COURSE OUTLINE SCHOOL OF NURSING COURSE NAME: Lifespan Development COURSE CODE: GSSC 1057 CREDIT HOURS: 42 hours (3 hours/week) PREREQUISITES: NONE COREQUISITES: NONE EFFECTIVE DATE: May 2023 PROFESSOR: Alison Ross EMAIL: PLAR ELIGIBLE: YES ( ) NO (X) NOTE TO STUDENTS: Academic Departments at George Brown College will NOT retain historical copies of Course Outlines. We urge you to retain this Course Outline for your future reference. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ORIGINATOR:____A.MacKenzie Rivers________________________________September 2003_________ SIGNATURE DATE CHAIR:_________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE DATE EQUITY STATEMENT: George Brown College values the talents and contributions of its students, staff and community partners and seeks to create a welcoming environment where equity, diversity and safety of all groups are fundamental. Language or activities which are inconsistent with this philosophy violate the College policy on the Prevention of Discrimination Harassment and will not be tolerated. The commitment and cooperation of all students and staff are DATE OFand REVISION: C. McNairn September 2013 required to maintain this environment. Information and assistance are available through your Chair, Student Affairs, the Student Association or the Human Rights Advisor. George Brown College is dedicated to providing equal access to students with disabilities. If you require academic accommodations visit the Disability Services Office or the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Office on your campus. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Students should obtain a copy of the Student Handbook and refer to it for additional information regarding the grading system, withdrawals, exemptions, class assignments, missed tests and exams, supplemental privileges, and academic dishonesty. Students are required to apply themselves diligently to the course of study, and to prepare class and homework assignments as given. Past student performance shows a strong relationship between regular attendance and success. COURSE NAME: Life Span Development GSSC 1057 PAGE: 1 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Lifespan Development presents a holistic view of human growth and development across the lifespan. Particular attention is focused on the interaction of cognitive, social and personality development. Primary theories will be introduced to explain human development. The influence of environment and genetics on development will also be explored. From infancy to late adulthood, human development will be presented in a “stage” theory approach. Application of the theory will be explored using case studies and interviews. ESSENTIAL EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS: As mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities essential employability skills (EES) will be addressed throughout all programs of study. Students will have the opportunity to learn (L) specific skills, to practice (P) these skills, and/or be evaluated (E) on the EES outcomes in a variety of courses. The EES include communication, numeracy, critical thinking & problem solving, information management, interpersonal and personal skills. The faculty for this course has indicated which of the EES are either Learned (L), Practiced (P) or Evaluated (E) in this course: Skill 1. communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience 2. respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication L P E X X X X X X 3. execute mathematical operations accurately 4. apply a systematic approach to solve problems 5. use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems 6. analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources COURSE NAME: Life Span Development GSSC 1057 Skill X X locate, select, organize and document information using appropriate technology and information sources 8. show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others 9. interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals 10. manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects 11. take responsibility for one’s own actions, decisions and consequences L P E X X X X X X X X X X X X 7. X X PAGE: 2 COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course the students will have reliably demonstrated the ability to: 1. Define life span development and indicate its application to professional and personal life. 2. Distinguish among the dominant theories and theorists of life span development 3. Explain cognitive, social, and personality development in each stage of the life span, and the factors that impact the development. 4. Recognize the interaction of hereditary and environment in determining patterns of development across the life span 5. Identify areas within life span that could be issues of social concern and describe approaches for addressing these issues. 6. Identify factors at each stage of the life span that foster wellness. DELIVERY METHODS / LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Online modules, cooperative learning activities, videos, social media tools, readings, current events and Blackboard will be used to enhance the understanding of concepts. LIST OF TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER TEACHING AIDS: Required: E-Textbook: • Boyd, D., Johnson, P., Bee, H. (2021). Lifespan Development (7th Canadian Edition). Canada: Pearson. • Access to and ability to use Blackboard TESTING POLICY: If the student arrives late for a test: • Students must notify the Professor as soon as they are aware that they are going to be late, via voicemail or email • Students will be permitted to write the test as long as no other students have completed and submitted their test • No additional time will be allotted for students who arrive late to a test whether in the classroom or Testing Centre A student who is absent from any Practical Nursing, Personal Support Worker or PSW Pathway Program class on the day when a test is to be written must notify the Course Professor prior to the start of the class. The student should notify the Professor by voice mail and/or e-mail. Messages must include: • The student’s full name and ID number. • The student’s phone number and where he/she can be reached that day. • The date and time of the call. • The reason for the absence. • The name of the course and section. Deferred Tests/Exam: COURSE NAME: Life Span Development GSSC 1057 PAGE: 3 A deferred examination privilege may be granted for circumstances arising on compassionate grounds, such as a death in a family, illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. The student must provide documentation of the extenuating circumstances. The responsibility to grant deferred examination rests with the Chair or the Chair’s designate. A student who misses a scheduled test due to extenuating circumstances (i.e. illness, bereavement, recent traumatic event) who has notified the Professor of his/her absence prior to the start of class, will be permitted to write a make-up test or perform a make-up presentation at the end of the course during final exam week. • Make up tests will be short answer or essay. • A student must provide documentation of the extenuating circumstances (E.g. Medical certification, death certificate) one week after the missed test. o The appropriate medical certification must state the student’s name, the date, the reason why the student was unable to complete the assignment. The documentation must clearly state the physician’s name and address and physician’s signature. Arrangements for makeup tests are as follows: • Students will reconfirm via email on the Monday of Week 14 that they are still planning to write the missed test during exam week. • Students who miss a test are not permitted to attend class during take-up of the missed test • Failure to adhere to the above criteria will result in a grade of zero for the test that was missed. Note: All of the above policies apply to students writing in the test accommodation centre as well. See: School of Nursing Program Policies ASSIGNMENT POLICY: • Students must submit their papers online through blackboard as well as a paper copy during class time the day it is due. Students must keep a duplicate of assignments that are submitted, including handwritten assignments. • Assignments must be submitted on the designated date during class time to the professor at the beginning of class prior to lecture starting. See course outline for further details • Assignments will not be proofread by the professor prior to submission. • In the event that multiple versions of the assignment are submitted, the first version of the assignment submitted will be graded. There are no opportunities to resubmit an assignment after submission or after marking. • All required course assignments and tests must be completed to pass the course. Late Assignments: • Assignments submitted after class will be subject to a late penalty for each business day the assignment or presentation is outstanding. After 5 business days, a grade of zero will be given for the assignment. The required completed assignment still needs to be handed in to pass the course. • Assignments submitted to the drop box on the 7th floor rather than in class are subject to a late penalty as the drop box is not emptied until 08:00 the next business day. • Technical difficulties will not be accepted as an excuse for late submission of assignments. Students are expected to refer to the School of Nursing Program Policies for detailed information related to clinical practicum policies. COURSE NAME: Life Span Development GSSC 1057 PAGE: 4 EVALUATION SYSTEM: Assessment Tool: Description: Outcome(s) EES assessed: assessed: Date / Week: Quizzes 4 quizzes worth 15% each 1-6 Week 3, 6, 10, 13 Group Activity: Tackling a Ted Talk Group Reflections Guided questions for Ted Talk video. 1-6 Week 7 15% Reflective questions to be completed as groups in Discussion Boards. Worth 2% each Case Study – to be completed in small groups. 1-6 Weeks 3, 6, 9, 11, 13 10% Week 14 15% Final Group Case Study 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 1-6 1,2,4,5,6, 7, % of Final Grade: 60% TOTAL: 100% GRADING SYSTEM The passing grade for this course is: ____D 50%____ A+ A A- 90-100 86-89 80-85 4.0 4.0 3.7 B+ B B- 77-79 73-76 70-72 3.3 3.0 2.7 C+ C C- 67-69 63-66 60-62 2.3 2.0 1.7 D+ D 57-59 50-56 1.3 1.0 Below 50 F 0.0 Excerpt from the College Policy on Academic Dishonesty: The minimal consequence for submitting a plagiarized, purchased, contracted, or in any manner inappropriately negotiated or falsified assignment, test, essay, project, or any evaluated material will be a grade of zero on that material. To view George Brown College policies please go to COURSE NAME: Life Span Development GSSC 1057 PAGE: 5