Anjana Sidher
Take Home Exam #1
What is the points of the Author is trying to make by describing the sex life of non
human animals comparing it to humans? (Text 1)
Both humans and non human animals, sex is an activity solely for pleasure
purposes and to copulate with one another. Amongst humans and animals the practice
of sex can be identified strange to one another, however there are many aspects that
make sex different from human sex to non human sex. All which the purpose of sex is
the same but the method of the intercourse is different. Non human sex can be broken
down into mammals, birds, sea animals and a lot more.
As for humans, there are many norms in the society which are considered to be
the right way or how we are supposed to do things. Sex is usually between two
partners, private from everyone else. A long term relationship leading into marriage
would result in having “repeated sex exclusively” (Diamond,4). with the same partner
which would then result into having kids and parental care. For humans, kids are usually
closer to their mothers at a young age but it is both parents who take care of their kid,
with the husband being the biological father to his kid. Whereas for mammals, it is
slightly different. They only have one night stands. No long term commitment and can
have sex with anyone any day. For humans, sex can also be just for pleasure and to
have fun but for mammals they only meet to copulate. And the “males do not provide
paternal care. Sperm is their sole contribution to their offspring and temporary
mate” (Diamond,2). And as for the mammal fathers, they are unable to recognize their
offspring. Although, species like fish and frogs, it is the fathers who give parental care
and are the sole providers. For fish, their way of intercourse is done differently, there is
no contact of the male inserting his reproducing part into the female body. For fishes,
the females lay their eggs and then a male comes and fertilizes those eggs which are
already outside the female body.
Non human animal sex is done publicly, and females and males will have sex
with as many partners. There are no norms, no wrongs. In human culture that would be
considered to be a slut or a whore and one would get shamed for doing it but for
animals it is appropriate to do so. Animals such as monkeys and apes also have sex
with one female and two males. This is called polyandrous. The act where a female
mates with more than one male in a single breeding season. In human culture this is not
considered the normal way, but there have been polygamy in some cultures where a
man has several wives.
Another way to compare the sex life between human and non human would be
ovulation. For human, when a female is ovulating, it is concealed. Upto a little to no
symptoms are shown so a male would never be able to find out, and as for a female
herself she would barely know until she checks. For animals it is the complete opposite
especially for mammals. For the female mammal, when she is ovulating there would be
many symptoms that would show that she is ovulating. Either her vagina turns bright
red, or a smell may appear, she may make noises and her behaviour may change
infront of a male. For mammals when ovulating it is considered for the females to be
less arousing, sexually unattractive and less attractive to the males. This is not
something that happens for humans. A man will never know even if a female does have
some symptoms (Diamond,3).
In conclusion the way of sex is different amongst humans and non human
animals. For humans a lot of the sex is first to be considered fun, full of pleasure, lust
and/or make love before it gets to the part of reproduction, whereas for animals it is
simply just to reproduce. Many of the differences of humans and non human animals
which include the ovulation, the menopause, partnership and more, all to which we
consider normal for us but is actually bizarre compared to non humans ( Diamond, 5).
Diamond, J. M. (1998). The Animal with the Weirdest Sex Life. IN Why Is Sex Fun?
Basic Books.