RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR MARKETING Prof: Deniz Lefkeli TA: Davide Gabriele Muzi $ MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESS Problem De ntion: 1) Should a new product be introduced? Determine consumer preferences and purchase intentions for the proposed new product 2) Should the advertising campaign be changed? Determine the e ectiveness of the current advertising campaign 3) Should the price of the brand be increased? Determine the price elasticity of demand and the impact on sales and pro ts of various levels of price changes. Research approach developed: You formulate a theoretical framework, you formulate research questions, formulate hypothesis and what you expect in the end. Research design: Primary research requires a research design. The research design is a detailed blueprint (a design plan) used to guide the conduct of marketing research so that the research questions are answered, and the research objectives are realized. Research may be either qualitative or quantitative DATA: Secondary and primary SECONDARY DATA Secondary data are pieces of info that have already been collected for a di erent purpose but may be relevant to the research problems at hand. Secondary data are useful for addressing a number of research questions (es. Estimating market potential, analyzing competitors, sales ff fi fi ff 1 Always look for secondary data rst!!! There are some advantages and disadvantages. Advantages are: low cost, less e ort, more timely, some info is available only from secondary data sources like market shares and industry data from trade associations. Then there are some disadvantages. The rst one is lack of availability. For some research questions there are simply no available data. For example, if Kraft General Foods wanted to evaluate the test, texture, and color of three new gourmet brownie mixes, there are no secondary data that would answer these questions. The second disadvantage is Lack of relevance. May be measured in units that cannot be used by the researcher. May relate to a sample other than the intended target. May be outdate. The last disadvantage is Inaccuracy. Always assess the accuracy of the data. There are a number of potential sources of error when a researcher gathers, codes, analyzes, and presents data. PRIMARY DATA Primary data, in contrast, are survey, observation, or experimental data collected to address the problem currently under investigation. TYPES OF MARKETING RESEARCH • Qualitative vs. quantitative • Ad-hoc vs. continuous vs. panel • B-to-B vs. Consumer • Applied vs. Scienti c Types of marketing research based on objectives: • Exploratory research: gather preliminary information that will help de ne the problem and suggest hypotheses (qualitative techniques). • Descriptive Research: describe customer’s attitudes and demographics. Determine product’s market potential (surveys, observational or other data). • Casual Research: test hypotheses about cause and e ect relationships (experiments) Qualitative research: Qualitative research is a loosely de ned term. It implies that the research ndings are not determined by quanti cation or quantitative analysis. The methods include: 1) depth interviews 2) Projective techniques: indirect interviewing methods which enable sampled respondents to project their view, beliefs and feelings onto a third party or into some task situation. The researcher sets up a situation for the respondents asking them to express their own views, or to complete/interpret some ambiguous stimulus presented to them. (free word association, sentence completion, un nished scenario/story completion, cartoon completion test —> es. People that buy at H&M are….., Radiohead is a band for….., Juventus is the team of……) 3) Focus groups: a group of people who discuss a project under the direction of a moderator. The goal of focus group research is to learn and understand what people have to say and why. The emphasis is on getting people to talk at length and in detail about the subject at hand. The intent is to nd out how they feel about a product, concept, idea, or organization, how it ts into their lives, and their emotional involvement with it. Synergy - together, the group can provide more insights that insights obtained individually Stimulation - group interaction excites people Spontaneity/serendipity - participants may get idea on the spot and discuss them. 4) Observation (ethnography) fi fi fi ff fi ff fi ff fi fi fi 2 fi fi forecasting, assessing industry trends, alerting the manager to potential problems, providing preliminary info to guide subsequent primary data collection). Are info previously gathered for a di erent purpose that may be relevant to the problem at hand. Can come from sources internal to the organization or external. The internet has, in many ways, enables the gathering of secondary data. Secondary data are generally useful, low cost, rapidly available sources of informations. Qualitative Research vs Quantitative Research If questions includes more exploration you should do qualitative research. In quantitive research it’s more about testing of predictions, you already have idea. Limiting probing For sample sized in qualitative research is small In quantitive research we have a large sample. qualitative research you can do earn a lot of info. In quantitative research it varies. The information per respondent in Qualitative research requires interviewers to have experience, to be moderators. Quantitive research requires fewer specialized skills. You should have marketing research skills like data analysis, problem identi cation. Requires skills but fewer than qualitative research In qualitative research we have a subjective, interpretive analysis. It depends on issue, interviewer, respondent… In quantitative research we have statical analysis, summarization. The tools used in qualitative research are for example: tape recorders, projection devices, video, pictures… In quantitative research they use questionnaire, computers, printouts… In qualitative research there is a low ability to replicate while in a quantitative research it’s high (data, more objective, statistical analysis. You expect to nd same results under same conditions, you replicate ndings). In qualitative research the researchers need a psychology, sociology, social psychology, consumer behavior training. While for quantitative research they need statistics, decision models, computer programming marketing training. In qualitative research there is an exploratory type of research while for quantitative research it’s descriptive or causal (you describe what happens). CONCLUSIVE RESEARCH Provides speci c information that aids the decision maker in evaluating alternative courses of action. Statistical methods & research methodologies are used to increase the reliability of the information. Data tends to be speci c & decisive and this type of research is more structured and formal than exploratory data. fi fi fi 3 fi fi 5) …. and other methods There are two types of conclusive research 1) Descriptive research: describes attitudes, perceptions, characteristics, activities and situation. Examines who, what, when, why, and how questions. Determine the degree of association between variables. They are build on previous information. They show relationships between variables. Representative samples are required. You need structured research plans and substantial resource. Observation: involves recording behavior patterns. Cognitive phenomena cannot be observed. Interpretation of data may be a problem. Not all activity can be recorded only short periods can be observed. Observes bias possible. Possible invasion of privacy. So it’s not always possible and not always the ideal method to use. There are di erent types of observation: Mechanical Observation: mechanical devices record the phenomena. (Ex. Tra c counters, web tra c, scanners, physiological measures like eye tracking/ pupilometer/voice pitch). Survey: use of a questionnaire to gather facts, opinions, and attitudes. You design a questionnaire to obtain information. Surveys are the most common method for collection of primary data. There are several types of surveys, including door-to-door interviewing, all intercept, telephone interviewing (became very popular in the last two decades), mail, and internet survey (popularity is growing). Survey methods: telephone (traditional telephone, computer-assisted telephone interviewing), personal (in homes, mail intercept, computer-assisted personal interviewing), mail (mail/fax interview, mail panel), electronic (email, internet) Structure: 1) you start with opening sentence (respondent is asked to be available to answer, brie y explaining the purpose of the serve and the ways in which the answer will be analyzed) 2) introduction: general questions aiming at introducing the research topic and capture the respondent attention. 3) technical section: most important part, therefore it must be compiled very attentively. Speci c questions aiming at obtaining the information requested by the research itself 4) demographical section: questions of a personal nature concerning the socio demographic characteristics of the respondent, necessary for the description of the research sample. 2) Causal research: provides evidence that a cause and e ect relationship exists or does not exist. Control all variables. When you change something, you observe a change also in other variables. kkkkkkkkPremise is that something (independent variable) directly in uences the behavior of something else (dependent variable) To establish whether two variable are causally related, that is, whether a change in the independent variable X results in a change in the dependent variable Y, you must establish: 1) time order: the cause must have occurred before the e ect 2) Concomitant variation (statistical association): changes in the value of the independent variable must be accompanied by changes in the value of the dependent variable 3) Non spuriousness: it must be established that the independent variable X and only X was the cause of changes in the dependent variable Y; rival explanation must be ruled out. Correlation is di erent from causation. Correlation related to closeness, implying a relationship between objects, people events, etc… Correlation is a measure of association that tests whether a relationship exists between two variables. It indicates both the strength of the association of its direction. The Pearson productmoment correlation coe cient, written as r, can be describe a linear relationship between two ffi fl ff ff fi fl ffi ffi ff ff 4 variables. The value of r can range from 0.0, indicating no relationship between the two variables, to positive or negative 1.0, indicating a strong linear relationship between two variables. It does not imply causation. You identify cause and relationships through experiments. An experiment is a research method in which conditions are controller so that 1 or more independent variables can be manipulated to test a hypothesis about a dependent variable. It allows evaluation of causal relationships among variables while all other variables are eliminated or controlled. It helps you evaluate cause and relationship. Variables are • Independent: the one thing you change. Limit to only one in an experiment (liquid used to water each plant) • Dependent: the change that happens because of the independent variable (height or health of plant) • Controlled: everything you want to remain constant and unchanging. (Type of plant, pot size, amount of liquid, soil type, etc…) Basic issues in experimental design is that you need to manipulate the independent variable, select and measure of the depend variable, select and assign of subject, control over extraneous variables. Independent variable that can be manipulated or altered, independently of any other variable. Hypothesized to be the causal in uence, experimental treatments. fl 5 There are di erent types of experimental designs: • between subject design: each participant takes part in 1 experimental condition. Analysis of di erences between groups of participants from di erent condition • Within subject design (repeated measure design): subjects take part in all conditions. Analysis of di erences results from same participants over di erent conditions. It is used in experimental situations comparing di erent treatment conditions and also to investigate changes occurring over time. • Factorial design: used to examine the e ects that the manipulation of at least 2 independent variables (simultaneously at di erent levels) has upon the dependent variable. The impact that each independent variable has on the dependent variable is referred to as the main e ect. Dependent variable may also be impacted by the interaction of the indipendent variables. This is the interaction e ect. (The e ect of X1 on Y changes when second variable X2 added (X1*X2). ex. Gucci Brand Management want to know if consumers’ willingness to buy the luxury brand changes if the brand uses 2 di erent types of advertising languages (abstract vs concrete) and if the brand logo is high vs low prominent. Dependent variable is consumers’ willingness to buy the Gucci brand independent variables are language (abstract vs concrete) and logo prominence (high vs low) ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 6 SURVEY/QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN QUESTIONNAIR DESING: Use revalidated multi item scales to measure perceptions, attitude, motivations, intentions. Using pre validated scales does not mean that the scales will be valid and reliable on you sample! You should still test reliability and validity of those scales! Avoid to pick 1-2 items from the scale! Use the whole scale (at least three items is recommended) Try to avoid combining items from di erent scales of the same construct. You can nd pre validated multi item scales: from the methodology section in published academic papers that you used in you literature review or from marketing scales handbooks or from google scholar. What is a multi item scales (summated scale)? It is used to measure a construct using several (3 or more) items. You need to use previously developed scales for your research. Inspect reliability and validity rst. If the scale is reliable and valid, take average or sum of items. Ex. Perceives quality 1) X is of high quality 2) The likely quality of x is extremely high 3) The likelihood that X would be functional is very high 4) The likelihood that X is reliable is very high 5) X must be of very good quality 6) X appears to be of very poor quality fi ff fi 7 TYPE OF QUESTIONS Questions can be unstructured (open) or structured (set of response alternatives and response format. They can be multiple choice, dichotomous which are the ones that o er two possible answers like yes or no or true or false, and scales) QUESTIONNAIR DESING CHECH LIST 1) STEP 1: INFORMATION NEEDED • Ensure info obtained fully addresses all components of the problem • Must have clear idea of the target population 2) STEP 2: INTERVIEWING METHOD • Ensure that the proper interviewing method is being used given the study objectives 3) STEP 3: INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS • Is each question necessary? • Is each question unambiguous? • Are the proper number of questions needed to measure a particular construct being asked? 4) STEP 4: INABILITY/UNWILLINGNESS TO ANSWER • Is the respondent informed? • Can the respondent remember? • Can the respondent articulate? • Is the information sensitive? • Make the information request legitimate • Minimize e ort required of respondent 5) STEP 5: QUESTION STRUCTURE • Use structured questions whenever possible ff ff 8 6) 7) 8) 9) • Response alternatives should include all possible answers • Response alternatives should be mutually exclusive • If, on a particular question, a large % of respondents may be expected to be neutral, include a neutral alternative STEP 6: QUESTIONS WORDING: DO NOT USE • Double barreled question (do you think iPhone is reliable and cheap?) • Leading questions (do you think that a good Italian citizen…) • Biasing questions (agree- neutral - disagree - strongly disagree) • Implicit assumptions/alternative (do you like to buy imported brands?) • Generalizations DO USE • De ne the issue • Simple language • Ordinary words/known vocabulary • Short questions • Unambiguous words (avoid usually, probably, normally… use instead daily/weakly..) • Speci c questions (in the past year, did you purchase X…) STEP 7: QUESTION ORDER • Identi cation/classi cation info • Di cult/dull questions • Funnel approach • Logical order (branching) • Ex. Introduction and explanation (brie ng), qualifying questions (easy), speci c questions (more di cult), demographics (or beginning or end of questionnaire), thanks (debrie ng) STEP 8: FORM& LAYOUT • Divide questionnaire into multiple parts (blocks in Qualtrics) • Number each question (use progress tool) • Pretest each questions • Keep scale questions in same general vicinity • Avoid temptation to “ ll the blank spaces” • Professional appearance/professional brie ng • Place directions as close to the questions as possible PRETESTING • Always try to pretest rst • Test everything. Especially in experimental survey, download pretest data and inspect whether conditions and DV are ne • Pretest sample should be extremely similar to test sample • Pretest using same methodology as the main test • If make changes to questionnaire, or methodology, pretest again before main test MEASUREMENT AND SCALING Measurement is the process of assigning numbers or labels to the attributes of objects, persons, states, or events in accordance with speci c rules VARIABLES When we operationalize a concept, we are creating variables: any characteristics that varies (meaning it must have at least two values). Any event, situation, behavior, or individual characteristic that varies. Research questions and hypotheses consist of x and y variable. • independent “IV”: X dependent “DV”: Y • Is X related to Y? What is the e ect of X on Y? • What is the e ect of package shape (X) on consumers’ taste perception (Y)? • Package shape (rounded vs angular) is a variable because it has two values MEASUREMENT SCALE A scale is a quantifying measure - a combination of items that is progressively arranged according to value or magnitude. Purpose is to quantitatively represent an item’s, person’s, or event’s place in the scaling continuum. fi fi fi fi fi fi ff fi fi fi ff ffi fi fi fi ffi 9 There are two type of scales 1) non metric scale • Nominal: like numbers assigned to runners. Uses numerals to identify objects, individuals, events, or groups. Numbers are assigned to categories as “names”. Which number is assigned to which category is completely arbitrary. Typical descriptive statistics is frequency counts, percentages/modes. Inferential is chi-square test, binomial test. Characterized by identity. • Ordinal: like rank order of winners (3rd, 2nd, 1st). In additional to identi cation, the numerals provide info about the relative amount of some characteristics, determines greater or less then (order). Ex. Raking soft drinks from 1 to 5 with 1 being the most preferred and 5 the least preferred. Typical statistics is median, percentile. Inferential is rank order correlation (spearman), Friedman ANOVA. Characterized by identity, magnitude, unequal distance, not true zero point 2) Metric scale • Interval: like performance rating on a 0 to 10 scale. Has all the properties of nominal and ordinal scales + equal intervals between consecutive points; preferred measure for complex concept or constructs. Ex. The yogurt is tasty (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree). Typical descriptive statistics is mean, variance, range. Inferential is Pearson correlation, t tests, ANOVA, regression, factor analyses. Interval is characterized by identity, magnitude, equal distance, and does not have a true zero point, the number 0 is arbitrary (for example 0º can indicate no temperature) • Ratio: time to nish, in seconds. Incorporates all the properties of nominal, ordinal, and interval scales + it includes an absolute zero point. Ex are age, weight, population of Italy, cost, sales, market shares, income… inferential is Pearson correlation, t tests, ANOVA, regression, factor analyses. Typical descriptive statistics is means/variance + a few higher order statistics. Is characterized by identity, magnitude, equal distance, absolute/true zero. All mathematical operations are possible. Scales with an absolute zero and equal interval are considered ratio scales. How to classify a scale? • Description (identity): each number has a particular meaning • Order (magnitude): numbers have an inherent order from smaller to large • Distance (Equal intervals): the di erences between numbers (units) anywhere on the scale are the same (di erence between 8 an 9 is the same as the di erence between 66 and 67) • Origin (absolute/true zero): the zero point represents the absence of the property being measured (no money, no behavior, non correct) SCALING TECHNIQUES Comparative scales involve the direct comparison of two or more objects. • Paired comparison: “for each pari of the two seat sports car listed, place a check beside the one you would most prefer if you had to choose between the two”. • Rank order: respondents are presented with several objects simultaneously. Then asked to order or rank them according to some criterion. Data obtained are ordinal in nature (arranged or ranked in order of magnitude). fi ff ff fi ff 10 Commonly used to measure preferences among brands and brand attitude. An example is “rank the radar detection features in order of your preference. Place the number 1 next to the most preferred, 2 by the second choice, and so forth.” • Constant sum: respondents are asked to allocate a constant sum of units among a set of stimulus objects with respect to some criterion. Units allocated represent the importance attached to the objects. Data obtained are interval in nature. Allows for ne discrimination among alternatives. Ex. “Taking all the supplier characteristics we’ve just discussed and now considering cost, what is their relative importance to you (dividing 100 units between). Non comparative scales are scales where objects or stimuli are scaled independently of each other. • Continuous rating: • Likert scale: extremely popular means for measuring attitudes. Respondents indicate their own attitudes by checking how strongly they agree/disagree with statement. Response alternatives: strongly agree, agree, uncertain, disagree, and strongly disagree. Generally use either a 5- or 7-point scale. • Semantic Di erential Scales: a series of numbered (usually seven-point) bipolar rating scales. Bipolar adjectives (for example “good” or “bad”), anchor Bothe ends (or poles) of the scale. A weight is assigned to each position on the rating scales. fi ff 11 Itemized rating scale decisions • number of scale categories GOOD: anything between 5-9 • Odd vs even number of categories-depends… odd —> + neutral point; even —>+ force a response • Balances vs. unbalanced scale • favorable: balanced scale • “No opinion” vs “forcing scale” use situations if expected to have “no opinion” • Nature of verbal description • Physical form MULTI ITEM SCALES (SUMMATED SCALE) Used to measure a construct using several (3 or more) items. Use previously developed scaled for your research. Inspect reliability and validity rst. If the scale is reliable and valid, take average or sum of items. SAMPLING A sample is a group of people, objects, or items that are taken from a larger population for measurement. The sample should be representative of the population to ensure that we can generalize the ndings from the research sample to the population as a whole. In statistics sampling is the process of choosing a representative sample from a target population and collecting data from that sample in order to understand something about the population as a whole. There are some advantages like time and cost And there are some disadvantages because you analyze only a sample, there is associated uncertainty (error). Most properly selected samples give su ciently accurate results —> representative sample Probability sampling: every member of the population has a known, non zero probability of being selected. Ensure representativeness. Ensure precision. Non probability sampling: the probability of any particular member being chosen for the sample is unknown. Cheaper but unable to generalize and potential for bias. fi ffi fi 12 NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING METHODS • Convenience samples (ease of access): sample is selected from elements of a population that are easily accessible (convenient). Also called haphazard or accidental sampling • Judgment samples: the selection criteria are based on personal judgment that the element is representative of the population under study (you chose who you think should be in the study). Also called purposive sampling. • Quota samples: non probability samples in which population subgroups are classi ed on the basis of researcher judgments. It should not be confused with strati ed sampling • Snowball samples: non probability samples in which selection of additional respondents is based on referrals from the initial respondents (friend of friend…). Initial respondents are selected by probability method. PROBABILITY SAMPLING METHODS • Simple random sampling: the probability of selection is sample size dividend by population size. A probability sample in which every element of the population has a known and equal probability of being selected into the sample • Strati ed random sampling: involves the following two procedures. 1)the parent population is divided into mutually fi fi fi 13 exclusive and collectively exhaustive subsets (strata). Each stratum is more or less equal on some characteristic. 2) A simple random sample is chose from each subset. You use strati ed sampling to investigate characteristics of interest by subgroups; strati cation allows for adequate representation of di erent subgroups. It increases precision (reduce sampling error). - Proportionate strati ed sampling: take sample size in (same) proportion to size of the population in each subgroup or stratum. For example you take 1% from each subgroup. - Disproportionate strati ed sampling: sample size not necessarily in proportion to population subgroup size. From example you take 2% from one subgroup and 1% from the other subgroup. • Cluster sampling: is a two step procedure. Population is divided into mutually exclusive and collective exhaustive subsets. A random sample of the subsets is selected. In ones stage closer sampling, all elements in the randomly selected subsets are included. In two stage cluster sampling, a sample is selected probabilistically from each randomly selected subset. You generally use cluster sampling because it has lower costs but it’s less accurate. There is a di erence between strati cation and clustering: the variable used for strati cation must be related to research focus, while the variable used for clustering must not be related to research focus. • Systematic sampling: probability sampling in which the entire population is numbered. The rst number is drawn randomly. Subsequent elements are drawn using a skip interval (systematic). Skip interval = population size / sample size SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION 1) Convenience: say… about 100 2) Rule of thumb: at least 30 per each subgroup that will be analyzed/at least 5 observations per variable in the model 3) Budget constraint: have a $300 budget for sampling. On average it costs $2 per returned questionnaire. Then go for sample size of 150. 4) Comparable studies or industry average 5) Statistically calculating using priors fi fi fi ff fi fi fi fi ff 14 SYMBOLS FOR POPULATION AND SAMPLE VARIABLES The standard deviation of the sample is the degree to which individuals within the sample di er from the sample mean. The standard error of the sample mean is an estimate of how far the sample mean is likely to be from population mean. Standard errors helps us identify a range of estimated that we can be con dent. It includes the population parameter CONFIDENCE INTERVAL Con dence interval (CI) is a type of interval computed from the statistics of the observed data, that might contain the true value of an unknown population parameter. The interval has an associated con dence level that quanti es the level of con dence that the parameter lies in the interval. Since the observed data are random samples from the true population, the con dence interval obtained from the data is also random. The con dence level is designated prior to examining the data. Most commonly, the 95% con dence level is used. However, other con dence levels can be used, for example 90% and 99%. A 95% level of con dence would mean that if 100 con dence intervals were constructed, each based on a di erent sample from the same population, we would expect 95 of the intervals to contain the population mean. ff fi fi fi fi fi fi fi ff fi fi fi fi 15 EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS DATA CLEANING AND CONSISTENCY CHECKS Consistency check identify data that are out of range, logically inconsistent, or have extreme values. You can use “frequencies” or “minimum/maximum values from descriptive statistics” option on SPSS. Extreme values should be closely examined. Missing values are indicated “.” In SPSS data set. DESCPRIPTIVE AND INFERENTIAL STATISTICS Descriptive statistics describe the data set that’s being analyzed but does’t allow us to draw any conclusions or make any inferences about the data, other than visual “it look like…” type statements. Hence we need another branch of statistics: inferential statistics. Inferential statistics is also a set of methods, but it is used to draw conclusions or inference about characteristics of populations based on data from a sample. Inferential statistics includes making inference, hypothesis testing, and determining relationships. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Are methods of organizing, summarizing, and presenting data in a convenient and informative way. • graphical techniques and numerical techniques. The actual methods used depends on what info we would like to extracts —> measures of central location • Mean, mod, median —> measures of variability (dispersion) • Standard deviation/variance, range, quartile —> measures of shape • Skewness, kurtois FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS —> FREQUENCY TABLE 16 Analyze —> Descriptive statistics —> Frequencies, Charts You can use HISTOGRAMS to represent frequency tables. The distribution of a statistical data set (or a population) is a listing or function showing all the possible values (or intervals) of the data and how often they occur. When a distribution of categorical data is organized, you see the number or percentage of individuals in each group. When a distribution of metric data is organized, they’re often ordered from smallest to largest, broken into reasonably sized groups (if appropriate), and then put into graphs and charts to examine the shape, center, and amount of variability in the data You can use PIE/BAR CHARTS for Nonmetric variables, like for example gender • Central tendency: numbers that describe what is typical or average (central) in a distribution. Tell you about typical (or central) scores. • Measures of Variability: numbers that describe diversity or variability in the distribution. Reveal how far from the typical or central score that the distribution tends to vary. These two types of measures together help us to sum up a distribution of scores without looking at each and every score. MEASURES OF CENTRAL LOCATION MEAN The mean, or average value, is the most commonly used measure of central tendency. The means, μ, is given by observed value of the variable X divided by number of observations (sample size) In SPSS analyze —> descriptive —> statistics —> descriptive (then select variable(s)) MEDIAN The median of a sample is the middle value when the data are arranged in ascending or descending order. If the number of data points is even, the median is usually estimate as the 17 midpoint between the two middle values - by adding the two middle values and dividing their sum by 2. The median is the 50th percentile. It is used when data is not normally distirbuted. Ex. 2 4 6 7 8 —> median is 6 2 4 6 7 8 9 —> median is (6+7)/2 = 6.5 MODE The mode is the value that occurs most frequently. It represents the higher peak of the distribution. The mode is a good measure of location when the variable is inherently categorical (non metric) or has otherwise been grouped into categories. Mode is a suitable summary statistics for nominal varibles. If you have a symmetric distribution (like normal distribution), mode/median and mean values will be the same. MEASURES OF VARIABILITY VARIANCE Variance: a measure of variation for interval- ratio variables; it is the average of the squared deviations from the means. it’s always positive values. When data is clustered around the means, variance is small. When data is scattered, variance is big STANDARD DEVIATION Is a measure of variation for interval- ratio variables; it is equal to the square root of the variance. It is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the mean of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range of values. Wherever you report a mean, you should report the standard deviation as well. 18 THE RANGE Range = highest score - lowest scor4e Is a measure of variation in interval-ratio variables. It is the di erence between the highest (max) and the lowest (min) scores in the distribution MEASURES OF SHAPE Analyze —> Frequencies —> statistics —> distributions… Or Analzye —> descrittive statistics —> descriptives —> options SKEWNESS The tendency of the deviations from the mean to be larger in one direction that in the other. It can be thought of as the tendency for one tail of the distribution to be heavier than the other KURTOSIS Is a measure of the relative peakedness of a atness of the curve de ned by the frequency distribution. The kurtosis of a normal distribution is zero. If the kurtosis is positive, then the distribution is more peaked than a normal distribution. A negative value means that the distribution is atter than a normal distribution. BIVARIATE VARIABLES Measuring association between two variables: • metric variables —> Pairwise Correlations [analyze —> bivariate —> • Nonmetric variables —> cross tabulation (frequency distribution table for two non metric variables) [analyze —> descriptive statistics —> crosstabs] fi ff fl fl 19 INFERENTIAL STATISTICS Statistical inference is the process of making an estimate, prediction, or decision about a population based on a sample. Is the use of probability theory to make inferences about a population from sample data Hypothesis testing —> competing theories that we want to test about a population are called hypothesis in statistics. Speci cally, we label these competing theories as Null Hypothesis (H0) and Alternative Hypothesis (H1) H0: the null hypothesis is the status quo or the prevailing viewpoint (no di erence) H1: the alternative hypothesis is the competing belief (statement that indicates the opposite of the null hypothesis). It is the statement that the researches is hoping to prove. Large populations make investigating each member impractical and expensive, plus it’s been shown that observing 100% of a population is not perfect. It’s easier and cheaper to take a sample and make inferences about the population from the sample. However such conclusions and estimates are not always going to be correct. For this reason, we build into the statical inference “measures of reliability”, namely con dence level and signi cance level. Signi cance level ( alpha): critical probability in choosing between the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. The alpha level is set before we collect data. It de ned how much of an error we are willing to make to say we made a di erence. If we’re wrong, it’s an alpha error or Type 1 error. Strong support: = 0.01 (99% con dence) Support: = 0.05 (95% con dence) Marginally support: = 0.10 (90% con dence The p value (sig. in SPSS) is calculated after we gather the data. It’s the calculated probability of a mistake by saying it works. Describes the percent of the population/area under the curve (in the tail) that is beyond our statistic 2 TAILED TEST The critical value is the number that separates the “blue zone” from the middle. In a t test, in order to be statistically signi cant the t score needs to be in the “blue zone” If = 0.05, then 2.5% of the area is in each tail If the t score calculated is in the blue area (t score > table value or p value for t score < 0.025), reject H0 i.e. signi cant (con rm H1) If the t score calculated is not in blue fi fi ff ff fi fi fi 𝛂 𝛂 𝛂 fi fi 𝛂 fi fi fi fi 𝛂 20 area (-table value < t score < table value or p value for t score >0.025), do not reject H0. It means there is no signi cant proof to reject H0 (i.e. not signi cant) 1 TAILED TEST The critical value is either + or -, but not both. In this case, you would have statistical signi cance (p < 0.05) if t ≥ 1.645 If the t score calculated is in blue ares (t score > table value or p value for t score < 0.05), reject H0 i.e. signi cant (con rm H1) If the t score calculated is not in blue area (t score< table value or p value for t score > 0.05), do not reject H0. It means there is no signi cant proof to reject H0 (i.e. not signi cant) Rejecting the null hypothesis H0 when in fact it is true is called a Type 1 error. Accepting the null hypothesis H0 when in fact it is not true is called a Type 2 error. Rejecting the null hypothesis is usually considered the more serious error than accepting it. STATISTICAL TESTS: BIVARIATE TESTS • Frequency Distribution (2 nonmetric variables) —> x2 (chi square statistic) • Means (one sample) —> z (if is known), t (if is unknown) • Means (two samples) —> independent t test, paired t-test • Means (more than two) —> ANOVA CHI SQUARE STATISTIC (x2) Is used to test the statistical signi cance of the observed association in a cross tabulation (reports frequencies for two nonmetric variables). Only nominal variables are involved! Chi-square always positive: one tail! T DISTRIBUTION • Simple sample t: we have only 1 group, want to test against a hypothetical mean. The aim is to test if population mean is equal to a hypothesized value. We test mean to a numeric value, k. H0: population mean is equal to k H1: population means is not equal to k fi 𝛔 fi fi 𝛔 fi fi fi fi fi 21 —>for 2 sided t test —> if p-value of data is smaller than 0.025, we reject H0 (H1 is con rmed/signi cant) If p-value of data is not smaller then 0.025, we do not reject H0 (H1 is not con rmed) —> for 1 sided t test—> if p-value is smaller than 0.5, we reject H0. If p-value of data is not smaller than 0.05, we do not reject H0 • Independent-samples t: we have 2 means: 2 groups; no relation between groups. For example people randomly assigned to a single group For example we want to test if male consumers’ repurchase intention of iPhone exceeds female consumers’ repurchase intention with a sample of 128 subjects H0: males repurchase intention is not larger than females repurchase intention H1: males repurchase intention is larger than females repurchase intention The aim is to test if the means of two independent groups are equal What about variances? Equal or unequal? —> LEVENE’S TEST If p value of data is smaller than 0.05, we reject H0 If p value of data is not smaller than 0.05, we do not reject H0 —> Levene test informs us if the variances of the two groups are equal or not H0: equal variances H1: unequal variances —> use t test with equal variances to make conclusions • Paired-samples (dependent) t: we have two means. Either same people in both groups, or people are related. For example husband-wife, left hand-right hand, doctor-patient, hospital patient-visitor, befog-after, pre-post test… The aim is to test if the means of two paired groups are equal We use it when the observations are not independent of one another Besides, when population variance is unknowns (the usual case) NON PARAMETRIC TEST: CHI-SQUARE INDEPENDENCE TEST While a frequency distribution describes one variable at a time, a cross-tabulation describes two or more variables simultaneously. We use only nonmetric (categorical) variables Cross tabulation results in tables that re ect the joint distribution of two or more variables with a limited number of categories or distinct valeus. Expected value: the average value in a cell if the sampling procedure is repeated many times Observed value: the value in the cell in one sampling procedure fi fl fi fi 22 SUMMARY SCALE VALIDITY: FACTOR ANALYSIS Factor analysis is a technique that serves to identify groups of variables that are related (to combine related questions/items or variables) to create new factors. Groups of variables that are related will be combined The purpose is to discover underlying patters in data and to nd smaller number of variables (factors) which could largely explain observed variables (variance and covariance) Ex. fi 23 Factor: underlying dimension that explains the correlation among a set of variables. So the interdependence among variables is examined. All observed variables correlate with each other and depend on unobserved factors Variables are not classi ed as dependent or independent. In contrast to regression/ANOVA, there is no dependent variable. We just look at the correlations between variables to summarize If two items are highly correlated, they must represent the same phenomenon. But suppose a whole group of variables provide information that represents this underling phenomena. Factor analysis looks for the phenomena underlying the observed variance and covariance in a set of variables. These phenomena are called “factors” or “principal components” The main purpose in marketing research is to • identify underlying constructs in the data (for example scale validation) • Reduce the number of variables to a more manageable set (for example data reduction/ scale construction rst step) Factor analysis works with correlation/covariance matrix Factor analysis can work with variables as well as observations There are two types 1) exploratory FA (principle components FA) It is exploratory when you do not have a prede ned idea of the structure or how many dimensions are in a set of variables 2) Con rmatory FA (structural equation models (SEM)) It is con rmatory when you want to test speci c hypothesis about the structure or the number of dimensions underlying a set of variables (in your data you may think there are two constructs and you want to verify that) How many factors? • rule of thumb: all included factors (prior to rotation) must explain at least as much variance as an “average variable” • Eigenvalues criteria: eigenvalue represents the amount of variance in the original variables associated with a factor. Sum of the sequa of the factor loading of each variable on a factor represents the Eigen value. Only factors with Eigenvalues created than 1.0 are retained (explaining more variance than the average component) • Percentage of variance criteria: number of factors extracted is determined when the cumulative percentage of variance extracted by the factors reaches a satisfactory level (at least 60% recommended) • Screen plot criteria: plot of the eigenvalues against the number of factors in order of extraction. The shape of the plot determines the number of factors (elbow point gives the number of factors retained). Keep all factors before the breaking point or elbow. fi fi fi fi fi fi Factor rotation: Factor analysis can generate several solutions (loadings & factor scores) for any data set. Each solution is called a “factor rotation”. Each time the factors are rotated the pattern of loadings changes. Geometrically, rotation simply means that the axes are rotated. 24 There are two types of rotation methods • orthogonal rotation (for example VARIMAX): factors are independent (no correlation). Makes factor interpretation easier. Each factor tend to load high on some variables and low on others. VARIMAX setting is recommended when you want to identify variables to create indexes or new variables without inter-correlated components. If you want the factors to be correlated (oblique rotation) you need to use the option PROMAX • Oblique rotation (for example OBLIMIN): factors are dependent (correlations) Commonalities represent variance shared between observed variables and factor. May delete variables that have low communalities (< .5). Low communality indicates a problem on the item. So try to nd a clear factor structure (subjective component) There are some variables for possible removal like variables loading on several factors (double loaded items/cross loadings), variables with low communalities (<.5), and variables with low loading (<.30). There are also size for practical signi cance: > .30 minimal > .40 more important > .50 signi cant for practical purposes RE-SPECIFICATION Remove variables from analysis —> individual variables Drop variables/items with value < .3 Delete the lowest rst and then continue one at a time until all remaining variables have values >.3 (some suggest 0.5) FACTOR SCORES Scores for each respondent on the derived factors - per factor on factor score is available - Naïve method (summated scale means/average of items on the factor (equal weight) Factor scores can be used for further multivariate analyses like regression analysis and cluster analysis (for segmentation). SCALE RELIABILITY: RELIABILITY ANALYSIS Reliability analysis is the overall consistency of a measure. A measure is said to have a high reliability if it produces similar results under consistent conditions. Scores that are highly reliable are accurate, reproducible, and consistent from one testing occasion to another. That is, if the testing process were repeated with a group of test takers, essentially the same results would be obtained. O fi fi fi fi 25 Reliability is detected through Cronbach’s alpha index Reliability does not imply validity. That is, a reliable measure that is measuring something consistently is not necessarily measure what you want to be measured. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ANOVA) The analysis of variance is a procedure that tests whether di erences exists between two or more population means. The null hypothesis, typically, is that all means are equal. To do this, the techniques analyzes the sample variances (total variance in the DV). Analysis of variance must have a dependent variable that is metric (measured using an interval or ratio scale). There must also be one or more independent variables that are all categorical (non metric). Categorical independent variables are also called factors. ONE-WAY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE Marketing researchers are often interested in examining the di erences in the means values of the dependent variable for several categories of a single independent variable or factor. For example: • do the various segments di er in terms of their volume of product consumption? • Do the brand evaluations of groups exposed to di erent commercials vary? ff ff ff ff 26 • What is the e ect of consumers’ familiarity with the store (measured as high, medium, and low) on preference for the store? ASSUMPTIONS OF ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE The observations are independent (error terms are uncorrelated). Each group is approximately normal • check this by looking at histograms and/or normal quantile plots, or use normality test of dependent variable (DV(Y)) —> kolmogorov-smirnov normality test • Can handle some nonnormality, but not sever outliers • If there is severe non normality, use nonparametric ANOVA Variance of each group are approximately equal • Levene’s test for equal variances: if the test if not rejected H0, we verify the assumption H0: variances of each group are equal (homoscedasticity) H1: variances of each group are not equal (heteroskedasticity) 1-WAY ANOVA: F-TEST AND TESTING DIFFERENCES The F-test is the ratio of the two variance estimates F = (variances between groups) / (variance within groups) F = 0 if the group means are identical F > 0 if not F could be >0 by chance. If p-value of F test statistic obtained from data is smaller than signi cance level ( ), we reject H0. Reject H0 means that at least one of the mean Y is signi cantly di erent than the others. If the null hypothesis of equal category means is not rejected, then the independent variable does not have a signi cant e ect on the dependent variable. On the other hand, if the null hypothesis is rejected, then the e ect of the independent variable is signi cant If the F test is signi cant in ANOVA table, then we intend to nd the pairs of groups are signi cantly di erent A comparison of the category mean values will indicate the nature of the e ect of the independent variable 𝛂 ff fi ff ff fi fi ff fi fi fi ff ff fi 27 N-WAY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE In marketing research, one is often concerned with the e ect of more than one factor simultaneously. For example: • how do advertising levels (high, medium, and low) interact with price levels (high, medium, and low) to in uence a brand’s sale? • Do educational levels (less than high school, high school graduate, some college, and college graduate) and age (less than 35, 35-55, more than 55) a ect consumption of a brand? • What is the e ect of consumers’ familiarity with a department store (high, medium, and low) and store image (positive, neutral, and negative) on preference for the store? N-WAY ANOVA-HYPOTHESIS TESTING Consider two factors X1 and X2 The signi cance of the overall e ect (model t) is tested by an F test. • H0: all means are equal • H1: at least one mean is statistically di erent The signi cance of the main e ect of each factor may be tested using an F test as well • Main e ect of X1 on the DV • H0: means equal H1: means not equal Main e ect of X2 on the DV • • H0: means equal H1: means not equal If the overall e ect is signi cant, the next step is to examine the signi cance of the interaction e ect. This is also tested using and F test • interaction (moderating e ect) is the joint factor e ects in which the e ect of one factor depends on the levels of the other factors (X1*X2 is the interaction term) • H0: mean (ABij) = 0 (two factors A and B are independent) • Groups of the factor A are equal • H0: means of all groups of the factor B are equal N-WAY ANOVA: CLASSIFICATION OF INTERACTION EFFECTS Use the interaction plot to identify the interaction type • If lines are parallel (the di erences between levels of X2 is constant in levels of X1), no interaction e ect • An ordinal interaction occurs when one group’s predicted means is always greater than another group’s predicted means • When two or more group means switch or cross, a disordinal interaction occurs fi ff ff ff ff fi ff ff ff fi ff fl ff ff ff ff fi fi ff ff ff 28 TWO-WAY ANOVA (TWO FACTORS) Consider two factors X1 and X2: X1 is food package (sustainable vs not sustainable) and X2 is food (healthy vs unhealthy). We wan tot test the fact of these two factors on WTB We need 4 groups • e ect of food package on WTB (main e ect) • E ect of food on WTB (main e ect) • Conjoint e ect of food package and food on WTB (interaction/moderation e ect) H1: the usage of a sustainable package (vs. not sustainable) increases WTB, consumers are more willing to buy sustainable (vs. not sustainable) packages H2: unhealthy (vs healthy) food increases WTB. Consumers are more willing to buy unhealthy (vs healthy) foods H3: food healthiness is a moderating e ect package type and WTB. Unhealthy food packed in a sustainable package show a higher WTB than healthy foods packed in a sustainable package. No di erence are expected for WTB unhealthy packages. ANALYSIS OF COVARIANCE (ANCOVA) Whee examining the di erences in the mean values of the dependent variable, it is often necessary to take into account the in uence of uncontrolled independent variables. For example: in determining how di erent groups exposed to di erent commercials evaluate a brand, it may be necessary to control for prior knowledge. In determining how di erent price levels will a ect a household’s cereal consumption, it may be essential to take household size into account. It’s an extension of ANOVA in which main e ects and interactions are assessed on DV scores after the DV has been adjusted for by the DV’s relationship with one or more Covariates (CVs). Combines linear regression and ANOVA ff ff ff ff ff fl ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 29 ANCOVA: COVARIATE A covariate is a variable that is related to the DV, which you can’t manipulate, but you want to account for its relationship with the DV. A covariate is a (continuous) variable that is not part of the main experimental manipulation but has an e ect on the dependent variable. Including covariates enables us to:m • explain more within group variance, thereby increasing the power of our test • Remove the bias of a confounding (extraneous) variable ONE-WAY ANCOVA: BASIC REQUIREMENTS 1 DV (I, R) - continuous (metric) 1 IV (N, O) - discrete (non metric) 1 CV (I, R) - continuous (metric) TWO-WAY ANCOVA (two factors and one covariate) We examined two factors and their interaction. We are suspicious that maybe subject’s environmental concern might interfere the ndings. Thus, results are not due to out manipulation but in uence by environmental concern. We have a variable indicating environmental concern of a subject measured with a nine point likert scale (covariate). fi ff fl 30 REGRESSION CORRELATION Correlation measures the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. For exmaple: the realtionship between consumption and price; advertising and sales; company size and advertising budget; customer satisfaction and loyalty. The existence of a positive correlation of x and y does not mean that it is the increase in x which leads to an increase in y, but only that the two variables move together (to some extent). Correlation does not imply causation. 31 r = 1 —> perfect positive association r = 0 —> no association r = -1 —> perfect negative association 0.9 —> strong (+) association 0.5 —> moderate (+) association 0.25 —> weak (+) association Od ANALYSIS Focus: the realationship between a metric dependent variable (Y) and one or more independent variables (X1, X2,… Xj) Application • Causal analysis: Example: can we explain brand loyalty through perceived quality, perceive price and speci c consumer characteristics? Which factors in uence brand loyalty? What is the e ect of antecedents on brand loyalty? • E ect prediction Example: how do price, advertising, promotion, and distribution a ect sales? • Time series analysis Example: can we predict future sales on the basis of previous sales estimates? Error term is everything which is not accounted for by the linear relationship (population). Intercept and regression coe ssion are unknown parameters. They need to be estimated. b0 + b1 are sample parameter estimates obtained on sample data ff ffi fl ff fi ff 32 Model t: can we trust the ndings from sample to make conclusions about the population (do our regression results have an explanatory power?) 1. Is the estimate regression model overall signi cant? —> F test (from ANOVA table) H0: all regression coe cients are equal to 0 H1: not all regressions coe cients are zero if you reject H0: not all regression coe cients are 0. There is model t. if you don’t reject H0: all regression coe cients are 0. There is no model t. 2. How much of the variance in Y is explained by X? —> R-Square or Adjusted R-square it has to be bigger or equal to zero and smaller or equal to 1 larger R2 indicates a good model t it always increases with the inclusion of other predictors. REGRESSION ASSUMPTIONS • No multicollinearity (high correlation among independent variables) • Error term is normally distributed • Linearity • No heteroskedasticity (variance of the error term is a constant) —> homoscedasticity: residuals should vary randomly around zero and the spread of the residual should be about the same through the plot (no systematic patterns) • No autocorrelation (error term are not correlated): relevant if you have time ordered data • Mean of the error term = 0 NORMALITY OF RESIDUALS (e) Use one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to test normality of standardized residuals. A normal probability plot is found by plotting the residuals of the observed sample against the corresponding residuals of a standard normal distribution. - if the plot shows a straight line, it is reasonable to assume that the observed sample comes from a normal distribution - If the points deviate a lot from a straight line, there is evidence against the assumption that the random errors are an independent sample from a normal distribution. fi fi ffi ffi fi fi ffi ffi fi fi 33 MODERATING AND MEDIATING EFFECTS How can we incorporate nominal variables into regression? 1) analyze each subgroup separately: generates di erent slope and intercept for each group 2) Dummy variabels. Dummy = a dichotomous variables coded to indicate the presence or absence of something (yes/no, male/female, churn/not churn) D=1 if yes, D=0 if no First you create a separate dummy variable for all nominal categories. For example: gender —> DFEMALE: coded as 1 for all women, zero for men - DMALE: coded as 1 for all men, zero for women. Then you include all but one dummy variables into a multiple regression model. Why can’t you include DFEMALE and DMALE in the same regression model? Because they are perfectly correlated (negatively) r = -1, so the regression model “blows up”. For any set of nominal categories, a full set of dummies contains redundant information: DMALE and DFEMALE contain same information, dropping one removes redundant information. MODERATION AND MEDIATION Moderating variable: is one that in uences the form and strength of a relationship between two other variables. Mediating variable: is one that explains the relationship between the two other variables. Mediator is expiation of why the two variables are related ff fl 34