COATING INSPECTOR PROGRAM Level 1 Practical IMPORTANT NOTICE: Neither AMPP, its officers, directors, nor members thereof accept any responsibility for the use of the methods and materials discussed herein. No authorization is implied concerning the use of patented or copyrighted material. The information is advisory only, and the use of the materials and methods is solely at the risk of the user. Printed in the United States. All rights reserved. Reproduction of contents in whole or part or transfer into electronic or photographic storage without permission of copyright owner is expressly forbidden. Table of Contents Inspection Test Plans | 16 Practical Math | 17 Measuring Environmental Conditions | 18 Soluble Salt Detection | 19 Measuring Surface Profile | 20 Day 3 Lab Worksheets Measuring Film Thickness | 21 Holiday Detection | 22 Day 4 Lab Worksheets Case Study Workshop Elevated Water Tank Lab Safety Awareness | 23 Steel Panel Lab Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans 16.1 Introduction Learning Objectives By the end of Chapter 16, students should be able to: 1. Describe the purpose and benefits of inspection test plans. 2. Review an inspection test plan and identify if any inconsistencies, omissions, or ambiguities are present. Planning a Coating Project Comprehensive planning by all stakeholders is critical to the successful installation of a coating system. The project’s specifier or engineer is responsible for developing the project specification. The specification writer must design the work to be done and prepare a set of requirements that will help ensure that the final coating product meets all of the owner’s needs. The specification writer is also usually responsible for continuously reviewing requests for information concerning technical issues and all specification submittals. The contractor is responsible for creating a work plan which outlines how the requirements of the specification will be met at each stage of the installation process. In other words, the techniques, equipment, materials, and safety measures that will be used to fulfill each of the specification’s requirements. The inspector, or another authorized team member, is responsible for developing the inspection test plan (ITP). The ITP outlines all the tasks the coating inspector must perform to verify if the work performed by the contractor is in conformance with the specification and that all specified procedures have been followed. 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans Inspection Test Plans Professional, quality inspection doesn’t just happen; it requires planning. Showing up on a jobsite without a well-defined inspection plan and expecting the project to go well is unrealistic. An Inspection Test Plan (ITP) is a written document that details the inspection and testing requirements for a specific process. ITPs are a quality tool that acts as a “to-do” list while in the field so that each checkpoint is properly inspected and documented using the techniques, instruments, standards, guides, and test methods established by the project specification. A quality ITP will list all the inspection tasks in chronological order that the inspector must complete in order to verify if the work performed by the contractor meets the requirements of the specification. This ensures that all specified procedures have been followed. The Value of Inspection Test Plans ITPs are vital tools that provide a range of benefits to the inspector and also the other key stakeholders on a project. ITPs enable the inspector to adequately prepare for their role, provide a means to communicate the coating project’s progress, and help ensure that the coating system is installed as specified. ITPs as a Planning Tool Project specifications can be lengthy, complex technical, and legal documents that contain many parts and sections. The quality requirements for a coating project are oftentimes scattered through the specification. A thorough, well-organized inspection plan or ITP provides an inspector with a systematic tool that converts the quality requirements in the project specification into a practical document for use in the field. By reviewing the ITP prior to each work shift, the inspector can check that they know how to perform the required inspection tasks, that they have access to the required materials/equipment/test area, and that they know how to document their inspections. ITPs as a Communication Tool ITPs can also serve as a communication tool between the various stakeholders on a project. ITPs help to ensure that the inspector, contractor, and asset owner have the same information in terms of what work will be inspected, when the inspections will take place and, the quality requirements that must be met, per the specification. ITPs, also act as a key communication tool between QA and QC personnel. ITPs also enable the progress of the project to be tracked and provide evidence that the quality of the job is being monitored, providing the QA inspector and asset owner confidence in the completed work. To simplify, ITPs enable the inspector to provide transparency around their responsibilities at each stage of the project and their inspection results. 2 © NACE International Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans ITPs as Quality Control Tools ITPs help to control the quality of work performed during a coating project and are a central part of both the asset owner’s QA Plan and the contractor’s QC plan. The use of ITPs to control the quality of work on a coating project became commonplace in response to ISO 9001. ISO 9001 highlights that to consistently provide services that meet the client’s requirements, an organization must systematically monitor and measure the characteristics of the product to verify that the requirements have been met. An ITP is a tangible document that outlines this process. Without an ITP, an inspector may accidentally miss an inspection task, use the wrong conformance criteria or the wrong test method. This could result in a deviation being overlooked or a poor-quality job being performed. Standards ISO 9001: Quality management systems — Requirements – Specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products or services that meet the client’s requirements, in addition to any applicable statutory/regulatory requirements. Important It is important to highlight that ITPs are living documents. Living documents, otherwise known as dynamic documents, are ones that are continuously updated to provide information that is current and accurate. ITPs are continuously updated during a project to reflect the work performed and to also show the latest approved and verified procedures. For example, when a non-conformity is identified or unexpected conditions are found during the project, the contractor and owner review the issue and authorize necessary changes to the ITP. CIP Level 1 Inspectors and ITPs The individual who is responsible for developing a coating project’s ITP will depend on the project’s bid process and contractual documents. Some of the parties who may develop the ITP include the project’s engineer, specifier, contractor, third-party inspection firms, or a Level 2 or 3 coating inspector. If the contractor holds SSPC-QP 1 accreditation, then they will also have a Quality Control Supervisor on their team who may be responsible for the development and distribution of the ITP. While Level 1 inspectors are typically not responsible for the creation of ITPs, they will be responsible for implementing them in the field. Level 1 inspectors require the skills to both accurately interpret ITPs and to recognize when the plan contains missing, ambiguous, or conflicting information that will prevent the inspector from performing their role. By identifying any issues with the ITP prior to the project commencing, the inspector can obtain clarification and help prevent issues arising in the field. 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans SSPC-QP 1 Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualifications of Industrial/Marine Painting Contractors The Contractor shall designate a qualified employee to perform the duties of a Quality Control Supervisor to manage the Contractor’s quality monitoring processes. Developing, distributing, and collecting completed ITPs is a critical part of this quality monitoring process. 4.3.2 (f) The Contractor shall demonstrate that project-specific inspection plans ensuring that each major operation is properly performed and documented on a daily basis during coating projects, are available to on-site personnel, and are used to perform in-process inspections of work at key hold points. Inspection Test Plan: Format There is no industry standard governing the format of ITPs, but they are typically presented as a sequential chart or table. ITPs may be simple or very complex depending on the project for which the plan is written, and this complexity is commonly reflected by the number of columns within the chart or table. The exact format of an ITP often depends on the specification and other contractual document’s requirements or inspector and company preference. Regardless of the format, the primary purpose of the ITP remains the same, to ensure that there is sufficient information for the inspector to correctly perform each of the required inspection tasks. ITP Format: Coating Project Stages To make ITPs easier to navigate, the ITP should contain separate sections for each stage of the coating installation process. Within each stage, the inspection tasks are then listed sequentially. The hold points listed here should be considered as basic for most work; however, additional inspection checkpoints/activities may be added depending on the project. Pre-Surface Preparation The pre-surface preparation inspection hold point occurs after the substrate is pre-cleaned but prior to hand/ power tool cleaning and abrasive blasting. It indicates whether the substrate has been fully prepared for surface preparation. Common items inspected during the pre-surface preparation hold point include: Check that the correct abrasive media and coating materials are on-site, damage-free, within shelf life, properly stored (temperature/humidity of storage areas, FIFO rotation), and batch numbers recorded Measure ambient conditions such as surface and air temperature, dew point, and relative humidity to ensure moisture will not condense on prepared surfaces 4 © NACE International Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans Verify the removal of visible grease, oil, etc. Conduct soluble salt contamination or pH testing to identify non-visible contaminants Pre-inspection check to determine the initial condition of steel or rusting/coating condition Assess the condition of steel for inaccessible and other problem areas such as fabrication and surface defects (welds, bolts, edges, delaminations, dissimilar metals) which could affect coating integrity Surface Preparation This inspection hold point takes place after blasting. The purpose is to verify the degree of cleanliness and that the surface profile yielded from the blasting meets the requirements of the specification. Common items inspected during the surface preparation hold point may include: Monitor compressed air cleanliness, pressure, and volume Inspect abrasive cleanliness Measure ambient conditions such as surface and air temperature, dew point, and relative humidity throughout the blasting process Identify surface imperfections that become visible after blast cleaning, such as hackles and slivers that require scraping or grinding with re-blast cleaning Measure surface profile Inspect surface cleanliness, and other contamination (mill scale, rust, paint) per the level specified Test for presence and inspect removal of soluble salts Verify adequate dust removal Verify surface preparation-to-primer time is not exceeded Pre-Coatings Application This inspection hold point occurs immediately prior to the coating or lining application. Common items inspected during this hold point include: Inspect surface cleanliness to establish whether previously approved surfaces have become recontaminated with abrasive, dust, dirt, oil, or flash rusting that can inhibit adhesion of the coating Verify ambient conditions are acceptable before the coating is mixed and are likely to remain acceptable during application Verify the correct coating components are being mixed/strained according to the PDS Verify proper type and amount of thinner, if used Verify induction time per PDS Measure coating material temperature Verify mix is applied prior to pot life expiration Coating Application Items inspected during the coating application hold point are inspected before each coating layer is applied. These can include: Measure ambient conditions prior to each coat applied and throughout application Ensure coating application equipment and methods meets the manufacturer’s requirements in the PDS 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans Verify stripe coating Measure wet film thickness when dry film thickness measurements are not possible Observe minimum/maximum recoat window for each coat applied Inspect for visible defects that occurred during application that may cause premature failure if left undetected, so they can be repaired prior to application of the next coat Verify inter-coat cleanliness to avoid contamination Verify acceptable degree of cure on each coat before subsequent coats are applied Post-Coating Application Items inspected during the post-coating application hold point are inspected after each coating layer is applied. These often include: Measure film thickness of each individual coat Verify that the final dry film thickness requirement of the entire coating system has been met Perform pinhole/holiday testing Measure ambient conditions to ensure proper curing Identify any visual defects such as overspray, pinholes, lack of adhesion, etc. that require repair Perform curing tests Final Inspection A final inspection will verify that all touch-ups or other corrective actions meet project specification requirements satisfactorily. Common items inspected during this hold point include: Inspect all touch-ups or other corrective actions to ensure defective, damaged, and deficient areas are repaired to meet specification requirements Confirm project completion per specification requirements Prepare final inspection report/documentation Ensure removal of waste and that the jobsite is restored to its original condition Important On some projects, work on the project may also be halted or stopped at certain steps in the installation process and cannot resume until the inspector has verified conformance; this is known as a hold point inspection. 6 © NACE International Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans ITP Format: Basic The process of developing an ITP begins with the inspector carefully navigating through the specification to extract the inspection elements and quality requirements and then transferring them to a separate chart. Keep in mind that the inspection requirements may not be written in the specification in the order in which they will occur during the project. As such, while reading, the inspector may want to highlight the important items and inspection criteria for easy reference in the future. In addition to the specification, other guidance documents may be required in order to properly fill out the ITP, including product data sheets for each material used on the project and any industry standards referenced within the specification. A basic ITP, at a minimum, should include: 1. The portion of work (or specific hold point) that must be inspected as required by the specification. 2. How the work will be inspected (i.e., test method or procedure to be followed). 3. The minimum standard (conformance or acceptance criteria) the work must meet. In most ITPs, these categories of information will be arranged in a table as column headings. A simple table containing these three categories is usually adequate for most projects. Whereas other projects will require a more complex ITP. ITP Format: Complex In this second example, three additional categories of information (shown in blue) have been added to the ITP. These categories outline the referenced industry standard, the frequency with which the inspection task must take place, and the section of the specification that the inspection task was sourced. Other ITPs may outline where the results of the task are to be recorded, safety guidelines, required equipment, general notes, or the signatures of the inspector performing the inspection and the supervising parties. The more complex ITP format is typically preferred as the additional detail provides the inspector with a more complete inspection support tool. 7 CIP Level 1 Item Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans Activity Inspection Method Acceptance Criteria Standard / Test Reference Frequency Spec Ref. 4.2 Visual No visible oil or grease contamination SSPC-SP 1 100% of surfaces prior to blasting Verify compressed air cleanliness Blotter Test No visible oil or water on collector ASTM D4285 Once per shift 4.3.4 Verify surface chloride removal Latex patch/ sleeve < 7 µg/cm2 SSPC Guide 15 3 tests per 9m2/100 sq. ft. 4 Abrasive type & cleanliness Vial/Jar Test (oil); Conductivity Meter Expendable; angular; no oil; <1000 µS/cm SSPC AB 1 ASTM D7237 ASTM D4940 Each lot 4.7 5 Post blast cleanliness Visual SSPC-VIS 1 Near White Metal blast NACE No 2/ SSPC-SP 10 100% of surfaces prior to coating 3.2 6 Removal of dust and blast cleaning products Dust tape test Level 2 ISO 8502-3 Post blast 3.7 7 Surface profile Replica Tape ASTM D4417 Method C Post blast 2.8.1 1 Verify pre-blast cleanliness 2 3 2.0-3.5 mils/ 51-89 μm The above ITP contains the following categories of information: Item Number/Task Sequence Inspection Activity/Hold Points – Inspection Method – How often each task or inspection test is performed Specification Reference – 8 Indicates the industry standard or test method to be referenced when carrying out the inspection task Frequency – Project specification requirements (conformance criteria) that must be met Standard/Test Method Reference – Instrumentation and/or specific test methods or procedures required by the specification Acceptance Criteria – Identification of the inspection activities for each phase of work as outlined in the specification Location in the specification where the quality requirement is listed © NACE International Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans Practical Lab/Self-Study Note this lab may be conducted as a classroom activity, time permitting, or as a self-study homework assignment. This exercise is designed to provide students with the opportunity to review excerpts from real-world ITPs and other guidance documents. Students will then determine if the provided ITPs provide clear and sufficient information to perform the listed inspection tasks. This practical lab involves two activities. Once you have completed the two activities, please refer to the answer key in the Reference tab to check your answers. Activity 1 Scenario: Next week you will be joining a pipeline project as a CIP Level 1 inspector. Due to the large scale of the project, your role will focus on just the coating application stage. Your supervisor has just emailed you the ITP as well as the relevant excerpts from the specification and PDS. 1. Read the specification and PDS. 2. Identify any inconsistencies, ambiguities, or omissions within the ITP. Inconsistencies: Refers to information that differs between the ITP and other guidance documents. Ambiguities: Refers to a lack of information, which could prevent the inspector from implementing the ITP to a high standard. Omissions: Refers to information that is missing from the ITP. Activity 2 Scenario: The company you work for has been hired on Thursday at 4pm for a project that begins on Monday. Your team will be fulfilling the QC Inspection role. Due to the short notice your team leader has asked you to identify any missing information from the ITP. 1. Read the specification and standards. 2. Identify the information missing from the ITP. 3. Using the excerpts from the specification and standards, fill in the blank portions of the ITP template. 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans Activity 1 1. Read the excerpts below. 7. Coating Application (Specification Excerpt) 1. Surfaces to be coated shall be free of moisture, oil, grease, dust, and any other visible contaminants prior to the application of the coating. 2. Stripe coating by brush is required for welds, nuts, bolts, edges, and corners. 3. The relative humidity, air, and steel surface temperature shall be monitored, and the values recorded at least once every three hours. The measured conditions shall adhere to the manufacturer’s requirements, including measuring the dew point. Steel temperature must be at least 5 degrees (°F) above the dew point at the time of any surface preparation or coating application activities. 4. Spray application is preferred method; however, application by brush or roller may be used selectively if a high-quality finish can be achieved. 5. The Contractor shall regularly monitor wet film thickness for conformance with the manufacturer’s requirements. 6. Dry film thickness of each layer shall be measured in accordance with SSPC-PA 2, using an electronic gauge. The measured thickness must conform to the manufacturer’s requirements. 7. Each coat shall be free from runs, sags, dry spray, drips, pinholes missed or skipped areas, embedded debris, and other visible defects detrimental to coating performance. 8. Each coating layer shall adhere to the manufacturer’s stated recoat window. 9. After the system has cured, wet sponge holiday testing shall be performed in accordance with NACE SP0188. Any holidays identified shall be marked with chalk as a defect ABC Epoxy (PDS Excerpt) Application Conditions Drying Schedule Air & Surface Temperature Minimum of 1.7°C (35°F) Maximum 49°C (120°F) Dew Point Surface Temp. > 2.8°C (5°F) above dew point Relative Humidity 85% maximum Recommended Film Thickness 25°C (77°F) 1.7°C (35°F) To Touch 2 hours 1.5 hours To Recoat 4.5 hours 8 hours To Cure 7 days 4 days 4 hours 2 hours 30 minutes 15 minutes Minimum Maximum Pot Life Wet Film 7.0 mils 175 µm 13.5 mils 338 µm Sweat-in-Time Dry Film 5.0 mils 125 µm 10.0 mils 250 µm 10 © NACE International Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans 2. Circle any inconsistencies, omissions, and ambiguities in the ITP based on the information from the specification and PDS excerpts. Inspection Test Plan (Coating Application) No. Activity Inspection Equipment Controlling Documents Acceptance Criteria Frequency 7.1 Inspect the precleaned surface Visual inspection Specification Free of visible contaminants All areas 7.2 Observe the stripe coating by roller Visual inspection Specification All welds, nuts, bolts, edges, and corners stripe coated All areas 7.3 Monitor the environmental conditions Digital all-in-one device or a thermometer & hygrometer Surface Temp: 35°F 49°C PDS Surface Temp at least 5°F above dew point At the beginning of each shift Humidity < 85% 7.4 Inspect roller and brush application (if applicable) Visual inspection 7.5 Measure the wet film thickness Comb Gauge 7.6 Inspect the coating Visual inspection film 7.7 Monitor the recoat window 7.8 Perform holiday testing — Low-voltage wet sponge Chalk Specification PDS Specification PDS NACE SP0188 High-quality finish achieved Areas coated by brush or roller (excluding stripping) 175 μm - 338 μm One per section or as needed Coating film is free from visible defects and debris All areas 8 hours minimum Each layer, all areas No holidays. Identified holidays to be marked All areas and reported 11 CIP Level 1 Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans Activity 2 1. Read the excerpts below. 5. Surface Preparation (Specification Excerpt) Pre-Treatment a. Any sharp edges and weld defects such as spatter, undercut, etc. shall be repaired. Any defects which show up after blast cleaning shall be repaired and re-blasted. All edges shall be radiused to at least a 45-degree angle unless otherwise specified. b. Any oil, grease, or other contamination shall be removed by a method designated in SSPC-SP 1. Dry Abrasive Blasting a. Blast cleaning shall not be carried out adjacent to coating operations or wet (coated) surfaces. b. All abrasives shall be clean, dry, and free from foreign matter as verified with a vial test. c. The compressed air supply shall be free from oil and moisture. The presence of oil and water shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D4285 following every compressor start-up. d. Spent abrasive and dust shall be removed from the surface by blowing with clean, dry air and/or vacuum cleaning. e. The surface shall be blast cleaned with steel grit or garnet to NACE No.2/SSPC-SP 10 and SSPC-VIS 1. f. The surface will possess an angular profile and measure between 75 microns and 100 microns, as per ASTM D4417, Method C. g. If the freshly blasted surface shows patches of black or brown discoloration within an hour of blasting, the surface shall be tested for chloride contamination per ISO 8502, Part 6 and Part 9. Residual chloride contamination shall be less than 50 milligrams per square meter (5 μg/cm2). NACE No.2 / SSPC-SP 10 (Excerpt) Definition: When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dust, dirt, mill scale, rust, coating, oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter. Random staining shall be limited to no more than 5 percent of each unit area. ASTM D4417 Method C (Excerpt) Test Method Summary: A composite plastic tape (replica tape) is impressed into the blast cleaned surface, forming a reverse image of the profile. The average maximum peak-to-valley distance can be measured using a suitable thickness gauge (micrometer). ASTM D4285 (Excerpt) Use: This test method is a visual examination technique for determining oil and water in compressed air. Apparatus: An absorbent collector such as absorbent paper or cloth. Non-absorbent collector such as rigid transparent plastic. 12 © NACE International Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans 2. Identify the missing information in the ITP below and then fill in the gaps using the information from the excerpts. 5. Pre-treatment No. Activity Inspection Equipment Controlling Documents 5.1 Inspect the precleaned surface Visual inspection Specification 5.2 Inspect the precleaning Visual inspection SSPC-SP 1 Visual inspection Specification Visual inspection Vial Test Specification Visual inspection Specification Acceptance Criteria Sharp edges rounded and weld defects ground smooth & edges radius to 45° 6. Surface Preparation 6.1 Verify conditions are suitable for blasting 6.3 Verify abrasive type 6.4 Test the cleanliness of compressed air 6.5 Inspect the postblast clean-up 6.6 Assess surface cleanliness NACE No.2 / SSPC-SP 10 6.7 Measure the surface profile ASTM D4417 Method C 6.8 Media is clean, dry, and free from foreign matter No indication of water or oil discoloration present Visual inspection Specification Visual inspection Specification 6.9 Inspect the surface for deterioration Visual inspection Specification 6.10 Measure chloride contamination (if required by 6.9) Bresle Patch Kit Conductivity Meter ISO 8502 Part 6 & 9 No spent abrasive or dust on the surface Surface profile: – 75 - 100 μm The surface has no patches of black or brown discoloration within an hour of blasting 13 Chapter 17: Math Chapter 17: Practical Math 17.1 Introduction Learning Objectives By the end of Chapter 17, students should be able to: 1. Recall the common mathematical formulas used in the coatings industry. 2. Solve common calculations relating to everyday coating inspection activities. Coating inspectors frequently have to perform mathematical calculations during everyday inspection tasks. If unprepared, these calculations can be one of the more challenging aspects of a coating inspector’s role. As a result, it is essential that inspectors are familiar with commonly performed mathematical calculations, including: Averaging when taking dry film thickness measurements Converting dry film thickness to wet film thickness Calculating spread rates/coverage (including losses) for various coatings Determining material consumption 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 17: Math 17.2 Calculations Calculating Averages Inspector Role Inspectors oftentimes need to evaluate multiple surface profile for film thickness readings through averaging in order to determine if the specification is met. An average is simply a number that represents the different values in a group of numbers. Performing the Calculation To obtain the average of a set of values, simply add all the values together to generate a total (a “sum”), then divide the sum by the number of values in the set. In other words, it is the sum divided by the count. Example What is the average of the three individual gauge readings measured in Area A? Imperial Metric Step 1: Calculate the Sum 15 + 16 + 17 = 48 Step 1: Calculate the Sum 381 + 406 + 431 = 1,218 Step 2: Divide the Sum by the number of values in the set 48 ÷ 3 = 16 mils Step 2: Divide the Sum by the number of values in the set 1,218 ÷ 3 = 406 µm Calculating Acceptable DFT Ranges Inspector Role As mentioned, averages are used when taking multiple dry film thickness (DFT) readings. Typically, a coating specification will list the required DFT as a range (e.g., 4-6 mils/coat) that must be achieved rather than a single value (e.g., 5 mils/coat). Even with this range, it is difficult for an applicator to consistently achieve the required film thickness, especially on more complex portions of a structure. As a result, specifications will allow a degree of tolerance for individual gauge readings. The amount of tolerance allowed varies between specifications and standards. For example, SSPC-PA 2, Restriction Level 3 allows spot measurements to be between 80% of the minimum specified thickness and 120% of the maximum specified thickness to be in conformance. SSPC-PA defines a spot measurement as the average of three, or at least three gauge readings made within a 4-cm (approximately [~]1.5 in) diameter circle. Spot measurements are usually taken within close proximity of each other and then averaged). Performing the Calculation To calculate this range, simply convert the percentages into decimals and multiply them by their respective DFT requirements. 2 © NACE International Chapter 17: Math Example If we have a required DFT range of 4-6 mils (101.6 – 152.4 µm) and we are using SSPC-PA 2, Restriction Level 3 (80% of minimum/120% of maximum), the calculation would be as follows: Minimum Maximum = 4 mils (101.6 µm) x .80 = 3.2 mils (81.28 µm) = 6 mils (152.4 µm) x 1.20 = 7.2 mils (182.88 µm) Therefore, the averaged spot checks can have an acceptable range of 3.2 mils (81.28 µm) – 7.2 mils (182.88 µm). Understanding Volume Solids Volume solids is the measure of volume of a coating that is left after the coating has dried or cured. All coatings have solids, which include pigments and resins/binders that form the paint coating after the solvent evaporates. Volume solids of a coating are listed on the manufacturer’s Product Data Sheet as a percentage of the total volume of paint. This percentage can be expressed as VS% (Solids Volume Percentage) or SBV% (Solids by Volume). The volume solids percentage is very important when calculating film thickness and coverage. Keep in mind that adding thinner will reduce the volume solids. Calculating Wet Film Thickness Wet film thickness is the thickness of the coating immediately after application, prior to any curing or solvent evaporation. As the paint dries or cures, the solvent evaporates, leaving only the solids on the surface, which we measure as dry film thickness. Inspector Role Understanding the relationship between a coating’s wet and dry film thickness allows you to measure the coating when wet and accurately predict the final dry outcome. Although, in most cases, the inspector is concerned with the dry film thickness and not the wet film thickness, it is important for every inspector to be cognizant of this relationship. The Contractor must ensure that the proper wet film thickness is applied in order to comply with the dry film thickness requirements of the specification. If the coating is applied too thin or too thick, then rework is often required. Unfortunately, coating manufacturers do not always publish a wet film thickness value on their application instructions because it can vary depending on how much thinner is added to the coating and the actual dry film thickness that is specified. Therefore, it is important to know how to calculate a target wet film thickness for both un-thinned and thinned coatings. 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 17: Math Performing the Calculation If we had a coating that was 100% solids or 100% SBV (solids by volume), then all of the solids would stay on the surface when they dried or cured. In that situation, the WFT and DFT would be exactly the same. Since coatings need solvent in order to be applied, most of the time, the volume by solids is less than 100%. As mentioned earlier, this is known as the Solids by Volume (SBV), and it is the percentage of the coating that will remain on the surface after the solvent has evaporated. When applying an un-thinned coating, to calculate the target WFT that needs to be applied in order to achieve the specified DFT, we will need the following formula: Example Wet Film Thickness = Dry Film Thickness ÷ Solids by Volume, (WFT = DFT ÷ SBV) Imperial Metric If we have a coating that is 30% solids by volume and we need to apply the correct wet film thickness to get a dry film thickness of 6 mils (152 If we have a coating that is 35% SBV and we need a DFT of 125 µm we would plug the data into the formula as follows: µm), we simply convert the percentage into a decimal by moving the decimal two places to the left. For example, 75% is 0.75. Next, we plug the data into the formula: WFT = DFT ÷ SBV WFT = DFT ÷ SBV WFT = 6 ÷ .30 WFT = 125 ÷ .35 WFT = 20 mils (508 µm) WFT = 357 µm Mentor Tip An easy saying to remember the dry film thickness formula is “dry to wet you divide”. Important When the solids by volume content is indicated on the coating manufacturer’s product data sheet, it is typically expressed as a percent (%). Often there is a solids by weight value on the product data sheet as well. Do not use this value. Adjusting for Thinner Industrial coatings are sometimes thinned to allow them to be applied more easily. If the project specification and the coating manufacturer permit thinner to be added to the coating, the amount of thinner that will be added must be taken into consideration when calculating the target wet film thickness. This is because the thinner becomes part of the wet film that is applied to the surface but is not part of the dry film that remains on the surface (the thinner will evaporate into the air). In other words, thinner increases the total volume without increasing the amount of solids. When adding thinner to a coating, the Contractor is effectively adding more solvent. 4 © NACE International Chapter 17: Math Inspector Role By understanding and calculating the percentage of thinner that has been added, we can also determine what the WFT should be so that the specified DFT will be achieved. Coating manufacturers typically communicate the amount of thinner to add based on a percentage of the total volume of coating mixed for application (e.g., 15%). As long as we know the volume solids of a product, the dry film thickness required, and the precise amount of thinner that has been added, we can calculate the wet film thickness. Performing the Calculation Calculating the target wet film thickness when thinner is added requires one additional step. We first must determine the Adjusted SBV by adding the thinner percentage to 100%, then dividing by the SBV. Then find the target Wet film thickness by dividing the Dry Film Thickness by the SBV. Below is the formula: Adjusted SBV = SBV ÷ 100% + Thinner % Note: 100% + Thinner % is derived by adding the thinner to the total amount of liquid coating to find the total volume, including thinner. Example If a coating that is 85% SBV, is thinned 25% and must be applied at a DFT of 7 mils (177.8 µm), we would plug in the numbers as follows to determine the WFT: Step 1: Calculate the Adjusted SBV Adjusted SBV = SBV ÷ 100% + Thinner % Adjusted SBV = 85% ÷ 100% + 25% Adjusted SBV = .85 ÷ 1.25 Adjusted SBV = .68 Now we can calculate the target WFT based on the Adjusted SBV with the same formula we have already used: Step 2: Calculate the WFT WFT = DFT ÷ Adjusted SBV WFT = 7 (177.8 µm) ÷ 0.68 WFT = 10.29 mils (261.47 µm) 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 17: Math Calculating Dry Film Thickness Inspector Role Inspectors use the DFT formula to determine whether or not the wet paint film is the right thickness to achieve the specified dry film thickness. Performing the Calculation To calculate the Dry Film Thickness, multiply the measured Wet Film Thickness by the Solids by Volume. The formula is written as: Dry Film Thickness = Wet Film Thickness x Solids by Volume, (DFT = WFT x SBV) Example If you have a coating with a WFT of 9.2 mils (233.6 µm) and SBV of 65%, what is the DFT? Imperial Metric DFT = WFT x SBV DFT = WFT x SBV DFT = 9.2 x .65 DFT = 233.6 µm x .65 DFT = 5.98 mils DFT = 151.8 µm Mentor Tip An easy saying to remember the dry film thickness formula is “wet to dry you multiply”. Theoretical Coverage: Spread Rate Inspector Role Inspectors may be required to calculate the spreading rate of a material based on the DFT required and the percent of volume solids of the coating. Understanding Theoretical Coverage (Spreading Rate) Coating manufacturers frequently provide a rate of coverage (square meters per liter or square feet per gallon) on their product data sheets. However, this rate is theoretical. Theoretical coverage or spread rate, as it is sometimes called, is based on applying a coating to a smooth, flat surface under perfect conditions, where there is no loss or waste during mixing and application. It is determined by using the square footage or meters covered by one gallon of paint spread at a thickness of 1 mil (1 µm) DFT with a 100% solids coating. 6 © NACE International Chapter 17: Math For example, if a gallon of paint contained 100% solids and if it could be applied without losses, it would cover 1,604 ft2 at a thickness of 1 mil. In metric units, one liter of paint with 100% solids will cover 1,000 m2 at a thickness of 1 µm with no loss. This figure (1,604 ft2 per gal or 1,000 m2 per liter) is used as the starting point when calculating the spread rate or coverage of a coating. However, most coatings are not 100% solids. In fact, the actual coverage obtained from any gallon or liter of paint is dependent on its nonvolatile or solids content. We also know that many job specifications require a DFT greater than 1 mil or 1 µm. As such, the spread rate of a coating is calculated based on the theoretical coverage per gallon/liter using the actual volume solids (from the coating manufacturer’s PDS) and the target coating thickness (from the project specification) with the following formula: Imperial: Metric 1,604 sq. ft x SBV ÷ DFT (in mils) 1,000 m2 x SBV ÷ DFT (in microns) Calculating Theoretical Coverage or Spread Rate The spread rate of a coating is determined by using the theoretical coverage of 1,604 sq ft per gal or 1,000 m2 per liter. That number is then multiplied by a decimal equivalent of volume solids content (e.g., 0.95 for a 95% solids coating). After which, the number is divided by the target dry film thickness of the applied coating. Example Imperial Metric If a coating has 60% SBV and needs to be applied at a DFT of 6 mils, the calculation will be as follows: If a coating has 60% SBV and needs to be applied at a DFT of 150 microns, the calculation will be: 1604 sq. ft x SBV ÷ DFT (mils) 1000 m2 x SBV ÷ DFT (microns) 1604 x 0.60 ÷ 6 1000 x 0.60 ÷ 150 160 sq. ft/gal 4 m2/L Note: This calculation is still considered theoretical because we have not accounted for material loss due to mixing and application. 7 CIP Level 1 Chapter 17: Math Practical Coverage: Transfer Efficiency (TE) Inspector Role The practical coverage of a coating can be used to verify that there is an adequate amount of each coating material on-site in order to prevent project delays associated with material shortages. Understanding Practical Coverage and Transfer Efficiency We have learned that theoretical coverage assumes that every drop of paint that is sprayed will be transferred to the surface. In practice, we know this is not possible due to application losses, which are dependent on many factors, including wind, application technique, application equipment, and type/profile of the substrate to be coated. Since loss factors vary depending on the situation, the Contractor typically generates a transfer efficiency rating based on the specifics of the project when determining how much material to order. Transfer efficiency or TE refers to the amount of material that adheres to the substrate compared to the amount sprayed. It is derived from how much material is lost during the application process. TE is expressed as the percentage of the weight of solids sprayed versus the weight of solids gained by the target. As an example, 60 percent transfer efficiency means that 60 percent of the weight of the solids in the material that was sprayed actually reaches the target. The balance of 40 percent was lost during the application process. Given the theoretical coverage rate (1,604 sq. ft. at a 1 mil DFT or 1,000 m2 at 1µm DFT) and by estimating the transfer efficiency or loss factor, the practical coverage of a coating can be determined. Practical coverage makes allowances for application losses and is a more reliable indicator of the actual amount of coating that will be needed to obtain the specified dry film thickness. Once the practical coverage is determined, you can calculate how many gallons or liters of paint are needed for the job based on the size of the area to be painted. Practical coverage can be determined using the following formula: Practical Coverage (Imperial) = 1,604 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT (mils) Practical Coverage (Metric) = 1,000 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT (microns) Calculating Practical Coverage Calculating Transfer Efficiency Transfer Efficiency (TE) is typically expressed as a percentage, such as 25%. It represents the amount of coating that adheres to the surface when compared to the amount of material that was originally sprayed. To calculate the transfer efficiency, simply subtract the loss percentage from 100. For example, if the loss was 25% the equation would be 100% - 25% = 75% transfer efficiency. Next, you convert the percentage to a decimal by moving the decimal two places to the left. For example, 75% is 0.75. 8 © NACE International Chapter 17: Math Another way to determine the transfer efficiency is to convert the loss percentage to a decimal and subtract it from 1. The formula is as follows: TE = 100% - loss % (expressed in decimal) For example, if the loss is 25% you would plug it into the formula as shown: TE = 100% - 25 % = 75% TE = 1.0 - 0.25 = 0.75 (move the decimal two places to the left) TE = 0.75 Calculating Practical Coverage After the transfer efficiency has been determined, next we calculate the practical coverage using the formula: Practical Coverage = 1,604 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT Example If a coating has 68% SBV, it needs to be applied at 5 mils (127 µm) DFT, and a loss of 12% is calculated; the steps are as follows: Step 1: Calculate TE TE = 100 % - loss % TE = 1.0 - 0.12 TE = 0.88 Step 2: Calculate Practical Coverage Imperial Metric Practical Coverage = 1,604 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT (mils) Practical Coverage = 1,000 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT (microns) Practical Coverage = 1,604 x 0.68 x 0.88 ÷ 5 Practical Coverage = 192 sq. ft Practical Coverage = 1,000 x 0.68 x 0.88 ÷ 127 Practical Coverage = 4.7 m2 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 17: Math Calculating Material Consumption Inspector Role If an inspector is required to determine if there is enough coating material on-site to complete a project, they will need to calculate material consumption. Performing the Calculation Once you know the practical coverage, you can divide that number into the total square footage to be coated to determine how many gallons (or liters) of coating will be needed for the job. Here is the formula: Material Consumption = Area ÷ Practical Coverage Example Imperial Metric On a project, the Contractor is using paint with 52% SBV and is applying it at 1.5 mils DFT with a transfer efficiency of 30%. The project will need the coating to cover 35,000 sq. ft. The calculations would be as follows: The Contractor is using paint with 52% SBV and is applying it at 38 µm DFT with a transfer efficiency of 30%. The project will need the coating to cover 800 m2. The calculations would be as follows Step 1: Calculate Practical Coverage Step 1: Calculate Practical Coverage Practical Coverage = 1,604 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT Practical Coverage = 1,000 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT = 1,604 x 0.52 x 0.30 ÷ 1.5 = 1,000 x 0.52 x 0.30 ÷ 38 = 166.8 sq. ft (rounded to 167 sq. ft) = 4.10 m2 (rounded to 4 m2) Step 2: Calculate Material Consumption Step 2: Calculate Material Consumption Material Consumption = Area ÷ Practical Coverage Material Consumption = Area ÷ Practical Coverage = 35,000 ÷ 167 = 800 ÷ 4 = 209.58 gallons (rounded to 210 gallons) = 200 liters 10 © NACE International Chapter 17: Math 17.3 Review Convert percentages to decimal format Replace the percentage sign with a decimal point, then move the decimal point two places to the left or divide the % by 100. Average numbers The average of a set of numbers is the sum of the numbers divided by the total number of values in the set. Convert units of measurement Imperial: mils x 25.4 = μm Imperial: lbs./gal x 119.8 = g/L Metric: μm ÷ 25.4 = mils Metric: g/L ÷ 119.8 = lbs./gal Calculate Wet Film Thickness (WFT) WFT = DFT ÷ SBV Adjust for thinner when calculating WFT Adjusted SBV = SBV ÷ 100% + Thinner % Calculate Dry Film Thickness (DFT) DFT = WFT x SBV Calculate Theoretical Coverage 1,604 x SBV ÷ DFT (mils) OR 1,000 m2 x SBV ÷ DFT (µm) Calculate Transfer Efficiency (TE) 100% − loss % (expressed as a decimal) Calculate Practical Coverage 1,604 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT (mils) OR 1,000 m2 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT (µm) Material Consumption Area ÷ Practical Coverage 11 CIP Level 1 Chapter 17: Math Knowledge Checks Answer the following questions. Answers can be found in the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. Dry film thickness is specified at 12-15 mils at SSPC-PA 2 restriction level 3. (Spot readings shall be within 80% to 120% of specified values) Calculate the spot measurements and determine whether the area measured meets the specification. Measurement Total Area Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 A 10 mils 12 mils 12 mils B 12 mils 14 mils 13 mils C 15 mils 14 mils 14 mils D 14 mils 13 mils 10 mils E 12 mils 13 mils 11 mils (1+2+3) Average Complies (Total ÷ No. of Measurements) (Yes/No) Overall Average 2. The following data is provided for a given coating: DFT = 5 mils = (127 µm) SBV = 45% Loss Calculation = 10% Thinner = 15% Imperial 12 Metric © NACE International Chapter 17: Math Self-Study Review Answer the following questions for additional practice. To check your responses, refer to the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. Convert the Solids by Volume (SBV) for each example into decimal format. Solvent Solvent by volume 15% Solids Solids by volume 85% Solvent Solvent by volume 30% Solids Solids by volume 70% Solvent Solids Solvent Solids Solvent by volume 45% Solids by volume 55% Solvent by volume 65% Solids by volume 35% 2. If the PDS states the following, what is the WFT? DFT: Range of 2-4 mils (51-102 microns) SBV: 75% (Answer in either imperial or metric units) 13 CIP Level 1 Chapter 17: Math The project specification requires the DFT of the primer to measure between 150-200 microns per SSPC-PA 2 Restriction Level 4 which states a tolerance range of 80% of the minimum specified DFT and 150% of the maximum. 3. Does reading group A fall within the tolerance limits? What about reading group B? 4. If a coating is 70% SBV and is thinned 15%, what WFT do you need to apply to get a DFT of 9 mils (229 µm)? (Answer in either imperial or metric units) 14 © NACE International Chapter 17: Math 5. If a coating is 75% SBV and is thinned 12.5%, what WFT do you need to apply to get a DFT between 2-4 mils (51-102 µm)? (Answer in either imperial or metric units) 6. The following data is provided for a given coating: DFT = 5 mils (127 µm) SBV = 45% Loss Calculation = 10% (Answer in either imperial or metric units) Imperial The Contractor must apply the coating to 5,000 ft2. How many gallons must the Contractor buy? Metric The Contractor must apply the coating to 500 m2. How many liters must the Contractor buy? 15 CIP Level 1 Chapter 17: Math 7. Determine the theoretical coverage for the examples shown. A coating has 65% SBV and will be applied at a DFT of 1 mil. A coating has a 75% SBV and will be applied at a DFT of 220 microns. A coating has a 35% SBV and will be applied at a A coating has a 40% SBV and will be applied at a DFT of 80 microns. DFT of 4 mils. 8. The Contractor must apply the coating to 2,323 m2. How many liters must the Contractor buy? The following data is provided for a given coating: 16 DFT = 85 µm SBV = 75% Loss Calculation = 20% © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions 18.1 Introduction Learning Objectives By the end of Chapter 18, students should be able to: 1. Accurately measure surface temperature using a surface contact thermometer or a digital infrared thermometer. 2. Accurately measure the air temperature, humidity, and calculate dew point using a sling psychrometer (with a psychrometric table/calculator) and a digital dew point meter. 3. Accurately measure wind speed using an anemometer. 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Inspection Instrument: Environmental Conditions There is a wide range of instruments that can be utilized to measure environmental conditions. Some of these instruments are designed to measure one type of environmental condition, such as magnetic surface contact thermometers. Other instruments can measure a range of conditions either simultaneously or individually by attaching separate probes/peripherals to the core instrument. As an example, digital dew point meters can measure air temperature, measure relative humidity, and calculate the dew point simultaneously. These multi-purpose instruments are sometimes referred to as ‘digital all-in-one’ devices. Select digital dew point meters can also measure surface temperature and wind speed but often require separate attachments for these measurements. Reading Digital Instruments The displays of digital instruments have a limited amount of space to list all the relevant information. This is particularly relevant when measuring environmental conditions, as many of the instruments will measure a range of conditions simultaneously. To accommodate this limitation, abbreviations or symbols are used to represent each of the conditions. For example: Relative Humidity = RH or RH% Dry Bulb Temperature = Tdb Surface Temperature = Ts Dew Point Temperature (calculated) = Td Air Temperature = Ta Delta T = TΔ or Ts-Td Wet Bulb Temperature = Twb or Tw Windspeed = V or the unit of measurement (e.g., mph, kph, m/s, knots) Note that the inspector should always review the manufacturer’s user manual when working with new instruments, as the symbols can vary. 2 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions 18.2 Surface Temperature Instruments Measuring Surface Temperature Surface temperature is a measure of the temperature of the surface being blasted or coated. Surface temperature above and below the required range can have an adverse impact on the coating application process. High temperatures can reduce pot life, reduce re-coat windows, and cause the coating film to wrinkle. Low temperatures can increase the viscosity of coating materials and result in improper curing. Surface temperatures must also be measured to assess the risk of moisture formation on a substrate. If the surface temperature is not 3°C (5°F) above the dew point, then moisture can form and adversely impact the final outcome of the project. Inspectors commonly measure surface temperature with the use of magnetic surface contact thermometers or digital infrared thermometers. Magnetic Surface Contact Thermometer Overview The magnetic surface contact thermometer sometimes referred to as a dial type thermometer, is one of the most common instruments used to determine substrate temperature. These thermometers are specifically designed to be used on any magnetic or horizontal surface as well as ferrous non-horizontal surfaces. The instrument consists of a bimetallic sensing element, which is protected from drafts and is in contact with the surface to be measured. It also includes two high-temperature magnets on the sensing side, which hold the instrument to the surface. These thermometers do not require batteries but do require time to adjust to the temperature. They are also available in various scale ranges. Standards The following standard describes the use of a Magnetic Surface Contact Thermometer: ASTM D3276 Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates) Note that additional standards may also be available for your region. 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Method of Operation To measure surface temperature with a magnetic contact thermometer: 1. Ensure the substrate is clean and dry to enable good magnetic attraction 2. Place the magnetic back of the thermometer on the surface 3. Allow the instrument to stabilize before taking measurements Stabilization time varies but is usually 3 to 5 minutes 4. Read the dial straight on and record the temperature Usage Tips & Common Errors Usage Tips To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Perform measurements at the actual work locations Perform multiple readings across multiple points in the test area to assess the range of temperatures – Include areas that are likely to be hotter or colder than the normal temperature Avoid areas exposed to direct sunlight, wind, thermal radiation, and heating or ventilation ducts when taking measurements Make sure the thermometer can measure in the range of temperatures anticipated Mentor Tip Before using, blow on the back of the thermometer to ensure there is no stray blast media lodged between the bimetallic spring, as this will affect your readings. Also, tap lightly on the front of the glass to make sure the needle is not stuck. Common Errors Common errors when using magnetic surface contact thermometers includes: Performing readings in direct sunlight, can make the surface temperature appear higher than it is Leaving the instrument in one place for too long Failure to remove debris from the bimetallic spring or contact strip causing a poor connection and inaccurate readings Reading the instrument at an angle Removing the instrument before it has stabilized. 4 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Calibration The instrument’s low cost indicates that it should be replaced if there is any doubt about its accuracy, rather than send it to a third-party laboratory or back to the manufacturer for calibration. Digital Infrared Thermometer Overview Digital infrared (IR) thermometers are non-contact thermometers that are used to measure temperature from a distance. The temperature provided will be the average temperature of the whole area within the spot size. If the amount of infrared energy emitted by an object and its emissivity are known, the object’s temperature can be determined. The most basic digital infrared thermometer consists of a lens to focus the infrared energy; a detector that converts the energy to an electrical signal proportional to the temperature of the target surface; and the electrical signal display (in temperature units after compensating for ambient temperature variation). IR thermometers make it easier to measure the surface temperature of an object from a distance without touching it and generally have a fast-reading response time of one second. The infrared thermometer is useful for measuring temperature when other probe-type sensors cannot be used or do not produce accurate data for a variety of reasons. It is important to note that the laser spot indicates the target area. However, the measurement is not confined to this spot. All digital infrared thermometers have a distance-to-target (D/T) or distance-to-spot (D/S) ratio. This measurement tells you the diameter of the “circle” or spot size of the surface area an IR thermometer will measure at a given distance and will be listed on the instrument itself or included in the manufacturer’s instructions. For example, a D/T ratio of 8 to 1 would measure a 1-inch spot at a distance of 8 inches. Standards The following standards describe the selection and/or use of Digital Infrared Thermometers: ASTM D3276 Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates) ASTM E2847 Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy Verification of Wideband Infrared Thermometers ASTM WK21204 Guide for the Selection and Use of Wide Band, Low Temperature Infrared Thermometers Note that additional standards may also be available for your region. 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Method of Operation To measure surface temperature with an IR thermometer: 1. Turn the thermometer on and check the settings, including the unit of measurement Some thermometers only take individual readings, whereas others will continuously record the temperature as it is moved across the surface 2. Point the thermometer at the target surface area, using the laser pointed as a guide (if applicable) 3. Pull the trigger or press the measure key/button to take a reading 4. Read the surface temperature from the display located on the back of the thermometer above the handle Note that if continuous readings are required, on some models of IR thermometers, the trigger or measure key is held, and on others, it will need to be re-triggered for each measurement. Mentor Tip The displayed reading is the average temperature of the whole area within the spot size. Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Use the laser sight to help target the exact location to be measured (when included) Some IR thermometers require time to stabilize to the ambient temperature before use Know the maximum distance the thermometer can be held from the surface before errors can occur – Check the manufacturer’s instructions for the maximum distance-to-target/spot ratio Other factors to be aware of when using IR thermometers include: IR thermometers will factor in the surface temp of whatever surfaces are visible within the “circle” – Stand close enough to the target surface to keep unintended background elements safely out of the “circle” The further away the thermometer is held, the greater the margin of error The infrared laser cannot read through transparent surfaces such as glass 6 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions They do not measure reflective surfaces accurately, such as stainless steel, some blasted surfaces or aluminum – Shiny or reflective surfaces can be difficult to measure with an infrared thermometer, as they tend to reflect ambient infrared energy instead of their own. – A piece of electrical tape can be placed on a reflective surface to improve accuracy. – Allow the tape to acclimate to the surface’s temperature before taking a measurement. Steam, dust, smoke, and/or vapors can prevent accurate readings by obstructing the unit’s optics Eye protection may be required to protect the operator from harm Calibration Inspectors should question noticeably high or low readings. Previously dropped or damaged instruments may give inaccurate readings. Inspectors can set an accuracy benchmark by taking spot measurements around the target area. This helps identify if a reading is inaccurate, or outside the specified range. Having other instruments on hand can also help determine which readings are either extremely high or extremely low. Inspectors should never attempt to calibrate IR thermometers. Instead, they should be calibrated each year by the manufacturer or a 3rd party laboratory to ensure the most accurate results. 18.3 Air Temperature, Humidity, & Dew Point Measuring Air Temperature, Humidity, and Dew Point Like surface temperature, high and low air temperatures alone can adversely impact the coating application process. Nonetheless, air temperature is commonly measured alongside relative humidity as both conditions must be measured to calculate the dew point. Identifying the dew point is important as moisture formation can negatively impact the coating installation process by triggering the formation of flash rusting during abrasive blast operations and by preventing solvent from evaporating from the coating film leading to defects. There are two primary methods that inspectors use to measure air temperature, relative humidity and dew point. The first is to use a sling psychrometer or whirling hygrometer and then reference a psychrometric table, calculator or app, and the second is to use a digital dew point meter. 7 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Sling Psychrometer Overview Sling psychrometers and whirling hygrometers are configured a little differently, but both perform the same role and operate in a similar fashion. Sling psychrometers and whirling hygrometers both contain two thermometers. The first thermometer, called a “dry-bulb,” measures the ambient air temperature. The second thermometer contains a woven cotton filament or wick, which is wetted prior to use -- hence the name “wetbulb.” The “wet-bulb temperature” represents the heat loss from the evaporation of water in the wick. The faster the water evaporates, the more cooling occurs, resulting in lower wet-bulb temperature. Once the dry- and wet-bulb temperatures have been established, both the relative humidity and the dew point can be calculated, first by calculating the wet-bulb depression. Then by using both the wet-bulb depressions and the dry-bulb temperatures with a psychrometric table, calculator, or a mobile application. While sling psychrometers are less efficient than their digital counterparts, they are intrinsically safe and can be used in confined spaces or other environments in which electronic equipment is not suitable. Standards The following standard describes the selection and/or use of Psychrometers: ASTM E337 Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (the Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Temperatures) – This method details how to determine the humidity of atmospheric air by means of wet- and dry-bulb temperature readings and incorporates the use of the sling psychrometer. The methods described are applicable within an ambient temperature range of 0-50°C (32-122°F), wet-bulb temperatures not lower than 1°C (33.8°F) and restricted to ambient pressures not differing from standard atmospheric pressure by more than 3%. Note that additional standards may also be available for your region. 8 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Method of Operation 1. Saturate the wick with clean water 2. With the fin of the hygrometer facing in the direction you are going to whirl the instrument, whirl at a moderate speed (2-3 revolutions per second) for 20 to 40 seconds 3. Read the wet-bulb temperature The wet-bulb temperature will begin to change when the air movement from whirling, stops 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the wet-bulb temperature stabilizes 5. Record the temperature from the wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometer 6. Calculate the wet-bulb depression by subtracting the wet-bulb temperature from the dry-bulb temperature 7. Determine relative humidity and dew point by referencing a psychrometric table or a dew point calculator To use a psychrometric table: – Locate the dry-bulb temperature in the vertical column – Locate the wet-bulb depression value in the horizontal column – Locate where the two temperatures intersect – Record the relative humidity or dew-point temperature – Depending on the table being used, some will list one condition and others will list both 8. Record the relative humidity and dew point temperature Important Both relative humidity and dew point temperature may vary with barometric pressure. The differences are generally small, and although many tables (calculated at different pressures) are provided in a typical book of tables, it is reasonably accurate to use tables based on a barometric pressure equivalent to 30 inches of mercury. For absolute accuracy, determine the actual barometric pressure and use the appropriate table to determine relative humidity and dew point temperature. 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Usage Tips & Common Errors Usage Tips To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Whirl the psychrometer as close to the work area as possible Face the wind and step back and forth a few steps when whirling – This will prevent your body from adversely affecting readings Verify that the wet-bulb temperature is lower than the dry-bulb temperature – If both thermometers are displaying the same temperature, then the wick has not been wetted sufficiently Do not use when the temperature is near or below the freezing point – The psychrometer will not provide a reliable reading Common Errors If you are experiencing some issues with getting an accurate reading, here are some common errors to look out for: Check to see if the wick is firmly placed over the end of the thermometer before whirling Not whirling the psychrometer long enough to reach equilibrium (stabilize) Failure to thoroughly wet the wick Holding the psychrometer too close to the body Taking too long to read the thermometers Misreading the thermometers, psychrometric charts, or calculators Touching the bulb ends with your hands while reading the measurements Facing away from the breeze Gently slinging the psychrometer – The necessary RPM will not be reached Mentor Tip Read the thermometers very carefully. Slight differences in the temperature readings can cause significant differences in the calculated dew point temperature. Calibration To help ensure that the sling psychrometer provides accurate readings, the inspector should check that both thermometers are providing the same readings by: 1. Removing the two thermometers 2. Placing them in a cup of room temperature water for 3-4 minutes 10 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions 3. Removing the thermometers 4. Compare the thermometers reading to verify they match The two thermometers should have identical readings. If the readings are not identical, replace the thermometers. The sling psychrometer must have two thermometers that tread the same in a like temperature environment. Determining the Delta T (TΔ) In addition to verifying that each of the individual environmental conditions are within the specified range, the inspector also needs to continuously monitor the temperature difference between the surface temperature and dew point temperature, which is referred to as the Delta T value. Dew point is the temperature at which atmospheric air becomes saturated with water, and there is a risk of moisture forming on the substrate. On most projects, the specification will require that the surface temperature is at least 3°C or 5°F above the dew point. The are several methods that can be used to determine if there is a minimum 3°C (5°F) temperature gap. For example, you could use a Surface Thermometer and Sling Psychrometer, which involves: 1. Measuring the dry-bulb (air temperature) and wet-bulb temperature using a sling psychrometer. 2. Using a psychrometric table/calculator/mobile app to calculate the dew point temperature. When using a psychrometric table, calculate the wet-bulb depression first 3. Measuring the surface temperature using a contact thermometer or an IR thermometer. 4. Subtracting the Dew point Temperature from the Surface Temperature. Verify that there is at least 3°C (5°F) difference Environmental Conditions Time Time Time Time Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Air Temperature Wet Bulb Temperature Relative Humidity Surface Temperature Dew Point Surface temp ≥ 3°C (5°F) Wind Speed A quicker and simpler method involves the use of a digital dew point meter. 11 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Digital Dew Point Meter Overview A digital dew point meter is a multi-purpose instrument that measures relative humidity and air temperature and then calculates the dew point temperature. Most units can also measure surface temperature. It is important to highlight that digital hygrometers possess fewer capabilities than digital dew point meters. Digital hygrometers can measure relative humidity and air temperature, but they cannot calculate the dew point. Digital dew point meters have a range of advantages over their manual counterparts. They: Can calculate the spread between the dew point and surface temperatures Can provide automatic data collection Store, transmit, and automatically graph data (some models) Can be programmed to alarm if conditions are outside of the specified parameters Can be used as remote data logging monitors Standards The following standard describes the use of Hygrometers (digital dew point meters): ASTM D4230 Standard Test Method of Measuring Humidity with Cooled-Surface Condensation (Dew Point) Hygrometer Note that additional standards may also be available for your region. Method of Operation 1. Open the sensor’s protective shutter and press the “on” button 2. Expose sensor to the environment and then touch to the surface to measure the surface temperature 3. Wait 30 seconds to a minute for the device to stabilize After stabilizing, the air temperature and relative humidity are displayed. Temperature readings are displayed in either Celsius or Fahrenheit. Users may switch between the two as needed when readings are taken. 12 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions 4. Press the “hold” button once to freeze the displayed readings and stop taking measurements. To continue taking readings, press the “Hold” button again. 5. Read and record the results A significant advantage of digital dew point instruments is the ability to store readings in memory and transfer them to other devices. Press the “record” button to save a dataset into memory. Important Inspectors should familiarize themselves with the process of storing and transferring the recorded readings as it can very between models. Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Allow the meter to acclimate prior to use and when moving between starkly different environments Keep fingers away from the sensors – Otherwise, the airflow may be obstructed, or body heat may be added, both of which can cause inaccurate readings Lift the meter between surface temperature readings instead of dragging Use light contact between the meter and surface Keep the sensors clean, dry, and free of other contaminants Allow readings to stabilize Calibration Inspectors should routinely question readings when highs and lows are outside known parameters. However, it is important to keep in mind that there can be a significant difference between the local weather and jobsite conditions. Most inaccurate readings occur when the instrument has not been given sufficient time to adjust to the climate, i.e., moving from an office environment to a cold exterior setting. Erroneous readings are likely due to calibration or equipment malfunction and should be flagged for re-calibration. Dew point meters typically arrive from the manufacturer already calibrated, at a level of quality that meets the National Calibration Standard. If they need to be calibrated while in the inspector’s care, this calibration must be performed by an independent lab or by the manufacturer. 13 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Logging Some digital dew point meters can be used as remote data logging monitors in addition to working as a hand-held meter. In other words, they are capable of independently performing and recording measurements. These meters can be placed in a carefully selected location on the jobsite and will then automatically measure the environmental conditions at the selected time interval. Most meters have integrated magnets that allow them to be attached directly to the asset being coated. If conditions move outside the selected ranges (e.g., 15°C – 32°C), the meter will alert the inspector through a visual or auditory alarm. These devices also store the readings, which can then be sent to third-party devices through Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or direct access and attached to Daily Reports. These digital dew point meters are ideal for providing evidence that environmental conditions remained within the specified limits throughout the entire project. Important It is important to note that conditions can vary around a jobsite, and measurements should be taken where actual work is being performed. 18.4 Wind Speed Measuring Wind Speed Wind speed is the measure of the natural motion of air moving past a certain point. High winds can have a range of adverse impacts on the coating application process. High winds can cause dry spray, blow dust and debris into the coating film, and accelerate curing, causing incorrect film formation. Inspectors commonly measure wind speed with the use of an anemometer, sometimes referred to as a wind meter. There are two different types of anemometers that are commonly used: fan type wind meters and hot-wire wind meters. 14 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Wind Meter (Anemometer) Overview An anemometer, otherwise known as a wind speed meter, is an instrument utilized to measure wind speeds. Wind speeds are commonly measured to determine if conditions are appropriate for coating application. Fan-type wind speed meters measure wind speed by monitoring the rate that the fan spins when the wind moves through the instrument. Both analog and digital versions are available. Analog wind meters are less expensive than digital wind meters but are typically more difficult to use. Hot Wire Wind Meter Some wind meters use ‘hot-wire’ technology instead of a fan to measure wind speed. As the name indicates, hot-wire wind meters contain a thin heated wire. These meters determine the wind speed by measuring the amount of heat lost from the heated wire. The more heat that is lost, the higher the wind speed. Method of Operation (Fan) To measure wind speed with a fan-type wind meter: 1. Remove the protective cover and turn the meter on (when required) 2. Position the meter so the opening faces the wind and the display is visible 3. Hold the instrument at arm’s length so the air flows without obstruction from your body 4. Read and record the results Method of Operation (Hot-wire) To measure wind speed with a hot-wire wind meter: 1. Turn on the meter and select the suitable measurement mode 2. Open the protective cover, so the sensor is exposed 3. Position the meter so the opening faces the wind and the display is visible 4. Hold the instrument at arm’s length so that the air flows through without obstruction 5. Read the results on the display 15 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Face the wind when using the instrument – If the inspector is not facing the wind, the reading won’t be accurate Hold the instrument away from the body as it can act as a windshield Avoid using fan type wind meters when the wind is too strong – Take care to protect the wire (hot-wire only) – This will wear out the roller bearing Store the instrument in the protective sheath when not in use Select the correct unit of measurement: – Miles per hour (mph) – Feet per second (ft/s) – Kilometers per hour (kph) – Meters per second (m/s) Calibration Inspectors should always question the reading if it does not appear to be the actual wind speed. It is helpful to check the local weather forecast for the day as this provides benchmark ranges for the day. As with all things in industrial coating operations, a little common sense will go far. If you can feel a breeze, but the meter is not registering a wind speed, there is probably something wrong with the instrument, and it should be checked. 16 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Knowledge Checks Answer the following questions. Answers can be found in the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. The contractor’s sling psychrometer gives a different reading than your digital dew point meter. What would you do first as an inspector? A. Verify calibration of both instruments B. Accept the digital dew point meter reading C. Shut down the work D. Accept the sling psychrometer reading 2. Where should surface temperature readings be taken? (Select all that apply) A. Only in direct sunlight B. Only in the shade C. At the actual work location D. At areas that are likely to be hotter or colder than the normal E. On areas of the structure that are exposed to high wind 3. What is the temperature at which moisture condenses on a surface called? A. Relative humidity B. Dew point C. Delta T (temperature) D. Surface Temperature E. Air Temperature 17 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Self-Study Review Answer the following questions for additional practice. To check your responses, refer to the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. What are some common errors when using a digital dew point meter? 2. Which of the following would be appropriate to add to a sling psychrometer? A. Red spirit B. Seawater C. Distilled water D. Mercury 3. List the steps to determine the relative humidity and dew point using the sling psychrometer: 18 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection 19.1 Introduction Learning Objectives By the end of Chapter 19, students should be able to: 1. Accurately collect and measure soluble salts using different collections and test methods. Non-Visible Contaminants Chlorides are usually the primary focus of soluble salt testing, but select projects will also require the inspector to test for sulfates, nitrates, and ferrous ions. The detection and removal of these soluble salts are important as they can accelerate the corrosion and cause the coating film to break down through blistering and disbondment. The inspector typically tests for soluble salts prior to the core surface preparation activities of power tool cleaning and abrasive blasting. Although it can also be performed after the surface preparation operations are complete, but before the primer is applied. Testing at this later stage is undertaken to determine if soluble salts were introduced to the surface during the surface preparation process. The inspector must know the specification’s requirements prior to carrying out soluble salt testing. The specification should prescribe which test method to employ, the number of measurements that should be taken, the location of the measurements, specific salts to be tested for on the surface (determined by the test method), the units of measurement to use, and the remedial action (when required). Further, as there is no “industry standard” for tolerable levels of chemical contaminants, the project specification must indicate the maximum concentration of soluble salts that can remain on the surface and be safely coated over. For example, "Surfaces shall be tested for soluble salts prior to commencement of surface preparation." Chloride levels shall be 10 μg/cm² or less, as determined using the “Chlor-Test” method A for chlorides. At least 3 tests shall be performed in each area of 10 m2 (100 ft2). If any single test result is greater than 10 μg/ cm², the area shall be water-washed and reblasted. It shall then be retested prior to coatings application, and the same limits shall apply.” 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Test Methods Testing for soluble salts focuses on either verifying that the concentration of soluble salts is below the permissible limit or simply detecting if they are present. There are a range of different test methods and corresponding instruments available to perform soluble salt testing. 1. Collecting the Sample To test for the presence or concentration of soluble salts, a sample needs to be collected from the surface. Soluble salts are susceptible to being dissolved in liquids, especially water. As a result, if a liquid is applied to the surface and soluble salts are present, they should dissolve into the liquid. This liquid can then be extracted, and a sample obtained. The challenge for an inspector is then controlling this collection process. Two different test methods are commonly used to collect this sample, including: 1. Disposable, adhesive latex patch or a reusable, flexible patch with magnetic ring 2. Disposable, adhesive latex sleeve Mentor Tip Salt tests are extremely sensitive, and as such, clean latex or nitrile gloves should be worn during the collection of salts to prevent contamination of the surface 2. Analyzing or Testing the Sample Once a sample has been collected from the surface, it then needs to be tested and analyzed for the presence of soluble salts and/or their concentration. There are a number of test methods that are commonly used in the field, including: 1. Kitagawa® Chloride Titrator Tube 2. Bresle® Kit Drop Titration for Chloride 3. Conductivity Meters There are also three test methods that combine the collection and analysis process, they are: 1. Potassium Ferricyanide Test Tests for ferrous ion salts 2. Salt Contamination Meters 2 Tests for the concentration of salts Referred to as the Saturated Special Filter Paper With Concentric Ring Conductivity Meter by SSPC Technology Guide 15 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection 3. CSN Test kits Tests for the presence of chloride, sulfates, and nitrates using a range of different test methods Test Principles The testing of the collected sample occurs through two different principles. The first principle is that soluble salts are conductive, and the second principle is that soluble salts can be reactive. Conductive Water-soluble salts increase the electrical conductivity of demineralized or deionized water. For example, saltwater will conduct electricity better than distilled water. Therefore, if an inspector samples the surface with demineralized water and then tests the water sample, an increase in electrical conductivity indicates that the water has extracted salts from the surface. The exact conductivity can then be recorded and further used to calculate the concentration of salts on the surface. It is important to highlight that conductivity testing will not be able to tell the inspector what type of salt is on the surface, only that there is some type of water-soluble salt that is causing the electrical conductivity of the water to increase. Reactive (Specific Ion Detection) There are a range of test methods that can identify whether a specific type of water-soluble salt is on the substrate. Specific salts are detected by triggering a visible chemical reaction. How the reaction is triggered depends on if the inspector is testing for chlorides, nitrates, or sulfates. As an example, silver chromate can be used to measure chloride concentration. When the silver chromate inside a titration tube encounters the chloride salts within a collected sample, it will react and form silver chloride. This reaction is visible within the titrator tube as the material changes from pink to white as the silver chloride forms. If no chloride ions are present, then no color change will occur. Depending on the test method, the amount of color change that occurs can be measured and used to determine the concentration of soluble salts. Mentor Tip Sodium chloride (NaCl), commonly known as table salt, is typically the focus when testing for soluble salt contamination. As the proportion of NaCl to total atmospheric salts is relatively consistent in the environment, both the methods described above can provide an indication of the amount of contamination with corrosion potential on the substrate. 19.2 Test Instruments Test Methods for Collecting and Analyzing Soluble Salts As discussed, there are a range of test methods that can be employed to collect a sample from the substrate and then analyze it for the presence of soluble salts. This chapter focuses on the six methods commonly performed in the field. Depending on the project and the region the project is being carried out in, other methods may also be specified. In this section, the Bresle Patch Method is paired with the Conductivity Meter. 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Bresle Patch: Overview A Bresle Patch is used to collect a sample from the substrate that can then be tested for the presence of soluble salts and their concentration. This test involves the use of either a disposable, adhesive latex or polyurethane cell or a reusable magnetic patch. These cells/patches can adhere to the surface in almost any position, including vertical, horizontal, and uneven surfaces. When performing the Bresle Patch Test, the latex cell is applied to the test area, and then a specified volume of deionized water or another approved solution is injected into the space between the patch and the substrate. If soluble salts are present on the surface, they will dissolve in the solution. This solution is then extracted using a syringe, and its contents are tested to determine if soluble salts are present and their concentration. How the sample is tested will be discussed later in this chapter. Standards The following standards describe the Bresle Test Method ISO 8502 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products – Tests for the Assessment of Surface Cleanliness. – Part 6: Extraction of Soluble Contaminants for Analysis – The Bresle Method. SSPC Guide 15, Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts. – Method A1: Patch Cell Retrieval Method. Additional standards may be available for your region. Method of Operation The following information is a general description of how to collect a sample from the substrate using a Bresle Patch. Always refer to the project’s specification, referenced standard, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. 4 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Step One: Prepare the test site Prior to testing, the inspector must verify that the substrate is dry and that there is no loose material on the surface area. If the surface is not properly prepared, then the cell’s frame will not fully adhere to the surface, and later in the process, the added solution may leak. Note that a stiff nylon bristle brush can be used to remove any dust or abrasive particles from the selected test area. Step Two: Prepare the extraction fluid Fill a syringe with 3 ml of deionized water. Draw the water into the syringe, making sure to draw in more than is needed. Next, hold the syringe upright, tap the syringe, and then discard the excess liquid by slowly depressing the syringe plunger until the desired quantity is obtained (e.g., 3 ml). This procedure will remove any trapped air from within the syringe. Record the actual volume of sampling liquid to be used. Note that while the volume of liquid is typically 3 mls, the amount required will be specific to the manufacturer as it correlates with the sampling area within the patch. Note that it is vital that the extraction fluid that is injected into the Bresle patch is free from soluble salts. Otherwise, measurements and subsequent readings will be inaccurate. The common types of extraction liquids that used are the specialized extraction fluid supplied by the manufacturer or deionized, distilled, or demineralized water. Important If a conductivity meter will be used to analyze the collected sample, then it is good practice to obtain a blank/base conductivity measurement. This process involves placing the extraction fluid into the meter prior to injecting it into the patch. The inspector then records the readings and returns the liquid to the syringe. Step Three: Adhere the Bresle Patch to the test area To tightly adhere the latex patch to the test area: 1. Peel off the label from the adhesive side of the Bresle Patch and discard it. This will expose the adhesive. 2. Carefully press the center of the non-adhesive side of the cell to “punch-out” the foam square (or circle in the case of the BresleSampler®) to create a “void” area. This foam square can also be discarded. 3. Attach the Bresle Patch to the test surface (adhesive side down). 4. Press firmly around the foam border of the Bresle Patch to ensure there is a good seal on all sides. To tightly adhere the reusable patch (e.g., PosiPatch) to the test area: 1. Turn the patch and magnetic ring upside down. 2. Place the patch into the magnetic ring, ensuring the arrows align with the injection port. 3. Carefully place the magnetic ring on the steel surface. When used on vertical surfaces, position the port between the 2 o’clock and 10 o’clock points before attaching the ring to the surface. 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Step Four: Evacuate the air from the Bresle Patch Insert the needle of an empty 5 ml syringe into the cell through the spongy foam perimeter. The needle should be visible through the semi-translucent top but should not pierce it. Holding the syringe at a 30° angle can help to position the syringe correctly. Next, pull back the syringe’s plunger to remove the air from inside the cell. Removing the air will help to prevent over-pressurization of the cell during the sample collection. As the air is being removed, a vacuum may be created within the cell. A vacuum is visible by the top of the cell being sucked in towards the test surface. Depending on the quality of the seal around the foam border, this vacuum may or may not hold. It is okay if the cell does not maintain a vacuum. Next, carefully remove the syringe needle from the cell by sliding it back through the foam perimeter. Once the syringe’s needle is free, push the syringe’s plunger to release the air. Note that when using reusable patches like DeFelsko’s PosiPatch, air is automatically removed through the air-permeable membrane. Step Five: Inject the fluid and agitate the sample Carefully slide the syringe needle through the foam border until it is visible through the semitranslucent top. Next, slowly inject the fluid from the syringe into the cell and then carefully slide the needle back into the foam border. Do not remove the needle from the cell; it should be left in the spongy perimeter. Next, gently massage the face of the cell using moderate pressure for 15 - 20 seconds or for the time specified. This “agitates” the fluid inside the cell and helps to extract the soluble salt contaminants. Note that reusable patches have a designated injection port. If using PosiPatch, inject all of the water into the cell. Step Six: A Collect the sample Slide the syringe needle back into the cell and then draw out most of the solution. Slowly inject the solution back into the cell and agitate it again. Repeat this procedure a minimum of 4 times (per ISO 8502-6). After the final time, evacuate as much of the fluid from the Bresle Patch as possible using the syringe. Completely remove the syringe needle from the cell by sliding the needle back through the foam border. Next, empty the contents of the syringe into a small plastic beaker, container, or vial. Alternatively, if a conductivity meter is used to test the sample, it can be transferred straight from the syringe to the meter’s test cell. If additional samples are going to be collected, the inspector must thoroughly flush the syringe and needle with distilled or deionized water and have a separate container ready. Otherwise, the samples can be cross-contaminated. Step Seven: Test the sample The collected sample can now be tested for the presence of soluble salts and their concentration using a conductivity meter. This process will be discussed later in this chapter. 6 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: To prevent contamination, always extract measurement liquid directly from the deionized/ demineralized water container or the bottle of solution provided by the instrument manufacturer – Also, never reinsert the used needle back into deionized water or manufacturer's solution to avoid contamination Never insert the needle into the transparent portion of the patch or the bottom of the patch – This will cause the liquid solution to leak at both locations. Check that the cell has properly adhered to all four sides of the patch. Avoid contamination of the collected sample by: – Rinsing all materials in clean distilled water prior to performing the test. – Never discard liquid back into the container when refilling the syringe. – NEVER touch any part that contacts the test water with your bare hands; wear gloves instead! Check the units of measurement on both the syringes and extraction fluid. – Items from different test kits are sometimes thrown together in the field, resulting in mixed units. Handle syringes with care. – Syringes are sharp, and care should be taken to avoid puncture wounds, especially with aerated contents. Calibration Latex and polyurethane Patches are single-use items. Conductivity Meter: Overview A conductivity meter sometimes referred to as a conductivity probe, is an instrument that allows the inspector to test a collected sample for the presence of salt contamination (non-salt specific). Conductivity meters are lightweight, hand-held devices and are produced by a range of manufacturers. When in use, a few drops of the collected sample are dropped into the test cell or sensor of the device, which will then measure its conductivity. Alternatively, some models of conductivity meters can also be immersed within the sample. The more conductive the solution is, the higher the concentration of soluble salts. Some conductivity meters will also automatically convert conductivity readings to display the surface density of soluble salts (mg/m2 or µg/cm2), negating the need for the inspector to perform a manual calculation when specified. 7 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Standards The following standards describe the use of conductivity meters: ISO 8502 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products – Tests for the Assessment of Surface Cleanliness – Part 9: Field Method for the Conductometric Determination of Water-soluble Salts SSPC Guide 15, Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts – Method 5.2: Field Measurement of Conductivity Additional standards may be available for your region. Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to test a collected sample using a conductivity meter. Refer to the project’s specification, referenced standards, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. Step One: Turn on the meter and verify the settings Turn on the conductivity meter by holding the power buttons for several seconds. The power button is typically located near the digital display. Next, verify that the settings are correct, paying particular attention to the units of measurement (e.g., μS/cm or mS/m) and the measurement mode if more than one is available. For the more sophisticated conductivity meters, the batch number, storage mode, and paired devices can also be verified. Step Two: Verify the accuracy of the meter Select the calibration option on the meter and remove the sensor’s protective cap/cover. On some meters, there is a designated calibration button, and on others, it will be located within the menu. Once selected, “CAL” will typically appear on the display. Next, fill the test cell with the manufacturer’s provided calibration standard, taking care to avoid the formation of bubbles. A calibration standard is a solution with a known conductivity, for example, 1413 µS/cm. Close the protective cover (if present) and press and hold the calibration button. After the calibration is complete, a reading will appear on the display. The reading should be within the tolerance of the calibration standard tested. Finally, rinse the sensor with deionized water. Note that this process is sometimes performed with deionized water to generate a blank conductivity measurement. Select gauges also need to be “zeroed” using deionized water prior to use. Consult the manufacturer's instructions regarding the necessity to zero the gauge Step Three: Measure the conductivity of the sample Switch from calibration mode to measurement mode. On some meters, there is a designated measurement button, and on others, the option can be located within the menu. Next, measure the sample through the drop sampling method or the immersion method. 8 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Drop Sampling When using the drop sampling method, use a syringe or pipette to transfer the collected sample into the test cell. Take care to avoid bubbles forming as they can trigger inaccurate readings. Next, close the protective cover (if present) and wait for the reading to appear on the display and stabilize. It can take up to 5 seconds for the sample to stabilize. Note that if the sample was collected using the Bresle Patch method, the syringe that was used to remove the sample from the cell can be used to transfer it straight to the conductivity meter. Immersion When using the immersion sampling method, immerse the sensor within the collected sample and stir gently 2 to 3 times. Take care to avoid spilling any of the samples and to avoid immersing the meter past the maximum immersion level line marked on the body of the sensor. Next, wait for the reading to appear on the display and stabilize. Again, it can take up to 5 seconds to stabilize. Then place the conductivity meter on a flat, horizontal surface. Note that not all conductivity meters can be immersed, and that this method requires a larger sample to be collected. Step Four: Hold and record the results Press the hold button (often symbolized by “+”) to retain the readings on the display until they can be recorded. The reading should display both the conductivity of the solution and the temperature of the solution. Some meters will also automatically calculate the surface density of soluble salts. Once the reading has been recorded, verify that it is in conformance with the specification. If the concentration of soluble salts is above the specified limit, then the deviation should be reported, and remediation tasks will need to be performed per the specification’s requirements (E.g., pressure washing the area). When the inspector has finished performing the measurements, the conductivity meter should be turned off, rinsed with deionized water, and the sensor cap replaced. The inspector should always review the manufacturer’s user manual when working with new instruments. Each instrument can display readings differently, including the symbols they use. In this example: t = Test duration T2 = Sample temperature Δy= The change in conductivity. The initial background measurement (γ1) is automatically subtracted from the final measurement (γ2). Sample Temperature Density of Soluble Salts Test Duration Change in Conductivity ρA =The surface density of soluble salt expressed as sodium chloride 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Rinse all materials in clean distilled water to ensure they are not contaminated. Never touch any equipment with their bare hands that will come in direct contact with the collected sample. – Salt from the skin can cause reading errors. Ensure the battery is sufficiently charged or replace depleted batteries Be aware that some gauges can only operate within certain temperature ranges Check that salt concentrations are not outside the meters operating parameters – A meter with a resolution of 0.1 μS/cm in the range of 0-200 μS/cm is required. Calibration All conductivity meters should come with a Certificate of Calibration. Once in service, conductivity meters are typically re-calibrated every 12 months by either the manufacturer or an authorized lab. Verification of accuracy can also be performed by the inspector, per the manufacturer’s instructions. Latex Sleeve & Titrator Tube In this section, the Latex Sleeve is paired with the Titrator Tube. Manufacturers typically sell this collection and testing method together as a complete kit for ease of use in the field. Latex Sleeve: Overview The latex sleeve is employed to collect a sample from the substrate that can then be tested for the presence of soluble salts and their concentration. Latex sleeves are designed to be used on vertical, horizontal, and overhead surfaces. When performing the latex sleeve test, the specialized solution is poured into the sleeve, and then it is adhered to the substrate. Next, the sleeve is held up and agitated for a specified duration. If soluble salts are present on the surface, they will then dissolve in the solution. The sleeve is then removed and placed in a special holder. The contents of the sleeve can then be tested to determine if soluble salts are present and their concentration. How the sample is tested will be discussed later in this chapter. 10 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Standards The following standard describes how to extract a sample from the surface using the sleeve method: SSPC Guide 15, Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts – Method A2: Sleeve Retrieval Method Additional standards may be available for your region. Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to collect a sample from the substrate using the latex sleeve method. Always refer to the project’s specification, any referenced standards, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. Step One: Identify the test site and verify that it is properly prepared Prior to performing the test, the inspector should also verify that the substrate is dry and that there is no loose material present. If the surface is not properly prepared, then the sleeve may not adhere correctly and can fail or allow surrounding contaminants to enter the sleeve. Step Two: Prepare the latex sleeve Next, remove the cap of the pre-measured extraction solution and pour the entire contents into the sleeve. Peel the pressure-sensitive, protective backing from the latex sleeve to expose the adhesive. Then, remove the air from the latex sleeve by squeezing it between fingers and thumb. Care should be taken to avoid spilling any of the solution while evacuating the air from the latex sleeve. Step Three: Adhere the sleeve and agitate the solution Adhere the latex sleeve to the surface by attaching the adhesive end of the latex sleeve to the test area. Press firmly around the perimeter of the contact area to ensure there is a good seal between the surface and the sleeve. Next, with one hand, lift and hold the free end of the latex sleeve upright so that the extraction solution comes into contact with the test surface. On the other hand, use your fingers to massage the solution (through the latex sleeve) for at least 2 minutes. This helps to extract the soluble salts from the surface into the solution. Extending the massage time up to 6 minutes will result in increased extraction efficiency if allowed by the specification or the applicable standard. Step Four: Collect the sample Position the latex sleeve so that the extraction solution returns to the bottom. For overhead or vertical surfaces, gravity will put it there. For horizontal surfaces, the inspector will need to slide their fingers along the outside of the latex sleeve and push all of the solution into the closed end of the sleeve before removing it from the surface. Next, carefully peel the latex sleeve from the test surface and place it in the designated holder (typically a hole in the lid of the kit), with the open end of the sleeve facing up. 11 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Step Five: Test the sample The collected sample can now be tested for the presence of soluble salts and their concentration by inserting the titration tube into the sleeve. This process will be discussed later in this chapter. Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Carefully consider the testing environment – Is debris or foreign material likely to fall into the sample at your chosen location? Take care while evacuating the air from the latex sleeve to avoid spilling the solution. Lift the sleeve at the right angle so that the solution is in contact with the substrate. Be aware that on a horizontal surface, the solution will pool at the opening. – Twist the sleeve prior to removal to help ensure that all the solution is collected. Verify that all the edges are sealed so when the sleeve is lifted, some of the solution leaks out. – Note that the adhesive sleeve may not adhere as well to rusted surfaces. Usage Calibration Calibration is not required as latex sleeves are a single-use item. However, it should be noted that the quality of the sleeves can vary between manufacturers. Titration Tubes: Overview A titration tube sometimes referred to as a detector tube, is an instrument that allows an inspector to test a collected sample for the presence of chlorides and their concentration. This test method involves breaking off the ends of the titration tube and then placing it into the collected solution. The solution will then rise up through the reagent within the tube via capillary action. If chloride ions are present in the solution, they will react with the silver chromate (reagent) within the tube and create silver chloride. This chemical reaction is then displayed as a color change within the tube. A coating inspector can then identify the concentration in parts per million (ppm) based on how much of the material changes color. Note, there is a separate titration tube that can be used to detect sulfates. 12 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Standards The following standards describe the use of titration tubes. SSPC Guide 15, Field Methods for Extraction and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous Substrates – Method 5.4: Field Detection of Chloride Ion by Ion Detection Tube Additional standards may be available for your region. Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to analyze a collected sample using chloride titration tubes. Refer to the project’s specification, referenced standards, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. Step One: Prepare the titration tube Using the metal tube snapper, break off both ends of the titration tube. Both ends of the tube should be “open.” Take care to avoid touching either end of the tubes, as this can contaminate the instrument. Note that the ends of the tube will be very sharp, so care is required to avoid injury. Step Two: Place the tube into the sample Locate the bottom of the tube as indicated by the arrow and smallest numbers. Place the “open” titration tube into the latex sleeve (or another collected sample) bottom down. Note that the arrow indicates the direction that the solution will flow through the tube (upwards). Next, allow the tube to remain in the solution for at least 90 seconds or until the capillary motion has pulled the sample solution to the top of the tube. The cotton filaments at the top of the titration tube will turn from white to amber color when the sample has reached the top. Disregard any yellow coloring inside the tube during the test. If the sample does not begin to travel up the titration tube within 30 seconds, an aspirator bulb can be used to assist the movement of the sample. Step Three: Examine the color change within the tube Remove the titration tube from the latex sleeve as soon as the cotton filaments at the top of the tube turn from white to amber. Next, read the value on the tube by locating where the pink and white-colored material interfaces. The pink coloration inside the tube is normal, while the white coloration indicates the presence of chloride. As a result, the value at the pink/white color interface represents the amount of chloride present in the test solution. This value is expressed in parts per million (PPM). If no color change occurs, then the concentration of chloride salt ions within the collected sample is below the detectable level. 13 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Step Four: Calculate the concentration and record the results Latex Sleeve Method 1 ppm = 1 µg/cm2 Swabbing or Bresle Patch Methods {PPM x quantity of water used} ÷ area sampled Most specifications will require the results of soluble salt testing to be expressed in terms of concentration, not PPM. If the Latex Sleeve test was utilized to collect the sample, then no calculations are required as manufacturers have already accounted for this. The volume of test solution within Chlor*Test Sleeve tests (in milliliters) and the size of the test area (in square centimeters) within the Kitagawa titration tubes are designed to cancel each other out. Therefore, the PPM value displayed on the titration tubes also equals the concentration of chloride in µg/cm2. However, if the sample was collected using another method, then the chloride concentration needs to be calculated. Instructions for these calculations can be found below in the Calculating Concentrations section. Finally, the results of the test should be recorded in the specified format, for example, 200 µg/cm2. If no reading appears on the titration tube, then the results should be reported as “non-detectable, less than “X” of chloride.” With “X” being the lowest value on the titration tube, typically 1 to 10 ppm (1 to 10 µg/cm2). Calculating Concentrations The concentration can be calculated based on: 1. The amount of water/solution used to collect the sample 2. The size of the area that was sampled 3. Formulas provided below {PPM x quantity of water used} ÷ area sampled Below are two examples of how to convert from PPM to µg/cm2. 14 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Example using Sampling Method A (surface swabbing): Entry Result PPM (lowest value on titrator tube) <1 ppm chloride Quantity of Water used (from Section 1) 5 ml of water PPM x Quantity of Water Used <1 x 5 = <5 micrograms of chloride Area Tested (from Section 1) 103.2 = <0.05 micrograms/cm2 chloride Micrograms of chloride ÷ Area Tested 5 ÷ 103.2 = <0.05 micrograms/cm2 chloride Therefore, the lowest detection limit is 0.05 micrograms/cm2 (0.05 mg/cm2) when 5 ml of water is used and 103.2 cm2 of the surface is tested. Example using Sampling Method C (Bresle PatchTM): Entry Result PPM (lowest value on titrator tube) <1 ppm chloride Quantity of Water used (from Section 1) 2 ml of water PPM x Quantity of Water Used <1 x 2 = <2 micrograms of chloride Area Tested (from Section 1) 12.25 cm2 of surface Micrograms of chloride ÷ Area Tested 2 ÷ 12.25 = <0.16 micrograms/cm2 chloride Therefore, the lowest detection limit is 0.16 micrograms/cm2 (0.16 mg/cm2) when 2 ml of water is used and 12.25 cm2 of surface is tested. Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Rinse all equipment in clean distilled water to prevent contamination. Never touch any parts of the tube with bare hands that will come in direct contact with the collected sample. Use the provided aspirator bulb to bring the solution into the titration tube (if required). – If the sample does not begin to travel up the tube after 30 seconds. Snap both ends of the tube. Insert the tube into the sample the correct way up. 15 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Note that in many regions, these tubes are considered “sharps." Ensure that the tubes are discarded according to relevant local regulations. Calibration Calibration is not required as titration tubes are a single-use item. Care should, however, be taken to select a titration tube that measures the appropriate range. The tube most commonly used for surface testing of chlorides has a detection range of +0 to 60 ppm. Other ranges include 3 to 200 ppm and 10 to 2000 ppm. CSN Test Kits A Chloride, Sulfate, and Nitrate Kit, commonly known as a CSN Kit, is employed when the inspector is required to measure the concentration of specific salts. While on most coating projects, chlorides are the focus when detecting and measuring soluble salts, there will be select projects where the inspector is required to measure sulfate or nitrate concentrations. Water-soluble sulfates are commonly produced by burning sulfur-containing oil and coal in power plants, while nitrate contamination may come from fertilizers and may be present in rural agricultural areas. Sample Collection CSN kits utilize the Latex Sleeve Method to collect a sample from the surface. The kits contain a pre-measured bottle of Chlor*Test Solution that must be used with the sleeve to maintain the accuracy of subsequent tests. The steps to collect a sample using the latex sleeves will commonly mirror the steps provided earlier in the course. The inspector should, however, review the CSN kit’s instructions as there may be differences. One point of difference is the addition of a filtering process. Once the sample has been collected, the inspector should pour the solution into the auto-vial (filter) with the assistance of a disposable funnel. Next, the inspector should return the solution back into the Chlor*Test Solution bottle by pushing down on the autovial’s plunger. Sample Testing Once the sample has been filtered and returned to the bottle, the CSN kit can be utilized to perform three different tests. Each of these tests is designed to measure a specific salt. Chlorides – To measure chloride concentration, a chloride titration tube is used, as described earlier in this chapter. Sulfates – To measure sulfate concentration: 1. Wipe the Chlor*Test solution bottle to remove any marks or fingerprints 2. Place the bottle inside the colorimeter and close the lid – 16 When required, match the vertical line on the bottle with the line inside the colorimeter © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection 3. Turn the meter on and then hold the ‘zero’ button – Some meters will display 0.00 on the screen when zeroed; others might say BLA (Baseline Adjustment). 4. Remove the bottle and add the barium chloride reagent 5. Place the lid back on the bottle and shake it for the specified time period 6. Wipe the bottle again and place it back inside the colorimeter with the lid closed 7. Press the red button 8. The concentration will be displayed on the screen in PPM Nitrates – To measure nitrate concentration: 1. Remove one nitrate ion test strip from the pack of five 2. Open the protective packaging at the marked end 3. Remove the strip taking care not to touch the test pad at the bottom 4. Dip the strip into the collected solution for 2 seconds (may vary) 5. Remove the strip and wait one minute while the color of the pad changes color 6. Match the color of the pad to the colors on the provided reference chart 7. Identify the reading that sits under the matching color; this is the nitrate concentration in PPM Most CSN Kits contain pre-measured and pre-dosed materials to simplify the testing process. Results of the tests are recorded in parts per million (ppm). These kits are also designed to use a ratio of 1:1 for easy conversation of results to µg/cm² or microsiemens (μS), eliminating the need for complicated calculations. Potassium Ferricyanide & Salt Meters Salt contamination meters and potassium ferricyanide paper are two methods that combine both the collection and analysis process. 17 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Potassium Ferricyanide: Overview The Potassium Ferricyanide test method is employed to collect a sample from the substrate and, at the same time, detect if soluble ferrous iron salts are present. Unlike the other salts discussed in this chapter, ferrous iron salts do not arise from the external environment; they are formed during the corrosion process. This test method is commonly utilized to determine if soluble ferrous salts have formed at the bottom of corrosion pits but can also be used on other areas of the substrate. The Potassium Ferricyanide test involves the application of special indication paper to a substrate that has been misted with distilled water. The paper is then removed and examined. If ferrous soluble salts are present, they will react with the potassium ferricyanide within the paper and form ferric hexacyanoferrate, which turns the paper Prussian blue. This is a qualitative test as it is designed to simply determine if soluble ferrous salts are or are not present; it is not designed to measure their concentration. On an informal level, the amount of blue that appears on the paper can give some indication of the concentration of soluble salts. Standards The following standards describe the Potassium Ferricyanide test method SSPC Guide 15, Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts – Method 5.8: Qualitative Field Detection of Ferrous Ion Additional standards may be available for your region. Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to detect the presence of soluble ferrous salts using the Potassium Ferricyanide method. Refer to the project’s specification, referenced standard, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. Step One: Identify the test site and verify that it is properly prepared Prior to performing the test, the inspector should then verify that the area is clean and dry. Any existing moisture could mix with the deionized water sprayed during the procedure and contaminate it. Dust, dirt, and residual abrasive will also stick to the indication paper and can adversely affect the results. Step Two: Mist the surface of the test area Pour either distilled or deionized water into a clean spray bottle, taking care to avoid contamination. Next, spray a thin film/ fine mist of water onto the test area. 18 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Step Three: Apply the indication paper Put on a clean pair of gloves and remove a piece of indication paper from the packet. When the water on the surface has nearly evaporated, apply the paper to the surface. Hold the paper in place for 10 -15 seconds with a thumb or forefinger to obtain good contact. During this time, any salts on the substrate should be drawn out of the rust pits and surface profile by capillary action and onto the paper, where they will react with the potassium ferricyanide. Step Four: Examine the test paper and report the results Gently remove the indication paper from the surface and then examine the underside. The presence of blue spots or flecks on the paper indicates that soluble ferrous salts are present on that part of the substrate. The results of the test should then be documented, preferably with a photo. On some projects, the inspector will be required to keep the sample paper, which should be placed in a new, clean reusable bag. Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Always keep the indicator paper in a clean and dry location Use the indicator paper within 6 months Take a photo of the results as the paper will deteriorate over time Always wear gloves and inspect the water for signs of contamination Use the correct volume of water – Too little water and the soluble salts may not dissolve – Too much water and the Prussian Blue will spread across the paper Important Inspectors should always wash hands after handling Potassium Ferricyanide paper. Calibration Calibration is not required as potassium ferricyanide paper is a single-use item. 19 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Salt Contamination Meters: Overview Salt contamination meters or soluble salt profilers are employed to both collect a sample from the substrate and to measure the concentration of the soluble salts present. Unlike the potassium ferricyanide test, this method can provide quantitative results. When using a salt contamination meter, water is added to the sample paper, which is then held against the substrate using a magnetic disc. After a specified duration, the sample paper is removed and inserted into the meter. The meter then analyzes the concentration of the salts and produces a reading; typically, in microsiemens per centimeter (μS/cm), milligrams per meter squared (mg/m2), millisiemens per centimeter (mS/cm), micrograms per centimeter squared (μg/cm2) and parts per million (ppm). A distinct advantage of salt contamination meters is that readings can be obtained within two minutes versus a recommended 10 minutes for obtaining the sample via the bresle patch, as recommended in ISO 8502-9 or the latex sleeve method. Depending on the model and manufacturers, some salt contamination meters can also provide date and time-stamped readings, break down a reading into quadrants, and generate salt density maps. Standards The following standards describe the use of salt contamination meters: ISO 8502 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products – Tests for the Assessment of Surface Cleanliness – Part 9: Field Method for the Conductometric Determination of Water-soluble Salts. SSPC Guide 15, Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous Substrates – 4.1.1 Soluble Salt Meter – 4.2.3 Saturated Special Filter Paper with Concentric Ring Conductivity Meter Additional standards may be available for your region. 20 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to collect and analyze the sample using a salt contamination meter. Refer to the project’s specification, any referenced standards, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. Step One: Identify the test site and verify that it is properly prepared Identify the section(s) of the steel surface where the sample will be collected and verify that there is no loosely adherent material present on the prepared surface. Any remaining material will adhere to the sample paper and can adversely affect the analysis of the sample. Next, verify that the temperature is between 5° to 40°C (41° to 104°F) and that the relative humidity is less than 80%. If the ambient conditions are outside this range, readings may have to be adjusted to compensate. Note that some models of soluble salt meters automatically compensate for ambient conditions. Step Two: Prepare the salt contamination meter Inspect the meter for signs of contamination, paying particular attention to the sensor area. If contaminants like oil, grease, or dirt are visible, clean the sensor using the wipes provided by the manufacturer. Next, power-up the meter by pressing the on/off button, which is typically located near the digital display. Then, scroll through the menu options making any required changes. Common items to check are the language settings, units of measurement, batch number, measurement mode, and paired devices. Step Three: Prepare the sample paper Put on a clean pair of disposable gloves and fill the provided syringe with 1.6 milliliters of distilled water. Examine the magnetic disc (If provided) to ensure it is clean and dry. Then, using a pair of tweezers, remove a piece of sample paper from the pack and place it on the non-labeled side of the magnetic disc. The paper can also be held with the tweezers if a magnetic disc is not provided. Next, disperse the water from the syringe evenly across the paper and wait for any bubbles to pop (if present). Step Four: Apply the sample paper Place the magnetic disc with the wetted paper face down onto the test area. Then firmly press the disc into any contours or irregularities. If the inspector is working with a model of salt contamination meter that does not contain a magnetic disc, then tweezers can be used to place the paper and gently push the paper into the metal profile. Next, start a 2-minute timer on the meter, or if the meter does not have a timer, another suitable device (be mindful of cross-contamination). 21 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Step Five: Remove and test the paper After two minutes, use the tweezers to carefully remove the sample paper from the test surface and the magnetic disc (if utilized). Then place the sample paper onto the sensor area of the soluble salt meter. Close the lid and press the relevant button to begin the analysis. Note that some devices will automatically begin measuring the sample as soon as the lid is closed. The reading will be displayed on screen in the chosen measurement mode. Finally, record the results and repeat the process as specified. On some projects, the inspector will be required to keep the sample paper. On these projects, the sample paper should be placed in a new, clean reusable bag. Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Avoid contamination of the sample by using gloves and the tweezers Refer to the manufacturer’s user manual for the operating parameters Verify that the environmental conditions are within the equipment’s range – Pay particular attention to very high temperatures Accuracy and Calibration All conductivity meters should come with a Certificate of Calibration. Once in service, conductivity meters are typically re-calibrated every 12 months by either the manufacturer or an authorized lab. Verification of accuracy can also be performed by the inspector using the provided verification tiles, but this is not commonly performed by a Level 1 inspector. Specific Ion Detection As discussed throughout this chapter, there are two techniques for testing salt contamination. The technique that you select is based on whether you want to know both the quantity and type of salt that is on the surface or whether you only want to know if salts are present on the surface. Most of the collection and testing methods discussed in this chapter are used to detect if a specific type of water-soluble salt is on the surface. Some manufacturers sell collection methods paired together with certain testing/analysis methods in kits as they are frequently specified together within the coatings industry. Note that many collection methods are compatible with more than one type of testing/analysis method. This chapter only focuses on the most frequently specified collection and testing/analysis methods. However, there are additional methods beyond what is discussed in this chapter that are commercially available, such as chloride and iron (ferrous ion) test strips. These test strips will not only indicate if a particular type of salt is present on the surface but also the concentration of it as well. 22 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Conductivity If you are testing only for conductivity, there are several collection methods to choose from, but only one testing/analysis method that can be used, the conductivity meter. Keep in mind that conductivity testing will not be able to tell you what type of salt is on the surface, only that there is some type of salt present that is causing the electrical conductivity of the water to increase. Important Note that additional methods for collecting and analyzing soluble salts can be viewed in Table One of SSPC Technology Guide 15 Field Methods for Extraction and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel. 23 CIP Level 1 Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Knowledge Checks Answer the following questions. Answers can be found in the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. Which of the following procedures is used to test for ferrous salts? A. Bresle Patch test B. Sleeve Test C. Potassium Ferricyanide Test D. Salt Contamination Meter 2. When using titration tubes to analyze a sample taken from the surface, which color value indicates the presence of chlorides in the test solution? A. Pink B. White C. Blue D. Yellow 3. According to ISO 8502-6, when collecting a test sample using the Bresle method, the water should be re-injected into the cell a minimum of how many times? A. Four times B. Three times C. Two times D. Never, the water is only injected into the cell once 4. Which of the following methods is used to test for the presence of nitrates? A. Salt Contamination Meter B. Conductivity Meter C. Titration Tubes D. Ion Test Strips 24 © NACE International Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Self-Study Review Answer the following questions for additional practice. To check your responses, refer to the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. Types of Soluble Salt Contamination include: 2. If inspection is to be effective with regards to soluble salts, the specification should very clearly state: 3. List the step to determine the relative humidity and dew point using the sling psychrometer: 25 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile 20.1 Introduction Learning Objectives By the end of Chapter 20, students should be able to: 1. Accurately measure surface profile using comparators, digital profile gauges, and replica tape according to ASTM D4417, Methods A, B, and C. Surface Profile (Anchor Profile) For protective coatings to perform as expected, they must be applied over a substrate that has been prepared to a cleanliness standard and with specific profile or depth range. When abrasive media impacts the substrate, the surface is converted from being relatively smooth to one full of “peaks” and “valleys” that, when viewed under magnification, resemble a mountain range. The surface profile is the measurement of the maximum peak-to-valley depth across a section of the substrate’s surface. The standards that govern surface profile measurements prescribe how to measure surface profile depth but do not provide an acceptance criterion. If the specification does not clearly define the requirements of the surface profile, then the inspector must clarify them prior to taking any measurements. . 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Measuring Surface Profile There are three main methods or instruments used in the field to measure surface profile. 1. Surface profile comparator – Provides a visual and tactile comparison of steel substrates that have been blast-cleaned with either shot abrasives or grit abrasives 2. Digital profile gauge – Measures the peak-to-valley depth of the surface profile using a spring-loaded probe 3. Replica tape – Generates an “impression (reverse image)“ of the surface profile that can then be measured with a micrometer On some projects, the inspector may be asked to perform a peak count in addition to measuring the surface profile, but it is not yet common practice. A peak count is performed using a Portable Stylus instrument or a digital micrometer with optical grade replica tape. 20.2 Surface Profile Comparators Surface Comparators Overview A surface profile comparator is an instrument that allows an inspector to estimate the surface profile of a prepared surface. Comparators provide both a visual and tactile comparison of steel substrates that have been blast-cleaned with either shot abrasives or grit abrasives. Comparators are designed to be used with or without mangification of 5 to 10 power. A Type G comparator is for surfaces prepared with metallic or mineral grit, and Type S is for surfaces prepared with metallic shot. However, where appropriate, these comparators can be used for assessing the roughness profile of blast-cleaned substrates prepared with other types of abrasives. Surface comparators typically contain four segments side-by-side, each with a different pattern or profile depth. Further, the segments of most comparators are created to meet the requirements of ISO 8503-1. Type G Comparator segments 1 mil (25μm), 2.4 mils (60μm), 4 mils (100μm), 6 mils (150μm) Types S Comparator segments 1 mil (25μm), 1.6 mils (40μm), 2.8 mils (70μm), 4 mils (100μm) Standards The following standards describe the use of surface profile comparators. ASTM D4417, Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel – 2 Method A: Visual Surface Profile Comparator © NACE International Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile ISO 8503, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates – Part 1: Specifications and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces – Part 2: Method for the grading of surface profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel — Comparator procedure – Part 3: Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the determination of surface profile — Focusing microscope procedure – Part 4: Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the determination of surface profile — Stylus instrument procedure Note that additional standards may be available for your region. Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to measure the surface profile using a surface profile comparator. Refer to the project’s specification, referenced standard, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. Step One: Verify that the test area is clean Check that all loose dust, dirt, and debris is removed from the test surface; otherwise, it can alter its appearance. Step Two: Select the appropriate surface profile comparator Type G should be used to assess surface profiles prepared by blast cleaning with metallic or mineral grit. Type S should be used to assess surfaces prepared with metallic shot. On projects where other types of abrasives were used, the type of comparator should be listed in the specification or first agreed upon by all the key stakeholders. Step Three: Compare the surface to the comparator Hold the comparator against the area of the surface to be assessed. Then compare the roughness of the prepared surface against the roughness of the four comparator segments. This can be done with the unaided eye, under 5x to 10x illuminated magnification, or by touch. When using magnification, the magnifier should be brought into intimate contact, so the depth range is sufficient for the comparator and surface to be in focus simultaneously. Some magnifiers can be placed so that the test surface is viewed simultaneously with different segments of the comparator. 3 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile CIP Level 1 Step Four: Identify the comparable segment(s) and record the results Select the comparator segment that most closely approximates the roughness of the surface being evaluated or, if necessary, the two segments to which it is intermediate. Next, determine its grade using the table below. It is important to highlight that while each comparator only has four quadrants, 5 grades are possible.. Comparator Grades Finer-than-Fine Any profile assessed as being lower than the limit for fine Fine Profiles equal to segment 1 and up to, but exluding segment 2 Medium Profiles equal to segment 2 and up to, but excluding segment 3 Coarse Profiles equal to segment 3 and up to, but excluding segment 4 Coarser-than-Coarse Any profile assessed as being greater than the upper limit for coarse Record the grades for all test areas of the surface as specified or agreed upon between the interested stakeholders. The number of measurements required depends on the size and complexity of the surface being measured. If any profile is assessed as being below the lower limit for the Fine grading, report the grading as Finer-than-Fine. If any profile is assessed as being greater than the upper limit for the Course grading, report the grading as being Coarser-than-Coarse. If the surface falls between two segments, both segments should be recorded as range. Some specifications may even specify a range for the acceptable profile, such as M/C (Medium or Course). Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Make sure that the grade (e.g., Fine, Medium, etc.) is recorded and not the segment number – E.g., Recording “Segment 4” instead of “Coarser-than-Coarse” would be invalid Calibration Worn or damaged surface profile comparators should be replaced or discarded. Tarnished or discolored comparators can, however, often be cleaned by the inspector. They can remove the tarnish without disturbing the electroformed pattern by rubbing the affected area with a white plastic eraser. Other forms of erasers should not be used as these can leave an oily film, making the staining worse. 4 © NACE International Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile 20.3 Digital Profile Gauge Digital Profile Gauge Overview Digital profile gauges sometimes referred to as depth micrometers or surface profile gauges, are handheld instruments that measure the peak-tovalley depth of the surface profile using a springloaded pointed probe. When in use, the base of the instrument rests on the peaks of the surface profile while the spring-loaded pointed probe projects into the valleys. When the probe reaches the bottom of the valley, it calculates the valley’s depth relative to its peak and then displays the measurement on the screen. The exact capabilities of digital profile gauges vary between the models and manufacturers. While all models will measure the peak to valley depth, some are also capable of recording: N - The number of readings taken X - The mean (average) of those readings O - The deviation (difference between a value in the frequency of the distribution and the mean) of those multiple readings Hi - The highest (maximum) reading in those readings Lo - The lowest (minimum) reading in those readings In addition, some models will walk the inspector through measuring the surface profile in accordance with specific standards, such as ASTM D4417. Standards The following standards describe the use of digital profile gauges: ASTM D4417, Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel – Method B: Surface Profile Depth Micrometer SSPC-PA 17, Procedure for Determining Conformance to Steel Profile/Surface Roughness/Peak Count Requirements AS 3894.5-C, Site Testing of Protective Coatings Determination of Surface Profile Note that additional standards may be available for your region. 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to measure the surface profile using a digital profile gauge. Refer to the project’s specification, referenced standard, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. Step One: Prepare the gauge Power up the digital profile gauge by holding the on/off button and waiting for 0.0 mil or 0.0 μm to appear on the display. If an attachable probe is required (curved surfaces, tight spaces, etc.), it should be attached prior to turning the gauge on. Next, access the set-up menu and check the settings. Common settings to check are the units of measurement, measurement mode, and paired devices. Important Inspectors must pay close attention to the measurement mode they select. Some standards allow the surface profile to be calculated using two different methods, which will produce different results. For example, ASTM D4417 allows for either the “maximum” reading or the “average” reading of a spot to be recorded. Step Two: Zero the gauge Locate the piece of float plate glass provided by the manufacturer and place it on a clean, horizontal surface. Ensure the glass plate is clean, dust-free, not scratched, bent, or chipped prior to use. Next, select the “Zero” option on the gauge. On some models, the option can be found by scrolling through the menu, and on other models, there is a dedicated button. Next, hold the gauge by its base and press it firmly against the piece of float plate glass at a 90° angle. Once the display reads 0.0 mil or 0 μm and the gauge is “zeroed” it is ready for use. Note that if the float plate glass cannot be located, the “Factory Zero” setting can be used instead. However, this option is not always precise. Step Three: Perform 10 individual gauge readings at each location Place the probe flat against the prepared surface. Hold the gauge steady until the gauge indicates that a measurement has been obtained; the gauge will typically “Beep” and the profile depth will be displayed. If the gauge does not store data, the inspector should record the measured profile depth before moving on to the next measurement. Then, lift the probe from the surface and take the next reading. A total of 10 individual gauge readings should be taken across a prescribed area. Discard any unusually high readings that cannot be repeated in an area. Note that the group of 10 readings is referred to as a location. The recording of individual gauge readings can be done by hand or by the statistical function of the gauge. Note: Discard any unusually high readngs that cannot be repeated in an area. 6 © NACE International Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Both the number of measurement locations required within a test area, and the size of the test area itself can vary between projects. For the purpose of this chapter, we will outline ASTM D4417: Method B. When measuring in accordance with ASTM D4417: Method B, the procedure is as follows. First, the project’s stakeholders are required to agree upon the number of “locations” that measurements must be taken by the inspector. A “location” is a cluster or group of 10 individual gauge readings. Next, the stakeholders are required to agree upon both the size of the area that one “location” reading can be taken across and the size of the wider test area. The inspector should have a clear understanding of these requirements prior to beginning the measurement process. Step Four: Perform the remaining spot readings, as specified There are two steps to calculating surface profile, they are: 1. Determining the surface profile of each “location”. 2. Calculating the average surface profile of all the “locations. ASTM D4417 allows for two different methods to be used in determining or calculating the surface profile under Step 1.To elaborate, under Method 1, the inspector records the maximum reading out of the 10 individual gauge readings that were taken at a location as the profile height of the surface. Under Method 2, the inspector does ten readings at each location and determines the average. For Step 2, once the surface profile of each “location” has been determined, all the locations are averaged together to determine the profile of the surface. When ASTM D4417 is specified, the stakeholders need to agree on which method will be used to determine the surface profile of a “location”. The two different methods will yield different results, as illustrated below. Method 1: Record the maximum reading of a location (standard method) or Method 2: Record the average reading of a location (alternative method) Surface Profile Individual Gauge Readings - Location 1 2.1 Method 1 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.3 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.2 Method 1 Method 2 2.4 mils 2.2 mils Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2.4 1.9 2.3 2.0 2.2 2.2 1.8 2.1 2.0 2.1 Surface Profile: 2.2 mils Method 2 Surface Profile: 2 mils 7 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile CIP Level 1 According to ASTM D4417, using Method 1 (maximum reading of each spot) has been shown to produce results that correlate well with the replica tape and surface profile gauge methods. As a result, Method 1 is the most popular in the field. It is important to note that when using Method 1, any unusually high gauge readings that cannot be repeated in an area should be discarded; otherwise, the results will be skewed. Verifying the Accuracy of the Gauge – ASTM D4417 On some projects, the digital profile gauge will be verified for accuracy prior to use. Verification of accuracy may be performed if the gauge does not zero (Step 2) or when measuring the profile in accordance with select standards. For example, ASTM D4417 states that “Before use, each instrument’s accuracy shall be verified by the user in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer, employing suitable standards and, if necessary, any deficiencies found shall be corrected”. Either a metal shim or a ceramic standard can be used to verify the accuracy of a digital profile gauge. To verify accuracy with a metal shim: Place the gauge, so the probe tip is centered on the shim – To verify accuracy with a ceramic standard: The probe’s footprint should only contact the left and right legs of the shim and not the top of the cut-out Verify that the display reads within the combined tolerance of the shim (± 0.2 mil or ± 5 μm ) and gauge (± 0.2 mil or ± 5% which ever is greater). For example, for a 76 μm shim the average should be between 66-86 μm. Place the gauge, so the probe tip passes through the hole in the standard and rests on the glass plate – The base of the gauge should rest on the standard (but not on the label) Compare the gauge reading to the value indicated on the ceramic standard Verify that the displayed reading is within 5% of the standard reading – If it does not, do not try to adjust the gauge, the gauge must be returned for service E.g., 19.68 mils (+/- 1 mil) or 500 μm (+/- 25 μm) If it does not, do not try to adjust the gauge, the tip must be replaced, or the gauge must be returned for service Note some gauges are having a hard reset function that will restore the gauge to the factory settings. 8 © NACE International Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Remove interference material from the surface, preventing the probe tip from being aligned flat against the surface Zero the gauge before use Verify the requirements of the specified standard – E.g., some Australian standards require 30° probes instead of 60° Take multiple readings as the surface measured is not uniform Avoid dragging the gauge across the surface between readings or banging the probe down hard on the surface. – This can damage the spring-loaded tip, leading to false readings Avoid rocking the gauge on the surface while taking a measurement Discard any unusually high gauge readings that cannot be repeated in an area – Unusually high readings may occur due to dust or debris on the surface or warped surface Calibration Calibration is performed by the manufacturer or in a certified laboratory and is typically performed on an annual basis. The calibration of the gauge can also be checked in the field by “zeroing” the gauge with a float glass plate or by performing a verification of accuracy with the use of a metal shim or ceramic standard. 20.4 Replica Tape & Micrometer Replica Tape Overview Replica tape allows an inspector to measure the average peak-to-valley depth of the surface profile by creating an “impression” of the profile. Replica tape is comprised of two materials. The top side is comprised of a non-compressible plastic film (Mylar), and attached to the underside is a layer of compressible foam. When the tape is impressed into the blast cleaned surface using a burnishing tool, it generates an “impression” of the surface profile. This impression is the mirror image of the surface profile and can be measured to determine the peak-to-valley depth using a spring-loaded micrometer or a digital gauge. 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Replica tape comes in different grades (thicknesses) that accommodate different surface profile depths: Coarse Minus*: 0.5 to 1.0 mils (12 to 25 μm) Coarse: 0.8 to 2.5 mils (20 to 64 μm) Extra Coarse: 1.5 to 4.5 mils (38 to 115 μm) Extra Coarse Plus grade*: 4.6 to 5.0 mils (116 to 127 μm) *These tape grades are typically restricted to checking measurements at the lower and upper-ends of the Coarse or Extra Course ranges. Standards The following standards describe the use of replica tape: ASTM D4417, Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel – Method C: Replica Tape NACE SP0287, Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica Tape ISO 8503, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates – Part 5: Replica tape method for the determination of the surface profile Note that additional standards may be available for your region. Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to measure surface profile using replica tape and a micrometer. Refer to the project’s specification, referenced standard, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. 10 © NACE International Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Step One: Verify the test area is clean Verify that there is no loosely adherent material present on the prepared surface, including dirt, dust, and abrasive residue. Any remaining material will alter the impression taken and result in inaccurate readings. In extreme conditions, surface temperature measurements may be required as replica tape should not be used on surfaces outside the temperature range of –10 °C to 60 °C (14 °F to 140 °F). The compressible foam can become too brittle under extreme cold or too pliable under extreme heat. Step Two: Select the grade of replica tape Select the appropriate grade of replica tape by comparing each tape’s grade to the project’s target surface profile. The target profile should be listed within the specification and other key guidance documents. For example, if the specification states that, “the surface profile shall measure between 1.0 and 2.2 mils (25 - 56 μm)”, the inspector would choose the Coarse grade of tape as it has a depth range of 0.8 to 2.5 mils (20 to 64 μm). This step is important as replica tape is most accurate when measuring surface profiles in the middle of its depth range. Step Three: Adjust the micrometer for the mylar thickness As discussed earlier, the top section of replica tape is comprised of a non-compressible plastic film that is 2.0 mil (51 μm) thick. This depth needs to be accounted for either before the replica tape is measured or after the replica tape is measured. Manual Micrometer To adjust the micrometer before the tape is measured, loosen the thumb screw and rotate the ring until the needle is preset or “zeroed” to -2 mils (51 µm) to compensate for the mylar thickness. On a manual gauge, this is equivalent to presetting to a plus 8.0 mils or on a metric gauge to plus 150 μm. This has the effect of presubtracting the depth of the incompressible film, and subsequent readings are a direct measure of the profile’s depth. Alternatively, if the micrometer is adjusted to 0.0 when the contact surfaces are fully closed, care must be taken to then subtract 51 μm (2.0 mil) from all subsequent readings. Digital Micrometer The process to “zero” a digital spring micrometer will vary but typically involves selecting the ‘zero’ option from the calibration menu and then checking that the digital display reads as “zero”. The inspector will also need to input the grade of replica tape being used from the menu. It is important to note that some manual and digital micrometers automatically subtract 2.0 mil (51 μm) from all readings, so reviewing the manufacturer’s instructions is vital. Important When required, the accuracy of the micrometer can be verified with the use of a shim or calibration foil. Step Four: Attach and burnish the replica tape Remove a piece of replica tape from the roll and carefully peel off the paper backing, exposing the adhesive. Check that the protective circle or “bullseye” remains on the backing paper. Discard any tape that is damaged or distorted. 11 CIP Level 1 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Step Five: Attach and burnish the replica tape Attach the replica tape to the prepared surface, leaving one corner folded over to create a pull-tab. Burnish the circular cut-out portion of the replica tape until it is uniformly darkened, and the impression assumes a pebble-grain appearance. There should be no white streaks remaining. This burnishing process typically takes 30 to 40 seconds. Step Six: Remove and measure the replica tape Carefully lift the replica tape from the surface while taking care to avoid touching the adhesive side. Next, place the tape between the anvils of the manual or digital micrometer. Manual Micrometer Once the tape is in place, release the lever allowing the top and bottom anvils to close on the center of the circular cut-out. Next, read the dial and record the results. Each division on the micrometer dial is 0.1 mil, and each number represents mils. As an example, a reading of 5 means 5 mils (127 μm). Digital Micrometer Ensure the tape is positioned so that the cut-out portion is centered under the opening of the probe. The adhesive side should face down, and there are alignment dots on the tape that can help with its placement. Once in position, press and hold the probe button until the device indicates the measurement is complete (typically a beep or light flash). The measurement will then be displayed on-screen and should be recorded. Step Seven: Repeat the process with a second piece of tape Most standards require that two replica tape samples are taken within a measurement area. If both readings are in the 1.5 to 2.5 mil (38 to 64 μm) window, record the average of the two readings as the profile. However, the second sample needs to be taken with a different grade of tape. A different grade of tape is required when the surface profile of the first tape sample: Falls within the range of two different grades of tape – For example, if a measurement with either Coarse or X-Coarse grade is in the 1.5 to 2.5 mil (38 to 64 μm) overlap window, take a second reading with the other grade Sits at either end of the first grade’s depth range. – For example, if the readings obtained with either grade are outside the overlap window between 0.8 and 1.4 mils (20 to 37 μm) or between 2.6 and 4.5 mils (65 and 115 μm), it should be used as is. Note that if the measured surface profile falls outside the range of the tape used, it is considered invalid. The first measurement needs to be repeated or another grade of tape used. 12 © NACE International Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Important On some projects, permission is required to use the minus and plus grades of replica tape. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and the project’s specification for guidance on when to use the different grades of tape. Step Eight: Calculate the surface profile Calculate the surface profile by averaging the two readings obtained from the tape samples. For example, if the first tape’s reading was 2.2 mils and the second tape’s reading was 2.3 mils, then the surface profile at this location is 2.25 mils. Note that if the micrometer was not adjusted to account for the thickness of the mylar during Step 3, then 2.0 mils/51 μm must also be subtracted from each of the individual tape readings. Documenting Surface Profile Measurements – ASTM D4417 Select standards outline minimum reporting requirements for technical procedures. ASTM D4417 is one of these standards. Section 11 of ASTM D4417 outlines both general reporting requirements and requirements specific to each Method (A-D). Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Remove all interference materials from the surface and micrometer anvils Burnish the mylar circle until it turns uniformly gray, there are no visible white streaks, and has a pebbled grain effect Fully compress all parts of the tape within the micrometer Account for the thickness of the tape/mylar (2.0 mils/51 μm) – Perform at least two measurements – This can be achieved by adjusting the micrometer prior to performing the measurements or by subtracting the thickness of the mylar from each reading This helps to account for the inherent variation in point-to-point profile over the surface being measured Avoid use on surface profiles greater than 5.0 mils (127 μm) – When working with coatings that require a very deep surface profile (E.g., 100% solids polyurea coating), specialized digital profile gauges should be use 13 CIP Level 1 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Calibration The micrometer should be verified for accuracy routinely by inserting shims of known thickness into the micrometer and verifying a correct measurement. Plastic shims used to verify the accuracy of coating thickness gauges can also be used for this purpose. Like most digital instruments, digital micrometers should be re-calibrated by the manufacturer at least on an annual basis or as per contractual specification. 20.5 Peak Density Surface Roughness On some/selected coating and lining projects, the inspector may be required to measure surface roughness. Peak density is the density of the peaks in the roughness of the surface. It is the combined measurements of the surface profile and the frequency of peaks across a linear length (peak count). An emerging body of research has shown that the density of peaks across the surface, in addition to the profile, are important contributors to the adhesion of coatings, as both impacts the geometry of the surface. For example, the two cross-sections below contain the same measured surface profile but possess very different geometries due to the density of the peaks. Surface Roughness: Importance The importance of creating the correct surface roughness is evident when looking at coating projects performed on the hulls of ships. The hull must be roughened to promote good coating adhesion. However, an increase in underwater hull roughness can also result in a loss of speed and an increase in fuel consumption, both of which can lead to a significant rise in vessel operating costs. As a result, a balance needs to be struck between the hull containing sufficient roughness for coatings to adhere but also not being so rough that significant drag is created when the vessel moves through the water. 14 © NACE International Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Important Surface roughness measurements are covered in greater detail within the Marine Coating Inspection Course. Standards The following standards describe the use of portable stylus instruments or digital micrometers: ASTM D7127, Standard Test Method for Measurement of Surface Roughness of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Metal Surfaces Using a Portable Stylus Instrument ASTM D4417, Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel – Method D: Portable Stylus Surface Roughness Instrument ISO 4288, Surface texture: Profile method — Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture ISO 4287, Surface texture: Profile method — Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters Measuring Peak Count Surface roughness can be measured using a portable stylus instrument or a digital micrometer. Portable Stylus Instruments Portable stylus instruments, otherwise known as surface roughness testers, are the primary instrument used to measure surface roughness. They measure the roughness: With the use of a stylus that is mechanically drawn across the surface As the stylus moves across the surface, it records an image of the surface’s roughness This image is then utilized by the instrument to calculate the peak count and other parameters Evaluation Length Direction of Travel Stylus Rmax Rt 15 CIP Level 1 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Digital Micrometers Select digital micrometers can also measure surface roughness with the use of optical grade replica tape. They measure the roughness: By shining a light through a piece of replica tape and then taking a photograph – A 3D image of the surface can then be generated, and the peaks (light spots) counted – 16 The back-lit photograph will display dark spots (valleys) and light spots (peaks) Other measurement parameters can also be calculated, including roughness (Ra), peak density (Spd), and peak to valley height (H). © NACE International Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Knowledge Checks Answer the following questions. Answers can be found in the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. How should the surface profile be defined in a well-written specification? A. As an exact measurement B. Specifying only the maximum depth C. Specifying only the minimum depth D. As a range of measurements 2. You are on a project where Testex tape is specified to determine the surface profile by ASTM D4417, Method C. Which of the following is likely to cause errors? (Select all that apply) A. Dust on the surface B. Using an incorrect grade of tape C. Not accounting for the thickness of the mylar tape D. Under burnishing the mylar tape 3. According to ASTM D4417 Method B, when taking measurements using a profile gauge at each location you should ________________? (Select all that apply A. Take 5 gauge readings in 3 locations, record the average value per location, then determine the average of all locations as the reported profile B. Take 3 gauge readings in 5 locations, record the average value per location, then determine the average of all locations as the reported profile C. Take10 readings per location, record the maximum value, then determine the average for all maximum values as the reported profile D. Take 10 readings and record the average of those ten (10) readings as the reported profile depth 17 CIP Level 1 Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Self-Study Review Answer the following questions for additional practice. To check your responses, refer to the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. Depth of surface profile can be evaluated by several methods, including: 2. The ISO Comparator grades may be recorded as: 3. The two types of replica tape that are commonly used are: 4. List the Standards for using the Replica tape: 5. When using Replica tape, common errors include: 18 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Lab 1: Measuring Environmental Conditions Instructions 1. Measure the environmental conditions within the classroom using the following instruments: Magnetic Surface Temperature Gauge (Task 1) Sling Psychrometer with Psychrometric Tables (Task 1) Digital Dew Point Meter, using both the DeFelsko DPM and Elcometer 319 gauges (Task 2) 2. Document your results on the worksheets provided 3. Determine if the Delta T is at least 3°C (5°F) Lab Worksheets Note: Use metric or imperial units as appropriate. Task 1: Analog Gauges Project Name: Date: Time: Measurement Location: Wet-Bulb Temp: Sling Psychrometer: Magnetic Temperature Gauge: °C / °F Depression (DB - WB): °C / °F °C / °F Relative Humidity: % Surface Temp (Ts): °C / °F Delta T Value: (Ts - Td = TΔ) Is the Delta T ≥ 3°C/5°F? Dry-Bulb (air) Temp: Dew Point Temp (Td): °C / °F °C / °F Yes No Comments or additional information: 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Task 2: Digital Gauges Digital Dew Point Meter: Relative Humidity: % Relative Humidity: % Air Temp: °C / °F Air Temp: °C / °F Surface Temp: °C / °F Surface Temp: °C / °F Elcometer 319 Digital Dew Point Meter: Defelsko DPM Dew Point Temp: °C / °F Dew Point Temp: °C / °F Delta T (TΔ): (Ts - Td) °C / °F Delta T (TΔ): (Ts - Td) °C / °F Is the Delta T ≥ 3°C/5°F? Yes No Is the Delta T ≥ 3°C/5°F ? Yes No Comments or additional information: 2 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Dry Bulb Temp 51 Chart for Calculation of Relative Humidity and Dew Point Depression of Wet-Bulb Temperature (°F) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 94/49 87/47 81/45 75/43 68/41 62/38 56/36 50/33 45/30 39/27 34/24 28/20 23/16 52 94/50 87/48 81/46 75/44 69/42 63/40 57/37 51/34 46/32 40/29 35/26 29/22 24/18 19/13 53 94/51 87/49 81/47 75/45 69/43 63/41 58/38 52/36 47/33 41/30 36/27 31/24 26/20 20/15 54 94/52 88/50 82/48 76/46 70/44 64/42 59/40 53/37 48/34 42/32 37/29 32/25 27/22 22/18 55 94/53 88/51 82/50 76/48 70/45 65/45 59/43 54/41 49/38 43/33 38/36 33/33 28/30 23/27 19/24 56 94/54 88/53 82/51 76/49 71/47 65/44 60/42 55/40 50/37 44/34 39/32 34/29 30/25 25/22 20/17 57 94/55 88/54 82/52 77/50 71/48 66/46 61/43 55/41 50/39 45/36 40/33 35/30 31/27 26/24 22/21 58 94/56 88/55 83/53 77/51 72/49 66/47 61/45 56/42 51/40 46/37 41/35 37/32 32/29 27/25 23/21 59 94/57 89/56 83/54 78/52 72/50 67/48 62/46 57/44 52/41 47/39 42/36 38/33 33/30 29/27 24/23 20/19 Reproduced by NACE with permission 60 94/58 89/57 83/55 78/53 73/51 68/49 63/47 58/45 53/43 48/40 43/38 39/35 34/32 30/29 26/25 21/21 61 94/59 89/58 84/56 78/54 73/52 68/50 63/48 58/46 54/44 49/42 44/39 40/36 35/33 31/30 27/27 22/23 18/19 62 94/60 89/59 84/57 79/55 74/53 69/51 64/48 59/47 54/45 50/43 45/43 41/40 36/38 32/35 38/32 24/29 20/25 63 95/61 90/60 84/58 79/56 74/55 69/53 64/51 60/49 55/47 50/44 46/42 42/39 37/36 33/34 29/30 25/27 21/23 17/19 64 95/62 90/61 84/59 79/57 74/56 70/54 65/52 60/50 56/48 51/46 47/43 43/41 38/38 34/35 30/32 26/29 22/25 18/21 65 95/63 90/62 85/60 80/59 75/57 70/55 66/53 61/51 56/49 52/47 48/45 44/42 39/40 35/37 31/34 27/31 24/27 20/24 16/19 66 95/64 90/63 85/61 80/60 75/58 71/56 66/54 61/52 57/50 53/48 48/46 44/44 40/41 36/38 31/35 29/32 25/29 21/26 17/22 67 95/65 90/64 85/62 80/61 75/59 71/57 66/55 62/53 58/52 53/49 49/47 45/45 41/43 37/40 33/37 30/34 26/31 22/28 19/24 68 95/67 90/65 85/63 80/62 76/60 71/58 67/57 62/55 58/53 54/51 50/49 46/46 42/44 38/42 34/39 31/36 27/33 23/29 20/26 16/22 69 95/68 90/66 85/64 81/63 76/61 72/59 67/58 63/56 59/54 55/52 51/50 47/48 43/45 39/43 35/40 32/37 28/34 24/31 21/28 18/24 70 95/69 90/67 86/65 81/64 77/62 72/61 68/58 64/57 59/55 55/53 51/51 48/49 44/47 40/44 36/42 33/39 29/36 25/33 22/30 19/26 71 95/70 90/68 86/67 81/65 77/63 72/62 68/60 64/58 60/56 56/54 52/52 48/50 45/48 41/46 37/43 33/41 30/38 27/35 23/31 20/28 72 95/71 91/69 86/68 82/66 77/64 73/63 69/61 65/59 61/58 57/56 53/54 49/52 45/50 42/47 38/45 34/42 31/40 28/37 24/33 21/30 73 95/72 91/70 86/69 82/67 78/66 73/64 69/62 65/60 61/59 57/57 53/55 50/53 46/51 42/49 39/46 35/44 32/41 29/38 25/35 22/32 74 95/73 91/71 86/70 82/68 78/67 74/65 69/63 65/62 61/60 58/58 54/56 50/54 47/52 43/50 39/48 36/45 33/43 29/40 26/37 23/34 75 96/74 91/72 86/71 82/69 78/68 74/66 70/64 66/63 62/61 58/59 54/57 51/55 47/54 44/51 40/49 37/47 34/44 30/42 27/39 24/36 76 96/75 91/73 87/72 82/70 78/69 74/67 70/66 66/64 62/62 59/60 55/59 51/57 48/55 44/53 41/51 38/48 34/46 31/43 28/41 25/38 77 96/76 91/74 87/73 83/71 79/70 74/68 71/67 67/65 63/63 59/62 56/60 52/58 48/56 45/54 42/52 39/50 35/48 32/45 29/42 26/39 78 96/77 91/75 87/74 83/72 79/71 75/69 71/68 67/66 63/64 60/63 56/61 53/59 49/57 46/55 43/53 39/51 36/49 33/46 30/44 27/41 79 96/78 91/76 87/75 83/73 79/72 75/70 71/69 68/67 64/66 60/64 57/62 53/60 50/59 46/57 43/55 40/53 37/50 34/48 31/46 28/43 80 96/79 91/77 87/76 83/74 79/73 75/72 72/70 68/68 64/67 61/65 57/63 54/62 50/60 47/58 44/56 41/54 38/52 35/50 32/47 29/44 81 96/80 91/78 87/77 83/75 79/74 75/73 72/71 68/70 64/68 61/66 57/65 54/63 50/61 47/59 44/57 41/55 38/53 35/51 32/49 29/46 82 96/81 91/79 87/78 83/77 80/75 76/74 72/72 69/71 65/69 61/67 58/66 55/64 51/62 48/60 45/59 42/57 39/55 36/52 33/50 30/48 83 96/82 92/80 88/79 84/78 80/76 76/75 72/73 69/72 65/70 62/69 58/67 55/65 51/64 48/62 45/60 42/58 39/56 37/54 34/52 31/49 84 96/83 92/81 88/80 84/79 80/77 76/76 73/74 69/73 65/71 62/70 59/68 56/66 52/65 49/63 46/61 43/59 40/57 37/55 35/53 32/51 85 96/84 92/82 88/81 84/80 80/78 76/77 73/75 70/74 66/72 62/71 59/69 56/68 52/66 49/64 46/62 43/61 41/59 38/57 35/54 32/52 86 96/85 92/83 88/82 84/81 81/79 77/78 73/76 70/75 66/73 63/72 60/70 57/69 53/67 50/65 47/64 44/62 42/60 39/58 36/56 33/54 87 96/86 92/84 88/83 85/82 81/80 77/79 73/78 70/76 66/75 63/73 60/72 57/70 53/68 50/67 47/65 45/63 42/61 39/59 36/57 34/57 88 96/87 92/85 88/84 85/83 81/81 77/80 74/79 70/77 67/76 64/74 61/73 57/71 54/69 51/68 48/66 46/64 43/62 40/61 37/59 35/57 89 96/88 92/86 88/85 85/84 81/82 77/81 74/80 71/78 67/77 64/75 61/74 58/72 54/71 51/69 48/67 46/66 43/64 40/62 38/60 36/58 90 96/89 92/87 89/86 85/85 81/83 78/82 74/81 71/79 68/78 65/76 61/75 58/73 55/72 52/70 49/69 47/67 44/65 41/63 39/61 36/59 91 96/90 92/88 89/87 85/86 81/85 78/83 75/82 71/80 68/79 65/78 62/76 59/75 55/73 52/71 49/70 47/68 44/66 41/65 40/63 36/61 92 96/91 92/89 89/88 85/87 82/86 78/84 75/83 72/81 68/80 65/79 62/77 59/76 56/74 53/73 50/71 48/69 45/68 42/66 40/64 37/62 93 96/92 93/90 89/89 85/88 82/87 78/85 75/84 72/83 68/81 66/80 62/78 60/77 56/75 53/74 50/72 48/71 45/69 43/67 40/65 37/63 94 96/93 93/92 89/90 85/89 82/88 79/86 75/85 72/84 69/82 66/81 63/79 60/78 57/76 54/75 51/74 49/72 46/70 43/68 41/67 38/65 95 96/95 93/94 89/92 85/91 82/90 79/88 75/87 72/86 69/84 66/83 63/82 60/80 57/79 54/77 51/76 49/73 46/71 43/70 42/68 38/66 96 96/95 93/94 89/92 86/91 82/90 79/88 76/87 73/86 69/84 66/83 63/82 61/80 58/79 55/77 52/76 50/74 47/72 44/71 42/69 39/67 97 96/96 93/95 89/93 86/92 82/91 79/89 76/88 73/87 69/85 67/84 64/83 61/81 58/80 55/78 52/77 50/75 47/74 44/72 43/70 39/69 98 96/97 93/96 89/94 86/93 83/92 79/90 76/89 73/88 70/87 67/85 64/84 61/82 58/81 56/79 53/78 50/76 48/75 45/73 43/72 40/70 99 96/98 89/97 89/95 86/94 83/93 80/92 76/90 73/89 70/88 67/86 64/85 62/83 59/82 56/81 53/79 51/78 48/76 45/74 44/73 41/71 100 96/99 89/98 89/96 86/95 83/94 80/93 77/91 73/90 70/89 68/87 65/86 62/85 59/83 56/82 54/80 51/79 49/77 46/76 44/74 41/72 Note: For any pair of figures, the first is relative humidity (%) and the second is dew point temperature (°F) 3 CIP Level 1 Dry Bulb Temp (°C) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Chart for Calculation of Relative Humidity and Dew Point Depression of Wet-Bulb Temperature (°C) (FOR USE IN NACE CLASSROOM ONLY) Pressure – 1 Atmosphere 1 81/-3 83/-2 83/-1 84/-1 85/1 85/3 86/4 86/5 87/6 87/7 88/8 88/9 88/10 89/11 89/12 90/13 90/14 90/15 91/16 91/17 91/19 92/20 92/21 92/22 92/23 92/24 93/25 93/26 93/27 93/28 93/29 93/30 93/31 93/32 93/33 94/34 94/35 94/36 94/37 94/38 94/39 94/40 94/41 94/42 94/43 94/44 94/45 94/46 95/47 95/48 2 63/-6 66/-5 67/-3 69/-2 70/-1 72/0 72/4 74/3 74/3 75/5 76/6 77/7 78/8 79/9 79/11 80/12 80/13 81/14 81/15 82/16 82/17 83/18 83/19 84/20 84/21 84/22 85/23 85/24 86/25 86/26 86/27 86/28 86/29 86/30 87/31 87/33 87/34 87/35 87/36 88/37 88/38 88/39 88/40 88/41 88/42 89/43 89/44 89/45 89/46 89/47 3 45/-9 50/-8 51/-6 54/-5 56/-4 58/-3 59/-1 61/0 62/1 64/2 65/4 66/5 67/6 68/7 69/9 70/10 71/11 72/12 72/13 73/14 74/15 75/16 75/17 76/18 76/20 77/21 77/22 78/23 78/24 78/25 79/26 79/27 80/28 80/29 81/30 81/31 81/32 81/33 82/34 82/35 82/36 82/37 88/38 83/39 83/40 83/42 84/43 84/44 84/45 84/46 4 28/-15 34/-13 36/-11 40/-9 42/-7 45/-6 46/-4 49/-3 51/-2 53/0 54/1 55/2 57/4 59/5 60/6 61/8 62/9 63/10 64/11 65/12 66/14 67/15 68/16 69/17 69/18 70/19 70/20 71/21 71/22 72/24 72/25 73/26 74/27 74/28 75/29 75/30 75/31 76/32 76/33 76/34 77/35 77/36 77/37 78/38 78/39 78/40 78/41 79/42 79/43 79/44 1013 mb 1.013 bar 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20/-17 26/-15 27/-11 32/-10 35/-7 37/-7 39/-5 42/-3 43/-2 45/0 48/1 49/3 50/4 52/5 54/7 55/8 56/9 57/10 58/11 52/12 61/13 61/15 62/16 63/18 64/18 65/20 65/21 66/22 66/23 67/24 68/25 68/26 69/27 69/28 70/30 70/31 71/32 71/33 71/34 72/35 72/36 73/37 73/38 73/39 74/40 74/41 74/42 74/43 14/-19 19/-17 22/-13 26/-11 28/-9 31/-7 33/-5 36/-4 38/-2 40/0 41/1 43/3 45/4 47/5 48/7 50/8 51/10 52/11 53/12 54/13 55/14 56/16 57/17 58/18 59/19 60/20 61/21 61/23 62/24 63/25 63/26 64/27 64/28 65/29 65/30 66/31 66/33 67/34 67/35 68/36 68/37 69/38 69/39 69/40 70/41 70/42 17/-14 21/-12 24/-9 26/-8 28/-5 31/-4 33/-2 35/0 37/1 39/3 40/4 42/6 44/7 45/9 46/10 48/11 49/12 50/14 51/15 52/16 53/17 54/19 55/19 56/21 56/22 57/23 58/24 59/26 59/27 60/28 60/29 61/30 62/31 62/32 63/33 64/34 63/36 64/37 64/38 65/39 65/40 66/41 13/-14 17/-13 19/-9 22/-8 25/-5 27/-4 29/-1 31/0 33/2 35/3 36/4 38/6 40/8 41/9 42/10 44/12 45/13 46/14 47/16 48/17 49/18 50/19 51/21 52/22 53/23 53/24 54/25 55/27 56/28 56/29 57/30 57/31 58/32 58/33 59/34 60/35 60/36 61/37 61/39 61/40 10/-16 14/-14 16/-10 19/-8 21/-6 24/-4 26/-2 28/0 30/2 32/4 33/5 35/7 36/8 38/10 39/11 41/12 42/14 43/15 44/16 45/18 46/19 47/20 48/21 49/22 49/24 50/25 51/26 52/27 52/28 53/30 54/31 54/32 55/33 55/34 56/35 56/36 57/37 57/38 8/-17 12/-14 14/-10 17/-8 19/-5 22/-3 23/-2 25/-1 27/3 29/4 30/6 32/7 34/9 35/10 36/11 37/13 39/14 40/16 41/17 42/18 43/19 44/21 45/22 46/23 47/25 47/26 48/27 49/28 49/29 50/30 51/31 51/32 52/34 52/35 53/36 55/37 7/-17 10/-15 12/-10 15/-8 17/-5 19/-3 21/-1 23/1 25/2 27/4 28/6 30/8 31/9 33/11 34/12 35/14 36/15 37/17 39/18 40/19 41/20 41/22 42/23 43/24 44/25 44/27 45/28 46/29 47/30 47/31 48/32 49/33 49/35 50/36 11/-10 13/-8 15/-5 18/-3 20/-1 21/1 23/3 24/5 26/7 28/9 29/10 30/12 32/13 33/15 34/16 35/17 36/19 37/20 38/21 39/23 40/24 41/25 42/26 42/27 43/28 43/29 44/31 45/32 46/33 46/34 8/-15 10/-10 12/-8 14/-5 16/-2 18/0 20/2 21/4 23/6 25/8 26/9 27/11 29/12 30/14 31/15 32/17 33/18 34/19 35/21 36/22 37/23 38/25 39/26 39/27 40/28 41/30 41/31 42/32 43/33 9/-14 9/-10 11/-7 13/-4 15/-1 17/1 19/3 20/5 22/7 23/8 25/10 26/12 27/13 28/15 29/16 30/18 31/19 32/20 33/22 34/23 35/24 36/26 37/27 37/28 38/29 39/30 39/32 9/-9 11/-6 12/-3 14/-1 16/1 18/4 19/6 21/7 22/9 23/11 24/13 26/14 27/16 28/17 29/19 30/20 31/21 32/23 32/24 33/25 34/26 35/28 36/29 36/30 15/2 17/4 18/6 20/8 21/10 22/12 23/13 24/15 25/17 27/18 28/19 28/21 29/22 30/23 31/25 32/26 33/27 33/29 13/1 14/3 16/5 17/7 18/9 20/11 21/13 22/14 23/16 24/18 25/19 26/20 27/22 28/23 29/24 30/26 30/27 14/4 15/6 17/8 18/10 19/12 20/14 21/15 22/17 23/18 24/20 25/21 26/23 27/24 27/25 NOTE: For any pair of numbers, the first number listed is the Relative Humidity and the second number is the Dew Point. 4 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Extra Practice Worksheets Task 1: Analog Gauges Project Name: Date: Time: Measurement Location: Wet-Bulb Temp: Sling Psychrometer: °C / °F Dry-Bulb (air) Temp: °C / °F Depression (DB - WB): Magnetic Temperature Gauge: °C / °F Relative Humidity: % Surface Temp (Ts): °C / °F Dew Point Temp (Td): °C / °F Delta T Value: (Ts - Td = TΔ) °C / °F Is the Delta T ≥ 3°C/5°F? Yes No Comments or additional information: Task 2: Digital Gauges Digital Dew Point Meter: Relative Humidity: % Relative Humidity: % Air Temp: °C / °F Air Temp: °C / °F Surface Temp: °C / °F Surface Temp: °C / °F Elcometer 319 Digital Dew Point Meter: Defelsko DPM Dew Point Temp: °C / °F Dew Point Temp: °C / °F Delta T (TΔ): (Ts - Td) °C / °F Delta T (TΔ): (Ts - Td) °C / °F Is the Delta T ≥ 3°C/5°F? Yes No Is the Delta T ≥ 3°C/5°F? Yes No Comments or additional information: 5 CIP Level 1 6 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Lab 2: Testing for Soluble Salts Instructions Task 1 - Observe the instructor’s demonstration of: 1. Collecting a sample from the surface using one of the following methods: Bresle Patch (Latex Cell) Latex Sleeve 2. Testing the collected sample using one of the following methods: Titration Tube Conductivity Meter (DeFelsko PosiTector SST) Task 2 - Perform a soluble salts test using the DeFelsko PosiTector SST with the PosiPatch: 1. Prepare the practice panel by sprinkling a pinch of salt on the surface of the panel 2. Add a couple of drops of deionized (DI) water to the salt and rub the salt into the surface 3. Test the practice panel for the presence and quantity of chlorides 4. Document your results on the worksheet provided 5. After each test, rinse the test cell of the meter with deionized water several times, shaking the water out after each use Note: To prevent contamination, never reinsert the used needle (from collecting the sample from the surface) back into the deionized water. Instructions for testing for soluble salts using the DeFelsko PosiTector SST with the PosiPatch: Turn on the PosiTector SST by pressing the button Obtain a background conductivity measurement (Y1) Pour 4 ml (milliliters) of deionized water into the cup to prevent contamination of the water source Fill the syringe with slightly more than 3 ml of the deionized water Completely fill the meter’s test cell with water (approximately 1 ml) Wait for the meter to stabilize and click the ‘+’ button Draw the solution back into the syringe With the syringe pointing up, expel any excess solution and air until there is 3.0 ml of deionized water Prepare and attach the PosiPatch Turn the patch and magnetic ring upside down Place the reusable patch into the magnetic ring, ensuring the arrows align with the injection port – Do not touch the patch’s interior to prevent contamination Carefully place the magnetic ring on the test area 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Collect the sample Slowly inject 3.0 ml of DI water in the port using the plastic dispensing tip. When using on horizontal surfaces, fully insert the dispensing tip into the PosiPatch. On vertical surfaces, insert the dispensing tip only as far as is needed to see the tip inside the PosiPatch Press the ‘+’ button to start the 2-minute test timer Without removing the needle, withdrawal and inject the water four times After the 2-minutes, withdraw all of the water from the patch Test the collected sample Fill the meter’s test cell with the collected sample Wait for the reading to stabilize (up to 5 seconds) Press the ‘+’ button to save the results Lab Worksheets Note: Use metric or imperial units as appropriate. Task 1: Instructor Demonstration and/or Student Practice Test Method: Bresle Patch and Conductivity Meter Method 1 - Drop Sample Method 2 - Immersion Conductivity (µS/cm or mS/cm) Instrument Model and Manufacturer: Volume of extraction liquid used: Test Method: Latex Sleeve and Titration Tube Document your test results in micrograms per square centimeter and parts per million. Test Results: µS/cm or mS/cm ppm Instrument Model and Manufacturer: 2 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Task 2: Student Practice Test Method: DeFelsko PosiTector SST with PosiPatch T2 = Temperature Δy = Conductivity ρA =Salt Density t = Test Duration Panel Side 1 Panel Side 2 (optional) 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Extra Practice Worksheets Task 1: Instructor Demonstration and/or Student Practice Test Method: Bresle Patch and Conductivity Meter Method 1 - Drop Sample Method 2 - Immersion Conductivity (µS/cm or mS/cm) Instrument Model and Manufacturer: Volume of extraction liquid used: Test Method: Latex Sleeve and Titration Tube Document your test results in micrograms per square centimeter and parts per million. Test Results: µS/cm or mS/cm ppm Instrument Model and Manufacturer: Task 2: Student Practice Test Method: PosiTector SST with PosiPatch T2 = Temperature Δy = Conductivity ρA =Salt Density t = Test Duration Panel Side 1 Panel Side 2 (optional) 4 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Lab 3: Measuring Surface Profile Instructions 1. Measure the surface profile of both sides of the prepared practice panel using: Surface profile comparators (Task 1) Digital profile gauges, both Elcometer 224 and DeFelsko PosiTector SPG (Task 2) Replica tape, using both the Testex manual micrometer and digital DeFelsko PosiTector RTR (Task 3) 2. Document your results on the worksheets provided Lab Worksheets Note: Use metric or imperial units as appropriate. Task 1: Surface Profile Comparator Use the ISO comparators (grit or shot) to check the profile of the practice panel provided. Document the results in the table below using the proper grade. Instrument Manufacturer: Type of Comparator Used (G or S) Grade Panel Side 1 Panel Side 2 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Task 2: Digital Profile Gauge Measure the surface profile of the practice panel provided using both the DeFelsko PosiTector SPG and the Elcometer 224 gauges. Separate tables are included for each gauge. Take 10 measurements on each side of the panel and record the maximum reading of each location. Then calculate the average surface profile of all the locations. Document the results in the table below. Before taking any measurements, zero the gauge using the glass plate provided. Instrument Model and Manufacturer: Elcometer 224 Record Individual Gauge Readings (optional): R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R8 R9 R10 Location A (Panel Side 1) Location B (Panel Side 2) Location A Panel Side 1 Max: Location B Panel Side 2 Max: Surface Profile (average): mils / µm Instrument Model and Manufacturer: DeFelsko PosiTector SPG Record Individual Gauge Readings (optional): R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Location A (Panel Side 1) Location B (Panel Side 2) Location A Panel Side 1 Max: Surface Profile (average): 2 Location B Panel Side 2 Max: mils / µm © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Task 3: Replica Tape Measure the surface profile on both sides of the practice panel provided using both the DeFelsko PosiTector RTR and the manual Testex Micrometer. Separate tables are included for each gauge. Take two readings on each side of the test panel and average. Document the results in the table below. Micrometer Model and Manufacturer: Testex Micrometer (manual gauge) Tape Type Reading 1 Reading 2 Average Panel Side 1 mils / µm Panel Side 2 mils / µm Attach Replica Tape(s) in the spaces below Replica Tape #2 Replica Tape #1 Panel Side 1 Panel Side 2 Micrometer Model and Manufacturer: DeFelsko PosiTector RTR (digital gauge) Tape Type Reading 1 Reading 2 Average Panel Side 1 mils / µm Panel Side 2 mils / µm Attach Replica Tape(s) in the spaces below Replica Tape #1 Replica Tape #2 Panel Side 1 Panel Side 2 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Extra Practice Worksheets Surface Profile Comparator Instrument Manufacturer: Type of Comparator Used (G or S) Grade Panel 1 Panel 2 Digital Surface Profile Gauge Instrument Model and Manufacturer: Record Individual Gauge Readings (optional): R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 Location A (Panel Side 1) Location B (Panel Side 2) Location A Panel Side 1 Max: Surface Profile (average): 4 Location B Panel Side 2 Max: mils / µm © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Replica Tape Micrometer Model and Manufacturer: Tape Type Reading 1 Reading 2 Average Panel Side 1 mils / µm Panel Side 2 mils / µm Attach Replica Tape(s) in the spaces below Replica Tape #1 Replica Tape #2 Panel Side 1 Panel Side 2 5 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness 21.1 Introduction Learning Objectives By the end of Chapter 21, students should be able to: 1. Explain how to measure the wet film thickness (WFT) of an applied coating using a comb or wet film thickness gauge. 2. Accurately measure the dry film thickness (DFT) of an applied coating using Type I and Type II DFT gauges. 3. Accurately measure the dry film thickness of an applied coating in accordance with SSPC-PA 2 and ISO 19840. Review: Film Thickness Film thickness refers to the depth or thickness of the applied coating material. A well-written coating specification will provide a minimum and maximum coating thickness for each layer of coating and for the entire coating system. Correct thickness plays a vital role in ensuring optimum coating performance. Film thickness can be measured at both the wet film and dry film stage. Wet film thickness (WFT) refers to the thickness of the coating immediately after application and prior to any curing or solvent evaporation. Dry film thickness (DFT) refers to the thickness of a coating system once all solvents have evaporated and the coating has cured. Wet film thickness gauges are primarily used by craftworkers during the application process whereas dry film thickness gauges are typically used by inspectors. 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Test Methods Performing film thickness measurements is arguably the single most important measurement performed by an inspector during the application of protective coatings. Non-destructive film thickness instruments can be broken down into two categories: wet and dry gauges. On nearly all coating projects, the inspector will be required to measure the film thickness of applied coatings. It is one of the most important measurements throughout the entire coating installation process. The methods, and corresponding equipment, employed by inspectors to measure film thickness can be broken down into two categories. Wet film instruments and dry film instruments. Dry film instruments can be further broken down into Type I gauges, which are analog, and Type II gauges, which are digital. 21.2 Wet Film Thickness Comb Gauge: Overview A comb, also referred to as a notch gauge, is a tool that allows the applicator or inspector to measure the wet film thickness (WFT) of a single layer of coating. Comb gauges contain a series of precisely measured notches or “teeth” along their side. When the gauge is pressed into the wet film of a coating, some of the notches will be coated, and others will not. By examining which notches are and are not coated, the inspector can identify the approximate WFT of the coating material. Comb gauges come in a variety of shapes and contain different measurement ranges based on the number of notches on each comb and the height interval between those notches. Inspectors should select the comb gauge based on the requirements of each project. WFT measurements are commonly performed by applicators, not inspectors. There are, however, two main instances where inspectors perform WFT measurements. 1. To verify if the coating application process is on track to reach the specified DFT. 2. To verify the film thickness when the DFT cannot be measured after drying/curing. Standards The following standards describe the use of a comb gauge. ASTM D4414 Standard Practice for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness by Notch Gages ISO 2808 Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness AS/NZS 1580.107.3 Methods of test for paints and related materials - Determination of wet film thickness by gauge Additional standards may be available for your region. 2 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to measure the wet film thickness of an applied coating using a comb gauge. Refer to the project’s specification, referenced standard, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. Step One: Select the appropriate comb gauge and edge Select a comb gauge based on the target WFT range for the coating material. Different gauges measure different wet film thickness ranges, and then each side of the gauge will typically break down the range even further. The range of the gauge can be identified by reading the measurements next to each notch. Most gauges have imperial units on one side and metric on the other, but some gauges contain only one unit of measurement. Step Two: Inspect the comb gauge Verify that the comb gauge is clean, dry, and undamaged. When the gauge is pressed into the wet coating film, any contaminants or moisture on the gauge may remain within the film or be pushed into the underlying substrate. The inspector should also examine the notches of the comb for any signs of damage or distortion. If any notches are dented, chipped, or bent, they will produce incorrect readings, so the gauge should not be used. Step Three: Measure the WFT and record the results Hold the comb gauge perpendicular to the wet coating film (90° angle) and then press the gauge firmly into the film. The outermost notches of the gauge should touch the substrate or previous layer of coating. Next, remove the comb from the wet film and examine the notches of the comb. Identify which notches have coating on them and which do not. Note that if all of the teeth are coated, the inspector needs to use a gauge/ edge with a higher thickness range, and if none are coated, a lower thickness range is required. The true WFT may lie between the highest numbered notch with coating on it and the next higher notch that is clean. However, when recording the WFT measurement on most projects, the highest notch that is coated should be recorded. Important If the specification lists a specific standard for WFT measurements, there can be variations in how the value is recorded. Some specifications will require the inspector to average the value of the highest numbered notch with coating on it and the value of the next higher notch that is clean. The average will then be recorded as the WFT. Step Four: Clean the gauge and repeat the process Clean the comb gauge after each measurement using a suitable, mild solvent or a clean cloth. After cleaning, ensure that all coating material has been removed and that the gauge is dry. Next, continue to take measurements until the specified amount and locations have been measured. 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Measure the WFT as soon as possible after the coating has been applied Avoid dragging the gauge through wet coating (this causes a false high reading) Wipe the gauge clean between each measurement to avoid coating build-up Inspect the notches/teeth of the gauge for damage Take care to place the gauge along the longitudinal axis when measuring WFT on pipes or curved surfaces Important The longer the wait between application and measurement, the less accurate the results become. This is due to the drying and curing process beginning as soon as the coating is applied. For example, when a coating is applied that cures through solvent evaporation, the solvent will begin escaping from the film. This evaporation of solvent will reduce the thicknesses of the wet coating film. Calibration & Accuracy Worn, bent, or damaged WFT combs should be replaced. It is important to note that comb gauges only provide an approximate measure of WFT. In addition, attempts to measure the WFT of quick-dry coatings, inorganic zinc-rich primers, powder coatings, and thermal spray coatings will often generate inaccurate results. 21.3 Type I DFT Gauges Type I (Analog) DFT Gauge: Overview Type I DFT Gauges are magnetic instruments that enable the inspector to measure the DFT of a single layer of coating film or multiple layers combined. Type I gauges are commonly referred to as magnetic pull-off gauges as they produce a static magnetic field when a permanent magnet is brought into direct contact with the coated surface. The gauge then measures the force required to overcome the magnetic attraction between a magnet and a magnetic substrate. In other words, they measure the force required to pull the magnet off the surface, this force is converted to coating thickness value, and the value is displayed on an analog dial (scale) on the gauge. The more force that is required, the thinner the coating layer is. 4 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Magnetic pull-off gauges are inexpensive, portable and can also be used in areas where electronic gauges (Type II DFT gauges) may cause problems. As an example, they are commonly used within flammable atmospheres as Type I gauges are considered “non-sparking” and intrinsically safe. Some Type I gauges can also be used underwater. There are two different types of Type I gauges; dial type and pencil type. Dial type gauges, commonly referred to as “Banana Gauges” or a “Mechanical Gauges,” are widely used. Whereas pencil type gauges are used for specialized applications such as very small or hard-to-reach areas (bolt heads, rebar, small diameter piping, edges, etc.). Some pencil type gauges can only be used either vertically or horizontally, while others can be used in either orientation. Keep in mind that when using Type I gauges, different models measure different film thickness ranges. It is important that the inspector verify that the model of their Type I gauge can measure the target DFT of the coating material as per the specification or the coating’s product data sheet. Model A 0 - 8 mils 0 - 203 µm Model B 0 - 40 mils 0 - 1016 µm Model C 0 - 80 mils 0 - 2032 µm Model D 25 - 250 mils 635 - 6350 µm Standards The following standards describe the use of Type I DFT Gauges: SSPC-PA 2 Paint Application Standard No. 2 – Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness Requirements ASTM D7091 Standard Practice for Nondestructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings Applied to Ferrous Metals and Nonmagnetic, Nonconductive Coatings Applied to Non-Ferrous Metals ISO 19840 Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems – Measurement of, and acceptance criteria for, the thickness of dry films on rough surfaces Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to perform a single DFT measurement using a Type I gauge. Determining if a recorded measurement is in conformance with the specification is a more complex process that will be discussed later in this chapter. Dial Type Gauge 1. Place the gauge on the coated test surface. 2. Rotate the dial forwards (counterclockwise) using your finger or thumb beyond the expected thickness and press the button to hold the magnet against the surface. 3. Slowly and steadily rotate the dial backward (clockwise), increasing the spring tension until the magnet breaks contact with the surface. 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness 4. Some gauges contain a counterweight button on the underside that, when released, will automatically rotate the dial and stop when the magnet releases. 5. Identify the number on the dial that lines up with the vertical hairline or arrow on the dial’s cover. 6. Record this number as the unadjusted coating thickness at this test location. Important To avoid inaccurate readings, the inspector must stop turning the dial as soon as the magnet breaks contact. In addition to hearing the magnet release, most gauges also have an indicator of some fashion that will pop up, so close attention should be paid. Pencil Type Gauge 1. Place the tip of the pencil on the coated surface and allow the magnet to contact. 2. Slowly pull the pencil perpendicularly from the substrate while keeping a close watch on the appropriate indicator. 3. Identify the number on the indicator that lines up with the line. 4. Record this number as the unadjusted coating thickness at this test location. Important Some pencil type gauges will have one indicator, whereas others will have different indicators depending on the position of the pencil. As an example, a red line when measurements are performed horizontally, a green line when performed pointing vertically down, and a blue line when pointing vertically up. Some pencil gauges can only be used in either a horizontal or vertical position. Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Verify the gauge for accuracy at the beginning of each work shift or as specified Measure each layer before the next one is applied – Type I gauges can only measure the distance between the gauge and substrate; they cannot differentiate between layers Verify the magnet is free from magnetic particles (steel grit, iron filings, swarf, etc.) and other interference materials Cease turning the dial when the magnet releases Rotate the dial at a steady pace when taking measurements 6 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Account for the impact of the surface profile by subtracting the BMR or Correction Value from readings – This will be discussed in the standards section Position the gauge along the longitudinal axis of a pipe or curved surface Do not use: – Within 2.5 cm (1 in.) of an edge, as the physical properties of the metal’s edge change, and this affects its magnetism – On or near vibrating equipment as the vibrations may prematurely lift the gauge – On metal being welded as the unit may become demagnetized – On tacky or soft surfaces as they may prevent the magnet from lifting properly and can contaminate it 21.4 Type II DFT Gauges Type II (Digital) DFT Gauge: Overview Type II gauges are commonly referred to as electronic or digital gauges and are relatively easy to use. Type II instruments use an electronic probe to generate a magnetic field (Hall-effect, magnetic induction, or eddy current) to measure the gap (distance) between the substrate and the probe. This measured distance is then converted into coating thickness reading. In addition to ease of use, Type II gauges are popular as they can perform DFT measurements faster than Type I gauges. They are also less susceptible to vibrations than Type I gauges and select models can measure film thickness on non-magnetic surfaces such as aluminum and most types of stainless steel. Keep in mind that when selecting a Type II gauge that different models measure different film thickness ranges. For example, some models may only measure film thickness up to 60 mils (1,500 μm), while other models may only measure film thickness up to 1,220 mils (31,000 μm) on ferrous metal substrates. Many Type II gauges can store readings in batches or groups. This capability allows users to take readings in multiple areas, view the results at once, and then keep the data stored for future use. Many manufacturers have also created gauges with software synchronizing capabilities that enable data to be transferred to other devices through USB, Bluetooth, or WiFi. This can be particularly useful when a coating project requires digital record keeping or if the data needs to be mapped, graphed, or analyzed. 7 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Standards The following standards describe the use of Type II DFT Gauges: SSPC-PA 2 Paint Application Standard No. 2 – Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness Requirements ASTM D7091 Standard Practice for Nondestructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings Applied to Ferrous Metals and Nonmagnetic, Nonconductive Coatings Applied to Non-Ferrous Metals ISO 19840 Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems – Measurement of, and acceptance criteria for, the thickness of dry films on rough surfaces AS 3894.3 Site testing of protective coatings – Determination of dry film thickness Additional standards may also be available for your region. Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to perform a single DFT measurement using a Type II gauge. Determining if a recorded measurement is in conformance with the specification is a more complex process that will be discussed later in this chapter as will verifying the accuracy of the gauge. 1. Turn the gauge on by pressing the center navigation button. 2. Place the probe flat against the coated surface at a 90-degree angle. Some gauges may require the inspector to push down gently or press a button to take the measurement. 3. Hold the gauge steady until the gauge indicates that a measurement has been taken. When a valid measurement is obtained, the gauge will typically “beep,” or a light will flash, and then the DFT reading will be displayed. 4. Record the gauge reading (if the gauge does not store data). 5. Lift the gauge above the surface and place it on the next test site. 8 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Place the fixed, integrated probe perpendicular to the substrate when performing measurements – Separate, cabled probes are available in various shapes and sizes to ensure perpendicular placement – Probe must remain in contact with the coated surface Avoid dragging or rocking the probe as this can cause damage – Note that specialized scan probes can be dragged Use interchangeable probes for: – Hard-to-reach areas – Curved surface – Challenging environments (underwater, high-temperature, etc.) Always read the user manual for your specific model – Each gauge’s capabilities and functionality will vary greatly Perform the required firmware and software updates Make appropriate adjustments for the surface profile – This process will be discussed in detail later in this chapter Do not perform measurements on dirty, tacky, or soft films – The pressure on the probe can indent the coating yielding false low measurements, or coating materials may contaminate the probe yielding false high measurements. Always check the batteries before use Account for the edge effect as defined by ASTM B244; the gauge is sensitive to abrupt changes in surface contour – Modern gauges can measure accurately right up to the edge as long as the probe does not hang over the edge itself. – Probes should be calibrated to the edge being measured Verify that the shims are in good condition before they are used to ensure the accuracy of the gauge. Foils/ shims will wear more quickly when used on roughened surfaces. – This process will be discussed in detail later in this chapter 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness 21.5 The DFT Inspection Process Standards DFT measurements are commonly performed according to two different industry standards, SSPC-PA 2 and ISO 8501. It is important to note that the measurement process for each standard is different. The specific process for each standard will be covered later in this chapter. Although SSPC-PA 2 and ISO 19840 will be the focus of this chapter, it is important to highlight that select countries and industries may have their own standards that govern the measurement of DFT. For example, Australian Standard AS 3894 or ASTM D7091, which is referenced within SSPC-PA 2. SSPC PA-2: Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness Requirements ISO 19840: Measurement of, and Acceptance Criteria for, the Thickness of Dry Films on Rough Surfaces Australian Standard AS 3894.3: Site Testing of Protective Coatings - Method 3: Determination of dry film thickness ASTM D7091.1 Standard Practice for Nondestructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings Applied to Ferrous Metals and Nonmagnetic, Nonconductive Coatings Applied to Non- Ferrous Metals Important The standards that govern film thickness measurements prescribe how to measure the DFT but do not provide any acceptance criterion. As a result, the dry film thickness range should be clearly stated in the specification as well as agree with the PDS and the coating manufacturer’s stated recommendations Prior to Performing Measurements Prior to performing any measurements, the inspector should verify that gauge has a current Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to an independent testing laboratory or the equipment manufacturer. Calibration is the process of testing and standardizing a gauge’s operation against a known reference standard, then making the necessary adjustments (as required) to correct any out-of-tolerance conditions. All gauge bodies and probes will include a Certificate of Calibration. 10 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness It is performed by the equipment manufacturer, authorized agent, or an accredited calibration lab in a controlled environment using a documented process. Calibration intervals are usually established based upon experience, the work environment, and the owner’s quality assurance system. A one-year calibration interval is a typical starting point suggested by manufacturers when the instrument is in regular use. After the certificate of calibration is verified, inspectors should: 1. Locate and remove any contaminants from the gauge. Type I gauge – Pay particular attention to the calibrated magnet as it can attract magnetic filings and can also be covered in coating residue from measurements taken on coatings that were not sufficiently dry. Type II gauge – Pay particular attention to the probe as contaminants can become trapped, and it can also be covered in coating residue from measurements taken on coatings that were not sufficiently dry. It may also exhibit signs of wear if it has not been used correctly (e.g., dragged across a surface). 2. Check the functionality of the gauge. Type I gauge – Test that the dial is rotating correctly and can rotate beyond the expected thickness. Type II gauge – Examine the settings, including the language, battery charge, units of measurement, measurement mode, calculation settings (zero, 1-point adjustment, 2-point adjustment, zero offset, etc.), and paired devices. Important Inspectors should always verify the certificate of calibration and inspect the gauge settings (Type II) and gauge body for damage and debris prior to taking measurements. These fundamental checks are the first step of the DFT inspection process and should be performed regardless of the standard specified. 21.6 SSPC-PA 2 Verification of Accuracy The basic measure of a coating thickness gauge’s performance is the accuracy with which the gauge takes readings. Accuracy refers to how close a measurement reading is to the true (real or actual) coating thickness. The process to verify the accuracy of the gauge is based on the principle that you check the gauge by measuring a standard/shim of a known thickness before you use the same gauge to measure an unknown thickness. 11 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Accuracy of Type I (magnetic pull-off) gauges is determined using certified coating thickness standards. Certified standards are coated or steel test plates (containing an uncoated plate for zero reference) with assigned thickness values near the expected dry film thickness to be measured. Unless explicitly permitted by the gauge manufacturer, shims of plastic or of non-magnetic metals, which are acceptable for verifying the accuracy of Type II gauges, are not used for verifying the accuracy of Type I gauges. The accuracy of Type II gauges can be verified by measuring a certified coated thickness standard (described for Type I gauges) or certified color-coded, plastic, or foil shims with assigned thickness values. Both Type I and Type II DFT gauges should be verified for accuracy in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or pre-programed procedures, using a one or two-point verification procedure. A one-point adjustment uses one test plate or shim, while the use of two test plates or shims spanning the range of intended use is considered a two-point adjustment. DFT gauges should be verified for accuracy prior to and at the end of each work shift. If the same gauge, reference standard, and method of verification are used throughout a job, they need to be recorded only once. If the gauge is dropped or suspected of giving erroneous readings during the work shift, recheck its accuracy. Also, during periods of high usage, the inspector may need to verify accuracy more often (hourly) when a large number of measurements are being obtained. The stated value of the standard and the measured value must be recorded each time accuracy is verified. Important Certified standards and shims are created and measured using equipment traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or recognized national laboratory. A Certificate of Calibration will be included with all certified test equipment. Verification of Accuracy: Type I Gauge The accuracy of Type I gauges are verified using certified coated metal plates having at least one thickness value within the expected range of use. For example, if the specified dry film range is 10 - 12 mils (254 - 305μm), the inspector would select a test plate that is somewhere between the 10 - 12 mils specified range, ideally 11 mils (279 μm). To verify the accuracy of a Type I gauge using a one-point procedure: 1. Select the metal test plate/shim that is within the specified range of the thickness of the coating that will be applied. Record the stated thickness value of the test plate/shim. 2. Measure and record the thickness of the test plate/shim. 3. Compare and record the thickness value measured with the thickness stated on the standard. 12 If the reading falls within the coating thickness standard and the manufacturer’s stated gauge accuracy (typically a tolerance of ± 5%), the gauge is considered accurate and ready for use. © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Example: If the specification states a DFT range of 4-6 mils (101-152 μm), you would select a 5 mil (127 μm) shim. If the manufacturer states a tolerance range of 5%, then the acceptable accuracy range of the gauge is 95% to 105% of 5 mils (127 μm), meaning that a gauge reading between 4.7 mils to 5.25 mils (119-133 μm) is operating accurately. – Note: While it is very unlikely that a Level I inspector would need to perform these calculations, further guidance can be found within ASTM D7091 section 7.3. If the gauge reading is outside of the combined accuracy of the coating thickness standard and the manufacturer’s stated gauge accuracy, it should not be used. As, Type I gauges cannot be adjusted in the field. The instrument should be returned to the manufacturer or authorized agency for calibration. If a two-point accuracy verification procedure is adopted, the inspector will conduct the same process used for a one-point procedure except using two test plates – one slightly below and one above the intended range of use. For example, if the range of the applied coating is between 4-6 mils (101-152 μm), then the inspector will select a 2 mil (50 μm) and an 8 mil (203 μm) set of coated standards or shims. Base Metal Reading (BMR) Adjustment All DFT gauge (both Type I and II) readings are influenced by changes in substrate shape, composition, and surface roughness. When a DFT gauge is placed on a prepared (abrasive blast cleaned) substrate, the gauge will display a reading, even though no coating is present. DFT gauges measure from the magnetic plane of a roughened surface which is partway into the peak and valley pattern of the surface profile. This ensures that the minimum coating thickness required by the specification is applied over the peaks of the surface profile, eliminating the chance of pinpoint rusting. However, SSPC-PA 2 requires that dry film thickness is measured from the top of the peaks of the surface profile. This inherent delta is known as the base metal effect and must be accounted for when measuring film thickness. Type I Gauges As Type I gauges are commonly verified for accuracy using smooth-surfaced coating thickness standards (or using a smooth zero plate), the inspector needs to account for the impact that the surface profile will have on the gauge’s measurements separately. This is typically achieved by establishing a base metal reading or BMR (SSPC-PA-2) or a correction value (ISO 19840) and then subtracting this offset value from DFT measurement readings. The inspector should keep in mind that the methods (SSPC PA- 2 and IS0 19840) outlined need to be performed on the bare, prepared substrate. So, the inspector needs to coordinate with the contractor to take the readings at the same time surface profile measurements are obtained (before coating application). Alternatively, on some projects, the contractor will produce a reference panel that the inspector can use to take these readings. 13 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Type II Gauges Type II gauges are commonly verified for accuracy using calibration shims or foils on the prepared (roughened) surface. As a result, the inspector does not need to account for the impact of the surface profile separately, cutting steps out of the process. Due to the digital nature of Type II gauges, the inspector can verify gauge accuracy and, if necessary, simultaneously adjust the gauge for the impact of the surface profile as part of the same process. This eliminates the need to measure and deduct BMR. Type II gauges can be adjusted in one of three ways: a 1-Point adjustment to zero for smooth surfaces or by using a 1-point or 2-point adjustment to a known thickness for roughened surfaces. If you are measuring dry film thickness on a smooth, flat surface, the only verification of accuracy you need is to ensure that the gauge is reading “zero” on the uncoated test plate or surface. Note that there are some DFT gauges that are factory calibrated to predetermined surface profiles. Such instruments do not require adjustment. Important It is important to highlight that the inspector is not establishing the surface profile, rather they are measuring the effect that the profile (surface roughness) will have on the selected DFT gauge. If you were to deduct the actual surface profile from the coating thickness readings, the actual coating thickness would be understated. If the BMR is not accounted for, the actual coating thickness would be overstated. Adjustment - Type I Gauge Only When using a Type I DFT gauge in accordance with SSPC-PA 2, the inspector must determine the impact that the roughened substrate will have on the gauge’s readings. This is achieved by obtaining a Base Metal Reading (BMR). To obtain the BMR, the inspector will: 1. Perform 10 arbitrarily spaced measurements across the bare, roughened substrate using the Type I gauge. Record each reading. 2. Average the 10 readings to determine the BMR value. 3. Record the BMR value for later use. The BMR value represents the effect of the roughened substrate on the gauge’s readings. Later in the measurement process, the BMR value will be subtracted from the “spot” measurements in order to report the thickness of the coating layer(s) over the surface profile. Important The BMR will not change significantly across a structure as long as similar blast cleaning equipment, abrasive size, and abrasive type are used. The BMR is also typically a small factor, usually 8 to 20 μm (0.3 to 0.8 mils) but can be outside this range. 14 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness One-Point Adjustment Procedure - Type II Gauge Accounting for the accuracy of the gauge and adjusting for BMR is completed in one step with Type II gauges. While SSPC-PA 2 allows for a one-point or two-point adjustment procedure, the one-point procedure is more prevalent in the field and will be the focus here. A one-point adjustment involves fixing the instrument’s calibration curve at one point after taking several readings on a single coating thickness standard/shim or reference sample. To perform a one-point adjustment per SSPC-PA 2, the inspector will: 1. Select a single shim with a thickness at or close to the expected film thickness and record the thickness value of the shim. For example, if the specified film thickness is 3 – 6 mils (76 – 152 μm), then the inspector could select a shim that measures 4 mils (101μ). If there isn’t a shim that falls within the specified range, then it is generally accepted practice to select a slightly thicker shim than the maximum DFT. Note that shims can also be “stacked” on top of each other if the shims are not thick enough but need to be positioned, so labels do not overlap. 2. Verify the thickness of the shim with a micrometer (if required) and record the reading. Note that SSPC-PA 2 does not require the verification of shims. However, it is considered a best practice. This is often performed as shims can become damaged or worn over time, altering their actual thickness from what is listed on the label. If the shim measures outside of its stated value or is visibly damaged, it should be discarded. 3. Select the one-point adjustment option within the calibration menu. This option may be abbreviated, e.g., “1 pt. Adj” or “Rough 1-point”. 4. Place the shim on the roughened surface or on a blasted test surface with a similar profile and measure its thickness. The average of 10 readings on the shim is sufficient to allow for the statistical variation in the blast profile. 5. Compare the gauge reading to the shim’s measured thickness (from Step 2). If the readings match, the gauge is accurate and ready for use. If the readings do not match, the gauge needs to be adjusted to match the verified thickness of the shim. To adjust the gauge, increase or decrease the numerical reading until it matches the shim’s measured thickness. Repeat the process to ensure until the gauge reading matches the stated thickness of the shim. 6. Repeat Steps 3-5 until the gauge is performing accurate measurements and ready for use. 15 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Important Note that some Type II gauges cannot be adjusted to account for the impact of surface roughness. In such cases, the inspector will need to follow the Type I method (verify accuracy and then obtain a Base Metal Reading). Measuring Dry Film Thickness Film thickness can vary greatly across a coated surface. Consequently, obtaining a single DFT gauge reading will not be sufficient to determine the DFT of the wider measurement area. Under SSPC-PA 2, the number of readings that the inspector must perform depends on the size of the coated area. SSPC-PA 2 divides the coated area into 100 sq. ft. (9.29 sq. m) sections, referred to as measurement areas. The number of measurement areas that the inspector will perform gauge readings in is dependent on the total surface area of the asset being coated. If the asset is: Less than 300 ft2 (30 m2) – Measure each 100 ft2 (10m2) area. Between 300 to 1,000 ft2 (30 m2 - 100 m2) – Arbitrarily select and measure three 100 ft2 (10m2) areas. Greater than 1,000 square feet – Arbitrarily select and measure three 100 ft2 (10m2) areas. – Plus, one additional area (100 ft2 or 10m2) for each additional 1,000 ft2 (100 m2). Before we examine the number of measurements performed in each area, the inspector must first understand the difference between “gauge readings” and “spot readings.” A gauge reading is the measurement value obtained each time the probe of a thickness gauge comes in contact with the surface. A spot measurement is when a group of three gauge readings is taken within a 1.5 in. (3.8 cm) diameter circle area, and then their values are averaged. 16 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness To measure a 100 ft2 (9.29 m2) area, the inspector performs five “spot” measurements. A “spot” measurement is performed by taking three gauge readings within an area that is ≈ 1.5 in. (4 cm) in diameter. So, for each selected 100 sq. ft. (10 m2), the inspector will identify 5 test sites and then take 3 readings at each site, culminating in a minimum of 15-gauge readings within the area. Note that any unusually high or low gauge readings that are not repeated consistently should be discarded. The three readings within each spot are then averaged to determine the Spot Measurement. The inspector should document each individual gauge reading unless they are using a Type II gauge with the capability to store the readings and access them later. Important Complex structures like steel beams and girders require additional measurements. Refer to the appendices of SSPC-PA 2 for more information. Calculating DFT To determine the DFT of the wider measurement area per SSPC-PA 2, the inspector averages the five “spot” measurements. However, if the impact of the surface roughness was not accounted for when adjusting the gauge, then its impact must be factored into these calculations. This is achieved by subtracting the BMR from each of the “spot” readings prior to averaging them. Both processes are outlined below. Mentor Tip Remember that when averaging any set of numbers, the average cannot be greater than the largest number or less than the smallest. 17 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Type I gauge Type II gauge To calculate the DFT of the measurement area: To calculate the DFT of the measurement area: 1. Average the three gauges readings within each spot to determine the spot measurement. 1. Average the three gauges readings within each spot to determine the spot measurement. 2. Subtract the Base Metal Reading (BMR) from each spot measurement to determine the adjusted spot readings. 2. Average the five spot measurements to determine the DFT of the measurement area. 3. Average the five spot measurements to determine the DFT of the measurement area. Remember that a BMR is not required when measureing with a Type II gauge. Note that the above calculations are repeated for each measurement area. 18 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Tolerance – Key Terminology Tolerance is the permissible limit or variation in a measurement. In other words, it is the pre-determined margin of error that a measurement is allowed in order to still conform with the specification. Tolerance is expressed as ±. When measuring the Dry Film Thickness of an applied coating, tolerance is applied at two key stages in the process. The first occurred during the verification of accuracy, and the second occurs when determining if the recorded DFT measurements conform with the standard’s requirements. Verifying Conformance with the Specification For many inspection tasks, verifying conformance is as straightforward as checking if the obtained readings fall within the range listed in the specification. Determining if the DFT of an applied coating material is in conformance with a specification is a more complex process. SSPC-PA 2 outlines two criteria that the DFT readings must meet for the applied coating to be in conformance with the specification. Conformance criteria: Each spot measurement shall be within the adjusted DFT range. The area measurement shall be within the specified DFT range. Conformance Criteria 1 To fulfill the first conformance criteria, each spot measurement must be within the adjusted DFT range. In this context, the “adjusted” DFT range refers to the DFT range after the permissible tolerance has been applied. SSPC-PA 2 breaks down the degree of tolerance allowed into five restriction levels. These levels can be seen in the Coating Thickness Restriction Levels table below, with Level 1 being the most restrictive and Level 5 the least restrictive. 19 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Coating Thickness Restriction Levels Thickness Gauge Reading Spot Measurement Area Measurement Minimum Unrestricted As specified As specified Maximum Unrestricted As specified As specified Minimum Unrestricted As specified As specified Maximum Unrestricted 120 % of maximum As specified Minimum Unrestricted 80% of minimum As specified Maximum Unrestricted 120% of maximum As specified Minimum Unrestricted 80% of minimum As specified Maximum Unrestricted 150% of maximum As specified Minimum Unrestricted 80% of minimum As specified Maximum Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 (default) Level 4 Level 5 If SSPC-PA 2 is specified, but no restriction level is listed, then Tolerance Level 3 is automatically applied. Under Restriction Level 3, each spot measurement must be within 80% of the minimum specified thickness and 120% of the maximum specified thickness to be in conformance. As an example, if the DFT range for the primer is specified as 1.2 – 3.2 mils (30 – 81 μm), then the adjusted range is 1.0 – 3.8 mils (25 – 97 μm) as 80% of 1.2 mils equals to 0.96 (rounded to1.0 mil), and 120% of 3.2 mils equals 3.8 mils. In the table below, SSPC-PA 2 Restriction Level 3 has been applied to the readings. If you examine the table, you will see that Spot 4’s adjusted reading is 1.1 mils which is outside the specified DFT range (1.2 mils minimum) and is, therefore, not in conformance. However, when Restriction Level 3 is applied, the minimum DFT is lowered to 1.0 mils, bringing Spot 4’s reading back into conformance. Conformance Criteria 2 To fulfill the second conformance criteria, the DFT of the wider measurement area must be within the DFT range listed in the project’s specification. Restriction Levels do not apply when determining if the DFT of the entire measurement area is in conformance. In the table above, you will see that the DFT for Measurement Area 1 is 1.4 mils. The specified DFT range is 1.2 to 3.2 mils, so are area average of 1.4 mils is in conformance. The inspector can sign off on this area and move on to the next section. 20 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Important If a single DFT value is specified instead of a range, then the minimum and maximum thickness for each coating layer shall be ± 20% of the stated value. For example, a DFT of 10 mils would convert to a range of 8 – 12 mils. SSPC-PA 2 contains 10 appendices. These appendices are non-mandatory unless specified. They describe alternative methods to perform parts of the DFT measurement process and provide guidance on how to implement the standard when different scenarios are presented (e.g., measuring DFT on a complex shape). The inspector should familiarize themselves with these appendices prior to implementing the required standard. The 10 appendices include: Appendix 1 – Numerical Example of Average Thickness Measurement and Illustration of the Procedure for Determining the Magnitude of A Nonconforming Area Appendix 2 – Methods for Measuring Dry Film Thickness on Steel Beams (Girders) Appendix 3 – Methods for Measuring Dry Film Thickness for A Laydown of Beams, Structural Steel, And Miscellaneous Parts After Shop Coating Appendix 4 – Method for Measuring Dry Film Thickness on Coated Steel Test Panels Appendix 5 – Method for Measuring Dry Film Thickness of Thin Coatings on Coated Steel Test Panels That Have Been Abrasive Blast Cleaned Appendix 6 – Method for Measuring the Dry Film Thickness of Coatings on Edges with Type II Gages Appendix 7 – Method for Measuring Dry Film Thickness on Coated Steel Pipe Exterior Appendix 8 – Examples of the Adjustment of Type II Gages Using Shims Appendix 9 – Precaution Regarding Use of the Standard for Coating Failure Investigations Appendix 10 – Procedure for Obtaining a Greater Population of Thickness Measurements Using Type II Gage Continuous Read/ Scanning Probe Technology 21.7 ISO 19840 21 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Adjustment of the Instrument - Type I and II Per ISO 19840, Section 6.2, to verify the accuracy of both Type I and Type II gauges, you will undertake a two-point verification procedure if you have access to a sample of the bare, prepared (uncoated) substrate. A two-point adjustment fixes the instrument’s calibration curve at two known thicknesses. This procedure requires the use of a zero-test plate and two traceable standards (shims or coated test plates), one below and one above the specified DFT. As an example, if the specified film thickness is 3 – 6 mils (76 – 152 μm), then the inspector could select a shim/plate that measures 2 mils (51μ) and one that measures 7 mils (175 μm). To perform a two-point verification per ISO 19840, the inspector will: 1. Zero the gauge on a smooth, uncoated test plate (zero test plate) per the manufacturer’s instructions. Type I gauges: If a Type I gauge will not ‘zero,’ it should be sent for calibration. Type II gauges: If a Type II gauge will not ‘zero,’ it can be adjusted using the “Zero” option within the gauge’s calibration menu. 2. Select a shim/test plate that is higher (thicker) than the specified DFT and one that is lower (thinner). Note that shims can also be “stacked” on top of each other if the shims are not thick enough but need to be positioned so labels do not overlap. 3. Measure the thickness of the thinner shim/test plate and record the reading. If the readings match (within the permissible tolerance), the gauge is considered accurate and ready for use. Note always consult the gauge’s instruction manual as some manufacturers may require that the thicker shim be measured first, followed by the thinner shim. Type I gauges: If the reading does not match the test plate’s thickness (within the manufacturer’s permissible tolerance range), the gauge should not be used until it is repaired and re-calibrated by the manufacturer or authorized agency. ISO 19840 states that Type I gauges that have a a fixed scale graduation should only be used when a lower level of accuracy can be accepted. They can only be adjusted at one particular point on the scale, and this adjustment will have a limited effect on calibration over the full range. Type II gauges: Select the two-point adjustment option within the calibration menu and place the shim on the prepared substrate. If the reading of the shim does not match its assigned thickness value, adjust the scale reading to the value of the shim. To adjust the gauge, increase or decrease the numerical reading using the relevant buttons. 4. Repeat the procedure for Step 3 using the thicker shim. 5. Verify the accuracy of the gauge by measuring an intermediate-value shim on the roughened surface. An intermediate value shim is one that sits within the specified DFT range. If the measured thickness matches the shim’s thickness, the gauge is ready for use. Important ISO 19840 does not explicitly require the inspector to verify the thickness of the selected shims with a micrometer. However, it is considered best practice and, when possible, should be performed. Further, while ISO 19840 outlines that the thinner shim should be measured and then the thicker, this order may change depending on the manufacturer’s guidelines. 22 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Correction Values When determining the specific correction value when the surface roughness is known and was measured using comparators: 1. Refer back to the previous inspection records to determine the surface profile grade recorded earlier in the process. 2. Match the surface profile grade to a Correction Value within the Correction Value Table. E.g., A “medium” grade profile has a correction value of - 25 μm / - 1.0 mils. Surface profile per ISO 8503-1 Correction value (µm) Correction value (mils) Fine 10 0.4 Medium 25 1.0 Coarse 40 1.6 Unknown 25 1.0 3. Record the Correction Value. Note: The value will later be subtracted from the DFT gauge readings or input into the gauge (Type II only) using the zero offset calibration option. If you don’t have access to the prepared (uncoated) substrate, you can use the “Zero Offset” method, available on some Type II gauges. ISO 19840 states that if the surface profile is unknown, the inspector should calibrate on smooth steel (preferably of the same type as the substrate) and then subtract the predefined correction value from the measurement taken on the coated surface. Some gauges are pre-programmed to include correction values that can be selected prior to measurement. When used, the inspector does not have to manually subtract the correction value from readings later in the process. ISO 19840 outlines two additional methods for determining correction values: If the surface profile is unknown or has not been measured, a correction value of 25 μm (1 mil) can be used to offset the impact of the surface roughness. If a sample showing the surface profile is available and the profile is not in accordance with ISO 8503-1, the correction value shall be determined in accordance with Annex D. Annex D is used when the inspector needs to determine a specific correction value on the roughened surface with the particular dry film thickness instrument being used. This process is very similar to the Base Metal Reading (BMR) process used under SSPC-PA 2. Annex D states that a foil/shim of approximately 125 μm thickness (but not less than 115 μm or greater than 160 μm) should be placed on the roughened surface. Take 10 measurements at different points on the blast-cleaned or roughened surface. Average the 10 readings together and subtract the stated value (thickness) of the foil/shim to determine the correction value. 23 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Measuring Dry Film Thickness Film thickness can vary greatly across a coated surface. Consequently, obtaining a single measurement will not be sufficient to determine the DFT of the wider test area. Under ISO 19840, the number of measurements to be taken in an inspection area is outlined within the standard’s Sampling Plan. ISO 19840 considers the entire structure to be one measurement area if the project’s specification does not divide the structure into specific inspection areas, except when the coated area is greater than 1,000 m2 or m. Areas larger than 1,000 m2 or m should be broken down into separate, smaller measurement areas. Sampling Plan Area/length of inspection area m2 or m Minimum number of measurements Maximum number of measurements allowed to be repeated up to 1 5 1 above 1 to 3 10 2 above 3 to 10 15 3 above 10 to 30 20 4 above 30 to 100 30 6 above 100* add 10 for every additional 100 m2 or 100 m or part thereof 20% of the minimum number of measurements *Areas above 1000 m2 or m should be divided into smaller inspection areas. Inspectors should note that the Sampling Plan outlines the minimum number of gauge readings that should be performed. The number of readings should be increased, as appropriate, for inspection areas that are difficult to access or have complex configurations (e.g., stiffeners, brackets, supports, piping). In addition, ISO 19840’s uses “m” or “m2” to define measurement areas. This is particularly useful when measuring long, thin structures like pipelines or structural supports (beams, girders, etc.). 24 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Important Repeat Measurements Unlike other DFT standards, ISO 19840 limits the number of repeat measurements that can be performed. When, during a series of measurements, an individual dry-film thickness value does not meet the conformance criterion, a repeat measurement no more than 10 mm (0.4 ″) from the point of the first measurement shall be performed. If the second measurement meets the conformance criteria, the first value is rejected and replaced by the result of the repeated measurement. If the repeated measurement does not meet the conformance criterion, it cannot be used to replace the first value. For maximum numbers of repeated measurements allowed within an inspection area, refer to the Sampling Plan. Note that the number of replaced measurements shall be indicated in the inspection test report. Calculating DFT To determine the DFT of the wider measurement area per ISO 19840, the inspector averages the individual gauge readings. However, if the impact of the surface roughness was not accounted for when verifying the accuracy of the gauge, then its impact must be factored into these calculations. This is achieved by subtracting the Correction Value from each of the readings prior to averaging them all together. Both processes are outlined below. Type I Gauges To calculate the DFT of the measurement area: 1. Subtract the Correction Value from each gauge reading to determine the adjusted gauge readings. 2. Average the adjusted gauge readings to determine the DFT of the measurement area. 25 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Type II Gauges (if the Correction Value was preprogrammed into the gauge) To calculate the DFT of the measurement area: 1. Average the gauge readings to determine the DFT of the measurement area. Important Note that the correction value is applied once to every reading, no matter if the coating consists of a single layer or multiple layers. As a result, if a top coat is applied over the primer, then the Correction Value will also need to be subtracted from both the primer’s DFT readings and the combined primer and topcoat DFT readings. Conformance ISO 19840 outlines four criteria that the DFT readings must meet for the applied coating to be in conformance with the specification. Conformance criteria: a. The arithmetic mean of all the individual dry-film thicknesses shall be equal to or greater than the nominal dry-film thickness (NDFT); b. All individual dry-film thicknesses shall be equal to or above 80% of the NDFT; c. Individual dry-film thicknesses between 80% of the NDFT and the NDFT are acceptable provided that the number of these measurements is less than 20% of the total number of individual measurements taken; d. All individual dry-film thicknesses shall be less than or equal to the specified maximum dry-film thickness. If it is not specified, see ISO 12944-5. If the acceptance criteria above are met, the measurement area is in conformance. Important ISO 19840 defines nominal dry film thickness (NDFT) as the dry-film thickness specified for each coat or for the whole paint system to achieve the required durability. ISO 12944-5 defines maximum dry film thickness as the highest acceptable dry film thickness above which the performance of the paint or the paint system could be impaired 26 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Annexes ISO 19840 contains five annexes. These annexes are only mandatory when agreed to or specified. They describe alternative methods to perform parts of the DFT measurement process and provide guidance on how to implement the standard when different scenarios are presented (e.g., measuring DFT on a complex shape). The inspector should familiarize themselves with these annexes prior to implementing the required standard. The five annexes include: Annex A – Method based on adjusting the instrument to known thicknesses on a rough surface Annex B – Multiple readings Annex C – Areas requiring special consideration Annex D – Determination of a specific correction value Annex E – Example of a test report form 27 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Knowledge Checks Answer the following questions. Answers can be found in the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. When using a wet film thickness gauge, the film thickness is reported as which of the following? A. The first tooth that has coating on it B. The first tooth that has no coating on it C. The last tooth that has no coating on it D. The last tooth that has coating on it 2. Which of the following is an advantage of using a magnetic pull-off gauge? A. It is intrinsically safe B. It is more accurate than digital gauges C. It can be used in small, hard to reach areas D. It can store readings 3. You must take a measurement using a magnetic pull-off gauge. What is the minimum recommended distance from the edge that you can reliably take a measurement? A. 1 cm (.39 inch) B. 2.5 cm (1 inch) C. 6.35 cm (2.5 inch) D. 2.5 mm (.10 inch) 4. Per ISO 19840, a two-point verification of a Type II gauge requires____________? A. Selecting reference coated standards below and above the anticipated coating thickness B. Selecting two reference coated standards representing the mid-range of the anticipated coating thickness C. Selecting reference coated standards that represent the minimum and maximum DFT specified D. Recording two measurements of gauge accuracy against coated reference standards 28 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness 5. Per SSPC-PA 2, how many gauge readings are required when measuring dry film thickness at one spot on a steel surface? A. One (1) B. Three (3) C. Four (4) D. Five (5) 6. What is the total number of spot measurements required by SSPC-PA 2 in a 1,000 ft2 (100 m2) area? A. Five (5) B. Twenty-five (25) C. Ten (10) D. Fifteen (15) 29 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Self-Study Review Answer the following questions for additional practice. To check your responses, refer to the Answer Key in the Reference tab. Pipeline Scenario You have been instructed to measure the DFT of a recently repaired section of pipeline using a Type II gauge. The specified DFT is 60 - 80 μm (2.4 – 3.2 mils) per SSPC-PA 2 Lv3 or ISO 19840. 1. If the surface area of the pipeline is 3 m2 (32 sq. ft.), how many DFT measurements do you need to perform? 30 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness To the right are the readings you obtained while measuring the film thickness of the pipeline. 2. Based on the readings, what is the DFT of the measurement area? Note: As the section of pipeline being coated is <9.3m2 (<100 sq. ft.), it is considered one measurement area. What does the ‘R’ next to reading 9 and 10 mean, and why doesn’t reading 3 have an ‘R’? 3. Based on the permissible tolerance, what is the adjusted DFT range? Note, SSPC-PA 2 Tolerance Level 3 allows for 80% of minimum specified thickness and 120% of maximum. ISO 19840 allows for a limited number of readings to be 80% of the minimum specified thickness. 31 CIP Level 1 Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness 4a. Is each spot measurement within the adjusted DFT (60μm - 80μm)? Is the DFT of the measurement area within the specified DFT range (48μm - 96μm)? 4b. Is the DFT of the applied coating, in conformance with the specification’s requirements? Is the arithmetic mean of all the individual DFT measurements ≥ the NDFT? Are all individual DFT measurements equal to or above 80% of the NDFT? Is the percentage of individual DFT readings between 80% of the NDFT and the NDFT less than 20% of the total number of measurements taken? Are all individual DFT readings ≤ to the specified maximum DFT? 32 © NACE International Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness 5. Can the inspector report that the work is in conformance with the specification? 33 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 22.1 Introduction Learning Objectives By the end of Chapter 22, students should be able to: 1. Accurately test for the presence of holidays using a low voltage DC detector. 2. Compare and contrast the three types of high voltage detectors. Review: Holiday Testing Holidays are an exposed area or discontinuity within the coating film where part of the substrate remains uncoated. These tiny voids can lead to premature coating failure as they expose the substrate to the atmosphere. The presence of the holiday completes the corrosion cell by allowing an electrolyte to make contact with the substrate. A few examples of holidays include craters, pinholes, fisheyes, and cracks. Most holidays are found on complex structures or hard to access areas such as edges, corners, welds, bolts, nuts, inside holes, angles, etc. Holidays within the coating film are detected with the use of low voltage or high voltage holiday detectors. The type of holiday detector used is based on the total thickness of the coating system and the environment in which it is used. Holiday detectors operate by forming an electric circuit when an exposed portion of the substrate is detected. As a result, they will only work on non-conductive coatings that are applied to a conductive substrate, such as steel or concrete. For example, epoxy coatings applied to steel can be tested for holidays, while a zinc-rich coating applied to the same steel could not (zinc is a conductive metal in the coating). Holiday detection is typically performed after the final coat has been applied but within the recoat interval (period), in case repair of the coating film is required. Coatings that are not cured may show false holidays. Any holidays detected should be repaired and retested to ensure that repairs were successful. 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Operating Principle: Low Voltage Detectors Holiday detectors use electricity, and more specifically, the formation of a closed circuit, to locate discontinuities within the coating film. Most coating materials are poor electrical conductors. As a result, when a holiday detector is moved over the coating, it will act as an insulator and block the electricity’s path. Metal substrates are, however, conductive to electricity. Low voltage DC detectors operate by forming an electric circuit when the wet sponge is moved across the coated surface. If a holiday is present, the water from the sponge will pass through the holiday and contact the exposed steel. The water acts as a bridge, joining the detector to the conductive surface, allowing an electric circuit or “loop” to form and electrons to flow. The electric current then flows from the detector’s sponge through the conductive substrate back to the detector through the return cable/ground wire. This causes the detector to signal, indicating the presence of a holiday in the coating film. Concrete Substrates Using holiday detectors over a concrete surface can be more challenging than using one over steel surfaces. The central challenge is ensuring that the instrument is properly grounded. If there is exposed rebar or metal protruding from the concrete, the ground wire cable should be connected directly to the reinforcing steel rebar when possible. If no rebar or other metal object within the concrete is available, make a capacitance ground connection to the concrete by clamping the ground wire to a wire mesh screen. Make sure the screen is in contact with the concrete by placing a weighted cloth or sand-filled bag over the top. An alternative is to drive a metal rod (or piece of rebar) into the ground nearby the concrete to at least the depth of the slab, relying on the earth to conduct the electric current between the rod and the slab. However, this should not be performed without written authorization. Wetting the concrete in the immediate area also helps to establish continuity. Test Methods The focus of CIP Level 1 is on low voltage, direct current (DC) holiday detectors. However, there are also two types of high voltage holiday detectors including: High voltage continuous or constant DC High voltage pulsed DC 2 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Low Voltage vs. High Voltage Detectors As their names indicate, low voltage detectors operate at lower voltages, typically less than 90 volts, while high voltage detectors typically operate between 500 – 35,000 volts. The lower voltage means that low voltage holiday detectors are only able to detect holes in the coating film that go all the way through to the metal substrate. In comparison, high voltage holiday detectors can detect weaknesses (thin areas) in the coating that do not penetrate through to the metal substrate. Low voltage holiday detectors are typically used on coating thicknesses up to 20 mils (508 microns), and high voltage instruments can detect holidays in coatings of all thicknesses. It is important to note that high voltage detectors are thickness-specific. As such, they can be adjusted to the proper inspection voltage for the coating thickness being tested. It is recommended that you set the voltage test to the upper end of the specified DFT range. Table 1 of NACE SP0188 contains suggested voltages that may be used as a guide. However, the coating manufacturer’s instructions should always be consulted regarding the maximum voltage for the applied coating. A distinct advantage of low voltage detectors is that they are non-sparking and can, therefore, be used in some intrinsically unsafe environments (e.g., inside water tanks, petroleum storage tanks). They also do not damage the coating film when a holiday is detected. High voltage detectors, if used improperly, may cause damage to coatings if the voltage is set too high. Some holiday detectors on the market today come equipped with an automatic power drop. This feature prevents damage to the coating by cutting power to the unit when the circuit is completed and a holiday is detected. 22.2 Low Voltage Holiday Detectors Low Voltage DC Detectors: Overview A low voltage DC detector is an instrument that allows an inspector to detect discontinuities within a coating’s film. These instruments are also referred to as low voltage pinhole detectors or wet sponge detectors. Low voltage detectors are also designed to only work on coatings applied with a DFT of less than 508 μm / 20 mils. There are several manufacturers of low voltage holiday detectors, but all of them operator on a similar principle. A low voltage detector consists of: Portable battery-powered electronic instrument Non-conductive wand with clamps Open-cell sponge (cellulose) Ground wire or “return” cable The sponge is clamped to the end of a wand and is wetted with water. The holiday detector is grounded to the substrate using a ground wire cable. Both the wand and the ground wire are attached to the detector. 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Standards The following standards govern the use of low voltage holiday detectors: NACE SP0188 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates ASTM D5162 Standard Practice for Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Nonconductive Protective Coating on Metallic Substrates AS 3894.2 Site testing of protective coatings Non-conductive coatings - Continuity testing - Wet sponge method ASTM G62-A Standard Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coatings BS EN ISO 28765 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Design of bolted steel tanks for the storage or treatment of water or municipal or industrial effluents and sludges ISO 8289-A Vitreous and porcelain enamels — low voltage test for detecting and locating defects ISO 14654 Epoxy-coated steel for the reinforcement of concrete JIS K 6766 Pinhole test method of lined films for corrosion prevention Additional standards may be available for your region. Method of Operation The information below is a general description of how to test a coated surface for the presence of holidays using a low voltage DC holiday detector. Always refer to the project’s specification, referenced standard, and manufacturer’s instructions for more specific directions. Step One: Assemble the Detector: Before assembling the detector, always inspect the instrument to ensure it is free of damage and is in good, safe operating condition. Next, insert the batteries into the detector or verify the existing batteries are charged. Next, attach the ground wire to the base of the detector and then rotate the wire, typically clockwise, to lock it in place. Next, connect the wand handle to the front of the detector, making sure to screw down until the wand is firmly seated. Note that some holiday detectors have different wands for different accessories (i.e., the roller sponge), whereas others have different brackets that attach the accessories to the end of the wand. If required, attach the bracket, sponge holder, and sponge to the wand by using a threaded bolt. 4 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Step Two: Attach the Ground Wire to the Structure Connect the ground wire to a bare (uncoated) section of the substrate using the spring-loaded clip. It is very important that the clamp is in contact with the bare steel; otherwise, no pinholes or holidays will be detected, even if they are there. When working with a concrete substrate, connect the clip directly to the reinforcing steel (rebar) in the concrete where possible. If no rebar or other metal object within the concrete is available, make a ground connection to the concrete by placing the bare ground wire on the concrete and anchoring it down with a bag filled with damp sand. Step Three: Saturate the Sponge Saturate the sponge with clean tap water. Do not use distilled or deionized water, as pure water does not conduct electricity as efficiently as tap water. Squeeze excess water from the sponge until it no longer drips. Wetting Agents / Surfactants Wetting agents sometimes referred to as surfactants, can be added to the tap water to increase the sensitivity of the test. They achieve this by reducing the surface tension of the water, which increases the water’s ability to penetrate into the smallest of holidays. Wetting agents are typically used when measuring coatings with a DFT of greater than 10 mils (254 μm), when the standard requires it, or when recommended by the manufacturer. Non-sudsing wetting agents need to be added to tap water at the ratio specified by the equipment manufacturer. For example, combine 7.4 ml (1 oz) fluid wetting agent with 1 liter (1 gal) water. Wetting agents can leave contaminants on the surface that can interfere with adhesion of topcoats or repair coats and may contaminate the stored product. So, if a wetting agent is used, it must be completely removed by rinsing the holiday area prior to repair. Note that some standards (e.g., SP0188: 3.2.8) do not allow wetting agents to be used when conducting holiday testing between the coats of a multicoat system. Step Four: Turn on the Detector and Select the Voltage Keeping the sponge clear of the surface, switch on the detector. The inspector should then select the required voltage per the manufacturer’s guidelines. For example, a manufacturer may recommend using 9 V for coatings up to 12 mils (300 μm) thick and 90 V for coatings up to 20 mils (500 μm) thick. Note that some detectors do not have the functionality to adjust their voltage; these detectors typically operate at 67.5 V. Step Five: Verify Continuity Prior to testing for holidays, the inspector should verify continuity by ensuring that the detector unit is properly grounded. To do this, the inspector will need to place the wetted sponge on an uncoated section of the structure. If the detector’s alarm activates, the ground is adequate; if it does not, the inspector should place the wetted sponge on the grounding clamp. If the alarm signals, the detector is operating properly; it’s just that the ground contact is not adequate. In this case, the inspector will need to improve the ground wire contact with the structure. If the detector does not signal when the inspector touches the wetted sponge to the grounding clamp, the detector is not operating properly and should not be used. 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Step Six: Test for Holidays Test the coated surface for holidays by dragging the wetted sponge across the surface at a maximum rate of 1 linear foot per second (30 cm/s). The inspector shall use a double stroke of the sponge over each area and use sufficient pressure to maintain a wet surface. The inspector should avoid over saturating the sponge with water because the rundown could complete the circuit across the coating surface to a holiday located several feet away, thus giving false readings. This phenomenon is referred to in the industry as “telegraphing.” When a holiday is found, the detector’s alarm will activate, and the sponge should be turned on end. The inspector will then use the tip or the narrow end of the sponge to precisely determine the exact location of the holiday. Note that the edges of the sponge can also be used to test for holidays on non-flat surfaces, such as inside corners and around bolt heads and nuts. Step Seven: Mark and Report any Holidays Mark all detected holidays by circling them with a non-intrusive marker, such as white-calcium chalk or wax. All holidays should be reported and repaired per the specification’s requirements. If a wetting agent is used, clean the area before repair to remove the agent. If left on the surface can lead to premature failure of the coating. Usage Tips & Common Errors To help ensure that accurate measurements are performed: Attach the ground wire correctly Do not use distilled or deionized water – use tap water only Ensure the batteries are charged or new – An output voltage drop of over 10% indicates a weak battery Avoid under-wetting the sponge as this results in too little water to conduct electricity correctly Avoid over-wetting the sponge as this leads to telegraphing, when an electrical current travels through a moisture patch to a discontinuity outside the test location, causing an erroneous discontinuity test result Always keep the sponge in contact with the surface Move the sponge at the correct speed across the testing surface – Maximum of 30 cm/s (1 linear ft/s) double stroke Perform occasional checks to see if the detector is operating properly Be aware that retained solvent in the coating film can cause erroneous indications (false holidays) during testing Verify cleanliness when testing is performed between coats Use only approved wetting agents Ensure the cleanliness of the sponge. A dirty sponge can reduce current flow 6 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Calibration All holiday detectors should come with a Certificate of Calibration. Once in service, instruments are typically re-calibrated every 12 months by either the manufacturer or an authorized lab. Note that selecting the proper voltage is critically important to maintaining accuracy when detecting holidays. Common voltages include 9, 67.5, 90, and 120 V. The required voltage may be specified in various standards, based on the thickness of the applied coating or per the manufacturer’s instructions. Some holiday detectors have an internal calibration and voltage check in which the instrument will shut down if the output voltage does not match the voltage selected by the operator. 22.3 High Voltage Holiday Detectors A high voltage (in excess of 800 V) holiday detector is an electronic device used to locate discontinuities in non-conductive coatings. They are known as spark testers because of the spark they give off whenever a holiday or coating discontinuity is found. Setting the proper voltage is critical because too high a voltage on a coating that is too thin may actually produce a holiday in the coating film rather than test for it. An advantage of high voltage instruments as compared to low voltage is the elimination of the possibility of telegraphing. High voltage detectors use metal bristles, rubber, or coil electrodes instead of a sponge. The exploring electrode is attached to the end of a wand, and the unit is grounded to the substrate using either a ground wire clip or by allowing the ground wire to drag along the earth (provided the structure is grounded to earth). When dragged across a coated surface (at a rate up to 0.3 m/s or 1 ft/s), the unit will throw a spark through the air gap, sounding an alarm when a holiday is detected. There are two main types of high voltage detector, the constant direct current (DC) and the pulsed direct current (DC). As the name suggests, a constant DC holiday detector discharges high voltage continuously. A disadvantage of constant current instruments is that they can cause false readings due to the current spreading out along the pipe, making it difficult to identify the exact location of the holidays. A pulsed DC detector discharges an adjustable and regulated ‘pulsed’ or “cycling” type of high voltage. Pulsed instruments are more commonly used as they are easier to ground, have better battery life, and are safer to operate than continuous pulse. High voltage DC instruments are typically used on: Concrete substrates Dielectric (insulation type) coatings Thick coatings and linings (rubber) Plastic or fiberglass coatings that could become electrostatically charged Non-conductive coatings (Zinc primer or metalized coatings) Surfaces contaminated with moisture or dirt as the pulsing limits telegraphing 7 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Standards There are numerous standards that govern the use of high voltage holiday detectors, depending on coating and substrate type, including: ASTM D5162, Standard Practice for Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Nonconductive Protective Coating on Metallic Substrates ASTM D4748, Standard Test Method for Determining the Thickness of Bound Pavement Layers Using Short-Pulse Radar ASTM G62, Standard Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coatings NACE SP0274, High Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coatings NACE SP0490, Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coating of 250 to 760 µm (10 to 30 mil) NACE SP0188, Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates ISO 2746, Vitreous and porcelain enamels — High voltage test Safety Considerations The hazards of high voltage holiday testing cannot be overly stressed. To ensure safe use of high voltage detectors prior to testing: Make sure the structure to be tested is grounded to earth Ensure the coating has cured prior to testing Always adjust the voltage setting according to the specification Check that the coating is non-conductive and that the substrate is conductive Check that the surface is dry as moisture can cause erroneous indications Check that the battery is charged and has proper voltage output according to the manufacturer’s instructions Ensure that there are no solvent fumes present that can produce an explosive environment – Always test for flammable or explosive gas prior to using high voltage detectors in confined spaces Do not touch the probing electrode and keep the probe away from your body at all times when the instrument is turned on Make sure adjacent workers are not touching the metal to be tested Never point the wand at another person Ensure that you are using the proper voltage setting for the anticipated DFT Never hold the ground wire when testing After the instrument has been turned off, always ground the probe before disassembling the unit to ensure that any residual charge has dissipated 8 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Knowledge Checks Answer the following questions. Answers can be found in the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. You have a 10 mils (254 microns) conductive coating on a non-conductive surface and need to check for holidays. How would you perform the inspection? A. Use a low voltage holiday detector B. Visually, you cannot use a holiday detector C. Use a high voltage DC holiday detector D. Use a high voltage AC holiday detector 2. You are performing holiday testing early morning with dew on the pipe. The reason you may get an erroneous indication is caused by __________________? A. Telegraphing B. Excessive film thickness C. Broken ground wire D. Dead battery 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Self-Study Review Answer the following questions for additional practice. To check your responses, refer to the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. General types of holiday detectors include: 2. Low voltage holiday detectors have a voltage of: 3. Describe low voltage holiday detectors: 4. High voltage DC holiday detector types include: 5. List at least 5 safety considerations that should always be observed when using high voltage holiday detectors: 6. The type of high voltage holiday detector used for concrete is a: 10 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Lab 4: Measuring Dry Film Thickness (DFT) Instructions 1. Measure the dry film thickness of the practice panel in accordance with SSPC-PA 2 using a: Type I DFT Gauge Type II DFT Gauge – DeFelsko PosiTector 6000 – Elcometer 456 2. Document your results on the worksheets provided Lab Worksheets Note: Use metric or imperial units as appropriate. 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Type I Gauge: Magnetic Pull-off BMR Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Block Value Gauge Reading on Test Average of 10 BMR Readings: Serial Number of Gauge: Does the gauge read within the stated accuracy of the manufacturer? (Yes or No) Calibration Standard Serial Number: Calibration standard used to verify gauge. Check only one. Coated Metal Plates Plastic Shims Primer Measurements Spots 1 2 3 4 5 1 Primer DFT Average of the Spots 2 3 Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments Total DFT Measurements (Final measurement includes Primer + Finish Coat) Spots 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Total Film DFT Average of the Spots Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments 2 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Type II Gauge: Elcometer 456 BMR Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Block Value Gauge Reading on Test Average of 10 BMR Readings: Serial Number of Gauge: Does the gauge read within the stated accuracy of the manufacturer? (Yes or No) Calibration Standard Serial Number: Calibration standard used to verify gauge. Check only one. Coated Metal Plates Plastic Shims Primer Measurements Spots 1 2 3 4 5 1 Primer DFT Average of the Spots 2 3 Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments Total DFT Measurements (Final measurement includes Primer + Finish Coat) Spots 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Total Film DFT Average of the Spots Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Type II Gauge: DeFelsko PosiTector 6000 BMR Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Block Value Gauge Reading on Test Average of 10 BMR Readings: Serial Number of Gauge: Does the gauge read within the stated accuracy of the manufacturer? (Yes or No) Calibration Standard Serial Number: Calibration standard used to verify gauge. Check only one. Coated Metal Plates Plastic Shims Primer Measurements Spots 1 2 3 4 5 1 Primer DFT Average of the Spots 2 3 Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments Total DFT Measurements (Final measurement includes Primer + Finish Coat) Spots 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Total Film DFT Average of the Spots Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments 4 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Extra Practice Worksheets Gauge Type: BMR Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Block Value Gauge Reading on Test Average of 10 BMR Readings: Serial Number of Gauge: Does the gauge read within the stated accuracy of the manufacturer? (Yes or No) Calibration Standard Serial Number: Calibration standard used to verify gauge. Check only one. Coated Metal Plates Plastic Shims Primer Measurements Spots 1 2 3 4 5 1 Primer DFT Average of the Spots 2 3 Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments Total DFT Measurements (Final measurement includes Primer + Finish Coat) Spots 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Total Film DFT Average of the Spots Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Gauge Type: BMR Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Block Value Gauge Reading on Test Average of 10 BMR Readings: Serial Number of Gauge: Does the gauge read within the stated accuracy of the manufacturer? (Yes or No) Calibration Standard Serial Number: Calibration standard used to verify gauge. Check only one. Coated Metal Plates Plastic Shims Primer Measurements Spots 1 2 3 4 5 1 Primer DFT Average of the Spots 2 3 Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments Total DFT Measurements (Final measurement includes Primer + Finish Coat) Spots 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Total Film DFT Average of the Spots Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments 6 © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Gauge Type: BMR Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Block Value Gauge Reading on Test Average of 10 BMR Readings: Serial Number of Gauge: Does the gauge read within the stated accuracy of the manufacturer? (Yes or No) Calibration Standard Serial Number: Calibration standard used to verify gauge. Check only one. Coated Metal Plates Plastic Shims Primer Measurements Spots 1 2 3 4 5 1 Primer DFT Average of the Spots 2 3 Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments Total DFT Measurements (Final measurement includes Primer + Finish Coat) Spots 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Total Film DFT Average of the Spots Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments 7 CIP Level 1 8 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions © NACE International Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Lab 5: Holiday Testing Instructions 1. Answer all the questions in Section 1 2. Test the coating film on the panel for the presence of holidays using the Tinker & Rasor M-1 Low-Voltage DC detector 3. After use, wipe the panel until clean and dry. Do not mark the panel 4. Answer all the questions in Section 2 Lab Worksheets Section 1: Questions What is the highest recommended DFT for proper use? Can this holiday detector be used to find holidays on coated concrete? Yes No How much surfactant should be added to the water? Section 2: Holiday Testing Date: Time: Brand and Model of Detector: Type and amount of wetting agent/surfactant used: Location of the holidays (if present): Make a sketch in the box showing where you found holidays. How many holidays did you find? Comments or additional information (if any)? 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Extra Practice Worksheets Section 1: Questions What is the highest recommended DFT for proper use? Can this holiday detector be used to find holidays on coated concrete? Yes No How much surfactant should be added to the water? Section 2: Holiday Testing Date: Time: Brand and Model of Detector: Type and amount of wetting agent/surfactant used: Location of the holidays (if present): Make a sketch in the box showing where you found holidays. How many holidays did you find? Comments or additional information (if any)? 2 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Case Study Workshop Instructions Part 1 1. As a group, review the scenario and answer the questions 2. Record your answers in your student manual Part 2 1. Nominate a spokesperson and be prepared to discuss your group’s answers during the class review 2. Each group will present their case study and answers Case Study #1 The Inspector arrives at the job site to find that the process tank has already been blasted. The project’s specification requires a 1.5 - 2.5 mil (38 – 64μm) angular profile to be generated and for an inorganic zinc primer to be applied. When inspecting the prepared surface, the Inspector discovers that while the profile is angular, it consistently measures between 4 - 5 mil (102 – 127μm). 1. What will occur if the primer is applied? 2. What should the Inspector do? 3. What is a potential solution? 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Case Study #2 A solvent-based, inorganic zinc coating was applied to a steel bridge in the middle of summer. The application method was airless spray. During application, the coating dried before hitting the surface resulting in poor adhesion, dry spray, and overspray. 1. What may have caused this problem? 2. How could this problem have been avoided? 2 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Case Study #3 The project’s specification requires the surface to be blast cleaned to NACE No.2/SSPC-SP 10 (Near-White). While inspecting the surface, the Inspector notices a small amount of mill scale. When discussed with the contractor, he says, “That’s just staining.” 1. How could this conflict have been avoided? 2. What should the Inspector do? 3. If it is determined that mill scale is present, what needs to be performed prior to application of the coating? 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Case Study #4 The specification states the following dry film thickness ranges: Primer: 5-7 mils Intermediate: 9-11 mils Topcoat: 4-6 mils The thickness of the primer and intermediate coats measure between 6-8 mils. You note that the PDS for the topcoat states that it cannot be applied in thicknesses greater than 8 mils in a single application. The contractor informs the Inspector that he will “make up” the required thickness with the finish coat application in order to achieve the 18-24 mils, as specified. 1. What could have caused this problem? 2. What should the Inspector do? 4 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Elevated Water Tank Lab Lab Overview The Elevated Water Tank Lab is designed to provide students with the opportunity to conduct an inspection in a simulated environment. Your role is to use the equipment and testing surfaces provided to perform the inspection, document the inspection data, and compare your inspection results to the specification requirements. Any nonconforming areas of your inspection should be documented using the combined Nonconformance and Corrective Actions report. Once the lab is completed, the class will reconvene to review the results of your inspection. Learning Objectives By the end of this lab, students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to use a wide range of inspection equipment. 2. Document the inspection process using a Daily Report. 3. Document any nonconforming inspection items using a combined Nonconformance and Corrective Actions Report. Lab Instructions 1. Brief instructions are included with each of the 10 inspection tasks below. In addition, there are charts throughout the worksheet for you to record your inspection results. To prevent bottlenecks using the inspection equipment, you may perform the inspection activities in any order. Be certain to document the information directly on the inspection reports or record the information on your worksheet and transfer the data to the inspection reports. 2. Compare the results recorded on your Daily Report to the excerpted project specification and assess whether the results of your inspection conform to the requirements of the specification. 3. Fill out the combined Nonconformance/Corrective Actions Report by listing any nonconforming items from your inspection and how you would resolve them. 1 CIP Level 1 2 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Elevated Water Tank Lab Scenario and Specification Excerpt ACME Municipal Authority, located in a suburb of Perth, Australia, has contracted Globex Coating Contractors for the removal and replacement of the exterior coating of their 50-year-old elevated potable water storage tank. Your role is to inspect the work performed by the contractor throughout the project, document the results on the attached Daily Inspection Report, and note any nonconformities. The information provided below was excerpted from the project specification: Surface Preparation Abrasive Recyclable steel grit (conforming to SSPC-AB 2 and AB 3) Abrasive Cleanliness Per ASTM D7393; 6-8 pH Surface Cleanliness SSPC-SP 1 and NACE No. 3 Cleanliness of Compressed Air Per ASTM D4285 (once/shift) Minimum Blast Nozzle Pressure 785 KPa (110 psi) Surface Profile Angular; 50-87.5 um (2-3.5 mils); Coarse Profile Minimum Salt Levels =< 10 μs/cm Environmental Conditions Surface temperature a minimum of 5 °F (3 °C) above dew point Exterior Coating Environmental Conditions Air and Surface Temperature: 50-120 °F (10 - 49 °C) Relative Humidity: Maximum 85% Surface temperature a minimum of 5 °F (3 °C) above dew point Mixing Requirements Complete kits as supplied using a shear mixing blade Coating Type Primer: ABC Company high solids epoxy (white color) Topcoat: ABC Company high solids polyurethane (blue color) Thinner ABC Company T1 Thinning Requirements Not to exceed 6% by volume Application Equipment Airless spray Induction (Both Primer & Topcoat) 30 minutes at 77 °F Pot life (Both Primer & Topcoat) 4 hours at 77 °F Coating Thickness SSPC PA-2 or ISO 19840 (for international classes) Primer Thickness 125-175 um (5-7 mils) Topcoat Thickness 37-50 um (1.5-2 mils) Dry to Recoat Time 5 hours at 77 °F Maximum Time Between Coats 30 days 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Elevated Water Tank Lab Inspection Task Worksheet Task 1 | Initial Condition When conducting a visual inspection of the tank, the inspector observed that the condition of the steel varied across the surface of the tank. In some areas, the paint had peeled, and the substrate was exposed to the atmosphere. These areas exhibited varying degrees of rust, mill scale, and pitting, as shown in the photos below. Document your observations on the Daily Report. In addition, using SSPC-VIS 1, record the initial condition (rust grade) of each section. Section A Section B Section A: Section B: Task 2 | Environmental Conditions Prior to surface preparation commencing, the inspector measures the environmental conditions of the surrounding area. Using the sling psychrometer and magnetic surface thermometer, measure the prevailing environmental conditions outside, weather permitting. In the event of inclement weather, measurements may be taken from inside the classroom. Document your measurements on the Daily Report and, if needed, the Nonconformance/Corrective Actions Report. Use either degree Celsius or Fahrenheit as appropriate for your region. 4 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Condition Reading Date Time of day Dry Bulb reading (air temperature or “t”) Wet Bulb Reading (t’) Depression of the Wet Bulb Thermometer (t-t’) Relative Humidity Dew Point Temperature Surface Temperature Spread between dew point and surface temperature Task 3 | Soluble salts Given the proximity of the tank to the beach, ACME Municipal Authority is concerned about the potential presence of soluble salts on the surface of the tank. Answer the following questions and use the information to fill out the Daily Report and, if needed, the Nonconformance/Corrective Actions Report. 1. What test methods could the inspector use to test for the presence and quantity of chlorides? 2. Where is the most likely place on the tank for soluble salts to accumulate? 3. The inspection test results indicated that the level of chlorides present was 40 μg/cm2. Are these results acceptable per the specification? 4. What surface preparation methods can be used to remove chlorides?? 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Task 4 | Surface Preparation The inspector and the contractor together checked the condition of the blast equipment. A blotter test was also performed to ensure the compressed air supply was not contaminated with oil or water. It was agreed that the blasting system was in good working order. The contractor cleaned the surface in accordance with SSPC-SP 1 as required by the specification. The surface was then abrasive blast cleaned. The inspection revealed that the blasted surface was in conformance with NACE No.3/SSPC-SP 6 for surface cleanliness. Record the information in the appropriate fields on the Daily Report and, if needed, the Nonconformance/ Corrective Actions Report. Task 5 | Abrasive Media Prior to blasting, the inspector confirmed that the contractor had filled the blast pot with the specified abrasive media. However, since the abrasive media used on this project had been recycled many times, the media was tested, per the specification, to ensure it did not contain any contaminants. Shown is a photo of the vial test that the inspector took after the contents had settled after shaking. Are the results of the test satisfactory or unsatisfactory? Test Results: Task 6 | Surface Profile Measure the surface profile on both sides of the practice panel using the comparators, manual micrometer with replica tape, and the digital surface profile gauge. Record the surface profile measured using all three instruments on the Daily Report, the Nonconformance/Corrective Actions Report. Use either mils or microns as appropriate for your region. Surface Profile Comparator Type of Comparator Used (G or S) Grade Panel Side 1 Panel Side 2 6 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Manual Micrometer with Replica Tape Surface Profile Place Tape Here Textex Tap 1 mils / µm Panel Side 1 Testex Tape 2 Testex Tape 1 mils / µm Panel Side 2 Testex Tape 2 Digital Surface Profile Gauge Record Individual Gauge Readings (optional): R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 Panel Side 1 Panel Side 2 Side 1 Max: Side 2 Max: Surface Profile (average): mils / µm 7 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Task 7 | Coating Application The inspector arrives on the job site after the primer coat has been mixed and thinned but prior to application. Primer coat application started at 10:20 a.m. and finished at 12:30 p.m. After lunch that same day, the contractor mixed 10 gallons (two 5-gallon containers) of the specified topcoat and thinned it 10% with ABC Company T10. The mixing and thinning ended at 2:15 p.m. The mixed paint temperature is 58°F. The coating will be applied by airless spray. The topcoat application began at 2:30 p.m. and was completed by 5:00 p.m. Record the information in the appropriate fields on the Daily Report and, if needed, the Nonconformance/Corrective Actions Report. Task 8 | Dry Film Thickness Measure the dry film thickness on the provided practice panel using both the Type I: Magnetic pull-off gauge and the Type II: Digital gauge. Record your measurements using both instruments on the Daily Report and, if needed, the Nonconformance/ Corrective Actions Report. Use either mils or microns as appropriate for your region. Type I Magnetic Pull-off Gauge: DFT Measurements and Gauge Adjustments BMR Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Block Value Gauge Reading on Test Average of 10 BMR Readings: Serial Number of Gauge: Does the gauge read within the stated accuracy of the manufacturer? (Yes or No) Calibration Standard Serial Number: Calibration standard used to verify gauge. Check only one. 8 Coated Metal Plates Plastic Shims © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Primer Measurements Spots 1 2 3 4 5 1 Primer DFT Average of the Spots 2 3 Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments Total DFT Measurements (final measurement includes Primer + Finish Coat) Spots 1 1 2 3 4 5 Total Film DFT 2 3 Average of the Spots Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Type II Digital Gauge DFT Measurements and Gauge Adjustments BMR Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Block Value Gauge Reading on Test Average of 10 BMR Readings: Serial Number of Gauge: Does the gauge read within the stated accuracy of the manufacturer? (Yes or No) Calibration Standard Serial Number: Calibration standard used to verify gauge. Check only one. Coated Metal Plates Plastic Shims Primer Measurements Spots 1 2 3 4 5 1 Primer DFT Average of the Spots 2 3 Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments Total DFT Measurements (final measurement includes Primer + Finish Coat) Spots 1 1 2 3 4 5 Total Film DFT 2 3 Average of the Spots Average Before Adjustments Average After Adjustments 10 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Task 9 | Coating Defects The day after application, you observed that a portion of the epoxy primer coat on the west side of the tank was not top coated. You observe that the epoxy primer is still tacky and has yellowish haze across portions of the surface. Answer the following questions and use the information to fill out the Daily Report and, if needed, the Nonconformance/ Corrective Actions Report. 1. As an inspector, what do you suspect occurred? 2. Does the presence of this substance put the project at risk? Why or why not? 3. How would you determine the nature of this substance? 4. What steps should the contractor take to prepare the surface for the topcoat application? Task 10 | Low Voltage Holiday Detector Determine if any holidays are present on the provided practice panel. Record your results on the Daily Report and, if needed, the Nonconformance/Corrective Actions Report. Pinholes Detected Test Area Date & Time of Test No Yes 11 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Notes: 12 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection AMPP CIP Date: Daily Coating Inspection Report Day of Week: S Project/Client: Location: Inspector Name: Inspector Signature: Description of Area and Work Performed: Copy to: Attachments: Owner Contractor _______________ Lab Worksheet NCR ______________ M T W T F S Contractor: Hold Point Inspection Performed Weather and site conditions Pre-surface prep, initial condition and cleanliness Surface preparation monitoring Post surface preparation cleanliness and profile Mixing/thinning and application monitoring Post application and application defects Dry film thickness and curing Corrective actions follow-up and final inspection Surface Conditions New Maintenance Primer Steel Concrete Galvanized Condition Before Surface Prep: Visual Standard/Guide: Paint Age Stainless Steel Dry Aluminum Cure ____________ Rust Grade A Rust Grade B Rust Grade C Rust Grade D SSPC-VIS 1 SSPC-VIS 3 ISO 8501-1 ____________ Mill Scale Pitting Laminations Weld Splatter Lead/Heavy Metal Oil Moisture Sharp Edges Rust ___________________ Test: ______________________________________________________ Cl ______________________ µs/cm Acceptable (Yes or No) _____________________ Cl ______________________ µs/cm 2 Painted Surface Condition ________________________________ Dry to: Abrasion Runs/sags Holidays Cracking Fisheyes/Cissing Overspray Dry Spray pH ______________________ Touch Handle Recoat _______________________________ Comments: 13 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Ambient Conditions Air Temp (Dry Bulb) Wet Bulb Depression Wet Bulb Relative Humidity Dew Point Surface Temp Delta T Surface Preparation Equipment Condition Check Water/Oil Trap Check Solvent Clean Hand Tool Power Tool Air Supply CFM: ________ Blast Hose Size: ________ Abrasive Blast __________________________ Abrasive Type: ______________________________________ Oil Content or Dust Visible: (Y/N) ____________________ Nozzle Size/Pressure: _______________________ Kpa/psi Air Supply Cleanliness: ________________________ Comments: Surface Cleanliness and Profile Measurement Cleanliness After Surface Prep: NACE No. 3/SSPC-SP 6 NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 Unacceptable Profile Specified: ____________________________________ Profile Check: Gauge Type: ________________________________________ Disc: Profile Achieved: __________ mils/µm Tape: Profile Achieved: _________mils/µm Gauge: Profile Achieved: ____________mils/µm Surface Effect on DFT Gauge/BMR: _____________ mils/µm Coating Application Stripe Coat Primer Intermediate Product Name/Color: ________________________________ Quantity Mixed: Topcoat Product Name/Color: _______________________________ Mix Method: Quantity Thinner Added: Mix Start Time: ___________________ Mix Finish Time: __________________ Pot Life: _____________________ Conventional Induction: ____________________ Airless Touch-Up Brush Strain/Screen:Y/N _________________ Paint Temperature: _______________ C/F Roller ________________ Comments: Dry Film Thickness Gauge Type: ______________________________________________________ Specified Standard: _____________________ Primer: Min: __________ mils/µm Primer: Max: __________ mils/µm Primer: Average: __________ mils/µm Total: Min: __________ mils/µm Total: Max: __________ mils/µm Total: Average: __________ mils/µm Primer DFT Specified: _____________________ mils/µm Topcoat DFT Specified: ______________________ mils/µm Total System Average DFT: _________________________________________________ mils/µm 14 Unacceptable © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection AMPP CIP Date: Nonconformance/Corrective Actions Report Day of Week: S Project/Client: Inspector: Location: Contractor: Copy to: Attachments: Owner Contractor ___________________ M Stop Work Order T W T F S ______________ Referenced Procedure, Specification or Standard: Description and Location of Nonconformance: Discussion and Recommendations: Replace Repair Rework Use As-is Corrective Actions: 15 Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Chapter 23: Safety Awareness 23.1 Introduction Learning Objectives By the end of Chapter 24, students should be able to: 1. List potential safety hazards associated with basic coating inspection. 2. Describe the common personal protective equipment (PPE) used by the coating inspector. 3. Understand the role of the inspector when it comes to safety on the job site. Inspector Mindset It is essential for inspectors to be aware of the safety issues associated with each process throughout the coatings project. The inspector, along with all other workers, share responsibility for their collective safety and that of the public. Everyone at the job site should keep a lookout for unsafe actions and operations and report them to their supervisor, the engineer in charge of the project, or the assigned safety personnel. Coating inspectors are often employed on projects where the safety is left under the control of the contractor. When working on projects in permanent facilities, there may be a safety office or safety department responsible for supplying additional information, support, and guidance to workers about the hazards of the facility’s operations. On other projects the coating inspector may be asked to independently monitor the project site to identify hazards and ensure adequate controls are in place to minimize any risk of personal exposure. The role of safety is unique for every project. For this reason, inspectors should always obtain specific guidance on their role relative to safety from their employer prior to the start of any project and should never undertake any safety role without the proper training and qualifications. 1 CIP Level 1 Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Safety Disclaimer This chapter is intended to educate inspectors regarding safety issues they should be aware of on a job site. While we address specific topics, it is not possible to discuss everything necessary to ensure a healthy and safe working environment in a course of this nature. Thus, this information must be understood as a tool for addressing workplace hazards rather than an exhaustive statement of workplace safety, which is defined by statute, regulations, and standards. There are several regulatory groups, commissions, organizations, and government departments that establish and enforce safety standards around the world. It is vital that you familiarize yourself with all the organizations responsible for regulating safety for the countries you work in and comply with their laws or regulations. Coating inspectors can face general risks, personal risks, and legal risks. Violations can be ground for sanctions, penalty, and even termination. The inspector is responsible for knowing what the risks are and taking reasonable steps to avoid them. 23.2 Hazardous Materials Hazardous Material A hazardous material is a substance which, by reason of being explosive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, oxidizing, irritating, or otherwise harmful, is likely to cause death or injury. Heavy metals are another form of hazardous materials that workers may be exposed to. Coatings, Acids/Caustics, and Abrasive Dust Coating Components Most solvents are toxic to some degree, depending upon the magnitude and duration of exposure, and may burn when exposed to an ignition source. Solvents can affect the body by skin contact, causing reddening and swelling or triggering a response from the immune system (like poison ivy) or pass through the skin and be transported by the blood to damage other areas of the body. Solvents can also enter the body by breathing, and once inhaled, the vapors can pass from the lungs directly to the blood and travel to other body systems. Solvents can also be ingested, which occurs when eating or drinking with contaminated hands or clothing. 2 © NACE International Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Pigments such as corrosion inhibitive pigments for example, lead and zinc chromates, are suspected carcinogens and can be toxic in high doses. Even zinc, a mineral that is needed by the human body to maintain good health, can be toxic in high doses. The binders used in some coatings, such as polyurethanes, are potentially hazardous and may contain compounds that are strong irritants that cause allergic reactions of the skin and/or respiratory system. When handling coating materials, always refer to the manufacturer’s SDS to determine the appropriate personal protective equipment. Acids/Caustics In certain industries, e.g., pulp and paper mills, food and beverage processing plants, and water and wastewater treatment plants, the inspector may become exposed to strong acids and/or caustics used to prepare concrete/steel surfaces for coating. Both acids and caustics will cause eye damage and burn skin upon contact. Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including respiratory protection, gloves, eye protection, and skin protection, should be used whenever working with or near acids or caustics. The PPE required can be determined by consulting the product SDS. Abrasive Dust Airborne dust is generated during surface preparation activities and during blow-down of surfaces prior to coating. Blast cleaning abrasives are generally chosen in part for their surface preparation performance characteristics. However, recent studies have demonstrated that certain generic types of abrasives can contain toxic materials that are released as the particles become fractured upon impact. As a result, an inspector may be inhaling harmful dust particles without awareness since the dust that can make it into the deep regions of the lungs (i.e., respirable) is too small to see. Breathing too much of any fine dust (independent of its inherent toxicity) can irritate the linings of the throat and lungs, leading in extreme cases to irreversible long-term effects. Other chronic lung diseases are also possible. For instance, the use of silica sand as a blast cleaning abrasive is prohibited in many parts of the world due to the potential of silicosis, a deadly lung disease. Respirators equipped with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration cartridges must be fitted properly and worn to help avoid dust inhalation. Toxic Metals Many aged coatings contain lead, chromium, asbestos, and other toxic metals. Also, abrasives may contain harmful metals such as arsenic, cadmium, silica, or beryllium. These metals may not pose a hazard to humans while they are part of an intact coating system but become hazardous when they are “disturbed” during surface preparation and maintenance painting activities. Once these metals become fractured and the dust becomes airborne, they pose an inhalation hazard. Once in the body, the toxic metals can affect the lungs, blood-forming system, and/or nervous system damage, among other problems. The metals can also enter the body through ingestion if the inspector does not wear gloves or does not wash their hands and face before eating, drinking, or using tobacco products. Basic personal hygiene, respiratory protection, and protective clothing can prevent the hazards associated with these metals from affecting the health of the inspector. 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Containment Because most types of blasting involve forcibly propelling media under high pressure against whatever surface is being cleaned, some types of abrasive media can create airborne particulate dust and, as a result, the need for some level of containment during the blasting process. The most important consideration regarding particulate dust is its level of toxicity, which depends upon three interdependent factors: the substrate being blasted, the contaminants being removed, and the type of blast media used. Containment is the process of preventing pollution or contamination of the immediate site environment by dust, debris, abrasives, chemicals, sprays, and other materials that have been applied to prevent corrosion. The degree of containment required is directly proportional to the degree of toxicity present in the corrosion preventive substance being applied. The more toxic that the dust, chemical, or spray present is, the greater the level of containment that is required. Some types of containment systems used are total structure enclosures, partial structure enclosures, and free-hanging enclosures. The SSPC Guide 6, Containment of Debris describes methods of paint removal, containment systems and procedures for minimizing or preventing emissions from escaping the work area, and procedures for assessing the adequacy of the controls over emissions. The containment systems are categorized in up to four classes per type of paint removal method, based on the extent to which emissions are controlled. 23.3 Hazardous Environments Hazardous Environments Industrial worksites (i.e. shipyards, fabrication, production sites), in general are hazardous environments, whether the industry is oil and gas production, offshore, storage facilities, sewage treatment plants, manufacturing, etc. In these environments, coating inspectors are exposed to the same hazards as blasters and painters, although the magnitude or duration of exposure may be less. Some of the most hazardous environments encountered by inspectors include elevated and confined spaces, working in extreme hot or cold environments and working near energized sources. 4 © NACE International Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Working at Heights Falls from heights continue to be a leading cause of accidental death or injury in the workplace. Therefore, inspectors should understand and use personal fall protection systems whenever exposed to elevated spaces and/or fall hazards. Elevated spaces are any work environment that is higher than six feet (two meters). Some countries may be stricter. Fall protection can be provided with guardrails, safety nets, personal fall arrest systems (PFAS), positioning devices, and/or warning systems. Where work platforms with guardrails are not feasible, personal fall arrest systems must be used. A personal fall arrest system is a full-body harness that absorbs the shock in the event of a fall and consists of: Anchorage Point – Fixed structure to which PFAS components are rigged Body Harness – Full body harness worn by the worker Connector – A lanyard or lifeline that connects the harness to the anchorage device Deceleration Device – Slows the fall before coming to a stop Confined Spaces Confined spaces are enclosed or partially enclosed spaces that have limited means for entry and exit but are large enough and configured that a person can bodily enter and perform work. Confined spaces are not designed for continuous entry, can be above ground or below ground, and lack climate control or ventilation. Inspectors should be aware of the types of hazards they may encounter and if a permit is required to gain access to the job site. 5 CIP Level 1 Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Confined spaces can be classified as non-permit or permit required. Non-permit-required confined spaces do not pose life, health, or safety hazards to the entrant. Permit-required confined spaces are those that: Contain or have the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere Contain a material that has the potential to engulf an entrant Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard Conditions within a confined space can change very quickly, and the rescue of a worker is extremely difficult. An estimated 60% of fatalities in confined spaces have been among the would-be rescuers. When working in confined spaces, it is important that all workers remain alert and aware of their surroundings and familiarize themselves with job site instructions and permits. Prior to entering a confined space, the inspector should verify that it has been tested and cleared for entry and that proper personal protective equipment is employed, including in some cases supplied-air respirators. Detailed confined space entry training is always required before entering any confined space Heat or Cold Exposure Industrial coatings projects are often located in a range of temperatures from high heat to freezing cold. In any hot environment, the human body has difficulty maintaining a core body temperature. When the heat index rises above 103°F (39°C), there is a high risk for a range of heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke, sunburn, and dehydration. The heat index is a single value that accounts for air temperature and humidity. Working in direct sunlight can add up to 15 degrees to the heat index. The greatest risk of cold-related injuries occurs when the body temperature drops below 95°F (35°C). Windchill is the lowering of body temperature due to low-temperature airflow. It speeds up heat loss by moving warm air away from the body. The lower the windchill, the colder it will feel outside and the greater the risk of cold-related injuries such as hypothermia and frostbite. 6 © NACE International Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Hazardous Energy Surface preparation and coating application activities use tools that require an energized source to operate. Energized refers to a state of being electrically connected to or having a source of voltage. Potential or stored energy can also present a hazardous environment. This most commonly occurs in pressurized systems when energy that is confined is released unexpectedly. Power tools, abrasive blasting, mixing (drills, agitators, etc.) and spray applications all require a power source to operate and have the potential to store energy. Anytime energized high pressure systems are present or being used on a worksite, they pose a serious workplace hazard exposing workers to electric shock, electrocution, burns, fires, and explosions. Using improperly installed equipment or damaged and/or ungrounded tools can result in electric shock or electrocution. Any electrically operated inspection equipment used in hazardous environments, such as confined spaces, should be intrinsically safe or not capable of causing an explosion. Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) Lockout/Tagout or LOTO is the physical restraint of, all hazardous energy sources that supply power to a piece of equipment, machinery, or system. LOTO is the process of isolating or disconnecting a system from its energy source. The unexpected startup or release of stored energy while working on or near machinery or equipment can result in serious injury or death to workers. Even when a system is powered off, it may still contain residual or unused stored energy in the power supply. Remember that just because something isn’t moving doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have the energy to power up. When stored energy is released in an uncontrolled manner, individuals may be crushed or struck by objects, moving machinery, equipment, or other items. Working around energized systems can expose the inspector to the risk of electrical shock. To prevent this, systems are locked out by blocking the flow of energy from the power source to the equipment with a padlock or chain or by removing a component such as a fuse or a circuit breaker. Tags are then placed on each locking device to identify the party locking out the power source. Before beginning work, inspectors must verify that all energy sources have been de-energized. A locked-out system may have many locks, but there should only be one lock and one key per person. For example, if the job requires three workers, then three locks should be present. Locks can only be removed by the individual who installed them. Inspectors should maintain control of their key for LOTO. 7 CIP Level 1 Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Activity Can you think of any other hazardous environments that an inspector may encounter on the job? 23.4 Hazardous Activities and PPE Hazardous Activities Inspectors may work in the vicinity of hazardous activities such as: Pre-cleaning (solvent use) Hand and power tool cleaning Abrasive blasting Mixing and thinning Spray application Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential for not only for the blaster and painter but also for surrounding workers. General PPE Safety glasses protect your eyes from dust, flying debris, sparks, metal shavings, acids, or caustic liquids or gasses Respirators are used to prevent the inhalation of dust and other contaminants Gloves protect your hands from injury by sharp or hot objects or harmful chemicals Safety boots protect your feet from slippery or hot surfaces and heavy, rolling, or falling objects Hardhats protect your head from falling or overhead objects Ear protection is used in noisy areas to avoid hearing damage or loss Reflective clothing is used to make sure you are always highly visible Long sleeves and pants are used to protect your arms and legs from injury or harmful chemicals 8 © NACE International Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Abrasive Blasting and Waterjetting: Safety Considerations Abrasive blast cleaning and waterjetting are dangerous operations that can cause harm to people, equipment, and the environment. The high pressure compressed air through the blasting system combined with the air-propelled abrasive from the nozzle can cause serious injury. The process also releases dust and debris into the atmosphere impacting the air quality. In addition, loud noise from blast nozzles and compressors may also impede communication and cause hearing loss over time. High and ultra-high waterjetting may use pressures as high as 620 MPa (90,000 psi). Because of these high pressures, the primary concern is with injuries that penetrate the skin and cause serious damage to the tissues below. Also, like blasting, waterjetting may produce enough noise (up to 135 dBA) to create a hearing hazard. Important/Safety Warning CAUTION! Comprehensive safety training is required to safely operate abrasive blast equipment and waterjetting equipment. The information in this section only provides a high-level overview of safety using these surface preparation methods. Coating Application: Safety Considerations Airless and plural component spray equipment generate very high fluid pressure. Spray from the gun, leaks, or ruptured components can inject fluid through the skin and into your body, causing serious injury, including the need for amputation. The injection may look like a cut, but it is a very serious injury, and medical treatment must be sought immediately. The most common causes of injection are placing your hand or body too close to the spray tip or grabbing a leaking hose or fitting, even if you are wearing gloves or using a rag. Explosion risks are another hazard due to the flammability of certain coating types that have low flashpoints. Fire and/or explosion can occur if the sprayer is spraying or flushing flammable fluid in an area where air circulation is poor and an open flame or spark is present. With an ungrounded spray system, the flow of fluid through the sprayer and hose may create enough static electricity to cause a spark from the gun. That spark can ignite flammable vapors. Plural component spray units require an additional level of caution as the equipment utilizes electrical elements as well as heat. High voltage electrical input is required to operate the heaters and heat traced spray lines used to reduce the viscosity of high solids coatings. This creates the potential for workers to be exposed to electrical shock due to improper grounding, set-up, or usage of the equipment. Today, many sprayers have a ground connection area included in their design. 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 23: Safety Awareness The biggest safety hazard when using conventional spray equipment is caused by solvent vapors. Because of the relatively low air pressure required when using conventional air spray (30 to 50 psi average) compared to airless spray, the applicator may have to thin the coating they are applying to make it sprayable. This amount of thinning not only increases the Volatile Organic Content (VOCs) of the coating but increases workers’ exposure to higher concentrations of solvent vapor emissions. This creates a respiratory risk, and proper PPE should be worn when working around spray operations. 23.5 Personal Responsibility Every person on a job site has a personal responsibility for their own safety, and well as a responsibility to prevent accidents. Each of us is expected to incorporate safety into every job procedure. In addition, coating inspectors should: Know and obey all safety rules Obtain and read all safety-related documents Participate in all safety meetings – 10 Discuss safety concerns/issues at the prejob conference, at site meetings, or whenever safety problems arise © NACE International Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Attend any job or site-specific training required Always remain alert and aware of your surroundings Never perform a task that appears to be unsafe Wear the proper PPE and know how to maintain it Never use any chemicals unless you understand their toxic properties and how to use them safely Know to whom you are to report unsafe conditions, practice, and equipment to eliminate or reduce risks Know what to do in an emergency – Become familiar with the location of medical facilities, hazard warning systems, escape practices, rally locations, etc. Role of the Inspector Unless observation of safety hazards is explicitly within the inspector’s scope of services and the inspector is qualified to perform the task, inspectors should not routinely address matters involving the safety and health of workers employed by others or the public. However, an inspector who is aware of a safety violation, no matter how slight, but does not report it, may put themselves at risk of legal action if an accident occurs. If an imminent safety hazard is observed that is likely to cause injury or death to another worker, the inspector should take immediate action to prevent the accident. Any safety hazards witnessed should be reported to the project supervisor for resolution and documented in the daily log on a one-time basis. Beyond this, inspectors should obtain specific guidance on their role relative to safety issues prior to the start of each project. 11 CIP Level 1 Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Knowledge Checks Answer the following questions. Answers can be found in the Answer Key in the Reference tab. 1. At what height is fall protection equipment required? A. 6 feet (2 meters) B. 3 feet (1 meter) C. 12 feet (3.6 meters) D. 9 feet ( 2.8 meters) 2. Who should an inspector obtain guidance from regarding their role relative to safety issues? A. The asset owner B. The contractor C. Your employer D. Your local safety administration 3. Which of the following should an inspector verify before entering a confined space? (Select all that apply) A. Verify the space has been tested and cleared for entry B. Only intrinsically safe inspection equipment is used C. Proper personal protective equipment is employed D. That the workers have been properly trained 12 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Steel Panel Lab Lab Overview The Steel Panel Lab is designed to provide students with insight into the practicalities of installing a coating system from the perspective of a craftworker (blasters/applicators) and the inspector. The core of this practical lab will involve students preparing and coating a 12 x 12-inch steel panel. By performing the surface preparation and coating application, students will be able to step into the shoes of the blasters and applicators they will be working with in the field, providing greater insight into the day-to-day operations of a coating project. This coating lab also provides students with the opportunity to perform the role of an inspector within a simulated real-world environment. At each stage of the surface preparation and coating process, students will inspect their work using the equipment and processes explored in the previous labs. Students will then document their inspection results within their Logbooks and later determine if the work they performed was in conformance with the specification’s requirements. The Steel Panel Lab can be broken down into three key stages: 1. Stage One: Pre-work a. Students will prepare for the coating project by reviewing guidance documents, identifying inspection requirements, and attending pre-job conferences and safety meetings. 2. Stage Two: Practical Lab a. Students will perform the specified surface preparation and coating application. b. Students will then inspect their work on the panel and document the results. 3. Stage Three: Verify Conformance Students will use their inspection results and the ITP to determine if their work is in conformance with the specification. Learning Objectives By the end of this lab, students should be able to: 1. Contribute to the planning and preparations for a coating project. 2. Describe the broad steps of the surface preparation and coating application processes. 3. Demonstrate the ability to use a wide range of inspection equipment to perform tests and measurements. 4. Utilize an ITP in the field to help determine when the work performed is in conformance with the specification. 1 CIP Level 1 2 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 3 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection CIP Level 1 Steel Panel Lab Specification Table of Contents 1. Section 1 Scope Section 2 Codes, Standards and Definitions Section 3 General Requirements Section 4 Pre-Inspection Section 5 Pre-Cleaning Section 6 Pre-Treatment/Initial Preparation Section 7 Surface Preparation Section 8 Coating Materials Section 9 Coating Application Section 10 Colors Section 11 Inspection and Test Plan SCOPE OF SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 The item to be prepared and coated in accordance with this specification is: • 2. 1’ x 1’ (30 cm2 ) steel panel, with an inverted “V” and a horizontal weld – prepare one side of the panel only CODES, STANDARDS, AND DEFINITIONS 2.1 All listed specifications and standards shall conform to the latest edition or revision 2.2 Local codes and standards having jurisdiction over materials, application and colors shall apply 2.3 The following standard organizations are referenced: 2.4 • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) • International Organization for Standards (IS0) • AMPP - formerly NACE International (NACE) and Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) Testing and inspection of surfaces and coatings shall be completed utilizing individuals being trained as NACE CIP Level 1 Coating Inspectors. The coating inspector shall be responsible to the Owner represented by a NACE CIP Instructor. AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification 4 Sheet 1 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 2.5 Referenced Standards 2.5.1 SSPC–PA 1. “Shop, Field & Maintenance Painting” 2.5.2 SSPC–PA 2. “Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Film Thickness Requirements” 2.5.3 SSPC – PA 3 - “A Guide to Safety in Paint Application” 2.5.4 SSPC – SP 1 - “Solvent Cleaning” 2.5.5 SSPC – SP 2 – “Hand Tool Cleaning” 2.5.6 SSPC – SP 3 – “Power Tool Cleaning” 2.5.7 NACE SP0188 – “Design, Fabrication, and Surface Finish Practices for Tanks & Vessels to be Lined for Immersion Service” 2.5.8 NACE SP 0287 – Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive BlastCleaned Surfaces using a Replica Tape 2.5.9 NACE No. 2/SSPC SP-10 “Near White Metal Blast Cleaning” 2.5.10 NACE SP0178 – “Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates” 2.5.11 ASTM D 4285 - “Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air” 2.5.12 ASTM D 4417 - “Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel” 2.5.13 ASTM E337 – “Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (the Measurement of Wet and Dry Bulb Temperatures) 2.5.14 ASTM D 7393 – “Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil in Abrasives” 2.5.15 ASTM C136/136M – “Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates” 2.5.16 ISO SA 2 ½ – “Very Thorough Blast Cleaning” 2.5.17 ISO 8502-3, Part 3 - “Assessment of Dust on Steel Surfaces Prepared for Painting” 2.5.18 ISO 8503-2, Part 2 “Method for grading of surface profile of abrasive blastcleaned steel – Comparator procedure” AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification Sheet 2 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 5 CIP Level 1 2.6 2.7 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Visual Guides 2.6.1 SSPC – Vis 1 – “Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning” 2.6.2 SSPC – Vis 3 – “Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surface Prepared by Hand and Power Tool Cleaning” 2.6.3 NACE SP 0188 – Visual Comparator 2.6.4 ISO 8501 - 2 – “Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products” Definitions For the purposes of this specification, the following definitions shall apply: 2.7.1 Owner – AMPP 2.7.2 Owner’s Representative – Individual representing AMPP 2.7.3 Coating Manufacturer – Company that manufactured the specified coatings and related products 2.7.4 Coating Manufacturer’s Representative - Individual representing the Coating Manufacturer 2.7.5 Coating Inspector – Individuals authorized by the Owner to perform the coating inspection for this project 2.7.6 Coating Applicator – Individuals authorized by the Owner to perform the work defined in this specification 2.7.7 AMPP – NACE International (formerly National Association of Corrosion Engineers) and SSPC – Society for Protective Coatings 2.7.8 CIP – Coating Inspector Program (NACE)/AMPP 2.7.9 SSPC – Now AMPP, formerly the Society for Protective Coatings 2.7.10 ISO – International Organization for Standardization 2.7.11 ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials 2.7.12 Shall, Shall Not – A Mandatory Requirement 2.7.13 Should – Not Mandatory, however, represents a Strong Recommendation 2.7.14 May – An Optional Requirement AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification 6 Sheet 3 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Coating application shall be in compliance with the requirements of SSPC – PA 1. 3.2 Coating application safety procedures shall meet the applicable federal, provincial, municipal, and Owners’ requirements and in general compliance with SSPC –PA Guide 3. 3.3 In accordance with Work Place Hazardous Materials Identification System (WHMIS) regulations, suitable labeling of paint and solvent containers, as well as Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all applicable products, must be provided. SDS for these products must be made available on site. 3.4 The following shall not be painted: • 4. Backside of panel/bolt holes in panels 3.5 Welded attachments shall be stripe coated and finish coated. 3.6 Ambient conditions must meet the requirements of the Coating Manufacturer during final surface preparation, coating application, and for the full duration of the cure cycle for the specified coating. Ambient control equipment must be suitably configured so as not to introduce contaminants or excess moisture into the work environment. 3.7 In the event of a conflict between these requirements and the Coating Manufacturers’ printed instructions, at the discretion of the Owner’s Representative, the more stringent requirement will prevail. 3.8 Any deviations from this specification must be submitted in writing to the Owner’s Representative. PRE-INSPECTION 4.1 Prior to any work, the panel shall be inspected to confirm that the surface condition is suitable to receive the specified pre-cleaning, pre-treatment, surface preparation, and coating application. 4.2 At a minimum, the following conditions shall be documented for new work: 4.3 • Rust Grade as per NACE/SSPC – Vis 1; or NACE/SSPC – Vis 3 • Visible contaminants • General surface condition; noting any anomalies which may prevent successful completion of the coating project. Results of the pre-inspection shall be documented in the project Log Book. AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification Sheet 4 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 7 CIP Level 1 5. 6. 7. Chapter 22: Holiday Detection PRE-CLEANING 5.1 Prior to any other surface preparation, the panel shall be cleaned using a procedure which is compliant with SSPC-SP-1. 5.2 All surfaces to be painted shall be tested for contamination by chlorides using a Brestle Patch or by a sleeve test in accordance with ISO 8502-6 and ISO 8502-9. Concentrations shall be measured either with a Conductivity Meter or a Kitagawa Tube. Chloride contamination shall not exceed 30 parts per million (PPM) or 30 micro siemens per sq centimeter. 5.3 If the panel becomes contaminated after application of the first coat, the surface shall be cleaned in accordance with the Coating Manufacturers written instructions prior to application of the topcoat. PRE-TREATMENT/INITIAL PREPARATION 6.1 Following pre-cleaning and prior to abrasive blasting, the panel shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of SSPC SP 1, SSPC SP 2, and/or SSPC SP 3. 6.2 Prior to abrasive blasting, all sharp projections and weld spatter shall be ground to produce a smooth contour. Prior to abrasive blasting, all welds shall conform to the visual appearance of Butt Weld Condition D as per the visual comparator complimenting NACE SP0188. 6.3 Prior to abrasive blasting, all sharp edges of new steel surfaces (excepting the outer edges and bolt holes) shall be ground to a smooth radius of 3 mm (1/8”). 6.4 Prior to abrasive blasting, the panel shall be inspected and evaluated in accordance with SSPC SP1, SP 2, and SP 3 and NACE SP 0188. SURFACE PREPARATION 7.1 As a supplement to these written standards, visual guides as produced by NACE, SSPC, and ISO can be used to assist in the evaluate the surface preparation. In the event of a conflict between assessment using a visual guide and the applicable written standard, the written standard shall prevail 7.2 All pneumatic equipment used for surface preparation shall utilize clean, oil and moisture free air as confirmed by ASTM D 4285, “Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air” 7.3 The Owner’s Representative shall provide a copy of the abrasive supplier’s sieve analysis which shall be reviewed by the Inspector. AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification 8 Sheet 5 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 7.4 Abrasive cleanliness shall be confirmed in accordance with ASTM D 7393. 7.5 Final surface preparation will meet the requirements of NACE No. 2/SSPC – SP 10 (North America) or ISO 2 ½ (Rest of the World). In the event that the specified level of surface cleanliness conflicts with the information provided by the Coating Manufacturer Product Data Sheet, the more stringent standard will apply at the discretion of the Owner’s Representative. 7.6 Unless otherwise specified by the Owner’s Representative, the abrasive must produce a sharp angular surface profile of the depth specified as 38µ -76µ (1.5mils – 3mils). Surface profile will be measured in accordance with ASTM D 4417, Method B or C, or - ISO – 8503-2 (Medium/Coarse). 7.7 Ambient control equipment must be suitably configured so as not to introduce contaminants or excess moisture into the work environment 7.8 After abrasive blasting, the panel must be cleaned of dust and particulate, thereby conforming to ISO 8502 – 3, Part 3, Dust size - Class 3. 7.9 Immediately prior to coating application, surfaces must be free of all visible contaminants. 7.10 The blasted surface shall be coated prior to the development of rust bloom. 7.11 Regardless of the initial condition of the substrate, surface preparation method, or coating being applied, the surface to be coated shall meet the specified surface preparation standard for the applicable Coating Standard and the Coating Manufacturers’ requirements immediately prior to application of the first coat. 8. COATING MATERIALS 8.1 Acceptable coating materials are those identified by the Owner’s Representative. 8.2 All coating materials shall be produced by the same Coating Manufacturer. 8.3 Only thinners specified in the Coating Manufacturers’ written instructions shall be used within the recommended limits of the Coating Manufacturer. 8.4 All coating materials shall be prepared for use in strict accordance with all the requirements of the Coating Manufacturers’ latest written instructions. Only full kits can be mixed. AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification Sheet 6 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 9 CIP Level 1 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 8.5 Coating materials shall be delivered to the job site premixed by the manufacturer to the color specified by the Owner’s Representative. Material shall be delivered in the original, sealed, and undamaged containers bearing the manufacturer’s name, brand identification, and batch numbers. All coating materials used shall be within the shelf life identified by the Coating Manufacturer. All coating materials of the same generic type and color shall be identified with the same batch number unless otherwise approved by the Owners’ Representative. 8.6 All coating materials shall be stored in a clean, dry, well-ventilated area, protected from sparks, flame, direct rays of the sun, and heat or cold. Acceptable storage conditions shall be provided in accordance with the written instructions provided by the Coating Manufacturer. 8.7 As soon as possible, after arrival at the job-site, the coating materials and additives shall be inspected to determine if they meet the specified requirements. Any out-of-date or otherwise non-compliant materials shall be replaced in a timely way so as not to impact the scheduled completion of the work. 8.8 Converters, thinners, and other additives shall be from the same manufacturer as the coating and used only in accordance with the Coating Manufacturers’ latest written instructions. 8.9 Before application, all materials shall be mechanically agitated until the ingredients are completely mixed in accordance with the Coating Manufacturers’ latest written instructions. Mixing equipment shall meet the Coating Manufacturers’ requirements. 8.10 The mixing operation is subject to inspection to determine if the mixing operation meets the specified requirements. 8.11 If required by the Coating Manufacturer, materials which have a tendency to settle rapidly shall be continuously agitated during application. 8.12 No materials for which the Coating Manufacturers’ stated pot life has been exceeded may be applied or mixed into a new batch. 8.13 Material shall not be prepared for use when the ambient temperature, the surface temperature, material temperature, relative humidity, or dew point is below or above that specifically permitted in the Coating Manufacturers’ latest printed Product Data Sheet. 9. COATING APPLICATION 9.1 General Coating Application Requirements AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification 10 Sheet 7 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 9.1.1 Coatings shall only be applied to thoroughly prepared surfaces as defined by these Specifications. Ambient conditions must meet the Coating Manufacturer’s latest printed instructions prior to application, during, and throughout the cure cycle of the coatings. If required, humidification, dehumidification, and/or temperature controls shall be used to meet this requirement. 9.1.2 Immediately prior to coating application and periodically throughout the coating application, ambient conditions are subject to inspection to determine if they meet the requirements of these Specifications. Coating application shall not proceed unless the required ambient conditions are present. 9.1.3 Coatings shall be applied in strict accordance with the Coating Manufacturers’ latest written Product Data Sheet or written recommendation. In particular, the induction times, pot life times, minimum and maximum recoat times, minimum and maximum material, substrate, and ambient temperatures as stated in the Coating Manufacturers Product Data Sheet (latest printed version) shall be strictly adhered to. 9.1.4 All materials shall be applied in a workmanlike manner in accordance with SSPC-PA 1 and the Coating Manufactures’ latest printed Product Data Sheet to achieve the required dry film thickness. 9.1.5 Application by brush, roller, or spray shall be in accordance with the Coating Manufacturers’ Product Data Sheet (PDS), latest printed version. Generally, coatings shall be spray applied; however, brush and roller application may be required to access areas inaccessible to spray application or under certain circumstances where brush & roller application is more applicable to the work at hand. 9.1.6 Inherent overspray from zinc coatings will be tolerated providing any overspray is removed prior to overcoating. 9.1.7 Alternate coats of paint shall be distinguished from one another by different colors, with the exception of the stripe coat and topcoat. 9.1.8 Application of successive coats shall be completed within the minimum and maximum recoat windows specified by the Coating Manufacturer. If the recoat window is exceeded, the coating shall be removed and replaced or adequately abraded prior to application of the next coat at the discretion of the Owner’s Representative. 9.1.9 Prior to application of the topcoat, weld lines, corners, edges (with the exception of outer edges of the plate), and other areas difficult to spray shall receive an initial stripe coat by brush to ensure adequate film build. Inorganic zinc coatings shall be used for stripe coating. AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification Sheet 8 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 11 CIP Level 1 9.2 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 9.1.10 Unless otherwise specified by the Coating Manufacturer, all coatings applied by spray shall be applied in even, parallel passes overlapping each pass by 50% immediately followed by cross spray passes to achieve a smooth, uniform appearing, continuous film that is free of visual defects. 9.1.11 Defects include but are not limited to; bare spots, holidays, pinholes, runs, sags, blisters, dry spray, blushing, crazing, cracking, fish-eyes, bubbling, or other blemishes. 9.1.12 Coating application is subject to inspection both during the application and after initial cure. If required, coating remediation/repair procedures shall be according to the Coating Manufacturers’ recommendations. 9.1.13 The coating shall be applied at the dry film thickness range specified in the Coating Manufacturer’s product data sheets. When measured in accordance with the Restriction Level 3 of SSPC PA 2, the dry film thickness of the primer and the total system must fall within the specified range of dry film thickness. 9.1.14 Each applied coat is subject to inspection after the initial cure of the coat and prior to application of succeeding coats. Any remediation/repair procedures required will be completed prior to application of succeeding coats. 9.1.15 The minimum curing time shall be observed as specified by the Coating Manufacturer before handling or allowing the coated surface to go into service. 9.1.16 The panel is subject to a final inspection to determine if all of the specification requirements have been met. All deficiencies noted in the final inspection will be corrected to the satisfaction of the Owners’ Representative prior to return to service. Coating Tests And Inspection 9.2.1 The Coating Inspector shall be responsible to the Owner’s Representative. 9.2.2 The Coating Inspector shall observe, report and document all work required by this specification. 9.2.3 The Coating Inspector is not granted the authority to stop the work except if observing a significant safety violation that is deemed to be an immediate danger to the life and health of those involved in this work. 9.2.4 The Coating Inspectors’ duties and functions will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines and ethical standards of the NACE CIP. AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification 12 Sheet 9 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 9.3 9.2.5 The Coating Inspector will keep complete written records of all tests, observations, and measurements taken and will record all occurrences which could have an effect on the quality and integrity of surface preparation and applied coatings. 9.2.6 The Coating Inspector shall record all inspection activities in the dated project logbook. The logbook shall be submitted to the Owner’s Representative on the final day of the CIP class. 9.2.7 The Coating Inspector shall perform a pre-inspection of the surfaces to be coated. 9.2.8 The Coating Inspector shall perform inspections of the pre-cleaning, pretreatment, initial and final surface preparation prior to coating application. 9.2.9 The Coating Inspector shall inspect the coating materials prior to coating application. 9.2.10 The Coating Inspector shall inspect the mixing and thinning of all coatings prior to application. 9.2.11 The Coating Inspector shall inspect the coating application in progress including, monitoring the wet film thickness (topcoat only). 9.2.12 The Coating Inspector shall inspect each applied coat prior to application of the succeeding coat for any visible defects and dry film thickness. When repairs are necessary, they shall be inspected prior to application of the succeeding coat. 9.2.13 The Coating Inspector shall inspect the finished coated surfaces for dry film thickness and visible coating defects. Dry film thickness measurements will be evaluated in accordance with SSPC – PA 2, Restriction Level 3. 9.2.14 The Coating Inspector shall perform holiday testing according to NACE SP0188. Coating Repairs 9.3.1 At the discretion of the Owner’s Representative, defective coatings shall be accepted as is touched up or removed and replaced. 9.3.2 Whenever touch-up is specified prior to a succeeding coating of paint, it shall include omissions, welds, burns, rusted areas, and all damaged or defective paint. The touched-up surface shall be cleaned before painting using surface preparation methods at least as effective as those specified for the original coating. 9.3.3 Touch-up shall be done with procedures and materials that will produce a coating better than or equal to the original coating specification. AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification Sheet 10 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 13 CIP Level 1 10. Chapter 22: Holiday Detection COLORS 10.1 Color selection for all surfaces will be at the discretion of the Owner’s Representative. 11. INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN (ITP) 11.1 The ITP shall guide the Inspector in the performance of the inspection activities. 11.2 The Inspector is responsible for reviewing the ITP to ensure its applicability for the work and to report any errors, omissions, or ambiguities to the Owner’s Representative during the pre-job conference. AMPP CIP LEVEL 1 Panel Lab Specification 14 Sheet 11 of 11 For Classroom Use Only Date of Issue: February 2022 © NACE International Item Activity Inspection Method or Equipment Standard 1 Initial Condition Visual Inspection SSPC VIS 1 or SSPC VIS 3 2 Pre-Cleaning Visual Inspection SSPC-SP 1 3 Initial Preparation (Hand & power tool cleaning) SSPC–VIS 3 4 Blast Media Chloride Testing 5 Pre-Treatment (Welds) Visual Comparator Conformance Criteria Results (C=conformance NC= Non-conformance or N/A) Specification Reference N/A 4.1 No visible oil or grease 5.1 All material removed 6.1 ISO 8502-6, IS0 8502-9 30 PPM or 30 micro siemens 5.2 NACE SP0178 Sharp edges ground to a smooth radius of 3mm/ (1/8”) 6.2 - 6.3 7.4 SSPC-SP 2 and SSPC-SP 3 Blast Media Cleanliness Vial Test ASTM D7393 7 Compressed air cleanliness Blotter Test ASTM D4285 No visible contamination 7.2 8 Blast Cleanliness (North America) SSPC–VIS 1 NACE No. 2/ SSPC SP-10 Up to 5% staining allowed 7.5 9 Blast Cleanliness (Rest of World) ISO 8501-1 ISO Sa 2 ½ Trace contaminates shall show as slight stains in the form of 7.5 spots or stripes 10 Surface Profile Digital Profile Gauge ASTM D4417, Method B 38µm -76µm (1.5mils – 3mils) 7.6 15 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 6 No visually detectable oil film on surface of water Activity 11 Residual Dust 12a Coating Materials – Batch number: Primer: Part A Inspection Method or Equipment Standard Dust Tape Test ISO 8502-3 Product Data Sheet N/A Conformance Criteria Dust size, Class 3 Batch numbers Primer Part A: Results (C=conformance NC= Non-conformance or N/A) Specification Reference 7.8 8.5 – 8.8 and 10.1 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Item _____________________ 12b Coating Materials – Batch number: Primer: Part B Product Data Sheet N/A Batch numbers Primer Part B: 8.5 – 8.8 and 10.1 _____________________ Batch numbers 12c Coating Materials – Batch number: Topcoat: Part A Product Data Sheet N/A Topcoat Part A: 8.5 – 8.8 and 10.1 _____________________ Batch numbers 12d Coating Materials – Batch number: Topcoat: Part B Product Data Sheet N/A Topcoat Part B: 8.5 – 8.8 and 10.1 _____________________ CIP Level 1 12f 12g As per the PDS: Coating Materials – Shelf Life: Product Data Sheet Primer: Part A N/A Coating Materials – Shelf Life: Product Data Sheet Primer: Part B N/A Coating Materials – Shelf Life: Product Data Sheet Topcoat: Part A N/A _____________________ As per the PDS: ____________________ As per the PDS: _____________________ 8.5 – 8.8 and 10.1 8.5 – 8.8 and 10.1 8.5 – 8.8 and 10.1 16 12e Item 12h 13a 13b Activity Inspection Method or Equipment Coating Materials – Shelf Life: Product Data Sheet Topcoat: Part B Ambient Conditions – Mixing and Thinning (Primer Coat) Digital Dew Point Meter or Sling Psychrometer and Magnetic Surface Temperature Gauge Mixing and Thinning – Primer Product Data Sheet Method/Equipment Standard Conformance Criteria As per the PDS: N/A _____________________ N/A As per the Specification or PDS: Results (C=conformance NC= Non-conformance or N/A) Specification Reference 8.5 – 8.8 and 10.1 8.13 _____________________ N/A As per the Specification or PDS: 8.9 and 8.11 _____________________ 13c 15 Ambient Conditions – Prior to Primer Application Primer Application Workmanship Digital Dew Point Meter or Sling Psychrometer and Magnetic Surface Temperature Gauge Visual Inspection As per the PDS: N/A 8.12 _____________________ N/A As per the Specification or PDS (as applicable): 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 _____________________ SSPC-PA 1 As per the Specification or PDS (as applicable): _____________________ 9.1.4, 9.1.8 and 9.1.10 17 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 14 Mixing and Thinning – Primer Timer Pot Life 16 17 18 Activity Stripe Coat Inspection Method or Equipment Visual Inspection Primer Cure – Dry to topcoat Solvent Sensitivity Test Dry Film Thickness – Primer Type I Analog or Type II Digital Gauge Standard Conformance Criteria N/A All edges, welds, bolt holes, and areas difficult to spray As per the pre-job ASTM D4752 or conference and ASTM D5402 applicable standard PASS/FAIL SSPC-PA 2 As per the Specification or PDS (as applicable): Results (C=conformance NC= Non-conformance or N/A) Specification Reference 9.1.9 © NACE International Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Item 9.1.15 9.1.13 _____________________ CIP Level 1 19b 19c Mixing and thinning – Topcoat Mixing Method/ Equipment Mixing and Thinning – Topcoat Pot Life Product Data Sheet As per the N/A Specification or PDS: 8.13 _____________________ N/A As per the Specification or PDS: 8.9 and 8.11 _____________________ Timer N/A As per the Specification or PDS: 8.12 _____________________ 18 19a Ambient Conditions – Mixing and Thinning (Topcoat) Digital Dew Point Meter or Sling Psychrometer and Magnetic Surface Temperature Gauge Item 20 21 Activity Ambient Conditions – Prior to Topcoat Application Topcoat Application – Workmanship Inspection Method or Equipment Digital Dew Point Meter or Sling Psychrometer and Magnetic Surface Temperature Gauge Visual Inspection Standard N/A Conformance Criteria As per the Specification or PDS (as applicable): Results (C=conformance NC= Non-conformance or N/A) Specification Reference 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 _____________________ SSPC-PA 1 As per the specification/PDS and/or PA-1 9.1.4 and 9.1.10 _____________________ 22 Topcoat – Final cure Visual Inspection N/A As per the Specification or PDS: 9.1.14 _____________________ 23 25 26 Visual Inspection Total Dry Film Thickness Type I Analog or Type II Digital Gauge SSPC-PA 2 Holiday Detector NACE SP0188 Holiday Inspection Coating Repairs/Touch Up Visual Inspection N/A No visual defects As per the Specification or PDS: 9.1.11 9.1.13 _____________________ N/A No holidays As per the Specification or PDS: _____________________ 9.1.11 9.1.12 and 9.3 19 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection 24 Final Visual Inspection CIP Level 1 20 Chapter 22: Holiday Detection © NACE International Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Answer Key Chapter 16: Inspection Test Plans Practical Lab/Self-Study Activity 1 Inspection Test Plan (Coating Application) No. Activity 7.1 Inspect the precleaned surface 7.2 Observe the stripe coating by roller 7.3 Monitor the environmental conditions 7.4 Inspect roller and brush application (if applicable) 7.5 Measure the wet film thickness 7.6 Inspection Equipment Visual inspection Visual inspection Inconsistency Brush not roller Controlling Documents Acceptance Criteria Specification Free of visible contaminants All areas Specification All welds, nuts, bolts, Omission edges, and corners Air Temperature stripe coated All areas Surface Temp: 35°F 49°C Inconsistency °F and °C mixed Digital all-in-one device or a thermometer & hygrometer PDS Frequency Surface Temp at least Inconsistency 5°F above dew point Every 3 hours, not just at the start of each shift Humidity < 85% At the beginning of each shift High-quality finish achieved Areas coated by brush or roller (excluding stripping) 175 μm - 338 μm One per section or as needed Omission Inspect the coating Visual inspection Specification Measuring DFT film Coating film is free from visible defects and debris All areas 7.7 Monitor the recoat window 8 hours minimum Each layer, all areas 7.8 Perform holiday testing Ambiguity What defines “high-quality” Visual inspection Specification Inconsistency Comb Gauge responsibility PDS Contractor’s — Low-voltage wet sponge Chalk PDS No holidays. Identified Ambiguity NACE SP0188 holidays to be marked All areas No temperature is listed in the specification and reported CIP Level 1 Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Activity 2 5. Pre-treatment No. Activity Inspection Equipment Controlling Documents Acceptance Criteria 5.1 Inspect the precleaned surface Visual inspection Specification Sharp edges rounded and weld defects ground smooth & edges raised to 45° 5.2 Inspect the precleaning Visual inspection SSPC-SP 1 All oil, grease, and other visible contamination removed 6. Surface Preparation 6.1 Verify conditions are suitable for blasting Visual inspection Specification No adjacent coating operations or wet (coated) surfaces 6.2 Test abrasive cleanliness Visual inspection Vial Test Specification Media is clean, dry, and free from foreign matter 6.3 Very abrasive type Visual inspection Specification Media is steel grit or garnet 6.4 Test the cleanliness of compressed air Absorbent or non-absorbent collector ASTM D4285 No indication of water or oil discoloration present 6.5 Inspect the postblast clean-up Visual inspection Specification No spent abrasive or dust on the surface 6.6 Assess surface cleanliness Visual inspection SSPC-VIS 1 NACE No.2 / SSPC-SP 10 – – – 6.7 Measure the surface profile Replica Tape Micrometer ASTM D4417 Method C Surface profile: – 75 - 100 μm – Angular 6.8 Post-blast inspection Visual inspection Specification Prepared surface has no visible defects 6.9 Inspect the surface for deterioration Visual inspection Specification The surface has no patches of black or brown discoloration within an hour of blasting 6.10 Measure chloride contamination (if required by 6.9) Bresle Patch Kit Conductivity Meter ISO 8502 Part 6 & 9 < 62 µS/cm (< 40 ppm) No visible contaminants No loose or tightly adherent material Up to 5% staining © NACE International Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Chapter 17: Practical Math Knowledge Checks 1. Measurement Total Average Complies Area Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 (1+2+3) (Total ÷ No. of Measurements) (Yes/No) A 10 mils 12 mils 12 mils 34 11.3 Yes B 12 mils 14 mils 13 mils 39 13.0 Yes C 15 mils 14 mils 14 mils 43 14.3 Yes D 14 mils 13 mils 10 mils 37 12.3 Yes E 12 mils 13 mils 11 mils 36 12.0 Yes 12.58 Yes Overall Average SSPS-PA 2 Level 3 Calculations Specified Range: 12-15 mils 80% of 12 mils: 12 x 0.8 = 9.6 mils 120% of 15 mils: 15 x 1.20 = 18 mils Any single spot measurement must be greater than 9.6 mils and less than 18 mils. 2. Imperial Metric Step 1: Calculate TE = 100% - % loss (decimal) = 1 - .10 = .90 Step 1: Calculate TE = 100% - % loss (decimal) = 1 - .10 = .90 Step 2: Calculate Practical Coverage = 1,604 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT = 1,604 x .45 x .90 ÷ 5 = 129.92 (rounded to 130 ft2 / gal) Step 2: Calculate Practical Coverage = 1,000 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT = 1,000 x .45 x .90 ÷ 127 = 3.18 m2 / l (rounded to 3 m2/l) Step 3: Calculate Material Consumption = Area ÷ Practical Coverage = 5,000 ÷ 130 = 38.45 (rounded to 39 gal) Step 3: Calculate Material Consumption = Area ÷ Practical Coverage = 500 ÷ 3 = 166.66 (rounded to 167 liters) CIP Level 1 Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Self-Study 1. Solvent Solvent by volume 15% Solids Solids by volume 85% Solvent Solids 0.85 SBV Solvent Solvent by volume 30% Solids Solids by volume 70% 0.70 SBV Solvent by volume 45% Solids by volume 55% 0.55 SBV Solvent Solids Solvent by volume 65% Solids by volume 35% 0.35 SBV 2. 2.7 – 5.3 mils (68-136 microns) WFT Calculation: 1. 51 (2 mils ) ÷ 0.75 SBV = 68 microns (2.7 mils) WFT minimum 2. 102 (4 mils ) ÷ 0.75 SBV = 136 microns (5.3 mils) WFT maximum © NACE International Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning 3. Minimum DFT Maximum DFT Step 1 Multiply minimum DFT by minimum tolerance: 150 x .80 = 120 µm Step 1 Multiply minimum DFT by minimum tolerance: 200 x 1.50 = 300 µm Step 2 Calculate the Sum: 140 + 135 + 157 = 432 Step 2 Calculate the Sum: 220 + 190 + 210 = 620 Step 3 Divide the Sum by the number of values in the set: 432 ÷ 3 = 144 µm Step 3 Divide the Sum by the number of values in the set: 620 ÷ 3 = 206.6 µm 144 µm ≥ 120 µm – within tolerance limits 206.6 µm ≤ 300 µm – within tolerance limits 4. Imperial Metric Step 1: Calculate the Adjusted SBV Adjusted SBV = SBV ÷ 1 + Thinner % = 0.70 ÷ 1.15 = 0.608 (rounded to 0.61) Step 1: Calculate the Adjusted SBV Adjusted SBV = SBV ÷ 1 + Thinner % = 0.70 ÷ 1.15 = 0.608 (rounded to 0.61) Step 2: Calculate the WFT WFT = DFT ÷ Adjusted SBV = 9 ÷ 0.61 = 14.75 mils Step 2: Calculate the WFT WFT = DFT ÷ Adjusted SBV = 229 ÷ 0.61 = 375.40 µm CIP Level 1 Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning 5. Imperial Metric Step 1: Calculate the Adjusted SBV Adjusted SBV = SBV ÷ 1 + Thinner % = 0.75 ÷ 1.125 = 0.666 (rounded to 0.67) Step 1: Calculate the Adjusted SBV Adjusted SBV = SBV ÷ 1 + Thinner % = 0.75 ÷ 1.125 = 0.666 (rounded to 0.67) Step 2: Calculate minimum DFT WFT = DFT ÷ Adjusted SBV = 2 mils ÷ 0.67 = 2.98 mils Step 2: Calculate minimum DFT WFT = DFT ÷ Adjusted SBV = 51 µm ÷ 0.67 = 76.11 µm Step 3: Calculate maximum DFT WFT = DFT ÷ Adjusted SBV = 4 mils ÷ 0.67 = 5.97 mils Step 3: Calculate maximum DFT WFT = DFT ÷ Adjusted SBV = 102 µm ÷ 0.67 = 152.23 µm Therefore, the applicator should strive to apply the coating within a range of 3 - 6 mils (76 - 152 microns) WFT. Even with the addition of 12.5% thinner, the coating should “shrink” to 2 - 4 mils (51 - 102 microns) DFT. 6. Imperial 7. Metric Step 1: Calculate TE = 100% - % loss (decimal) = 1 - .10 = .90 Step 1: Calculate TE = 100% - % loss (decimal) = 1 - .10 = .90 Step 2: Calculate Practical Coverage = 1,604 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT = 1,604 x .45 x .90 ÷ 5 = 129.92 (rounded to 130 ft2 / gal) Step 2: Calculate Practical Coverage = 1,000 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT = 1,000 x .45 x .90 ÷ 127 = 3.18 m2 / l (rounded to 3 m2/l) Step 3: Calculate Material Consumption = Area ÷ Practical Coverage = 5,000 ÷ 130 = 38.45 (rounded to 39 gal) Step 3: Calculate Material Consumption = Area ÷ Practical Coverage = 500 ÷ 3 = 166.66 (rounded to 167 liters) = 1,604 sq. ft x SBV ÷ DFT = 1,604 x 0.65 ÷ 1 = 1,042 sq. ft = 1000 m2 x SBV ÷ DFT = 1000 x 0.75 ÷ 220 = 3.4 m2 = 1000 m2 x SBV ÷ DFT = 1000 x 0.35 ÷ 80 = 4.375 m2 = 1,604 sq. ft x SBV ÷ DFT = 1,604 x 0.40 ÷ 4 = 106.4 sq. ft © NACE International Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning 8. Step 1: Calculate TE = 100% - % loss (decimal) = 1 - .20 = .80 Step 3: Calculate Material Consumption = Area ÷ Practical Coverage = 2323 ÷ 7 = 331.85 liters Step 2: Calculate Practical Coverage = 1000 x SBV x TE ÷ DFT = 1000 x .75 x .80 ÷ 85 = 7.05 liters Chapter 18: Measuring Environmental Conditions Knowledge Checks 1. A. Verify calibration of both instruments 2. C. At the actual work location D. At areas that are likely to be hotter or colder than the normal 3. B. Dew point Self-Study 1. Possible answers: Not allowing the meter to acclimatize when moving between starkly different environments Obstructing air flow to the meter by having your hand or fingers near the sensor (body heat can cause inaccurate readings) Dragging the meter between surface temperature readings Using too much or too little pressure between the meter and surface Dirty or contaminated sensors Not allowing readings to stabilize before recording the measurement 2. C. Distilled water 3. Steps: 1. Saturate the wick with clean water 2. Whirl at a moderate speed for ~20-30 seconds 3. Read the wet-bulb temperature 4. Repeat Steps 2 & 3 until the wet-bulb temperature stabilizes 5. Record the temperature from the wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometer 6. Calculate the wet-bulb depression by subtracting the wet-bulb temperature from the dry-bulb temperature CIP Level 1 Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning 7. Determine relative humidity and dew point by referencing a psychrometric table or a dewpoint calculator 8. Record the relative humidity and dewpoint temperature Chapter 19: Soluble Salt Detection Knowledge Checks 1. C. Potassium Ferricyanide Test 3. A. Four times 2. B. White 4. D. Ion Test Strips Self-Study 1. Chlorides Sulfates Nitrates 2. Limits to be accepted Test method to be used Locations in which tests should be administered Specific salts to be limited Frequency of testing 3. Bresle Patch Soluble Salt Meters Sleeve Test Conductivity Meters Chapter 20: Measuring Surface Profile Knowledge Checks 1. D. As a range of measurements 2. A. Dust on the surface B. Using an incorrect grade of tape C. Not accounting for the thickness of the mylar tape D. Under burnishing the mylar tape 3. C. Take 10 readings per location, record the maximum value, then determine the average for all maximum values as the reported profile D. Take 10 readings and record the average of those ten (10) readings as the reported profile depth © NACE International Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Self-Study 1. ISO Comparator 2. Finer-than-Fine Grade Replica Tape Fine Grade Digital Profile Gauge Medium Grade Coarse Grade 3. Coarse for 20 to 64 µm (0.8 to 2.5 mils) X-Coarse for 38 to 115 µm (1.5 to 4.5 mils) Coarser-than-Coarse Grade 4. ASTM D 4417 Method C NACE SP 0287-2002 5. Variation in point-to-point profile over the surface being tested The presence of particles of dirt on either the replica tape or gauge Gauge accuracy The rubbing or burnishing technique Chapter 21: Measuring Film Thickness Knowledge Checks 1. D. The last tooth that has coating on it 4. A. Selecting reference coated standards below and above the anticipated coating thickness 2. A. It is intrinsically safe 5. B. Three (3) 3. B. 2.5 cm (1 inch) 6. D. Fifteen (15) Self-Study 1. SSPC-SP 2 - 5 spot measurements (3 measurements per spot) ISO 19840 - Minimum 10 measurements CIP Level 1 Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning 2. Bonus: ‘R’ refers to a repeat measurement. Gauge Reading 3 was not repeated as the Sampling Plan within ISO 19840 only allows two reads to be repeated for a measurement area of this size. 3. SSPC-SP 2 - 48 μm - 96 μm ISO 19840 - 48 μm - 80 μm 4a. Yes. Yes. The average of each spot is between 48 μm - 96 μm Yes. Specified DFT = 60 - 80 μm; Measured DFT = 70 μm 4b. No. Yes. Minimum DFT = 60 μm; average = 71 μm Yes. 80% of Minimum DFT = 48 μm;Lowest Reading = 58 μm Yes. 10% of readings are between 48 - 60 μm No. Gauge Reading 9 = 81 μm; Gauge Reading 10 = 84 μm Chapter 22: Holiday Detection Knowledge Checks 1. B. Visually, you cannot use a holiday detector 2. A. Telegraphing © NACE International Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Self-Study 1. Low Voltage DC High Voltage DC (Pulse DC, Continuous, and Constant DC high voltage detectors) 2. Typically less than 90 V DC but can range from 5 to 120 V DC. 3. Ground cable is attached directly to the substrate Sponge saturated with a solution of tap water/wetting agent Maximum rate of 30 cm/s (1 linear ft/s) double stroke Used on coatings up to 500 µm (20 mils) May be used on concrete 4. DC - Pulsed DC - Constant Current 5. Make sure the structure to be tested is grounded to earth Check that the coating has cured prior to testing and no solvent fumes are present Check that the surface is dry Make sure adjacent workers are not touching the structure or the ground wire during testing Never point the wand at another person Use the appropriate voltage setting for the anticipated DFT 6. High Voltage DC Constant Current Chapter 23: Safety Awareness Knowledge Checks 1. A. 6 feet (2 meters) 2. C. Your employer 3. A. Verify the space has been tested and cleared for entry B. Only intrinsically safe inspection equipment is used C. Proper personal protective equipment is employed D. That the workers have been properly trained CIP Level 1 Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Case Study Workshop Possible answers may include, but are not limited to the following: Case Study #1 1. Pinpoint rusting may occur. It will also require excessive amounts of coating to cover the surface to meet the specified dry film thickness. 2. Report the non-conformance as dictated by the Specification. Reporting may include the contractor, owner’s representative, and any other relevant stakeholders. 3. Consult the coating manufacturer and ask if the thickness of the IOZ can be increased to cover the surface profile without mud cracking. Alternatively, change the IOZ primer to an organic zinc-rich epoxy primer that is heavier and will cover the profile. Remember that changing any part of the Specification requires the owner’s “written” permission. Case Study #2 1. A combination of elevated temperatures, high humidity, and windy conditions can result in the formation of dry spray. Inorganic zinc-rich coatings dry very fast as the solvents are highly volatile and evaporate quickly. Air temperature and wind speed were too high, causing the solvents to evaporate out of the coating before they hit the substrate. 2. Waiting until air temperatures, relative humidity, and wind speed levels are lower will help eliminate all the application issues experienced. Check with the coating manufacturer to see if a slower evaporating solvent could be added to the coating in order to slow the drying/curing process. Case Study #3 1. The inspector could have met with the contractor prior to blast cleaning and used SSPC-VIS 1 to come to an agreement on the initial grade of the steel and the photographic representation in VIS 1 that identifies the specified degree of cleanliness required. 2. The inspector should meet with the contractor, share a copy of the standard, and explain the written requirements. 3. NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 clearly states that only 5% of every 9 sq. inches can have evidence of residual staining, meaning all the mill scale needs to be removed. The only way to meet the requirements of the specification is to have additional surface preparation performed. If the contractor chooses to leave the areas as is, issue a non-conformance and require a corrective action with a copy submitted to the contractor and the owner. © NACE International Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Case Study #4 1. Over thinning of the coating, improper spray tip size, poor application technique. 2. Notify the owner's representative or engineer and seek guidance on the repair. Meet with the owner, contractor, and manufacturer to discuss possible options. If the contractor chooses to leave the areas as is, issue a non-conformance and require a corrective action with a copy submitted to the contractor and the owner. Elevated Water Tank Lab AMPP CIP Date: April 13, 2022 Daily Coating Inspection Report Day of Week: S Project/Client: ACME Municipal Authority Inspector Name: Location: Jane Smith M T W T F S Perth, Australia Inspector Signature: Jane Smith Description of Area and Work Performed: Copy to: Attachments: Removal and replacement of the exterior coating of a 50-year-old elevated potable water storage tank. Owner Contractor N/A ________________ Lab Worksheet NCR N/A _______________ Tank is located near the beach. Contractor: Globex Coating Contractors Hold Point Inspection Performed Weather and site conditions Pre-surface prep, initial condition, and cleanliness Surface preparation monitoring Post surface preparation cleanliness and profile Mixing/thinning and application monitoring Post application and application defects Dry film thickness and curing Corrective actions follow-up and final inspection Remember! Never leave any blank fields on your reports. Always write “N/A” or cross out the line item as shown. CIP Level 1 Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Surface Conditions New Maintenance Primer Steel Concrete Galvanized Condition Before Surface Prep: Visual Standard/Guide: Paint Age Stainless Steel Dry Aluminum Cure N/A ____________ Rust Grade A Rust Grade B Rust Grade C Rust Grade D SSPC-VIS 1 SSPC-VIS 3 ISO 8501-1 N/A ____________ Mill Scale Pitting Laminations Weld Splatter Lead/Heavy Metal Oil Moisture Sharp Edges Rust Soluble Salts ___________________ No (Fail) Acceptable (Yes or No) _____________________ Bresle Patch & Conductivity Meter Test: ______________________________________________________ 40 µm/cm µs/cm Cl ______________________ N/A µs/cm Cl ______________________ 2 Peeling Paint Painted Surface Condition ________________________________ Dry to: Abrasion Runs/sags Holidays Cracking Fisheyes/Cissing Overspray Dry Spray N/A pH ______________________ Touch Handle Recoat Amine Blush _______________________________ Comments: Amine blush was observed. No other application defects were visible at the time of inspection on Thursday, April 14, 2022, at 9:23 a.m. Ambient Conditions Air Temp (Dry Bulb) Wet Bulb Wet Bulb Depression Relative Humidity No standard answers to Ambient Conditions section. Dew Point Surface Temp Delta T Other acceptable answers include pressure washing or steam cleaning. Surface Preparation Equipment Condition Check Water/Oil Trap Check Solvent Clean Hand Tool Power Tool N/A Blast Hose Size: ________ N/A Air Supply CFM: ________ Abrasive Blast Waterjetting __________________________ Precleaning: Recyclable Steel Grit Abrasive Type: ______________________________________ No Oil Content or Dust Visible: (Y/N) ____________________ 785 Kpa (110 psi) Kpa/psi Nozzle Size/Pressure: _______________________ Pass Air Supply Cleanliness: ________________________ Comments: Testing revealed that excessive salts had collected at the bottom of the tank. This was probably due to rain and condensation that washed the salts down from the top to the bottom of the tank. Additional precleaning in the form of waterjetting was performed in this area prior to blasting. © NACE International Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Surface Cleanliness and Profile Measurement Cleanliness After Surface Prep: NACE No. 3/SSPC-SP 6 NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 Unacceptable 50 - 87.5 µm (2 - 3.5 mils) Profile Specified: ____________________________________ Profile Check: SPG / Elcometer 224 Gauge Type: Positector ________________________________________ Disc: Profile Achieved: __________ mils/µm Tape: Profile Achieved: _________mils/µm Gauge: Profile Achieved: ____________mils/µm Surface Effect on DFT Gauge/BMR: _____________ mils/µm No standard answers. Coating Application Stripe Coat Primer Intermediate ABC Company Epoxy (white) Product Name/Color: ________________________________ Quantity Mixed: 10 gal (topcoat) Mix Method: Topcoat ABC Company Polyurethane (blue) Product Name/Color: _______________________________ Shear mixing blade Quantity Thinner Added: Did not observe Mix Finish Time: __________________ 2:15 p.m. Mix Start Time: ___________________ 4 hours Pot Life: _____________________ Conventional 15 min Induction: ____________________ Airless Touch-Up Brush 10% No Strain/Screen:Y/N _________________ 58° F Paint Temperature: _______________ C/F Roller ________________ Comments: Mixing and thinning of the primer coat was not witnessed. Dry Film Thickness Pull-off and Elcometer 452 or Positector 6000 Specified Standard: _____________________ SSPC-PA-2 Gauge Type: Magnetic ______________________________________________________ Primer: Min: __________ mils/µm Primer: Max: __________ mils/µm Primer: Average: __________ mils/µm Topcoat: Min: __________ mils/µm Topcoat: Max: __________ mils/µm Topcoat: Average: __________ mils/µm 125 - 175 µm (5 - 7 mils) mils/µm Topcoat DFT Specified: ______________________ 37 - 50 µm (1.5 - 2 mils) mils/µm Primer DFT Specified: ______________________ Total System Average DFT: _________________________________________________ mils/µm No standard answers. Unacceptable CIP Level 1 Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Date: April 13, 2022 AMPP CIP Day of Week: S Nonconformance/Corrective Actions Report Project/Client: Location: ACME Muncipal Authority Inspector: Jane Smith Perth, Australia Owner T W T F S Jane Smith Contractor: Globex Coating Contractors Copy to: M Attachments: Contractor ___________________ Stop Work Order ______________ Referenced Procedure, Specification, or Standard: 1. Task 3 - Soluble Salts 2. Task 7 - Coating Application 3. Coating Defects Description and Location of Nonconformance: 1. Excessive salt content on the underside of the tank measured at 40 μg/cm2 when the specification states that acceptable levels must be below 10 μg/cm2. 2A. Wrong thinner – ABC Company T1 thinner was specified, but T10 thinner was used. 2B. Topcoat induction time was too short – 30 minutes was specified, but induction was observed starting at 2:15 p.m. and ending at 2:30 p.m. when paint application began. 2C. Dry to recoat time was too short – 5 hours was specified. Primer application was observed at ending at 12:30 p.m. and topcoat application began at 2:30 p.m. 2D. Wrong paint temperature – 77 °F was specified, but when measured, paint temperature was 58 °F. 3. A portion on the side of the tank that faces west was not top coated. Amine blush was visible on the epoxy primer coat. Discussion and Recommendations: 1. Replace Repair Rework Use As-is Salts – additional precleaning should be performed on the bottom of the tank . 2A-C. Paint should be re-mixed per the specification. 2D. The recoat times stated on the PDS for cooler temperatures need to be followed. 3. Amine Blush – the specification states that the surface must be top coated. Top coating over amine blush will result in delamination. Therefore, the manufacturer should be consulted on the proper procedure to remove the blush. © NACE International Chapter 7: Pre-Cleaning Corrective Actions: 1. Acceptable precleaning methods are pressure washing, steam cleaning or waterjetting. 2A. Remix paint using the correct thinner (ABC Company T10). 2B. The mixed paint should sit for the full induction period of 30 minutes. 2C. The structure shall not be top coated until the minimum dry to recoat time of 5 hours has elapsed. 2D. Allow for extra time for cooler temperatures and extended recoat time. 3. Per the manufacturer’s recommendations, the blushed surface should be wiped down with a rag using a mild detergent mixed with clean water until a uniform color and sheen can be seen on the surface.