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International Macroeconomics: Uncertainty & Growth in SOE

Joseph Steinberg
Associate Professor
Economics Department
University of Toronto
Today’s agenda
• Recap from last time
• Developed model of international borrowing and lending in a “small
open endowment economy”
• Analyzed response of model economy to external shocks, namely
to GDP
• Uncertainty and international borrowing/lending (Ch 6)
• The “Great Moderation”
• Risk aversion, prudence, and precautionary saving
• Implications of uncertainty for current account/trade balance
• Uncertainty and growth
Graphical depiction of equilibrium
Graphical depiction of equilibrium
Graphical depiction of equilibrium
The Euler Equation
• Solution to model characterized by Euler equation
U1 (C1 , C2 ) = (1 + r )U 2 (C1 , C2 )
u '(C1 ) =  (1 + r )u '(C2 )
• Intuition: Must be indifferent between marginal
reallocation of consumption across time
• Could give up one unit of consumption today in exchange for (1+r)
units tomorrow
• This reallocation would lower lifetime utility by U1 (C1 , C2 ) and raise it
by (1 + r )U 2 (C1 , C2 )
• This option is always affordable (satisfies the intertemporal BC), so
if the net effect was positive, the household should have chosen
that allocation to begin with!
The Great Moderation
• U.S. macroeconomic volatility fell dramatically after early
• Called “Great Moderation”
• Some macroeconomists claimed we had “solved” business cycles
• U.S. trade balance/current account started to fall about
the same time volatility did
• Cross-country data shows similar story
• Perri and Fogli (2015) show changes in volatility correlated with
changes in NIIP
• Countries with increased volatility saw NIIP rise
• Countries with reduced volatility saw NIIP fall
• Can we make sense of this relationship in our model?
YoY growth rate of U.S. GDP per capita
Source: IM via U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
U.S. trade balance as pct. Of GDP
Source: IM via U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Volatility and NFA across countries
Source: Perri and Fogli (2015)
Volatility and NFA across countries
Source: Perri and Fogli (2015)
Uncertainty in a small open economy
• Same model structure as last time, with two differences
1. GDP endowment in period 2 is uncertain
Q1 = Q,
Q + 
Q2 = 
Q − 
with prob 0.5
with prob 0.5
Households have expected utility preferences
U (C1 , C2 ) = u (C1 ) + E u (C2 ) 
• To keep things simple, we assume
• no discounting: 𝛽 = 1
• Interest rate is zero: 𝑟 = 0
• initial NFA is zero: 𝐵0 = 0
Uncertainty in a small open economy
• The parameter σ is the standard deviation of period-2
• Increasing σ is analogous to increasing the volatility of the
economy’s GDP
• Note also that the expected value of period-2 output is
E Q2  = 0.5  (Q +  ) + 0.5  (Q −  ) = Q
• So increasing σ does not affect the average level of period-
2 output
• Thus, it does not affect the expected present value of period-2 output
• If there were no uncertainty, TB1 would be zero because there would
be no incentive to borrow or lend… autarky smooths consumption
Uncertainty in a small open economy
• We cannot use intertemporal BC approach to solving for
this version of the small open economy model because
there are two versions of period-2 budget constraint
good state : C2 = Q +  + B1
bad state : C2 = Q −  + B1
• Use period-1 BC to substitute out B1:
𝐵1 = 𝑄 − 𝐶1
good state: 𝐶2 = 2𝑄 + 𝜎 − 𝐶1
bad state: 𝐶2 = 2𝑄 − 𝜎 − 𝐶1
Equilibrium with uncertainty
• Household’s lifetime utility maximization problem:
max C1 u (C1 ) + 0.5u (2Q +  − C1 ) + 0.5u (2Q −  − C1 )
• Solution characterized by Euler equation:
u '(C1 ) = 0.5u '(2Q +  − C1 ) + 0.5u '(2Q −  − C1 )
= E u '(C2 )
• To go further, must put some structure on the period utility
function little-u…
Solution with quadratic utility
• Suppose that 𝑢 𝐶 = −0.5 𝐶ҧ − 𝐶
• Then marginal utility given by 𝑢 ′ 𝐶 = 𝐶 − 𝐶ҧ
• Euler equation:
𝐶1 − 𝐶ሜ = 0.5 2𝑄 + 𝜎 − 𝐶1 − 𝐶ሜ + 0.5 2𝑄 − 𝜎 − 𝐶1 − 𝐶ሜ
• Simplifies to
C1 = Q
• What does this imply about the trade balance in period 1?
• It is balanced! TB1=0
• No borrowing or lending
• Autarky allocation
• Implies 𝐶2 = 𝑄2 in both good and bad states of the world
Solution with quadratic utility
• Note that this solution obtains regardless of σ
• Suppose that σ is very high… wouldn’t you be willing to
save a little bit to insure against the bad state of the
• Recall that
good state : C2 = Q +  + B1
bad state : C2 = Q −  + B1
• So if we save a little bit in period 1, consumption rises in
both states in period 2
• We call this precautionary saving
Aside: risk aversion and prudence
• Intuitive idea: given two
• 1) certain payoff x
• 2) uncertain payoff y with E[y]>x
• People may prefer x to y,
especially if y is very risky
• Decreasing marginal utility:
loss from bad outcome larger
than gain from good outcome
Aside: risk aversion and prudence
• You may have seen Arrow-Pratt coefficients of absolute
and relative risk aversion:
−u ''(C )
−Cu ''(C )
A(C ) =
, R(C ) =
u '(C )
u '(C )
• Relative risk aversion interpretation:
du '(C ) / dC
u '(C )
du(C ) / u (C )
dC / C
%u '(C )
= elasticity of MU w.r.t C
R(C ) = −C
Aside: risk aversion and prudence
• Quadratic utility actually does exhibit risk aversion by
these measures
R(C ) =
−Cu ''(C )
= −C
u '(C )
C −C C −C
• Concave function, so has diminishing marginal utility
• Thus, risk aversion is not enough to deliver a
precautionary saving motive
Aside: risk aversion and prudence
• Coefficient of relative prudence:
−Cu '''(C )
P(C ) =
u ''(C )
• Note u '''(C ) = 0 for quadratic utility, hence no prudence, and
no precautionary saving!
• What about power utility: u (C ) = C / (1 −  )
•  is coefficient of relative risk aversion, hence “CRRA
u '(C ) = C − , u ''(C ) = − C − −1 , u '''(C ) =  ( + 1)C − − 2
−C   ( + 1)C − − 2 ( + 1)C − −1
P(C ) =
=  +1
−  −1
−  −1
− C
Solution with log utility
• Log utility U (c) = log(c) is special case of power utility with
 = 1 (risk averse AND prudent)
• Euler equation:
1 1
= 
C1 2  2Q +  − C1 2Q −  − C1 
• Does not have analytical solution, however we can easily
figure out the qualitative implications
Solution with log utility, continued
• Suppose that, just as with quadratic utility, the household
chose not to do any precautionary saving, i.e., C1 = Q
• Plug this into the Euler equation:
1 1
= 
Q 2  2Q +  − Q 2Q −  − Q 
1 1
1 
= 
2  Q +  Q −  
Q −
Q +
= 
2  (Q +  )(Q −  ) (Q +  )(Q −  ) 
1  2Q 
2  Q 2 −  2 
Solution with log utility, continued
• Simplify further:
1= 2
Q − 2
• Plainly not true as long as   0 : contradiction! Proves C1  Q
• Note that in actuality we have
1 2
Q − 2
• LHS less than RHS: marginal util in first period less than
expected marginal util in second period
• Household would be better off by saving, i.e., setting
C1  Q, thereby setting TB1  0 and B1  0
Changing the volatility of Q2
 → 0 precautionary saving motive
disappears… inequality on previous slide gets closer and
closer to equality
• Conversely, as  →  inequality becomes more severe,
hinting that more precautionary saving is optimal
• If σ fell from a high value to a low value, we would expect
to see less precautionary saving, i.e., we would expect
the trade balance to fall
• Or, if we compared two countries with different values of
σ, the higher-σ country should have a higher trade
balance, all else equal
• And this is what we saw in the data!
• Note that as
Incorporating growth and uncertainty
• Fast-growing countries like China are also more volatile
than developed countries
Productivity volatility in France and China
Incorporating growth and uncertainty
• Fast-growing countries like China are also more volatile
than developed countries
• One on hand, one might expect rapid growth to lead such
countries to borrow to smooth consumption
• Not what we saw in the data: fast-growing countries tend
to lend, not borrow!
Fast-growing countries borrow, not lend!
sum of
deficits as
pct of 1980
Annualized average
productivity growth
between 1980 and 2000
Incorporating growth and uncertainty
• Fast-growing countries like China are also more volatile
than developed countries
One on hand, one might expect rapid growth to lead such
countries to borrow to smooth consumption
Not what we saw in the data: fast-growing countries tend
to lend, not borrow!
On the other hand, though, more volatility should lead to
more precautionary saving
Growth and uncertainty have opposing impacts on
equilibrium borrowing/lending behavior… could this help
resolve the puzzle?
Uncertainty AND growth in an SOE
• Two-period model
• Period 1: Q1 = 1, B0 = 0
• Period 2: Q2 ~ N (  ,  ),   1
• World interest rate r = 0
• CARA (constant absolute risk aversion) preferences:
max C1 ,C2 , B1 −e − C1 + E  −e − C2 
subject to
1 1
c𝐶1 2+ =
B1𝑄=2 Q
+2 1
Uncertainty AND growth in an SOE
• Euler equation:
e− C1 = E e− C2 
• Substitute budget constraints:
C2 = Q2 + 1 − C1
 e −C1 = E e − (Q2 +1−C1 ) 
• Rearrange:
e−C1 = E eC1 e −1e − Q2  = eC1 e−1E e − Q2 
Uncertainty AND growth in an SOE
• Note about normal variables: if X is normally distributed
with mean  and variance  2 , then
E e  = e
 + 2 / 2
• Noting that −Q2 ~ N ( −  ,  ), we have
− C1
= e e E e
C1 −1
− Q2
C1 −1 −  + 2 /2
 = e e e
• Now we can just rearrange:
−C1 = C1 − 1 −  +  2 / 2
2C1 = 1 +  −  2 / 2
1+   2
C1 =
Uncertainty AND growth in an SOE
• Solution:
1+   2
C1 =
1−   2
TB1 = Q1 − C1 =
• Deterministic (𝜎 2 ) world mirrors IM Chapter 3 logic: higher
μ (faster growth) means more larger trade deficit (more
• No-growth (𝜇 = 1) world mirrors IM Ch. 6: more volatility
(higher σ) means larger trade surplus (more saving)
• With growth and uncertainty, it depends on how much
uncertainty there is and the speed of growth
• Even with very rapid growth in mean income, if income is
also very volatile the country may want to save