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Importance of Landscapes: Economic, Social, and Ecological Value

Why are landscapes and features
Landscapes and features are important because they contribute significantly
to our well-being and quality of life. They provide the broader context within
which we live our lives. Living within aesthetically pleasing and culturally
meaningful landscapes enhances our sense of wellbeing. Visiting largely
undeveloped landscapes enables people to re-connect with nature, to refresh
their minds and bodies and to gain a greater appreciation of New Zealand's
natural heritage. Accessible natural landscapes within close proximity of urban
areas, such as the Waitakere Ranges in Auckland and Banks Peninsula in
Christchurch, play an important role in increasing the quality of life within
those cities. Iconic features such as the volcanic cones in Auckland also
contribute to the visual identities of New Zealand's cities and settled
areas. For tangata whenua, the ongoing ability to associate with valued
cultural landscapes and to access natural resources within these landscapes
for cultural harvest are important elements of cultural well-being.
Attracting Investment
Attracting Residents
Productive Capacity
Quality of Life
Spiritual Renewal
Sense of Place and Identity
Cultural Values
Historical Linkages
Indigenous Habitats
Landscapes play an important economic role in directly supporting the tourism
and film industries and adding value to exports by enhancing New Zealand’s
‘clean and green’ image. High quality landscapes can strengthen local
economies by attracting residents and investment to an area, as well as
tourists. Rural landscapes support a range of primary production activities
such as farming, forestry and horticulture.
People value different landscapes for different reasons. Some landscapes are
appreciated for their high aesthetic natural values. These include such
internationally renowned landscapes such as Milford Sounds, Lake Wakatipu,
the Southern Alps and the Central Volcanic Plateau, as well as areas of wild
and relatively undeveloped coastline, mountains, high country, lakes and
rivers. Other landscapes are appreciated for their unique or special character
which has arisen from the interaction of natural and human influences over
time. Such landscapes can become an integral part of the identity of local
communities. They provide a strong sense of belonging to ‘our place’ for
residents and regular visitors alike.
Māori have a unique relationship to land and landscape through whakapapa
(geneology), tipuna (ancestors) and marae. Landforms, like mountains and
coastal spits, trigger tribal stories and memories of ancestral feats, harvest
areas and renowned tipuna. Some are associated with past battle sites and
urupa. Even where there has been marked change in the landscape through
the influence of the built environment, remnant landscapes can trigger
memories of what was once the papakainga (housing areas on ancestral
land). Heritage landscapes, such as Kerikeri Basin in the Bay of Islands,
Akaroa Harbour on the Banks Peninsula, Young Nicks Head (Te Kuri) in
Poverty Bay, Ngunguru Spit in Northland, and Bannockburn in Central Otago,
are valued because of their historical significance. They provide people with
direct physical links to the past.