dilate pupils; or
"First aid" as defined above.
An MTC is a recordable case
National Greenhouse and
Energy Reporting (NGER) Act
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Act 2007 is legislation by the
Australian Government that requires business to report the amount of CO2-e emitted
for all business activities. NGERS provides a single national framework for the
reporting and dissemination of information on greenhouse gas emissions in
accordance with the operational control model defined in Section 11 of the NGER Act.
National Greenhouse
Accounts (NGA) Factors
National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors are government approved estimates of
the global warming potential of greenhouse gases. NGA Factors are design to assist
companies and individuals estimate greenhouse gas emissions.
NGA Factors draws from the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
(Measurement) Determination 2008 where it provides methods for us to generally
apply to the estimation of a broader range of greenhouse gas emissions.
Non-profit organization
Organizations that are not operating for the profit or gain of its individual members
where surplus revenue, direct or indirect goes back into the operation of the
organization to carry out its community objectives and goals. Non-profit organizations
are often established by and for the community with minimal or no intervention from
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local or federal government.
Our enterprise-wide integrity management framework which establishes our corporate
expectations for zero harm to our business.
Operational control
Operational control describes the boundary for reporting our environmental
performance information. WorleyParsons reports its energy use and greenhouse gas
emissions with respect to operational control model set out by the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI). Entities included in WorleyParsons operational control are entities
which we have financial control.
Paper consumption
WorleyParsons major paper consumption are office paper (A4 and A3 paper used in
photocopiers, printers and fax machines in offices) and printing paper (project reports,
brochures, etc.) Our offices paper consumption and printing paper consumption is
based on the average weight of reams purchased.
Payroll giving
Payroll giving or workplace giving enables our people to make tax effective charitable
donations that is deducted from wage and paid directly to the charity and/or other nonprofit organizations. At WorleyParsons, payroll giving is implemented in Canada,
United States, India, United Kingdom and Australia.
Personnel member
At WorleyParsons, personnel member is defined as the total number of our employees
and contractors.
Pro Bono
At WorleyParsons, pro bono is used to refer to the provision of skilled services within
paid working hours to community based organizations for a significantly reduced or no
fee basis.
Reporting period
Reporting period highlights our efforts from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018, unless
otherwise stated.
Ready, Response and
Recovery (R3)
Ready, Response and Recovery (R3) System provides a framework to manage
WorleyParsons’ exposure to critical incidents, major business interruptions and
commercial crises that might threaten the safety and security of our people and imperil
the viability of our business.
Remuneration at WorleyParsons is defined as the basic salary plus additional amounts
such as bonuses including cash and equity such as shares, benefit payments,
overtime, time owed and additional allowances such as transportation and living
Restricted Workday Case
Restricted work occurs when, as the result of a work-related injury or illness:
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You keep the employee from performing one or more of the routine functions of his or
her job, or from working the full workday that he or she would otherwise have been
scheduled to work OSHA 1904.7(b)(4)(i)(A); or
A physician or other licensed health care professional recommends that the employee
not perform one or more of the routine functions of his or her job, or not work the full
workday that he or she would otherwise have been scheduled to work. OSHA
WorleyParsons shall begin counting restricted work days on the day after the injury
occurred or the illness began and each calendar day until released to return to full
routine duties.
A RWC is a Recordable Case.
Scope 1 emissions
Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse gas emissions produced by our company as
a result of our activities. WorleyParsons key sources of Scope 1 emissions include
generation of electricity, heat or steam from combustion of natural gas and
transportation in company-owned vehicles (e.g. fleet). Emissions are calculated using
the National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors, July 2014.
Scope 2 emissions
Scope 2 emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions from the purchased
electricity, heat or steam by our company. Emissions are calculated using the National
Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors, July 2014.
Scope 3 emissions
Scope 3 emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions that are consequences of
our activities but occur from sources that we do not operate. For WorleyParsons, this
includes emissions related to business travel and emissions relating to central services
in commercial buildings (e.g. waste sent to landfill). Emissions are calculated using the
National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors, July 2014.
Senior executives
Senior executives include all members of the Group Leadership Team and all
executives reporting directly to a member of that team.
Skilled volunteering
At WorleyParsons, skilled volunteering is used when our people provide skilled
services to community based organizations in their time outside of paid working hours
on a no fee basis.
The Group
At WorleyParsons, the Group is defined as WorleyParsons and its subsidiaries,
associates and alliances.
Total energy consumption
Total consumption of electricity, natural gas and fuels for WorleyParsons operations.
Our total energy consumption is measured in Megawatt Hours (MWh) for the reporting
Total greenhouse gas
Total greenhouse gas emissions for WorleyParsons operations. Our total greenhouse
gas emissions are measured in tonnes CO2-e for the reporting period.
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Total Recordable Cases
The sum of; Fatalities + LWC + RWC + MTC
Total recordable case
frequency rate (TRCFR)
Total recordable case frequency rate (TRCFR) is a statistical measure of safety
performance for the reporting period. TRCFR is calculated as the sum of; Fatalities +
LWC + RWC + MTC multiplied by 200,000 and divided by the number of hours worked;
( Fatalities  LWC  RWC  MTC)  200,000
hours worked ( for the period )
Frequency rates are a normalized measure of performance; they are a WorleyParsons
reporting requirement.
Training Hours (Online)
The total sum of the expected duration taken to complete as the accessed courses for
our WorleyParsons user who are in our online learning management system for the
reporting period.
United Nations Global
Compact (UNGC)
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a United Nations initiative to encourage
businesses adoption of sustainable and socially responsible policies, including an
annual report of the implementation progress. UNGC is based on ten principles in the
areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
United Nations Road Safety
WorleyParsons supports the United Nations Road Safety Program and its commitment
to support the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. The management of road
transport risks are covered by the ‘Five Pillars’:
Road safety management
Safer roads and mobility
Safer vehicles
Safer road users
Post-crash response.
Volunteer hours by personnel
member (community)
Volunteer hours are defined as unpaid volunteering hours contributed by our people to
community based organizations and internal WorleyParsons Corporate Responsibility
activities. Volunteer hours are captured for both pro bono and skilled volunteering.
Volunteer hours by personnel
member (internal)
Volunteer hours are defined as unpaid volunteering hours contributed by our people to
internal WorleyParsons activities linked to corporate responsibility events and projects,
such as coordinating events, supporting diversity networks, managing health &
wellbeing initiatives, contributing to energy efficiency projects and road safety activities
Waste recycled
Waste that is returned to process or recycled. Types of waste we recycle include ewaste, paper, cardboard and plastics.
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Water consumption
Amount of water consumed by WorleyParsons operations, expressed as kilolitres
(thousand litres). Consumption is based on billing invoices. Where invoice data is not
available, estimates are calculated by average water consumption per personnel
Women of WorleyParsons
Women of WorleyParsons (WOW) is a professional network in WorleyParsons that
promote opportunities for talented women to succeed and establish a strong global
network of women professionals to share leadership experience and knowledge.
WorleyParsons Foundation
WorleyParsons Foundation was established in 2013 with objectives to support the
execution of high impact strategic community projects; become a vehicle for direct
corporate investment, fundraising and volunteering; expand opportunities for our
people to be directly or indirectly involved in foundation activities; and raise awareness
of WorleyParsons corporate responsibility credentials with our stakeholders.
Zero Harm
Zero Harm is WorleyParsons vision to achieve zero harm to our people, assets and
zero environmental incidents.
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