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Sex Education in Schools: Presentation & Discussion

Sex Education In Schools
Should sex ed be taught in
Time Line
• http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/868744
• Sex Education: Instruction on issues relating to human
sexuality, including sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction,
sexual activity, reproductive health, emotional relations,
reproductive rights, responsibilities, sexual abstinence, and
birth control
• Sexuality: Capacity or sexual feelings or a person’s sexual
• Abstinence: Fact or practice of restraining oneself from
indulging in something
• Contraceptive: Method or device serving to prevent
Did You Know?
• Emergency contraception and
comprehensive sexuality education have both
proven to reduce the rare of unintended
• Two young people (ages 13 – 29) contract
HIV every hour
• There is no conclusive evidence that
abstinence-only sex education reduces the
rate of unintended pregnancy or STIs.
• http://schoolsofthought.blogs.cnn.com/2012/
- Schools needs to teach young people
about sex because parents might not
address the topic at home – Orrin Hatch
- Utah teachers will not be allowed to
inform students about contraceptives,
“the intricacies of intercourse,
homosexuality, or sexual activity outside
of marriage. – Utah state bill
- We teach kids about history, we teach
them about current events, we teach kids
how to drive, why wouldn’t we teach kids
about the fundamental of humanity –
Mrs. Demaine
- It’s a public school and parents should
be in charge of that – Mr. Kunze
- Yes I do believe sex ed should should be
taught. I believe kids should learn the
statistics of it the right way – Mr. G
- These are our children, and we’re not
going to breach the firewall of innocence
– Angry Parent, DeWayne Smith
• I believe sex ed should be taught in the
biology curriculum, sex ed shouldn’t be
advocating things like oral sex.
Abstinence Only
Reason #1
Reason #2
Reason #3
- A mutually faithful,
monogamous relationship
in the context if marriage is
the expected standard of
sexual activity
- Bearing children out of
wedlock is likely to have
harmful consequences for
the child, the child’s
parents and society
- Abstinence from sexual
activity is the only certain
way to avoid out of
wedlock pregnancy, STDs,
and other associated
health problems
Video Clip
• http://www.ksl.com/?sid=19501443
• https://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_c