lOMoAR cPSD| 9635085 MODULE SPEECH AND THEATER ARTS Speech and Theater Arts MODULE lOMoAR cPSD| 9635085 MODULE SPEECH AND THEATER ARTS EL109: SPEECH AND THEATER ARTS COURSE DESCRIPTION This course intended the students to learn the theory and practice of speech communication in order to develop proficiency in various interpersonal speaking situations such as private and public speaking. Also, it will enable the students to develop their acting skills with emphasis on the development of the voice, articulation, and pronunciation of theater production Practice ethics responsibility when working with others. Emphasize the need for effective collaborate with others involved in the production process mastering vocabulary in all areas of design, directing, acting, and technical communication. Master creative thinking through learned skill sets and utilize critical thinking to analyze the work created as necessary for a team production approach. Demonstrate understanding of the social and artistic movements that have shaped theatre and dance as we know it today. Apply discipline-specific skills to the creation of performance. Analyze, and interpret texts and performances both in writing and orally. Demonstrate knowledge of theatre and dance history and literature and draw connections between theatrical practices and social contexts in both modern and pre modern periods. Practice collaborative skills in various theatrical contexts. Develop and apply process skills in rehearsal, production and classroom settings. Demonstrate problem-solving skills in the creation of artistic work. Demonstrate proficiency in one or more area-specific skills: acting, directing, choreography, design, technical theatre, management, playwriting, or dramaturgy. lOMoAR cPSD| 9635085 MODULE SPEECH AND THEATER ARTS lOMoAR cPSD| 9635085 MODULE SPEECH AND THEATER ARTS CHAPTER 1: Speech Arts-An Overview Objectives: a.) Demonstrate knowledge of public speaking and principles and concepts. b.) Apply knowledge of principles and concepts c.) Imbibe the benefits of public speaking. Basic Communication Concepts "Communication is the process of sharing meaning through continuous flow of symbolic messages." (Froemling) Communicator (Sender/receiver) - the participants in communication. Typically the roles reverse regularly. Message - a single uninterrupted utterance. Verbal or nonverbal Code - a system suitable for creating/carrying messages through a specific medium encode (put into code) and decode (take out of code) Channels (verbal, nonverbal, etc.) - the specific mechanism (“pipeline”) used to transmit the message Medium (face-to-face, television, web, phone, etc.) - form or technology of transmission — determines kind of code used. Noise - interference with message — external (physical), internal (mental) or semantic (misunderstanding/reaction Environment (part of context) - that which surrounds and provides a basis for the meaning of a message: Physical (surroundings) Temporal (point in time) Relational (the existing relationship between communicators - friends, strangers, etc.) Cultural (language and behavior community the communicator(s) come from) Feedback - checks effects of messages lOMoAR cPSD| 9635085 MODULE SPEECH AND THEATER ARTS positive feedback - "keep doing what you’re doing" negative feedback - change what you’re doing. Levels (contexts) of Communication For more knowledge about the Basic Concept of Communication please check the link provided; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DHeRk4cwtY