MAKERERE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY BSC.INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY COURSE UNIT: ENERGY TECHNOLOGY COURSE CODE: ICH 2116 TOPIC: BIOMASS CONVERSION TECHNOLOGY AND BIOMASS COMBUSTION PRESENTED BY: 1|Page GROUP TWO MEMBERS NAMES NSEREKO SHAFIK MALE NSUBUGA MARVIN JONATHAN NSUBUGA DICKSON BATENGA MOUREEN NAMIIRO MARIAT MUKHWANA FELIX NAMIIRO JOY KIYEGA APIYO SHARON ODONG KATUMBA JUSTUS MURUNGI EDRIN KAMUKUMBA 2|Page REG. NO 21/U/12304/Ps 21/U/19421/Ps 21/U/1540 21/U/10189/Ps 21/U/0364 21/U/07217/Ps 21/U/1383 21/U/12464/Ps 21/U/0611 19/U/20718 SIGNATURE Table of content Contents BIOMASS CONVERSION TECHNOLOGY .............................................................................................. 6 COMBUSTION ........................................................................................................................................ 6 GASIFICATION....................................................................................................................................... 7 PYROLYSIS: ............................................................................................................................................ 7 LIQUEFACTION: .................................................................................................................................... 7 BIOMASS COMBUSTION ..................................................................................................................... 7 SOURCES OF BIOMASS FUELS........................................................................................................... 8 VIRGIN WOODS (DRY): .................................................................................................................... 8 ENERGY CROPS (DRY):.................................................................................................................... 8 AGRICULTURAL RESIDUES (WET AND DRY): ........................................................................... 8 INDUSTRIAL RESIDUES (WET AND DRY): .................................................................................. 8 CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOMASS FUELS ........................................................................................ 8 CALORIFIC VALUE (CV) .................................................................................................................. 8 NET CALORIFIC VALUE (NCV) ...................................................................................................... 8 GROSS CALORIFIC VALUE (GCV) ................................................................................................. 9 MOISTURE CONTENT (MC)............................................................................................................. 9 BULKY DENSITY ............................................................................................................................... 9 ENERGY DENSITY .......................................................................................................................... 10 ASH CONTENT ................................................................................................................................. 10 CHEMICAL CONTENT .................................................................................................................... 10 PRINCIPLES OF BIOMASS COMBUSTION ...................................................................................... 10 1. Preheating phase: ........................................................................................................................ 10 2. Gaseous phase: ............................................................................................................................ 10 3. Solid phase .................................................................................................................................. 10 USES OF COMBUSTION ..................................................................................................................... 11 ADVANTAGES OF BIOMASS COMBUSTION ................................................................................. 11 DISADVANTAGES OF BIOMASS COMBUSTION ........................................................................... 11 COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................. 12 DOMESTIC COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT. ........................................................................................ 12 INDUSTRIAL COMBUSTION SYSTEMS .......................................................................................... 12 COMPONENTS OF BIOMASS COMBUSTION SYSTEM................................................................. 12 3|Page Fuel transfer equipment ...................................................................................................................... 12 Fuel feed equipment ............................................................................................................................ 12 Combustion grate ................................................................................................................................ 12 Refractory material ............................................................................................................................. 12 Heat exchangers .................................................................................................................................. 12 Ash extraction equipment ................................................................................................................... 12 Control equipment .............................................................................................................................. 12 Exhaust gas treatment equipment ....................................................................................................... 12 Flue (chimney) .................................................................................................................................... 13 Ignition Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 13 Expansion tank .................................................................................................................................... 13 Fire protection equipment ................................................................................................................... 13 COMBUSTORS ..................................................................................................................................... 13 DIRECT COMBUSTORS ...................................................................................................................... 13 MOVING GRATE SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................... 13 MODE OF OPERATION OF MOVING GRATE SYSTEMS .............................................................. 14 ADVANTAGES OF MOVING GRATE SYSTEMS......................................................................... 14 DISADVANTAGES OF MOVING GRATE SYSTEMS .................................................................. 15 PLANE GRATE SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................. 15 MODE OF OPERATION OF THE UNDERFED TYPE ....................................................................... 15 ADVANTAGES OF PLANE GRATE SYSTEMS ............................................................................ 16 DISADVANTAGES OF PLANE GRATE SYSTEMS ...................................................................... 16 STOKER BURNER SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................. 16 MODE OF OPERATION OF STOKER BURNER SYSTEMS ............................................................ 16 ADVANTAGES OF THE STOKER BURNER SYSTEMS .............................................................. 17 DISADVANTAGES OF THE STOKER BURNER SYSTEMS ....................................................... 17 FACTOR TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A COMBUSTION SYSTEM ....................................... 17 INDUSTRIAL BOILER OPERATIONS ................................................................................................... 17 DIFFERENT TYPES OF BOILERS ...................................................................................................... 18 BIOMASS HOT WATER BOILERS ..................................................................................................... 18 LOW-TEMPERATURE HOT WATER (LTHW).............................................................................. 18 HOT TEMPERATURE HOT WATER (HTHW) .............................................................................. 18 BIOMASS STEAM BOILERS............................................................................................................... 18 4|Page MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCE IN A BOILER ......................................................................... 18 MATERIAL BALANCES ...................................................................................................................... 18 ENERGY BALANCES .......................................................................................................................... 19 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF MASS AND ENERGY BALANCE ............................................................. 19 MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCE ............................................................................................. 21 BOILER HEAT BALANCE................................................................................................................... 21 UNIT OPERATIONS AND UNIT PROCESS ........................................................................................... 22 UNIT OPERATION ............................................................................................................................... 22 UNIT PROCESS ..................................................................................................................................... 22 EXAMPLES OF UNIT PROCESSES ................................................................................................ 22 CLASSIFICATIONS OF UNIT OPERATIONS................................................................................ 22 MECHANICAL UNIT OPERATION ................................................................................................ 22 MASS TRANSFER PROCESSES ..................................................................................................... 23 HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS ................................................................................................... 23 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN UNIT OPERATIONS AND UNIT PROCESSES. .................................. 23 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 23 5|Page BIOMASS CONVERSION TECHNOLOGY Biomass can be converted into three main products; two related to energy and power /heat generation and transportation fuels and one as a chemical feedstock. Amongst the options for energy conversions that form the basis of this study only those that produce the fuel suitable for use in a S.I.G.E (Spark ignition gas engine) are the main focus of this study. Conversion of biomass to energy is undertaken using two major processes, Thermo-chemical and biochemical or biological. The third technology for producing energy from biomass is mechanical extraction (esterification) e.g. rapeseed methyl ester Within the thermo-chemical process, four main conversion routes for biomass conversion are involved which are; COMBUSTION Is the study of chemically reacting flows with rapid, highly exothermic reactions. In this case, combusted fuel is used to generate heat which is then used to raise steam, which operates in a standard steam generator set as the prime mover to produce electricity. (Prieto, n.d.) On a small scale, steam is inefficient due to the high temperatures and pressure required. Replacing water as the working medium with an organic compound with a lower boiling point allows greater efficiency at lower temperatures 6|Page GASIFICATION: This is a process of converting the input fuel to a gas mixture -a synthetic gas or syngas -by reacting it at high temperatures with controlled amounts of oxygen or steam. (Prieto, n.d.) The syngas is typically combusted in the reciprocating engine (but could also potentially be used in a gas turbine). However, this process is inherently more complex than simple combustion PYROLYSIS: This is a thermal degradation process that occurs in the absence of oxygen which produces a variety of products that can be used for power generation and is typically combusted in reciprocating engines (but could also potentially be used in a gas turbine) LIQUEFACTION: Is the conversion of biomass into a stable liquid hydrocarbon using low temperatures and high pressures Biochemical conversion involves two process options which include anaerobic digestion which is the production of biogas (a mixture of mainly methane and CO2) and fermentation which is the production of ethanol from starch crops e.g. sugarcane BIOMASS COMBUSTION Biomass combustion simply means the burning of organic matter or materials It is interdisciplinary in nature comprising thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics, d transport phenomena. Thermodynamics allows us to do the bookkeeping on how much chemical energy is converted to thermal energy in such a process and to determine the thermal and compositional properties of the products when equilibrium is reached (apply first, second and third laws) Chemical kinetics is needed to prescribe the paths and rates through which reactions take place. Fluid mechanics helps to understand the chemical reactions occurring in a flowing medium. 7|Page Transport phenomena help to understand the heat transfer between different regions (conduction, convection, and radiation) SOURCES OF BIOMASS FUELS Biomass is a form of stored solar energy and is available in several different forms. There is a wide range of sources of biomass fuels that can be broadly defined in terms of “wet” and “dry” sources and under those two broad categories. The sources can be classified into four; VIRGIN WOODS (DRY): is untreated, free of chemicals and furnishes, it comes from a variety of sources e.g. forestry is the primary source with other sources being arboricultural arisings (tree surgery wastes) and coproducts from wood processing facilities such as sawmills, and furniture factories. ENERGY CROPS (DRY): Are crops grown specifically for the production of energy? These include woody energy crops (short rotation forestry, willow eucalyptus, poplar), grassy energy crops (miscanthus and hemp), sugar crops (sugar beets), starch crops (wheat, barley, maize /corn) AGRICULTURAL RESIDUES (WET AND DRY): Are from animals and crops. From animals, we get animal wastes (urine, dung). From crops, we get maize corn, etc. INDUSTRIAL RESIDUES (WET AND DRY): Include sewage sludges, residues from sawmills, construction, industrial pallets, chipboards, etc. CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOMASS FUELS Characteristics Biomass fuels have a range of characteristics that affect their performance and also the type of biomass heating equipment they can be used in. Some of the most important factors are listed below and a table presenting the most common fuels and their associated characteristics is given at the end of this section CALORIFIC VALUE (CV) It indicates the heating potential of a fuel and is a measure of its energy content. (Fournel et al., 2015) It is defined as the amount of heat released from a specific unit of fuel by its complete combustion. Biomass fuel CVs are conventionally expressed as MJ/kg. The calorific value of a fuel is expressed either as Gross Calorific Value (GCV – also sometimes known as Higher Heating Value (HHV)), or Net Calorific Value (NCV – also sometimes known as Lower Heating Value (LHV)). NET CALORIFIC VALUE (NCV) This is the quantity of heat given off by the complete combustion of a unit of fuel when the water vapor produced remains as a vapor and the heat of vaporization is not recovered. This can be calculated by subtracting the heat of vaporization of the water produced from the GCV. The NCV is more widely used in the UK than the GCV. 8|Page GROSS CALORIFIC VALUE (GCV) This is the quantity of heat liberated by the complete combustion of a unit of fuel when the water vapor produced is condensed, and the heat of vaporization is recovered. The water is condensed by bringing the products of combustion (flue gases) below 100ºC (as in a condensing plant). This generally does not apply to biomass as the flue gases cannot be cooled below c.130ºC, and hence the water vapor cannot be condensed. The key determinant of biomass material’s calorific value is the inherent moisture content (MC) The greater the MC the less energy is contained within the fuel. MOISTURE CONTENT (MC) This is expressed as a percentage, measured either on a ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ basis. Wood suppliers (for example) typically use the wet-basis method because it gives a clearer indication of the water content in timber. The wet basis calculation expresses the moisture content as a percentage of the mass of the material including any moisture. In the formula below ‘oven-dry mass is defined as the mass of biomass that has had all the moisture driven out: Wet basis MC = (Fresh mass-Oven dry mass)/ (Fresh mass) x 100 (%) The dry basis calculation expresses the moisture content as a percentage of the oven dry mass: Dry basis MC = (Fresh mass-Oven dry mass)/ (Oven dry mass) x 100 (%) A higher MC implies a lower calorific value as each unit mass of fuel contains less oven-dry biomass – which is the part of the fuel that undergoes combustion to release heat. The effect is more noticeable for most biomass heating systems where the water vapor in the combustion products cannot be condensed. This is because the moisture in the fuel also has to be vaporized before combustion can occur and this requires energy input that cannot be recovered later. The majority of the biomass industry uses a wet basis when discussing biomass fuels. BULKY DENSITY This is a measure of the mass of many particles of the material divided by the volume they occupy; the volume includes the space between particles. The higher the bulk density, the more mass of fuel exists in a given volume. For example Wood pellets (c.660kg/m3) have a higher bulk density than wood chips (c.250kg/m3). Bulk density, unlike density, is not intrinsic to a material; for example, the same piece of wood could have different bulk densities if processed into logs, pellets, or woodchips. Moisture content also affects bulk density as each particle has a greater mass but does not occupy more space. This is an important point because fuels with higher moisture contents will have greater masses and, therefore, have lower bulk densities. With higher moisture content comes lower energy density, and therefore the volume of fuel required for a given amount of heat will be larger. 9|Page ENERGY DENSITY This is a measure of the energy contained within a unit of fuel. Energy density is conventionally expressed in MJ/m3. It can be derived by multiplying the calorific value (MJ/kg) by bulk density (kg/m3). Energy density is an important variable that will help users understand volumetric fuel consumption rates, the size of fuel storage required, the number of deliveries required, and the total annual quantity of fuel required. Energy density = CV x Bulk density (MJ/m3) (MJ/kg) (kg/m3) ASH CONTENT Although the amount of ash produced is partly dependent on the type and performance of the biomass plant it is being used in, it is also an inherent fuel property that is specified as a fuel characteristic. CHEMICAL CONTENT It is natural for biomass to contain low levels of mineral salts and another trace ‘non-biomass’ material, taken up from the soil or air during growth. The presence of these salts and other elements in ‘virgin’ biomass fuels does not normally cause any significant issues, but it does partly determine the level of gaseous/particulate emissions, ash, and slagging (also known as ‘clinkering’). If, for instance, an annual crop is being used (e.g. straw) then more care is required, as these can have higher levels of alkaline metal salts. Also, if amounts of sand are present in the fuel, this can result in glass formation during combustion PRINCIPLES OF BIOMASS COMBUSTION Combustion, or burning, is a complex sequence of exothermic (heat-generating) chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant. Biomass combustion takes place in three distinct but overlapping phases (similar to other solid fuels), the extent and nature of which are different for each type of biomass fuel: 1. Preheating phase: Moisture in the unburned fuel is driven off and the fuel is heated up to its ‘flash point’ and then its ‘fire point’ (the temperature at which it will continue to burn after ignition for at least five seconds). 2. Gaseous phase: A mixture of flammable gases is given off (volatized) by the solid fuel and is ignited. Energy is transferred from chemical energy into heat and light (flames). 3. Solid phase: 10 | P a g e The rate of release of flammable gases from the solid fuel is too low to maintain a flame and the ‘charred’ fuel glows and then only Smulders. USES OF COMBUSTION Used for space heating of buildings. Used in hot water production. Used in steam production. Generation of electric power. ADVANTAGES OF BIOMASS COMBUSTION Significant carbon saving. Biomass combustion can play a major role in reducing an organization’s carbon footprint. To reduce the overall carbon emission and improve environmental performance carrying out biomass combustion could help do Operation cost saving. The cost of biomass fuels is typically lower than the fossil fuels being displaced and biomass combustion can therefore provide attractive operational cost savings. Reduced fuel price volatility. Security of energy supply is a recusant concern for fossil fuels, geopolitical instabilities in oil and gas-producing regions can threaten availability and lead to unexpected price changes. While biomass fuels can be subjected to changes in price over time, these are not extreme as those of fossil fuels and biomass can be accessed locally. Wider sustainable development benefits. Fuels used typically with biomass combustion tend to have diverse and localized fuel supply chains. This has a positive benefit along this supply chain such as improving the biodiversity of existing woodlands and providing opportunities for rural employment and economic diversification. Resources diverted from landfill. Using certain biomass resources as fuels can divert them from becoming waste and being sent to landfills. Reduced exposure to climate change-related legislation. Biomass fuels do not register part of an organization’s overall carbon emissions and by this, it reduces the emission of greenhouse gases and combustion of fossil fuels. DISADVANTAGES OF BIOMASS COMBUSTION Fuels tend to vary in their specifications and quality, and obtaining biomass of a required or desired standard can sometimes be challenging. Source of fuel may be difficult in certain areas. Climatic changes such as drought due to deforestation. Biomass fuel contains moisture content which affects its energy content (the calorific value) 11 | P a g e Expensive during installation on an industrial basic Health-related problems like lung cancer. COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT These are apparatuses that are used for burning biomass fuels. These are categorized into; DOMESTIC COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT. These include; • Fireplaces • Stoves -use wood or coal. There are two types; radiant which transfers heat through a hot surface and circulating which transfers heat through vents • Furnaces INDUSTRIAL COMBUSTION SYSTEMS – These are mainly used in industries and include Boilers and combustors COMPONENTS OF BIOMASS COMBUSTION SYSTEM Fuel transfer equipment This transfers fuel from where it is stored to the plant Fuel feed equipment The system for transferring fuel into the plant at the required rate Combustion grate The main point at which combustion starts that is to say moving grate and plane grate Refractory material Also known as fire bricks, designed to reflect heat onto the grate to drive off moisture from the fuel and maintain optimum combustion temperature Heat exchangers These means of transferring the heat in the hot combustion gases to the medium (water) – e.g. via ‘fire tubes’ with a ‘water jacket Ash extraction equipment Transfer the ash into an external receptacle which can be emptied manually. Control equipment Used for controlling output via the fuel feed rate and air levels. Exhaust gas treatment equipment Used to minimize emissions of such things as particulate matter and fly ash from the plant’s combustion chamber. 12 | P a g e Different levels of emissions abatement equipment are available from relatively simple, singlestage cyclones to multiple stages involving bag filters and other devices. Flue gas fan(s) some plants need a flue gas fan or induced draft fan to draw the flue gases from the combustion chamber and through the plant heat exchanger. The flue gas fan discharges to the chimney. Flue (chimney) The chimney stack has two functions: it draws the flue gases through the plant and disperses the gases to the atmosphere at a safe level. Ignition Equipment Plants may be ignited automatically using a hot air gun (smaller systems) or electrically ignited gas pilot (larger systems). Expansion tank Not part of the main plant itself but a key component of a system to allow the natural expansion of the water in a heating system as it gets hot – in sealed systems, the ‘expansion vessel’ (a small pressurized container) accommodates the extra volume. Fire protection equipment Used to prevent fire from the combustion chamber moving back into the fuel store. Can be a water ‘dousing’ approach or some form of automatic shut-off gate(s) on the feed mechanism systems offering varying levels of fire protection. COMBUSTORS This is an enclosed chamber where the fuel is burnt by heating it and adding oxygen (air) in the right amount and proportion. Combustors are categorized into two categories; DIRECT COMBUSTORS These are devices in which the fuel is heated, dried, and combusted all in one compartment. This is the most common type of combustor and there are several varieties. Industrial combustion Plants/systems are usually classified by their type of grate based on the method of heat exchange, fuel type, and level of automation, the main types being: moving grate, plane grate, batch-fired, and stoker. MOVING GRATE SYSTEMS Moving grate (also known as step-grate or inclined grate) 13 | P a g e MODE OF OPERATION OF MOVING GRATE SYSTEMS Fuel is delivered onto a series of inclined or flat panels of fire bars which move in a sequence so that the fuel travels slowly (shuffles) down the grate towards the far end of the combustion chamber. The fuel dries and then combusts as it moves down the grate (primary air is supplied under the grate). Gases are emitted, and char burns out. Once the wood has combusted, the remaining ash falls off the lower end of the grate and is removed mechanically into the ash pan or ash bin. They are generally more common at the higher output range (300kW-1MW+). ADVANTAGES OF MOVING GRATE SYSTEMS Wide tolerance of fuel type, moisture content (up to 60%), and particle size. As a result of wide fuel tolerance, cheaper fuel may be procured, helping to offset the higher capital cost. The positive movement of fuel down the grate avoids clinkering and blockages. Well-regimented combustion leads to high efficiency 14 | P a g e DISADVANTAGES OF MOVING GRATE SYSTEMS Relatively large fuel inventory in the plant leads to a slow response to load swings, although modulating controls improve controllability. Large amounts of refractory (heat reflective) material on wet wood plants can result in a long warm-up time from very low to full load (up to 2 hours). Prolonged low-load mode operation can result in higher maintenance costs and reduced efficiency as a result of tarring of heat exchangers and condensing gases. More complex design and bulky components PLANE GRATE SYSTEMS Plane grate biomass plants can feature either underfed or side-fed combustion chambers. The main difference to the moving grate system is that the combustion bed is smaller.(Frounfelker & Hausfeld, 1983) Plane grate systems are suitable for fuel with moisture content below 35% e.g. Joinery waste this is because the fuel is fed directly into the combustion chamber by the fuel feed mechanism, rather than being dried first as in the case of the inclined grate plants. MODE OF OPERATION OF THE UNDERFED TYPE Fuel is fed by an auger into the base of an inverted cone or trough, where it wells up into the combustion chamber, spreading out to the sides. Primary air is supplied below the fuel, and secondary air is above. Underfed stokers are usually supplied as part of a complete plant package; however, they may be constructed as a separate unit from the plant itself (i.e. the heat exchange element of the system where the heat in the hot combustion gases is transferred to water in the plant). In such instances, the heat exchange unit will be of an open-bottom construction that sits on top of the stoker unit. On larger units, the stoker may be situated within the combustion chamber of a shell-and-tube plant. Ash is created on all sides of the combustion zone, and its removal from the combustion bed relies on simple displacement due to the emergence of new fuel in the center of the combustor. The removal of ash from the bottom of the combustion chamber is sometimes by manual intervention, but it is more common to have the ash augured from the bottom of the combustion bed to an external ash bin For the side-fed grates, the grate is vibrated regularly to shake ash through holes within it, and it tips periodically to allow the removal of larger non-combustible items. In terms of their ability to tolerate moisture content in fuels, side-fed units offer an intermediate option between underfed and moving grate systems. 15 | P a g e ADVANTAGES OF PLANE GRATE SYSTEMS A smaller combustion area and less refractory material mean that these types of plants have a smaller spatial footprint. Commonly dual fuel plants, therefore providing flexibility of operation41. In total capital cost terms (£/kW, installed) they are cheaper than the moving grate systems due to the simpler design and exclusion of refractory material DISADVANTAGES OF PLANE GRATE SYSTEMS Due to the smaller combustion bed, the plant requires lower fuel moisture content – typically 2035% – rising to 40% if the plant has some refractory material lining the combustion chamber. Due to the smaller combustion bed and lower moisture content tolerances, these systems require consistently good quality fuel. As a result, they are best suited to applications where site owners are confident of securing good quality fuel (<35% MC). STOKER BURNER SYSTEMS They are often cheaper than planes and moving grate systems. MODE OF OPERATION OF STOKER BURNER SYSTEMS Biomass fuel is augured into a burner head, which has a special cast iron liner to reflect heat onto the fuel. Air is introduced by a small fan, which passes around the outside of the cast-iron liner, thus heating up. The air then enters the fuel space via small holes, some below the fuel to provide primary air, and some above to provide secondary air. The burner head produces a vigorous flame in the combustion chamber, and the resultant hot combustion gases pass into the heat exchanger unit. Ash from the burner head is pushed away and into the ash pan by the incoming fuel. De-ashing is almost always manual, especially on smaller units. 16 | P a g e ADVANTAGES OF THE STOKER BURNER SYSTEMS Small fuel inventory makes for a relatively rapid response to load swings. The heat generated on slumber (when there is no heating requirement and the unit is simply maintaining ignition with as little heat output as possible) is very low. Often lower cost than plane grate or moving grate systems. DISADVANTAGES OF THE STOKER BURNER SYSTEMS The fuel must be fairly dry: preferably <30%, never more than 35%. The fuel particle size and moisture must be consistent: the small, intense combustion zone is easily disrupted. In the lowest cost, smaller units, no separate provision for primary and secondary air supply exists, limiting the opportunity for fine-tuning to the needs of varying fuel FACTOR TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A COMBUSTION SYSTEM Initial cost, the equipment should not be expensive Fuel compatibility, the fuels should be compatible with the combustor Safety, a combustor should be constructed in a way that it is safe to operate Durability, it should have a long lifespan Maintenance costs should have a low maintenance cost INDUSTRIAL BOILER OPERATIONS The industrial boiler is used to produce steam or hot water space and process heating and for the generation of mechanical power (Hasanuzzaman et al., 2012) 17 | P a g e DIFFERENT TYPES OF BOILERS These are categorized according to the different characteristics best suited for their unique purposes. And these include the following; BIOMASS HOT WATER BOILERS The biomass boiler burns the biomass cleanly; the heat is transferred to the hot water for heating and the flue gas is cleaned of particulate. They are categorized into two; LOW-TEMPERATURE HOT WATER (LTHW) They operate within a temperature of 121⁰c and the maximum allowable working pressure is usually 2 bar. They are generally used for space heating in homes, offices, residential buildings HOT TEMPERATURE HOT WATER (HTHW) These operate at temperatures exceeding 177⁰c or more and their maximum operating pressure is usually less than 20.7 bar. These are mainly used in industries BIOMASS STEAM BOILERS Any organic waste product can be a fuel for a biomass steam boiler, but generally, it is usually wood waste from sawmills that are used for large-scale steam boilers. The most used source of heat for sawmills and processing plants is steam. Biomass steam boilers are significantly larger and more complex than standard gas-fired boilers, however, the fuel for the system can be essentially free. The biomass boiler burns the biomass cleanly, the heat is utilized to generate steam at high pressure, and the flue gas is cleaned of particulate. The steam is generally used for heating directly, however, larger systems can also generate electricity by placing a steam turbine between the boiler and the heat load. Many customers may not have a direct source of biomass on the property; however wood waste can generally be sourced for a very low cost or even free of charge from local sawmills in your area. MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCE IN A BOILER Material quantities, as they pass through processing operations, can be described by material balances. Such balances are statements on the conservation of mass. (Veverka & Madron, 1997) Similarly, energy quantities can be described by energy balances, which are statements on the conservation of energy. If there is no accumulation, what goes into a process must come out. This is true for batch operation. It is equally true for continuous operation over any chosen time interval. Material and energy balances are very important in an industry. MATERIAL BALANCES 18 | P a g e Are fundamental to the control of processing, particularly in the control of yields of the products. The first material balances are determined in the exploratory stages of a new process, improved during pilot plant experiments when the process is being planned and tested, checked out when the plant is commissioned and then refined and maintained as a control instrument as production continues. When any changes occur in the process, the material balances need to be determined again. ENERGY BALANCES Are used in the examination of the various stages of a process, over the whole process, and even extending over the total production system from the raw material to the finished product. The increasing cost of energy has caused industries to examine means of reducing energy consumption in processing. Material and energy balances can be simple, and at times they can be very complicated, but the basic approach is general. Experience in working with simpler systems such as individual unit operations will develop the facility to extend the methods to the more complicated situations, which do arise. The increasing availability of computers has meant that very complex mass and energy balances can be set up and manipulated quite readily and therefore used in everyday process management to maximize product yields and minimize costs. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF MASS AND ENERGY BALANCE If the unit operation, whatever its nature is seen as a whole it may be represented diagrammatically as a box, as shown in Figure. 4. 1. The mass and energy going into the box must balance with the mass and energy coming out. The law of conservation of mass leads to what is called a mass or a material balance. 19 | P a g e Mass In = Mass Out + Mass Stored Raw Materials = Products + Wastes + Stored Materials. Mr. = ΣmP + ΣmW + ΣmS (where Σ (sigma) denotes the sum of all terms). ΣmR = ΣmR1 + ΣmR2 + ΣmR3 = Total Raw Materials ΣmP = Σmp1 + ΣmP2 + ΣmP3 = Total Products. ΣmW= SmW1 + S mW2 + SmW3 = Total Waste Products ΣmS = ΣmS1 + ΣmS2 + ΣmS3 = Total Stored Products. If no chemical changes are occurring in the plant, the law of conservation of mass will apply also to each component, so that for component A: MA in entering materials = mA in the exit materials + mA stored in the plant. For example, in a plant that is producing sugar, if the total quantity of sugar going into the plant is not equaled by the total of the purified sugar and the sugar in the waste liquors, then there is something wrong. Sugar is either being burned (chemically changed) or accumulating in the plant or else it is going unnoticed down the drain somewhere. In this case: MA = (map + mAW + mAU) Where mAU is the unknown loss and needs to be identified. So the material balance is now: Raw Materials = Products + Waste Products + Stored Products + Losses where Losses are the unidentified materials. Just as mass is conserved, so is energy conserved in food-processing operations. The energy coming into a unit operation can be balanced with the energy coming out and the energy stored. Energy In = Energy Out + Energy Stored ΣER = ΣEP + ΣEW + ΣEL + ΣES Where ΣER = ER1 + ER2 + ER3 + ……. = Total Energy Entering ΣEp = EP1 + EP2 + EP3 + ……. = Total Energy Leaving with Products ΣEW = EW1 + EW2 + EW3 + … = Total Energy Leaving with Waste Materials ΣEL = EL1 + EL2 + EL3 + ……. = Total Energy Lost to Surroundings ΣES = ES1 + ES2 + ES3 + ……. = Total Energy Stored 20 | P a g e MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCE Energy balances are often complicated because forms of energy can be interconverted, for example, mechanical energy to heat energy, but overall the quantities must balance. The material balances are required to be developed at various levels. Overall material balance: this involves the input and output streams for the complete plant. Section-wise material balances: this involves material and energy balances to be made for each section/ department/ cost center. This would help to prioritize focus areas for efficiency improvement. Equipment-wise material balances: material balances, for key equipment would help assess performance, which would in turn help identify and quantify energy and material avoidable losses. BOILER HEAT BALANCE Boiler performance parameters such as efficiency and evaporation ratio decrease with time due to poor combustion, surface fouling of heat transfer, poor operation, and bad maintenance. Even for a new boiler, reasons such as poor fuel quality and water quality can lead to poor performance of the boiler. Boiler heat balance can help in identifying heat loss that can or cannot be avoided. Boiler efficiency tests can help in finding the deviation efficiency of the best boiler efficiency and target the problem areas for corrective action. The process of combustion in the boiler can be described in terms of a flow energy diagram. This diagram illustrates graphically how the incoming energy from the fuel is converted into useful flow energy and the flow of heat and energy loss. The thick arrow indicates the amount of energy contained in each stream. Figure 1: Diagram of Boiler Energy Balance 21 | P a g e Boiler heat balance is a balance of the total incoming energy to the boiler and that leaves the boiler in a different form. The following figure provides a range of losses that occurred for steam generation UNIT OPERATIONS AND UNIT PROCESS UNIT OPERATION Is a basic step in a process that involves physical change during the process like separation, filtration, and evaporation. (Rathoure et al., 2019) UNIT PROCESS Is a process in the chemical changes that takes place to the material present in a reaction. EXAMPLES OF UNIT PROCESSES Sulphonation Nitration Oxidation Halogenation, etc. CLASSIFICATIONS OF UNIT OPERATIONS There are four classifications of unit operations; Material handling, transportation, or fluid flow process These involve; pumping, compression, and fluidization. MECHANICAL UNIT OPERATION These involve; size reduction, agitation, blending, etc. 22 | P a g e MASS TRANSFER PROCESSES These involve; evaporation, distillation, absorption, leaching, etc. HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS These involve; conduction, convection, radiation, etc. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN UNIT OPERATIONS AND UNIT PROCESSES. Unit operations Unit processes Processes in which physical changes and not chemical changes e.g. distillation, mixing. Chemical changes take place only e.g. decomposition, burning, etc. REFERENCES Fournel, S., Palacios, J. H., Morissette, R., Villeneuve, J., Godbout, S., Heitz, M., & Savoie, P. (2015). Influence of biomass properties on the technical and environmental performance of a multi-fuel boiler during on-farm combustion of energy crops. Applied Energy, 141, 247– 259. Frounfelker, R., & Hausfeld, B. A. (1983). Survey of Foreign Systems for Incineration and Energy Recovery. SYSTECH CORP XENIA OH. Hasanuzzaman, M., Rahim, N. 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