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The Greatest Game Ever Played Movie Essay

Prairie View A & M University
The Greatest Game Ever Played
Micah Buchanan
KINE 2307 P02
Instructor: Dondria
Moore Online Instruction
Spring 2023
Where should began? Well, it all started when Micah Buchanan watched a movie called “The
Greatest Game Ever Played”. The reason he watched the movie was because his professor
assigned the movie and a 3 page essay to go along with the movie. Throughout the whole movie
Micah Buchanan seen a lot of negatives and positives from each character. It made Micah
Buchanan realize this was a great movie to right a 3-page paper essay about not because it was a
good movie, or the movie was 2 hours and 30 minutes but because there is a lot to go based on
from an emotional standpoint. Micah Buchanan watched this movie and gained a lot and on top
of that.
At the very beginning of the movie you see a world famous person and he goes by the name of
Harry Vardon where he is seen as a little kid trying to find out what his father and 3 of his father
friends are creating and coming up with. His father responds by telling him the game that they
are coming up with is a game of golf and it’s for older gentlemen and not a kid which Harry
Vardon was at the time. After the dad had responded to Harry Vardon you could see the let down
or the disappointment on his face by his own father telling him it’s for older kids and you could
see the threat that his father brought into his eyes and it gave Harry Vardon a negative aspect and
made him nervous but at the same time also made him want to learn the game and get better at it
everyday which he ends up becoming a world famous golfer in the early 1900’s.
Throughout the second scene you see another little boy named Francis Ouimet. During the
scene that you see Francis Ouimet being a “caddie”. If you don’t know what a caddie is, let me
remind you a caddie is someone who holds another golfers’ bags throughout the whole course.
You see Francis Ouimet being a caddie and while he is being one he finds a golf ball hidden in
the grass and picks it up. When he picks it up you see a name on it which is the character I had
mentioned earlier by the name of Harry Vardon. After Francis Ouimet discovered he had picked
up the ball of a world-famous golfer. He then proceeds to head to the country club that he lives
right across the street from and when he looks into the office he see a picture on the wall of
Harry Vardon. You could see the stare and amazement into Francis Ouimet eyes while he is
looking into that picture. When he gets done looking into the picture he realizes somebody is
looking at him and he gets spooked and runs away. While Francis Ouimet is running away he
see a young lady by the name of Sarah Willis. Francis Ouimet sees her on a horse and he stops
for s minute and they share a beautiful moment of smiles towards each other.
When Francis Ouimet returned home the next scene is where him and his father Arthur Ouimet
are at the table and his father is putting money into the jar and he’s explaining to his son that this
is how a man supposed to do it and he was refereeing to men going to work and bringing money
home for his family to provided and to work hard for what you want. When Francis Ouimet
heard his dad say that he simply understood and smiled, and you could tell it made him feel great
in the inside because he liked that his dad provided for the family and you can tell Francis
Ouimet wanted to do it in his future to when he has his very own family. If you keep watching
the background, you can see that the mother Mary Ouimet is smiling, and you can tell her
emotions is just happy that her young child is grasping everything that the father is teaching him
and that they are teaching and steering him into the right direction to becoming a man of the
family/ household.
The following scene is Francis Ouimet in his room reeding and looking at the ball that the
famous golfer Harry Vardon had owned and he had admired so much. The following morning
Francis Ouimet was at the country club that he lived right across the street from, and the owner
had saw the kid was interested into golf and had left him a stick to hit gold balls by himself.
While Francis Ouimet took the stick to practice golf, he stayed up all night and he ended up
waking up his mother Mary Ouimet and she seen him and made him go to bed because she didn’t
want him to stay up all night. While they are having breakfast Francis Ouimet was reading the
paper that Harry Vardon is coming to town and Francis was stuck onto reading the paper during
the morning breakfast. Francis Ouimet was so interested tat he had asked his dad if he could go
see Harry Vardon when he comes to town and the father Arthur Ouimet didn’t like the idea at
first and told him that “ any gentlemen that played this game is not your friend” and when
Francis heard that he was so despite to go he wanted to see the world famous golfer so bad he
was full of emotion but the dad wasn’t going to let him go at all. The same morning his mother
Mary Ouimet speed outside and told Francis to leave the books home and that she needed help
shopping and Francis was confused but he never questioned his mother so he followed her and
walked very quickly behind her. While there were walking downtown, you could see the people
in line for the Harry Vardon meet and greet and he finally noticed that his mother took him to go
see Harry Vardon for the first time and he was so excited, and he smiled from cheek to cheek.
When Francis and his mother Mary finally walked in, Harry Vardon was hitting the ball to
show people how to swing and show practice in the right motion. When he finished showing
people how he swings at the golf ball. Harry Vardon asked the crowd if anyone would love to
come and give it a try, and nobody went to the front to give it a try until Francis Ouimet looked
around and seen nobody wanted to try and he pushed himself out there to give it a try. When
Francis first went out their people took him as a joke because he was very small little boy and
nobody expected a kid to be at the event in the first place. When Francis got to the stage Harry
Vardon introduced his self to Francis and Francis responded by his name as well. Harry told
Francis to take a swing, when Francis took a swing, it was terrible and the crowd laughed at him
but Harry hurried and taught Francis how to properly hold the stick to hit the ball at the perfect
angle. When Francis hit it the second time the crowd cheered him on and you can tell by the look
on his face that he felt good that he was taught something and he looked back at his mom Mary
and they shared a happy moment together.
The older Francis Ouimet got the more the family seen and realized that Francis really likes
gold and when Francis turned 18 years old, he was an official Caddie for his mentor of the
country club right across the street. When Francis showed up to work to caddie for his mentor,
he was asked to go get his own clubs so that he ca see how good he was and Francis took the
opportunity and ran with it so that they could see how good he was. After he did pretty good
throughout the whole course his mentor Ted Hastings mentioned that they are having an amateur
golf tournament at the country club and Francis couldn’t believe it, so he went on to try to play
and he needed $50 to play and him and his dad made a deal that if he doesn’t win he has to give
up his golfing dream to become to work full time. Unfortunately, he didn’t do well during the
first tournament but he met the young lady Sarah Willis and they continued to be friends. Years
go by and Francis is 20 years old now and has a full time job and one random day his mentor
Ted Hastings came by his job to offer him to once again join the tournament and compete again.
At first Francis turned it down but then Sarah Willis took him a visit at his job, and it made him
not want to give up on golf so easily. After he returned, he had met up with his mentor and they
immediately got back to work so that he can perfect his craft before the tournament starts. Right
before the tournament Francis lost his caddie to somebody who was paying him more. When
Francis met up with his old friend and little brother he had asked him to be his caddie and they
both said yes. The following morning Francis met up with his caddie but it was just the little
brother that goes by the name of Eddie Lowery. The older brother got stuck at school and
couldn’t skip so he had to be the caddie for the tournament.
When the tournament first started Francis was doubted and people would laugh that his caddie
was a kid carrying a big heavy bag. Throughout the tournament Francis and Eddie became very
close and Eddie would say certain things to not get Francis side tracked into the tournament.
When people started to take notice into Francis great play and they found out he was a caddie
before they were shocked at the fact he was keeping up with the professionals such as Harry
Vardon. While he’s battling Harry Vardon, they are many people voting for Harry to win and
that they still think that Francis isn’t good enough to last to win the whole tournament. When it
gets towards the end of the tournament Harry Vardon is battling his own fight with his childhood
trauma with his father and his friends. Along with Francis is trauma was trying to not fold under
pressure by others like his mom, dad and the president who was present at the time.
When people realized that Francis Ouimet was actually pretty good, they started to cheer him
on and while they were doing that Francis confidence went to the roof and that motivated him to
do better every inch of the way throughout the course of the tournament. When the tournament
ended up in a two-way tie, Francis Ouimet and Harry Vardon battled it out to see who is going to
win the US open. While they are battling Harry Vardon is starting to take notice into how well
Francis Ouimet is playing and that he is also looks familiar. Harry is also tired of people
disrespecting where Francis is from or what he does and people are finally cheering for Francis
to win the tournament. Coming towards the end of the tournament you could see in the movie
that both Francis Ouimet and Harry Vardon were both battling there flash backs from the past of
trauma from there fathers while they are also going against each other. Coming towards the end
Francis Ouimet ends up winning with the game winning put to win the whole US tournament and
when he won people gave him the upmost respect and one of those people were his father and
that meant the world to him that his father is finally happy with him living out and finally doing
something that he dream about doing his whole child hood. Throughout the movie there were
many people doubted him and that motivated him to the max to believe into himself to finish and
win the whole tournament.
Work Cited