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IT Notes (GKJ)

MOB- 8294345756.
“Isko Kar Dala to IT me Jingalalaaaaa”
Unit – I (Information Technology and Business – An Overview)
1. _________can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner, which
should be suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or electronic machine.
2. __________usually includes all operations performed on data disclosure, management, use and collection of data
within a company. (Data processing/Database/Information/Procedures)
3. Types of Data Processing are______________. (Manual Data Processing/Mechanical Data Processing/Electronic
Data Processing/All of the above)
4. This is the “old-fashioned” way of doing it before the invention of calculators. Here data processing is done “by
hand”, the process is slow and all mistakes are due to “human error.” (Manual Data Processing/Mechanical Data
Processing/Electronic Data Processing/All of the above)
5. __________results improved dramatically with the addition of typewriters and calculators. However, speed and
errors were still very much a function of “human operators.” (Manual Data Processing/Mechanical Data
Processing/Electronic Data Processing/All of the above)
6. __________uses computers to facilitate processing requirements. (Manual Data Processing/Mechanical Data
Processing/Electronic Data Processing/All of the above)
7. Which of the following is the correct sequence of data processing cycle? (Input - Processing - Output –
Interpretation/Processing - Input - Output – Interpretation/Output- Input - Processing –
Interpretation/Interpretation - Input - Processing – Output)
8. Which of the following are Steps in Business Data Processing? (Editing & Coding/Data Entry &
Validation/Tabulation/All of the above)
9. When data are processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make them useful, they are
called __________. (Database/Information/Hardware/Software)
10. Data themselves are fairly useless, but when these data are interpreted and processed to determine its true
meaning, they becomes useful and can be named as __________. (Database/Information/Hardware/Software)
11. _________is the raw material that can be processed by any computing machine. It can be represented in the form
of Numbers and words which can be stored in computer's language. (Data/Information/Hardware/Software)
12. __________is data that has been converted into a more useful or intelligible form. It is the set of data that has
been organized for direct utilization of mankind, as information helps human beings in their decision making
process. (Database/Information/Hardware/Software)
13. __________is the processed data on which decisions and actions are based.
14. The elements of computer based information systems are: (Database/Hardware/Software/All of the above)
15. Pay slips , Invoice, mark sheet etc are examples of ______. (Database/Information/Hardware/Software)
16. It is an organized collection of facts and information, typically consisting of two or more related data files.
17. ____________refers to internal memos, intranet, personal communication, and team meetings. (Intraorganizational communication/Intranet-rganizational communication/Inter-personal communication/Internet
18. The process of ___________involves the transmission of data/information/feelings between the various senses or
pathways. (Intra-personal communication/Inter-organizational communication/Intranet communication/Interpersonal communication)
19. ____________classifies communication that is internal within the organization; it describes the use of company
magazines or newsletters which are used as the communication channel. (Intra-personal communication/Intraorganizational communication/Intranet communication/Inter-personal communication)
20. ________is a form of communication channel using computer-based technology harnessed by the organization to
allow internal communication to take place – e.g. an internal email network. (Intra-personal communication
/Intra-organizational communication/Intranet communication/Inter-personal communication)
21. _________occurs between different companies, and would include official letters and invoices, bills, proposals
etc. (Intra-personal communication/Intra-organizational communication/Intranet communication/Inter-personal
22. Most of the organizations use ________to establish intra-organizational communication. [Local Area Network
(LAN)/Wide Area Network (WAN)/Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)/All of the above]
23. Most of the organizations use ______to establish inter-organizational communication. [Local Area Network
(LAN)/Wide Area Network (WAN)/Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)/All of the above]
24. _____________involves the exchange of message/information/data across communication channel from one
person to another or one group to another. (Inter-personal communication/Inter-organizational communication
/Internet communication/All of the above)
25. __________describes communication between separate organizations. (Inter-personal communication/Interorganizational communication/Internet communication/All of the above)
26. _________uses a computer-based system that is open to the users – e.g. World-Wide-Web. (Inter-personal
communication/Inter-organizational communication/Internet communication/All of the above)
27. ____is a process in which one company hires another company to handle its own business activities. [Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO)/human resources Outsourcing (HRO)/Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO)/legal
process outsourcing (LPO)]
28. __________is the contracting of non-primary business activities and functions to a third-party provider. (Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO)/human resources Outsourcing (HRO)/Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO)/legal
process outsourcing (LPO)]
29. BPO services includes: [payroll/human resources (HR)/accounting and customer/call center relations/All of the
30. BPO is also known as ___________. [Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES)/human resources
Outsourcing (HRO)/Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO)/legal process outsourcing (LPO)]
31. ____________is the obtaining of services from someone outside a company but within the same country.
[Onshore outsourcing (also called domestic outsourcing)/Nearshore Outsourcing/Offshore outsourcing/All of
the above]
32. ____________is the practice of getting work done or services performed by people in neighbouring countries
rather than in your own country. (Onshore outsourcing/domestic outsourcing/Nearshore Outsourcing/Offshore
33. ___________a type of business process outsourcing (BPO), is the exporting of IT-related work from the United
States and other developed countries to areas of the world where there is both political stability and lower labor
costs or tax savings. (Onshore outsourcing/domestic outsourcing/Nearshore Outsourcing/Offshore outsourcing)
34. BPO Business Process Outsourcing offers following advantages: (Cost Reduction/Focus on your
Business/Improved Productivity/All of the above).
35. ____________is one-step extension of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): [Knowledge Process Outsourcing
(KPO)/legal process outsourcing (LPO)/human resources Outsourcing (HRO)].
36. ______may be defined as high added value process chain where the achievement of objective is highly dependent
on skills, domain knowledge and expertise of people out actually. [Knowledge Process Outsourcing
(KPO)/legal process outsourcing (LPO)/human resources Outsourcing (HRO)/Information Technology Enabled
Services (ITES)]
37. __________is the outsourcing of core, information-related business activities, meaning that knowledge and
information-related work is carried out by workers in a different company or by a subsidiary of the same
organization. [Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)/legal process outsourcing (LPO)/human resources
Outsourcing (HRO)/Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES)]
38. ____________is the allocation of relatively high-level tasks, to an outside organization or a different group in a
different geographic location. [Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)/legal process outsourcing (LPO)/human
resources Outsourcing (HRO)/Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES)]
39. Some challenges faced by KPO includes _______. (high initial investment/maintaining higher quality standards &
enhanced risk management/ensuring information security and confidentially of the client/All of the above)
40. What are the different types of Information system? [Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management
Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)/All of the
41. A ___________________is an information processing system for business transactions involving the collection,
modification and retrieval of all transaction data. [Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management
Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
42. ___________is also known as transaction processing or real-time processing. [Transaction Processing System
(TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System
43. Payroll, inventory control, order entry, accounts payable, accounts receivable etc are examples of __________.
[Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System
(DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
44. ___________are used to record day to day business transactions of the organization. [Transaction Processing
System (TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management
System (KMS)]
45. Point of Sale Systems; Payroll systems; Stock Control systems; Airline booking systems etc. are examples of
____________. [Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision
Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
46. _________is a system for applying and using knowledge management principles. [Transaction Processing System
(TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management
System (KMS)]
47. _______refer to any kind of IT system that stores and retrieves knowledge, improves collaboration, locates
knowledge sources, mines repositories for hidden knowledge, captures and uses knowledge. [Transaction
Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge
Management System (KMS)]
48. ____________includes data-driven objectives around business productivity, a competitive business model,
business intelligence analysis and more. [Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System
(MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
49. A Knowledge Management System is an application designed to capture all the information within your
organization and make it easily available to your employees, anywhere, anytime. [Decision Support System
(DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)/Transaction Processing System (TPS)/All of the Above]
50. __________comprises a range of practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and
enable adoption to insight and experience. [Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management Information
System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
51. Tangible benefits of using KMS includes _________. (Improved distribution of knowledge/Greater information
accuracy and consistency/Less time spent looking for answers/All of the above)
52. Purpose of KMS includes _________. (Improved performance/Competitive advantage/Innovation/All of the
53. The _______concerned with performing day to day business transactions of the organization. (Operational
management level/Tactical Management Level/Strategic Management Level/All of the above)
54. Examples of users at this level of management include cashiers at a point of sale, bank tellers, nurses in a hospital,
customer care staff, etc. (Operational management level/Tactical Management Level/Strategic Management
Level/All of the above)
55. ___________is a collection of systems, hardware, procedures and people that all work together to process, store,
and produce information that is useful to the organization. [Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management
Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
56. The following are some of the justifications for having an MIS system: (Decision makers need information to
make effective decisions/MIS systems facilitate communication within and outside the organization/Record
keeping/All of the above).
57. People, Data , Business Procedures, Hardware, Software etc are the major components of a typical __________.
[Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System
(DSS) /Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
58. __________are used by tactical managers to monitor the organization's current performance status. [Transaction
Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)
/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
59. Sales management systems; Budgeting systems ; Human resource management system etc. are Examples of
________. [Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support
System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
60. The output from a transaction processing system is used as input to a ______. [Management Information
System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)/All of the above]
MOB- 8294345756.
61. _________are used by top level managers to make semi-structured decisions. [Transaction Processing System
(TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management
System (KMS)]
62. The output from the Management Information System is used as input to the______. [Transaction Processing
System (TPS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)/All of the above]
63. ____________is a computerized information system used to support decision-making in an organization or a
business. [Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support
System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
64. A _________can be used by operations management and planning levels in an organization to compile
information and data and synthesize it into actionable intelligence. This allows the end user to make more
informed decisions at a quicker pace. [Transaction Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System
(MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management System (KMS)]
65. __________are used by senior management to make non-routine decisions. [Transaction Processing System
(TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge Management
System (KMS)]
66. Financial planning systems; Bank loan management systems etc. are examples of _______. [Transaction
Processing System (TPS)/Management Information System (MIS)/Decision Support System (DSS)/Knowledge
Management System (KMS)]
67. Users at this level user make structured decisions. This means that they have defined rules that guides them while
making decisions. (Operational management level/Tactical Management Level/Strategic Management Level/All
of the above)
68. This organization level is dominated by middle-level managers, heads of departments, supervisors, etc. The users
at this level usually oversee the activities of the users at the operational management level. (Operational
management level/Tactical Management Level/Strategic Management Level/All of the above)
69. Users of ________________make semi-structured decisions. (Operational management level/Tactical
Management Level/Strategic Management Level/All of the above)
70. This is the most senior level in an organization. The users make unstructured decisions. (Operational management
level/Tactical Management Level/Strategic Management Level/All of the above)
Unit – II (Data Organization and Data Base Management System)
1. ________in broad terms, refers to the method of classifying and organizing data sets to make them more useful.
(Data organization/Data base/Hierarchy of Data/data processing)
2. ___________is the smallest unit of data representation (value of it may be a 0 or 1). (Bits/Fields/Records/Files)
3. Eight bits make a __________. (byte (character)/Field/Record/File)
4. _________consists of a grouping of characters. (Bits/Fields/Records/Files)
5. ___________represents a collection of attributes that describe a real-world entity. A record consists of fields, with
each field describing an attribute of the entity. (Bits/Records/Files/Database)
6. Sequential organization; Indexed-sequential organization; Direct organization; Relative organization are the four
methods of ________. (File Organization/Data Organization/Data Management/Data Base)
7. _______consists of records that are stored and accessed in sequential order. (Sequential organization/Indexedsequential organization/Direct organization/Relative organization)
8. Following are the key attributes of sequential file organization: (Records can be read in sequential order /Records
are written in sequential order/it is not possible to delete, shorten, or lengthen a record/All of the above)
9. Under ________ a new record is always inserted at the end of the file. (Sequential organization/Indexedsequential organization/Direct organization/Relative organization)
10. Under ________records are stored in order of primary key in the file. Using the primary key, the records are
sorted. Direct access is also possible. (Sequential organization/Indexed-sequential organization/Direct
organization/Relative organization)
11. Following are the key attributes of sequential file organization – (Records can be read in sequential/Records can
be accessed randomly if the primary key is known/Sorted index is maintained in this file system/All of the above)
12. Under ________filing method, records do not have to be arranged in any particular sequence on storage media.
(Sequential organization/Indexed-sequential organization/Direct organization/Relative organization)
13. Under ________file organisation, A relative file consists of records ordered by their relative address. (Sequential
organization/Indexed-sequential organization/Direct organization/Relative organization)
14. Following are the key attributes of relative file organization: (Records can be read in sequential order/Records can
be accessed using relative key/Records can be inserted using relative key/All of the above)
15. Database is: (Collection of interrelated data/Set of programs to access the data/DBMS contains information about
a particular enterprise/All of the above)
16. _________is a group of related records and are frequently classified by the application for which they are
primarily used. (Bits/Records/Files/Database)
17. ____________is an integrated collection of logically related records or files. (Bits/Records/Files/Database)
18. A ____________consolidates records previously stored in separate files into a common pool of data records that
provides data for many applications. (Bits/Records/Files/Database)
19. The data is managed by systems software called __________. (Database management systems (DBMS)/Data
Dictionary/Data warehouse/None of these)
20. _________can be understood as the conversion of raw data to meaningful information through a process. (Data
processing/Database management systems/Data Dictionary/Data warehouse)
21. The _______Operating Systems are those which Performs all the instructions into a Sequence Manner or the
Instructions those are given by the user will be executed by using the FIFO Manner means First in First Out.
(Serial Processing/Batch Processing/Real time processing/Online processing)
22. In the ________ Operating Systems, similar Types of jobs are Firstly Prepared and they are Stored on the Card
and that card will be Submit to the System for the Processing. (Serial Processing/Batch Processing/Real time
processing/Online processing)
23. __________Operating Systems are required where the results are displayed immediately or in lowest time
possible. (Serial Processing/Batch Processing/Real time processing/Distributed Processing)
24. Banking system, tickets booking for flights, trains, movie tickets, rental agencies etc. are examples of_________.
(Serial Processing/Batch Processing/Real time processing/Distributed Processing)
25. ______ processing method is a part of automatic processing method. This method at times known as direct or
random access processing. Under this method the job received by the system is processed at same time of
receiving. (Serial Processing/Batch Processing/Online processing/Distributed Processing)
26. _________performed in one computer or in a cluster of coupled computers in a single location. (Real time
processing/Online processing/Centralised Processing/Distributed Processing)
27. Under ________ operating system Data is Stored and Processed on Multiple Locations. (Real time processing
/Online processing/Centralised Processing/Distributed Processing)
28. A _______is a collection of programs that enables users to create and maintain a database. (DBMS (Database
Management System)/Data Dictionary/Data Warehouse/Data Mining)
29. A _________is hence a general purpose software system that facilitates the process of Defining, Constructing and
Manipulating databases for various applications. (DBMS (Database Management System)/Data Dictionary/Data
Warehouse/Data Mining)
30. The _______interfaces with application programs so that the data contained in the database can be used by
multiple applications and users. (DBMS (Database Management System)/Data Dictionary/Data
Warehouse/Data Mining)
31. The __________allows these users to access and manipulate the data contained in the database in a convenient
and effective manner. (DBMS (Database Management System)/Data Dictionary/Data Warehouse/Data Mining)
32. The ___________exerts centralized control of the database, prevents unauthorized users from accessing the data
and ensures privacy of data. (DBMS (Database Management System)/Data Dictionary/Data Warehouse/Data
33. The advantages of DBMS are: (It represents complex relationships among different data items/Keeps a tight
control on data redundancy/Enforces user defined rules to ensure the integrity of data in a table form./All of the
34. An __________is a thing or object in the real world that is distinguishable from all other objects. It is an object of
interest to an organization. (Entity/Attribute/Keys/Referential Integrity)
35. An ______is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties or attributes. (Entity
Set/Attribute/Keys/Referential Integrity)
36. An _________values describing an entity will constitute a significant portion of the data stored in the database.
(Entity Set/Attribute/Keys/Referential Integrity)
37. ____________also called data or knowledge discovery. (Data mining/Data Warehousing/Data Dictionary/Data
38. ____________is a process used by companies to turn raw data into useful information. (Data mining/Data
Warehousing/Data Dictionary/Data Base)
39. When companies centralize their data into one database or program, it is called ____. (Data mining/Data
Warehousing/Data Dictionary/Data Base)
40. _____is the process of examining large and varied data sets -- i.e., big data -- to uncover hidden patterns,
unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences and other useful information that can help
organizations make more-informed business decisions. (Data mining/Data Warehousing/Data Dictionary/Big
data Analysis)
41. Characteristic or trait of an entity type that describes the entity is called _____. (Entity
Set/Attribute/Keys/Referential Integrity)
42. In a database management system (DBMS), an _____refers to a database component, such as a table. It also may
refer to a database field. (Entity Set/Attribute/Keys/Referential Integrity)
43. A _________is a single attribute or combination of two or more attributes of an entity set that is used to identify
one or more instances of the set. (Entity/Attribute/Key/Referential Integrity)
44. The attribute of entity set which identifies and distinguishes instances of entity set is called _____. (Primary key
/Candidate key/Foreign Key/Alternate Key)
45. ___________fulfil all the requirements of primary key which is not null and have unique records. (Primary key
/Candidate key/Foreign Key/Alternate Key)
46. ______are those keys which is used to define relationship between two tables. (Primary key/Candidate
key/Foreign Key/Alternate Key)
47. __________ is also known as referential integrity. (Primary key/Candidate key/Foreign Key/Alternate Key)
48. If any table have more than one candidate key, then after choosing primary key from those candidate key, rest of
candidate keys are known as an _______of that table. (Primary key/Candidate key/Foreign key/Alternate key)
49. __________refers to the accuracy and consistency of data within a relationship.
(Entity/Attribute/Key/Referential Integrity)
50. In Relational database model, a ________ is a collection of data elements organised in terms of rows and
columns. (Attribute/Key/Table/View)
51. A ________is a subset of a database that is generated from a query and stored as a permanent object.
52. _________represent a subset of the data contained in a table. (Attribute/Key/Entity/View)
53. A ________is a collection of descriptions of the data objects or items in a data model for the benefit of
programmers and others who need to refer to them. (data dictionary/Data Warehouse/Data Mining/Data Base)
54. A ___________is a data structure that stores data about data. (data dictionary/Data Warehouse/Data
Mining/Data Base)
55. Following are the structural types of database management systems. (Hierarchical databases/Network
databases/Relational databases & Object-oriented databases/All of the above)
56. A __________ model is a data model in which the data are organized into a tree-like structure. (Hierarchical
databases/Network databases/Relational databases/Object-oriented databases)
57. The __________model mandates that each child record has only one parent, whereas each parent record can have
one or more child records. (Hierarchical databases/Network databases/Relational databases/Object-oriented
58. A __________is a type of database model wherein multiple member records or files can be linked to multiple
owner files and vice versa. (Hierarchical databases/Network databases/Relational databases/Object-oriented
59. The model can be viewed as an upside-down tree where each member information is the branch linked to the
owner, which is the bottom of the tree. (Hierarchical databases/Network databases/Relational databases/Objectoriented databases)
60. ___________connect to the data in different files by using common data numbers or a key field. (Hierarchical
databases/Network databases/Relational databases/Object-oriented databases)
61. __________is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful
information which can be used to increase revenue, cut costs, or both. (Data mining/Data Warehousing/Data
Dictionary/Data Base)
Unit – III (Internet and It’s Application)
1. The ___________is a globally connected network system that uses TCP/IP to transmit data via various types of
media. (Internet/Intranet/ARPANET/All of the above)
MOB- 8294345756.
2. The __________is a worldwide system of connected networks. Each network consists of millions of computers,
servers, routers, and printers. (Internet/Intranet/ARPANET/All of the above)
3. The first network was called _____. (Internet/Intranet/ARPANET(Advanced Research Project Agency
NETwork)/All of the above)
4. An _____________ is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the
Internet Protocol for communication. [Internet Protocol address (IP address)/Uniform Resource Locator
(URL)/Domain Name System (DNS)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
5. __________is a unique address that identifies a device on the Internet or a local network. It allows a system to be
recognized by other systems connected via the Internet protocol. [Internet Protocol address (IP
address)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/Domain Name System (DNS)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
6. An ______________provides an identity to a networked device. [Internet Protocol address (IP
address)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/Domain Name System (DNS)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
7. IPv4 addresses are _______IP address written in hexadecimal and separated by colons. (8-bit/32-bit/64-bit/128bit)
8. A ________ colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a
computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. [Internet Protocol address (IP address)/Domain Name
System (DNS)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
9. A _______is a specific type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), although many people use the two terms
interchangeably. [Internet Protocol address (IP address)/Domain Name System (DNS)/Uniform Resource
Locator (URL)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
10. A ___________is the address of a resource on the Internet (web address). [Internet Protocol address (IP
address)/Domain Name System (DNS)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
11. A ________indicates the location of a resource as well as the protocol used to access it. [Internet Protocol address
(IP address)/Domain Name System (DNS)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
12. A URL contains the following information: (The protocol used to a access the resource/The location of the server
(whether by IP address or domain name)/The location of the resource in the directory structure of the server/All of
the above)
13. __________is also known as a Universal Resource Locator or Web address. [Internet Protocol address (IP
address)/Domain Name System (DNS)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
14. A _________could have the form http://www.aaaa.com/index.html, which indicates a protocol (http), a hostname
(www.aaaa.com), and a file name (index.html). [Internet Protocol address (IP address)/Domain Name System
(DNS)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
15. __________serve as memorisable names for websites and other services on the Internet. [Uniform Resource
Locator (URL)/Internet Protocol address (IP address)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/Domain Name]
16. __________translates domain names into IP addresses, allowing you to access an Internet location by its domain
name. [Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/Internet Protocol address (IP address)/Domain Name System
(DNS)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
17. You can visit a website by typing in the ________rather than the IP address. [Uniform Resource Locator
(URL)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/Internet Protocols (IP)/Domain Name]
18. When computers communicate with each other, there needs to be a common set of rules and instructions that each
computer follows. A specific set of communication rules is called a______. [Uniform Resource Locator
(URL)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/Internet Protocols (IP)/Domain Name system (DNS)]
19. TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, FTP etc are examples of _______. [Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/User Datagram
Protocol (UDP)/Internet Protocols (IP)/Domain Name system (DNS)]
20. ________is the principal set (or communications protocol) of digital message formats and rules for exchanging
messages between computers across a single network or a series of interconnected networks, using the Internet
Protocol Suite (often referred to as TCP/IP). [Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/User Datagram Protocol
(UDP)/Internet Protocols (IP)/Domain Name system (DNS)]
21. IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) is the fourth revision of ______________used to identify devices on a network
through an addressing system. [Internet Protocol (IP)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL)/Domain Name System
(DNS)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)]
22. IPv4 uses a 32-bit address scheme allowing for a total of __________ addresses. (230/232/234/236)
23. An IPv4 address consist of_______ sets of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by three dots. (four/Three/two/five)
24. A new Internet addressing system ________is being deployed to fulfil the need for more Internet addresses.
[Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)/Internet Protocol version 5 (IPv5)/Internet Protocol version 7 (IPv7)/Internet
Protocol version 8 (IPv8)]
25. __________is also called IPng (Internet Protocol next generation) and it is the newest version of the Internet
Protocol (IP) reviewed in the IETF standards committees to replace the current version of IPv4 (Internet Protocol
Version 4). [Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)/Internet Protocol version 5 (IPv5)/Internet Protocol version 7
(IPv7)/Internet Protocol version 8 (IPv8)]
26. ___________is the successor to Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4). [Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)/Internet
Protocol version 5 (IPv5)/Internet Protocol version 7 (IPv7)/Internet Protocol version 8 (IPv8)]
27. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) contains ________sets of four hexadecimal digits and uses colons to separate
each block. (Four/Six/Eight/Ten)
28. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) contains eight sets of four __________ digits and uses colons to separate each
block. (Binary/Octal/Decimal/Hexadecimal)
29. There are __________possible IPv6 addresses, meaning we shouldn't run out of IPv6 addresses anytime soon.
(3.4 x 1038/3.4 x 1032/3.4 x 1034/3.4 x 1036)
30. The Benefits of IPv6 are ______. (No more NAT (Network Address Translation)/Auto-configuration/No more
private address collisions/All of the above)
31. IPv6 addresses are ________IP address written in hexadecimal and separated by colons. (8-bit/32-bit/64-bit /128bit)
32. ___________is the foundation of the Internet. {TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
33. _________is the language a computer uses to access the internet. {TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
34. __________is not a single networking protocol – it is a suite of protocols named after the two most important
protocols or layers within it. {TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram
Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
35. ________is part of the Internet Protocol suite used by programs running on different computers on a network.
{TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer
Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
36. _______is used to send short messages called datagrams but overall, it is an unreliable, connectionless protocol.
{TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer
Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
37. ___________is an open systems interconnection (OSI) transport layer protocol for client-server network
applications. {TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File
Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
38. ___________is widely used in video conferencing and real-time computer games. {TCP/IP (Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET
39. ____network traffic is organized in the form of datagrams, which comprise one message units. {TCP/IP
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer Protocol
40. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a client/server protocol used for transferring files to or exchanging files with a
host computer. {TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File
Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
41. ________ allows users to access files, programs and other data from the Internet without the need for a user ID or
password. {TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File
Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
42. __________is also the Internet standard for moving or transferring files from one computer to another using TCP
or IP networks. {TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File
Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
43. ________is a user command and an underlying TCP/IP protocol for accessing remote computers. {TCP/IP
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer Protocol
44. _________you log on as a regular user with whatever privileges you may have been granted to the specific
application and data on that computer. {TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User Datagram
Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
45. Telnet (TN) is a networking protocol and software program used to access remote computers and terminals over
the Internet or a TCP/IP computer network. {TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)/User
Datagram Protocol (UDP)/File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/TELNET (TN)}
46. _______refers to the interaction between a human and a computer that takes place during transportation. (Cloud
computing/Mobile Computing/Internet of Things (IoT) /social Networking)
47. _______is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice and video via a computer or any other wireless
enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed physical link. (Cloud computing)/Mobile
Computing/Internet of Things (IoT)/Social Networking}
48. The ________refers to the infrastructure put in place to ensure that seamless and reliable communication goes on.
(Cloud computing/Mobile Communication/Internet of Things (IoT)/ Social Networking)
49. The main concept of mobile computing involves – (Mobile communication/Mobile hardware/Mobile software/All
of the above)
50. ______includes mobile devices or device components that receive or access the service of mobility. (Mobile
communication/Mobile hardware/Mobile software/All of the above)
51. Portable laptops, smartphones, tablet Pc's, Personal Digital Assistants etc are examples of: (Mobile
communication/Mobile hardware/Mobile software/All of the above)
52. HTML stands for ______. (Hyper Text Markup Language/Hyper Text Machine Language/Hyper Text Main
Language/All of the above)
53. ___________is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. {Hyper Text Markup Language
(HTML) /Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)/XML (Extensible Markup Language)/All of the
54. _________describes the structure of Web pages using markup. {Hyper Text Markup Language
(HTML)/Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)/XML (Extensible Markup Language)/All of the
55. ________is the fundamental language used to develop WebPages. {Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
/Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)/XML (Extensible Markup Language)/All of the above}
56. DHTML stands for _______. (Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language/Dynamic Hyper Text Machine
Language /Dynamic Hyper Text Main Language/All of the above)
57. _______is a combination of Web development technologies used to create dynamically changing websites.
{Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)/Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)/XML
(Extensible Markup Language)/All of the above}
58. XML stands for ______. (Extensible Markup Language/Extensible Machine Language/Extensible Main
Language /All of the above)
59. ___________is used to describe data. {Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)/Dynamic Hyper Text Markup
Language (DHTML)/XML (Extensible Markup Language)/All of the above}
60. _________standard is a flexible way to create information formats and electronically share structured data via the
public Internet, as well as via corporate networks. {Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)/Dynamic Hyper Text
Markup Language (DHTML)/XML (Extensible Markup Language)/All of the above}
61. In computing, ___________ is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format
that is both human-readable and machine-readable. {Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)/Dynamic Hyper
Text Markup Language (DHTML)/XML (Extensible Markup Language)/All of the above}
62. Features of XML are______. (XML is extensible/XML is a complement to HTML/XML in future Web
development /All of the above)
63. ___________and ethical hacker are terms used to describe hacking performed by a company or individual to help
identify potential threats on a computer or network. (Website Hacking/Network Hacking/Computer
Hacking/Ethical hacking)
64. An ___________attempts to bypass system security and search for any weak points that could be exploited by
malicious hackers. (Website Hacker/Network Hacker/Computer Hacker/Ethical hacker)
65. __________is the use of various services, such as software development platforms, servers, storage and software,
over the internet, often referred to as the "cloud”. {Mobile Computing/Internet of Things (IoT) /Cloud
computing/Social Networking}
66. Cloud computing characteristics are_______. {The back-end of the application (especially hardware) is
completely managed by a cloud vendor/A user only pays for services used/Services are scalable/All of the above)
67. ____________is the actual program that runs on the mobile hardware. (Mobile communication/Mobile
software/Internet of Things (IoT)/Social Networking/All of the above)
68. The __________is a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects being connected to
the internet and being able to identify themselves to other devices. (Cloud computing/Mobile Computing
/Internet of Things (IoT)/Social Networking)
69. The _________refers to a network comprised of physical objects capable of gathering and sharing electronic
information. (Cloud computing/Mobile Computing/Internet of Things (IoT)/Social Networking)
70. The _________includes a wide variety of “smart” devices, from industrial machines that transmit data about the
production process to sensors that track information about the human body. (Cloud computing/Mobile
Computing/Internet of Things (IoT)/Social Networking}
71. These devices use internet protocol (IP), the same protocol that identifies computers over the world wide web and
allows them to communicate with one another. {Cloud computing/Mobile Computing/Internet of Things
(IoT)/Social Networking}
72. Ethical issues in social networking are _______. (Privacy/Data Leakage/Identity Theft/All of the above)
Unit – IV (Security and Encryption)
1. Following are the essential requirements for safe e-payments/transactions: (Confidentiality & Authenticity
/Integrity & Non-Repudiability/Availability & Auditability/All of the above).
2. Major security measures are_______. (Encryption/Digital Signature/Security Certificates/All of the above)
3. A _________is an e-signature authenticated through encryption and password. (Encryption/Decryption/Digital
Signature/Security Certificates)
4. ________is a unique digital id used to verify the identity of an individual website or user.
(Encryption/Decryption/Digital Signature/Security Certificates)
5. _________is the process of using an algorithm to transform information to make it unreadable for unauthorized
users. (Encryption/Decryption/Digital Signature/Security Certificates)
6. _________is the process of encoding data, making it unintelligible and scrambled.
(Encryption/Decryption/Digital Signature/Security Certificates)
7. _________is the method by which plaintext or any other type of data is converted from a readable form to an
encoded version that can only be decoded by another entity if they have access to a decryption key.
(Encryption/Decryption/Digital Signature/Security Certificates)
8. ___________refers to the principles which guide safe electronic transactions. (Digital Signature/Security
Certificates/Encryption/E-Commerce security)
9. The key dimensions of e-commerce security is: (Confidentiality & Authenticity/Integrity & Non-Repudiability
/Availability & Auditability/All of the above).
10. A _________in the context of computer security, refers to anything that has the potential to cause serious harm to
a computer system. (Encryption/Decryption/Digital Signature/Security threat)
11. A ________is something that may or may not happen, but has the potential to cause serious damage. It can lead to
attacks on computer systems, networks and more. (Encryption/Decryption/Digital Signature/Security threat)
12. Virus, Trozan Horse, Worm, Spyware, Ransomware etc are examples of _______.
(Encryption/Decryption/Digital Signature/Security threat)
13. A _________is a type of malicious software that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer
programs and inserting its own code. (Computer Virus/Trozan Horse/Worm/Spyware)
14. A ___________is malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another program, computer boot sector or
document and changes how a computer works. (Computer Virus/Trozan Horse/Worm/Spyware)
15. Some ___________attach themselves to program files. It infect any program for which execution is requested.
(File infectors viruses/Macro viruses/Overwrite viruses/Polymorphic viruses)
16. __________specifically target macro language commands in applications like Microsoft Word and other
programs. (File infectors viruses/Macro viruses/Overwrite viruses/Polymorphic viruses)
17. An _________can install new code in files and applications that programs them to spread the virus to additional
files, applications and systems. (File infectors viruses/Macro viruses/Overwrite viruses/Polymorphic viruses)
18. A _______is a type of malware that has the ability to change or mutate its underlying code without changing its
basic functions or features. (Polymorphic viruses/Macro Viruses/Overwrite viruses/File infectors viruses)
19. ____________are problematic because they can evade antivirus and antimalware software by hiding in the
system's RAM. (Polymorphic viruses/Resident viruses/Rootkit viruses/System or boot-record infectors)
20. A __________is a type of malware that installs an unauthorized rootkit on an infected system, giving attackers
full control of the system with the ability to fundamentally modify or disable functions and programs.
(Polymorphic viruses/Resident viruses/Rootkit viruses/System or boot-record infectors)
21. These viruses infect executable code found in certain system areas on a disk. They attach to the DOS boot sector
on diskettes and USB thumb drives or the Master Boot Record on hard disks. (Polymorphic viruses/Resident
viruses/Rootkit viruses/System or boot-record infectors)
22. ___________is the act of finding the possible entry points that exist in a computer system or a computer network
and finally entering into them. (Virus/Hacking/Trojan Horse/Worm)
23. ________is usually done to gain unauthorized access to a computer system or a computer network, either to harm
the systems or to steal sensitive information available on the computer. (Virus/Hacking/Trojan Horse/Worm)
24. Hacking is usually legal as long as it is being done to find weaknesses in a computer or network system for testing
purpose. This sort of hacking is what we call _______. (Website Hacking/Network Hacking/Email Hacking
/Ethical Hacking)
25. ___________means taking unauthorized control over a web server and its associated software such as databases
and other interfaces. (Website Hacking/Network Hacking/Email Hacking/Ethical Hacking)
26. ________means gathering information about a network by using tools like Telnet, NS lookup, Ping, Tracert,
Netstat, etc. (Network Hacking/Email Hacking/Ethical Hacking/Website Hacking)
27. It includes getting unauthorized access on an Email account and using it without taking the consent of its owner.
(Website Hacking/Network Hacking/Email Hacking/Ethical Hacking)
28. This is the process of recovering secret passwords from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer
system. (Website Hacking/Network Hacking/Password Hacking/Computer Hacking)
29. This is the process of stealing computer ID and password by applying hacking methods and getting unauthorized
access to a computer system. (Website Hacking/Network Hacking/Password Hacking/Computer Hacking)
30. A ______________is a program that appears harmless, but is, in fact, malicious. (Virus/Hacking/Trojan
31. ________is not able to replicate itself, nor can it propagate without an end user's assistance.
(Virus/Hacking/Trojan Horse/Worm)
32. A _________is a type of malicious software (malware) that replicates while moving across computers, leaving
copies of itself in the memory of each computer in its path. (Virus/Hacking/Trojan Horse/Worm)
33. A ________is a type of malicious software program whose primary function is to infect other computers while
remaining active on infected systems. (Virus/Hacking/Trojan Horse/Computer Worm)
34. A __________is self-replicating malware that duplicates itself to spread to uninfected computers.
(Virus/Hacking/Trojan Horse/Computer Worm)
35. ______is software that is installed on a computing device without the end user's knowledge.
36. _______that is installed for innocuous reasons is sometimes referred to as tracking software.
37. ________is a type of malware program that infects, locks or takes control of a system and demands ransom to
undo it. (Spyware/Ransomware/Spoofing/Sniffing)
38. _________attacks and infects a computer with the intention of extorting money from its owner.
39. __________is a subset of malware in which the data on a victim's computer is locked, typically by encryption,
and payment is demanded before the ransomed data is decrypted and access returned to the victim.
40. __________in general, is a fraudulent or malicious practice in which communication is sent from an unknown
source disguised as a source known to the receiver. (Spyware/Ransomware/Spoofing/Sniffing)
41. ___________is a malicious practice employed by cyber scammers and hackers to deceive systems, individuals,
and organizations into perceiving something to be what it is not. (Spyware/Ransomware/Spoofing/Sniffing)
42. A _________attack is when a malicious party impersonates another device or user on a network in order to launch
attacks against network hosts, steal data, spread malware or bypass access controls.
43. This technique is used by network professionals to diagnose network issues, and by malicious users to capture
unencrypted data, like passwords and usernames. If this information is captured in transit, a user can gain access
to a system or network. (Spoofing/Sniffing/Phishing/Spamming)
44. _________ is a form of fraud in which an attacker masquerades as a reputable entity or person in email or other
communication channels. (Spoofing/Sniffing/Phishing/Spamming)
45. _______is popular with cybercriminals, as it is far easier to trick someone into clicking a malicious link in a
seemingly legitimate phishing email than trying to break through a computer's defenses.
46. __________, also known as junk email, is a type of electronic spam where unsolicited messages are sent by email.
(Spoofing/Sniffing/Phishing/E-mail spam (Spamming)}
47. _______messages are commercial in nature but may also contain disguised links that appear to be for familiar
websites but in fact lead to phishing web sites or sites that are hosting malware. (Spoofing/Sniffing/Phishing/Email spam (Spamming)}
48. A _________attack is any type of attack where the attackers (hackers) attempt to prevent legitimate users from
accessing the service. (Spamming/Phishing/Denial of Service (DoS)/Sniffing)
49. In a__________ attack, the attacker usually sends excessive messages asking the network or server to authenticate
requests that have invalid return addresses. (Spamming/Phishing/Denial of Service (DoS)/Sniffing)
50. An ____is a set of related software programs and/or services that are sold as a single package. (information
technology (IT) solution/Spoofing/Sniffing/Phishing)
51. ____in the context of computer systems, allows authorized users to access sensitive and protected data.
52. ________refers to converting the message into a code so that unauthorized person may not understand it.
(ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION/Firewall/DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)}
53. _________is the process of convening encrypted data back into its original form, so that it can be understood.
(ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION/Firewall/DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)}
54. __________allows encryption and decryption of the message with the same key. (Symmetric
encryption/Asymmetric encryption/Firewall/DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)}
55. _________uses the public key for the encryption, and a private key (Secret key) is used for decryption.
(Symmetric encryption/Asymmetric encryption/Firewall/DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)}
56. _________is the protection of computer systems from theft of or damage to their hardware, software or electronic
data, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. (Cyber security/computer security/IT
security/All of the above)
57. A _______is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network.
(firewall/Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Website Audit)
58. ________prevent unauthorized internet users from accessing private networks connected to the internet,
especially intranets. (firewall/Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Website Audit)
59. All messages entering or leaving the intranet (i.e., the local network to which you are connected) must pass
through the ________,which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security
criteria. (firewall/Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Website Audit)
60. Types of firewalls are _______. (Packet filtering/Circuit-level gateway implementation/Acting as a proxy
server/All of the above)
61. In computer networks, _________also sometimes known as a perimeter network or a screened sub network, is a
physical or logical subnet that separates an internal local area network (LAN) from other untrusted networks,
usually the internet. (firewall/Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Website Audit)
62. SSL stands for ________. (Secure Sockets Layer/Secret Sockets Layer/safeguarding Sockets Layer/sensitive
data Sockets Layer)
63. _______is the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data
that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information
transferred, including potential personal details. (firewall/Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)/Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL)/Website Audit)
64. HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) appears in the URL when a website is secured by an
_________certificate. (firewall/Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Website Audit)
65. The purpose of a _________is to aid webmasters or owners in the understanding of the functional areas and
components of a website’s performance on the Internet. (firewall/Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)/Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL)/Website Audit)
66. Significance (importance) of Website Auditing are______. (Analysis of your website can give you insight into
new graphic and strategic ideas/It can help you tweak components that are hampering your website’s current
performance/Such reports can give you insight into your website’s traffic ranking, bounce rates/All of the above)
Unit – V (IT Act, 2000 and Cyber Crimes)
1. Information Technology Act, 2000 was passed in the budget session of 2000 and signed by President K. R.
Narayanan on _______. (9 May 2000/9 June 2000/9 July 2000/17 October 2000)
2. Information Technology, 2000 was enacted from________. (9 May 2000/9 June 2000/9 July 2000/17 October
MOB- 8294345756.
3. Information Technology Act, 2000 was commence from_________. (9 May 2000/9 June 2000/9 July 2000/17
October 2000)
4. "Information Technology Act, 2000" laws apply to the ___________. (Whole of India/Whole of India except
Jammu & Kashmir/Whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir, Andmaan & Nikobar/Whole of India except
Jammu & Kashmir, Andmaan & Nikobar & North East India)
5. __________is the primary law in India dealing with cybercrime and electronic commerce. (Information
Technology Act, 2000/Cyber crime Act, 2000/Internet crime Act, 2000/Indian Evidence Act, 1872)
6. ______is an Act to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange
and other means of electronic communication, commonly referred to as "electronic commerce”. (Information
Technology Act, 2000/Cyber crime Act, 2000/Internet crime Act, 2000/Indian Evidence Act, 1872)
7. ________with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions means gaining entry into, instructing or
communicating with the logical, arithmetical, or memory function resources of a computer, computer system or
computer network. (Access/asymmetric crypto system/computer resource/digital signature)
8. _______means a person who is intended by the originator to receive the electronic record but does not include
any intermediary. (Access/addressee/adjudicating officer/appropriate Government)
9. ___________with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions means adoption of any methodology or
procedure by a person for the purpose of authenticating an electronic record by means of digital signature.
(affixing digital signature/Certifying Authority/certification practice statement/Digital Signature Certificate)
10. ________means a system of a secure key pair consisting of a private key for creating a digital signature and a
public key to verify the digital signature. (asymmetric crypto system/Certifying Authority/certification practice
statement/Digital Signature Certificate)
11. _________means computer, computer system, computer network, data, computer data base or software.
(computer resource/computer system/computer network/computer)
12. _______________means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of an electronic
method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of section 3. (Digital signature/Electronic
Gazette/verify/secure system)
13. _________means the Official Gazette published in the electronic form. (Digital signature/Electronic
Gazette/Digital Signature Certificate/secure system)
14. ________includes data, text, images, sound, voice, codes, computer programmes, software and databases or
micro film or computer generated micro fiche. (function/information/intermediary/electronic form)
15. ________ with respect to any particular electronic message means any person who on behalf of another person
receives, stores or transmits that message or provides any service with respect to that message.
(Function/Information/Intermediary/Electronic form)
16. _______means the key of a key pair used to create a digital signature. (private key/Public key/Candidate
key/Alternate key)
17. _________means the key of a key pair used to verify a digital signature and listed in the Digital Signature
Certificate. (private key/Public key/Candidate key/Alternate key)
18. _______means computer hardware, software, and procedure that are reasonably secure from unauthorised access
and misuse. (secure system/security procedure/digital signature/Digital Signature Certificate)
19. __________means a person in whose name the Digital Signature Certificate is issued.
20. _______means the Controller of Certifying Authorities appointed under sub-section (l) of section.
21. ________means a person who sends, generates, stores or transmits any electronic message or causes any
electronic message to be sent, generated, stored or transmitted to any other person but does not include an
intermediary. (subscriber/originator/Controller/addressee)
22. __________means the security procedure prescribed under section 16 by the Central Government. (security
procedure/secure system/prescribed/licence)
23. _______in relation to a digital signature, electronic record or public key, with its grammatical variations and
cognate expressions means to determine whether the initial electronic record was affixed with the digital signature
by the use of private key corresponding to the public key of the subscriber. (verify/security procedure/secure
24. ______in an asymmetric crypto system, means a private key and its mathematically related public key, which are
so related that the public key can verify a digital signature created by the private key. (key pair/Candidate
key/Alternate key/Foreign key)
25. Subject to the provisions of section 3 of the IT Act, 2000, any ________may authenticate an electronic record by
affixing his digital signature. (subscriber/originator/Controller/intermediary)
26. Any person by the use of a ________of the subscriber can verify the electronic record. (private key/Public
key/Candidate key/Alternate key)
27. The private key and the public key are unique to the subscriber and constitute a functioning ________. (key
pair/Foreign key/Alternate key/Candidate key)
28. ____means an algorithm mapping or translation of one sequence of bits into another. (hash function/digital
signature/Electronic Governance/Electronic Records)
29. As per Section 11 of the IT act, 2000, An electronic record shall be attributed to the originator. (if it was sent by
the originator himself/by a person who had the authority to act on behalf of the originator in respect of that
electronic record/by an information system programmed by or on behalf of the originator to operate
automatically/All of the above)
30. The_________ may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a Controller of Certifying Authorities for the
purposes of section 17 of IT act, 2000. (Central Government/State Government/Cyber Appellate
Tribunal/appropriate Government)
31. The _______shall be the repository of all Digital Signature Certificates issued under Section 20 of IT act, 2000.
32. The ________ shall maintain a computerised data base of all public keys in such a manner that such data base and
the public keys are available to any member of the public. (subscriber/originator/Controller/intermediary)
33. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 21 ______, any person may make an application, to the
Controller, for a licence to issue Digital Signature Certificates. (subscriber/originator/Controller/intermediary)
34. A licence granted under section 21 of IT Act, 2000 shall— (be valid for such period as may be prescribed by the
Central Government/not be transferable or heritable/be subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified
by the regulations/All of the above)
35. Under Section 22 of IT Act, 2000, Every application for issue of a licence shall be accompanied by— (a
certification practice statement/a statement including the procedures with respect to identification of the
applicant/payment of such fees, not exceeding twenty-five thousand rupees as may be prescribed by the Central
Government/All of the above)
36. Under Section 23 of IT act 2000, An application for renewal of a licence shall be made not less than _______days
before the date of expiry of the period of validity of the licence. (45/21/7/14)
37. Under Section 32 of IT act 2000, Every Certifying Authority shall display its licence at______. (conspicuous
place of the premises in which it carries on its business/Registered office/Any place of the premises in which it
carries on its business/Regional office)
38. Under Section 35 of IT act 2000, Any person may make an application to the Certifying Authority for the issue of
a Digital Signature Certificate in such form as may be prescribed by the _____. (Central Government/State
Government/Cyber Appellate Tribunal/appropriate Government)
39. Under Section 35 of IT act 2000, application for licence shall be accompanied by such fee not exceeding ₹
_________. (25,000/20,000/50,000/10,000)
40. Under Section 35 of IT act 2000, ____issue Digital Signature Certificate. (Certifying Authority/Central
Government/State Government/Governor)
41. Under Section 37 of IT act 2000, A Digital Signature Certificate shall not be suspended for a period exceeding
_____days unless the subscriber has been given an opportunity of being heard in the matter. (15/21/7/14)
42. Under Section 38 of IT act 2000, A Certifying Authority may revoke a Digital Signature Certificate issued by it—
(where the subscriber or any other person authorised by him makes a request to that effect/upon the death of the
subscriber/upon the dissolution of the firm or winding up of the company where the subscriber is a firm or a
company/All of the above)
43. Under Section 38 of IT act 2000, A Digital Signature Certificate shall not be revoked unless the _____has been
given an opportunity of being heard in the matter. (subscriber/originator/Controller/intermediary)
44. Under Section 40 of IT act 2000, Where any Digital Signature Certificate, the public key of which corresponds to
the private key of that subscriber which is to be listed in the Digital Signature Certificate has been accepted by a
subscriber, then, the subscriber shall generate the ________by applying the security procedure. (key pair/Foreign
key/Candidate key/Alternate key)
45. Under Section 43 of IT act 2000, _______means any set of computer instructions that are designed to modify,
destroy, record, transmit data or programme residing within a computer, computer system or computer network.
(computer contaminant/computer data base/computer virus/damage)
46. Under Section 43 of IT act 2000 ______means a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts or
instructions in text, image, audio, video that are being prepared or have been prepared in a formalised manner or
have been produced by a computer, computer system or computer network and are intended for use in a computer,
computer system or computer network. (computer contaminant/computer data base/computer virus /damage)
47. Under Section 43 of IT act 2000_______ means any computer instruction, information, data or programme that
destroys, damages, degrades or adversely affects the performance of a computer resource or attaches itself to
another computer resource and operates when a programme, data or instruction is executed or some other event
takes place in that computer resource. (computer contaminant/computer data base/computer virus /damage)
48. Under Section 43 of IT act 2000 _____ means to destroy, alter, delete, add, modify or rearrange any computer
resource by any means. (computer contaminant/computer data base/computer virus/damage)
49. Under Section 44 of IT act 2000, If any person who is required to furnish any document, return or report to the
Controller or the Certifying Authority fails to furnish the same, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ₹
________ for each such failure. (5,000/10,000/25,000/1,50,000)
50. Under Section 44 of IT act 2000, If any person who is required to file any return or furnish any information,
books or other documents within the time specified therefor in the regulations fails to file return or furnish the
same within the time specified shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ₹ _____for every day during which such
failure continues. (5,000/10,000/25,000/1,50,000)
51. Under Section 44 of IT act 2000, If any person who is required to maintain books of account or records, fails to
maintain the same, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ₹ __________for every day during which the
failure continues. (5,000/10,000/25,000/1,50,000)
52. Under Section 44 of IT act 2000, Whoever contravenes any rules or regulations made under this Act, for the
contravention of which no penalty has been separately provided, shall be liable to pay a compensation not
exceeding ₹ _______ to the person affected by such contravention. (5,000/10,000/25,000/1,50,000)
53. Under Section 48 of IT act 2000, The _________shall, by notification, establish one or more appellate tribunals to
be known as the Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal. (Central Government/State Government/Certifying
authority/appropriate Government)
54. Under Section 48 of IT act 2000, A Cyber Appellate Tribunal shall consist of _____ person only (hereinafter
referred to as the Residing Officer of the Cyber Appellate Tribunal) to be appointed, by notification, by the
Central Government. (one/Two/Three/Four)
55. Under Section 50 of IT act 2000, A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Presiding Officer of a
Cyber Appellate Tribunal unless he ______. (is, or has been. or is qualified to be, a Judge of a High Court/is or
has been a member of the Indian Legal Service and is holding or has held a post in Grade I of that Service for at
least three years/Both (a) and (b)/Either (a) or (b)}
56. Under Section 51 of IT act 2000, The Presiding Officer of a Cyber Appellate Tribunal shall hold office for a term
of_______ years from the date on which he enters upon his office or until he attains the age of ________years,
whichever is earlier. (Five, Sixty Five/Five, Sixty/Six, Sixty Five/Six, Sixty)
57. Under Section 53 of IT act 2000, If, for reason other than temporary absence, any vacancy occurs in the office in
the Presiding Officer of a Cyber Appellate Tribunal, then the _________shall appoint another person in
accordance with the provisions of this Act to fill the vacancy and the proceedings may be continued before the
________from the stage at which the vacancy is filled. (Central Government, Cyber Appellate Tribunal/State
Government, Cyber Appellate Tribunal/Cyber Appellate Tribunal, Central Government/Cyber Appellate
Tribunal, State Government)
58. Under Section 54 of IT act 2000, The Presiding Officer of a Cyber Appellate Tribunal shall not be removed from
his office except by an order by the _______. (Central Government/State Government/Certifying
authority/appropriate Government)
59. Under Section 57 of IT act 2000, Every appeal shall be filed within a period of ____days from the date on which a
copy of the order made by the Controller or the adjudicating officer is received by the person aggrieved. (25/21
60. Under Section 59 of IT act 2000, The appellant may either appear in person or authorise one or more legal
practitioners or any of its officers to present his or its case before the _____. (Central Government/State
Government/Certifying authority/Cyber Appellate Tribunal)
61. Under Section 60 of IT act 2000, The provisions of the Limitation Act, 1963, shall, as far as may be, apply to an
appeal made to the _______. (Central Government/State Government/Certifying authority/Cyber Appellate
MOB- 8294345756.
62. Under Section 61 of IT act 2000, ________court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceeding in
respect of any matter which an adjudicating officer appointed under this Act or the Cyber Appellate Tribunal
constituted under this Act. (Supreme/High/(a) or (b) Both/None of the above)
63. Under Section 62 of IT act 2000, Any person aggrieved by any decision or order of the Cyber Appellate Tribunal
may file an appeal to the High Court within ______days from the date of communication of the decision. (60/21
64. Under Section 65 of IT act 2000, Whoever knowingly or intentionally conceals, destroys or alters computer
source documents. shall be punishable with imprisonment up to _______or with fine which may extend up to ₹
__________or with both. (3 years, ₹ 2,00,000/2 year, ₹ 1,00,000/3 years, ₹ 1,00,000/2 year, ₹ 2,00,000)
65. Under Section 66 of IT act 2000, Whoever commits hacking shall be punished with imprisonment up to _____or
with fine which may extend upto ______or with both. (3 years, ₹ 2,00,000/2 year, ₹ 1,00,000
66. Under Section 67 of IT act 2000, Whoever publishes or transmits or causes to be published in the electronic form,
any material which is lascivious or appeals to the prurient interest or if its effect is such as to tend to deprave and
corrupt persons shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which
may extend to ________and with fine which may extend to ______. (5 years, ₹ 1,00,000/5 year, ₹ 2,00,000/10
years, ₹ 2,00,000/3 year, ₹ 1,00,000)
67. Under Section 71 of IT act 2000, Whoever makes any misrepresentation to, or suppresses any material fact from,
the Controller or the Certifying Authority for obtaining any licence or Digital Signature Certificate, as the case
may be. shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to________, or with fine which may
extend to ________rupees, or with both. (2 year, ₹ 1,00,000/2 year, ₹ 2,00,000/3 years, ₹ 2,00,000/2 year, ₹
68. Under Section 72 of IT act 2000, Penalty for breach of confidentiality and privacy may extend to two years, or
with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees, or with both. (2 year, ₹ 1,00,000/2 year, ₹ 2,00,000/3 years, ₹
2,00,000/2 year, ₹ 3,00,000)
69. Under Section 73 of IT act 2000, Penalty for publishing Digital Signature Certificate false in certain particulars
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to __________or with fine which may extend
to _______or with both. (2 year, ₹ 1,00,000/2 year, ₹ 2,00,000/3 years, ₹ 2,00,000/2 year, ₹ 3,00,000)
70. Under Section 74 of IT act 2000, Whoever knowingly creates, publishes or otherwise makes available a Digital
Signature Certificate for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to_____, or with fine which may extend to _________or with both. (2 year, ₹ 1,00,000/2 year,
₹ 2,00,000/3 years, ₹ 2,00,000/2 year, ₹ 3,00,000)
71. Under Section 74 of IT act 2000, Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, a
police officer not below the rank of_____ shall investigate any offence under this Act. (Deputy Superintendent
of Police/Superintendent of Police/President/None of the above)
CU Exam, 2018 Question Paper
1. Data is: (Processed and structured facts and fig Militarised ures/Raw and structured facts and figures/Raw and
unstructured facts and figures/Defined and unstructured facts and figures).
2. 'Field' in relation to DBMS means: (Entity/Records/Column/All of these).
3. The first network that established the concept of the Internet was: (WWW/TELNET/NSF-NET/ARPANET).
4. . DMZ stands for: (DE-Materialised Zone/De- Militarised Zone/De-Military Zone/De-Mutual Zone).
5. The objective(s) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 is/are: (To stop cybercrime/To provide the facility of
filing documents online/Both (A) and (B)/None of these).
6. URL stands for: (Uniform Resource Locator/Universal Resource Locator/Universal Resource Land/Unity
resource Locator).
7. In ________________________ data processing system data is processed in chronological order.
8. DSS stands for: (Digital Support System/Decision Support System/Delivery Support System/Distribution
Support System).
9. How many schedules are there in the IT Act, 2000? (2/3/4/5)
10. An attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users is called ________. (Denial-of-service
attack/Virus attack/Worm attack/Hacking)
11. Encryption is
the process of converting ciphertext back to plaintext
the process of conversion of information into something which appears to be meaningless
MOB- 8294345756.
used to save data on the cloud
to make it as difficult as possible to decrypt the generated ciphertext without using the key
{(i) and (iv)/(ii) and (iv)/(ii) and (iii)/(i) and (iii)}
Identify the incorrect statement
Worm is a malicious code that requires the host program to perform its operations.
Worm replicates itself using a network medium
Worm allows computers to run smoothly
Worm can mail its own copy to other computer systems through e-mail facilities.
{(i) and (ii)/(ii) and (iii)/(iii)and (iv)/(i) and (iii)}
Identify the statement in which one is correct. (Ethical hackers can't identify the vulnerabilities with the
ports/Ethical hackers neither break the password protection, firewalls nor decode the encrypted data/Ethical
hackers use the same tools and techniques that the criminal hackers use/Ethical hackers never use social
engineering techniques to get access to vital information)
14. "Internet of Things" has been introduced by: (Stave jobs/Stephen William Hawking/Bill Gates/Kevin
Match the following:
(P) Data warehousing
(i) Data investigation
(Q) Data mining
(ii) Data integration
(R) Big Data Analysis
(iii) Knowledge discovery of data
{(P) - (ii), (Q) - (iii), (R) - (i)/(P) - (i), (Q) - (iii), (R) - (ii)/(P) - (ii), (Q) - (i), (R) - (iii)/None of the above}
Identify the correct statement. (A foreign key is a key which is obtained from a foreign country/Foreign key is a
key which is unique for each record/Foreign key is the attribute which has the potential to become a primary key
of the records of an entity/Foreign key is a particular attribute of a table which is the primary key of another
_____________ are documents that when filled in create ______________________. (Table, Record/Forms,
Record/Forms, Information/Data, Information)
KMS refers to: (generation of reports for the top management level based on organizational knowledge/collection
and analysis of organizational information for formulating strategic decisions by the top-level
management/Storage, retrieval, and best use of organizational data/Process of capturing, developing, sharing,
and effective use of organizational knowledge)
E-Governance is the application of_______ for providing various _______ services to citizens, business-houses,
government bodies etc. (IT, government/ICT, government/ICT, transport/IT, transport)
The key features of knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) are: (provides easy access to the most skilled labours
of the world/The company can access to the technological advancement of the country to which the work is outsourced/Both (a) and (b)/None of the above).
BPO service which is outsourced within the same country is called ________. (onsourcing/outsourcing/onshore
outsourcing/offshore outsourcing)
The data dictionary is primarily maintained within an organization by the: (Data Base Management
System/Database Administration System/Data Base Administrator/Database manager).
Identify the incorrect statement: (XML is used to share information in a consistent way/XML does not support
the use of nested tags/XML is defined as a set of rules for encoding documents which is readable by the human
being as well as machine/XML describes elements of data).
HTTPs provide: (Authentication/Confidentiality/Security/All of these).
Any person aggrieved by an order by the controller or an adjudicating officer may appeal to the __________.
within _________ days from the date of passing the order. (Certifying authority, 45/high Court, 45/Cyber
Appellate Tribunal, 30/Cyber Appellate Tribunal, 45)
CU Exam, 2019 Question Paper
1. E-security is: (emergency security/essential security/electrical security/electronic security).
2. A firewall is a _______ security system. (Network/File/Program/Database)
3. TPS stands for: (Traditional Processing System/Transaction Processing System/Tactical Processing
System/Technological Processing System).
4. MIS stands for: (Managerial Information System/Management Information System/Manual Information
System/Marketing Information System).
5. Which of the following is considered as the smaller unit in respect of data processing?
6. ______ key is a key in a relational database which is unique for each record.
7. Which of the following is not a Cybercrime? (Child pornography/Acquisition of property in a fraudulent
manner/Identity theft by misusing personal information/Online transaction fraud)
8. Components of the IT Act, 2000 are: (Regulation of Certification Authorities/Legal recognition to e-documents
and digital signatures/Offence and contraventions committed outside India/All of these).
9. WWW is: (World Wide Wave/World Wild Wave/World Wide Web/World Wild Web).
10. HTML is a/an: (language/hardware/protocol/application).
11. In ______ file organisation system, ______ access of data is not possible. (Indexed sequential,
Random/Sequential, random/Relative, random/Direct, random)
12. _______ is a set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet. (Protocol/IP
13. Digital Signature Certificate is used to: (sign certain documents digitally/access information or services on the
internet/both A and B/none of these).
14. What is the punishment for hacking computers as per IT Act, 2000? (3 years imprisonment or penalty of 5 lacs or
both/3 years imprisonment or penalty of 3 lacs or both/3 years imprisonment or penalty of 6 lacs or both/3 years
imprisonment or penalty of 2 lacs or both)
15. _____ represents raw facts, whereas ____ is processed and structured facts and figures. (Information, Data/Data,
Record/Data, Information/Information, Record)
16. Which one of the following statement is correct? (MIS is used for short-tern decision while DSS is used for longterm decision/MIS is used for long-term decision while DSS is used for short-term decision/Both MIS and DSS
are used for either short-term or long-term decision/None of MIS and DSS are used for decision making)
17. Decryption refers to the process of conversion of: (Cipher data to original data/Original data to cipher
data/Both A and B/None of these).
18. Unwanted repetitive messages through e-mail is known as: (Spyware/Ransomware/Virus/Spam).
19. Business Data Processing includes: (Accounting/Payroll management/Both A and B/None of these).
20. DBMS is: (A collection of programs that manages and controls the database structure and storage/Very useful for
providing a centralised view of data that can be accesses by multiple users anytime from anywhere in a controlled
manner/Both A and B/None of these).
21. Internet is defined as: (A local computer network/An interconnected network of computers/A worldwide network
of computers/A worldwide interconnected network of computers that use a common protocol to
communicate with one another).
22. The benefits of cloud computing do not include: (the medium of storage of data/running out of storage
space/cost-effective/better security and access).
23. Bank ATM are an example of: (an Online data processing system/Real time data processing system/Batch data
processing system/Serial data processing system).
24. Data warehousing is: (used to create and maintain a data bank/the technique of storing a large amount of
information in electronic mode/the integration of data from multiple sources into a single database/all of these).
25. Which of the following ensures security between the organisation's network and public network?
CU Exam, 2020 Question Paper
Collection of raw facts and figures is called _____. (Input/Data/Information/Knowledge)
A collection of related records is known as _______. (File/Folder/Record/None of these)
Data warehouse stores _______ data. (Current/Transactional/Archived/All of the above)
ISP stands for: (Internet Service Protocol/Internet Service Provider/Intranet Service Provider/Internal Service
5. Which of the following is a computer virus? (Trojan Horse/Spyware/Worm/All of the above)
6. When IT Act, 2000 came into effect? (1st October, 2000/1st April, 2000/17th October, 2000/17th November, 2000)
7. HTML stands for: (Higher Text Mark-up Language/Higher Textual Mark-up Language/Hyper Text Mark-up
Link/Hyper Text Mark-up Language).
8. A database is: (A collection of files that can be used for information retrieval/A way to have the computer to
perform complex mathematical operations/A way of sending data through internet/A way of producing well
organised documents).
9. A system which is used to provide information to managers and decision makers is called: (TPS/OAS/DSS/MIS).
10. SSL uses _______ of messages. (Encryption/Decryption/Compression/Translation)
11. CRM stands for: (Customer Relation Management/Customer Relationship Management/Customer Record
Management/Customer Rating measurement).
12. Identify the disadvantages of KPOs and BPOs. (Increased complexities/Inferior quality of output/Both (A) and
(B)/None of these)
13. In a relational database, each row represents a/an: (Attribute/Entity/Value/All of these).
14. Which of the following is not a file organisation technique? (Indexed/Sequential/Relative/Parallel)
15. TCP stands for_____. (Transmission Control Protocol/Transmission Carrier Protocol/Transmission Carrier
Programme/Transmission Control Programme)
16. Which of the following is incorrect about Telnet? (It is a text-based computer protocol/Users cannot transfer files
using Telnet/It is not secure as it transfers all data in clear text/None of the above)
17. Antivirus ______ to protect the computer from malware. (Deletes the virus code/Deletes the file/Quarantines the
file/All of these)
18. Website audit checks the _______. (Content/Graphics/Performance/All of these)
19. A digital signature is issued by the _______. (Controller of Certifying Authority/Commissioner of Certifying
Authority/Central Government/State Government)
20. A person can file an appeal in _____ days against the orders of the Cyber Appellate Tribunal. (30/45/60/90)
21. Which of the following is not a part of e-governance? (Use of e-gazette/Use of e-records/Recognition of digital
signature/None of these)
22. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (The data dictionary is normally maintained by the database
administrator/The data dictionary contains the name and description of each data element/Data elements in the
database can be modified by changing the data dictionary/The data dictionary is a tool used exclusively by the
database administrator)
23. Cybercrime does not involve which of the following? (Attacking a computer/Using computer as a weapon to
attack/Using computer as an accessory to commit a crime/None of the above)
24. Junk e-mail is also called: (Spam/Spool/Spoof/Sniffer script).
25. Internet works on: (Packet switching/Circuit switching/Both (A) and (B)/None of these).
CU Exam, 2021 Question Paper
1. Which one of the following is an example of information? (Pay-roll/Invoice/Marks of candidates/All of the
2. Permanent data id mainly stored in: (Temporary file/Master file/Cover file/Arch file).
3. How many primary keys can be there in a table? (1/2/3/4)
4. ARPANET was developed for: (Commercial Organisations/Colleges/Military Communication/Rich People).
5. Who invented VIRUS? (Fredrick C. Cohen/Fredrick B. Cohen/Friedman B. Cohen/Frederick B. Cathy)
6. Legal recognition of electronic signatures is defined under which section of the IT Act, 2000? (Section 5/Section
6/Section 4/Section 8)
7. XML stands for: (Expanded Mark-up Language/Extended Mark-up Language/Extended Mark-up
Link/Expanded Mark-up Link).
8. The objectives of the Information Technology Act, 2000 is/are: (to stop cyber crime/to provide legal/recognition
to electronic document/to provide facility of filing document online/All of the above).
9. Which virus overwrite the original boot code with infected one? (Trojan Horse/Boot Sector Virus/Polymorphic
Virus/Multipartite Virus)
10. Most of thr organisations use ______ to establish intra-organisational communication. (Wide Area
Network/Value Added Network/Local Area Network/Metropolitan Area Network)
11. This system makes use of the output generated by Transaction Processing System. It refers to which system?
(Management Information System/Decision Support System/Office Automation System/Transaction Processing
12. Which one of the following reports is generated by MIS? (Detailed Report/Summary Report/Exception Report/All
of the above)
13. ______ is responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of the database. (Application
Programmer/End User/Database Administrator/File Manager)
14. Audio cassette is an example of: (Serial Data Processing System/Batch Data Processing System/Centralised
Data Processing System/Real Time Data Processing System).
15. IP Address is generally written in: (Binary numbers/Octal numbers/Decimal numbers/Hexadecimal numbers).
16. Each and every web page on Web containing resources like documents or data has an unique address which is
called: (Domain Name System/World Wide Web/Uniform Resource Locators/Hyperlink).
17. Which malicious program monitors activities of users and also personal information of the users?
18. A digital signature shall be used by using: (Private key cryptography/Public key cryptography/Receiving key
cryptography/Sending key cryptography).
19. Stealing of legally protected software is known as: (Software piracy/Copyright piracy/Phising/Morphing).
20. It is like the wall around a castle or city. It refers to: (Security/Guard/Firewall/Wall).
21. SEO stands for: (Search Engine Optimization/Source Engine Optimization/Search Engine Origin/Source Engine
22. Usually hypertext links are in _____ and _____. (green, bold/blue, underlined/red, italics/black, left aligned)
23. The different columns of a table in DBMS is knows as: (Table/Tuple/Cardinality/Attribute).
24. The word redundancy means: (Shortage of data/Distorted data/Duplication of data/Back-up data).
25. An offshoot or sub-system of BPO is: (LPO/CPO/KPO/DPO).
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