See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Robust Control of DC Converter in DC Microgrid Applications Using Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) Conference Paper · October 2019 DOI: 10.1109/CPERE45374.2019.8980220 CITATIONS READS 2 60 5 authors, including: Ahmed Ayman Ahmed Ali Magdi Mosa Helwan University Helwan University 24 PUBLICATIONS 137 CITATIONS 22 PUBLICATIONS 138 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Helmy Elzoghby Adel A El-Samahy Helwan University Helwan University 24 PUBLICATIONS 109 CITATIONS 61 PUBLICATIONS 597 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: PhD thesis View project Concentrated Solar power View project All content following this page was uploaded by Magdi Mosa on 10 August 2022. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE 2019 IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE) Robust Control of DC Converter in DC Microgrid Applications Using Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) Magdi A. Mosa Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Helwan University Cairo, Egypt Ahmed A. Ali Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Helwan University Cairo, Egypt A. M. Abdel Ghany Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Helwan University Cairo, Egypt Adel A. El Samahy Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Helwan University Cairo, Egypt Abstract— The aim of this paper is development of a distributed robust controller for distributed generators (DGs) interfaced to a DC microgrid through a boost converter. The suggested controller is robust static state feedback local controller based on H2/H∞/pole-placement/polytope technique. The proposed technique considers the system robustness against uncertainty, the system speed, and the system damping simultaneously, through construction a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMI) and polytopic representation of the system. The control problem is solved using LMI optimization approach, Using MATLAB LMI toolbox, because of LMI ability to handle multi-objective design problems. To test the effectiveness of the proposed technique, different simulation cases are carried out under diverse disturbances such as generation outage and variation of constant power loads (CPL). Eventually, the results of the suggested technique are compared with three other tuning techniques known as H2/H∞, H2/H∞/pole-placement, and H2 techniques. The comparisons prove the superiority of the proposed technique. Keywords: LMI, Polytope, H2/H∞, pole-placement, Boost converter, DC microgrid. I. INTRODUCTION Today, increasing the price of electricity, the cost of fossil fuels, development of remote areas, and increasing the environmental concern, enhance the applications of distributed generators (DGs) which are based on renewable energies such as solar and wind or small scale conventional generation units such as microturbines or non-conventional generation units such as fuel cells [1]. Integration of these DGs with loads in a local manner to improve the system reliability and attain a common objective is defined as modern microgrid [2]. Connection of DGs to common DC bus is called DC microgrid which provides several advantages compared to AC microgrid such as simple control, no reactive power, higher cables capacity, etc. [3]. Each DG is interfaced to the DC bus using power electronics converter according to the DG's DC voltage as shown in Fig. 1 [4]. In order to enhance the merits of DGs applications in microgrid, a suitable control system is required. The control system should maintain the proper operation of the microgrid at presence of different types of disturbances such as generation outage, variation of available generation capacity, variation of loads, etc. [5]. The control system can be implemented in centralized manner, which gathers all real-time data from different DGs 978-1-7281-0910-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE Helmy M. El Zoghpy Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Helwan University Cairo, Egypt and provides a suitable control signal to each DG. This scheme limits the scalability of the microgrid, suitable only for small number of DGs, needs communication network, and suffers from single point failure [6]. On the other hand, the control system can be distributed along the microgrid. The later scheme is based on local controllers built inside the control unit of each DG. The local controllers perform its task fast and the overall system does not suffer from single point failure. However, decentralized controllers must be robust against interactions between DGs connected to the DC microgrid [7]. In this paper, a distributed controller is designed at each DG. The proposed local controller comprises of two loops, the outer loop controls the output voltage of the DG’s converter and the inner loop enhances the system response by controlling the converter’s current. The current controller is a conventional PI controller tuned using frequency response according to the required crossover frequency and phase margin. However, the proposed voltage controller is robust static state feedback (SSF) controller. The conventional SSF controller is usually tuned based on pole placement using a well-known Ackerman’s formula [8,9] or optimal state feedback based on linear quadratic regulator (LQR) rule by solving Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE) [9]. Pole placement approach gives direct information about the system damping and speed but does not give direct information about the control input and state signals. On the contrary, The LQR method gives an idea about the input and state signal integration, however does not provides clear information about the system damping and speed. Furthermore, the two methods do not give a clear idea about the system robustness against uncertainty. Herein, static state feedback controller is tuned using H2, H2/H∞, H2/H∞/Pole-placement, and the proposed H2/H∞/poleplacement/polytope techniques. H2 is the most similar to LQR, so that it considers the state and input signal in the design stage. H∞ enhances the stability of the control system against presence of uncertainty and disturbances. Poleplacement takes into account the system speed and damping. Polytope ensures the system stability against structure uncertainty. Tuning the state feedback controller using the aforementioned techniques needs special tools capable of dealing with the requirements and constraints of each controller. The applied tool is linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. 385 2019 IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE) The paper is organized as follow: Section 2 describes the proposed local controller at each DG. Section 3 demonstrates the design procedure for the current loop. Section 4 illustrates the design of robust voltage control using H2, H∞, and mixed H2/H∞ objectives. Section 5 develops the polytope representation model of the controlled DC boost converter connected to the microgrid. Section 6 elaborates the constraints to allocate the closed loop poles in a certain region in the complex plane. Section 7 applies different control technique on a small microgrid consists of only two distributed generators and different characteristics load. Lastly, section 8 provides the conclusion and contribution of this work. III. CURRENT CONTROLLER The current control loop of DGi is shown in Fig. 3. Where: G (s) is the transfer function between the converter ( ) inductor current and duty cycle of DG number i, and is the PI current controller transfer function which is given by (1). Where K , K are the controller’s proportional and integral gains and the last i in symbol refer to the converter number. The controller gains are deigned to achieve a crossover frequency of 1 kHz and a phase margin of 60˚. The crossover frequency is selected to be smaller than the converter switching frequency (20 kHz) [12]. The controller gains are obtained using (2) and (3) [9,12,13].where: w and ⌀ are the crossover frequency and gain margin of current loop of DGi respectively. i L_refi + Gci(s) - Gpi(s) i Li Fig. 3 Current control loop of DGi K S cos(π + ⌀ − ∠G (jw)) G (s) = K + Fig. 1 Example of modern DC microgrid II. K PROPOSED CONTROL SYSTEM The proposed local control system of each boost converter consists of two loops. The inner loop controls the converter inductor current and the outer loop controls the converter output voltage as shown in Fig. 2. The current controller is proportional integral (PI) controller, while the voltage control loop is static state feedback (SSF) controller with additional integrator to eliminate the steady state error. The voltage and current controllers operate in cascaded manner since the voltage controller provides the reference current to the inner current loop in order to eliminate the error in the converter output voltage, after that the current controller gives the final control signal (converter’s duty cycle) in order to achieve the required reference current. The droop gain, block of Fig. 2, is used to share the power between DGs inside the microgrid. This droop scheme is similar to governor control of conventional power station, while here the converter output voltage at steady state decay with increasing the converter output power. The variation should be kept with ±5%. The details of droop scheme can be found in [10,11]. Voltage controller vo + - vref + - = Current controller K iLref + d PI - v Converter Inner Current loop Outer voltage loop kd p Droop gain Fig. 2 Proposed control scheme iL K = G (jw) −w sin(π + ⌀ − ∠G (jw)) G (jw) (1) (2) (3) ROBUST VOLTAGE CONTROLLER IV. Microgrids are suffering from many sources of disturbances such as plug in or plug out of generation units, variation of the loading conditions, or variation in the environmental conditions such as PV and wind. In addition, the model of DG is suffering from many sources of uncertainties due to non-linearity of the DG's models, nonlinearity in constant power loads, and interaction between generation units. Moreover, presence of constant power load deteriorates the system damping [14]. Subsequently, the controller design should take into considerations these factors. In order to overcome the system nonlinearity and uncertainty, the voltage controller may be adaptive controller or robust controller. In this work, a robust static state feedback based on H2/H∞/Pole-placement/Polytope controller is suggested. The design problem is modeled as a multiobjective optimizing problem subjects to a set of linear matrix inequality constrains (LMI). Primarily, to generalize the design procedure, the system model should be obtained in standard form as depicted in Fig. 4 [15]. where: x, w, and u are the system state variables, the exogenous input, and the control input respectively. z and z are the system performance indicators. K is the state feedback gain matrix and ∆(s) is the uncertainty model. The generalized sate space model is described by (4) to (6) and the corresponding closed loop state space model is given by (7) to (10). = 386 + + (4) 2019 IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE) = = + + + + z∞ Controlled system (Plant) u x z2 Nominal plant including the controller G(s) k Fig. 4 Generalized model of the controlled system = = (9) + (10) Where: = + = = , + , + = , , = The performance indicators are selected to minimize the error of voltage loop e , minimize the effect of disturbances on the output voltage ∆v , and limit the controller output to avoid the saturation as follow: signal i z = e + Ri (11) z = ∆v (12) Where: R represents weighting factor. Now based on the standard sate space model and the proposed system variables, the static state feedback matrix K is determined using different techniques. The voltage control loop should be slower than inner current loop, robust stable against grid interaction, and robust stable against constant power loads applications. A. H2 controller H2 controller enhances the system speed through minimization of the second norm of the transfer function from the exogenous input to the system performance output [16]. This optimization problem can be represented in time domain or frequency domain. In order to combine the H2 controller with other objectives such as system robustness requirements, the LMI optimization approaches emerge as powerful tool. In LMI approaches, each objective is represented by one or more matrix inequality. The equivalent LMI model of H2 controller problem is summarized as follow: find the symmetrical positive definite matrices S and Y, and matrix L that minimize the trace of matrix Y without violation the constraints of (14) and (15) [17]. ( ) + . . . (13) 0 + + 0 + + 0 + (14) <0 (15) (16) 1 ‖G(jw)‖ (18) The origin of H∞ control problem is constructed in frequency domain as given by (18). In order to combine the H∞ and H2 objectives, the LMI approach is used. There are many equivalent LMI mathematical representations of H∞ control problem [7,16,20], one of them is given by (19) [16,17]. Inequality (19) means, the system is stable against uncertainty of magnitude ‖∆(jw)‖ γ if there is a matrix L and symmetrical positive definite matrix S 0 attain (19). (8) + = ‖∆(jw)‖ < (7) + (17) B. H2 / H∞ controller H∞ controller minimizes the effect of disturbances on the system output. These disturbances appear due to the exogenous input to system or presence of uncertainties in the system model. According to small gain theorem [18], the range of uncertainty while the system holds its stability is given by (18), where G(s) is the nominal plant model including the controller models and ∆(s) is the uncertainty transfer function [19]. Δ (s ) w = Then the controller gains (5) (6) AS + B L + SA + L B B C S B −I D SC D −γ (19) <0 H∞ controller boosts the system disturbance rejection and reinforces the system damping, while the system response becomes slower. On the other hand, H2 controller enhances the system speed [16]. Therefore, the mixing between H2 and H∞ controllers considers both of the system speed and disturbance rejection. This problem is known as mixed H2/ H∞ control problem [16]. The LMI representation of mixed H2 and H∞ problem as follow: ( )+ + . . (20) 0 + + + + + + + (21) (22) <0 + . <0 − (23) − . 0 0 Then (24) = (25) Where: μ and ρ are weighting factors, if = 1 and = 0 it is the H2 control problem while if = 0 and = 1 it becomes H∞ control problem. V. POLYTOPE REPRESENTATION In microgrid applications, DGs subject to several sources of disturbances such as variation of loads, nonlinearity of constant power loads, variation of grid configuration, etc. The control system is robust stable if it preserves the system stability at all operating condition. However, design of the control system at specific operating point does not guarantee the system stability at another point. Therefore, the DG is represented by as set of models belong to ( , ℬ), each pair 387 2019 IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE) represents the DG's model at particular operating condition [21]. Theoretically, the DG has infinite number of models, whilst to manage the problem a few numbers of models are developed and called vertices [22]. = {A , A A , … , A } (26) ℬ = {B , B , B , … , B } (27) The set of distributed generator models are called polytope representation, if for any operating condition the system matrix is related to the vertices using (28) [22,23]. If the control system is stable at all vertices of the polytope, it will be stable at any model satisfies (28). Consequently, the system will be robust stable [23]. ( )= , ≥ 0 ∀ ∈ {1,2, … , } =1 (28) In this paper, the boost converter of Fig. 5 is modeled using two vertices(A , B ), (A , B ). Since, A1 and A2 are the system matrices at minimum and maximum system resistance respectively. Equations (29) and (30) represent the vertices of the polytope model of boost converter including the inductor current control loop. Jω ωn Jω d −Jωd Fig. 6 different pole placement regions A. minimum decay time (α) The polytope system poles lie to the left of vertical line at α in complex plan if there is symmetrical positive definite matrix S satisfies (32) [17,25]. Special case, if α=0 the LMI region is the open left side of the complex plane, which is equivalent to Lyapunov stability inequality. SA SA A = 0 0 −1 −∑ A = 0 0 −1 VI. − −1 0 0 − −1 0 0 0 0 0 B = 0 1 0 0 0 (29) −ω S < 0 ∀q ∈ {1,2, … , m} (33) sin(β) A S + SA cos(β) A S − SA cos(β) SA sin(β) A S + SA −A S <0 (34) ∀q ∈ {1,2, … , m} (30) D. Maximum damped natural frequency ( ) The polytope system closed loop roots are placed in a strip between (−Jω and Jω ) in the complex plane, if exist a symmetrical positive definite matrix S fulfills (35). Table1 gives the parameters of suggested LMI regions. REGIONAL POLE PLACEMENT Design of H2 or H∞ controllers does not provide information about the pole location or the system dynamics directly [24]. In this section, the controller is designed to optimize the H2/ H∞ controller while the polytope system poles lie in certain region in the complex plan. The system poles lies in region if there is symmetrical positive definite matrix S satisfies (31) [24,17]. Where: T and M define the LMI region and ⨂ is the Kronecker product of matrices. The complex region satisfies (31), denoted as , is called LMI region. The poles regions can be defined using different segments such as maximum natural frequency ω , minimum decay time α, minimum damping ratio ξ, and maximum damped natural frequency ω as shown in Fig. 6. ℳ (A, S) ≔ T⨂S + M⨂(SA) + M ⨂(A S) < 0 A S C. Minimum damping ratio ( ) The polytope system eigen values are located in the cone of angle β in complex plane, if there is a symmetrical positive definite matrix S achieves (34) [17] Fig. 5 Fuel cell connected to the microgrid using boost converter 0 0 B = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (32) B. Maximum natural frequency ( ) The polytope system closed loop poles belong to a circular disk of radius ω and center at the origin, if there is a symmetrical positive definite matrix S attains (33) [17]. −ω S 0 ∀q ∈ {1,2, … , m} + A S < 2αS (31) −2ω S SA A S − SA −A S −2ω S < 0 ∀q ∈ {1,2, … , m} (35) TABLE 1 LMI REGION PARAMETERS 6283.2 rad/sec -100 sec-1. 0.8 3141.6 rad/sec α ξ VII. SIMULATION RESULTS In this section, the different control techniques are applied on a microgrid comprises of two Fuel cell generators, CPL, and resistive load as shown in Fig. 7. The controllers’ gains, using different techniques, are collected in table 2. Fig. 8 exhibits the eigen values of the polytope representation, where o and * marks indicate the closed loop poles at vertex 388 2019 IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE) 1 and vertex 2 respectively. Four different simulation cases are performed to compare between the applied techniques. 450 H2 PCC Voltage (Volt) 440 H2/H ∞ 430 H2/H /PP ∞ 420 H2/H /PP/poly ∞ 410 400 420 402 390 410 400 380 370 0.5 400 0.6 0.5 1 1.05 1.1 1 Time (Sec) 1.5 Fig. 9 System response at connection and disconnection of Two DGs B. Case 2: Changing of the resistive load Fig. 10 displays the system response for step change in the resistive load. The load increases by 44 kW at 0.6 sec and 0.8 sec, after that decreases again at 1 sec. During steady state, at all loading conditions, under different tuning techniques, the microgrid grid voltages is kept within the permissible limits, while the proposed technique, H2/ H∞/pole placement/ polytope, is capable of keeping the system more damped and fast dynamic response. Fig. 7 DC microgrid consists of two fuel cells and DC load TABLE 2 CONTROLLER GAINS UNDER DIFFERENT TUNIING TECHNIQUES Controller type Controller gains H2 -0.1929, -0.00, -10.7880, 100 H2/H∞ -2.6410 , -0.0005, -144.9271, 100.0005 H2/ H∞/pole placement -4.2, -0.000, -309.64 , 2106.3 H2/ H∞/pole placement/ -22.9, -0.3, -2379.4, 4369.0 polytope 420 FC Eigen Values 8000 410 PCC Voltage (Volt) 6000 4000 Imaginary 2000 0 Desired Poles Region 390 380 H2/H ∞ -2000 200 H2/H /PP 370 ∞ 0 -4000 H2/H /PP/poly -200 -6000 360 -300-200-100 0 100 0 Real ∞ 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Time (Sec) 1 1.1 1.2 Fig. 10 Response of the controlled system when step changing in the resistive load with a step of 44 kW 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 Fig. 8 Closed loop eigen values of polytope representation for boost converter A. Case 1: Plug in and plug out the generators Fig. 9 shows the DC bus voltage for DGs connection at 0.5 sec and disconnection at 1 sec. The system response is more damped and less oscillated at DGs connection, while the damping and oscillation become worse at disconnection due to changing in the operation condition. The system response with H2 controller has higher overshoot, oscillation and long settling time. Adding of H∞ controller improves the system damping, while the system still has high overshoot. Inserting regional pole placement constraints in the design problem of H2/H∞ enhances the system speed. Employing the concept of polytope improves the system behavior at connection and disconnection instants as shown in figure 9. At instant of DGs disconnection, the system controlled by H2 controller goes outside the limits for a period of time. From now H2 controller is omitted from the results because H2 controller only is not robust. Recall, according to droop control concept, the steady state DG's voltage depends on the amount of delivered power from the DG; therefore the voltage during DG's integration differs than the voltage before integration. During steady state periods, the microgrid voltage is maintained within the permissible range between 380 volt and 420 volt. C. Case 3: Changing of constant power load In this case, the power value of CPL increases by 44 kW at 0.6 sec and 0.8 sec, and decreases again at 1sec. 430 420 PCC Voltage (Volt) -8000 -8,000 -6,000 -4,000 -2,000 400 410 400 390 380 H2/H ∞ 370 H2/H /PP ∞ 360 H2/H /PP/poly ∞ 350 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Time (Sec) 1 1.1 1.2 Fig. 11 Response of controlled system with step changing in constant power load with a step of 44 kW Fig. 11 presents the system response at step changes in constant power loads using different techniques. The technique produces higher H2/H∞/pole-placement oscillation, compared to resistive load of Fig. 10 with 389 2019 IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE) increasing the load due to the negative incremental resistance of CPLs. For the same reason, H2/H∞ has higher overshoot and undershoot compared to the same technique with the resistive loading condition. It is clear, the proposed H2/H∞/pole-placement/polytope technique provides better response compared to other techniques, and keeps the microgrid voltage within acceptable limits during transient and steady state intervals. D. Case 4: Change of fuel cell voltage Herein, the microgrid total load is kept constant around 50 kW and fuel cell stack voltage is reduced at 0.4 sec by 20% and returned back to its nominal value at 0.6 sec. Fig. 12 shows that, the proposed technique is capable of achieving a well damped and fast response compared to other techniques. The DC output voltage is the same during steady state periods because the load is maintained constant. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 410 PCC Voltage (Volt) [11] 405 400 [12] H2/H ∞ 395 H2/H /PP ∞ [13] H2/H /PP/poly ∞ 390 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Time (Sec) 0.7 0.8 [14] Fig. 12 Response of controller at 20 % change in th fuel celle output voltage [15] VIII. CONCLUSION [16] Based on the presented work, merging of polytope system's representation with regional pole placement and H2/H∞ technique not only enhances the system robustness, but also keeps the system dynamics with the desired damping and speed. The suggested H2/H∞./pole placement/polytope is capable of manipulating the structured uncertainty and unstructured uncertainty throughout H∞ Controller and polytope representations respectively. 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