Uploaded by Andrea Hernández

Prepare B1: English Coursebook for Exam Preparation

A short text
A talk about a quiz
• Listening Part 3
Talking about yourself
• Speaking Part 1
• Best friends forever
• Shopping in London
An interview about being lost
on a mountain
• Listening Part 4
Seven short conversations
• Listening Part 1
An online comment
• Fun and games
A story (1)
.Writing Part 2
• You made it!
Talking about past
• Speaking Part 1
Discussing options (1)
• Speaking Part 3
• Sports in Canada
An email (1)
.Writing Part 1
Six short conversations
• Listening Part 2
Describing a picture (1)
• Speaking Part 2
• Amazing architecture
An article (1)
.Writing Part 2
A video call about a
homework project
Discussing a topic (1)
• Speaking Part 4
• Animals in danger
• Only in Australia
The authors would like to acknowledge everyone involved in the
first edition and thank everyone who worked on the second edition,
particularly Greg Clarke, Verity Cole and Alyson Maskell.
The authors and publishers are grateful to the following for reviewing
the material during the writing process:
Argentina: Diana Ogando; Italy: Claudia Cantaluppi; Mexico: Cristina
Godard; Spain: Estefanfa Aviles
The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources
of copyright material and are grateful for the permissions
granted. While every effort has been made, it has not always
been possible to identify the sources of all the material used,
or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought
to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate
acknowledgements on reprinting and in the next update to the
digital edition, as applicable.
Key: U = Unit, LS = Life Skills, C = Culture, EA = Extra Activities,
PE = Prepare for the Exam
U9: Steve Rees, Minddrive, org for the quote by Steve Rees.
Reproduced with permission. Copyright© 2013 All Rights Reserved;
U16: Evan Hara for the text about Evan Hara. Copyright©Evan Hara.
Reproquced with permission of Evan Hara.
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The publishers are grateful to the following contributors: cover
design and design concept: restless; typesetting: emc design Ltd;
audio recordings: produced by Leon Chambers and recorded at
The SoundHouse Studios, London; Life Skills and Culture sections:
Robert Quinn; Grammar reference section: Louise Hashemi and
Andrew Reid.