4 Introduction General Management role in a firm can be termed as a “Jack of All Trades,” i.e., an individual in this role needs to be aware of each business operation or function present in the organization in which they are working. A general manager needs to have an in-depth knowledge of business functions and an end-to-end view of how the business operates. As a general manager possesses a multidisciplinary approach towards management, he/she also becomes a likely candidate to lead the organization towards its growth. This leadership role entails that a general manager needs to have a strategic view of the organization rather than just looking at one aspect of the business operations. General Management Internship roles are of similar fashion. These internships allow students to work in some of the biggest companies or conglomerates of the corporate world. Internship roles in these companies can be of various domains such as Marketing, Strategy, Finance, Operations, Product Management, etc. The general management role also entails the following benefits for the students – • Develop skills and enhance knowledge across multiple domains • Provides a fast track towards leadership roles in these organizations • Chance to engage with senior leaders of the companies • Experience the working of multifunctional teams in proximity General Management also allows an individual to explore different facets of the organization, which helps the individual realize if they are a good fit for the organization as well. Tata Administrative Services, Aditya Birla Group, Mahindra, CK Birla Group, and Reliance Industries Limited are some of the organizations that come under the purview of the General Management firms at large. 5 Selection Process The Selection process for a General Management Internship role is carried out in the following manner: Application Submission: The application is submitted by applying for the firm on the placement portal when the firm opens its application. You can choose any of your CV variants to apply for the firm. A google form may or may not be accompanied by a google form asking for preference if the firm is offering more than one role to the candidates. HRQ & Form Submission: Once the application is submitted, a firm might ask the candidate to fill a separate form, which could be a google form or a form on the firm’s website where the candidate has to answer HRQs, and some fill some personal details. A firm may also ask the candidate to attempt a psychometric test, which is generally used to measure if the candidate will be a good fit in the firm. In some cases, a firm may also ask a candidate to attempt a gamified assessment, where the candidate has to play some games on a downloadable app or an online platform used by the firm. The placement committee shares all the information regarding this step on their portal. CV Shortlisting: Once the previous steps are complete, then the CV shortlisting stage starts where the firm selects which candidates they want to take to the next round. The firm takes the decision, and the shortlisted students are communicated the same by the placement committee through the placement portal. 6 Group Discussion: The shortlisted candidates are eligible for the Group Discussion on the GD day. Two types of GD are conducted in the case of the General Management internship selection process. • Case-based GD: In the case-based GD, a single case of around 400-600 words is shared with each of the candidates. The candidates are given around 3-5 minutes to read the case and ready their arguments and thought processes. The discussion usually goes on for around 25-30 minutes. The subject of the case may be related to any of the corporate functions of the firm, such as Marketing, Strategy, etc. or can also be related to Ethical Behaviour. There can be two types of GD conductors/mediators from the firms – either they take a backseat and observe the whole GD among the candidates, or they might participate actively in the GD as well. • Chairman GD: For Chairman GD, the whole format is quite different from a normal GD. A Chairman GD consists of 8 rounds. For each round, one candidate takes up the role of the Chairman while others become the Board members. The cases in Chairman GD are mostly related to ethical problems. Chairman GD has only eight participants at a time; hence, at the end of the 8th round, every candidate gets to be the Chairman once. Round Round 1 2 and so on… In each round, the Chairman is given a case of around 80-100 words and has to read the case. The Chairman is given a minute to explain the case to the Board and then conduct the discussion for 6 minutes. At the end of the 6th minute, the Chairman is asked to conclude the discussion in one minute. Due to the different format, Chairman GD also has a different marking scheme for each participant. 7 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts 1 min 6 min 1 min The Chairman is marked out of 30 (bifurcation of 30 points is shown above) while the Board members are marked out of 10. Hence, at the end of the 8th round, each participant is marked out of a total of 100 points. Personal Interview: The candidates who clear the GD Round are eligible for the Personal Interview that is usually held the next day of the GD Day. The placement committee shares the communication regarding the same. Questions in the Interview round are mainly focused around HRQs, candidate’s CV, knowledge of different corporate functions of the firm, and work experience if any. 8 HRQs 9 General Guidelines for HRQS For General Management interviews and application forms, HRQs are highly important. They can form the basis for the following reasons primarily: ● Assessing Candidate value fits with the organization, which is used for shortlisting candidates for GDs and Interviews. ● Recruiters will want to look at consistency in your behaviour and also your level of self-improvement through the responses ● Form the basis for the interview, with questions often being directly based on the HRQs, and the candidates often grilled based on their answers to the questions. It can thus help you drive the interviews instead of the interviewer doing so. ● A chance for the candidate to show different aspects of his/her personality to the company. So here are some general guidelines on writing the HRQs: ● Have a set of answers for template HRQs ready before the applications start. This becomes invaluable when you will have multiple company applications to fill in a short duration of time. ● Having HRQs 'ready' doesn't just mean that you have them written in a word doc. It means having thought through the answers in-depth and having gotten them reviewed by PGP2s at least once. Writing HRQs is a very iterative process, and you will go through multiple versions of your answers before coming to the final ones. ● You should remember the answers which you have written for each question in the company form. The interviewer might ask you about your responses, and you should not be in a position wherein you have forgotten what you had written. ● When filling the HRQs for companies, research the values that the companies advocate. This will help you tailor your answers to each company. ● While filling the HRQs for different companies, look at the company's role and the skills required for the position. The responses should showcase those scenarios which utilize the skills reflected in the job description ● Have multiple incidents as a backup to your answers. While it is perfectly alright to extract multiple dimensions from a single case, to avoid a feeling of repetitiveness, have a diverse range of cases and incidents ready. ● Try to have situations/instances that would not be common for the batch like those related to CAT preparation and likewise. ● Be as genuine and truthful as possible for the answers since you will be often grilled on your answers during the interviews. Do not lie or create fictional events to answer the questions. ● Utilize the HRQs as an opportunity to showcase that you can adapt yourself, and you can grow. ● Make sure that your answers do not contradict each other. Once you have written your answers, reread them to remove instances of values which are not aligned. ● Use the STAR framework / COIN framework to weave your story and answers in a crisp manner. ● Ensure all answers are short and to the point as during the interview longer answers can get boring and will cause the interviewer to lose focus. ● Ensure good grammar and punctuation while submitting HRQ’s for different companies. Use Grammarly Premium for the same. 10 Useful frameworks for answering HRQ’s STAR framework COIN framework PARADE framework 11 General HRQS Question 1 Give a candid description of yourself, describing the major transition points and factors that have influenced your personal development. Give examples wherever necessary. Guidelines ● The idea is to NOT to jot down your CV points but talk briefly about your background (personal and academic) ● Be specific about transition points: Can mention experiences/incidences that led to changes/improvement in your perspective- Can use the STAR approach or PARADE method (check Victor Cheng) to write the same. ● Mention briefly the impact of the transition points in shaping your career / the person who you are. Question 2 What do you think are your major strengths? How would these strengths help you in your professional life? Guidelines ● Can mention 2-3 strengths with genuine examples showcasing these strengths. There is no bar on the number of strengths you can write, but writing 2-3 gives you ample space to talk about each one of them. ● Do not forget to connect with your professional life but also do not try to force-fit. ● Be clear in what you are writing so that the one reading understands it easily. Question 3 Mention 3 personal improvement areas for you. Why do you think these as improvement areas? How do you plan to improve them during your studies here? Guidelines ● Be genuine for this answer. Do not try to create a weakness/ improvement area. ● Do not list out your strengths as your improvement areas. ● Write the improvement areas which you can work upon. (Don't describe personality flaws) ● AVOID o Cliches- 'I am a perfectionist.' o Naive answers like- 'I am not a team player- strict NO for MBA grad- even if true'; ● Mention a clear plan for each of the improvement areas for the next two years. 12 Question 4 Identify one weakness that you have worked upon in the last one year. What did you do to improve yourself in this area? Do you think you have achieved your objective? What makes you think so? Guidelines ● The question has three parts. Hence, it should have an answer to all three questions. ● Mention the plan you followed and share how much of it you were able to achieve. ● Avoid saying you have wholly achieved your objectives. Say something like you are going in the right direction and are still willing to learn a lot. ● Give one example of a task in which you achieved the objective and further elaborate its learnings and how you think that could be applied in the future (for a bigger goal). Question 5 Mention the three most important values that you live by. Why are these values important for you? Guidelines ● It would be great if you can relate these values with the ones that are followed by the company. ● Give genuine examples of events (personal or professional) that showcase these values. Question 6 What do you consider to be your most significant professional/academic achievements, and why? Guidelines ● Easier to answer - Be very specific about achievement and how it trumps over your other achievements. ● Can talk about: o The preparation processes o The positive reinforcement for future goals ● Do NOT gloat- the idea is to stay grounded and simple in the overall tone of the answer Question 7 Think about the different functional division(s) viz. Marketing, Finance, Operations, Consulting, HR, Strategy, etc. Which are the ones you are keen on pursuing? What qualities/ experiences/ information have shaped this decision? Guidelines ● Select a couple of domains of your choice 13 ● Talk about previous experiences & extracurriculars ● In case there are no relevant extracurriculars, do not try to force-fit the answer by creating a false story ● Better to simply relate recent MBA experience - class discussions, communication with seniors, or the information you gained through reading materials or speaker sessions. ● Qualities: Talk about soft skills/hard skills that you feel are needed for the job ● Talk about the soft skills/hard skills you possess ● Can also talk about the soft-skills/hard skills not yet developed but the ones you plan to develop over the 2-year MBA/maybe in a slightly longer-term Question 8 Reflecting on the previous question, what extra information/ direction would you need to choose a particular career path? Guidelines ● Extra information could be by exploring in summers (if given a chance) ● Leveraging IIMA alumni network to talk to alums currently working across different domains ● Relevant live projects / electives or courses relevant to the stream. ● Professors at IIMA with prior experience or exposure to industry experts Question 9 What are your long term (5-10 years) and short term (1-2 year) goals in life? [Please keep it short and crisp] Guidelines ● Answer the question in two-part as mentioned - short term & long term ● The answer for the short term should be described descriptively and more clearly. The next 1-2 years plan should be clear in your mind. ● The long term's answer can be a little vague, but it should give a general view of where you see yourself after that much time. ● There should be a connection between your short term and long term, i.e., it should be easily seen that your short-term plan would lead to a long-term goal. ● If you are mentioning professional and personal goals clearly bifurcate both and mention personal goals at the end. Question 10 How does an MBA fit in with your goals? What do you wish to gain out of the PGP/ PGP – FABM program? Guidelines ● Make this answer role/company specific. E.g., If you are applying/targeting a marketing role, say that the MBA has given you a firsthand experience of understanding customer 14 needs and developing solutions catering towards that. ● Give an example of a course learning which could be relevant to the company/role you are applying for Question 11 Please describe your extracurricular interests in brief. List down some of the achievements during recent years in the same areas? Guidelines ● Try to give a mix of extroverted and introverted activities on a slightly extroverted side. (Playing football along with reading novels, etc.) ● Companies are trying to gauge whether you are a team player and leader. Question 12 Describe a situation where you initiated a new idea or approach and implemented it. How did you go about doing it? Guidelines ● The STAR (Situation-Task-Action-Result) methodology works here in a nice way. ● Highlight thoroughly the process followed by you to initiate ad implement the idea.. ● Students with work-ex should answer from their professional experience while freshers can think of examples from their college or school life or internships. Question 13 Sometimes, we may find a group of people disagreeing with our beliefs/point of view. Give us an instance where you had to convince a group of people on your point of view? Guidelines ● User STAR methodology. It makes it easier to write the answer. ● Be careful. Do not say that the group of people disagreeing with you was wrong. You have to maintain that they had different views than yours. ● Highlight thoroughly the process followed by you to change the thought process of the group of people who disagree with you in that situation. ● You can showcase the values that are considered important by the firm. Question 14 What makes a leader? Give an incident in life where you showed leadership skills. Describe an incident where you succeeded (or failed) as a leader. What did you learn from it? 15 Guidelines ● This question has multiple parts. Answer all parts of the question ● If you have work experience, try to give an example related to it. If not, then think of examples of college societies or any other leadership experience you have had. ● Give an example as recent as possible. ● Use the STAR approach for your example (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) Question 15 Very often, the complexity of the task on hand gets the best out of us. Think of such an instance where you feel you stretched yourself to solve such a problem. How did you approach the problem? What were your key learnings from the situation? If given another crack at it, how differently would you go about solving it? Guidelines ● ● ● ● ● This question has multiple parts. Answer all parts of the question DO NOT mention the first week/month of IIMA/ CAT prep- too cliched Use STAR methodology. It makes it easier to write the answer. Can think of instances from work experience/internship experience Can also talk about any unsuccessful attempts to accomplish something and the lessons learnt ● The idea is to gauge: o The ability to respond under pressure o The ability to handle and learn from failures Question 16 Do you think that your academic results are a true reflection of your academic abilities? Please, elaborate. Guidelines ● Give a measured answer. E.g., say it partially reflects but not completely ● Elaborate with an example which in the past showed your ability to solve a practical problem. ● It can also mention the part played by academic results in building your abilities. Question 17 Write a paragraph on each of the following. A. Pursued an idea or business goal to a conclusion. Guidelines ● Use STAR methodology ● Any situation/initiative taken in your work-ex/internship. ● Explain in detail how you motivated the team. 16 ● Quantify end result. B. Inspired people to achieve a goal. Guidelines ● ● ● ● How the situation was tough to achieve the goal Importance of that task for your organization What incentives you used for motivating people Highlight the end result Question 18 What are your expectations from a summer internship program? Guidelines ● Please prepare different answers for different fields - Marketing, Finance, Operations, Consulting, HR, Strategy ● Think of what you would like to learn from the internship. E.g., how theoretical knowledge is applied in practical problems, how to build qualities you already have or would like to learn, etc. Question 19 At times, many of us are caught in a moral conflict situation, where we have to choose between two seemingly right alternatives. Give us one situation when you faced this conflict. How did you resolve it? Guidelines ● Use the STAR approach to answer the question. ● Share the effects/repercussions of both the alternatives. ● Do give the reasoning behind the choice of the alternative that you took in the end. Also mention, were the results the same as you thought while making the decisions. Question 20 Describe a time when you delivered significant results. Include details of the context, the action you took, and the results that were achieved. Guidelines ● Use the STAR approach to frame the answer. ● Write an example from your work experience/internships/college experience, demonstrating your strengths and qualities. ● Be genuine and do not build a false story. 17 Question 21 Provide an example when you approached your work with a mindset of having limited resources or time. Please include details of the context, the action you took, and the results that were achieved. Guidelines ● Try to use an example of work-ex, if not, then the latest internship. ● Quantify your results ● Use the STAR approach for structuring your answer Question 22 Describe a time when you responded to constructive criticism. Guidelines ● ● ● ● Try to give an example of work-ex/internship related experience Use the STAR approach. Also, describe the changes you did in work working style after that feedback Also, add the results that the changes had on you professionally. Question 23 Please write about one incident of your life that has been of extreme significance to you (100150 words) ● You can mention a professional or personal experience if you think it was of extreme significance. ● Be genuine with your answer because that is what will make your solution unique. It is very seldom that genuine answers match. ● The incident's impact should be quite considerable, e.g., it changed the way you think, etc. Question 24 Successful leaders have a clear sense of purpose. What is your Statement of Purpose? (200250 words) ● Keep the answer in chronological order & do not mention any false stories, be genuine. ● Can use examples or instances which led to your purpose. ● Also, mention how you planned to reach your purpose and the results you hope to gain from them. Question 25 Describe one decision you took in the past that given the current situation, you will take 18 differently and why? (200-250 words) ● You can mention a professional or personal experience that was of extreme significance ● Highlight the growth/ changes that have occurred that will now help you make a different decision ● Also, mention how this could impact in shaping your future in a certain way. Question 26 Describe a little about your family and how they influenced who you are today ? (200-250 words) ● Do not focus on stating facts about your family. Keep it brief. ● Identify positive factors / strengths of different members in your immediate family ● Also, mention how this has shaped you and the way you approach situations. Question 27 Tell us something that is not in your resume? (200-250 words) ● Do not state too many generic / cliched facts about yourself. Eg: I am a team player. ● Use this to highlight a specific talent / hobby / achievement that you did not get an opportunity to express in the interview. ● Include significant achievements related to the same. 19 Company specific HRQS Tata Administrative Services 1. Describe a situation where you achieved something significant after overcoming obstacles (200-250 words) ● Use the STAR approach for framing answers. ● Explain the obstacle that was present and why it acted as an obstacle. ● Mention alternatives & which alternatives you chose and why. 2. Describe a situation where you initiated a new idea or approach and implemented it. How did you go about it? (200-250 words) ● See Question 10. 3. Describe a situation where you had to persuade others to achieve a goal after overcoming resistance. How did you go about doing it? (200-250 words) ● See Question 11. 4. Successful leaders have a clear sense of purpose. What is your Statement of Purpose? (200250 words) ● Keep the answer in chronological order & do not mention any false stories, be genuine. ● Can use examples or instances which led to your purpose. ● Also, mention how you planned to reach your purpose and the results you hope to gain from them. 5. What do you propose to do in your career in the short and long term? (200-250 words) ● See Question 8 Mahindra Group 1. Please list a few bullet points that strengthen your case for the Sector & Function you have applied for (3-5 bullet points) ● ● ● ● Be genuine Try to relate your past work-ex with the function Course you are learning at IIMA which sparked your interest in the function Overview of how that role will help you advance your career in Mahindra (Talk with people who interned in Mahindra to get this answer right) 2. Briefly describe a situation(s) from your life where you demonstrated any or all of the following Achieved results against odds [OR] Pursued an idea or business goal to conclusion [OR] Inspired people to achieve a goal (150-200 words) ● Past work-ex/ internship experience 20 ● STAR approach for structure ● Quantification of result ● What incentives you used to motivate your team RPG Group 1. Please write about one incident of your life that has been of extreme significance to you (100-150 words) ● You can mention a professional or personal experience if you think it was of extreme significance. ● Be genuine with your answer because that is what will make your solution unique. It is very seldom that genuine answers match. ● The incident's impact should be quite considerable, e.g., it changed the way you think, etc. 2. Have you ever been faced with a morally conflicting situation? Please describe the situation, your experience, and what you did. (100-150 words) ● See Question 17. 3. Describe some of your successes and failures. (100-150 words) ● Writing successes is easier, but take care while writing your failures ● Write the failures in the sense that you learned a lot from them. Mention what you learned. 4. What makes you happy? (100-150 words) ● Very generic question. Write something that comes to your mind, instinctively. ● Be genuine about the answer because if you try to force something, it might be difficult to recall if the same question is asked in the interview. 21 22 Adani Introduction Adani group is an Indian multinational conglomerate headquartered in Ahmedabad. Founded in 1988 as a commodity trading business, with the flagship company Adani Enterprises Limited (previously Adani Exports Limited), AEL grew into a diverse businesses empire which includes port management, electric power generation and transmission, renewable energy, mining, airport operations, natural gas, food processing infrastructure. The group operations at 70 locations in 50 countries. In April 2021, Adani Group became the third Indian conglomerate to cross $100 billion in market capitalization. Founders and History Mr. Gautam Adani started his business venture as a trading firm in 1988 for import-export of multi basket commodities with initial paid-up capital of Rs 5 lacs. They gradually acquired construction rights to develop deep ports in Mundra (Gujarat) in 1995. By 1998, Adani became the largest foreign exchange earner for India. In the next phase Adani grp diversified into edible oil making as Adani Wilmar brand. By 2006, the company was the largest importer of coal in India at 14 mmtpa. By 2009, the company commissioned a 330 MW plant and acquired mining rights in Indonesia, Orissa, Australia. Adani group also purchased operating rights at critical business hubs like Dahej (in Gujarat) for imports of petrochemicals, Abbott port in Australia to supplement container transport of mining excavation from Galielle mine in Australia. Gradually Adani Ports and SEZ Ltd (ASPEZ) with a combined capacity of 100Mt, diversified via JV acquisition of Dhamra port on east coast for $1Bn. In 2017 Adani grp acquired power arm of reliance industries for USD 3 Bn and set up India’s largest solar park (10000 MW) via 50:50 JV with Govt of Rajasthan. By August 2020, Adani group entered into aviation by acquiring a majority stake in Navi Mumbai airport from debt ridden GVK group. Through a concession agreement with AAI, Adani group has 7 airports on 50 yr lease. Key Officials Name Gautam Adani Priti Adani Rajesh Adani Karan Adani Anil Sardana Vineet S Jain Ben Zandi Suresh Manglani Gaurav Gupta Jugeshinder Singh Pranav Vora Ramesh Nair Angush Mallick Designation Chairman and Founder Chairperson, Adani Foundation Managing Director CEO, Adani Ports & SEZ Ltd MD & CEO, Adani Transmission Ltd- Thermal Power MD & CEO, Adani Green Energy Ltd CEO Airports, Adani Entreprises Ltd CEO, Adani Gas Ltd CEO, Adani Capital Group CFO CEO Shipping CEO, Solar Manufacturing CEO, Adani Wilmar Ltd 23 Mission, Vision and Values Vision: "To be a world-class leader in businesses that enrich lives and contribute to nations in building infrastructure through sustainable value creation." Values: 1. Commitment: "We shall stand by our promises and adhere to high standards of business." 2. Courage: "We shall embrace new ideas and businesses. Trust We shall believe in our employees and other stakeholders". 3. Trust: "We shall believe in our employees and other stakeholders." Business Overview Natural Resources: Mining capacity of 9 coal blocks at max 100 Mn tones pa. Key locations include MP, Chhattisgarh, Orissa. They also have a 16 Mn tone pa iron ore mine as well. Parsa East Kente Basin (PKEB) is the only open cast coal mine operational since 2013 with a capacity of 15 Mmtpa. (Total 78.7 Mmtpa) Solar Manufacturing: 24 It is largest vertically integrated solar photovoltaics manufacturer in India. The largest SEZ plant is located in Mundra Gujarat. (Total solar volume 990 MW) Defense & Aerospace: Adani is a global partner with global firms like Airbus, SAAB, Elbit and has 443 Cr of MSME investments till now. IT is the sole manufacturer of Hermes 900 carbon aerostructure drones in India. Adani Wilmar: JV between Adani group and Wilmar Intl. from Singapore. Started off with edible oils and later ventured into food and Agri business like packaged rice, pulses, flour and packaged brand foods like Fortune, Kings, Avsar, Aadhar etc. With 5000 Distributors, Adani group has 1.5 Mn outlets in India. Fortune brand has 20% Mkt share. Airports: Operates India’s key six international airports with combined capacity of 30 Mn passengers. It has won bids for Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Mangaluru, Jaipur, Guwahati & Thiruvananthapuram. Transportation- Road, Metro & Rail: Adani group (AEL) is the first investor cum developer of private rail in India. For road AEL is working on the BOT, TOT & HAM model. For metro, AEL is targeting metro-rail, monorail & Light rail. For railways focus is on EPC projects. Currently, AEL has 8 projects in India. Water: 25 AEL has 72 MLD sewage treatment plants in 3 locations. It also operates rehabilitation of 6 Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) with 254 MLD capacity. All plants operate on PPP/ HybridAnnuity/EPC model. Recent Mergers & Acquisitions ● Adani Airport acquires management control of Mumbai International Airport (Read more). ● Adani Groups listed entities crossed $100-bn m-cap in first week of FY22 (Read more) o Adani Green achieves renewables target of 25 giga watts a full four years ahead of schedule. o Adani Ports container segment market share grew to 41%. (Read more) ● (Adani stocks lose 21 Bn in Mkt valuation within 3 days). Malicious attempt to push patently false story: Adani Group (Read more) ● Adani Group stocks tumble, 3 hit lower circuit limits (Read more) ● Adani Group achieves 25 GW renewable capacity target in May; 4 yrs ahead of schedule: Chairman. (Read more) ● Adani Group plans to raise $500 by listing its airports through an IPO. (Read more). Major CSR Activities and Social Work Adani Foundation. The Adani Group invests about 2% of its total profit in various social initiatives through its CSR arm, Adani Foundation. The foundation has made a difference in more than 3.2 million lives in 2250 villages across 15 states through its work in Education, Community Health, Community Infrastructure Development, and Sustainable Livelihood Development. Adani Vidya Mandirs: Adani Vidya Mandirs provide completely free high-quality education, along with free transportation, uniforms, books, and nutritious food to meritorious students who come from economically weaker sections of the society. Adani GAIMS: It is the first Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) endeavor between the Government of Gujarat and Adani Education & Research Foundation. G. K. General Hospital (GKGH) provides treatment to all classes of patients, particularly the poorest of poor patients. On average, 1700 patients take medical benefits from the hospital every day. Udaan: Under this project, exposure tours are organized, wherein school students are given a chance to visit the Adani Group facilities. A total of 5261 visits have been conducted in ten years, and around 348831 young students have so far seen our facilities across all locations. Swachhagraha: It took the Swaccha Bharat Abhiyaan a step further by promoting civic consciousness among citizens through youth leaders. Following the behavior change education pedagogy, wherein the students go through 'Explore, Discover, Think, Act and Share', the Programme creates 26 student leaders who influence the people around them, invoking a large collective conscience to take small actions. Key Financials Consolidated Financials (in Cr) Revenue EBITDA PAT Mkt Cap Adani Transmission 2020-21 2019-20 Adani Enterprises 2020-21 2019-20 Adani ports & SEZ 2020-21 2019-20 9926 354 256 125490 40290 1395 746 115698 14519 10671 5063 172884 11415 1259 463 43049 44086 1155 798 17072 13734 7800 3788 71689 27 RPG Group Introduction The Rama Prasad Goenka (RPG) Group was established in 1979 and over 4 decades it has emerged into a diverse conglomerate of 15 companies with interests in the areas of infrastructure, tyre, information technology, pharmaceuticals, energy & plantations. Some notable firms under the banner of RPG group are Zensar technologies, CEAT, KEC international, RPG Life Sciences, Raychem RPG & Harrisons Malayalam. The roots of firm go back to 1820 when it was founded by Ramdutt Goenka in Calcutta, and initially comprised the Phillips Carbon Black, Asian Cables, Agarpara Jute, and Murphy India companies. R. P. Goenka held the title of Chairman Emeritus until his death in 2013. The present chairman is Harsh Goenka, the elder son of R. P. Goenka. Founders and History The 1980's saw further acquisitions by the RPG group, the first being CEAT Tyres of India in 1981. The group then went on to acquire KEC (1982), Searle India, now RPG Life Sciences (1983), Dunlop (1984), Gramophone Company of India Ltd, now Saregama India (1986) and finally CESC, Harrisons Malayalam, Spencer & Co. and ICIM (1989). In the year 2010, the group businesses were divided between Rama Prasad Goenka's sons, Harsh and Sanjiv. Harsh Goenka leads the Mumbai head-quartered RPG Enterprises (also known as RPG Group), which consists of over fifteen companies across core sectors of the economy, with a turnover of US ~$4 billion. Key Officials Name Mr. Yugal Sikri Mr. Harsh. V Goenka Mr. Ramanathan Varadarajan Mr. Pramod Menon Mr. Vimal Kejriwal Mr. Anant Goenka Mr. Ajay S Bhutoria Designation Managing Director Chairman Chief Operating Officer Group CFO MD & CEO, KEC International MD, CEAT Tyres Ltd CEO & MD, Zensar Technologies 28 Mission, Vision and Values Vision • UNLEASHTALENT: Enabling environment for people to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit and realize their full potential. • TOUCHLIVES: To understand, care and make a meaningful difference to customers, employees, society, and all stakeholders. • OUTPERFORM: Sustained and clear outperformance relative to all our competitors and industry on financial and non-financial metrics that matter. • BE HAPPY: To have fun by creating a high-energy environment with a keen sense of belonging and smiling faces everywhere. Values (Putting Ethics First) Integrity 🡪 Respect 🡪 Openness 🡪 Courage 🡪 Passion. Business Overview Industry Tyres Companies CEAT IT Zensar Technologies Infrastructure KEC Intl. SAE Towers Details Produces 165 Mn tires/pa for 2-wheeler, LCV,4-wheeler, trucks, buses & Agrivehicles. With annual revenue of 6700+ Cr, CEAT has production capacity of 800 tons per day in last 97 Yrs, CEAT has expanded operations into 130 countries globally. Zensar is a digital solutions & technology services company that specializes in cloud transformation, data analytics, digital foundation & applications. Locations Key Competitors 9 Manufacturing MRF plants across Apollo Tyres India, SriJK Tyres Lanka, Bangladesh UST Global Infosys, 42 Wipro, development Tech centres in 17 Mahindra, countries TIVIT, Zensar serves clients in HCL Banking & Financial Technologies Services, Hi Tech manufacturing, Insurance & Retail services. KEC is manufacturer India, SAARC, Kalpatru of India’s 2nd largest AMEA, EAP Power 29 transmission power towers & is one of largest Power transmission (EPC) Engineering, Procurement and Construction companies. It has operations in in solar, railways, civil & cable industries with annual revenue of 11000 + Cr. Pharma Market leader in immune suppressants, it operates in the domestic and international markets RPG Life in the Branded Sciences Formulations, Global Generics, and Synthetic APIs space and also produces medicines Energy Raychem RPG Plantations Harrisons Malayalam JV between TE connectivity USA & RPG Enterprises, It currently operates in process improvement of energy, Oil & Gas and power transmission solutions. Produces Natural Rubber and Tea, Ecofriendly initiatives like Rain Forest Alliance and Trustee Certifications, 60% Women Employees Transmission Ltd. Ducab, LS Cables. Prysmian Ankleshwar, Gujarat (2 formulations facilities) and API plant in Navi Mumbai Chakan, Pune Vasai, Mumbai Halol, Gujarat SUN Pharma, Dr Reddys, Divis Labs, Alembic Pharma ERMCO, BERMAD, Servomax, Uniross, Adani, Tata power 20 Estates in AVT, Kerala, Thomson Karnataka & Rubbers TN Recent Mergers & Acquisitions Zensar acquires M3Bi in eastern Europe for $33 Mn. (Read more) 30 Major CSR Activities and Social Work RPG’s social vision is to drive “holistic empowerment” of the communities around the local vicinity of their plants and the industry they operate in, across all geographies. The following are the significant areas where they carry out CSR activities: ● Netranjali (Eye Healthcare): Aims at reducing preventable blindness by organizing camps to help identify and tap early-stage intervention. RPG has screened over 5.5 Lakhs individuals and distributed more than 2 Lakh free spectacles. (Read More) ● Pehlay Akshar (Education): Goal of imparting English language proficiency, both in spoken and reading, to children, thereby enabling them towards future Employability. (Read More) ● Swayam (Women Empowerment): RPG has trained more than 3500 women to take up employment in the Transport & Logistics sector, and more than 3000 women have been trained as healthcare professionals. (Read More) ● Jeevan (Community development): RPG helps in providing Employability through skill training, carries out Health & Rainwater Harvesting initiatives, and offers safe Drinking Water through Water Huts and Water ATMs, either free of cost or at nominal prices. (Read More) ● Covid Outreach: 5.4 Lac meals served; funds worth 7 Cr raised via Milkar. 2 lacs+ masks, 1.25 Lac gloves and 75 testing booths delivered across Maharashtra. (Read more) Key Financials Consolidated Financials are as follows: Particulars Revenue EBITDA PAT 2020-21 (All values in Cr.) 27,080 3,105 1,402 31 Mahindra Group Introduction Founders and History It was established in the year 1945 by the brothers JC Mahindra and KC. Mahindra and Malik Ghulam Muhammad in Ludhiana, Punjab as a steel trading company. It was named Mahindra & Mohammed Ltd. The Company was renamed as Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd in the year 1948. Early pioneers of globalization, the Mahindra brothers collaborated with a wide range of international companies. The steel trading business was commenced in association with suppliers in the UK In the year 1950 the Company commenced the first business with Mitsubishi Corporation. Over the next decades, Mahindra's reach extended beyond steel to transportation, telecom, tractors, and more. 32 Key Officials Name Mr. Anand Mahindra Mr. Anish Shah Mr. Rajesh Jejurikar Mr. CP Gurnani Mr. Ashok Sharma Mr. SP Shukla Mr. L Ravichandran Mr. Manoj Bhat Mr. Kavinder Singh Mr. Ramesh Iyer Designation Executive Chairman Managing Director & CEO Executive Director (Auto & Farm Sectors) Managing Director & CEO, Tech Mahindra President Agri Business, MD & CEO, Mahindra Agri solutions Ltd. Group President, (Defense, Aero & Agri Sector) President & COO, Tech Mahindra Group CFO, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. MD & CEO, Mahindra Holidays, Vice Chairman (Holiday club resorts) Vice-Chairman & MD, Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Mission, Vision and Values Purpose: "We've made humanity's innate desire to Rise our driving purpose. We challenge conventional thinking and innovatively use our resources to drive positive change in the lives of our stakeholders and communities across the world, to enable them to Rise. This purpose is why we exist, come to work every day, and strive continuously in delivering our promise." Values: 1. Professionalism: Seek the most appropriate people for the job and give them freedom and opportunity to grow. 2. Good corporate citizenship: Known for being an ethic centric organization. They believe in doing business with a broader social cause. 3. Customer-first: Follows an internal metric of "Customer as promoter score". The success of the Company is measured by customer satisfaction. 4. Quality focus: Put quality at the forefront, not just in their products but also in their actions and interactions. 5. The dignity of the individual: The cornerstone of their business is their human resource. Business Overview 1. Aerospace: Mahindra Aerospace is an Indian aerospace company, part of the Mahindra Group. It is the first Indian private firm to make smaller civil aircraft for the Indian general aviation market.[4] It is an AS9100 Rev.D certified design organization. The parent Mahindra & Mahindra group acquired a 75.1% majority stake in December 2009 of Australian aircraft manufacturer Gippsland Aeronautics, builder of the Gippsland 33 GA200, Gippsland GA8 Airvan and the Gippsland GA10 Airvan. The company was renamed GippsAero. 2. After Market: Mahindra Aftermarket represents our pioneering efforts to professionalize the car service and pre-owned cars industry. Our range of offerings cover financing and exchange platforms, maintenance and repair and other services to meet nearly every automotive need. Mahindra First Choice Services is India’s largest chain of multi-brand car workshops with over 300 outlets in 270 towns across 25 states. It has a growing network of twowheeler multi-brand servicing workshops with 89 outlets in more than 30 cities. 3. Agri Industry: Involved in the business of seeds, micro irrigation, organic products, and dairy. 4. Automotive It is one of the leading producers of car and SUVs, lightweight commercial vehicles, heavyweight commercial vehicles, and two-wheeled motorcycles 34 Recent Mergers & Acquisitions (2022) ● DigitalOnUs -$120 million ● Eventus Solutions Group -$44 million ● Brainscale Inc. -$28.8 million ● Beris Consulting Gmbh -$ 8.06 million ● Infostar LLC- $105 million ● We Make Websites- $13 million ● Activus Connect -$62 million Recent Innovation & Developments Covid Relief by M&M ● 2,10,000+ people provided with ration, masks, food packets across India. ● Rs 50 Cr donated to PM cares Fund & 7000+ farmers provided tele-advisory on Agripractices during lockdown. 35 Major CSR Activities and Social Work Rise for good is the corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and corporate governance initiatives group of Mahindra Group. They work on initiatives on rejuvenating the planet, making a difference through education, health, and environment changes. Project Nanhi Kali is the flagship CSR project of Mahindra Group and has provided educational support to more than 310,000 underprivileged girls enrolled in government schools from Grades 1-10. Mahindra Pride Schools is a unique 90-day livelihood training Programme for youths from socially and financially disadvantaged communities. It has trained and placed 6,045 students in FY 2020 and has trained 39,280 youth till now. Through Project Hariyali, the Mahindra Group planted over 1.52 million trees in taking the total tally to 17.93 million trees. Employee Social Options (ESOPs) is a long-running Employee Volunteering Programme, in which Mahindra employees channelize their time and skills to address the needs of local communities. In F20, 91,943 ESOPs volunteers from the Mahindra Group contributed 693,305 person-hours for various social initiatives. Key Financials Particulars Revenue Profit Before Taxes PAT Market Cap 2021 (Rupee figure in crore) 45,041 5,123 269 231,324 (Group Market Cap) 36 ABG Introduction An Indian Multinational conglomerate, Aditya Birla Group (ABG), is in the league of Fortune 500 companies. It is a global powerhouse in a wide range of sectors such as metals, pulp & fiber, chemicals, textiles, carbon black, telecom, and cement. Its major companies & brands include Hindalco, Ultratech Cement, Vodafone Idea Ltd., Grasim, Allen Solly, Peter England, Van Heusen, Louis Phillipe, Pantaloons. ABG is headquartered in Worli, Mumbai, Maharastra, and 50% of its revenue flow from overseas operations spanning 36 countries. It has an extraordinary workforce of 1,20,000+ employees belonging to 42 nationalities, including 34000 employees of management cadre and 17% women managers. Founders and History Seth Shiv Narayan Birla founded the company in 1857 at Pilani, Rajasthan, which began with cotton trading operations. Ghanshyam Das Birla took over the reins and set up industries in critical sectors such as textiles and fiber, aluminium, cement, and chemicals. Aditya Vikram Birla then continued and set up ABG's global business empire. Kumar Mangalam Birla is the Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group now. He chairs the Boards of all of the Group's major companies in India and globally. The global companies include Novelis, Birla Carbon, Aditya Birla Minerals, Aditya Birla Chemicals, Domsjö Fabriker and Terrace Bay Pulp Mill. Key officials Name Designation Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla Chairman, Aditya Birla Group Mr. Ajay Srinivasan Chief Executive Officer Mr. Ashok Gupta Group General Counsel & Chief Legal Officer Mr. Dilip Gaur Managing Director Grasim Industries Ltd Mr. Himanshu Kapania Non-Executive Director and Vice Chairman Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited Mr. K. K. Maheshwari Vice Chairman, Business Review Council; Mentor, Trading Business Dr. Santrupt Misra Chief Executive Officer, Birla Carbon Director, Chemicals, Fertilisers & Insulators Director, Group Human Resources Mr. Satish Pai Managing Director Hindalco Industries Limited Mr. Sushil Agarwal Group Chief Financial Officer Mr. K. C. Jhanwar Managing Director, UltraTech Cement Ltd 37 Mission, Vision and Values VISION - "To be premium global conglomerate with a clear focus on each of the business." MISSION STATEMENT - "To deliver superior value to customers, shareholders, employees, and society at large." They are driven by five core values: ● INTEGRITY: Fair and honest decision making and following the highest standards of professionalism. ● COMMITMENT: Delivering value to all stakeholders while being accountable. ● PASSION: An energic, intuitive zeal arising from emotional engagement with the organization and voluntary, relentless, spontaneous pursuit of goals. ● SEAMLESSNESS: Thinking and working together across functional groups, hierarchies, businesses, and geographies and leveraging diverse competencies. ● SPEED: Responding with a sense of urgency, striving to finish before deadlines, and optimizing efficiencies. Culture The ABGLP builds versatile next-generation leaders through structured leadership programs that provide challenging opportunities across the varied businesses of the Group. Launched in 2007, the leadership programs attract some of the best talents from leading business schools in India and across the globe. INTEGRITY: Acting and taking decisions in a manner that is fair and honest. Following the highest standards of professionalism and being recognised for doing so. Integrity for us means not only financial and intellectual integrity but encompasses all other forms as are generally understood. COMMITMENT: On the foundation of integrity, doing all that is needed to deliver value to all stakeholders. In the process, being accountable for our own actions and decisions, those of our team and those on the part of the organisation for which we are responsible. PASSION: An energetic, intuitive zeal that arises from emotional engagement with the organisation that makes work joyful and inspires each one to give his or her best. A voluntary, spontaneous and relentless pursuit of goals and objectives with the highest level of energy and enthusiasm. SEAMLESSNESS: Thinking and working together across functional groups, hierarchies, businesses, and geographies. Leveraging diverse competencies and perspectives to garner the benefits of synergy while promoting organisational unity through sharing and collaborative efforts. SPEED: Responding to internal and external customers with a sense of urgency. Continuously striving to finish before deadlines and choosing the best rhythm to optimise organisational efficiencies Business Overview Industry Companies Details Location Position in Indian Market Competitors 38 Metals Hindalco Novelis Serving core industry sectors like automotive, building and construction, electricals, packaging, etc. 50 manufacturing 1 units across 11 countries Five countries Produces Grey India, UAE, Cement, Cement UltraTech Bahrain, White Cement, and B'desh, Ready-mix Concrete Sri Lanka Partnership between ABG Vodafone and Vodafone group Telecom Across India Idea providing services across 2G, 3G, 4G platforms NBFC with a lending book Financial Aditya Birla of Rs. 447 Billion Across India Services Capital serving end to end financial needs of customers Seven Presence across the manufacturing entire units across value chain from pulp India, to Textiles Grasim China, apparel and a global Thailand, leader in viscose Sweden, staple Canada, fiber Indonesia Combination of Madura F&L and Pantaloons Fashion & AB Fashion with 2000+ stores Retail and Retail the spectrum across India spanning the luxury to fast fashion Serves industries like 16 tires, Manufacturin rubbers, plastics, g Carbon Birla coatings, inks through Plants across Black Carbon Rubber carbon black, 12 Mechanical Rubber countries goods, and Speciality spanning Asia, blacks segments America, Globus Corporation Maan Aluminium 1 Ambuja Cements Shree Cements 3 Reliance Airtel Top 5 Bajaj Finserv HDFC AMC Top 10 Vardhman Textiles Arvind Mills Top 5 Reliance Retail Future Retail 1 Phillips Carbon Jio 39 Chemicals Insulators Agri Business Mining Europe, Africa Manufacturin India's Largest chlorg alkali facilities Aditya Birla producer and pioneer across Chemicals in India, the manufacturing of Thailand, Epoxy Resins Germany High-performance Porcelain and Composite insulators for the Aditya Birla Transmission & Gujarat, West Insulators Distribution sector Bengal supporting transmission of electricity in 70 countries Aim of providing complete solutions from sowing to harvesting. Indo Gulf Uttar Pradesh Brand "Birla Shaktiman" is the most preferred brand One of the largest Iron ore and contractual coal Essel mining company with Odisha Mining a focus in wind power generation No. 1 in UPL Chlor Tata Chemicals Alkali 1 Reliance Potteries Modern Insulators Top 10 Coromandel Intl. National Fertilizers - NMDC Vedanta Key Subsidiaries ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Grasim Industries Limited Hindalco Industries Limited UltraTech Cement Limited Vodafone Idea Limited Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Limited Aditya Birla Capital Limited Peter England Fashions and Retail Ltd Madura Garments Exports Limited Aditya Birla Retail 40 Recent Mergers and Acquisitions ● Vodafone India merged with Idea Cellular to form India's largest telecom service provider at that time, 2018 Read More ● Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited (ABFRL) acquired a 51 % stake in M/s Finesse International Design Private Limited ('Finesse'), 2019 Read More. Additional 7.69% stake in Finesse Read More ● Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited (ABFRL) acquired a 100 % stake in Jaypore, 2019 Read More ● Binani Cement became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ultratech, 2018 Read More ● Grasim Industries formed a Joint Venture Company in India with Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH ('MR') of Germany, 2019 Read More ● Century cement for 1.2 billion in 2019 ● Acquired Aleris in Aluminium business for 2.8 billion in 2020 Recent Innovations and Developments ● Augmented Transformations and Aditya Birla Group Launch VEDA for Enhanced Industrial Safety and Productivity: VEDA is a smart and responsive platform that provides real-time, actionable insights and alerts by continuously analyzing live video feeds from cameras. This, in turn, has helped in transforming the way businesses think about safety, customer behavior or manufacturing quality. It has use cases in varied fields such as customer understanding, process efficiency, adherence to safety norms, visual quality inspection etc. Read More ● Birla Group's Thai Acrylic Fibre launches educational app Fabricology: Acrylic fibre manufacturer Thai Acrylic Fibre Co Ltd (TAF), a part of Aditya Birla Group, has launched a new mobile app called Fabricology, an educational cum technical service app developed to increase engagement and interaction with customers during COVID. It is a one-stop platform created to respond to the needs of customers and the new virtual world. The app allows users to learn more about acrylic fibre and acrylic fibre processing. Read More Major CSR activities & Social Work ABG's social vision is "To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate. In so doing, build a better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society and raise the country's Human Development Index." ● Education: ABG runs 56 schools providing free education to 18000 underprivileged kids ● Girl Child & Women Empowerment: 4500 self-help groups have been set up empowering 45000 women, tailoring centre for women established in Egypt ● Sustainable development and livelihood: ABG's sustainable livelihood projects have reached out to 80000 people. Aditya Birla Knowledge Centre for vocational training has trained in 3000 in Thailand, and 20000 are being trained at the Philippines ● Rural Infrastructure development: ABG is creating over 300 model villages in rural India, and it has partnered with Columbia University to establish the Columbia Global Centre's Earth Institute in Mumbai 41 ● Battling Covid in India’s Villages: Two ventilators for the hospital in Chandrapur, Maharashtra; one for the district government hospital at Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh. RO system and CBC machine for the local hospital at Manawar in Madhya Pradesh. Awareness camps, distribution of handbills, playing audio messages through mobile vans, displaying banners, door-to-door campaigns Read More Key Financials (Figures in Rs. Crores) Particulars Revenue EBITDA Net profit Rs. in Crore 2021-22 20,857 4,111 3,051 42 Stryker Introduction Stryker Corporation, founded in 1941, is an American multinational medical technologies corporation based in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Stryker's products include implants used in joint replacement and trauma surgeries; surgical equipment and surgical navigation systems; endoscopic and communications systems; patient handling and emergency medical equipment; neurosurgical, neurovascular and spinal devices; as well as other medical device products used in a variety of medical specialties. Stryker segregates their reporting into three reportable business segments: Orthopedics, Medical and Surgical (MedSurg), and Neurotechnology and Spine. They have ~40,000 employees worldwide, with $14.9 billion in annual global sales. Founders and History The Orthopedic Frame Company, the precursor of Stryker Corporation, was formed in 1941 by Dr. Homer Stryker, a Kalamazoo, Michigan, orthopedist. In 1964, the company name was officially changed to Stryker Corporation. In 1964, the company name was officially changed to Stryker Corporation. In 1979, Stryker made an initial public offering of stock and later acquired Osteonics Corporation, entering the replacement hip, knee, and other orthopedic implants market (Stryker). In 2002 sales reached $3.0 billion and Stryker was listed in the Fortune 500 for the first time. The firm maintains 35% worldwide reconstructive market share; 50% worldwide MedSurg market share; 15% worldwide Neurotechnology and Spine market share. Key officials Name Designation Kevin A. Lobo Chair and CEO William E. Berry Jr. Vice President, Corporate Controller Jeanne M. Blondia Vice President, Finance and Treasurer Glenn S. Boehnlein Vice President, Chief Financial Officer Alan Douville Vice President, Chief Information Officer and Chief Information Security Officer M. Kathryn (Katy) Fink Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer Timothy J. Scannell President and Chief Operating Officer Mission, Vision and Values Mission: Together with our customers, we are driven to make healthcare better. 43 Vision: We are able to offer a diverse array of innovative products and services in Orthopaedics, Medical and Surgical, and Neurotechnology and Spine that help improve patient outcomes. Values: ● Integrity: We do what’s right ● Accountability: We do what we say ● People: We grow talent ● Performance: We deliver Culture: “We are able to offer a diverse array of innovative products and services in Orthopaedics, Medical and Surgical, and Neurotechnology and Spine that help improve patient outcomes. As Stryker, we win together as a team. We constantly challenge ourselves and each other to be the best because we want to achieve more for our customers and their patients.” Stryker is dedicated to improving lives, with a passion for researching and developing new products spanning the areas of orthopaedics, medical, surgical, neurotechnology, and beyond. That means that engineering tasks—from developing brand-new concepts to coding complex software—don’t just represent exciting technical challenges, but are also opportunities to help people and improve the quality of healthcare. It's no wonder that Fortune magazine, in association with Great Place to Work, named Stryker number 8 among the 25 World's Best Workplaces. Not only do Stryker employees get to turn futuristic fantasies into tangible realities, they get to improve people’s lives along the way. Team members—whether they're a designer, engineer, developer, or marketer—love that their work with robotics is not only fun, but meaningful. They have a lot of fun along the way too, as employees even compete with other robots from around the world in a BattleBots competition. To build community at Stryker, employees are able to join various organizations and employee resource groups—such as Stryker's Emerging Professionals, or SEP, a group that helps employees network and meet people from other divisions, or Women in Stryker's Engineering, also known as WISE. The resource groups bond employees not just as co-workers, but as friends too—it's not unusual for Stryker employees to hang out outside of work hours. With the support of groups like these and great managers that care, employees can discover and follow their passion. Work-life balance is also very important at Stryker as employees aren’t asked to sacrifice personal time for the sake of their work and are encouraged to find the right mix that works for their lives. According to a survey of 1,552 Stryker employees, the most frequently discussed Big 9 cultural value is execution, and the most positively discussed value is innovation. Read More Business Overview ● Strong position in focused medical equipment markets: Stryker has a strong market position in various markets it operates in. For instance, in the global orthopaedics instruments market, Stryker is the leading player having a 34% share. The company has the leading position in the global neurovascular market, where it has a 35% share. In the global hips market, Stryker has a 21% share and holds third position; while in the global trauma reconstructive products market, it holds second 44 position with a 16% share. In the global sports medicine market, Stryker has about 8% share. In the global neurovascular market, Stryker has a leading position with 35% share; while in the neuro powered instruments market, it has second largest position with a 20% share. ● Product offerings in diverse therapy areas: The company provides orthopaedic (hip and knee) and trauma implant systems as well as other related products. It offers surgical equipment and surgical navigation systems; endoscopic and communications systems; patient handling and emergency medical equipment; and reprocessed and remanufactured medical devices and other related products. The company also provides a comprehensive portfolio of products including both neurosurgical and neurovascular devices as well as other medical device products used in a variety of medical specialties. ● Competitors: Integer holdings, Zimmer Biomet, Hill-Rom Holdings, Johnson & Johnson, Smith & Nephew, Medline Industries, Medtronic Key Subsidiaries ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Stryker Physio-Control Stryker Canada LP K2M, Inc. Stryker Japan KK OrthoSensor, Inc. Tornier, A.G. Stryker Sustainability Solutions Vexim SA Recent Mergers and Acquisitions ● Acquire K2M Group Holdings (2018): Which reinforces their spine offering in the complex and minimally invasive segments. Stryker completed its acquisition for about $1.4 billion. "K2M's broad product portfolio and robust pipeline complement Stryker's leadership in the spine and neurotechnology markets," Spencer Stiles, Stryker neurotechnology, instruments and spine group president, said in a statement. "We believe that our combined businesses will offer innovative solutions for our customers while expanding our global footprint." Read More ● Stryker acquires OrthoSensor and its knee surgery sensor tech (2021): It bought privately-held OrthoSensor and its Verasense intraoperative sensor tech that could further enhance the ortho giant’s Mako robots. Stryker officials in a news release noted that Verasense since 2011 has proved itself to be a unique knee balancing solution in Stryker’s Triathlon knee system, providing feedback to surgeons on soft tissue. They think the sensor tech will further boost Mako surgical robotics systems, enhancing workflow through one complete data-driven feedback mechanism.Read More ● Recent Acquisition of Vocera for $ 3.10 billion in Jan 2022. Read More 45 Recent Innovations and Developments ● Using 3D printing techniques and additive mechanisms to build better prosthetic knees. Read More Major CSR activities & Social Work ● COVID o Donating blood through the Red Cross to help alleviate shortages and supporting the Sleeves Up virtual campaign when leaving the homes is not possible. o Giving to local charities and global organizations, including the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and the Red Cross o In August 2020, Medical division announced the donation of more than 22,500 ERB kits to Project C.U.R.E., a nonprofit organization that will send the kits to areas outside the U.S. where the beds are approved for use, and COVID-19 outbreaks occur. ● Diversity and inclusion: Initiated a series of dialogue sessions, called “Days of Understanding,” hosted by leaders from Stryker’s employee resource groups. ● Climate and the environment: Identifying and implementing energy reduction opportunities, including Building Management System enhancements, LED lighting, equipment upgrades and conducting energy audits to identify areas of energy conservation opportunities. An improved performance score from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a B rating, reflects the success of their efforts to date Key Financials Key Financials as per annual report 2021 Market Cap $81.24Bn Net Sales $17.10Bn EBT $2.2Bn PAT $1.9Bn 46 ACT Introduction Atria Convergence Technologies Ltd. branded as ACT, is the country's most renowned cable and broadband company. Headquartered in Bangalore this Indian telecommunication company brings state-of-the art services to nearly 2.5 million customers. Being third largest ISP in the broadband category and the largest non-telco ISP in the country, ACT provides fiber net, broadband to optical fiber, fiber to the home (FTTH under “ACT Fibernet” brand) technology and digital television (under “ACT Digital” brand) across 19 major cities in India. On the commercial side with the maximum focus on software development companies (3500+ customers), they also serve hospitality, manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, educational institutions and co-working spaces. Founders and History Founded in 2000 by Sunder Raju in Bengaluru. ACT was born out of a vision to become the most admired in-home entertainment, education, and interactive services provider in India. After acquiring Beam Telecom Pvt. Ltd in 2009, ACT started offering their broadband services. With total stake of 80% in Beam Telecom Pvt. Ltd. they continue to operate under the same name till the rebranding in 2015. On 2016 they launched wire-line optical fiber services in Hyderabad under the brand name “ACT Fibernet”. Key Officials Name Chinnaswamy Sunder Raju Bala Malladi Mahendra Kumar Sharma Sandeep Mohan Gupta Vishal Gangadhar Nevatia Dhiraj Poddar Nishi Vasudeva Prasanna Gokhale Eashwar Iyer Pramod Kabra Pangulury Mohan Designation Founder and non-executive director CEO Chairman and non-executive director CEO – India Nominee Director Nominee Director Independent Director CTO CFO Nominee Director Nominee Director Mission, Vision and Values Vision – To be the most admired in-home entertainment, education and interactive services company that creates radical social transformation, and delights and empowers customers. Mission – ● Deploy cutting edge technology to continuously innovate to serve customer needs in a user-friendly way ● Partner with technology, content and distribution firms for speed to market, scalability and leadership 47 ● Set new benchmarks for customer care ● Set new standards in operational excellence resulting in profitability and attractive stakeholder returns ● Provide a vibrant and fulfilling work environment for a passionate and empowered team Values – ● Passion for Excellence – “We execute our duties beyond expectations, display unflinching passion in everything we do”. ● Build trust through transparency – “We provide an honest view of ACT’s products and services to our customers”. ● Strive for continuous innovation – “Our culture promotes innovation. We constantly look for new ideas and solutions”. ● Put the customer first - “The main point of attention at ACT is the customer. We focus on delighting our customers.” ● Foster a culture of teamwork - “We treat people fairly and equitably. We encourage our employees to communicate openly.” ● Be a socially and environmentally responsible company - “We fight against unfair business practices, try our best to improve the environment, and develop the community we live in.” Business Overview Industry Fibernet ACT Digital Internet Leased Line Corporate Broadband Details ACT Fibernet provides broadband services through Fiber optic technology Digital Services – Local news channels, superior HD TV services, HD TV Set-Top Box Customers 1.5 million customers in 14+ cities 1 million customers Internet connectivity between customer premise and internet exchange Business internet – High speed bundle static IP CDN, AWS, Azure, GCP IVFA, Wipro, Eros International, Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation, Competitors Airtel, Jio PKM Consultores, Yon Brasil, Easy Support, Zhuo, MITSA Consultoria Airtel Xstream Airtel, BSNL, YOU Broadband, Jio, MTN, Telenor & Netcom Investors at ACT fibre True North: True North (formerly known as India Value Fund Advisors - IVFA) is a premier private equity investment fund. True North makes financial and intellectual capital available to growing middle-market companies in India. TA Associates: A Associates is a leading global growth private equity firm with nearly five decades of experience. The firm has raised US $24 billion in capital and partnered with owners 48 and management teams of more than 460 companies around the world to help accelerate growth and create lasting shareholder value. TA has offices in Boston, Silicon Valley, London, Mumbai and Hong Kong. Recent Mergers & Acquisitions ● ACT raised INR. 200 million from private equity True North (2008) Read More ● ACT acquires Beam Telecom Pvt. Ltd. (2009). With a target of 1 new city every year customer projection was 1mn in 12 month Read More ● ACT hires banks to raise over $300 million in IPO (2018) Read More ● Ties up with Amazon Pay (2018) to enable hassle free bill payment for its customers Read More ● Ties-up with Flipkart (2018) to offer internet plans to smart TV buyers. They offered ‘Smart TV ka Smart choice’ value over 15+ cities. Read More ● Swiss PE firm Partner group to acquire ACT broadband (2021). True North and TA associates (who owns 95% stake of ACT Broadband) are eying $1.4-1.6 billion valuation against 500 million investments in 2015 Read More Innovation & Developments ● ACT Fibernet launches Wifi-enabled home camera. In addition to security surveillance camera can be in live feed in mobile from any location (2021) Read More Major CSR Activities & Social Work ● Door to door vaccination drive in Malleswaram. ACT donated 5000+ vaccines (2021) Read More ● ACT Fibernet contributed 2 state-of-the art mobile modular ICU units to Bengaluru KC General hospital to counter Covid-19 (2021) Read More ● Empowers children digitally. ACT has added several computers, educational materials and library for children access Read More ● ACT rewarded the protectors of the pandemic, Bengaluru Traffic Police Read More ● Undergoing green initiative ACT has contributed by donating towards dustbins, e-toilet initiatives, water segregation system, gymnasium to stay healthy and fit etc Read More 49 Key Financials INR / Ten Millions 2021 Y 2020 Y Growth Total operating revenue 1,779.00 1,525.00 16.68%▲ Net sales revenue 1,753.00 1,491.00 17.58%▲ Operating profit (EBIT) 522.00 391.00 33.68%▲ Operating Profit Margin (ROS) 29.79 26.20 3.59%▲ EBITDA 791.00 635.00 24.59%▲ EBITDA Margin 45.09 42.56 2.53%▲ Net Profit (Loss) for the Period 358.00 235.00 52.77%▲ Net Profit Margin 20.45 15.74 4.71%▲ Total assets 2,166.00 2,161.00 0.22%▲ Current assets 457.00 648.00 -29.41%▼ Total liabilities 1,155.00 943.00 22.53%▲ Net Debt 131.00 -18.00 N/A Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities 749.00 602.00 24.38%▲ 50 BAJAJ Introduction Bajaj Group is one of the oldest and largest Indian multinational conglomerates based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The group has a market capitalization of about USD 100 billion with 40 group companies and 60000+ employees. It offers an extensive range of products and services including motorized two and three wheelers, home appliances, electric lamps, wind energy, material handling equipment, cranes, specific alloy and stainless steel, travel and general life insurance and investment, consumer finance and asset management. Some of the notable brands across these industries are Bajaj Auto Ltd, Bajaj Finserv Ltd, Bajaj Electricals, Hercules Hoist and Bajaj Hindustan Limited. Founders and History The Bajaj Group was born out of India’s struggle for freedom. Bajaj Group was formed in 1926 by industrialist, philanthropist, freedom fighter and close associate of Mahatma Gandhi, Jamnalal Bajaj. The founding members of the Bajaj Group (Jamnalal Bajaj and his two sons Kamalnayan Bajaj and Ramkrishna Bajaj) brought their individual, unique strengths and aided the group’s consolidation in very different ways. They were, however, united by a common belief in Gandhiji’s ‘Simple living, High Thinking’ philosophy. Jamnalal Bajaj’s grandson, Rahul Bajaj (chairman and former MD of Bajaj) took control of Bajaj Group in 1965 and established one of India's largest conglomerates. Key Officials Name Designation Jamnalal Bajaj Founder of Bajaj Group Rahul Bajaj (passed away in Feb-2022) Former Chairman and Former MD Anant Bajaj MD Bajaj Electricals Ltd. Shekhar Bajaj Chairman Bajaj Electricals Limited Niraj R Bajaj Chairman Bajaj Auto Rajiv Bajaj MD Bajaj Auto Ltd. Sanjiv Bajaj Chairman and MD of Bajaj Finserv Rakesh Sharma Executive Director Pradeep Shrivastava Executive Director 51 Mission Vision and Values Vision - “The future is promising and we look forward to an exciting period that would possibly establish a pronounced and decisive road map for us on the Indian Industrial firmament” Mission – “To build business that support the growth of the country by creating entrepreneurial excellence within the group. To create value by enabling innovation, creativity, integrity and service to community in everything we do.” Values – Visionary Outlook – We believe in working around a future-ready approach through smart investments and calculated risks. Being prepared for tomorrow has ensured us an edge in the industry. Entrepreneurship - We at Bajaj promote and practice ownership sharing across the hierarchy. A sense of belongingness adopted by every team member that motivates them to go above and beyond their role. Integrity - Customers, employees, investors etc., one of the factors that have helped us develop a strong relationship with every stakeholder is our honesty towards each other. Innovation - In a competitive market, innovation is essential to drive the business vision. It has been guiding us in identifying potential growth avenues, upgrading our offerings and evolving overall as a business entity. Culture Great Place to Work is considered the 'Gold Standard' in workplace culture assessment and recognition. As a certified organization, Bajaj Finance Ltd became eligible to be considered among 'India's Best Companies to Work for 2019' – a list that features the 'Best of the Best. Business Overview Industry Automobile Finance Companies Bajaj Auto Bajaj Finserv Details Location Position in Indian Market Leading manufacturer of motorcycles and three-wheelers in India 3 manufacturin g plant in India for motorcycles, scooters and three wheelers 2nd largest in 2-3 wheelers. Almost 50% exports Bajaj Finserv Limited, a part of Bajaj Holdings & Investments Limited is India’s first most diversified NBFC HQ in Pune. 7000 retail outlets spread Top 20 in 115 cities across India Competitors Eicher, Hero Motocorp, TVS Motor company, Scooters, Atul Auto Ltd. Muthoot Finance, Mahindra, IDFC, HDFC, EFSL, Bank Bazaar, Reliance Capital 52 Holding & Investment Bajaj Holding Electricals Bajaj Electricals Consumer Care Bajaj Consumer care Hoisting Solutions Hercules Hoist Sugar Bajaj Hindustan Earlier known as Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL) de-marged to Bajaj Auto and Bajaj Holding and Investment Limited (BHIL) in 2007 Indian consumer electrical equipment manufacturing company based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It has diversified with interests in lighting, luminaries, appliances, fans, LPG based Generators. Indian consumer goods company with major brands in hair care. It is part of the Bajaj Group, founded by Jamnalal Bajaj Indian market leader for hoisting solutions for over five decades Country’s largest Sugar Producer Across India Top 20 Shriram city, Edelweiss, IDFC Across India (Plant in Pune Maharashtra) Top 5 Eveready, Usha, Havells 4 manufacturin g plant in India Top 10 Across India 1 Across India (HQ Mumbai) 1 Lotus Herbals, Nutriglow Cosmetics, Marico, Emami, & LLC TAEL, United drilling, Kabra Extrusion Triveni, Dalmia & Balrampur Chini Key Subsidiaries ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Bajaj Finserv Baja Auto Baja Electricals Hercules Hoist Bajaj Consumer Care Bajaj Holding Bajaj Hindustan Mukand Engineers Ltd. Jamnalal Sons Pvt. Ltd. Jeewan Ltd. Bajaj International Pvt. Ltd. & many more 53 Recent Mergers & Acquisitions ● Demerger of Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL) and Bajaj Finserv Limited (BFS) in 2008. The group de-merged into three parts. And Bajaj Holding and Invest ment Limited (BHIL) was formed Read More ● Bajaj Electricals acquires Nirlep for INR. 42.5 crore in 2018. This as per Bajaj Group executives are a perfect synergy blend. Nirlep was country’s one of the first domestic brand to export to Europe. Read More ● A JV between Mukand Sumi Special Steel Limited and Sumimoto corporation in Japan (2019). Post JV they are setting up a new steel rolling facility by 2021 cost of Rs. 600 crores. Read More ● Bajaj sons buys 30% stake in Mukund Sumi for INR. 714 crore. Bajaj Sons bought 1.24 crore equity shares of MSSSL, constituting 30 per cent of the issued paid up equity share capital of MSSSL ₹713 crore. Read More ● Read more about timeline and history Here Innovation & Developments ● Bajaj Group is ranked as 96th in Forbes’ most innovative companies list. Check out the reasons Here ● Consumer first approach re-emphasized (2019) by Sanjiv Bajaj, MD of Bajaj Finserv on the session of India:4.0. This collaborative approach focuses on the enabling and right use of technology for the competitors. Read More Major CSR Activities & Social Work ● Environment and natural resources - Bajaj Education Initiative (BEI) and thee learning project with BEI covering 76 low-cost schools and the learning project has reached 1550 government and private schools. In addition, school infrastructure development, vocational training for entrepreneurship and scholarship for meritorious students. Read More ● Woman Empowerment and Rural development through Jankidevi Bajaj Gram Vikas Sanstha. Hall of resident for woman research scholars, Bajaj Law school and a Woman’s University has been set up. Other welfare activities are carried out in collaboration with include NEDA, CAPART, Khari and Village industry commissions. Read More ● Health - Kamalnayan Bajaj Hospital in Aurangabad was established in 1990 as a hospital and research center. The Bajaj-YCM Hospital A.R.T Center for HIV/Aids in Pimpri was established as a Public-Private Partnership between Government of India – Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to provide healthcare facilities to Aids patients. Read More 54 Key financials Company Revenue INR. Crores(FY22) Total Assets (INR. Crore FY 22) Profits (FY22) Bajaj Auto 33354 35111 5019 Bajaj Finserv Bajaj Electricals 31460 4573 197452 (AUM) 480 7028 171 55 AIRTEL Introduction Bharti Airtel Limited is one of India's leading and most trusted provider of ICT services with an integrated portfolio of offerings to enterprises, governments, carriers, MNO’s and small and medium businesses. We offer a gamut of products and services including voice, data, collaboration, cloud, data centers, security, IoT, network integration, managed services, enterprise mobility, and digital media. Through this diverse portfolio, we are pushing the boundaries in digital service delivery with a key focus on enhanced end user experience, roundthe-clock infrastructure availability, and superior service quality. The network coverage spans over 50 countries and 5 continents. Airtel's portfolio includes high speed 4G/4.5G mobile broadband, Airtel Xstream Fiber that promises speeds upto 1Gbps, converged digital TV solutions through the Airtel Xstream 4K Hybrid Box, digital payments through Airtel Payments Bank as well as an integrated suite of services across connectivity, collaboration, cloud and security that serves over one million businesses. Airtel's OTT services include Airtel Thanks app for self-care, Airtel Xstream app for video, Wynk Music for entertainment and Airtel BlueJeans for video conferencing. In addition, Airtel has forged strategic partnerships with hundreds of companies across the world to enable the Airtel platform to deliver an array of consumer and enterprise services. Founders and History In 1984, Sunil Mittal started assembling push-button phones in India, which he earlier used to import from a Taiwan company (Kingtel) replacing the old fashioned, bulky rotary phones that were in use in the country then. Mittal clinched a deal with the French telecom group Vivendi to launch services in Delhi in 1995 when Bharti Cellular Limited (BCL) was formed to offer cellular services under the brand name Airtel. Within a few years, Bharti became the first telecom company to cross the 2 million mobile subscriber mark. Bharti also brought down the STD/ISD cellular rates in India under the brand name 'Indiaone'. In 1999, Bharti acquired control of JT Holdings and extended cellular operations to Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Bharti acquired control of Skycell Communications in 2000, in Chennai. In 2001, Bharti acquired control of Spice Cell in Calcutta. In 2002, Bharti Enterprises went public in, and the company was listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India. In 2003, the cellular phone operations were re-branded under the single Airtel brand. 56 Key Officials Mission Vision and Values Vision – Our vision is to enrich the lives of customers. Our obsession is to win customers for life through an exceptional experience. Mission – Grow market share. Grow revenue. Drive down cost. Values – Alive, Inclusive, Respectful. Business Overview Industry IoT Mobile Services Digital TV Services Airtel Payments Bank Home Services Details Accelerate your business with future ready IoT solutions Offers GSM mobile services in all the 22 telecom circles of India Digital Services – Local news channels, superior HD TV services, HD TV Set-Top Box Differentiated bank that provides essential financial services to its customers Fixed-line telephone and broadband services across 93 cities pan-India Customers 7000+ Competitors VI 400+ million customers 16 million customers Jio, Vodafone Idea, BSNL Tata Sky, Dish TV, Sun Direct 30 million customers PayTM BSNL 57 Recent Mergers & Acquisitions ● April 15, 2021 - Bharti Airtel OKs merger of Nettle, Airtel Digital, Telesonic Networks with itself; demerges telecom into new unit Airtel. Read more ● April 6, 2021 - Reliance Jio ties up with Bharti Airtel in Delhi, Mumbai, Andhra; buys Rs 1,500 cr telecom spectrum. Read more ● March 22, 2021 - Airtel to acquire 7.48% stake in Sandhya Hydro. Read more ● February 17, 2021 - Airtel to acquire 20% stake in Bharti Telemedia from Warburg Pincus Read more ● November 20, 2020 - Bharti Airtel to acquire 5.2% stake in Avaada MHBuldhana for Rs 4.55 cr Read more ● August 5, 2020 - Airtel and AWS join hands to accelerate digital transformation of business in India Read more ● July 1, 2020 - Carlyle to acquire approximately 25% stake in Airtel's Data Centre business at a valuation of US$1.2 billion. Read more ● June 17, 2020 - Bharti Airtel acquires 10% Stake in Lattu Media - Lattukids is an Indian based technology company. The company provides education tech platform for kids for from 3 to 8 years. Lattukids is headquartered in Mumbai, India. Read more ● May 21, 2020 - Bharti Airtel was to acquire a 10% Stake in Gurgaon-based start-up Voicezen, which focusses on conversational artificial intelligence technologies. Read more ● March 12, 2020 - Bharti Airtel acquired a stake in digital fitness start-up Spectacom Global. Read more ● November 25, 2019 - Bharti Airtel acquires Team of Quikmile- Bharti Airtel Ltd (Bharti Airtel), a provider of telecommunication services, has acquired a team of Quikmile, a tech-enabled logistics platform. Both companies involved in the transaction are based in India. Following the transaction, Quikmile's team will now be a part of Airtel X Labs. Read more Innovation & Developments ● Airtel IQ is a cloud communication suite that will transform your customer engagement. Read more ● Airtel IoT is an integrated platform that offers end-to-end solutions that are powered by a variety of connectivity technologies that suit business needs. Read more ● Airtel X Labs continues to evolve into a steady in-house Research and Development centre, adopting latest technologies ranging from IoT to AI, to create innovative service offerings for customers. Read more Major Csr Activities & Social Work Satya Bharti School Program - The Satya Bharti School Program was introduced in 2006. This rural education initiative has the major objectives to provide free and quality education to underprivileged children, with a special focus on the girl child, in rural parts of the country and to provide free and quality education to underprivileged children, with a special focus on the girl child, in rural parts of the country. 58 Satya Bharti Abhiyan - Bharti Foundation has undertaken a new initiative – 'Satya Bharti Abhiyan' - to improve sanitation facilities in rural Ludhiana. Inspired by the Hon'ble Prime Minister's call to the corporate sector during his speech on Independence Day (2014), to strengthen Government's initiative on this score, the Foundation has adopted Ludhiana district (rural) as its focus area for improvement of sanitation. Satya Bharti Learning Centres - In its pursuit to accelerate the enrolment of out-of-school children, Bharti Foundation initiated the Satya Bharti Learning Centres Program, in partnership with 'Educate a Child' (EAC). This is a global initiative to reduce the number of out-of-school children across the world and Bharti Foundation is a strategic partner to this global campaigns. Airtel Ki Laadli - Through this initiative, 1,500 girls were awarded Hero Bicycles. It motivated them to achieve their dreams and lead empowered lives. Airtel Hero Award - The dedication of our frontline workforce during the pandemic was genuinely commendable and inspirational. We at Airtel, recognized their efforts, awarding 1,000 top-performing FSEs on a pan-India basis. Airtel Child Scholarship - This program recognizes academically meritorious children of Airtel Distributors & Navratna Retailers, offering them scholarships and school kits. Through this program, we have rewarded kids of 12,000 distributors and Navratna retailers in the last six years. Key Financials INR / Ten Millions 2022 Y 2021 Y Growth Total operating revenue 1,16,547.00 1,00,616.00 15.83%▲ Net sales revenue 1,16,547.00 1,00,616.00 15.83%▲ Operating profit (EBIT) 24,443.00 15,967.00 53.08%▲ Operating Profit Margin (ROS) 20.97 15.87 5.1%▲ EBITDA 57,534.00 45,372.00 26.81%▲ EBITDA Margin 49.37 45.09 4.28%▲ Net Profit (Loss) for the Period 4,255.00 -15,084.00 N/A Net Profit Margin 3.65 -14.99 N/A Total assets 3,63,656.00 3,46,028.00 5.09%▲ Current assets 64,344.00 69,185.00 -7%▼ Total liabilities 2,71,721.00 2,64,801.00 2.61%▲ Net Debt 1,19,420.00 1,16,324.00 2.66%▲ Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities 55,017.00 48,205.00 14.13%▲ 59 JSW Group Introduction Founded in 1982, the JSW Group is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Mumbai. The group has presence across various sectors: Steel, Energy, Infrastructure, Cement, Paints, Venture Capital, Realty and Sports. With 40,000 employees and a footprint across five continents, the group is valued at U.S. $22B. Founders and History OP Jindal laid the foundation of the OP Jindal group in 1952. JSW Group is an integral part of the OP Jindal group and is currently led by Sajjan Jindal. It started with Sajjan Jindal promoting the Jindal Iron and Steel Company Ltd. (JISCO), which was later merged to form JSW Steel. The group later expanded their presence in other sectors, majorly into Steel, Energy, Infrastructure, Cement, and Technology investments. Key Officials The organizational hierarchy consists of group-level Chairman with M.D.s for each subdivision with many companies under the group. Name Sajjan Jindal Sangita Jindal Parth Jindal Seshagiri Rao MVS Dr. Vinod Nowal Prashant Jain Tarini Jindal Handa Nirmal Kumar Jain Designation Chairman and Managing Director, JSW Group Chairperson, JSW Foundation MD, JSW Cement Joint MD & Group CFO, JSW Steel Deputy MD, JSW Steel Joint MD & CEO, JSW Energy MD, JSW Realty Chairman, Non executive director Mission, Vision and Values Vision: To bring positive transformation to every life we touch Purpose: Accelerate the growth and prosperity of the communities we live in by: ● Building world-class infrastructure ● Creating inventive solutions ● Nurturing our communities ● Deploying world-class capabilities ● Empowering our people Values: Confidence, Courage, Commitment, Compassion & Collaboration The firm believes in having the courage and confidence to dream big and innovate solutions, being committed to the goal and being honest in the dealings is another core value. The firm 60 believes in working symbiotically and mindfully with the society and environment, keeping in mind the big picture. Culture JSW is about building, transforming and giving back. Their every act is centred about building something new or bettering something that already exists. They think beyond just business or their customers. They strive to positively impact the lives of their business associates, their customers, their employees, the communities that they serve and the nations that they operate in. Business Overview JSW Steel ● Founded in 1982, JSW Steel is India’s leading private sector steel producer and has a global footprint in over 100 countries. ● With one of the world’s largest single-location steel production facility of 12 MTPA capacity, its overall capacity is 28.5 MTPA. ● Major Competitors: Tata Steel, Steel Authority of India, Essar Steel JSW Energy ● Founded in 1994, JSW Energy is one of India’s leading private sector power producing countries ● The current production is 4559MW, out of which 3158MW is thermal power, 1391MW is hydropower and 10MW is solar power ● JSW Energy launched JSW Power Trading Company Ltd. (JSWPTC) in 2006 as part of its vision to become a full-spectrum power company. ● Major competitors: Adani Power, Jaiprakash Power Ventures, KEC International JSW Infrastructure ● Operating since 1999, JSW Infra employs 1200 people and has grown to become a leading infra company. ● Its ports and terminals currently have an operational capacity of 154 MPTA, which will double up in the next two years. ● The five major ports with a capacity ranging from 17-30+ MTPA operate from Maharashtra, Odisha, and Goa. ● Major Competitors: GMR Infrastructure, Adani Ports and SEZ, GVK Power and Infrastructure Limited JSW Cement ● Founded in 2009, JSW Cement has plants across Karnataka, Maharashtra, and the flagship plant in Andhra Pradesh. ● Total capacity 17 MTPA, aiming to reach 25 MTPA by 2023 ● It has won awards for the energy-saving processes used in cement production. The key markets lie in states from Telangana to Kerala to Goa. ● Major Competitors: UltraTech Cement, Adani group (Ambuja Cement, ACC) Key Subsidiaries The list of subsidiaries of JSW Group are as follows: 61 JSW Steel Ltd. JSW Ispat Steel Vijaynagar Mineral Pvt Ltd. JSW Building Systems Ltd. JSW Energy Ltd. JSW Holdings Ltd. Jindal Praxair Oxygen Co. Ltd. CIC Energy Corp JSW Cement Ltd JSW Infrastructure Ltd. JSoft Solutions Ltd. JSW Sports Recent Mergers & Acquisitions ● Acquisition of Ind Barath Energy Utkal by JSW Energy – 2020. Read More ● Acquisition of ACCIL by JSW Steel – 2020. Read More ● Acquisition of Bhushan Power by JSW Steel for ₹19,350 crores – 2021. Read More Recent Innovation & Developments JSW Energy targets 10 GW capacity by 2025, growth to be fueled by acquisitions The energy arm of the Sajjan-Jindal-led JSW group proposes to ramp up its total capacity to 10 gigawatts (GW) by financial year 2024-25 (FY25) from 4.8 GW now, led by acquisitions. JSW Energy is in advanced talks to acquire Mytrah Energy and Vector Green, both renewable energy companies, which it hopes to close in the current financial year (FY23). Read more JSW Steel to reduce carbon footprint: Chairman Sajjan Jindal JSW Steel is undertaking various initiatives to reduce carbon footprint in line with India's net zero ambitions, its Chairman Sajjan Jindal said on July 20. According to the industrialist, his company has already earmarked a sum of ₹10,000 crore to increase the use of renewable energy to replace thermal power and other green initiatives. Read more Indian Olympic Association ties up with JSW Inspire Team India contingents will wear the company’s apparel at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, the 2022 Asian Games scheduled to be held in Hangzhou next year, and the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The group had previously sponsored the Indian contingent ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Read more JSW group appoints Gaurav Sachdeva as CEO of e-commerce venture JSW One Platform JSW group on Monday said it has appointed Gaurav Sachdeva as the CEO of JSW One Platforms, an e-commerce venture of the group. Sachdeva has transitioned from his role at JSW Ventures where he led venture capital investments for the fund. In his role as the CEO of JSW One Platforms, Sachdeva will aim to create a nimble organization backed by the credibility and scale of JSW Group that will ease buying and selling of steel and other products for manufacturing and construction MSMEs in the country. Read more 62 JSW Group takes 3 top primary steel producers of the United States to court Sajjan Jindal’s JSW Group has picked up a legal fight with three top primary steel producers of the United States for ganging up against its outfit by not supplying basic raw material and thereby crippling operations. Read More JSW Cement forays into RMC business with first commercial unit in Mumbai JSW Cement has entered the ready mix concrete (RMC) business with its first commercial RMC unit in Chembur, Mumbai. The RMC business foray follows the green products ethos of JSW Cement and will launch unique eco-friendly concrete for use in various commercial construction projects. Read More IOA confirms JSW Group as sponsor for Tokyo Games The Indian Olympics Association (IOA) on Friday announced that JSW Group has been roped in as a sponsor for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Games. Read More JSW One to combine distribution network of steel, cement businesses JSW Group has taken an initiative of JSW One to integrate steel and cement business expertise. The initiative will streamline and expand JSW Group’s sales and supply chain network. JSW One will also combine the Group’s expertise across the product portfolio to provide its customers with comprehensive service capability. Read More JSW Cement pushes IPO plans to 2022 due to muted demand With last year being the weakest for the cement sector since 1991, JSW Group has pushed back the IPO by two years. It plans to use the intervening period to ramp up capacity from the current 14 million tons (MT) per annum to 20 MT a year by 2022. Read More Major CSR Activities and Social Work JSW Foundation is the social development arm of the JSW Group, which works towards empowering communities, nurturing their aspirations and capabilities. It has a footprint across 11 states reaching out to 1 million individuals in the villages around the manufacturing locations. It works towards women empowerment and has opened BPO centres enabling the economic independence of women. It has also helped train 5,000+ people as a part of the skill development initiative. Recently, JSW Steel dedicated a 1000-bedded oxygenated Covid care hospital in Ballari, Karnataka. Read More Key Financials Key Financials as per Annual Report 2022 Annual Revenue EBITDA (Cr) (Cr) JSW Steel 146371 39007 JSW Energy 8735 3369 PAT (Cr) 16702 1743 63 Disney Star India Introduction Star India Private Limited is an Indian media conglomerate and a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company India. It is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It has 60 channels in eight languages, reaching out to 9 out of 10 cable and satellite TV homes in India. The network reaches approximately 790 million viewers a month across India and more than 100 countries. Star India generates more than 30,000 hours of content every year. Founders and History Star TV (Satellite Television Asian Region) was founded in 1991 as a joint venture between Hutchison Whampoa and Li Ka-Shing. It was launched as a Pan-Asian beam-to-air Hollywood English-language entertainment channel for Asian audiences. In 1992, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp purchased 63.6% of STAR for $525 million, followed by the remaining 36.4% purchase on 1 January 1993. Star broadcasting operations were run from Rupert Murdoch's Fox Broadcasting premises. On 14 December 2017, The Walt Disney Company announced the acquisition of 21st Century Fox, which included Star India. Key Officials With many companies under the group, the organizational hierarchy consists of group-level Chairman with Presidents/Heads for each subdivision. Name Designation K Madhavan President, The Walt Disney Company India and Star India Kevin Vaz President & Head – Infotainment, Kids & Regional Entertainment, Star India & Disney Amita Maheshwari Head HR – DMED, APAC & India, The Walt Disney Company Gaurav Banerjee President & Head – Hindi & English Entertainment, Star India Gurjeev Singh Kapoor President – TV Distribution, Star & Disney India Sunil Rayan President & Head – Disney + Hotstar India Sanjog Gupta Head – Sports, Star & Disney India Mihir Rale Chief Regional Counsel. Star & Disney India 64 Mission, Vision and Values Vision: Inspiring a billion imaginations Purpose: We constantly push boundaries and redefine what’s possible when the worlds of sport, technology and entertainment collide ● Creating stories for the world ● Unleashing the sporting revolution ● Redefining the big screen dreams ● Redefining technology Values: Imagine More Possibilities| Ambition| Delight| Hope| Role models| Firsts| Conviction| Passion| Ideas| Pride| Awe| Journeys Culture Challenging the status quo, connecting with people across the country, imagining new possibilities and bringing them to life. This is what the people at Star do every day. They believe that anything is possible when we continuously evolve. They have an incredible connection with our people and partners. Being creative means, they burst with ideas – delivering the incredible and doing the impossible. Lastly, they believe that everyone everywhere deserves the best. Business Overview Star Sports Star Sports (formerly ESPN Star Sports) is a group of Indian pay television sports channels owned by Star India, a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company India. Previously a part of ESPN Star Sports operations based in Singapore, Star India took over the Indian business and relaunched channels under the unified Star Sports banner in 2013. Star Sports is one of the popular sports channels across India. Asianet Star Communications Asianet STAR Communications, formerly Asianet Communications, is an Indian media company owned by Star India, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. Asianet Star Communications operates Malayalam channels Asianet, Asianet Plus, Asianet Middle East, Asianet Movies, Kannada channels Star Suvarna and Star Suvarna Plus, and Tamil channels Star Vijay and Star Vijay Super. Star Maa Star Maa is an Indian Telugu-language pay television channel based in Hyderabad, Telangana. Star Maa and its channels are owned by Star India, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company India. Star Maa has six channels in its network. Fox Star Studios Fox Star Studios is a motion picture production and distribution company from India. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Star India, part of the Walt Disney Direct-to-Consumer and the International segment of The Walt Disney Company. Fox Star Studios produces Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and other South Asian language films through acquisitions, co-productions, and in-house productions worldwide. It also distributed English movies produced by 20th Century Studios' divisions in India. Hotstar Disney+ Hotstar (known as Hotstar outside India and Indonesia) is an Indian subscription video-on-demand streaming service owned and operated by Star India, a subsidiary of The 65 Walt Disney Company India. It features two paid subscription plans — "VIP," which focuses on domestic programmes and sports content (including Indian Premier League cricket), and "Premium" featuring premium international films and television series (including HBO, Showtime and other American original series). As of July 2020, VIP Plan costs ₹399 for a year, and Premium Plan costs ₹1,499 per year or ₹299 for a monthly plan. As of March 2020, Disney+ Hotstar has at least 300 million active users. In February 2020, following the purchase of Star India's parent company 21st Century Fox by Disney in 2019, the company announced plans to integrate its new international streaming. Brand Disney+ with Hotstar in April 2020— leveraging Hotstar's existing infrastructure and userbase. On 3 April 2020, the platform was merged with Disney+. Indian Super League The Indian Super League (ISL) is a professional football league in India, the Indian football league system's top level. Star Sports, one of the organizers of the Indian Super League, also serves as the official broadcasters of the league in India. In September 2014, it was announced that Star Sports would broadcast the ISL through eight channels in five different languages to reach 85% of the Indian television audience. UTV Software Communications UTV Software Communications (abbreviated as UTV) is an Indian mass media conglomerate. UTV was incorporated as United Television Software Communications on 22 June 1990 by Ronnie and Zarina Screwvala. In August 2006, The Walt Disney Company acquired a 14.85 percent stake in UTV. This was subsequently hiked to 32.1 per cent in 2008, the same level as UTV's founders Ronnie Screwvala and Zarina Screwvala. The remaining shares were publicly traded. Disney eventually increased its ownership in UTV to 100% in 2012, making UTV Communications Software a wholly-owned subsidiary. Key Subsidiaries The list of subsidiaries of Star India are as follows: Star Media Networks Fox Star Studios Football Sports Mashal Sports Development Asianet Star Communications Novi Digital Entertainment UTV Software Communications Recent Mergers & Acquisitions ● Disney Star has outbid Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN) to pick up media rights of Cricket Australia (CA) for the next seven years for around $280 million, a person directly aware of the development said. Read more ● Disney+ is losing subscribers after missing out on Indian Premier League rights. Read more ● On 20 March 2019, Star India became a subsidiary of Disney India as the deal was closed. Now, Star India owns UTV and Disney India TV Channels. Read More Recent Innovation & Developments Star India Network continues to rule the airwaves Hindi General Entertainment Channel STAR Plus continues to reign Television rating week after week, riding high on the popularity of its primetime shows. According to Broadcasting Audience Research Council (BARC)’s latest data for week 25, STAR Plus has toppled Sun TV to Read More 66 Walt Disney names K Madhavan as India unit chief after Uday Shankar's exit Media major Walt Disney has named K Madhavan as president of its India unit with immediate effect. Madhavan, earlier country manager of Star and Disney India, takes over from Uday Shankar who stepped down as president, the Walt Disney Company APAC and chairman, Star and Disney India, last October. Read More Star and Disney India launch Sirius to enable digital-like targeting on television Star and Disney India have launched Sirius, positioned as an end-to-end suite of advanced advertising solutions for marketers, media planners, and creative agencies. Read More Major CSR Activities and Social Work 26 September 2019, Disney and Star India take part in the largest meal-packing activity. Thousands of Disney Volunteers in India came together to celebrate Disney VoluntEARS Week (September 16-20) and packed over 700,000 meals for local communities across six cities – Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Trivandrum. This is the largest meal-packing activity for "Rise Against Hunger India". 21 August 2018, Star India ups its contribution to Rs 5 crores donation for the Kerala Flood Relief efforts. Star India announced it would increase its donation to Rs 5 crores for the CM's Distress Relief Fund for the relief and rehabilitation efforts in Kerala. Star India had previously announced a donation of Rs. 2 crores, however, seeing the scale of the disaster, Star India and its employees stepped up to increase the donation along with its parent company 21st Century Fox. Key Financials Key Financials as per Annual Report 2021 Net Worth (Cr) Annual Revenue (Cr) Star India 7.6% YoY 14337 EBIT (%) PAT (Cr) 153% - YoY 67 C K Birla Introduction Founded in 1857, the CK Birla group is a multinational diversified conglomerate headquartered in New Delhi. It has business spanning 3 clusters: technology and automotive, home and building, & healthcare and education. With 25,000 employees and businesses across five continents, the group has an annual revenue of US $2.4B. Founders and History SN Birla laid the foundation of the group in 1857. However, it was BM Birla and GD Birla who converted a modest trading firm into a major business house. During 1939-1955, the group solidified its presence with Orient Paper, NEI, Neosym, Orient Fans, and BIT Mesra and hence, diversified into numerous sectors. CK Birla, the current chairman, has built strategic alliances with the world's leading companies hence, giving the group an edge. Key Officials With many companies under the group, the organizational hierarchy consists of group-level Chairman with MDs for each subdivision. Name Designation Chandrakant Birla Chairman, CK Birla Group Amita Birla Chairman & Non-Executive Director, Birlasoft Co-Chairman, CK Birla Group Dharmender Kapoor MD & CEO, BIrlasoft Desh Deepak Khetrapal MD & CEO, Orient Cement Rakesh Khanna Joint MD, Orient Cement Group CFO, CK Birla Group Mission, Vision and Values Vision: Create value in tune with the rapidly changing needs of customers, partners and communities in the twenty-first century Values: Integrity, Excellence, Respect, Responsibility & Accountability The firm believes in working honestly while maintaining the highest quality standards and being reliable in your work ethic. The firm is sensitive and responsible towards the communities that it works in and respects the colleagues and customers alike. Culture Every conglomerate is faced with the challenge of defining its unifying thought across it many organisations. It is what keeps them together and gives direction to the expectations its employees, customers and society come to have from them. The companies are guided by the values of the Group. They create enduring value for all stakeholders, and forge long-term relationships with customers and partners. They invest deeply in people and support their professional growth and personal wellbeing. As a result, 68 these companies have received numerous customers, peer and industry awards recognizing our quality standards, workplace excellence and environmental consciousness. It’s a growing US$2 billion conglomerate. Business Overview National Engineering Industries (NBC Bearings): ● One of India’s largest bearings manufacturer with the widest bearings’ portfolio; exports to 20 countries ● Commands 24% of the domestic market share. ~70% of NEI's sales come from original equipment manufacturers and 30% from the replacement market. ● The turnover approximates 60% from the auto sector (OEM and aftermarket), 30% for railway products. ● Major Competitors: Schaeffler India, SKF Bearings India, NRB Bearings Orient Electric: ● Established in 1954, it is the largest manufacturer and exporter of fans from India; >60% share in exports. ● Present in 35+ international markets with manufacturing facilities in Kolkata, Noida, Faridabad & Guwahati. ● Major Competitors: Havells India, Bajaj Electricals, Crompton Greaves Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi: ● 12,500 students graduate every year from the institute with graduate, post-graduate and doctoral degrees ● It has seven extension centres in India and two overseas, with collaborations with international universities. ● Major Competitors: BITS Pilani, IITs, NITs Key Subsidiaries The key subsidiaries of CK Birla are as follows: Technology & Automotive Home & Building ● AVTEC ● HIL ● Birlasoft ● Orient Cement ● GMMCO ● Orient Electric ● NEI ● Orient Paper ● Neosym Healthcare & Education ● CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram ● Rukmani Birla Hospital, Jaipur ● BM Birla Heart Research Centre, Kolkata ● Calcutta Medical Research Institute ● BIT Mesra, Ranchi ● Modern High School for Girls, Kolkata ● Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur 69 Recent Mergers & Acquisitions ● HIL Ltd. a flagship company of CK Birla and a major player in the building materials space in India, will acquire the entire business undertaking of Fast Build Blocks Pvt Ltd on slump sale basis, said the company stateme Read more ● Allison Transmission has signed an asset purchase agreement to acquire the transmission portfolio of India-based AVTEC Ltd.’s off-highway business and AVTEC’s Madras Export Processing Zone (MEPZ) off-highway component machining business. Read more ● Birlasoft fortifies its cloud-first strategy as an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner. Read More ● Acquisition of Kinex Bearings by National Engineering Industries for US$240M – 2020. Read More ● Merger of Birla Group’s enterprise digital sector and IT Services division of KPIT to form Birlasoft– 2019. Read More ● Multi-year deal between Invacare and Birlasoft – 2019. Read More ● De’Longhi Group forms strategic partnership with Orient Electric in India – 2018. Read More Recent Innovation & Developments Rukmani Birla Hospital to invest in Technology, as informed by the COO Rukmani Birla Hospital, which completed five years of operation in Jaipur, will add a 10bedded Neuro-ICU unit and invest in technology to further improve the quality of services. Read More Birlasoft Recognized as a Finalist of 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards Birlasoft Ltd [BSE: 532400, NSE: BSOFT], part of the USD 2.4 billion diversified CK Birla Group, today announced it has been named a finalist of the 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards in the Modernizing Applications category. Read More Birlasoft aims to scale Microsoft cloud business to $100 million Birlasoft has announced a global strategic cloud alliance with Microsoft to help clients accelerate their digital journey. It aims to solve their cloud transformation needs, right from infrastructure to business applications. This also led to a 17% spike in Birlasoft’s share price. France’s Imerys to buy CK Birla Group firm’s thermal insulation unit Imerys SA that processes industrial minerals is going to acquire the thermal insulation business of Hyderabad Industries Ltd (HIL), the building materials arm of CK Birla Group. It is buying HYSIL business through Calderys India Refractories Ltd for INR 80 crores. HYSIL is involved in manufacturing, sales, marketing, distribution and export of calcium silicate-based insulation products in the form of pipes, blocks and other shapes. Major CSR Activities and Social Work CK Birla invests significant resources to philanthropic initiatives spanning over Science and Technology, Art and Culture, and heritage preservation. It has supported a model village initiative in Rajasthan and a slum rehabilitation programme. It has also built R&D facilities, museums, planetariums, an archaeological institute, and India’s only dinosaurian. CK Birla Group committed INR 35 crores to PM-CARES Fund 70 CK Birla Group had made a commitment of INR 35 crores to support the Government in the fight against COVID-19. INR 25 crores was contributed to the PM-CARES Fund, and the remaining amount was directed towards State Government funds and supplying equipment, masks, PPEs, etc. Key Financials Key Financials as per Annual Report 2022 Net Worth (Cr) Annual Revenue (Cr) HIL 1030 1973 Birlasoft 1588 2049 Orient Cement 1525 2725 Orient Electric 541 2448 EBIT (Cr) PAT (Cr) 252 396 455 190 186 296 263 126 71 RELIANCE Introduction Reliance Industries Limited is a Fortune 500 company and India’s largest and most profitable private sector company. Reliance continues to be a significant global player in the integrated energy value chain while establishing leadership positions in the retail and digital services business in India. Reliance's products and services portfolio touches almost all Indians on a daily basis, across economic and social spectrums. It is now focused on building platforms that will herald the Fourth Industrial Revolution and will create opportunities and avenues for India and all its citizens to realise their true potential. It has evolved from being a textiles and polyester company to an integrated player across energy, materials, retail, entertainment and digital services. In each of these areas, it is committed to innovation-led, exponential growth. In 2019, Reliance became the first Indian company to cross ₹10 trillion market capitalisation. In just four decades, Reliance has grown from a small startup to one of the largest, most admired companies in the world. In 2020, Reliance ranked as the 48th highest valued company in the world and ranked 96th on the Fortune Global 500 list. Founders and History Dhirubhai Ambani returned to India in 1957 after a stint with A. Besse & Co., Aden, Yemen. He started a yarn trading business from a small 500 sq. ft. office in Masjid Bunder, Mumbai, but dreamt of establishing India’s largest company. Reliance set up a mill in Naroda, Gujarat, sparking off Reliance’s backward integration journey. Mukesh Ambani led the establishment of Reliance’s first mega manufacturing project at Patalganga in a record 18 months. Reliance’s backward integration journey continued and the Hazira plant coming on stream in 1991 laid the foundation for Reliance becoming the world’s largest integrated producer of polyester. In 2000, Reliance commissioned the world's largest grassroots refinery in a record 36 months: the Jamnagar petrochemicals and integrated refinery complex. With the development of the associated green belt, the desert surrounding Jamnagar became home to another man-made wonder – Asia’s largest mango orchard! In 2004, Reliance emerged as the first and only private Indian organisation to be listed in the Fortune Global 500 list. Reliance is also the first private sector company to be rated by international credit rating agencies - including Moody's, Standard and Poor's. 72 Key Officials ● Akash as chairman of Reliance Jio ● Isha Ambani to lead Retail business Mission Vision and Values Motto – Growth is Life Vision – We are totally dedicated to building a reputation as the most professional and highly valued circuit board supplier to our customer base as an industry partner. Mission – To achieve excellence in project execution, quality, reliability, safety and operational efficiency. To relentlessly pursue new opportunities, capitalizing on synergies in the power generation sector. To consistently enhance our competitiveness and deliver profitable growth. Values – Customer Value, Ownership Mindset, Respect, Integrity, One Team & Excellence 73 Business Overview Recent Mergers & Acquisitions ● Investments in 7-Eleven, Ritu Kumar, Just Dial, Dunzo, Mandarin Oriental, Addverb. Read more ● Reliance Acquires Future Group’s Big Bazaar in Rs 24,000-Crore Deal Cleared by SEBI. Read more ● Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) made several acquisitions in the past three years to boost the product offerings of its subsidiaries – Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. and Reliance Retail Ltd., among others. RIL has put in $566 million in media and education, $194 million in retail, $1.2 billion in telecom and internet firms, $100 million in digital firms, and $391 million in the chemicals and energy space. Read more The acquisitions by Reliance Industries clearly project RIL’s aspiration to be counted among the top 20 companies in the world. The companies acquired by Reliance are working on various technologies: artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), blockchain, online multiplayer gaming, multi-party videoconferencing, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR). These acquisitions are an extension of RIL’s ambitions. 74 Innovation & Developments ● ● ● ● ● 40 patents granted during the year, 900+ researchers and scientists R&D expenditure – INR 2,538 crore Jio Mart services launched in 200 cities Door step delivery of fuel – 1,000+ sites operational Digital Commerce and omni-channel capacities to handle 10X times home delivery of pre-lockdown ● Jio associate programme on JioPOS Lite initiated — 1 million agents onboarded for recharges and new acquisitions Major CSR Activities & Social Work ● ● ● ● ● ● ● INR 1,022 Cr CSR expenditure during the year, 3.6 Cr Lives touched since inception INR 556 Cr Contribution to the PM CARES fund and various state and other relief fund 5.5+ lakh litres of free fuel provided to 14,000 notified emergency response vehicles 5+ Cr meals distributed to marginalised communities and frontline workforce 2.2+ Cr Saplings planted till date 9.9+ Cr m3 Rainwater harvesting capacity created since inception Reliance Foundation – Embarked on a multi-sortie airlift mission to expedite delivery of PPEs, e.g., airlifted 10 lakh surgical masks ● Reliance Foundation Hospital – Nation-wide emergency response infrastructure (24*7), Set up India’s first dedicated COVID-19 hospital in partnership with BMC at Seven Hills 75 Key financials 76 TAS Introduction The Tata group is one of the largest conglomerates in India. It employed about 935,000 employees as of August 2022. Tata Sons is the principal investment holding company and promoter of Tata companies. 66% of the equity share capital of Tata Sons is held by philanthropic trusts, which support education, health, livelihood generation, and art and culture. With a history that goes over a hundred years, it has been elemental in shaping the corporate face of the country, employing some of the sharpest business minds here. To add to this pool of talent pipeline, JRD Tata, the Chairman of Tata Group between 1938 and 1991, created a specialized leadership training program – the Tata Administrative Services (TAS) – in 1956. The TAS is a 12-month intensive leadership training program for young recruits from two sources – the in-house recruits selected from within the Tata group of companies and the campus selects from the top business schools in India. The TAS summer internship program is the flagship program that provides an entry point into the program. Founders and History The TATA group of companies was established in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata, a pioneer industrialist. Ratan Tata was the previous chairman of the Group who Mr. Natrajan Chandrasekaran succeeded Key Officials Name Natrajan Chandrasekaran Saurabh Agrawal Harish Bhat Siddharth Sharma Guenter Butschek C K Venkataraman Designation Chairman, TATA group CFO, TATA group Brand Custodian Group Chief Sustainability Officer CEO, Tata Motors MD, Titan Mission, Vision, and Values We believe in creating leaders who, while strengthening the cultural pillars of the Group, visible as good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, would partner the development and growth of the Group while contributing to nation-building. Values: Integrity: We will be fair, honest, transparent, and ethical in our conduct; everything we do must stand the test of public scrutiny. Responsibility: We will integrate environmental and social principles in our businesses, ensuring that what comes from the people goes back to the people many times over. Excellence: We will be passionate about achieving the highest standards of quality, always promoting meritocracy. ● Pioneering: We will be bold and agile, courageously taking on challenges, using deep customer insight to develop innovative solutions. 77 ● Unity: We will invest in our people and partners, enable continuous learning, and build caring and collaborative relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Culture The Group operates in more than 100 countries across six continents, with the mission" To improve the quality of life of the communities we serve globally, through long-term stakeholder value creation based on Leadership with Trust." The core values the Tata Group believes in are Integrity, responsibility, excellence, pioneering, and unity Business Overview There are 28 publicly-listed Tata enterprises, including Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Tata Chemicals, Tata Global Beverages, Titan, Tata Capital, Tata Power, Tata Advanced Systems, Indian Hotels, and Tata Communications. The business verticals under which Tata Sons operates include IT, Steel, Automotive, Consumer & Retail, Infrastructure, Financial Services, Aerospace & Defence, Travel & Tourism, Telecom & Media, and Trading & Investments. Some Important firms are described below Tata Motors Limited, formerly Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO), is an Indian multinational automotive manufacturing company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Its products include passenger cars, trucks, vans, coaches, buses, sports cars, construction equipment, and military vehicles. It acquired Jaguar Land Rover in 2008. Tata Chemicals- It is headquartered in Mumbai, India. The company is one of the largest chemical companies in India with significant operations in India and Africa. Tata Chemicals has the second largest soda ash production capacity plant in India. Tata Consultancy Services- Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is an Indian multinational information technology (IT) service and consulting company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is a subsidiary of the Tata Group and operates in 149 locations across 45 countries. TCS is among the top two Indian companies by market capitalization. New venture - Tata Neu Tata Neu is an app designed to offer customers an extensive yet highly personalised shopping experience. The culmination of over two years of research, development, and testing, it can truly be called a 'super app' and aims to bring about a great shopping experience for its customers. Integrating the Tata group’s most trusted brands all into a single convenient platform, it offers users a degree of versatility and choice that’s truly unmatched. Covering categories ranging from electronics and groceries, to travel and more, the range of products and services offered is second to none. The app currently hosts - Croma, IHCL, BigBasket, Qmin, Air Asia, etc Read more 78 Key Subsidiaries Source: Finshots Recent Mergers & Acquisitions BigBasket: Tata Group, as part of the strategy to enter the digital space with a total thrust to form a super app, has been quite aggressive in acquisitions. BigBasket was acquired by Tata digital recently, and 64% of the stake was acquired as per reports. 1mg: This was the second biggest investment by tata digital as part of its transformation. This acquisition will place the Tata group well in the booming online pharmacy market CureFit: This was also acquired by Tata Digital, and the co-founder of CureFit Mukesh Bansal would be joining Tata Digital as a president Recent Innovation & Developments TCS and Airtel partner to create an indigenous 5G rollout plan across India. 79 Major CSR Activities and Social Work Tata group is known for its social work and CSR activities. Almost greater than 2/3 of the stake in Tata group is owned by Tata Trusts. All the Tata companies were quite active in helping out the people and country during Covid. Key Financials Key Financials as per Annual Report FY 22 Market Cap Annual Revenue TCS $ 147.44 Rs 160341 Cr Billion Tata Motors Rs 162082 Cr Rs 47263 Cr EBIT Rs 50209 Cr PAT Rs 38187 Cr Rs 398 Cr Rs –(1390)Cr 80 Vedanta Introduction Vedanta is a multinational company with a diversified portfolio in natural resources. They have an employee base of 100,000+ (direct and indirect) with operations in minerals, oil, and gas and primarily operate in India, Africa, Ireland, and Australia. Founders and History The company is primarily owned by the family of Anil Agarwal through Volcan Investments, a holding vehicle with a 61.7% stake in the business. Vedanta Limited (formerly Sesa Goa / Sterlite) is one of the many Indian subsidiaries of Vedanta resources and operates iron ore mines in Goa. Key Officials Name Anil Agarwal Sunil Duggal Navin Agarwal Madhu Srivastava Ajay Goel Ajay Kapur Sauvik Mazumdar Pankaj Kumar Designation Executive Chairman CEO, Vedanta Limited Executive Vice Chairman Group CHRO Deputy CFO CEO, Aluminium and Power CEO, Iron Ore Business CEO, Sterlite Copper Mission, Vision and Values Values: Trust, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Excellence, Integrity, Care Respect. "We are empowered to drive excellence and innovation; we demonstrate world-class standards of governance, safety, sustainability, and social responsibility. Our business was built with a simple mission envisioned by the Group's Chairman, Mr. Anil Agarwal – To create a leading global natural resource company." Culture Vedanta is focused on giving back to society. Teamwork plays a pivotal role at Vedanta to grow with sustainable development at its heart. They foster a culture of transparency in all the interactions and provide open communication platforms at the workplace. The decisions of Vedanta are focused more on the people who are the heart of the Organization. Business Overview Vedanta Limited (Group Highlights): ● India's largest zinc-lead miner. ● Has around 78% market share in the zinc industry ● Top 10 silver producers globally 81 ● Vedanta's Oil and Gas operations comprise 26% of India's production Hindustan Zinc ● 1.2 million tonnes of capacity per annum ● Facilities in Rampura Agucha, Chanderiya, Dariba, Kayad, and Zawar in Rajasthan ● Silver Refinery in Pantnagar, Uttarakhand Vedanta Zinc International ● For international operations predominantly in South Africa, Namibia, Ireland. ● Employs around ~2700 people majorly localities of South Africa. Cairn Oil & Gas ● ● ● ● Largest Private sector producer of Crude Oil in India Reponsible for 24% of India’s domestic crude oil production in FY 20 Merger with Vedanta happened in 2017 Assets present in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat Key Subsidiaries The list of subsidiaries of JSW Group are as follows: Hindustan Zinc Electrosteel Steels Cairn India Holdings limited Ferro Alloys Corporation Sesa Resources Limited Sterlite Copper Thl Zinc Limited Malco BALCO Bellary Steels and Alloys Ltd Sterlite Infra Limited Recent Innovation & Developments Mining giant Vedanta and Taiwan’s electronics manufacturer Foxconn propose an investment of $22 billion in a manufacturing facility for semiconductors that would generate around 200,000 jobs. Read more Anil Agarwal-promoted Vedanta Aluminium Business was India's largest industrial consumer of renewable energy in 2021 Read more Vedanta looks to focus on long product steel with upcoming capacity The firm will enhance facilities to high carbon electrical steel, other value-added products. It is working to double capacity to 3 million tonnes for which it has invested Rs 3,000 crore Vedanta recognized by the Gujarat government for its Covid relief initiatives 82 Vedanta spent over Rs400cr on Covid-related initiatives and has rolled out one of the most extensive vaccination drives for its employees, their families, and business partners. Vedanta ramps up oxygen supplies amid a surge in COVID-19 cases Sterlite Copper, which has one of the most extensive oxygen facilities in the country at Tuticorin, has reached out to the Tamil Nadu government and Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan with its offer to help, seeking approval to operate its 1,000 tonnes per day oxygen plant to meet the rising demand Hindustan Zinc appoints women as underground mine managers Rasakatla assumed the role of mine manager of HZL's Zawarmala mine, while Rane is appointed head planning & development for Kayad mine. Both the women are also the first women in Indian mining to receive the 'First Class Mines Manager' certificate of competency in the "Unrestricted" category Major CSR Activities and Social Work "Retaining the trust of our host communities is central to our ability to do business. In many instances, we are the primary economic driver where we operate. This places us in a unique position to impact local communities' lives significantly, whether as employers and business partners or through our community development interventions. We take this responsibility seriously and endeavour to fulfil our role in a manner that upholds the dignity of all our stakeholders and allows us to live up to our values." – Vedanta CSR Some Measures taken by Vedanta in recent times: ● ● ● ● Vedanta spent 399 Cr on CSR in FY22 Vedanta ramps up oxygen supplies amid a surge in COVID-19 cases Vedanta recognized by the Gujarat government for its Covid relief initiatives Vedanta Group announces Rs. 5000 crore social impact program 'Swasth Gaon Abhiyaan ● Vedanta opens its second COVID Hospital in Odisha in June 2021 ● Vedanta Aluminium Business recycles 16.5 billion liters of water in FY21 Key Financials Key Financials as per Annual Report 2022 Net Worth (Cr) Annual Revenue (Cr) Vedanta 98896 71624 Limited EBITDA (Cr) 26025 PAT (Cr) 17245 83 TATA Trusts Introduction In a country that is home to the world’s second-largest population, when one of its largest enterprises providentially happens to be a philanthropic organisation, it raises hopes for a promising and sustainable future. For people across the country, the Tata Trusts symbolise humanitarianism and personify the prodigious force that advances new frontiers of social and economic development. Through the century, the Tata Trusts have constantly endeavoured to achieve societal and economic development for attaining self-sustained growth relevant to the nation. They support an assortment of causes such as health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation, livelihoods, social justice and inclusion, skilling, migration and urbanisation, environment, digital literacy, sports, arts, craft and culture, and disaster management to name a few. To the Tata Trusts, each developmental challenge is a clarion call for designing interventional programmes and initiatives that stay sustained over the necessary period. Their numerous interventions address several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and stand testimony to the Trusts’ process compliance and their ability to take risks and demonstrate proof of concept at scale. Notwithstanding their presence and contribution in ongoing developmental projects, the Trusts clearly define an exit route for themselves once their programmes achieve the desired traction and scale of operations. With several new strategies and solutions lined-up within each portfolio, the Trusts are marching towards achieving their mission of positively and sustainably impacting 100million lives by 2021. Tata Trusts holds 66% of the equity capital of Tata Sons, the holding company of Tata Group. Tata Trusts comprises of many allied trusts, which are categorized under two major Trusts: ● Sir Ratan Tata Trust and Allied Trusts ● Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and Allied Trusts Founders and History Sir Dorabji Tata Trust And Allied Trusts ● Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, one of India's oldest and non-sectarian philanthropic organisations, was established in 1932 to catalyse development across the nation through contemporary initiatives. ● The JN Endowment for the Higher Education of Indians The JN Endowment for the Higher Education of Indians has been helping Indian students since 1892 with loan scholarships for higher studies. People consider it a matter of pride to be called a 'JN Tata Scholar'. There are more than 4,800 JN Tata Scholars all over the world. ● JRD Tata Trust Founded in 1944, this Trust offers institutional grants with a focus on overall developmental issues. Additionally, the JRD Tata Trust gives scholarships for studies in India. 84 ● Jamsetji Tata Trust Founded in 1974, this Trust offers institutional grants that are centred on overall developmental issues and has the same programme mandate as the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust. It also gives free grants to select JNT scholars. ● JRD and Thelma J Tata Trust Aimed at promoting the welfare, education, health, rehabilitation and overall upliftment of women in India, JRD Tata established the JRD and Thelma J Tata Trust in 1991. ● Tata Education Trust, Tata Social Welfare Trust and RD Tata Trust The Tata Education Trust, Tata Social Welfare Trust and RD Tata Trust were created in 1990. Their primary focus is institutional grant making. ● Lady Tata Memorial Trust The Lady Tata Memorial Trust, established in 1932, funds individual scientific research into diseases of the blood with a special reference to leukaemia internationally, and individual / institutional scientific research for alleviation of suffering due to other diseases in India. ● Lady Meherbai D Tata Education Trust Established in 1932, the Lady Meherbai D Tata Education Trust empowers young Indian women through higher education. It extends scholarships to graduates, from recognised Indian universities, for pursuing higher studies abroad. ● Tata Education Trust, Tata Social Welfare Trust and RD Tata Trust The Tata Education Trust, Tata Social Welfare Trust and RD Tata Trust were created in 1990. Their primary focus is institutional grant making. Sir Ratan Tata Trust And Allied Trusts ● Sir Ratan Tata Trust Established in 1919, the Sir Ratan Tata Trust is one of the oldest philanthropic institutions in India, and has played a pioneering role in changing traditional ideas of charity. ● Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust The Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust, founded in memory of Sir Ratan Tata's wife Navajbai in 1974, works together with the Sir Ratan Tata Trust to bestow grants. ● Tata Education and Development Trust Set up in September 2008, the Tata Education and Development Trust's activities are multifaceted in nature and promote social welfare, while placing considerable importance on national development. ● Bai Hirabai J. N. Tata Navsari Charitable Institution Bai Hirabai JN Tata Navsari Charitable Institution was established by a deed of trust dated December 7, 1923, and has had the same Board of Trustees as that of Sir Ratan Tata Trust. 85 ● Sarvajanik Seva Trust The Sarvajanik Seva Trust was registered as a public charitable trust in 1975 and provides grants to individuals for reimbursing costs incurred towards medical treatment, besides giving grants / scholarships to deserving students to pursue higher studies in India. Key officials Mr. Ratan N Tata, Chairman Srinath Narasimhan CEO Mehrab Irani Group CFO Rukshana Savaksha Ashish Deshpande CFO and Company Secretary Mission and vision The guiding principle of Tata Trusts has been the philanthropic vision of Jamsetji Tata. “There is one kind of charity common enough among us, it is that patchwork philanthropy which clothes the ragged, feeds the poor, and heals the sick. I am far from decrying the noble spirit which seeks to help a poor or suffering fellow being. However, what advances a nation or a community is not so much to prop up its weakest and most helpless members, but to lift up the best and the most gifted, so as to make them of the greatest service to the country.” Key Engagements Tata Trusts have been engaged in 15 key sectors: ● Healthcare ● Nutrition ● Education ● Livelihood ● Water, Sanitization, and Hygiene Education ● Digital Transformation ● Migration and Urban Habitat ● Environment and Energy ● Environment and Energy ● Social Justice and Inclusion Sports ● Skill Development ● Sports ● Art and Culture ● Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation ● Institutions ● Individual Grants Key Initiatives ● Tata Trusts upgraded four government hospital buildings as COVID-19 treatment centres in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra in August 2020 86 ● Tata Trusts gave business training to uneducated women in setting up new handloom business amid the pandemic, through 'Antaran Artisan Connect' in June 2020 ● Tata Trusts with the Government of Goa's Systemic School Improvement program conducted online classes by 10,500+ teachers by government and aided schools in May 2020. ● Tata Trusts announced a donation of INR 500 crore to fight the COVID-19 crisis in India in April 2020. Read more Key Financials Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and allied trusts The total disbursals made by the Trusts during the year were INR 4,661.06 million (US $66.59 million). Disbursals of INR 4,106.65 million (US $58.67 million) were made on all programme grants during the year. Small grants touched INR 29.70 million (US $0.42 million). The total disbursals to individuals amounted to INR 524.71 million (US $7.50 million). 87 Sir Ratan Tata Trust And Allied Trusts The total disbursals made by the Trusts during the year were INR 10,944.38 million (US $156.35 million). Disbursals of INR 10,275.68 million (US $146.80 million) were made on all programme grants during the year. Endowments to the tune of INR 67.50 million (US $0.97 million) were made and small grants touched INR 0.50 million (US $0.007 million). The total disbursals to individuals amounted to INR 600.70 million (US $8.58 million). 88 89 110 GMLC Case GD 1. Copton: Culture or Competence? Founded in 1985 in the US, Copton started as an electrical equipment manufacturer, specializing in switchboards and has enjoyed phenomenal growth since then. It has currently positioned itself as one of the top 5 players in the US in the electrical equipment segment. Over the last 2 decades of its operation, it has successfully expanded to various countries in Europe concerning all new businesses that it ventured into. While expanding, it would often outsource its distribution and retail work by taking advantage of the established distribution network in the foreign nations. However, the employees selected to spearhead the ventures were internal talents, who had a history of proven competencies at the headquarter firm in the US. Hence, being designated as the chosen one for the new opportunity was indeed a special acknowledgment for one's work and a matter of respect and pride. 2. The New Plan This year, the current CEO had proposed a new entry plan. This plan seems to have worked well previously in Copton’s past ventures in 3 different European countries. They decided to expand geographically by establishing their network organically within a foreign country. Although it took some time to establish that, the long-term benefits outweighed the efforts. The costs were dramatically reduced which allowed the company to realize more profits and at the same time, lower the prices of its products, thus, driving out the competition. This breakthrough opened new markets for the company which previously seemed unattainable. Earlier the customers were price-sensitive and were mostly served by the unorganized players of the country. But now, with the reduced cost, Copton was able to tap that market. The fact that the company tasted success in its last 3 entries, further reinstates this. 3. The Setback in Africa With this concept, the company had decided to enter Africa. Sensing a similar kind of a market as its last entry and similar nature of income level, it believed that it was well poised for the move. The CEO decided to go ahead with the plan choosing one of the top performers in the US to lead the venture. However, within 3 months of its entry, the company realized that it had made a wrong move. The company couldn't garner enough sales and decided to rescind its operation after 6 months of struggle. While some blamed the market research team for its inadequate research, others blamed the operations team for its inefficiencies. The CEO was also blamed for his hasty decision regarding the man chosen to lead the endeavour. Some thought it made much more sense to choose an average performer but a man who understood the culture and regulations well in the new country citing the example of 3 labour unrests that happened in the 6 months of operation. 111 4. Road Ahead After this debacle, the company's plan of expanding to South-East Asia was stalled. While the company sensed the saturation in its present market, the opportunity in India and China was huge. However, the setback in Africa had forced them to step back and rethink its strategies. When the opportunity in the market was so big, why did it fail? Should it re-enter the market with strategic changes and again try to establish its business? Was the failure of a one-time thing and should the company expand to China and India with the same strategies? The CEO had a lot to think about and make amends for the damage done in the last 6 months. 112 Chairman GD Sample You are the District Collector of a district in which a road project has been commissioned to join 4 villages. However, the project cannot be completed because a key bridge is needed and the MP, who can sanction the money needed from his MPLADS, is holding up the sanction. Some say, the MP is delaying because the villages voted for his opponent. Others say that the MP will agree if the District Collector makes a direct request, but this will imply favours in return. You have called your officials to discuss the situation as to what to do. You are the District Collector of a district where a road project is planned. The women in one of the villages on the planned route oppose the route and have asked for an alternate route. However, this is not acceptable to the local influential farmers as the road cuts through their field and your own officials opposed it because they thought the land acquisition would be expensive. You later found that the women opposed the route since they used the area for open defecation and the traffic would affect their privacy. You have called for a meeting of your officials to discuss the case. You are the Manager of a rural bank tasked to help the local industry develop. Your area has several carpenters who service several villages. You have given a loan to two of the carpenters to buy power hand tools. Their business has flourished and they are paying back the loan. However, you have received information that the other carpenters, who your bank had ruled unsatisfactory and as loan risks, are in dire straits and are on the verge of ruin. They have appealed to your regional office and your RO has asked you to review the case. You have called a meeting of your staff to discuss this. You are the Managing Director of a state corporation offering an energy efficient stove, sourced by you from abroad. You conducted a market survey and the results are mixed. The women like the fact that the stove is energy efficient and smokeless but say that the stove has a narrow opening and the rotis get cooked only in the centre. But R &D people say that any change will reduce its efficiency. Another reason as also because of its elongated shape, they are presently unwilling to buy the stove. You have called your Heads of Departments to discuss the issue. You are the Sarpanch of a village. The government is making available a certain amount of funds for your village which may be utilized for any one important project decided upon by the Panchayat. There are number of pressing issues like building toilets for the use of the women in the village, building a community hall, clean and safe drinking water provisions, electrification of village and construction of one school for primary children. You decided to call for a meeting of Panchayat to discuss this issue. As the Headmaster of the village high school you have come to know that a significant number of girls are dropping out of school because of marriages at an age earlier than which was prevalent in the villages around as also for various other reasons like young girls being lured by touts with false promises of better life and marriages with city dwellers. You called for a meeting of all the teachers to discuss as to how to resolve this issue. You are the Project coordinator for a Watershed development project in a typical drought prone village. You are informed that there is Rs 30 Lakhs available for the project over 4 years for taking up works on soil conservation, water harvesting and livelihoods promotion. You have the challenge before you to ensure the equitable utilization of the resources and funds including the landless and women. You have the challenge of pressures from the big farmers and 113 contractors to plan the works that suit them. You have convened a meeting to discuss the situation and take a decision with your project team. You are the Project Manager of a company that is setting up an industrial unit in a village but the villagers are opposed to setting up of the unit. You are aware that such a unit will benefit the area, but some of the land will be acquired at the same time. You are aware that the industrial unit will cause certain amount of pollution and greatly increase traffic flow in the region. You have called for a meeting of the senior members of your project team to discuss how you can win the villagers over to accept your proposal. 114 115