Uploaded by seeniseeni496

Fix: Desktop Folder Not Found in Windows Command Prompt

Desktop Folder not Found in Windows
If you are encountering an issue where the command prompt on Windows displays a message
saying "The system cannot find the path specified" when you try to change to the Desktop
directory using the cd Desktop command, the issue may be related to OneDrive settings.
By default, OneDrive may relocate the Desktop folder to a different location, such as within the
OneDrive directory. This means that the actual path to the Desktop folder might be different than
what you expect.
So, if you open a Windows Command Prompt and enter:
cd Desktop
You should not see any error message. If you get an error message saying:
The system cannot find the path specified.
Then my recommendation is to create a different folder under your C:\ root directory and work
there. For example, in the Command Prompt window enter:
mkdir C:\CPP
cd C:\CPP
This will create a folder named CPP where you can now create the CPPProjects folder.
To create the CPPProjects folder, enter the following in the Command Prompt window:
mkdir CPPProjects
cd CPPProjects
You should be good to go now.
Please note that you do NOT need to use the command-line in this course. We can work 100%
with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as CodeLite or Visual Studio Code.
This video shows how to use the command-line in case you are interested in doing so.
Best regards,