Shyh-Haur Su Graduate Student Ching-Huan Tseng Professor e-mail: Department of Mechanical Engineering National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan 30050, R.O.C. 1 Synthesis and Optimization for Rotor Profiles in Twin Rotor Screw Compressors This paper proposes a systematic synthesis method for twin-screw rotor profiles for compressors. Both ‘‘original generating curves’’ and ‘‘generated curves’’ are distributed on each rotor profile, and all the geometric parameters of these curves can be determined with satisfying the conditions of continuity in tangency by given only several specific parameter values. The contact lines on rotor surfaces and the blowhole area calculation are also presented. Three cases of optimization problems are shown in this paper and both contact-line length and blowhole area are reduced when letting the contact-line length be the object function with a constraint of blowhole area. 关S1050-0472共00兲01103-X兴 Introduction The helical screw compressor is a positive-displacement machine; it consists of two rotors enclosed in a pressure-containing casing. The rotors differ in shape and are identified as male and female. As the rotors rotate, gas is drawn through the suction nozzle into the interlobe space and the rotors mesh to trap the gas and isolate it from the suction. The rotors’ meshing point moves axially from the inlet to the discharge end. The volume of the gas is constantly reduced along this path resulting in a pressure increase. As the gas moves axially, the next charge of gas is drawn into the machine, thus continuing the process. However, the application of screw compressors requires conjugation of the male and female rotors to avoid a gas loss, which means generation of both rotors, must be accomplished with high precision. The basic geometry of screw rotor profiles has traditionally been given by some kind of ‘‘original generating curves,’’ consisting of points, straight lines and points along mathematical curves mixed in suitable proportions. Because compressors must form sealed cavities, multiple contact points usually exist along the cross section during the period of meshing. That is, the ‘‘original generating curves’’ and the ‘‘generated curves’’ always have to be distributed at cross-sectional profiles for both male and female rotors to keep them well meshed with each other. This condition makes the synthesis of rotor profiles become a difficult work when the criteria of the curve continuity and tangent continuity are requiring satisfied. Mu and Cao 关1兴 proposed an ‘‘accumulative chord cubic parametric spline curve method’’ for optimum design of the profile, and presented a ‘‘profile normal line method’’ for calculating the conjugate profiles and intermeshing curves. Edstorm 关2兴 and Tang and Fleming 关3兴 used data points to synthesize the rotor profiles. The literature 关4,5,6,7兴 presented some results about how the geometrical parameters of profiles affect the performance of screw compressors. Stosic and Hanjalic 关8,9兴 presented an algorithm of rotor profile curves for specifying screw machine geometry. However, they provided few complete solutions and detailed syntheses of rotor profiles. In gearing theory, two conjugate curves or surfaces should satisfy the equation of meshing: the relative velocity between two conjugate curves or surfaces is perpendicular to the common normal at the contact point; i.e., they are neither separated nor embedded to each other. In order to obtain the function of the conjugate 共generated兲 curve or surface, the equation of meshing sometimes can be simplified by letting one of the parameter be expressed as an explicit function of other parameters. Then, the equation substitutes the parameter by the explicit function into the function of the conjugate 共generated兲 curve or surface. After the procedure, the ‘‘analytical form’’ of the generated curve or surface can then be decided. However, not all the equations of meshing can be simplified like that way; that is, the conjugate curve or surface should be solved simultaneously by using symbolic technique from the equation of meshing and the equations derived from the coordinate transformations about the original generating curves. Apparently, the later one is more complicated than the former one when solving the conjugate 共generated兲 curves or surfaces. Litvin and Feng 关10兴 presented an analysis and synthesis method of rotor profiles for screw compressors. Their male rotor profile consisted of one elliptical curve and two epicycloidal curves generated by tip points on the female rotor. However, the epicycloidal curve could be derived by simple coordinate transformation of points, and its analytical form for synthesis of the rotor profile can be derived. In this paper, a different rotor profile 关11兴 is examined; multiple original generating curves and generated curves are distributed along cross-sectional profiles of both rotors, where the generated curves can be expressed only by coordinate transformation results and equations of meshing simultaneously. The values of parameters for the original generating curves become difficult to determine since one must make sure that all the generating and generated ones are connected and are in continuous tangency, i.e., singular points must be avoided. This task has been accomplished by trial and error in the past. The present study provides a detailed and theoretically grounded method for profile generation and synthesis. Its systematic determination of values for geometrical parameters can be applied to optimizing and designing new screw-rotor profiles. 2 Generation of Rotor Cross-Sectional Profiles In this study, the profile in 关11兴 as shown in Fig. 1共a兲 is taken as an example. Fig. 1共b兲 shows magnification of the curves on one tooth. 2.1 Applied Coordinate Systems. Consider the meshing of rotor profiles as the meshing of two planar curves represented by the rotors’ cross-section. Coordinate systems S a , S b , and S f are rigidly connected to the male rotor, female rotor and the frame, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2. Both rotors rotate about parallel axes with a constant ratio m 21 of angular velocities. The centrodes of the rotors are circles of radii r mb1 and r f t2 that can be represented by the equations Contributed by the Design Automation Committee for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received June 1998. Associated Technical Editor: M. A. Ganter. Journal of Mechanical Design Copyright © 2000 by ASME r f t2 ⫽ C , 1⫹m 21 r mb1 ⫽ Cm 21 , 1⫹m 21 (1) DECEMBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 543 Downloaded From: on 07/08/2014 Terms of Use: The male rotor has five helical lobes and a like number of helical grooves. Relative to its contacting with the female rotor, it has a pitch circle rmb1 and a rotary axis O a . The female rotor has six ribs with a pitch circle r f t2 and a rotary axis O b . The male rotor consists of three original generating curves r(c1a ) , r(ea ) , r(c2a ) (a) and one generated curve rc3,con j . The female rotor consists of one (b) original generating curve r(c3b ) and three generated curves rc1,con j, (b) (b) re,con j , and rc2,con j , as shown in Fig. 1. The superscript 共a兲 or 共b兲 means the vector function is described in the coordinate system S a or S b . r(c1a ) , r(c2a ) , and r(c3b ) are circular arcs with centers at O c1 , O c2 , and O c3 , respectively; r(ea ) is part of an ellipse and makes (b) the end of r(ea ) continuously tangent to r(c1a ) and r(c2a ) ; re,con j, (b) (b) (a) rc1,con j , rc2,con j , and rc3,con j are the ‘‘generated curves’’ meshing with r(ea ) , r(c1a ) , r(c2a ) , and r(c3b ) , respectively. 2.2 Equations for Elliptical Curve re of Male Rotor. The equation of the elliptical curve r(ea ) is represented in S a as shown in Fig. 1. r共ea 兲 共 e 兲 ⫽ 关 l cos e ⫺d s sin e 冉 0 兴 T, 冊 ⭐ e ⭐ , (3) 2 where l and s are the lengths of the longitudinal and latitudinal axes of the ellipse; d is the distance from the ellipse center to the male rotor center O a ; and e is the angular parameter of the ellipse. The normal vector N(ea ) to r(ea ) is represented in S a by the equation N共ea 兲 ⫽ 关 s cos e The relative velocity a) v(12,e l sin e 0 兴 T. (4) can be derived as follows: a兲 a兲 a兲 v共12,e ⫽v共1,e ⫺v共2,e ⫽ 共 共12a 兲 ⫻r共ea 兲 兲 ⫺ 共 O a O b 共 a 兲 ⫻ 共2a 兲 兲 ⫽ Fig. 1 „a… Geometry of rotor profiles in †11‡; „b… Rotor profile curves where C is the central distance between the two parallel rotary axes passing through O a and O b respectively. Here m 21⫽ 2 2 N1 ⫽ ⫽ , 1 1 N2 (2) where N 1 and N 2 are the numbers of ‘‘teeth,’’ 1 and 2 are the angular displacements, 1 and 2 are the angular velocities of the male rotor and the female rotor, respectively. 冋 i共 a 兲 j共 a 兲 k共 a 兲 0 0 1⫹ 2 l cos e ⫺d s sin e 0 冋 i共 a 兲 ⫺ ⫺C cos 1 0 册 册 j共 a 兲 k共 a 兲 C sin 1 0 0 ⫺2 ⫽ 1 关共 ⫺ 共 1⫹m 21兲 s sin e ⫹Cm 21 sin 1 兴 i共 a 兲 ⫹ 1 关 ⫺d 共 1⫹m 21兲 ⫹l cos e 共 1⫹m 21兲 ⫹Cm 21 cos 1 兴 j共 a 兲 . (5) According to the theory of gearing 关12,13兴, the equation of meshing can be determined by a兲 f e 共 e , 1 兲 ⫽N共ea 兲 •v共12,e ⫽0, (6) where 1 is the rotation angles of the male rotor. Equations 共4兲, 共5兲, and 共6兲 yield f e 共 e , 1 兲 ⫽ 关 ⫺ld⫹ 共 l 2 ⫺s 2 兲 cos e 兴 sin e ⫹r mb1 共 l cos 1 sin e ⫹s sin 1 cos e 兲 ⫽0, (7) where r mb1 is the pitch circle radius of the male rotor as expressed in Eq. 共1兲. Using the coordinate transformation from S a to S b , the family of elliptical curves is represented in S b . Considering the family of elliptical curves and the equation of meshing simultaneously, pro(b) file re,con j of the cross-section of the female rotor is determined in S b using the equations Fig. 2 Coordinate systems for derivation of cross-sectional conjugate rotor profiles 544 Õ Vol. 122, DECEMBER 2000 b兲 共a兲 r共e,con j 共 e , 1 兲 ⫽Mba 共 1 兲 re 共 e 兲 , f e 共 e , 1 兲 ⫽0 (8) where matrix Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 07/08/2014 Terms of Use: 冋 冋 cos 2 ⫺sin 2 Mba 共 1 兲 ⫽Mb f •M f a ⫽ sin 2 cos 2 0 0 cos关共 1⫹m 21兲 1 兴 ⫽ sin关共 1⫹m 21兲 1 兴 0 兴 T, and (x i ,y i ) is the coordinate of where r i is the radius of center O c1 or O c2 described in the coordinate system S a for the circular arc ri( a ) , respectively; i is the angular parameter of the circular arc. The normal vector Ni( a ) to ri( a ) is represented in S a by the equation The relative velocity cos i (a) v12,i r i sin i 0兴 . T ⫽ 冋 j共 a 兲 k共 a 兲 0 0 1⫹ 2 r i cos i ⫹x i r i sin i ⫹y i 0 冋 i共 a 兲 ⫺ ⫺C cos 1 0 j共 a 兲 k共 a 兲 C sin 1 0 0 ⫺2 册 0 0 1 0 cos关共 1⫹m 21兲 1 兴 册 册 C cos共 m 21 1 兲 册 C sin共 m 21 1 兲 , 1 r共c3b 兲 共 c3 兲 ⫽ 关 r c3 cos c3 ⫹x c3 (9) r c3 sin c3 ⫹y c3 0 兴 T , (16) where r c3 is the radius of r(c3b ) and (x c3 ,y c3 ) is the coordinate of center O c3 for the circular arc r(c3b ) . The normal vector N(c3b ) to r(c3b ) is represented in S b by the equation N共c3b 兲 ⫽ 关 r c3 cos c3 r c3 sin c3 0 兴 T. (17) b) The relative velocity v(12,c3 can be derived as following: b兲 b兲 b兲 v共21,c3 ⫽v共2,c3 ⫺v共1,c3 ⫽ 共 共21b 兲 ⫻r共c3b 兲 兲 ⫺ 共 O b O a 共 b 兲 ⫻ 共1b 兲 兲 ⫽ a兲 v共12,i ⫽v共1,ia 兲 ⫺v共2,ia 兲 i共 a 兲 C cos 1 ⫺sin关共 1⫹m 21兲 1 兴 (11) can be derived as following: ⫽ 共 共12a 兲 ⫻r共i a 兲 兲 ⫺ 共 O a O b 共 a 兲 ⫻ 共2a 兲 兲 1 共 i⫽c1,c2兲 (10) ri( a ) N共i a 兲 ⫽ 关 r i ⫺sin 1 0 2.3 Equations of Circular Arcs rc1 and rc2 of Male Rotor. Equation of circular arcs r(c1a ) and r(c2a ) are represented in S a , as shown in Fig. 1, r i sin i ⫹y i 册冋 cos 1 0 • sin 1 0 describes the coordinate transformation in transition from S a to S b , as shown in Fig. 2, and the subscript conj means the ‘‘conjugate shape.’’ r共i a 兲 共 i 兲 ⫽ 关 r i cos i ⫹x i 0 冋 i共 b 兲 j共 b 兲 k共 b 兲 0 0 ⫺ 1⫺ 2 r c3 cos c3 ⫹x c3 r c3 sin c3 ⫹y c3 0 冋 i共 b 兲 ⫺ C cos 2 0 j共 b 兲 k共 b 兲 C sin 2 0 0 1 册 册 ⫽ 1 关共 1⫹m 21兲共 y c3 ⫹r c3 sin c3 兲 ⫺Cm 21 sin 2 兴 i共 b 兲 ⫹ 1 关 ⫺ 共 1⫹m 21兲共 x c3 ⫹r c3 cos c2 兲 ⫹Cm 21 cos 2 兴 j共 b 兲 . (18) In accordance with the theorem of gearing, the equation of meshing can be determined using ⫽ 1 关 ⫺ 共 1⫹m 21兲共 y i ⫹r i sin i 兲 ⫹Cm 21 sin 1 兴 i共 a 兲 ⫹ 1 关共 1⫹m 21兲共 x i ⫹r i cos i 兲 ⫹Cm 21 cos 1 兴 j共 a 兲 . (12) b兲 f c3 共 c3 , 2 兲 ⫽N共c3b 兲 •v共21,c3 ⫽0, (13) where 2 is the rotation angle of the female rotor. Equations 共17兲, 共18兲, and 共19兲 yield (14) f c3 共 c3 , 2 兲 ⫽y c3 cos c3 ⫺x c3 sin c3 ⫹r f t2 sin共 c3 ⫺ 2 兲 ⫽0. (20) (19) The equation of meshing can then be determined using a兲 f i 共 i , 1 兲 ⫽N共i a 兲 •v共12,i ⫽0. Equations 共11兲, 共12兲, and 共13兲 yield f i 共 i , 1 兲 ⫽⫺y i cos i ⫹x i sin i ⫹r mb1 sin共 1 ⫹ i 兲 ⫽0. (b) Profile ri,con j of the cross-section of the female rotor is determined in S b using the equations b兲 r共i,con j共 i , 1 兲 ⫽Mba 共 1 兲 r共i a 兲 共 i 兲 , f i 共 i , 1 兲 ⫽0, (15) where matrix Mba ( 1 ) is the same as in Eq. 共9兲. 2.4 Equations of Circular Arc rc3 of the Female Rotor. The equation of circular arc r(c3b ) is represented in S b , as shown in Fig. 1, Journal of Mechanical Design (a) Profile rc3,con j of the cross-section of the male rotor is determined in S a using the equations a兲 共b兲 r共c3,con j 共 c3 , 2 兲 ⫽Mab 共 2 兲 rc3 共 c3 兲 , f c3 共 c3 , 2 兲 ⫽0, (21) where matrix DECEMBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 545 Downloaded From: on 07/08/2014 Terms of Use: 冋 cos 1 Mab 共 2 兲 ⫽Ma f •M f b ⫽ ⫺sin 1 ⫽ 冋 0 冋冉 冋冉 cos 1⫹ sin 1 ⫺C cos 1 cos 1 C cos 1 0 1 冊 册 冋冉 冊 册 冋冉 1 m 21 2 ⫺sin 1⫹ 1 m 21 2 册冋 cos 2 • ⫺sin 2 0 1 冊 册 冊 册 ⫺C cos cos 1⫹ 1 m 21 2 C sin 0 1 N 1 ,N 2 : male and female rotor tooth numbers, respectively; 2 C: center distance between male and female rotor rotary axes; 3 l,s: longitudinal and latitudinal axial lengths of the ellipse re , respectively; 4 r c2 : radius of the circular arc rc2 ; 5 m1 : initial angle of the ‘‘tooth’’ on the male rotor; 6 d: distance from ellipse center to male rotor center O 1 . The other geometric values can then be determined step-by-step as follows: Step 1. Parameters of circular arc rc1 From Fig. 1, the radius of rc1 can be determined using 册 冉 冊 冉 冊 1 m 21 2 2 m 21 2 m 21 1 册 . (22) f c2 ⫺ c2 1 ⫽ . 1 f c2 c2 Synthesis of Cross-Sectional Profiles of Rotors sin m1 ⫻d ⫺s cos m1 0 sin 1⫹ 0 The equations for the original generating curves and the generated curves can be determined according to the foregoing derivation. However, from a design stand point, it is difficult to determine which geometrical parameters should be determined at first and which should then be derived, especially since the radius of r c3 affects whether the end points of rc3,con j and rc2 intersect and remain continuously tangent. Continuity at the intersection points of the rc2,con j and rc3 must also be considered at the same time. The bound values for all profile parts and the bound values of kinematic parameters are also considered in this study. The optimization tool can be applied to get improved parametric values for these profiles automatically after the systematic parameter setting is done. The geometric parameter values that must be given first are: 共Fig. 1兲 r c1 ⫽ 0 0 describes the coordinate transformation in transition from S b to S a 共Fig. 2兲. 3 sin 2 cos 2 (28) (b) (b) The tangent tc2,con j of rc2,con j can be represented as: b兲 t共c2,con j⫽ 冋 dx c2,con j d1 dy c2,con j d1 册 T 0 , (29) dx c2,con j x c2,con j x c2,con j c2 ⫽ ⫹ , d1 1 c2 1 (30) dy c2,con j y c2,con j y c2,con j c2 ⫽ ⫹ . d1 1 c2 1 (31) where (b) Substituting Eq. 共28兲 into 共30兲 and 共31兲 allows the tangent tc2,con j be determined. (b) (b) The normal vector Nc2,con j of the rc2,con j can also be determined using b兲 N共c2,con j⫽ 冋 dy c2,con j dx c2,con j ⫺ d1 d1 册 T 0 . (32) (b) So the line perpendicular to rc2,con j can be represented as b兲 共 X⫺x 共c2,con j兲 b兲 dx 共c2,con j d1 b兲 ⫹ 共 Y ⫺y 共c2,con j兲 b兲 dy 共c2,con j d1 ⫽0. (33) According to the description of 关11兴, the center O c3 of circular arc r(c3b ) should be located on the limiting ray between the female rotor center O b and the tip point F:(x f t ,y f t ) of the female rotor, as shown in Fig. 3. The limiting ray can be represented as (23) and 3 ⬍ c1 ⬍2 ⫺ m1 . 2 (24) Step 2. Parameters of circular arcs rc2 and rc3 According to Eq. 共15兲, the equation for the generated curve (b) rc2,con j can be written as b兲 r共c2,con j ⫽ 关 x c2,con j 共 c2 , 1 兲 y c2,con j 共 c2 , 1 兲 0兴T (25) and f c2 共 c2 , 1 兲 ⫽0. (26) Take the derivative of Eq. 共26兲 using 1 , d f c2 f c2 f c2 c2 ⫽ ⫹ ⫽0, d 1 1 c2 1 then 546 Õ Vol. 122, DECEMBER 2000 (27) Fig. 3 Geometry of rotor profiles around O c 3 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 07/08/2014 Terms of Use: Table 1 The parameter values of the cross-sectional rotor profiles Fig. 4 Working ranges for every part of the curve profile and c2,u p per ⫽ c2 , (37) where c2,u p per is the upper bound of c2 , so, ⬍ c2 ⭐ c2,u p per . (38) The resulting 1 can then be used to determine the upper bound: c3,u p per of the r(c3b ) by substituting 2 ⫽m 21 1 into f c3 ( c3 , 2 )⫽0 and solving for c3 , thusly ⫺ f 2 ⭐ c3 ⭐ c3,u p per . (39) The radius of r(c3b ) can also be determined as follows: b兲 b兲 ⫺x f t 兲 2 ⫹ 共 y 共Oc3 ⫺y f t 兲 2 . r c3 ⫽ 冑共 x 共Oc3 (40) The above analysis shows how all the geometric parameter values listed in Table 1 are systematically derived. The kinematic parameter 1 can also be determined by solving meshing equations for every part of the curves, since j is known, where subscript j represents e, c1, c2, and c3, respectively. The ranges of 1 ’s for every curve defined as ‘‘working range’’ mean that the curve is in mesh when the rotors are rotating within these ranges, and the results are shown as figure in Fig. 4. It can be seen that there are three contact points simultaneously located on re , rc2 , and rc3 within 0°⭐ 1 ⭐28.505°, respectively, and only one contact point in the other ranges when only one period of toothmeshing is considered. Y ⫽tan共 ⫺ f 2 兲 X. (34) (b) To keep the generated curve rc2,con j on the female rotor con(b) (b) (b) tinuous and tangent to rc3 , the center O c3 :(x Oc3 ,y Oc3 ) of circu(b) lar arc rc3 should satisfy the condition that the distances from O c3 (b) to F and from O c3 to rc2,con j be equal, that is, b兲 共b兲 2 2 r 2c3 ⫽ 共 X⫺x f t 兲 2 ⫹ 共 Y ⫺y f t 兲 2 ⫽ 共 X⫺x 共c2,con j 兲 ⫹ 共 Y ⫺y c2,con j 兲 , (35) where r c3 is the radius of circular arc r(c3b ) . The 4 unknowns: X,Y , c2 , 1 can then be determined by solving Eqs. 共33兲, 共34兲, 共35兲 and 共26兲 simultaneously, then b兲 b兲 ,y 共Oc3 兲 ⫽ 共 X,Y 兲 , 共 x 共0c3 Journal of Mechanical Design (36) 4 Generation of Rotor Surfaces 4.1 Applied Coordinate Systems. Movable coordinate systems, S 1 and S 2 , are rigidly connected to Rotor 1 and Rotor 2 共Fig. 5兲. The fixed coordinate system S f is rigidly connected to the frame of the compressor. 4.2 Equations for the Rotor Surfaces. The rotor surface may be obtained by performing a screw motion on the crosssectional profile of the rotor about the rotor axis. Then, Rotor 1 will be provided with surfaces ⌺ (e1 ) , ⌺ (c11 ) , and ⌺ (c21 ) represented by the equations r共j 1 兲 共 j , 1 兲 ⫽M1a 共 1 兲 r共j a 兲 共 j 兲 , and ⌺ (c32 ) 共 j⫽e,c1,c2兲 , (41) on Rotor 2 is represented as DECEMBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 547 Downloaded From: on 07/08/2014 Terms of Use: The relative velocity 1兲 ⫽v共1,j1 兲 ⫺v共2,j1 兲 v共12,j ⫽ 共 共121 兲 ⫻r共j 1 兲 兲 ⫺ 共 O 1 O 2 共 1 兲 ⫻ 共21 兲 兲 ⫽ 冋 i共 1 兲 j共 1 兲 k共 1 兲 册冋 i共 1 兲 j共 1 兲 1 ⫹ 2 ⫺ ⫺C cos 1⬘ 0 0 xj yj zj k共 1 兲 C sin 1⬘ 0 0 ⫺2 0 册 (47) can be determined, and the relative velocity 2兲 2兲 2兲 v共21,c3 ⫽v共2,c3 ⫺v共1,c3 ⫽ 共 共212 兲 ⫻r共c32 兲 兲 ⫺ 共 O 2 O 1 共 2 兲 ⫻ 共12 兲 兲 Fig. 5 Coordinate systems for Rotor 1 and Rotor 2 r共c32 兲 共 c3 , 1 兲 ⫽M2b 共 1 兲 r共c3b 兲 共 c3 兲 , where matrices M1a ⫽ and M2b ⫽ 冋 冋 cos 1 sin 1 0 0 ⫺sin 1 cos 1 0 0 0 0 1 ⫺h 1 1 0 0 0 1 cos 1 ⫺sin 1 0 0 sin 1 cos 1 0 0 0 0 1 ⫺h 2 1 0 0 0 1 册 册 (43) N共c32 兲 ⫽ c3 ⫻ r共c32 兲 1 . k共 2 兲 册冋 i共 2 兲 ⫺ 1 ⫺ 2 ⫺ C cos 2⬘ 0 0 x c3 y c3 z c3 j共 2 兲 k共 2 兲 C sin 2⬘ 0 0 1 0 册 can also be determined. Where 1⬘ and ⬘2 are the angles of rotation of Rotor 1 and Rotor 2 in the meshing process of Rotors 1 and 2, respectively, as shown in Fig. 5. Equations 共45兲–共48兲 can then be used to yield the equations of meshing: 1兲 F j 共 j , 1⬘ , 1 兲 ⫽N共j 1 兲 • v 共12,j ⫽0, (49) 2兲 F c3 共 c3 , 2⬘ , 1 兲 ⫽N共c32 兲 • v 共21,c3 ⫽0. (50) and (44) (45) and r共c32 兲 冋 j共 2 兲 (48) describe the coordinate transformation in transition from S a to S 1 and from S b to S 2 , as shown in Fig. 6共a兲 and Fig. 6共b兲; h 1 and h 2 ⫽h 1 /m 21 are the screw parameters of Rotor 1 and Rotor 2, respectively. Subscript j indicates the surface is generated by the parts of ellipse e, circular arc c1, circular arc c2 of the Rotor 1, and circular arc c3 of the Rotor 2, respectively. The normal to ⌺ (j 1 ) represented in S 1 and the normal to ⌺ (c32 ) represented in S 2 are r共j 1 兲 r共j 1 兲 N共j 1 兲 ⫽ ⫻ , j 1 ⫽ (42) i共 2 兲 (46) (1) In the same way, the generated surface ⌺ c3,con j of Rotor 1 (2) (2) (2) represented in S 1 and the surfaces ⌺ e,con , ⌺ j c1,con j , and ⌺ c2,con j of Rotor 2 represented in S 2 can be expressed by the equations: 1兲 共b兲 r共c3,con j 共 c3 , 2⬘ , 1 兲 ⫽M12共 2⬘ 兲 •M2b 共 1 兲 •rc3 共 c3 兲 , F c3 共 c3 , 2⬘ , 1 兲 ⫽0, (51) and 2兲 共a兲 r共j,con j 共 j , ⬘j , 1 兲 ⫽M21共 1⬘ 兲 •M1a 共 1 兲 •r j 共 j 兲 , F j 共 j , 1⬘ , 1 兲 ⫽0, 共 j⫽e,c1,c2兲 , (52) where the subscript conj indicates the surface is the conjugate shape; j , c3 , ⬘1 , ⬘2 , and 1 are the surface parameters. The above derivation shows how the complete surfaces of both rotors, as shown in Fig. 7, can be determined. Fig. 6 „a… Generation mechanism for Rotor 1 surfaces; „b… Generation mechanism for Rotor 2 surfaces 548 Õ Vol. 122, DECEMBER 2000 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 07/08/2014 Terms of Use: Fig. 7 Surfaces of twin-screw compressor rotors 4.3 Contact Lines on Rotor Surfaces. The contact lines between two mating rotor surfaces on rotor surface 1 are determined as r共j 1 兲 共 j , 1 兲 , F j 共 j , 1⬘ , 1 兲 ⫽0 共 j⫽e,c1,c2 兲 . (53) The family of contact lines on rotor surface 1 can be obtained by considering various values of ⬘1 . In addition to these contact (1) lines, there are contact lines on ⌺ c3,con j , and they can be determined using: 1兲 r共c3,con j 共 c3 , 2 , 1 兲 , F c3 共 c3 , 2⬘ , 1 兲 ⫽0. (54) Substituting 2⬘ by 2 into Eq. 共50兲 allows the contact lines on (1) ⌺ c3,con j to be obtained. The complete contact lines of different rotation angles 0 deg, 15 deg, and 30 deg on the male rotor are shown in Fig. 8, respectively. The contact lines on surface of Rotor 2 are determined using r共c32 兲 共 c3 , 1 兲 , F c3 共 c3 , 2⬘ , 1 兲 ⫽0. (55) The family of contact lines on rotor surface 2 can be obtained by considering various values of ⬘2 . In addition to these contact 2) lines, there are contact lines on ⌺ (j,con j and they can be determined by: 2兲 r共j,con j共 j , 1 , 1 兲, F j 共 j , 1⬘ , 1 兲 ⫽0, Fig. 9 Contact line projections Substituting ⬘1 by 1 into Eq. 共52兲 allows the contact lines on 2) ⌺ (j,con j to be obtained. 4.4 Line of Action. The projection of contact lines from the end view 共on the X f ⫺Y f plane兲 can be determined by transforming contact points into the fixed coordinate system S f , as shown in Fig. 9共a兲. They are the so-called the lines of action and can be determined using following equations: r共j f 兲 共 j , 1 兲 ⫽M f a 共 1 兲 r共j a 兲 共 j 兲 , f j 共 j , 1 兲 ⫽0 共 j⫽e,c1,c2兲 (57) and r共c3f 兲 共 c3 , 2 兲 ⫽M f b 共 2 兲 r共c3b 兲 共 c3 兲 , f c3 共 c3 , 2 兲 ⫽0. (58) The coordinates in Z f direction can be determined using 共 j⫽e,c1,c2兲 . (56) z 共 f 兲 ⫽r mb1 ⫻ 1 ⫻tan , (59) where is the lead angle of the rotor and 1 is the same set derived from Eq. 共57兲 and Eq. 共58兲. Figures 9共b兲 and 9共c兲 show the projections of contact lines on the Y f ⫺Z f and X f ⫺Z f planes, respectively. The different line-types show that the contact lines are on different rotor surface patches. However, the contact line will retain their shapes and translate along the Z f -axis on the Y f ⫺Z f and X f ⫺Z f planes when the rotor rotates. Since the coordinates of the points in the line of contact are determined from above equations, the true length of contact line can then be evaluated from the numerical integration method. Furthermore, the length of contact line means the length of leakage line that depends on the profile shapes. Fig. 8 Contact lines on male rotor surface Journal of Mechanical Design 4.5 Blowhole Area Calculation. The blowhole is a small triangular-shaped area formed by the housing cusp and the male and female rotor tips. Figure 10 shows a cross-section of the housing and the two rotors in a plane normal to the rotors axes. One of the male rotor lobes is contacting the bottom housing cusp and the mating rotor, thus creating a leakage path from cavity I to cavity II. The so-called leakage triangle does not lie in a Cartesian plane. It can only properly be defined in curvilinear coordinates. Figure 11 shows the leakage triangle in a typical screw compressor. The leakage triangle can actually be visualized in a simpler way. HowDECEMBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 549 Downloaded From: on 07/08/2014 Terms of Use: leakage triangle lies at the point where the trailing flank of the male rotor is on the verge of separating 共point 1 in Figs. 10 and 11兲. The second tip is defined as the point located on trailing flank of the female rotor that aligns with the lower cusp 共point 2 in Figs. 10 and 11兲. The third tip can be defined by the contact point between two rotors, which is closest to the lower cusp of housing 共point 3 in Figs. 10 and 11兲. After the coordinates of these three points are defined in this study, the blowhole area can then be determined by the numerical methods. 5 Fig. 10 End-view section through blowhole Fig. 11 Definition of leakage triangle ever, to define the actual blowhole area is complicate. Many papers have discussed the blowhole area definitions and its calculations 关5,14–16兴. In this paper, three points on the flanks of the rotors and the cusp of the housing define the leakage triangle. The first tip of the Optimum Design of the Rotor Profiles In this paper, all the equations are derived and simplified automatically by using commercial mathematical software: Mathematica 3.0 关17兴. It provides strong abilities for symbolic and numerical computations. The symbolic expressions for manipulating equations are implemented by hand and the detail expressions of the final equations are not derived. The results for the length of contact line and the blowhole area are evaluated less than 8 minutes in Microsoft NT 4.0 on PC with Pentium 150 and 96M RAM. With the help of the interface coupler 关18兴 between the analysis software Mathematica 3.0 and the optimization tool MOST 1.1 关19兴, the process of optimization can be finished automatically. At the MOST, a Sequential Quadratic Programming 共SQP兲 is selected as a single objective optimizer for its accuracy, reliability and efficiency. In this paper, the purpose of the optimization is to reduce the contact-line length and the blowhole area. Three cases are presented here: Case 1: As the synthesis procedure mentioned above, five variables l, s, r c2 , m1 , and d are chosen as the design variables to minimize the contact line length. Table 2 and Fig. 12 show the improved results that the contactline length reduces from 139.63 mm/mesh to 110.85 mm/mesh. However, the blowhole area increases from 6.64 mm2 to 28.16 mm2. Case 2: Similar to case 1, the same five variables l, s, r c2 , m1 , and d are chosen as design variables but to minimize the blowhole area. The improved results are shown in Fig. 13 and Table 2. Notice that the blowhole area reduced from 6.64 mm2 to 2.63 mm2, but the contact-line length increases from 139.63 mm/mesh to 146.84 mm/mesh. From the results of cases 1 and 2, they imply that the contactline leakage length is likely to increase with the reduction in the blowhole area 关14,20兴. Both object functions in cases 1 and 2 are conflict with each other. It is a typical multi-objective problem. The constraint method 关21兴 is chosen to formulate the multiobjective problem. The basic idea of the constraint method is to optimize one objective while representing all the other objectives as constraints. Therefore, a single-objective optimization problem can be formulated as the following case. Table 2 Optimum results for three cases 550 Õ Vol. 122, DECEMBER 2000 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 07/08/2014 Terms of Use: design are reduced simultaneously in this case, and it is really useful to fulfill the better performance for screw compressor from the leakage standpoint. 6 Fig. 12 Optimization result for Case 1 Conclusions This paper derives the complete generation processes for rotor profiles and proposes a systematic synthesis method by using symbolic technique for rotor profiles used in the twin-screw compressors as mentioned in 关11兴. Commercial mathematical software, Mathematica 3.0, is applied to derive and simplify the equations automatically by using its symbolic and numerical computation abilities. All the geometric parameters of curve profiles are determined, satisfying the conditions of continuity of tangency requiring only that several specific parameters be given first. The contact lines of the two rotor surfaces and the blowhole area calculation are also presented. Optimization procedure is utilized; three cases of optimization problems are presented in this paper and they show that both the contact-line length and the blowhole area can be reduced when letting the contact-line length be the object function and the blowhole area be the constraint. It provides a useful suggestion for rotor-profile optimization of the screw compressor. Acknowledgments This work was supported by National Science Council, Taiwan, Republic of China, under grant number: NSC90-2212-E-009-005. Nomenclature Fig. 13 Optimization result for Case 2 Fig. 14 Optimization result for Case 3 Case 3: Taking the same five variables as design variables, and the formulation of the single-objective optimization problem becomes defining the object function as minimizing the contact-line length subject to the constraint of blowhole area with a limited value 3 mm2. Figure 14 and Table 2 show the results of optimization. Obviously, the contact-line length is reduced from 139.63 mm/mesh to 124.67 mm/mesh compared with the original design and the blowhole area, 2.72 mm2, is also satisfying the constraint. Both the contact-line length and the blowhole area in the original Journal of Mechanical Design C ⫽ center distance between two rotors d ⫽ distance from ellipse center to the male rotor center f i ⫽ equation of meshing of the curve ‘‘i’’ between two rotor profiles F i ⫽ equation of meshing of the surface ‘‘i’’ between two rotor surfaces h 1 ,h 2 ⫽ screw parameters of Rotors 1 and 2, respectively. i ⫽ subscript ‘‘i’’; if i⫽e, that means the ellipse; if i ⫽c1,c2,c3, that means the circular arcs c1,c2,c3 l ⫽ length of the longitudinal axes of the ellipse m 21 ⫽ ratio of angular velocity N 1 ,N 2 ⫽ tooth numbers of the male and female rotors, respectively O i ⫽ center of the curve ‘‘i’’ or the origin of the coordinate system S i r i ⫽ radius of the curve ‘‘i’’ r mb1 ,r f t2 ⫽ radii of centrodes for male- and female-rotor profiles, respectively s ⫽ length of latitudinal axes of the ellipse S a ,S b ⫽ coordinate systems of the male- and female-rotor profiles, respectively 共2-D兲 S f ⫽ coordinate system of the fixed frame S 1 ,S 2 ⫽ coordinate systems of the male and female rotors, respectively 共3-D兲 i ⫽ angular parameter of the curve ‘‘i’’ m1 , f 1 ⫽ initial angles of the tooth on the male and female rotors, respectively 1 , 2 ⫽ rotation angles or angular displacements of the male and female rotors, respectively ⬘1 , ⬘2 ⫽ rotation angles of Rotor 1 and Rotor 2 in the meshing process, respectively 1 , 2 ⫽ angular velocities of the male and female rotors, respectively ⫽ lead angle of the rotor 1 , 2 ⫽ second geometrical parameters of the screw surfaces for Rotors 1 and 2, respectively Mi j ⫽ position vector transformation matrices from coordinate systems ‘‘j’’ to ‘‘i’’ DECEMBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 551 Downloaded From: on 07/08/2014 Terms of Use: Ni( k ) ⫽ normal vector of the curve ‘‘i’’ represented in coordinate system S k ri( k ) ⫽ position vector of the curve ‘‘i’’ represented in the coordinate system S k (k) ri,con j ⫽ position vector of the conjugate curve ‘‘i’’ represented in the coordinate system S k rmb1 ,r f t2 ⫽ pitch circles for male- and female-rotor profiles, respectively (k) (k) ,v2,i v1,i ⫽ velocity of the curve ‘‘i’’ of the Rotor 1 and Rotor 2 represented in the coordinate system S k (k) v12,i ⫽ relative velocity of the curve ‘‘i’’ of the Rotor 1 with respect to Rotor 2 represented in the coordinate system S k 1 , 2 ⫽ vectors of angular velocity for the male and female rotors, respectively ⌺i( k ) ⫽ surface ‘‘i’’ represented in coordinate system S k (k) ⌺i,con j ⫽ conjugate surface ‘‘i’’ represented in coordinate system S k References 关1兴 Mu, A., and Cao, 1993, ‘‘A New Method for the Design of the Twin-Screw Rotors Conjugate Profiles,’’ Proceedings of the 1993 International Compressor Technique Conference at Xi’an, China, pp. 409–414. 关2兴 Edstrom, S. 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