D ALY S O U I S SI | D S M T E AM PAUT in Lieu Of RT Cut the Noise Agenda Introduction PAUT vs RT Codes Typical PAUT solution when replacing RT Case study Context In Oil and Gas and Power Gen industries, PAUT and RT are often placed in direct comparison and opposition. Inspection project managers (i.e. A/O) base their selection of the method to be used on one main factor: Cost. The cost is dependent on the time of preparation, time of inspection (setup, scan/shot and interpretation), number of repairs, etc. When compared, most common statements we may hear are: PAUT detect more than RT, PAUT has higher rejection rate, PAUT data is longer to interpretate... EvidentScientific.com 3 Challenges EvidentScientific.com 4 PAUT vs RT - Overview Radiography and ultrasound are two complimentary nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques. Both can volumetrically inspect welds and components for defects like cracks, lack of fusion, porosity etc. In recent years, the use of ultrasound in lieu of radiography, has gained momentum in practice and with major code bodies like ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and API (American Petroleum Institute). The major difference between RT & UT is that Radiographic method is better for detection of discontinuities having major dimension perpendicular to the surface (parallel to the direction of radiation) and Ultrasonic method is better for detection of discontinuities orientated parallel to the surface (perpendicular to the beam direction). However, UT gives more flexibility of inspection by allowing inspection in more direction by using angle probes if necessary. EvidentScientific.com 5 PAUT vs RT - Overview It isn’t easy to convert acceptance standards from reference radiographs exactly into ultrasonic acceptance standards. Different categories of discontinuities (A – Gas, B – Sand and Inclusions, C – Shrinkages with subcategories CA, CB, CC & CD) have different acoustic / reflection characteristics. The best practice to achieve a comparable indications analysis is to conduct an Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA: an analysis, based on fracture mechanics principles, of whether or not a given flaw is safe from brittle fracture, fatigue, creep or plastic collapse under specified loading conditions. Using acceptance criteria based on RT criteria is not a good practice, because the physics of the two processes are very different EvidentScientific.com 6 PAUT vs RT - Overview Radiography relies on transmission and absorption/attenuation of small wavelength electromagnetic energy (x-rays and gamma rays). Pores/inclusions or material discontinuities or gradients will result in different attenuation values, resulting in differences in the optical density in radiographs. Ultrasonics relies on the interaction of acoustic wave energy with flaws in the inspected material. Differences in density or acoustic impedance result in reflection or scattering of the wave, which is recorded as evidence of a discontinuity in the material. The result is a time-based record of the scattered acoustic wave that contains information about the location and distance to a discontinuity. EvidentScientific.com 7 PAUT vs RT – Advantages of UT No radiation, hazard, or additional licensing or personnel No screened off areas, work can go on around ultrasonic testing No chemical or waste material compared to film-based radiography Real-time analysis for instant evaluation and feedback to welder Detected flaws are accurately indicated on components using a live post scan Setup and inspection reports in electronic format compared to film-based radiography In many cases two radiographers will sentence the same radiograph differently. Very common is difference of one level in assessment or different characterization of identical discontinuity.* EvidentScientific.com 8 PAUT vs RT – Advantages of DR Digital radiography is based on digital detector systems in which the x-ray image is displayed directly on a computer screen without the need for developing chemicals or intermediate scanning. (https://youtu.be/6wGhjzJ-69s) Advantages as marketed by DR companies : lower inspection costs by eliminating consumables (X-ray film and film processing chemicals), film processing equipment, film storage facilities inspection results obtained online make it possible to correct welding settings immediately to avoid more defects perfect conditions for image examination (zoom, optimal contrast, image enhancement procedures) and inspection protocol preparation easy use of database Unlike Computed Radiography (CR), with DDA one can see an image immediately without processing through a computer. EvidentScientific.com 9 PAUT vs RT – Sensitivity x P.O.D x Rejection rate PAUT Amplitude based method: sensitivity is set using a specific reflector which size and type (FBH, SDH, etc.) is selected based on the project scope and requirements. A given project’s procedure status the scanning sensitivity (gain) and analysis sensitivity that should be used during the inspection. Higher probability of detection (POD) than RT, especially for cracks and lack of fusion Ultrasound tends to detect planar flaws better than radiography in most studies Accurate sizing of defects height and less rejects/repair using Engineers Critical Assessment Ultrasound allows defect height measurement volumetric consideration of flaw severity vs. just type and length EvidentScientific.com 10 PAUT vs RT – Sensitivity x P.O.D x Rejection rate Radiography Sensitivity: Detection in RT film is dependent on the change in film density or contrast between the background and the indication. The contrast in the radiograph is a function of several variables such as film density, graininess, source strength and distance, and specimen thickness. Thus, for crack detectability each of these quantities plays a critical role. Probability of detection (POD): Flaw detection depends on orientation and on sample thickness. In general, the RT POD for volumetric flaws is generally higher than that for planar flaws and depends on the specimen geometry and application. Sizing of defects is only possible on 2D axis (no height measurements) EvidentScientific.com 11 PAUT vs RT – Sensitivity x P.O.D x Rejection rate PAUT is a highly sensitive method: sensitivity level is set by the inspector based on the procedure being used. Ex: A PAUT configuration using a 2mm FBH reflector as reference is about 14dB less sensitive than the same configuration using 2mmSDH reflector, both reflectors are at the same depth. Higher sensitivity leads to higher POD: When inspecting for small flaws, small size reflectors shall be used to increase sensitivity however POD could be affected as S/N ratio could be high enough to prevent any detection in noisy areas. Higher sensitivity leads to higher rejection rate/probability: found indications are rejected or accepted based on the specific governing accepting criteria. Not all detected indications are automatically rejected. EvidentScientific.com 12 PAUT vs RT – Flaws detection and characterization PAUT + TOFD Conventional RT Digital RT Type of flaws Detection Sizing Characterizatio n Detection Sizing Characterizatio n Detection Sizing Characterizatio n Porosities Good Acceptable Good Good Acceptable Good Good Good Good Inclusions Good Good Acceptable Good Acceptable Good Good Good Good LORF Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable LORP Good Good Good Good Poor Good Good Acceptable Good LOSWF Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Cracks Good Good Good Acceptable Poor Acceptable Acceptable Poor Acceptable Hi Lo, Geo, etc. Good N/A Good Good N/A Good Good N/A Good EvidentScientific.com 13 PAUT vs RT – Codes When replacing RT, PAUT is often combined with TOFD (time-of-flight diffraction). TOFD is very sensitive therefore it is used as complementary technique and usually it is limited to detection only. Rejection based on TOFD data should be specified in the procedure. For code-based inspections historically these processes were conducted through code cases or appendixes, but after a large amount of industry practice and success they are being codified directly into the main bodies of the major code books as seen in the 2010 and beyond ASME Sec. V. Art. 4. EvidentScientific.com 14 PAUT in lieu of RT – ASME code Ultrasonic Examination (UT) is a permitted volumetric examination method in lieu of the required Radiographic Examination (RT) in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections I, VIII Division 1 and VIII Division 2. It is important to note that for all three code books, the permitted ultrasonic examinations are restricted to Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD) and Phased Array (PAUT) with computer-based data acquisition and analysis abilities using automatic or semi-automatic equipment that is mechanically mounted and guided on the examination surface. Manual straight beam UT, manual angle beam UT and manual Phased Array (PAUT) are not permitted as substitute techniques when using UT in place of required RT. Next slides detail the requirements for Sections I and VIII Division 1 & 2. EvidentScientific.com 15 PAUT in lieu of RT – ASME code Section I Section I permits UT in place of RT by utilizing Code Cases 2235, 2816, or by using PW-52.1. Code Cases 2235 and 2816 utilize fracture mechanics-based acceptance criteria, while PW-52.1 references Section V, Article 4, Mandatory Appendix VII, which uses workmanship-based acceptance criteria. While the acceptance criteria are different, in all three cases, the use of TOFD or PAUT using equipment mechanically mounted and guided on the examination surface either through automatic or semiautomatic means is required. Code Case 2235-13 paragraph (d) requires UT to be performed using a “device employing automatic computer-based data acquisition”. Code Case 2816 has the similar requirement in paragraph (d). PW-52.1 states that UT shall be in accordance with Section V, Article 4, Mandatory Appendix VII. Mandatory Appendix VII paragraph VII-431 states that ultrasonic examination is to be performed, “using a system employing automated or semi-automated scanning with computer-based data acquisition and analysis abilities”. Semiautomated and automated are defined terms within Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I and are listed below for convenience. EvidentScientific.com 16 PAUT in lieu of RT – ASME code Section I Semi-automated ultrasonic examination (SAUT): a technique of ultrasonic examination performed with equipment and search units that are mechanically mounted and guided, manually assisted (driven), and which may be manually adjusted by the technician. The equipment used to perform the examination is capable of recording the ultrasonic response data, including the scanning positions, by means of integral encoding devices such that imaging of the acquired data can be performed. Automated ultrasonic examinations (AUT): a technique of ultrasonic examination performed with the equipment and search units that are mechanically mounted and guided, remotely operated, and motorcontrolled (driven) without adjustments by the technician. The equipment used to perform the examination is capable of recording the ultrasonic response data, including the scanning positions, by means of integral encoding devices such that imaging of the acquired data can be performed. As a result, manual UT is not permitted for use as the primary technique for Section I Code examinations with the exception of PW-44.7.3 examinations of bimetallic tubing when clad strength is included. EvidentScientific.com 17 PAUT in lieu of RT – ASME code Section VIII Division 1&2 Section VIII Divisions 1 and 2 likewise permit UT in lieu of the required RT. Section VIII Division 1, UW-51(a)(4) states that this UT must meet the requirements of Section VIII Division 2, paragraph 7.5.5. As a result, a Certificate Holder performing UT as permitted in UW-51(a)(4), needs to have access to a Section VIII Division 2 code book. UW-51(a)(4) further references Section V, Article 4, Mandatory Appendix VIII, which utilizes fracture mechanics-based acceptance criteria in conjunction with Mandatory Appendix IX. Mandatory Appendix VIII, paragraph VIII-431 requires that ultrasonic examination must be performed, “using a system employing automated or semi-automated scanning with computer-based data acquisition and analysis abilities”. Semi-automated and automated were previously defined above are defined terms, while equipment with computer-based data acquisition and analysis abilities is either TOFD or PAUT. There are some specific allowances in Section VIII Division 1 to use manual UT in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 12, such as for the final closure seam examination. Section VIII Division 2, paragraph 7.5.4 also permits manual UT examinations on Type 7, and 8 joints in some instances. These allowances for using manual UT should not be confused with the requirements for using UT in lieu of RT. EvidentScientific.com 18 Typical UT Solution when replacing RT Acquisition unit with Full Raw A-scan data retention and encoding ability (OmniScan, Focus PX, Focus LT) Industrial Scanner (encoder) that repeatedly scan weld or component (Semi or Fully Automatic) Selection based on number of welds, pipe diameter, and other application variables Probes, wedges, couplant delivery and other accessories Analysis software OmniPC, Weldsight, etc. Calibration and demonstration blocks Procedure showing documented inspection strategy, scan plan and essential parameters Performance demonstration for equipment, procedure, operator and inspection process Proper training and certification for personnel EvidentScientific.com 19 Typical UT Solution when replacing RT Example of suggested scan pattern for thick weld (75mm EvidentScientific.com 20 Typical UT Solution when replacing RT Example of suggested PA scan plan for thick weld (75mm) EvidentScientific.com 21 Typical UT Solution when replacing RT Example of suggested TOFD scan plan for thick weld (75mm) Refracted Angle° Freq. (MHz) Scan Type PCS (mm) Refracted Angle° Freq. (MHz) Scan Type PCS(mm) 70 10 Nonparallel 159 55 5 Nonparallel 151 EvidentScientific.com 22 PAUT in lieu of RT – Sensitivity Calibration Sensitivity is set by the inspector using a specific reflector based on the procedure being used. For amplitude-based inspections, the reference sensitivity (gain) is used to evaluate any found indication. The procedure specifies the type and the size of the reference reflector and the method of distance compensation (TCG, DAC or coefficient). The size of the reference reflector is chosen based on the governing code or the ECA results if applied. A PAUT configuration using a 2mm FBH reflector as reference is about 14dB less sensitive than the same configuration using 2mmSDH reflector, both reflectors are at the same depth. Sensitivity could be checked using a demonstration block. EvidentScientific.com 23 PAUT in lieu of RT – Acceptance Criteria Once defects have been detected in a component, the inspector should provide information about them to permit an assessment of whether the component is fit for continued service. A found reflector (indication) is considered defect if it is rejected based on the acceptance criteria established in the used inspection procedure. The size (length and height), position (OD, ID, Volume, etc.) and the nature of the defects should be reported to be used in an assessment of the component’s structural integrity. To adequately detect, size and assess defects, the UT technique should be selected adequately, and the examination should be conducted in accordance with the governing procedure. EvidentScientific.com 24 PAUT in lieu of RT – Acceptance Criteria Acceptance criteria could be based on a traditional workmanship approach (based on flaws lengths like in RT) or on an Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) study (based on fracture mechanics principles). ECA is also referred as fitness-for-purpose (FFP). EvidentScientific.com 25 PAUT in lieu of RT – Acceptance Criteria API 1104 - Workmanship Acceptance Criteria Flaw indication Maximum allowed length Crack 0 Linear surface (LS) 25mm aggregated in 300mm or 8% of the weld for welds less than 300mm Linear buried (LB) 50mm aggregated in 300mm or 8% of the weld for welds less than 300mm Volumetric cluster (VC) Maximum dimension exceeding 13mm Volumetric individual (VI) Maximum dimension of an individual flaw exceeding 6mm in both length and width Volumetric root (VR) Max. Dimension exceeding 6mm or aggregated 13mm in any 300mm continuous 300mm of weld Accumulation of relevant indication (AR) 50mm aggregated in 300mm or 8% of the weld for welds less than 300mm EvidentScientific.com 26 PAUT in lieu of RT – Acceptance Criteria ECA considers material properties and the flaw size that could cause failure. The maximum acceptable flaw size with a safety factor is determined to establish the acceptance criteria. It can significantly reduce the cost of the construction, or the maintenance of a given component by minimizing unnecessary repairs. ECA allows engineers to assess the suitability of a component containing imperfections for intended service conditions or fitness for service (FFS). EvidentScientific.com 27 PAUT in lieu of RT – Acceptance Criteria ECA is performed in accordance with specified codes/standards and uses a computer program to generate the results. Normally an ECA is used to develop ECA Flaw Acceptance Criteria however it can also be used to validate existing acceptance criteria. The ECA will consider the following events: Reel Installation Installation Fatigue Operational Fatigue Extreme Event Fracture Check at the end of the N Years Design Life. EvidentScientific.com 28 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro Description During a qualification process of an offshore pipeline project, the client required the comparison of detection capabilities and sizing accuracy between PAUT and conventional RT. PWZ scanner was used, the setup included PAUT, TOFD and Creeping waves techniques. Tests were performed on coupons prepared under the same conditions of onsite production + coupons with inserted flaws. Coupons were cut to perform Macro testing to validate PAUT and RT results Examples of resulting data is shown in the next slides. EvidentScientific.com 37 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro Data vizualisation comparison – PAUT EvidentScientific.com 38 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro Data vizualisation comparison – RT EvidentScientific.com 39 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro SWLOF – Macro EvidentScientific.com 40 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro SWLOF – PAUT EvidentScientific.com 41 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro SWLOF – RT EvidentScientific.com 42 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro Slag cluster – Macro EvidentScientific.com 43 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro Slag cluster – PAUT EvidentScientific.com 44 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro Slag cluster – RT EvidentScientific.com 45 Case study: PAUT vs RT vs Macro Reporting PAUT/TOFD MAX DEPTH MAX LENGTH FROM HEIGHT (mm) OD (mm) (mm) Flaw ID START (mm) END (mm) 1 0 10 15 2 2 2 52 76 24 18,2 2 3 125 145 20 8,6 2 Index offset LINEAR VOLUMETRIC DEFECT DEFECT TYPE TYPE (P, CP) (LOF,CL,etc) Used tech COMMENTS START DATUM SEC/TOF D SEC/TOF D LOF LOF noted in the HP from both Sectorial and TOFD LOF Sectorial LOF noted. Small HP flaw noted in below not interactive Reporting RT Indication ID Radiograph Number AA1 R1 0 10 AA2 R2 40 AA3 R3 120 EvidentScientific.com Location (US/DS/Center & Cap/Root/Mid) Indication Description/comments 10 DS side near cap LOF 70 16 DS side near center & cap LORP 220 16 US side near mid LOF Start (mm) End (mm) Length (mm) 46 Discussion ISP that offer both PAUT and RT, usually tend to offer A/O PAUT first however in several projects, clients are hard to convince. In Power Gen industry, it is now very common to see a combination of PAUT and DR in the same project. Generally, resistance to the replacement of RT by PAUT is based on wrong arguments Higher sensitivity Higher P.O.D Higher rejection rate Costly solution These cliches results from projects where PAUT was used in lieu of RT based on the same acceptance criteria. Recently in Canada, PAUT was removed from qualified technique for the inspection of feeder tubes based on a previous PAUT inspection that resulted in missing several flaws. After investigations, it was found that scan plans were not set up properly and the UT coverage was poor. Therefore, the blame was to be put on the ISP rather than on the technique. EvidentScientific.com 47