c, *Sf q) lt.YlA -+slls '.1L!: llffitillffi,*,.,, ,J+& a+.j.to 1,jLJj+p6 Official English Translatorto the Judiciary License No.907 Kambiz Rabbani at/$Pt15,4 To verify tha authentioity ofthe translation, please scan tho QR Code d,ff""r-4U;i Tehran University of Medical Sciences Sina Educational, Rbsearch and Treatment Center Sina Hospital '$ who graduated with a discontinuous bachelor's degree in radiology, during 2005 ry}:t:l:ABAEI, to T1'lli9t"p,::t:g 2007 in Sina Educational, Research and Treatment Center affiliated to Tehran Universlty of Medical Sciences 6 hours ofpractical course Equipment & devices used for medical imaging from patient body Kaulotogy waro ot )lna Hospital Siemens :,t,TYPes ofimaging: ., , rmethods'& anatomic, ;are4s being btudied .' , Barium Equipment Meal, Enema,_. Small Intestine Transit,,. Siemens CT Scan - Patients Swallow Barium KUB, VCUG and IVP 16 ,, rmedical -.,,,,,:. '::,,;.'' ,1 im4ging,' "',',' Specialized radiography like Myelography, Barium Fluoroscopy r. Typeiof Fatients:, l.admitLed Training in caring & paying aftention to patients & preventing transmission of pathogens to patients and staff & controllins infpriinn s Principles of caring for the in fu different age groups including children, adults and old patients with acute and chronic with the diseases member Emergency patients Raidom padents team patient before and after each examination and cooperation without injection image Paying attention to patient history and using appropriate method and technique and explaining the procedure for the patient reconstruction CT scan with injection and CT angiography and a possible side effects and how to conffol these side effects from different parts of the body and as diagnosis Being aware of use cases of contrast media and their Slice .CT scan radiologist of the CT venography and 3D image reconstruction The cases of performing and not performing CT scan and a preparing the patients and the correct techniques performing the Signed & Sealed: Dr. Ali SHAKOURIMD, na-iologiit a Sonograpire. Person in Charge of Radiology Ward, Medical Council No. :Zlg3 Sina Educational & Treatment Center !ea]e{: Radiology, Angiography, Sonography, CT Scan & MRI Radiology ward of sina Hospital/ Tehian-university of Medical Sciences Tel.: (+98 27) 621,28 of relevant examinations and the correct use of contrast media to perform the relevant examinations in CT scan. 'L www.sinaih.com ******:***:***************************** Translation is accurate and translator sH/N 16*1 $ altu ehran, It al*t f ************* r 1,7,2022 filfrnrti*rnr.mrrrorq YI 64 ,p- sts-1eei;u.lto,jt93rr,' e.;.',g..;r,r2SSSOOO,,5r!ir &L!i r.Jj al_jo- 6f! Lijto::Jo otra pu 3>19,5df,265JtL,pfax.r^Beuii,UltaOsJJLt Addresst No.265,5rh Email: 9 hozorgmchr265@gmail.com floor,uit j:pJJ building, Zafar St,Nelson Mandela Ave,Tehran Mobite:(+981 9121595994 Tel(+98) 2l 021-88661851 3,Pam