Asaph: What is worship and praise? Reprinted from Many Christians probably think that worship and praise is already a very familiar term. However, how much do we know about worship and praise? Or how many people have interpreted the four words of worship and praise in a narrow sense to mean that in the church Singing "new trend hymns"? Let us calm down and think carefully about the meaning of "worship" and "praise"! what is praise If Xiaojun went to the nursing home yesterday to take care of the helpless old people, how would you praise Xiaojun? You may say to Xiaojun, you are such a good person and kind-hearted. Yesterday during the holiday, everyone only focused on playing, but you were the only one willing to take care of the elderly; when you are telling Xiaojun’s personality (kindness) and what she has done When you do this, you are praising Xiaojun. Similarly, even if this sentence is not said directly to Xiaojun, but to a good friend of yours: Xiaojun is very kind and helps the elderly. This is also praising Xiaojun, but the target of the complaint is someone else. So we can understand that when we tell our family and friends about what God has done, we are praising God. But we must pay attention to one thing. When you say "Xiaojun, you are so good", Xiaojun can feel that you are praising her, but if you always keep repeating: Xiaojun, you are so good. Every time I see Xiaojun, I just say "you are so nice". This is not a compliment, it is just a habit. Similarly, when we praise God, do we only have "Hallelujah, Lord, I praise you" and nothing else? You will find that if we want to praise a person, unless we know more about the person, it will be difficult for us to praise him and we will not know what to say. However, when we praise God, shouldn’t we also praise him? God has more knowledge, otherwise how can our praise please God? Can you imagine how happy she would be if Xiaojun said the same thing every time she saw him? In fact, when we talk about the grace that God has accomplished in us, we are praising God. When we declare God’s attributes, that He is a faithful, righteous, and holy Lord, we are praising God. When we know God better, After experiencing the grace of God’s presence, we are better able to express God’s glory with words of praise (Psalm 66:1-2). Let’s look at two types of praise from the Bible Praise God's attributes Psalm 36:5-7 "Your mercy, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, and your faithfulness reaches to the firmament. Your righteousness is like the mountains, and your judgments are like the deep. You, O Lord, save people and livestock. God. Oh, how precious is your love! The world takes refuge in the shadow of your wings. When we describe God’s attributes, we are praising God. When God sent Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses asked God, “What shall I say to the people?” God said to Moses, I am who I am, and the Lord is my name forever. What kind of God is our God? God is self-existing, holy and blameless (Leviticus 11:44), the Lord who created all things (Genesis 1), and never changes (Malachi 3:6); He is love (1 John 4:8) , He is the omniscient (Psalm 139:1-6), omnipotent (Matthew 19:26), omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-12) God, and He is the merciful Lord (Hebrews 4:16) , justice and righteousness are in His hands (Psalm 99:4), and He is the God who gives us grace and redeems us (Romans 3:24). The more we know God, the more we know how to praise God. How can we know God better? In fact, it is most important to know God through the Bible, because the Bible is inspired by God. David said to Solomon: You shall know the Lord, the God of your father, and serve Him with sincerity and willingness (1 Chronicles 28:9). Knowing God is so important and precious, but sometimes we may put the cart before the horse and only think about praising God without knowing more about God. If we want to know a person better, in addition to getting to know him from books or other people's mouths, we also need to get along with him and talk to him. In the same way, God is pleased for us to draw close to Him, talk to Him, and bring our requests and thoughts to Him. Therefore, when we choose the best blessings to draw close to God, we will know God better and praise God more. More pleasing to God. Praise God for His deeds Psalm 66:3-6 "Say to God: How awesome are your works! Because of your power your enemies will surrender to you. The whole earth will worship you, sing your praises, and sing praises to your name. Come and see It is awesome what God has done, what He has done to the world. He has turned the sea into dry land, and people have walked across the rivers. We rejoice in Him there. He rules with power over all peoples forever." When we talk about God’s deeds, we are praising God. He has not only accomplished great things in the past years, but is also with us today. His deeds are not only manifested in the creation of heaven and earth, but also in our lives. Show His power. When the Israelites walked to the Red Sea, they also shouted to Moses: Did you bring us to die in the wilderness? Moses said to the people: Do not be afraid, but stand still and see the salvation that the Lord will give you today (Exodus 14:13). Perhaps we sometimes face dangers in life like the Israelites, but God wants to say to us: Do not be afraid. He will work salvation in your life and mine. God did more than we could ask or imagine. God parted the Red Sea so that the Israelites could be saved. After they crossed the Red Sea, the Israelites sang to God: The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation. This is my God, and I will praise Him (Exodus 15:2). When God accomplishes His mighty deeds, we cannot help but praise God and spread His wonderful deeds. Ask God to teach us to count His grace in your life and mine, for whoever offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifies God (Psalm 50:23). When we tell one another about all that God has done in our lives, that It’s praising God. Praise happens not only when things go well for us, but also when we encounter difficulties. David even cried out to God when facing hardships: My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me? Why stay away and not save me (Psalm 22:1)? But he was still determined to praise God, "I will praise You in the assembly... My words of praise in the assembly come from You" (Psalm 22:22-25). Paul and Silas were beaten with rods, their clothes were stripped off, their feet were tied to wooden dogs, and they were imprisoned. Although they still had to face pain, they were determined to pray and sing hymns to God (Acts 16:25) There was a great earthquake and the prison door opened. When we are determined to praise God in the midst of difficulties, He will show wonderful deeds and deliver salvation among us. The praise of Paul and Silas brought about the salvation of the jailer’s family. We must also experience God’s wonderful deeds in our lives. Sometimes difficulties and pain may make us seem to fall into the abyss, but God wants us to praise Him because He is with us. Although God has not promised that the sky will always be blue, He His name is Emmanuel. He promises to be with us and will save us from evil. Because He is our Lord, let us make up our minds to praise God! No matter whether things are smooth or difficult, we must praise God for His actions. He will show His wonderful grace in our lives. "Lord, please open my lips, so that my mouth may declare your praise!" (Psalm 51:15) Let us become people of praise in our lives, not only praising God, but also speaking to the people around us. God’s attributes and works, because that is also praising God. what is worship Let’s first look at the definition of the word “worship”! Webster Dictionary defines worship as: the dedication of divine glory, worship, and allegiance to the Supreme Lord through reverence, penitence, prayer, thanksgiving, etc. Synonyms for worship include: "praise, praise, love, respect, praise, love, praise, respect, respect, reverence, adoration, etc." It seems complicated and hard to understand, right? Then we can probably understand it very concisely if we look at the English word "worship". Worship is composed of the two English roots worth and ship. Therefore, worship is to give God the honor and glory that he deserves and deserves. So what does worship mean in the Bible? The New Testament Greek word proskynein means bowing or kissing hands to mean humbling oneself and worshiping the other person; sebomai means to maintain fear and awe; latreuo means public worship, service or religious worship. The Chinese Union Version translates the original shachah as "worship" 61 times, "bow down" 45 times, "kowtow" 25 times, "kneel down" 15 times, "prostrate" 9 times, and "bow down" 9 times. In the book "The True Meaning of Worship" (written by Coward/Published by Elim), he writes: Worship is the exchange of love between man and God. It includes actions and emotions, but true worship is more than just that. It also includes the adoration and praise that comes from the heart when people are attracted by God’s love. I once thought that "worship" was not clearly explained in the Bible, but I was surprised to find that the first verse of Romans Chapter 12 describes true "worship". The modern Chinese translation translates "Therefore, brothers, since God is so merciful We, I urge you, present yourselves as living sacrifices to God, serving Him wholeheartedly and pleasing Him. This is the true worship you should offer” (Romans 12:1). Worship is to offer your body as a living sacrifice, serve Him wholeheartedly, and please God. This is the true worship we should offer. Therefore, when we are willing to hand over our sovereignty to God and let God take over the kingship, we are worshiping God. When we offer something as a living sacrifice, we are completely handing it over to God and letting Him control it. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son as a burnt offering. Abraham obeyed God's will. That was his only son when he was old. He did not refuse to sacrifice it to God because of this. What do we value, time, money or the people closest to you? Are you willing to obey God like Abraham did? If one day God asks you to put down your work or money, just like Jesus said to His disciples, come and follow me, will you be willing? Abraham and Isaac dedicated themselves to God without reservation, and they experienced Jehovah Jireh’s preparation for them (Genesis 22). When we are willing to bring our whole being to God’s altar, He will also give us everything we need from the throne of grace. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33). Let us worship Him, obey His will in life, serve Him wholeheartedly, examine what is God’s good, pure, and pleasing will (Romans 12:2), and let God’s will be done on earth, as Together in heaven. Let our lives be a life of worship, that is, let the kingship of God reign in everything in our lives. This is worship. Even bringing your burdens to God is worship. God said, Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). Dedicate your family to God and let Him control it; bring your work to God and let Him use your profession; study hard in your studies and equip yourself to be a vessel suitable for the Lord; in your Witness God’s grace in you among your friends; these are all ways of worshiping God. Of course, we can also say that this is worship in a broad sense. Worship is to respond to God’s love and deeds and give God the glory he deserves. Worship in a narrow sense may refer to praying, singing, kneeling, etc. Come to worship God, but "worship" is definitely not limited to "singing songs." So let us worship God! Because He is looking for those who worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:23). He is looking for you and me, so that we can offer true worship to God and let God’s joy be among us. Be satisfied. The article is reproduced from: Zhu Daya