COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SOLIDARITY & CITIZENSHIP QUARTER 1 WEEK 1 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Is working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest or similar situations to address issues affecting their well-being. PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION Fairness Justice Empowerment Participation Self-determination GOALS OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Build trust Create better communication Enlist new resources and allies BENEFITS OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Improved health and social outcomes Strengthened communities and cohesion Strengthened accountability of partners and coalition Improved service delivery, efficiency and effectiveness SOLIDARITY Is unity ( as a group or class) which produces or is based on unities of interests, objectives, standards and sympathies. CITIZENSHIP Is a term denoting membership of a citizen in a political society which membership implies, reciprocally, a duty of allegiance on the part of the member and duty of protection on the part of the State. CITIZEN Is a person having the title of citizenship, he is the member of the democratic community who enjoy full civil and political rights and is accorded protection inside and outside the territory of the State. ALIEN Is a citizen of a country residing in or passing through another country. He/she is popularly known as foreigner, he is not given the full rights to citizenship but is entitled to received protection as to his person of property. GENERAL WAYS OF ACQUIRING CITIZENSHIP INVOLUNTARY VOLUNTARY • By naturalization, except •By birth in case of collective because of naturalization of the inhabitants of a territory blood which takes place when it relationship or is ceded by one state to another as a result of a place of birth conquest or treaty. CITIZENS BY BIRTH JUS SANGUINIS JUS SOLI OR JUSLOCI •Blood relationship is • Place birth serves as the basis for the the basis for acquiring acquisition of citizenship under this citizenship, a person rule. The children becomes a citizens of follow the citizenship a state where he/ she of the parents or one is born irrespective of of them. the parents. NATURAL-BORN AND NATURALIZED CITIZEN NATURALIZATION DUAL CITIZENSHIP to the •The set of formally • Refer adopting a foreigner possession of two by an into the political citizenship body of the state individual that of original and clothing his/her him/her with the citizenship and that of rights and privileges the country where he/ she became a of citizenship. naturalized citizen. COMMUNITY It is one of the most elusive and vague in sociology and is by now largely without specific meaning. At the minimum it refers to a collection of people in a geographical area. COMMUNITY •It is where the people work, play and live. •It is a group of people who occupy a common contiguous territory, possessed of a common sets of traditions associated with their living together in that territory and served by a set of local institutions in which the people are conscious of their common interest.