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Gender Issues: Pay Gap, Violence, Representation Report

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Zang kelly Narthzereth
Dr. Adele Newson-Host
WGST 201
Summer 2023
Final Report: Three issues affecting Gender and women’s programs/studies.
This paper focuses on Gender pay Gap, Gender-Based Violence and lack of women’s political
representation as the most three significant issues affecting women’s and gender programs in
most societies today. Each issue is accompanied by a relevant anecdote, a definition, a historical
overview, identification of those directly affected and an explanation of its importance as well as
suggested solutions presented to combat the challenges faced.
First, Gender Pay Gap. For example, Sarah, a highly qualified professional, was excited about
her new job offer. However, when she received the employment contract, she discovered that her
male counterpart, with the same level of experience and qualifications, was offered a
significantly higher salary. Despite negotiating, she couldn't bridge the pay gap and had to settle
for less. The gender pay gap refers to the disparity in earnings between men and women. It is a
persistent issue that affects women across various industries and occupations. Women often earn
less than men for performing the same work or work of equal value. The gender pay gap has
existed for decades, and despite some progress, it remains a significant concern. Historically,
women were excluded from higher-paying professions and faced discrimination in the
workplace. Although legislation, such as the Equal Pay Act of 1963 in the United States, sought
to address the issue, the pay gap persists due to various factors like occupational segregation,
unconscious bias, and limited opportunities for career advancement. Affected Individuals include
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Women from all walks of life who are directly affected by the gender pay gap. It impacts
women's financial security, limits their ability to accumulate wealth, and perpetuates economic
inequality. It is Importance to Close the gender pay gap as it is crucial for achieving gender
equality. It ensures that women receive fair compensation for their work, promotes economic
empowerment, and positively impacts families and communities. Some suggested Solutions
➢ Advocating for Pay Transparency: Encourage companies and organizations to disclose
salary ranges and promote transparency in pay practices, making it easier to identify and
address gender pay disparities.
➢ Equal Pay Legislation: Push for stronger legislation that mandates equal pay for equal
work and provides effective enforcement mechanisms. This includes strengthening
existing laws and introducing new measures to hold employers accountable.
➢ Promote Negotiation Skills: Support initiatives that provide women with negotiation
training and resources to help them effectively negotiate their salaries and benefits.
The second issue affecting gender programs is Gender-Based Violence. For example,
Emma, a survivor of domestic violence, suffered in silence for years due to fear and stigma.
When she finally sought help, she discovered a lack of accessible support services and faced
skepticism from authorities. Gender-based violence refers to any form of violence that is directed
against an individual based on their gender, often disproportionately affecting women and girls.
It includes intimate partner violence, sexual assault, harassment, and harmful traditional
practices. From a history viewpoint, Gender-based violence is deeply rooted in societal norms,
power imbalances, and gender inequality(Polaris, 2017 ). It has been prevalent for centuries,
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and although awareness has increased, it remains a significant global issue. Efforts to combat
gender-based violence have led to the development of legal frameworks, such as the Violence
Against Women Act in the United States, and the establishment of support services for survivors.
Affected Individuals include Women and girls who bear the brunt of gender-based violence, with
severe physical, emotional, and psychological consequences. However, it is important to note
that people of all gender identities can experience gender-based violence. Addressing genderbased violence is crucial for ensuring everyone's safety, autonomy, and well-being. It promotes
gender equality, supports survivors, and contributes to building a more and very inclusive
society. Suggested Solutions to combat this issue includes.
➢ Education and Awareness: Implement comprehensive educational programs that
promote gender equality, challenge harmful gender norms, and raise awareness about the
root causes and consequences of gender-based violence.
➢ Support Services: Increase funding and accessibility to support services for survivors.
The third issue is Lack of women’s representation at political levels. For example, Sarah, a
passionate and educated young woman, aspired to make a difference in her community through
political leadership. However, she soon realized that women were severely underrepresented in
political positions, limiting her opportunities to advocate for issues important to her and other
women. The lack of women's political representation refers to the underrepresentation of women
in decision-making positions within political institutions, including legislative bodies, executive
offices, and local governments. Throughout history, women have faced significant barriers to
political participation and leadership. Cultural and societal norms, discriminatory laws, gender
biases, and structural obstacles have hindered women's access to political power. Despite
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advancements in women's rights and increased awareness of gender equality, women continue to
be disproportionately underrepresented in political spheres. The lack of women's political
representation affects women from all backgrounds and communities (World Economic Forum,
2021). It directly impacts women's ability to shape policies and laws that address their specific
needs and concerns. Additionally, marginalized groups, such as women of color, LGBTQ+
women, and women with disabilities, face intersecting forms of discrimination and are further
marginalized by the lack of representation. The underrepresentation of women in political
positions has numerous implications. It hinders the development of inclusive policies,
perpetuates gender biases, and stereotypes, and limits the diversity of perspectives and
experiences in decision-making processes. Women's political representation is crucial for
achieving gender equality, promoting women's rights, and addressing the needs and interests of
all members of society. Suggested Solutions include.
➢ Quota Systems: Implementing electoral quota systems, such as gender quotas, can help
increase women's political representation (UNDP, 2020). Quotas can be either legislative,
requiring a certain percentage of seats to be reserved for women, or voluntary,
encouraging political parties to adopt gender-balanced candidate lists.
➢ Political Empowerment Programs: Providing training, mentorship, and support programs
specifically designed to empower and prepare women for political leadership roles can
help overcome barriers and build their confidence and skills.
➢ Public Awareness and Advocacy: Raising awareness about the importance of women's
political representation through public campaigns, advocacy, and education can generate
support and mobilize efforts to address this issue.
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Finally, the issues presented in this report, namely the gender pay gap, gender-based violence,
and the lack of women's political representation, are significant challenges that continue to
hinder progress towards gender equality. These issues have deep-rooted historical contexts and
impact women from diverse backgrounds. However, through campaigns and solutions such as
pay transparency initiatives, legal reforms, educational programs, quota systems, and public
awareness campaigns, progress can be made. It is essential to address these issues collectively,
involving policymakers, civil society organizations, and individuals, to create a more equitable
and inclusive society.
Works Cited:
-United Nations Development Program. (2020). Gender Equality. Retrieved
from https://www.undp.org/gender-equality
World Economic Forum. (2021). Global Gender Gap Report 2021. Retrieved
from https://www.weforum.org/reports/gender-gap-2021-report-100-years-pay-equality
Inter-Parliamentary Union. (2020). Women
The Role of Transportation in gender equality." Polaris Project, 2017.
Combating gender-based violence in the Transportation Industry." American Trucking
Associations, 2018.
United Nations Development Program 2021 "War Against discrimination."
"Sex Trafficking on America's Highways: A Hidden Crime.
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