Unit 3 MedTerm Assignment (Chap 9-11) PART 1: MATCHING WORDS Write the correct answer in the middle column Definition Answer Possible Answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Movement, motion Hernia, swelling Fibrous connective tissue Fascia Condition, state of Tone, tension, stretching Tendon Rupture Muscle Coordination Kinesi/o -cele Fibr/o Fasci/o -ia Ton/o Tend/o -rrhexis My/o Tax/o -cele fasci/o fibr/o -ia kinesi/o my/o -rrhexis tax/o tend/o ton/o 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Cross-wise Ring-like Slanted at an angle Straight Toward the side Brain Bruise Shaken together Sound To walk Transverse Sphincter Oblique Rectus Lateralis Encephal/o Contus/o Concuss/o Ech/o Ambul/o lateralis oblique rectus sphincter transverse ambul/o concuss/o contus/o ech/o encephal/o 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Brain covering Sensation, feeling Spinal cord To steal Head Abnormal fear Mind Nerve Sleep Stupor Mening/o -esthesia Myel/o Klept/o Cephal/o Phobia Psych/o Neur/o Somn/o Nare/o -esthesia Cephal/o Klept/o Mening/o Myel/o Nare/o Neur/o Phobia Psych/o Somn/o 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Connects the brain and spinal cord Uppermost layer of the brain Most protected brain part Coordinates muscular activity Controls vital body functions Brainstem Cerebrum Medulla Cerebellum Hypothalamus Cerebellum Cerebrum Hypothalamus Medulla Brainstem PART 2: Word Building Terms: poly-itis -oma encephal/o myel/o -pathy -algia -malacia mening/o -neur/o 36. The term meaning pain in a nerve or nerves is 37. The term meaning abnormal softening of the meninges is known as 38. The term used to describe benign neoplasms made up of neurons and nerve fibers is a/an 39. The term meaning an degenerative disease of the brain is 40. The term meaning an inflammation affecting many nerves is 41. The term meaning abnormal softening of nerve tissue is known as 42. The term meaning inflammation of the meninges and the brain is 43. The term meaning any pathological condition of the spinal cord is Neuralgia Meningomalacia Neuroma Encephalopathy Polyneuritis Neuromalacia Meningitis Myelopathy Terms: polyherni/o -algia -itis -card/o My/o -desis -necrosis Fasci/o Sphincter/o -ectomy -otomy -pathy -rrphapy 44. The term meaning any abnormal condition of the skeletal muscle is Myopathy Polymyalgia 45. The term meaning pain in several muscle groups is Myonecrosis 46. The term meaning the death of individual muscle fibers is Fasciorraphy 47. The term meaning the surgical suturing of torn fascia is Myotomy 48. The term meaning surgical incision into a muscle is a/an Fasciodesis 49. The term meaning a suturing fascia to a skeletal attachment is Myocarditis 50. The term meaning inflammation of the muscle of the heart is Fasciectomy 51. The term meaning the surgical removal of fascia is a/an Herniorrhaphy 52. The term meaning the surgical suturing of a defect in a muscular wall, such as the repair of a hernia is a/an Sphincterotomy 53. The term meaning an incision into a sphincter muscle is a/an