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Earnings Per Share (EPS) Calculations

EPS provides a measure of how much earnings was generated for each share of common
stock held by outsiders.
o Reported by the company at earnings announcement.
o Forecasted by security analysts.
o Compared price per share to get “Price-Earning” P/E ratio.
Basic EPS =
Net Income−Preferred Dividends
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding
Company with “complex” capital structures also report Diluted EPS.
o Complex capital structures include securities that can be converted into stock at
the investor’s discretion.
 Convertible debt, stock options and warrants.
o Some of the value of these convertible securities is tied to the value of common
stock; thus investors holding these securities are “indirect” stockholders.
Diluted EPS provides EPS assuming everything that could convert to a share of stock
actually did so.
Net Income−Preferred Divident+Adj.for convertibles
Diluted EPS = Weighted avg number of common shares outstanding+Adj.for convertibles
Convertible debt can be exchanged for common stock
Diluted EPS is computed under the assumption that the convertible debt had been
exchanged for common stock at the start of the period.
o This is called the “if converted” method.
Numerator of EPS: Net income is increased by the after-tax interest expense on the
convertible bond.
o If debt had converted, there would have been no interest expense, so it is added
back to Net Income.
Denominator of EPS: number of shares is increased as if the debt was converted to
common shares at the beginning of the period.
“in-the-money” stock options give the holder the right to acquire a share of common
stock at a pre-specified price.
Diluted EPS is computed under the assumption that a faction of the option had converted
to common shares.
o This is called “treasury stock” method.
Numerator of EP: no adjustment necessary
Denominator of EPS: number of shares is increased by a fraction of each outstanding
o Number of additional shares = number of options x conversion fraction
o Conversion fraction =
Avg.Stock price−exercise price
Avg.Stock Price
Diluted EPS must always be less than or equal to Basic EPS
o Diluted EPS is set equal to Basic EPS in years where a firm has a loss from
continuing operations to common stockholders.
o If diluted EPS would be greater than Basic EPS after a convertible is added to the
calculation, the convertible is considered “antidilutive” and is excluded from
computation of Diluted EPS.
o Options are considered “antidilutive” when the exercise price is greater than the
market price (when option is “out of the money”).